hoe bad often given in play with me. Then I'HEASAIUT SHOOTING. ers find the labor recuired less c-,stly than a hoe gave a staggering leap at bis big adver. -wr otc oeîgfrsc eesrl Iay heard a Sharp howl of pain, and A n ipoirtant Phase of Engllsh Cousntry large tracts. These aviaries are provided r f 11e Hl RisWay.ed my eyes, for I expected wbat came. Life. with înoek coverts of bark and bougb, with M horn cabu h isfoucd, adm . o Tewb I looke asobroken boules, and BINBURY, England, July 30.-From any inestling places and watering troughs, white d4After suffering for about twenty-five years My cacdns I c n t sce. my 1ane isagain Major lay stili at the pite osdrtinteE ihpe San t 1.are secured against vol min by curved froying varlousoedicncoures'îtot eeft nowhro rundlions foot. Tears rained cdownî my cheeks, Po achesroslou toee n t egsardbuls My ene sik a stry c rtwicand hon sal of ino thenglish market. witb lectricity, which causes death to ail noeflcr 'stersi.Fv ote Buzontise a udhtto e, or nab e t origt gloomaod the loîst, atisof ied th So8uebody, perhaps an Irisbman, bas cait. roderits attemptifg an entrance. suffited to restore me to health.' Bonifacia had his way. one victim. eIit "th acred ailb ois Tef ratBiin." Tihe pheasatîts begin îaying by Apiil, and Lpe, ECo eret.Sasniio CU~~T~ PLUG.) What thoingh my shoos are minus strinlgs, my H dn mr ta en efr Isd is einly i bute ;worshied. Teyiol-tb ey lay very nsuch like the ordinary lhon. atry s anLxponîvo ele fo it urelyostsEach cnecoluited ontafurnisis from'20 a ar h 1know that this betolsens babes been spareda cdownth trec ani leaned over Major. I Englànd, Ireland aud Scotland moto than to 30 oggs. Those are daily carefully gth- What thugh thet ook up ybish e iad, he y wercosed £1,000,000 te rear,to shoot and te finallyeat ored net only from the nosts in the aviarlos, Whttou ygh tefeeaned rsronwihadaim bys cainadcrigogtsucb phoasants as annually came te the gun. but frein those of the unimprisond irds. My daughter waasnfflicted for early ayear Ithr os, by neiht and day? bay'sback ne et r oflite tae lm y f thetiast ret ofvalnable inclosed land lteriTntadifcuttakfrdtse with catarrh. The physicians being usable ta Ithre nitsplasur la 5e honht ataby sigo te anlimpd b er ody. Thngeteenssat n pre ate r sntadfiutts frfi eplenypatrrcmeddA had bis wayl dragitged humite th jonglen cverde ursdi etee' et n akdkeepers ; fer It is a singular fact that net- Sarsaparilla. I followved bis advice. f If hurte te have rcy mustache pulcd, ad rand ddesb bonph ber, my pastaeor ot et whAyers gamtes atf ur am. hm wi rath p n hchs. Thci on sde eeoso oiiy hc r lotwitlstacding the pheasants' wild nature montbs of regular treatmnt bAe' my ayte hepen, bic Ilucil fondsololy dovoted te runls and covorts for tbey nest mest froely in shrub clamps along restoýred my daugbiter's bealt.'-Mrs. LOuise Are net just suited te my minc; but John is safe and Sound, and b)y midnight was home pheasantssol otko neacut the edges of walks and drives. Tbe koopers Blielle, Little Callada, Ware, Mass. (P LU G .