(CUT PLUGJ) (L U G.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en= Joyed such an îmmense sale and popularity in the same period as this ibrand of' Cut Plug and PIug Tobacco. Oldest Cut Toi5acto rnarnufac.- titre vs in Canzada. Cnt Flug, 10c. j lb Plug, 10c. Slb Piug, 20c. THEV OKS BESTFRINt Midsummer. fair yolir g face. the mobile lips -at sound It is the prime of suninier. Ait the land of bier flute-like voice Moreton's love surged Ricb with its iuIness, gis cson largess free up and swept ail but hier sweet earnestaesS There je a Srnell'ni barris witb garnered groin away. And -ceat of newý-curigi-as,,ienci ragrantmaizO I"Corne in, dear, "hoie Sid, a trifle huskily, u the sofi air. Feýr down the shady W5 n dete drjodechdf uolt Cooîe Mountain-s of freshbhay, brought slowîy adde h ticri-rnhdfgueî horne. tbe bal! lightfed bail. "Jerry, ry darling," The neus off spring are ernpty. and the birds, ho Pispejred, witb bis bauds on bier shoul- Their songs of wooing over, feast allday d rs ànid lis cyes gaziog straigbht loto bers, On thc freih nililry eheat, and 511l the heurs Off countlcs.s wiaged crentures, nmad in0liigbt, Ilwhy dd younrua away sncb a day as 'Witt) drPoedoof tbcim strong, fl fledged feath- this ? " erlings, «"1Ob John ! was ail Jerry aoawered, but WbieIl, ouL, now, w'ere nestling in the leaveS. The Woods arc deep with shaO ows. Theow in er checks flamed. sn, John paused a morent-the gil's eyes Faliing toeestward, casis long golden hearos me t bis with tbe samne odd inuot of aiarm n a Across thesok sdabrtne il i The hecige rows senai up iucense, puigent, t ain'hsadsuunyadtunn Tbrough vcÀis off eobwcbs. cast like lace along, to the widow who had nt been unrindful Where last month bloomiet the woodbinc and n1 this little csceuo-viowed as it was oy lber the rose. Dowa by the pond the quiet sîcepy cows, own knowledge of wbat migbt lie cornîng - Seem i iteuing tothe bdIl-lil-e vo;cc of frog", will Yoeuobige me by seeing"that Jerry is Wbile iu the nizhi the silentstars look 50w O made te change ail tbese we iothes-wby," On twinikliig elections of theroseIvsCx once more tnuching the siecee n iber damp The glintiog firefiies, ilitting through the air, A Sji, dull lie.1 o ging ffille the brn, coatwith it's wet fur border, Ilshermustbhavo _lhrougIitang edmazeof idly , îuthoughts, been aiýmnet st >niing in the raja l" AnS tbose, svbo are but mmeroies in nur laves, Jertanflyndebrscelyg Cone cdoser, as thougli stealing back ogain aluug thuer adae toier ocaperoornn Througli niber aumrners, fair and ftou as thisl aogteupe asge ironro To wvhcre we wait ln patience for the end. where even before she rernoved more than bier bat and jacket -lie seazed bier wrltiuoý- mi-ateriai sud scribbled a litile note ln pencil. MORETON'S PROBATION~. Il"Dear Charlie," îtaan, 111 won't deceix'e -- Mn. Moreton for an heur. 1 wiii inake a A LOVE STOItY. chance and you mnust help me to tell imrnal - to-night or oarly iii the rnorniog. -Jerry. " (Dy Lucy C. Lillie, Authon off "The Colonels Wheri tiais was written the girl rnovedl MOoy."', Etc.) about tht roomr rstlessly. It must be given Ith bd becsî an inexpressive dreary day, ia corne fashion te Vendermmyer hetore dia- se far as the weatsaer was concomned, but to 0cr. Neil, Sabina's rnaid, would manage John iMoreton nonsommer susine could that, bave mnade it brigbter, for it was tbe By wai desire te, in a fashion, b-lance last ni bis " probation "-self-imposed, it is lier wrongdoinig aiid please lier bcîrotbed's true-yet none the lesa rnarlting arel "ancy Jerry chose te weam a costume which period ot waiting for bis liii 'a nînst 'coveted set bier soit young charma in tIhe lairest possession, and if bie srnlcd in a sharnefaced ligi, the girl could not have told, but xv'en way at bis own alrnost hoyish oagerness to she appeared in tIhe candle-lit dining-ronîn be la Siaybridgo, xvlere bis litile sweet- a few nnnîruts bfinre dinner ,vbome Mor- hearb w-as xaiiog for him, at the sainie ton svas waitîng for bier alone, lie was iairly toue be could ont but feel a profound satis- startled lby hier loveliuecs. Not that thie faction as ho reflected upon ail that bis love gwîîni pale-gi iy chiffon over silk nf tbe and tenderness, to say notbing oi bisgcame coior was a'lob or costly, but its very wealth, could do for the clild's lufe. Heo1dlicscy becamo lier to perfection --the bad ceeu to h hliat in