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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1892, p. 6

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TME MAYOR OF SAWMILL FLAT, BYrïl LLIAM ATKINSON. CH4TRI. tee quick; andi Dunbar would ha tickiafi Je hw-%vs te Islt d, f ajeSptember 188S. lI te daatb, sud set you up xn gond shape. Mc fanaway New York City goofi citrleas were W hy dent yen de ht, Dec. ?'Ilbh eiter u bd ad aîec, o wee pepsiiu ~John Lac pullefi et bis gray moustache an tretire; inimtue remece London, the mîlk- r1 eammns aeah epif:"a-fin Mesl, and muarkeet-grdexîers liafi sircady kiuc, "hae said, 1"a icw moutbs ago yen jr opt-nefi op tihe business et a new day - but cbowcd youir good-will te mc, se I wii an- aiý i Seauhwastarxî Arizona it was the heur oi cwer your question. I broke onue gir's tes snetef. pnacxupc lhu rn t Ieart, anfi that is sufifcant ionrxse. I do nu Stýtel uona ampstolinfrnt f cent love Jeuny Duber, sud I sal'rnnb trame shanty that boateil ewo emnali spart- n more l ieka where a goofi womsn le Con- ln( meute, wacsa mac, bandsome liiiepite et is ceniafi. rouuih frassud welthen-tannief countnî- 1'eoc," saifi Hawkins bluntly, I ssk , ceeu, but prnmatureiy gray sud carowonn. youn pardon, ir. Il WC Rise-white locks hetokcxued tîreascone Sawxnîli Fiai formefi pari et the tewn (or a y aie leaei; but 'f tbe negiciar'ni township) et San Blernardino, a district ti s certain parish lu thé North Ridunxg o uet aslre sth ngivcony fo Yorkshire tells the tala truiy, John Lee wasLncoln, settiafi by e sparte population ni as hem lun the year oi grace 1850, ai wasbut two or ibrea bundrafi, mest ot whom n r thereîora just thirty-eigist yeass nd. A residad t Sawmili Fiat. Lookîng te thîtîgla protrude fi rore the ent-anee of tbe thse future, ibis townsbip bafi beau terni- til rude cain, ippon which sortie apprentîce cd ton local goerumani purpoues, tue ,.n baud baf ineef the legenf- "Du. JOHIN chiai exécutive being noce othan than Jîxîx pl( LiEn, Physiuien sud Stirgeon." Hawkins, whe wss known as the Reeve, cx Now, aiîhoughi Dr. Lee was the ecly The éther township officens wcna nue Eli. s medical man witbiu tonty miles lu avcny di- phaici Younghushband, Justice et the Peace, th, rection, hae was neot ovrburdencd with sud bis Constable, Pedro Lopez. The law il, patients, andi hafi long since amivcd ai the cailefi for e town meeting twice s yesn, em conclusion that, viewed front a proîeeional wbcn ail the maIe résidents et légal age fa stanfipoint, Sawxiil Fiat was ltogether toeo ware entiiicd te give voica tte xr opinioSnsc haaihy loslîi. Ideai, o ibs cpecan sd te precext ncoiuti-'us, &o., reg rdiug ii* Sreptembravcuî. n ha bafi beau sicuial ulic mattere. Ilitherto, during the six h- the ieugi nf i ure since is services wene yeaan' ictony etf San Bernardine the tewn ar iassinlaréquisition. lHa tounufthat ih as meting bafi beau systemsticaiiy ignref i exsctiy eîgbi wecks sixice hae axtractefi a by the citizans. But onu the présent occas-fa bulliai rm r]ombstonc Haxuk's hi p-picefi ion the Sawmill Fiai people ixtendafi toe a thara by Haxk's bosom n ieud, upon theo boom thein settlementi, sud becoma incor- be çasion et e ligli diffiennca ovar a finfly porated unfien the municipal laws ni Arizona fid gain et Sava-up--for svich the grarcixîl ec a City. No cash sud n antusiasm was c c eneafpafbmsidoar-'maiyte ha sparafi te hniig about the desinafi e- l as a tell par Cent. daposit, but le îaality as cuit. fi payinent le fuil. It wiii ha readly cef- ,The meeting wac beid in the tn- p eventhogb nizns dctos ae ui bll, wlîicb was a ncom about tweeiy icet fio -na ~ ~square, sud was attenden by weli-nxgh as réceptions, sud reaka tîsir prefessionai calîseveny nesi ent offSawhuill Malt71NhTiihid ti in hnocghams, thet six dollars is, te say tha was lest lu appoicting the Reeve sud the a leasi, a thin income ion îwemutsesoit it Justice a députationi te wait upoîs the Gov- 1 sarccly ennprisiug that John Lec was about annor oi Arizona ton s charter ; cnrw as it an resolvefi te lonîg batore tourteau ibonsaufi dollars was fai Fold bis tant, like thse Arabe snbscribed te ha spentinl erecting a cew an Aud siettv steai away; City Hall sud au Hotal, in siuking Wells frion or nxe scmore concise lIscmuage of Saw Mill a water suppiv. and inlewideiv afivertising ,il r= ,' .90W MSE HOARD. 