>ond f ter ai, eist e emncnw again. " Mamnmy" teld me how Major had anda~D te 515ike a fair rentai for tbese tell me tbey love the sound and sense of gainsay bcad fie actual curront soins expend- coinpasnsplochteseesod Thttecis lots and lots ef fun when baby sosie heurs ansd bad thon set off acros h ainh thuhtesle odr ot bias bis way. priibsdoetIs rose thepny wed outlay sîplon tisis elle bird alonle fully secretive and sly. h ua i» No other brand ofpare i oet ietak ftepn.wudarntally reach millions upon millions And lies e the element cf poas-hing i Se, son and heir, continue on thy h appy. blest She tried in vain te malte hum stay home. of dollars, and ho found te exceed ail other ridiculocsly observable. Froin April to Fr severa yec-rs, I ., as troubied Nvith Noac a ee n eer a b ad neroet as Ie Wben myparents cmeback the noxt forins of olitlay by British sportsmen coin- Jue haategsawrbfei 4 ,llmmatory rbc mnatism, btcsgc, bail at ' d uc a i mesesealdingtea, comterstacas e teday 1coutessod ail with tears. My father bined. tES per bnd gre er rn 20 te 4 25 Smas tebe emtrcly belpless. For the last joye Whe'er dipcay;ort selre setdmove opr y odumtves c oinra i Ide h osn sa neesting cents eacb. A regolar seramble for theits disease, 1 began u take Ayrs Sarsaparilal, salee eu tatnoden ovr copay t ntieswb brd in ail its relations te life upon the isbegun, and this season provîdeselleeof ansd bave flot bad a speil for a long tirne,', sale and poularity lfl As f xc as lin concerned, nsy boy, go on ;andihreugbt batik the romains cf my rescorer. grea nls states-in its extraordiisary ter8 hs t h oahrs avst.I i .T. Ilansbrougb, Eik Rami, Va. have tby way. -yadflcatt9 herccglo hepacesbhavst.Iti the sa e perid as tis [Haper's oung Peple. There was a sad service ini the yr Ienx the samernsrg, aasdtthere, terthisrdayYoungaPeoplt. persorsal beauty ; eisethe immemorial worry a well-known tact ftbat one-haif cf tbe stene ith ndthisriptatin y s hieof keepers and prey cf poacisers; in ius oc- pheoasants' oggs oxpesed for sale by ftie For al blood di-seaSes, the cupingreaor ttetin focstited pors-shepkeepors are stolen. Expert poachers bs e eyE brand bcc. laor ot CntPlugand M. jt ilutcae k "IIMaj or-Faithul te te end." men San de ail otîer birds of Britain, and, knw every haunt et the pheasants upn Major was my slave, devoted devrabeaitomtSspb and matcbers tise demesnes as weil as the keepers. Tbey Ol1dest Cut Tobacco nanufaC- watcht nI. Howas a splendid mastiff, the MURDE.R WILL O OT, place among the delicacies et thec table. are of ton ahead et the latter at the nests cf presnt f a ofice intheBriisharm, MEvery eile bas heard boy, Sydney Siitb, tise umimprisoned birds. Net oniy this, but tuer n aad.wbose honor I câled hum Major. Big-pawed ACrmai Convictemi on the Testimsony and lie was ne mean opsoure, asserted that keepers theinselves do- net scruple te sur- and big.breasted, lie was censidered the ofw,,ocflops. lho knew of ne pure eartbîy joy oqual ta reptitiously dispese et milord's scipply,.or S a iisa p r" i Ia fnest dog in South Africa. My father was Quite a novelty in the annuasoe justice roast pheasant witls ricb gravy, chipped help theinselves frein the nests on neighbor- a missionary, and we lived in a sinali town lbas been the conviction et a mordorer bhq 1 petates acd broad sauce.. For an& AmerLoeiMass tiseficver-yegee o tgee et izthen tctvsl thzatîenbu ehattivisadtmtheof facit' ebut ueffective itmayfrtisee sre-Hweveundorstandingic creii tmayoltruîy! Dhogisa, ricecg ;dex seslees$5 spread out freinthie ever-grewing diamond msains et a couple of bokcoswihta h lcsn sOrtreprrde1reedissg cf pheasants, net over one.half et Êeld. Terewer hadlyanywhies her, gawe tothebote, ad been lot t on the and quail in oeeample and delicious ftrams. the chick aeo safely to maturity. 