rosi-,vant bad been roooded bodice siîowed tbe poise ni the denied bier sînce tise day, just a year ago, girlisb throat, whiclî Moreton tiad meaut whe lus cnid lrieud George Hiiary had shouid gleaîîî witb jewels-the riub bruwn cornrended tbe girl tn bis keepiag; but biair cnîninig back frorn lier bow avas coiled even when she liaadilier cbiidish, trustiiîg bigli, caasgbî with a cliver dagger hoe had fasîsion prornised "hoehoeogagcd" to hlm given bier on bis last vîsit, and-in hir bîoad at thse year's end, Moretrn bad wisely for- silk boit was a great boncisofni elintrope borne to give osany evidences ni bis wclh -e oss scout was wafied ho hlm as she ap- or tneiîîake bier su depeudent upon luoaury proacied-ioveiy, as boss tching as ever, ln ber suirroundiirgs lest suie ight 'narry yet these arne iok, hlaf-wistfui, isall.friglît. hlm for asîythiog but lionoat affectioin- ened, -in these cucet 5-a-k eves tise deeper, saurs passionato feeling bie t" IWly Jerry, mv iy'. Moreton said, looged te swakeuî would, hoe b4aeived, iklo a very coiJ lîttie pair oi bauds loto come lator. Surely, sucli love as his, bis srnng unes, "b ave yen been seeing the first, and rosi sentimienit ni tue ouests lateiy 7 It iookshlke il iedrcw kiad iin bis 38 years ofnifhe, min s erlt li ilt itecado boets that girlisb,unaieneS atuire. And so artel an i crilcd bal cadiy. Mureton rejoicedîthat ail preesutions about II What lias happesued la uavy absence? iavislîiog tokeos nf lus weaiih uipon tue girl 1 H-i5 Nixoni ied or tht pony' gone lamne-" couidbhothrown to ihowinds 1 As tse trais I. brk.-,n., .-5'irP.r1 h,,th. -k , Cliarlie aayc snob things happe0nioftisens- selves."' "Yes, dear." John was recalling the day such a hhiîîg bad hsppeoed lu bis own 111e. Hie feut as if bis worid lad suddeniy corne to a de.cd, horrible siaad-stil-only the tavesiy ni bis bopes ceemned apparent as the girlish voice went on : "hI feu aIl sog there was sorneihiog on- fair to you ani, John, and yet-" He ina 7e a quick, sharp movement! Sonmething 1 Gond God 1 badibis fair chilS sn deeper sense ni aacredneas nftheir ie? Something unfaîr ho hlm ila 1h! He couid have laugbed aioaîd mocking, tise very mis- ery nfi t. lie understood mnre lrom those lew words tliaa volumes couid have told hM. "Jerry," bo said at fast, "tis lal you need ssy, Star, sud I wanh to hell you one thiag. Our sort nf engagement bas been a corry business. I want lu elease yuu. Aiter ail, you know you nover noaily prom- ised- " Oh V' cried tise girl wii scudden tire, "I did, Johi-I Sid -b rny hest-" She spî-sng up anS stood ieaning againat the oak table in the ceaire ni tihe roun, lber arme outstretched, lier sliîn bauds ai cacis ide ciasping it. Moreton moved toward her q uickiy. "j'My little girl!1" lie saiS in a low voice sîrant aiti tise feeling lho feul enceforth muet be repressed, -'I ougbite have frocS you long ago. I arn nnly noW, dean, yoîar guardian-memember thai-your father if you iike-your happiness, chiuS, is rny first thougbî. Don'î griovo over wisat bas hap. poned-" Ho broke off suddenly, iooking dnwn loto the mobile face ni the girl, wiich showed alternate whiîte and red, but eyec ihat oever drooped-never losh that wistiî look lu their fait depîba. To ses the loveli- ness wliicb was part-but hoe thanked God oaiy part-of the potent charrn she bad for hlm suocnam, to alînosi beel tise fluîiemioig of hiem heart in tisescent ni tise flowems on lier breasi, made hlm fear lest seizing lier lu bis a'msiem teo nîew their broken trotb, but lie lorced himseli ho go On with what lie had te ay. -"Go oow, Sear; I have work te do-andSecod Gliarlie to me to-rnorrnv" Thorc was a mment'a silence. The color fickeredstili on the delicate, fiowem-lîke face. Thon, slowly, shamneiacedly, she mnov- ed iowamd thse door. He sienS siliutil thee 11gb frou-fr-ou ni ber drapemy and the sounDd onihem lsgging stop Sied Sown the bail. Thon John Mlore- ton sacîk jun hie char, buiryiug bis fac(e in hic aras out-stretched on the table. Hic ',yesr"-the onue o! rosi living i0 hie busy, genemnua life-baS onded ; was, ho hld lîirseii, dead, as though if had been a a broaih ing thîing a con rde wbo badscu- denly played hlm taise ! Jr was cr111 raioing Sisrnaliy the next marning, huat. .erîy baS an erranci toper. fomîn with whinh the elerresîrs couud not i0. terfere. hIf was with a nselsnchohy littie smile , oh, ihai, the,,'-1 donned