1 1 AGRICULTUR&L, 1The Farm Riaud- We are surprised, says the WVesternFarm- Turnai, as we thir.k the subiect ovar how nany successful men who earnied their first noney and made their start in lite as ired bauds on the farm. Some of them ie prosperous farmers, seone breeders of ine stock, others engaged in marcbandizing n snobhlines as agriý,ultural implemants, ýc., wbiie others are in the iearned pro- ssions. Ail oft tem, sofar as we can re- aember, are men of ait least fair mental iiity, ail of good habits, cvery one of theni ndustricus and temperate, sud ail stand fel in ganerai society. This fact snggcsts the reason wby from forking at from fiftean to tweuty dollars bmonth, and the oldesi of tham ai far iass. Icy have risen te indepen ience and soma >thein te opulence, whiia other farim bauds LstrOug in cubher mnd -)r body have cratcbed a poor man's head ail th6ir daays. The first condition of advance is for Ie farm band te secure the confidence id csteem ni bis employer and bis eie-1 Leycer's wif e. Thxis ceni be donc very >sily provided rigbt doing is eay. There sa far closer bond of feilowship betweeu ,c farmer and bis wiice and their hired belp Ian between the manufacturer and the cpioyc. The farm baud is usuaily in the rmer's bomea, sits at the samne table sud Ijoys ail the social privilegas oi the taie- ly, while the empioye ot the iranufacturer oa.rds bimseli and botb be and bis iamiiy tre as littie known te the manufacturers vife as if tixey livcd in a foreign land. The rm band is the companien et tbe tarmer ,vcry day ini the field or at the barn aud ieuce lias cvery oppertiiy te win bis con- iencc. Hc is a very indifferent baud whe lunnot, by littie kindnesses, by conrtesy aud .eauness et speech, win the respect of tbc irmer's wifa. No farmar can withbold ne- ;ect and confidence from a bired band wbo les bis wrrk wcli, as weii in bis absence t in bi$ prcenpp, and can ha trustcd with emiue details in the fbdi gand a- iement ef live stock. This confidence sccurcd by faithf i work, in advancc lu wages wli corely foilow. No àrman cen afford te part witb a competent icd iaitbf ni farmn band and taka the incv- tabie risk et filling bis place witb an in- a start we wouid let ibem grow until they are in b]oomn, andi then mow ticansd bure there wben dry. Af ter ail there-is ne puri- fier like lire. Notbing wiii se comPlateiy destnoy weed seeds sud whoia bodies ni nexieus lusects as a sweeping fira that wiii lick up averytbing dlean. The ground i wli then ba in tbc very hast condition for ista t ail or eaaly spning eating. Wheu fariners are preparing te put lu a crop ni wixîîer whaat on stubblc grounfi we advisc burniug the grounfi over unden al circumstauccs. Inlu bning stubbie therc isn newaste excepi ef nitrogen, aud '.li ausount et this is se smallinlusîubble tbat it is cci wort-b speaking of, andf the dam:age thai the stuhhle will do in preventing a solid seed bcd is tar motre than the value ni the citrogyen. Every farman knows how1 nicely thF gnouud works aiter it bas bacc bunnefi oser, sud how easy il le then te se- cure a good seed becd? In addition, grant bei-des oftlus ýct peats bave been destroyed., The ash ni the stubble centaine ail the ciements ni reai value excepi the nitrogen. Tnv tha reuovatig value ni ire ou thec stibbhie ields, sud atter tnyilg once the practice wili ha continued. The Feeding of Sheep- %ggland bas a climate ce moisi that it is difficuit te cure grain aud bay te perfection thare. Hay eau ha made wiih great labor under cover or in ventiiated stscks, but grain is se difficuit tô sacura lu soucd condi- tion that litile ni it is usufi in fattcning ani- mais excepi iluseefi or coilouseed