'I'len cures others, wil Cure yýOU and this prebabiy accoulnted fer the greal table lu the dinfing rcccs ot the ufrtonate -Tbe limitatiens ef sbeoting in Great Bs-lt- tlice preserves tre ready for depietien by affection existing betweooi Major and me. lady wisomhehbd joisdone te deatb. At asu undoubtedly add nîoch frein the sports- poaching in its varionstorms. Net only de ______ We were miways toffether. No wonder the end et last year, says aParis cerres- man standpoisst te the deep Britishs snterest tbe birds suifer iu diminution frein the pro- îîtyFrzslrBv aniir. that hoe looked up< and wlined piteeusly as pondent, Madame Leblau, tlise widow et a at ail times iu these splendid birds. It 'S fessional poacher, but iilord's pheasamîts »otl rzsfrÜV u1Gis .3ff0N1'REAL.I tld hum te stay beind tlint day. It was, doctor in practice at Tilliy- sur-Meusse, sud-. liot iserevai t aiAmrna h irresistible tm " tontaeovery Tbe:owinpize8 evrySoa it f T ret ortice really in kindness te hilm and net in selfish- denly disappeared. She lived qoite alorne, universally limeIl"sportinan " craze prevail tenant and ctter living round about the te b sys and izîrîs under 18, residfag~ in te. Cut Plug, loc. J lb Piug, loc. niss that I badle hlm romain at hoine. Ho and bier absence n'as net noticed by the ins Englaud, Ireland and Scotlamîd, and hon' demesîses as well as many n'hose interests Province et Ontario. who sandt 150e irealmlgt lb lug, 20C. had a lame paw and I sias going on a long, noiighbors for saine days. The door et the every a-rem et land amd rod et shore, ontsideoul ae$6;a hi rtetr wienimbr, 3 5,$;i b le 14 a lanf:iseme Busl dry tramp that n'ould have madIe hlm bouse n'as brok-en open, and ail tecon tadditse i Ithehe uestenbih ltul ake tise fthe potrs ;whle ummîe6 rutty psnigt r etoe : las.10nd.e miserable that bot Augost dy.were found lu a state et the ntmost dcderit tnay ho put, is spertmais'sproperty yiedtOeI m n estats mch et te ps ng ather ls- amd wa pey pictue teShoed wa s nt Our bouse stood on the edge et a for-est the fleer et the kitchen besnig covered n'itb mng extraordmnary returns ini rentals for the emmiployos themselves. "Sunlight" Sean Office. 13 Seoutt St, , TorontQ ieoking eut uipon a long stretchi et prairie. blood. Tise plate and varions ether articl leshsootlng " and Ilfishing " riglîts alone n great ostasos frein 20 te 50 mon are neot luter than 2901s et eaeb month, and marked ede ome p ln dr e vle a, owvrnt ee ouhd n ore Oain efoista e.on îsataent Competition'"; aise give full nains, sddross 2 On inatfrmrsccsiourtbestraedt u egularly employed. Thereare the "gn ge, ninme twroes inr lino, the tringe et another torest, se dark thouzb severai bank notes, a lisI t n'hich teeocsee ieerib mdprvlgsmd bis clerks. The bailif, n'be ioks atter naines n'il ho puiibed l laTiiToronto Ma and deep and troacheros that thse natives n'as mterwardsanaiyctBiissprme teeo- the home tarin and cattie, and hi.