RA-ýTEiUL-.COM O RTING. iL TE OglN N W S for, alongeide of heaps of mond, which 1I THE 110 VL "SOVEREIGIN." T~nTTfl1iTsaw dryîug slowly, flowers were té be seen, auly from two ta four juchus off, and 3ars of 7U wheat that bad nr)t been wet nar soîled by The Largest Warship Afloat., thic mud. Main, in the hontes flooded but - Mr. Popp ofai îe ia s experimenting asj fot destroe-nahue t ony irSatisfacioryTrial Trip of the Iatt Addi- to the dynamic possiilîties of compressed royod-u a tuoseRayalonuay, or p e ati i BRAKAS. aaiItwil c as t pek f hePopinstance, used for a school, the floor was 51o5itiese oas..vAFuin '1Ya h roughkno ASeothar.e wl b as a pakc tePopcovered with mad, but a few luches higher ore. Byetwhhosoughlneopérationof the stira1l wen t. weapon is perfected. up the scholars' delks were flt soiled by The officiai trial-trip af ILM.S., "Royal andi ntrition. z'nd by a cane! nI application Of The Russian Go% ennmeîît bas decided dîrty wat.cr, the walls were dry, &c. Now, Sovereigu," the languît vear vessel iu the the fiae provsdcd aur beat ses wi a. I tbat the children of Polish workiugineu and dirty water iin order ta deposit a layer of wold, took place recently -with snany of the delicately fiavored beverage which may save peaats shail be educated enîirely in the mlud 12 jches thick, must have bien 6 or 8 officers of the Euglish navy on board. The 11s meyh y docton' bills. Itlei by the Ru1aýsinn tougue aud na other. fe deeç ; but here the sheet af water did ship was tested after beîug coîupietely Judicious uM'Vot snob articles of diet thata oOlstitftiuu May be gnadually buit tup until M. Pasteur disclaims possession af any of ual mnch risc above the mud, as 1 saw il, coled, with ail bier main and anxiliany 8tr ong enough th resist every teudency to the various microbes that have been report- three days after il had been deposited. armaments iu place, aud therefone i ase. 1Huudneds aof ttaladies re as net of hi tem.Acadesieds What adds ta, thé singulanîty of this dis- practically ready for sea. As couspared !ati ,garound us ready I at meervratarce' ieting ofteA1c1aei e aster is that fia such av-leuclie has biten vdith the heaviest ironclads of France1 there je ae weak point. We play escape maoY e 'etal ehaft by ]eepiug ourselves veli !orified Scieuces, appareutly lu the'best of health. kuowu te oucsr ilu that régioni, for was-this and Jtaly the "Royal Saveeigu " far ex- wiih pure blood and a pranerly nourished Iu the new Maine towu af RumardFaîls, hinge and distant glacier at ahl dreaded hy ceeds in dispiacemeut and speed auy af the Irame . - . Civil Se-vice GIazette." algbtsodaya those wha lived ucear it Prof. Iorelsys: vessels belonging ta these nations, asd lun Made isisnply sirl boiling vater or mill. where uot even aglgbtsod oenaa, Nihra t sold onlylu packets. by Grocers abollefi lime a $10,00 residence is buildiug, and 700rn N cihr t Gervais, nor aI liuunay, the opinion af the leading foneigu eugiueen- JAXES CPS~(o., îlomiâSoagiie Cheme- are at work upan mille and aéther structures. did auy ane knnw af any suds calamiry bc- iug authonities le a inanvel of marine cou- Duning teoyeonn892 thusfer, toraecent ut it le likly that this glacier did arcto sdeugineering. ainouthB yuc, once cusidarte ascnugdetaeh afew avalanches eacb year, anly, he- "Trhis recentaddition ta the naval force af ofe Mornt Bac, cimeutsseeanosuc ing srnall, they did ual reach the villages. "1 Great Britain wvas con.stnuýced at Parts- the aret ofachevemnts basbee on luInthe Ilirce villages imare thau 150 per- inauth aîsd je 30 feet lu leugtb, 75 foot ln Scessfully accomplis'ied by five (ermans. sse ohv endsrvd h four Asonsanceuni ta have been, destroy'30ed. Thebradth, nd ai a dîspiacemeut of 14,150 f r AslmornstreFecbeadtobouses tîsat emaiu are îuostly usîluhabit- tse.Lke al the hattle chipe of the1 -~_______________ Enlismen cotemlaes oldng u eîiable. Wheru the sali has uat hecu cwept present day, there are twîn scnewe wlth t wo 1~X, DESDAY UGUST31, 182. bilon li 1897 als holSevgran miion ayrthe crops are choked up with a thlck sets af main englues. TIey veee signed D!EDYAGS 1 82 itini 87o ff.Sv lmlilyrof mud. The emnall animiais have pur. ta ln,îicate 900U horse-power wlth natural _____________________marks bave been guarauceed already foi îshed. 'llHappy are the faniOe, " ""aYs anc draugbt, and 13,000 indicated hos-we ______ tnte Lie- Wher the-exhibition, writcr_'lthae-heen annililated wllhlh f eL1rnLThere are i idto DU. J. C. HTcHEIII EDAK BER 0F' COLLEfIE 0F' PIYSICIAN 'nd Ssrgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offie 1 8 ANImailen ~ y wlll be national or iuternational in scýope lias not becu decided. A countv correspondeut lu Mine necently- Il tsaI they possess." Thc question je now rajsedwhcthcr tlie disaster cauld nflt havé beusi preventeil. Prof. ForcI says : --l-- ýoT1..,+b -F ili.fisýont f prwerinl Iydraulie nsacinerv for wanking tIse guis platianîns, aud duiplicate sets ai engluýes for thandling the barbettes. Tlï ,r5,usnt--.a,xstreccfmîur-6*Wton-, I T RESTS aboe sr o ah HE day. Ta many it means TH Backacbc, Sore Hns Hard Rubbiug aven a B ACK steamiug tub, aud long hours. This falla ta, the lot cf those wbo usepon, cheap, aud in- jurions soaps. ____________________________________ st sa p~v~s ailt an are, aT t resent ai hsîreasin 2- « Z-suci g us, moun ecil su o sea riê D RR~ ~xvs~,I earse, and auir citizens eau uow bé convey- t nd I Cid ini this eveut a mournlul ill1usr- placed fore aud aft; tesn of Me flW Minca This Saap does away with Hard Rnlb. led ta, their graves lu decent shape. This is tion of a report addressed hym atsrsg quick-firisg guus, and twenty-flve 6-pound - i- - .1. 1I q. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o g, s p e vegS Istsi u cc d llt l tC 7vI- mue s PURE POWDERED O10 PUREST, STRNET ET v~,ftenng Watr. Dîalnet , rd iuurtaes of OtERtVE BEAILS aree wds~ coery ao u r et ortcaCso Fae., bilioty, Vigoe amd :EKANS eyku,,esSr o! bdohr -md eau"e ybosrwko r thl. 'taroTs or ex- cesseof youtb. Ti Remed - eolutely cures the most oballurte maes when au te TREATISENTS have faiied even te relieve. 27oid by drug. vit et$ ke aee.e or six for $5. or sent by mail o; l. cf ce Write for pamphlet. Sold in- ]lownaville by E72 & JURtY. mil -M