s ,w arri DOCKINu VERSM5 COAL. One JLesson Leasuied luIn Eîcls'h Naval Mlanvres. One hhîog almeady maSe clear by these evolutions ai ses ia the importance nf dociz- ia chips perindically for tue pomposeofn hav1iug accumulations of gretn ceaweed cemaýped irmr evemy curve beiow the water ln.This la of para issnut importance as affecîing tiese peed ni battit chips, anS themelore iheir coal coosuioption. Alter crisiog ail nîgisi ai sovon knîs -reed, whieh tnok ns ai firsi lae howard thp coast nf Fiance, and thon by change o! course, back ho -aithin sigh oni.ise Lîzard, evemy clîip bit is place lu tise samne formation tbey hallbalisa linowisen leaving Torbay, anS onueCould ni penceive the cligisteet imegu- lariîy ni iniervalinla cuer line. To keep station ilîns wben windc are ligisi, tise sky unclouded as it w'as last nîght, and eacb sbîp leaves a wake nf phosphorescent foan on a calai cea behind lhem, la ni very dîfficuit, pembaps. Tise conditions changcd cornewbiat ibis mumacing, whien a atrouîg winS from the caci cpmang np, and wavec rau bigis ennugbho inake green cuniains for cabin scuttlea. Under tisec canged conditions, hnwever, the vessels kepi accmately lu position, iherehy sbowiisg thai tht cornîanding oilicers had themi coînploiely modem con- imnl. Al ibis, simple thoughis 1 may aeern te landsmen, cano noix'bh achievecd by cesse- less wstchfulnes,, anS consi5derable akili ilascesnanship, when vebseis ni su many different classes are ingether, and when eea chips ni the carne class muet huma very varions qoantities of coal iii onder to keeju ,station. When signais were excbanged ibis mrnmnng we fond tisai the Ainson, por- lsapc tise faciesi ni ahl the Admirai ciscs, wben an pmopen orSon, badl been compelled, te keop lhem engines gong ai a rate ni fiee and a lai revoinhions s minute lester tisa ilînse onilhem isier abip, the Gamperdowîs, sud tisai naturally oseani a mucis langer coal consuphion. htislaectirnated tisai dockiaîg aad cleaniog hem before se caine to ses would have coat about £200,. anS for tiasai sali nniiay se would have been able tb bolS hier own wiih aliF chip in this or tise hostile blei, oxcopi tise Royal Sovercigo. In lier prescri sath, however,thie additionalconsi nf cosi isoces- cary for hem ho perfommi sirnilar work efficient- ly ;vili arnnt 10 tbousands, sud there is tise iîîcreased airain on engluies ho ho ihoogisi of. Our find tise enerny need ont expoci f0 catch this sîip nappiug, neyer- theless. She cauo îlîl go fast enougis for aay ensergeaoy Ibat is liihteiytn happeo, but hiem exponditore for coal wilhocînuchi groat- or tisan h 000(1 have- been. Coals, hoveven, corne ucîder on0ente, sud dockiisg a clîip under anniher, and monîhers nofI'ariiament who are cuonas lasncbproblerna ray work out for tise ceacon wby ecoîsony nf s fesv lîundred pounids lanue direction is secured Sa rsapaý,rî , lïa Y-Our best remedy f'or E-rysipelas, Oatarrh R-heumatîsm, and 8-crofula Salt-Rheum,, Soi-e Eyes A-bscesses, Turnors R-unning Sores S-curvy, Humors, ltch A=nemia, indigestion P-impies, Blotches A-nd Garbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes i-m pure Blood L-angudness, DropýDSY L-iver Complaint A-Il cured by Prepareci by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowil, Mass. Soici by ail Druggists. Price $- ; six bottles, $5. Cures others, wilI cure you Meiîtlly Prizes 1er Itevs anl irls.h The *'Sunlizht" Soap Co., Toronto, off'sr the following prises every month tîlli firtlser notice~ to boys and girls under 16, reslding i n the, Province of Ontario. wbo ssod the ereateet D'lmber ofni 'inlight" wrappere.: Tht, $10; 2nd. $6; ilcd, ?3; ith. $1; à h to 14, a Hancisomne Booke anti a pretty pacture to those who senci not less than 12 wrappere. Send wrappers ta~ "Sunlight" Seap Office. 43 Scott St , 'oront not later thiso 2Pth of eaeh mDnth, anti marked .Competition"; aise gîive full nama, atidra cge. anti number Off wraoers, Winnrr names wiii be publi8het injasThesToronto Mail On first SaturdaY in each montà. Seven couinties in Western Texas have. l'efused to issue a marriage certificate to u, boy fiteen years Of age and a widow lortf ,ears nid with thirteen eidren, She-" Have yout aske-1 papa, RcginaId? r Hie-" Yes, " Sho (nervousiv-" Whct did he say 9" lIe- "lie djdn 't say aîîy- thing, but 1 kaow he gave bis consent, for he looked at me in a sort of a pitying way, don't you know."