- belpers. on flrstSaSmurday in emeh montb. -7 spoke et itn'ith big, vlariisg eyos. Tise sIscovauig IN A DRAWER, meus soin ef £6,000,000 or $30,000,000 in Tisere are the bead forester and per baps a--- great lions that pron'ied there ardcitise ter- lsad beesi removed fromuftise desk in which Anircnioo.do7en undeer osters, ail et whose bird and BttrThua i PWh oas WaÎshing. I iyse- moe 'a tn'ssonacr etr hnrible flghts et man and hoesthose mse the mnh sopt. TIifvat openitoe i ainos n'ell 'od-craf t are quise equal te tisuse efthtie lluriry iggins-Please, Mister, kinyen ieuss depths had known 1 Macy a tine bmd tnimod tisat tn'o cf îsese securities wr noc l ofindt'aoe pesr a o gos oepr mmd bis several underitoopers.gimmetncestebpbomea I sen ahumlngpary bve ur itte gouiptheposesson t apeaautnamd Abrin sepoking about mois, other ivaste tbesgh There are a master san'yer and three or tour "Drink V' et buts fer the torest, to coue back insftise n'o resided iluftisc eiglbouchoofi, and ~teegî ure rcsmdtnn ai-mon emgaged lu cuttimg timrber and posta" an. ocomtv.Ise1uts eve ing 'i a. deuil lien or twnmud a kuown te ho deeply le debt. Wben Auber- ors' fields for snipo, quailimmd grouse, cap. frein tores treos and copaiî ing gates, nalla papers that a good locomotive earns $100.à A stretcber bemrig te decdor n'onnded body Sfin'as arrs-sted bue donled thsat hoe safi bcd ercaiîzie amd deer. Pitoasausts, then, n'hite and fonces. The hecd gardeuser bias several day." et 0 8 E Î -ý-D o an ever-brave native. any bansd in the crimne, but it sbortly tran-îe maevtaiycseethsblse assistants. Tîsere are painters, glaziers, L.SýGg:ST SLE IN 01Cti'ne%. For my mgo I n'as censidered a good spired that ou the very day n'ien the. mur- t ho vlgar tradosmeis and litorcry folk, are carpenters, etc., il etfn'bom are tausiliar For (Sver Pifs, Yeai's bruiter, bot m'y shootiusg bcd boom conflmed der was comsitted hoe had bougbt acul realiy the gaine birds efthtie British aristoc- n'ith the castle and the surroundig MRs. Wr' SLOn'5 SOOTSSINO SvmUP bas bsien tesinalgaine. Siice the arrival<utmsyi uuofetpec hops fron alocal de ter, ammd theeracy, ansi of the landed ristocracy aS that. gronds.Anhtd o sioedgemees md i eir billtion fnio If ss'orodaigbelldrnd rifle trons Englmnd I yoacned te show' my aon tise dmicg-coom table iay the tell-tale hofrion ol 'ti hegeua gnd hl a. Anoseedesesnd yu eir l useiofbyomil iest f uouas er thir ebilirn n'îes wti larger gaice. My parents debris. Aubectiru, in tact, bcd kmon'n bc- gentlemen's soats and lordly demesmes, familles. Ail ot these poocly paid folk love and crying n'th pain or Cususeng Teeth serimi at bcd cautiomed smoeuovor te venture te the fcrolsaud shat the sicister tasît 'bcbhoSave n'bece as ic pheasant tarins, they are a pheasant after if lbas cometroun the oven, eoe andti a c otie or "Mrs. Winelon"5 otiser , forest, but all at once thse chsance bcd set bimsoîf te do ssolld deusamd a cor- ecusel rdt ices is ubr -hcSco"o birteetbic4- Lat wI came. Ho ~~~~~~~~~upois the ostatos. Ail thse conditions tpto ri s 'l sd rstoofac, 1Oivothse peor littie8 nore o meiteîy, c aramde moshrinerecclledt f fiiesuiits accompiish. xsenei hofctplace, sheirmmd tbey acliknen' hon' te goS tseun n'itbout Deponti upon iS, motbero. there isnemssk Faterandmoberwee alld vay tOc 1i rEn-,. Hescd detccmined eus sawsng nto tereitne ntefrtbotherîng the village inarketman. about i - lt cures Diarbmt, regulates