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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1892, p. 8

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COL UMB US. Miss Cora Spencer, Toronto, was guest in£ Miss Hattie Moore recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence of Rochi- ester, have been visiting relatives hers. Miss Janet Ormiston whie visitlnc lber eother, Mu. King Ormiston, Myrtir. was talten iii and died. Mu- Armour, teaclier, returned on Fr1- day last a! lau- pending a pleasant vaca- tio1i ab Camplielîford. Misses Etta and Sophie James and Masters Jesse and George James, Bow- n=ville, were viiin.i relatives litre iaat Irebk. Mu-s. John Mackenzie was taken very sugdenly with inflammation Fuiday week, and grave donlits ore entertained of lie recôveu-v. TürE HoarauiEs'r MAN lx BowmxN- vILE-As well as tlieliandaomeat, and others are Invited to cali on any druglaI atnd gel free a triai bottie of Kensp's Bal- cam for the Throat and Lunga, a remedy that in sehing entireiy upon its merits nl la guaranleed to relieve and cure ail Cironlo and Acute Cough,Astliima, Bu-on- chitis, and 0Consum1ptionl. Large bottieî 50a and $1. (Condeused from thue Ncwvs.) Mrs. Win. Walter blas been ill. Mr. Archibald Green lias gone te Roch- ester. Mr. N. F. Hall in rusticating in Mus- koka. Misa Cole lias been visiting Mr, C. G. Armnstrong. Miss Lucy Alin is viiting lier parents ai. Cameron. Mr. T. Stainton, P'untypocl. vrasi l town lent Wee3t. Mrs. Biggerman, New York, is visiting Mu. R. Moment,. Mu. Wm. Pope spent a few days ir Hfamilton lent week. Miss Beotie Benson lias been viiting at M4r. Jais. Liîîton'v. Mrs. J. W. Gifl'ora visitet with friende i New Park recently. Mu-. (Dr) Rutlierford i3 recovering fuom lier recent iiiness. Mu. John Hallett bas etablished a pri- vate bank at Woodbuidge. Mr. J. Aulington Cooke, Oshawa, vis- lted Mu. R. Hlli last week. Misa Harper, Rochester,N.Y., uecently visited at Misa R. A. Gîflord's. Mr. John Branton, Oshaws, bas becs visiting ai Mu. M. L. Tuaveli's. Mu- andMus. Noakea, Boston, Manss are visiting Mr. Josephi Henry. Master H. Corbett, Port Hope, haF bren visiting at Mr. W. W. Truls. Miss Addie Cliester. Toronto, lias beer visiting lier une Mr. Thos. Vickeu-s. Mu. James Scott, Broch-ville, wass e Utwn recently guest o! Mr. Xc], Clark Mr. and Mus. Wm. Jackson took in th( Thousand Island excursion lat Tneaday Mrs. Scott, Toronto, lia% returned liomg Happy Mr.. and Mrs. Fretlerick Rejoice Because Hood"s Sarsaparri Rescued TheJr Chfld from Scrofula. For Scrofula, Sait Rheunm, and al other foui humors in the biood of chidren or aduits, Hood's Sarsaparilia is an unequalled remedy. Read this: "We are so Iliankflnito Hood's Sarsapa- rila for wlïat It did for our little girl that we niake this statenent for thse beneSQt of other auxions parents. and Suffeïlng Children * Our girl was a beautiful baby, far and pliiîmp and liealthy. Ilutuwlien shie was two y ears t old, sores broko ont behind lier ears and *spread rapidlyover lier head and forehead. down to lier eyes, and i mb her neck. Wo consLulted one of the bestphysicians in Brook- j lyn,bnntig'i le any gooti. The doc- tors sail it was eassed by a-serofula humer Pi thia looi. -lier lead became O-ne C*mplete Sore offensilve to tlie ernel and dreadful to look at. lier general lieiith w.vaneti and she w onit ]ay in a large chair ail day Nvitiottaiiy lfe or en- ergy. Tue soresa .ased gi'eat ischin anid burning, so iliat at i tes we liai tet restrain, ber lintds to preveut seratebing. For 3years ShE) Suffeed Fearfully r, 1it l this terrible hInor. Being urgeti to try Mzood's Sasaparilla we did so. We sooîî 7. notieed tliat she bad -more liteanti appetite. The im.,dlciîio e eneti -to triv e ont more of B th li hînîor for ashort tuen, but it soon began to subside, thse itçitegia î 4 urning cra%.ed, andi in a few naonutlis Jar iieadbeeame eîtirely clear of tiosore.. Fbi i ok efcl cl lias no evidence ofthoi humeor, and lier skin is !, lear andti lealtlîy. qhu seens like an eîî- tirely duferent clhut, in Isealeli aîd geîîeraîl appearauice, front what sua iras before takig 9 W. FsîEDERIsCî, 311 Glernore Ave., East -New York, Brooklyn, N. Y. This Testimonial 1- s an illustration of wliat Hoot's Sarsaparilla is toing for tlhe sick andi suffering every day, yfrom Maine te California. In thse liglit cf thiese facts who cari say that the work of an immense concern lilte ours ta fnt beniefîcent? n-IOODIS PI.LS cure iver iii, contipation, uniiQusaees, laind1ce, slck hîtadachse, indigestion. FARM STOCK WANTED. Persons having fat cattie, nilch cowL4, sheep, lamba, veai caives, hogsanaid poul- n try of any kind are requested to ses or ç. sersd word to me at my residence and 1 le wiIl cal on them. Or address S. H. REY- F.NOrDS, if by mail, Box 1, Bowmanville. 08114 WA. (From Our Own C<o 'e poident.) Mr. Chas. Balles spent his holidays in Belleville. :Mies Sinclair Bowmanvilk, lbas bren vlsiting Mus. Geo. Miller. Miss Mamie Wizg lias returned from viiiting frienida in Rochester. Miss Florence Clarke, Cobourg, bias been visiting Mrs. James Gregory. Mrs. F. A. Guy is viiting lher mcther, Mrs. F. Hatch, at Waterford, Ont. Misses Alice and Fanny Frenchi have becîs visitimîg Mrs. Palmser, Brighiton. Mr. Tom. Miller is on a fishing excur- sion with some of his Bowmanville friends. Mr. J. M. Brooks hassa Scotch thistie 6 feet hlgh with 25 or 30 blososnit Mrs. J. H. Werry and dauglter, of <Jinton, have been visiting Mrs. John Adair. Misa Mamie Coad hias been spen ding ai few days with relations and frienda at Picucering. Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Watch were at- tending the Royal Templar camp at Ham- ilton iast week. Miss Nellie Kennedy, of Enniskillen, lias been spending a few days with Mr. John Kennedy. Rev. Geo. Webber, pastor of Anges St. Churcli, Toronto, was visiting frienda in town ast week. Mr. J. Cayley lias bren liaving an ont- ing, at the Thousand Islands, and Alex- andlria Bay, and Rochester. Miss McGill, Port Perry, aud Miess Bertha Campbiell, Prince Albert, were gurats of Mrs. Taylor last week. Mr. and Mrs. O'dea, Hamilton, and ,Miss O'd es, B rooklin, were the gueste of Mrs. R. T. Kirkpatrick recently. Mr. Jas. O'Neil's hous and contents were detroyed by lire ]st Tuesday morn. ing. Loosa $700 partially covered by iu- surance. Have no equai as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, biliousnes, con- stipatioîn, pain iiithe ide nanl al liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pilla. Tu-y them. The Ladies Aid of Medosif St. cburch he]ld an interesting social at the reai lence of Mu. W. E. Dyer, Thuraday evening Ilth inat. During, the evening Mr. W. J. Gouit who is leaving town for a it-. uation in Belleville, waa presented witli an addreEs and a set of Bible commentar- ies and hynsn book on behaîf ofquparter- ]y