thse village at soine distance ta e holee soxeral picees the corpse oftftisepoor lady, and ebreeigtlertieso nd tonthen ae Pots - . somc mstdangerCrs inCol days. They loftSmealouse save for tisepros-j several bocrs n'ero devotedtatothis horrible Ilecessasycoetos iii ien a nsled I moctapoacbcgusa a le osdaner- týove olie andi nergy uo ftisewhele systeifl ouce et mn olfi negresa. Witb mnauy a n'ork. A ew da3 scftcrn'acds ~som 1 r.smsi parks et the country gentry mmd nobillty. esprutta i sai osieoi %o~55teGm.roigsrip'amoratin mm promse t god blsaiorI sn' tsei of, mots t fesi wec fond ear isepie cfAil thse Sport touud lu thor annlaaidestruc- 1During the shootimg season ali sorts of vil- 'Mrs. WinBlvsleN etigSrp e bir dy vtbt li I--- -tion is se bouel xlseveha hy tbl n e p eat te t asSeanti 15 te The first aypas--ed wt actlzung Slow- one of therive-r bridges, masd on the morrew aaiteyecusv ha byIlmueaers-oan aar ryssed unthegice ape.sciin faeue e! the ola th3, ntioSte- sless Dirng the nigbt I decided tealurry tise reniaiuîs of a body n'bich had heen eut can oy reacb the cemmosn morta's table "af ecryadfltegiemi iyiin ninre n15Uie o. W D 1or te the sirauge forest, sec wbt was icte sevoual piecos were discovered in the a touente ea utaaabrcebi4dean es bpgoringoftse gexcite- gSates Pre.2.g costte ahwS, .S)dra sean'tful there, mad got hack heforo the Meuse. Aubertie lias juat been tried aS the ;,-uettIeub1uîoo pabo'snt rientpgentsoros port fithegîeckfr"iWuLos Sevuam SssP. VTRZ R UG h. old folks rettsrned. My dreacîs n'ere filled Meuse Assizes,aiid condeunned teaIsard lahor lcomnîn te the guns" of the rich, tue titledaenvn pittrun'cbtisten______ wits vsIos o a uinersglcv. or iteamd the greet. ondes covor ot nigbt. Clamer amd trigbt Princeton ics tn'e treos n'hieh --ýrEi ________-_ONT._____ vieionBrsfihamhbleunan'sgestatefondleveryaiso break up the rocks or coveys into de--- ORON, -.ONT.I n's upeary th mox moring. TheEnsgiih, Irish or Scottish gensîeman's colins -tacbed files et pheasants n'hîch roîroat a a = cseprovesyte tIse eeaitheon s- Offiee-Post Office Block. fat mgress n'as stil Sleeping. In the rude ~aine of Mlaniure. try seat is iu points et tact te a groater or higb as possible amousg the branches et larch yad ene neTise sycm7,es u hdean'sth Cslla by telegrapit or telephone reseive ina stable, my peyn' as stretching himself. - - .i dh c h r anmd fir, n'hen the peacimers ccc oasiiy take yard n'oroimte n1707, therer ae t sh Ille liate attentioni. Qickly 1Ithrew nb inthe saddle and mado Tise I"Amermean Cmstvator,"unansn'er ta e 055egcce a phoasaumcy, and the iSraetampmet mpm package for luncb. ThonIget a fresîs an inquiry tron a fariner wlImn proposes te acd protection efthiis one gaine bird are then frein heir roosts aS night bv band. thueeSte comeoae h oisaîet suplyet mmnitenmn clamd u tseboy village macuro, and wnts te gct as its parameuant teamli other duties or pleasuros. Other methede are smudgîng or smoking Tctenth opsaud STANDARD if 17 ife.Aillthese preparatiouîs Major watch- actuel value, Says tlisas tiseceaIvalue et a Frein evecv accessible ineauis etinformation, theinfronte hait peces ibiiityummd;korncg ermaes forndinielcltisteW STANDARD DARK \tirf elgseaciiatos bjl 'a o.ofua1srmsbeocmned by tise 1Ibslieve ta fly1,0,00pe mat r eintontui ece 'r lb;~ ae~ifyfudl ieicite-le\' O eC ADA. Owit eihtdatcpain hfowsuado afueiutbedtrikerumels jute n'hich short bisisses are insert- Imdmes, Bongal bey and tse Chimese coat, Capi5l~sad Up B1,eOOO.Ros, ~ 'a-stho ret so I afi ver efslim ho oftncbopertuao aser.Ma-n stalesOre dm. eOethesvor 1000,00000 acîetIs Lon ed re geedîl devnaedmcd he bcdscuî notb e tIs eqndtothmcd n th Souh lu bimd. rttie1ha vr e bl e-fcleae usluthe suluer,Nand teboles ad -nret stalîs clone ; and tbis number -.choking Se the hedges te ho easily taken hy dieu ecoan, off Madagascar, mmd ln tIse ThisBankis pepaed t do egii- I n'a seaeel sunise 'he I ltS. y cche purcised cheaper tisa-nin ta-h ior ceprcsenýs.only Sisose whicblsave legitimete iamd ; nwhite an lugnisadsuesul ocIPcfeerSae. mate cnkig inmli ts banchs. mon I n'as at the outekirte et the n'eods. sprsug, nlen the demamd for mecure is more lcm fosthe'"battues "or "IIos" udii seftagmcc 't riiil m a e r's i g ntes diso rn e D s t e y c o i d uvt sgt e i o -ir S e gen ral. In uakig estima-es, it is ,esse - Octeer, Žovem ner md early Dec m b r ; sp rs, and sealtIily place h m longsde e The H- ad--v 1o Farmr'snots dscouted; Dpostslisterlng bot risde acres tiseprairie. , tial te ta-ko into considerasion several in- and de neS take jute aceenut the heavy cm- icovert, whesndtat he gueioos hesntcock 0ftIseoLonC endjeand omay btacn- reeeived and Intereet paid ou accounts pickesed thse pousy unthe shade bi a poolportanut points. Freslisnisailire frein weii- nucl drafts by poachers upon tIse ciels acdjns challyngeandeflitestrhourae ofhern'- a- troninadasa un y ho ron-i of $5 and upwards iu Savinge Bank gos mny beaings by the suc and thon dived ted herses or eon's siouid ise aken as the n'ellstocked preservos. in allenge, dshre ae o ou raeette ute stmr np rsonaoraynleS e nc Departinent. ite tise shadon's otftise jungles. Soon I standard, and this sbonid hoen'ortb as cor- The Prinuce et Wales s by ne memus firet .valuae bods cre tan. is hela chronie diseases peculiar te mmm. Mn 1 --. roeli rates frein $2 te $3 per ton. For tise amcg ftice breeders, ansI yet ou bis estate e hasofhotc sa]ybgn ts a-yeumg, old, or middle-agednbfndtos n T ~came te a wvel-trcidden patîs. Examnnng pr fOtbradcoe ihtesle evuwa nehutd h r D5A TSthe tra-cks I reeognized the stamp etfc lr's propostien et plant food n'iie sucls massuro Ssansringham and thse adjoiîsiug preperty o eocrseOtbrmdclesnihho elsnrvswaanxase, eae Ismc antmud Collections made In Enrope pan'. adds te tise soit, it le ehsaap et shis rase, Catle Risingham, n'hichs lie bas ieased for final Christmnas Il battume." broken dowmn frein excesae clesern'crk, United OtaSes, at aaa Non', I thought, the deamnoe my lite n'jîî compmred with thse commercial tertulizers. Spocsing purposes, as many as frein 7,000 te Notn'iListmndimg bigh wails, gentlecess resulting in massy oethte tollowing symP- iv . ~ox s. o ea-ize IBelin a reoI eckmyAninals tisas bave been f orced for ftseniug 8,000 pheasa-uts are annual]y providesi hy cf keepets, mmd cil possible preventativos, toms: Mental depreasien, premattire eid J. JONES tctieoea tecille leing teeI o' mb purposes aln'aya produce the bosS manuiro. jBHs Royal Hîgbuess fer his sportsmnnmany phoasants beave thse dernesmes, eeking age, loss et vitality, loss Ot memery, bcd / g'ir. sain h rfekrigon ac - - Lt Ifjs e concentrationuoetamlithe essentiel e- friemds. Iu two or three et the dukeries, the oter hçdges and bog grasses, n'hece dreains, dfnes etsigIs, palpitation et the eintingortiseanpeth, mid thInabountianmentes for land impreveinent, ccd a ton of amdon osher large estates as neil, immnse Se tl t pe e "tise ee e eants andhatymsinlc teegpi u h horeàdy toc imsstm1t reading. l oimntis is useqnual te eariy îwo et loose strassparus mnd expense are given te ensure ahumi- Igosseet tise peacbers. Therefereato'dy kduyedciepmpesnibfcer bocIhadarar rmidmi oaver the budythra ituhingn or uplis f h brdofC peenTh' efoe liaiarshotnsensataiion utabdy ichngo osuia snsttIsbot h continues te do a Gecerai Bankicg Busicesg nith estiteinent tilltishe rifle harrel fairiy soakd icdfferettythitis a-jusmcd 50W indiut upplis et hescrdtetmolcîss. TIe hotretpeecscn-sisoting segin, ai lon'mauvilîe Agency.daedesteîm.Btsth - the open barmyard. Aninals tistta-S ecckiliing of frein2,000 Se 4,000at oeel"bat- sîddatte ib u sth orD ieselp aS shde cte sec ttsunatcie sroum n'stgot tseerg n dfztmes DEPOSITS ~~gren'I uerrthe first mrvousuesa passed off, mereiy Il witered," as tiseliii phrse bees, tue"hlies etten heen record&d, ccd if isn' cil mIIrmimdmeu ncnenatingite-a sksbefere tisa eyes, ntcigetts JiesfedinSav POS aI DpSm and . ro theîîy nnttea-tîs scy ceymanure ouîy ot seoôdary qmality. knionmhet9,500 n'ee shet during al eue ifithe sbain, ho udi,n"bea"n'jbtikc uepisoyethLIimn ieoe, hasbof ulmess Rmcagnufnleent, Bak Dan'cyferttonresThyidare gereralIy sica-w and colc-fed eni- seaspu at EIuedon, in Norfolk, whileblias triiaulcuotssdrvn cybc'dpst ntis nls twl on'er, câ)siandlmlterestallowed atourrent rates Neo nsle"rodm'alsy iestentiIto , and ftisecompost muest neeessarily ho an areofet17,000,acres. Tîsere are oéther n hm rsr-s.To uodadbstendermess cf tire scalp mnd spine 'e n notIce ete5vithd adrlwnecessartheAisdrpesutil malseI rieuds dressed aa tcr scipe shooting on the fiabby muscles, desiro te sep, failure te bd notyice on iemdanti, nstocs semedgriped y buds t selpeur. Nevertisîes, imsbuying imansuro very gaussetaims, mae ihey are called, lu etiser "Aimfortho ye, I lad eerdtis oîilie disinction is ma-de betn'eems Siese dit- parte of Eisgland, and thece is mt leasi one moora md providedeacîs witisie otld resî ed by sleep, constiptOî uieso huniers se ,and Id1 TsesîGs forent qualisies et ma-cure. Tise straxv-fod suds huge pheaeantry in Seotlanfi, ounh t arle, reblaig cce-itn1 hearig od fvi edsire fer solitude, EXCHJANGE - eiAusaTs un yrshre ug peceoetNo. 12 bore, a man for reloed- ouke ye snrronnd- loe y lo pi. n a-s fo- icuimel riugs inias ranchisfor 15e cons- Marquis o ilasesSatei sie n pee excditbiliLetNtemp.Cor, sunken kin * mItd atsoi andraadsise odpien d po oedb ol tpi.Hi hr v st as the forccd animais kept in stables, Oc ail est'tes of mu-rage croc the head igmdaohrtccryn atigs o dnlbLAI IILol okn kn untd IeanCndasoedSivrat untoucbed by the bulleS spieti me thrcogIs Ow gin thse sîcugbier. The sportsmen a-ce ste- etc., are mli symptifnmerveus dobility U.iedaes Greeubacksbouzht and oold. th sinoke cndlbaves, lu ocleapîsgreas nhere shere ijaaconcentrationsetfuod. One gamekeoper .111 ho allosved c hait dozem t. nedIlunadu-ance at the edges cf open tisas cd tominscityeand death