officiai boar-d, the Sabbath Sahool, and Epwouth League of Medcalf-st. churcli Thse So'ns of Temperance aiso presented ,Mr. Gould with an addi ess and a badge1 pin as a testimonial of the esteema held by tliem for him. Mr. Gouit is a yonng1 mani whose place wi'h ite hard to fil in the chus c' and Snn,ýay Sohool but the beat wishes of ail f liow hlm to bis new home. 11Olear 1-avana Cigars" "La Cadena" sud "La Floua." Insiatý upon having these baîs.1 Athi ete and Derby 1cIGA RETTE S Are solci on their Merits 1Everybody knows 1they are the best. Everybody Smokes them They have Have you no rivais. tried the Il aftera piessantsîrva it ihiens e.District Notes. bu-. Fred E. Young, Nureacyman, Roch- C. C. Richards & Co. este, ]ji- NýAï-Jerme-beenj recenily.pouted lin hitby» tronbled wîtli scuofulona sorea mupon myl .Mu-. and Mrp, Freemian Hoskin and M, Harry Taylor, son rf Mr. Hl. B. face. I have spent husîdreda of dollars family, St Thomas, have bren visiting Mr. Taylor, Wlitby, lias dipitheria. trying to cfect a cure without any resait. Tfios. Doncater. I amn happy te sav one bottle of MIN- Have you ever rsed Magnas Expector- A'SLNIETe teycrtm 1-ev, Dr. Momient wloi lavisiting lieu-oand ? Il will cure al colda in the heatd D' I NIM.EarTi eomerte ailma qpreaubed Sabliauli vening week lu the and thu-cat. 25 cents peu- bote.-tf. anhe1bea m.einec t e u-d.t lla ~rfehodst huris.Mu. McLaughlin, Cartwrighit, lias bren PRoNAto MCINNEs, -Mr. P. Simpson bas accepted the po- viaiting Mr. and Mrs. Magwood ant the Bayfild, Ont. sition 7o! assistant in the Nou-wood Modri MeLaughlin familiei, Cf Linudsay, Miesa aclicol for the tali term. MeLau2hlin accompanied hlm. Misses Jennie and Fuank McCullagli Must not lie confounded with comnion - have gonre to visit frienda in Buffalo, N_ cathau-îic or purgative pilla.- Cxttel a Lit-1g U ,1N Y., Dundas and other pointa. ils Liver Pilla au-e unlike them sn evsu-y IC I GA Toronto, and wif e, viited at bia nucle'a iou-ty. Sou-es AU Over lier Body. Snffering Mu-, Thos, Vincent recrntly. Saivator Magnun, tianslated into Eng- Endiess. Doctor Useless. Cured Mu. and Mus. John Moat. Toronto, liali, signifies "tha greai heale," and is iu 4ý Wreks by Cutîcura. have bren spending a few days cf tise past the moar succes ni and wonderua remcty week ai lier falher's Mr. N. F. Hall. for lang tiseases ever isiaird before the Yair muet vahonable CUTrerniA Rsarxnnts have- dloue my litile girl su mnch guod that 1 fled like Mu. and Mu-. Jerse Trunl and taughi- public, t!. sayiug tis for the benefit of thoge who are troubleti tçu, Mu-. C. L.Yancamp, of Omalia,Neb., Mr. E. C Cieoc'a, oue of the oldet withskindioeîisea. Shewastroubletiwitliitching and Mrs. Thos. Vancamp, Dau- mgton,, prntr nCaaa,dila t ie, ., buruneugsures, Wiien I Y DU utra Cudatit tNttManoikte othe ductor urre visiting ni Mu. E. Hall's rcently. on the 12uh imat. le lived fou- many tefrttmh aldi Mr. tanon ergson TountBiy,-yeas i -Cboug ad ws a on tie te Italian iteb, anti saiti he wonld cure ber in two ing Club, mrade a fiying visit to Orono pubuiser of the Cobourg Star. ehiWentewo cnr lis shrel Tuesday week. Whiileuoe Rev. Mu. Jolinston, of Canton, while weeks werc up. he.called 1 Mu-, , Jermo. bs 15eczeina, snd in that lie was the guei os Mr.N.,. eom.visîtrngbi fatlier.xrs-law, Mu. Rea re- A ' 5ýt VI ilme oshe was worse than Duig h asnc fth ese, e.cently, lest a fine driver. The animal pI before. Re dociored ber- pastor ~ " <,., ) forthreensonths,aiid Fe J. A. MeKeen, B. A., the Y. P. S. o rolîrd over and became entaîîgled in the 'vas sd that e did Clirstian Endteavor couducîrd su-iesi lP te.Wliarafound il was deat. ne li id net d o.a the Presbyterian churcli, in place of the LiNsis FRoc LYÛ,Ns.