unlesscaurod. COLLECTIONS yellon' body rose into thse air and1 Ilie ocf ae good knon'iedge et macuce rua-y thus keepers te asqst hum in breedig a-nd ca-cu1usgli 02 placea. Tise gamekooper, n'ho is a sort et Tise sprimg or vital terce baviug.lest ius ton Pr Wptîy madie ucarrent, casee upoi ai' prt n'as atter me. 1 stepped te thse other side otten prhaeagood stable tmanure at for the gausse, and lu protecticg it trominin- master et ceremuonies, hricgs his assista-nia sien evory fonction na-nos un consoquonce. of reat Brittain. the Unitedi Statesanau.. i0 of the tcee just as ho craslmed upen the spot cesep raies. In tact, itis l onthelic heap. rocds et poaciess. Otten the number of jor IIheaters " jno i ii-hchiud. Thon îhey Tisose n'bo ticougi abuse conitted in lOct ilon 0o1Canada. n'lsere I bcd stood. est ina-ure tisas eauslho spremd lapon tise sînder keeperswnill bho jcreased hy drawing, Imou-e forn'ard, pocha-ps ton yard- ignorance may ho permmceniiy curemi, Semd 0 s Tanfesua-y I spofi througli tise trees mnui lands, and, by ail odsls, if la the bostfoc the aS certain Seasons uponuthe uudertforesters cpart, the keeper, n'ho kmosvs eueryyordrs rbkonmidescpcla -5e3teap 'r tien amudamliforgetteis. In my headlong soil t. n' ill pav oeet)haut suds mamusce 'se tha-s o lure trous 2,000 te 4,000 pheasaits bush hsiedge, copse or tree, dis-cet- te mm. Bocks sont lirees ealed, 111.cie s sll su miniaisueusart 0f flghi ortme u1euig nleoe 'mcIz 'i 5 u1 is s mly dat-e. ofte go mintplainosiig.atn'as teoe Imietmia longer distance if the saine price le mcy ho required for tise attunsmal guca et IlîgtheIlbeatra' lu every movement, Heartdiseuse, the symptoins etfn'bch are pleceof raS-vs-lent lion iemrsug lusporsfot.ifn'sytn'ontiie îrir grdes mcotags sorsmuse dlemsce v,'ate c s lmmte ba"h se i Otcrlirtclas cll-l,,h k if m peint ak mi eol tpinc 'l e miydinte oe"-yi-1ip.p.v, 'a. tfri e ts.sadi anl ts satnîs et t ~ ~te5 ~prins, ho ncs n math to bisScsuy to, mm eo isa means net omsy tise soss of use on tesuie tse burssareimitons te thse au-ries Hc-wi- e -1 otn -tpi---mt -' ----.. X5 my love goS the beter et my fear as i shoot- land, butofetli provieus ibor puS on it se nuich tise keepens, amocg n'Ion-1 I have Sie r, baby, sicep. B uf Etc. G omMao, ohoe"fat-ce ihese Icte boa-de are conceccefi. Tiseina-ny goofi friends, iceis on cmîliiug I boa-h ecui eshfyisîeep. c~cdbu'Drc-i,ýsts a-o-iDeerz euervwhsei He pid 5no attention, oxcept once, suhou buches of loose cabbageeau-es ccc net "-es"Tus r -csi ag 'oo1 earannnî'51 cccy iftJimùms a-otte. Diec cnsrs ho lest is second grip onthe thcoat. Tim on 'rth their ceeStas food for stock. It n'ill spacess ibte demeace grouds, iuclosed hy 1I Slccp, baby, sieup. iLlaîgliayc. covered wnith blood, liehated a-momnent As pay te applyman extra dose of soluble mnure tensces etfn'irm nieîting, a-tmuutimses 12 fot' P E'So5 ecl, u O amsu ïALSA OEEhowle rudteloholoe p thos mS ' thec eis tte mke i usa-rdean' de oltheieiJouearbugoconstant- Asslielsoppin' 'TRONfiJune bu fl- hL a oa a te te p 'ats it nunt e.a-ce 10b yen ou o' uid a gecti-nise hug; Coteure ca Aluis, Amranois, Linsý,, ~ZI ~~lur t n, 1. e, n'cged listail and gave sncb a bark ces- sure that tIse neeis cen goS it. - y lupped on tloy n'ould esctupe sbot breed- Sicep, baby, sceop. opbtd or a-ny Iný, urlanL