-DEÂRs Sîi.s-Fir good. 1 aîw the adver- regulsu- mouning service, Tise leaders yeara my asaer anfred fu-en liver coin- ltELiEniEnthepser,antIsidomywfe,lam were Mus. J. L. Rowe and Miss Ada Lin - plaint As deniers gave lieu- no elep we g.iîig te'try theîn." Md wiat Isay, she waese tisu. tried B B. B 3., which cured lier comspote- tikwt ee htw bdt okbrcohst Ilow TREY CoMa iEUpor Is.-Duu-ing iy. 1 nan recomment it te ai]. Miss Isad it ail over beu- body, bacit. legs, su-ms. in thegrenappesasn, rapacom uonMAUD GRAHAM, Lyons, Onit. whrlg. She did nethaye iflnberbesd us like a thief in tise aiglit, and remain Mr. Frank Ball abt Miss Clara Stevens weeks the ubeh iopped, and in four eeks ficsole,, with us until thie nearest physician is cali- of Toronto were marriEd at Peterboro wsre ail gene. I enclose heu- portrait. I sime- cd o thepai is u-ien aay b a sat eekThe oengiad's pu-rts wu-ethan pheaseti wiihs yeuu-CuTICURîA REM~EfIES, a ein, ortepiilssvnaa ya atwe b yugld' arnswr hy speediuy cureti my daugiter, aud if anyhedy dose ou- twc o! PERRY DxAvis' PAIN KiLir- opposedto1 the match aud teck ber fou- an asehr me about youu- reinedies, I Wiltl uphold ricin iER he celebrated cure fou- ail ennîmer ouriug te Sý oney Luike but ieo youug 'vhereveu- lgo. -- CHARLES M GZOEL NE, Cou,lîohoeken, Montgomery Couty, Pa. complainte, fromt impis cuamps te the man fcylewed them ndut ucceded in 'in._____ mest agguavated fou-ms of choIera merlins ning has bride. Why Sufer One Moment cr dyseuteu-y. No househoît shonît ho The lazicat man txiftiirg 'ithin tle lurom torturuug anti disflguring okin tuseasem, wthuut i-le PAIN KILLER, unleas there lieu-drdr-aof Ontario according te the Berlin ,rhen a single application of the CUTICUSiA REM- a drug store nexi door. Every reputable News, la one wvio ives aioug Ilie shore of SOiES 'vîill, in tihe gresi majoriiy ut cases, afford sefla instant refief In the ,uost agonizing cf itchiug, rn.ggrstsel the usedicine. Only 25c. Pualincli lake,aud speuts bis lion, ishing. b.nnug, ocaly, cruîsied, inpiy, anti blotehy skh.. New large ize. le reclinea on the bank lu the ahate, tics scahp sud ,blooti diBeaseo, viih lus, of hîdu, sud As Mu-. Straclian, o! Newcestle on the tlie pois te the dog's tail, and whcn lie point tu a apeedy, p)ermanen2t, andi econumical cure. Tyne, England, wio bs lera visiting secs the boblier tisappesu- li kicksa the SciM eveuywhcrc. .Frice, CUTIcanA, 75C. *,SO5AF, fi-fends lieue, fla about tb leave for Western dog. and the animal ands the fiai. 350.; ItESOLvraT. $150. Prepareti by the POT- C~naa at te Ulîr Stteste es eu-_tI"1Howte Cure 5km Diseases." 64 pages, 50 relatives thore, neauly tfi! y of lier relatives Ilsrtos n etmnae ald re ïoinrd lier in a very pleasanat picnie party Dame Experienceilutaonniteioilmacdu-. f-itîay week ai Peau-ce's point lake On- las convincet many that te use an>' o!f DDV km sund Scalp purified sud beautifieti tarie.. The day 'vas ail tliat conît lie de- the sabstîlatea offeret fou- the only sure. unuiS byçîrUTscuRA SOAP. Absolutely pure. sired for sncob an occasion. At neon the pop and painlesa cou-n cure is attended PAINS8AND WEAKNE88ES Ieatifui dlean pelbI!es near the edge o! wth danger. Gel ilwlîys anid use noue Of0 femalea instautly relueveti by that thse laies, formed the -table on which ther other than Putman's Painîcas Cou-n Ex. new, eegant, andtiunfallibue Antidote to Pain, Inflamimation, anti Weshrneme, lhe the clotha 'vere 8pu-ad, and a toollisome tuactor. for sou-e producing sabtitutes au-e Caticuu-a Anti-Pain Plaster. lunch 'vas heautily partaken of. When cflered just as gond as Putman's Cou-n Ex. returninsg thsey ail calîrd iu ai the u-si- tractor. Safe, sure, palulesa oie t ies. dence ofMu- . A. Gamaby, where Mus, 1 fc o F r e s Stu-achan lias bren mnaking lieu-bhome, snd A CLosE CArL.-Afteu- suferiug fo Mu. W. S. Gamaby tools a phuogoraph of thu-ce weeks front choiera infantani, se I arn pu-cpaued lu du ail chepping at five the pauty, a! icu which Ira 'vas partaken tisai 1 'vas net expectrd te ive, aud, at cents peu- bag.I1 have aise put bu new mach- of ou the awn lu front o! the resitence- the limte, would even have bren giad had iou-y for Grnding cern and cob vuh!ch I 'W i 0 d~~~~eaili called me, se great was my sufer. ginda h aepie JNine Long Years. ing, a fuicat recommendet Dr. Fowler'sgrdaIts mepn. Mu-. John McLean writes fromi Barrie Extu-at c! Wild Strawberu-y, wluih acted Voars Itcspectfully Island, Ont., Mardi 4, 1889, as foliowa like magie on my aystemt. Bui fou- this A. S. TOOLEY, 1I hiave bren a great suferer froniur- medicine I 'vonit net lie alive uow, Tooeye's Mihis, Darlinglon. nîgia for the asat uine yaars, but' lig Jonný W. BR.ADSIIAw, 393 St. Paul St., Ceurtice. Dec.l1 Z1891. Du-tf advised le tu-y St. Janoba 011, can ncw Moulu-cal, P. Q.I___________________ Iîeautily endorae it as boirig ams xelCOIJGING READ.4 TO CCOFF14 unis ontrrmtyfou ths ompain a I av1 RRETI'UL CRY[NG CiiiLDRUEN sheuld bc ho apod by Dr. Wood 8 Norway Pine Syrup. bee grty bneite b li. iv on Dr. iuw's wVrnsSyrsIp. lit regmlaleS Thse best cure fer Cessghs, Cuida andi Iuag bren u-s'tly earftet y il systein andi removes ii eums. Troubles. Our great clearing sale of rem- nants, summer goods, etc., lias pro- ven such an immense auccesï that we have decided to continue the sale during, August. Many of you perhaps have been se busy with the hau-ve3ting that you have bree unable to avail yourselves of the many bargains offered. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Already our heavy fali purchasei ai-e coming te liand and we find that we have yet to reduce our stock very much to make sufficient room. !N THE FIRST PLACE let us mention an immense lot of Boys' and Men's Ties in four-in. hands and kuots, many of which are wou-th 50c. selling at 25c.. mcl. Oriental Laces at your own nri.s «Mi i mou TotoewoMs o t .C tos-wo ak o We have oniy a few of them but everyi lady should have one. It is a bright littie book about good carpet sweepers-about Bissell's Carpet Sweepers That everybodv who lives on. carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in a new way. MTURDOCH BROS., Ohia Hall. SELLING OFF. MRS. DAINCASTER- offers lier entire stock of Summer Millireu-y fau- below cosi.. Any one wishing a Hlat can be suitcd for 25 ets. as I have a large number of Strawv ilats on band whicli I wisli te clear eut in oreu-e to make room for fail stock. This will give the publie a great oppertunity of secur- ing good fine straw hats in black, white and other colors fou- prices away below cost. Kindly cail and examine for youuselves. ilats reshaped in aIl the latesi. styles.' I ami agent for the American Corset Company, Tu-ente, and also fou- Smith's Dye Wou-ks, Toronto. ,Stamping done to ou-dr. A veu-y pretty line of dress-stuffl IVIRIS. DANCASTER wortli 15c. clearing at 8e. peu- yd. Aiso we are selling a few piecues of single fold Dress Goods at ex- actly half price, profit eut dlean away. Chldren's Sailor llats( just the thing for school-opening) clearing from 10e up. Peak Flannel Caps reduced to 20.e. ach, Ladies' Short Coats fuom $1 up. These with mny other lines must lie closed out. Wr would also like you to re- member that we have an extra fine line of Dress-IJNeltons (double fold) Hô- FERMANITOBA! Do voits wish to learn, about Manitoba andi the Arorthî- West ? IF S0, SUBSORIBE FOR "6THE lYANITOBAN,"99 A large 48 page monthly magazine wilh a handaom e antique cover prinird on tliei best book paper, 'vill numerous illustra. tiens. EVEMBYDO IS DELIGHIED WITH lu-. Il containe historie sud inlerestingf malter reiating le Manitoba sud the North-West snd 'vili interest yen. Tu-y1 il, Subsriptions,[$1,00 peu- yeau-.f use pe- yuwnîa oets nem Published by thu MANITOBAN PUB- al. Ask te see them at LIS flING <JO.,186 James St., Winnipeg, J NO. j MASONS Man.s, J. A. OsBnoRE, Edilcu-, 131!f. DRY GOODS and JE WELRY O SE, OI<t1115 ias estksgaiieokri FlI ORE AN INVFALLIBI4! R EMEOVI Supersedes î11 itbhu- pr , lbions Sfou-tise cu-rarU Mental Debility, N'eu-yns lProstration, ios et 35a,îhood, Paralysîs, lLocomtorAtaxa, painhul Mienstruation, Suippressions andi Irregu1ari.. ties, Leneorrhoea, Disorders cf Stcmach, Lorsus ofp- petite, hlizziness, etc. These Pis îpussess ne purga.,i tire properties, uer sny thing Lurtiol te tise wmes- lelieste systern. TLsy are thse result of yoarsul cars- nui study ant ana!yss, and nsed ivith gurat ancesa n tlie puivate practice cf an eminent physicians u-bîy act priînurilyon lthe norve centres, Irein the Vital Forc'e, prometing Assimilation, Ear1eh,. lng Ilic Brous!, thus preveoting sntia:u-ingtiimls,_ For sale by Druguts, 60c. peu- box, or sont posit- Paiti fou- 500., ou-6 Ëboxes $2.50. Dru-. Butler- Hedirin CCo., iirockvriIIont.r )OOPER'S LICHTNINC ýCORNCUURE Cures Bard andi seon orns. Ouly-iur applications u-oqnirrd. D'OOPERý'S BUNION CURE~ Cures Bunions, Wau-ta and Moles, Swocm lands, Thicit Nonk and Skis, Diseasea 0:f S ipenlal charactor. Tisese ranuei are porfent ypaneas. Dan't budecubved. Ask fou- ool, iras and bake no other. 15 snd 25 cents, AiU iraçR'gsts, Djr. Butter liodicie Mu(le . krockvr. LUe, OEt AF Wlien yen ses an dvrtsern ike 111e DON'T'BELIEVE UT bati f yen require unythiug n roeI, Staple Dry Gooda,, Pate nt Tinware, Gar-der. Serda, etc,, tali at SOLINA STORE ulierc yen 'vwiii ftBd a fiua-tciass ot~~ whici bas beein, bouglil fou- cash, cona--ýeqnuty 1arnpre. paurd 10 ssii at coepu-ices and n a acr1f i fine quaiY.j American and Canadian ol a1lwa75 ï n stock, Phrase give issuaa eau and yp i Y'j be welcome'whollier yen buy or no N B.Elliott'a Bolier Flour kept'. I J 1 TiWILLIAM8SQ4 e, 'Cablo Extra" CIGAR? "El Padre" PINS. REIN 1 1ICTORtA1 A HUCE SUCCESS ICLEAR YOUR HOUSE 0F, FILES. We have the best, the cheapest,. the most effectuai FJy Killer. Tanglefoot StiokyEly Paper; Fly Poison Pads, Fly Poison Feits> AND PURE INSEOT POWDER. OHEMISTS AND ORUCCIST& 1 pri 1 .4. 4)'Q- - -A -1, z -1, 1, ý ý 4. - 41,- 1,

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