i eal im- ported ton ibat purpoca. Tbis foi cas the stockmac te fead large amovnts oet mots, rapeanadf cahbaga, for tha production ot whicb ithe damp climate is admîra-,yadapt cd ; sud1 the entorcud use ni se much a ccu- lent feefi produces tender, jnicy mutinu, just as the uise et ctuhblc giesuioge anfi ai- isbia makas soit pork lu Califoruia. Our Canadian systere ot grain-faedicg mnakes flnm, soiid pork aud lard, aud butter that wil " stand up," but it is noiseo weil adapt- cd te makeewaeet, tender, succulent motion. W lien wc imuportiEniib bneeds oftalxaap wc aret g itaa ti-torauch gain- ... coi enongh moots sud rapa. Tbis bas s tendency te poduce mution thai is dier, harder in its fat arnd more basting te the system etf the consumer. 0ur people est ih witb ne vagataixie accompaninient penbaps but petaines, sud wih white breafifieem wbîch ail the truc boue sud muscle nounisis- ý 1 --- -------- soea ery Mea:n sampias AMeng thse Eug- IlsisNobi!tY. Occasionaliy men bava become nîiseriy fmone gond motivas, as dîi au Italian physicien, wlxo denied himseli the common necesseries et lite,' and whan hae diad was mourcad by cocaeuill bis wiil wes read, wixeu it wes foud ihat lhahaafi lait bic catira fortune to ha expendef inlubrinLing water tronc the movcutains te luis native village. So aise wben JBethleheme Hospital i ae huili an Eassi Endi miser gava a donationî oi £100. Wlieau a collecter cslicd for the amount hae was fouud scolding the servant for tbrowiug away s match whîch bal ni bean hburnad et hothexxds. NMisers are Doticondune teonne ciass ni the commnunity, but bave heen at least as common to the bigbar ranks as te the iowar. John Churchill. finst Duka ni Mariborough, svas the grearest coldier lu Europe. Yet wheu haesves an nid man, in ordar te cave ix pence irore carrlage bine, hae walkad frre the public reoninl Bath te lbis otal lu ai! kinds ni weatber. Haefliaf seuls oue million sterling, whicb reverted te bis bitteresi enexny, bis grandonu, Lord Travers. Sir Harvey Eliwes, ni Sioke, iu Suffolk, ccxi te boerdiîxg money, foxud bic princi- pal pleasure lunetiig partrîdges. Heansd bis houseboii, consictxugoetonueminuaîxd two niaifis, lived upon thiece. In colfi or wat ueathar Sur Harvey wouifi wa]k up sud downubis hall te sava fine. Hic clothes ceci hlm uiotbxng, for hae rauseekefi nid cbests sud eandrohes snd wora those ni bis an- casions. When bie dief tise oniy tear shedi wec by bis servant, te wboxclha lait the iarm, value £50 pur anuun. Tic wboea ni lis property was icftite luis nephew, John Maggott, who thus luberitefi real aud pan- sonal ectata with £250,000, ou condition that lic shouifi assuma the usmne and arms ni Eu as. 0f ibis man, whoi15betterknown as John Elwes the miser, the toilowing srnryis told: Hic uapbew, Coi. Timins, visitcd Ihlm et Marchisaxu, sud, sitar retiiig to nasi, iouxxd hixuseli wet tbrongb. Fiufi- ng ibat tbe nain was aroppïng t rouig1Vthe ceiliug, ha movefi the bcd. Ha bad not lalu long bera the sainxe in- couveuleuce again occurrefi. Agalu lie rosa and again the nain came down. Af tanpush- îng the bcd quite round the mcom, hae oud a. corner wl.err hec eciiup ewas hetter secur-1 The Disease StURi preading on t!ce tcou- London le icel lMen »esisair or Jieepîng Out tberiane. A London daspatch says :-Dr. TLiorne, chief of tbe Sanitary Division efthie Local Governmeut Broad, says he bas gravo doubta of the ability efthte board te keap the cqhol. ersa ont et London. Il e saya the great source et danger je in the Eassi ccd. It is impossi- bic te watcb and incate indigent immigrants, wbo uaturally grevitate toward the cast cn their arrivai in the country. Thby de net knowthemselves wberc they are geicg, and üheir addnesses cannot be registered. They bave no work in prospect and ne iniends te receive tbem, sud they dft te the siums sud anc lest sight ef. Tbey are et course tub- jectefi te immediate inspection at tbe port ni arrivai ; but they might paaýs ibis aud yct bc infectecl wlth choiera in tice incubation stage, whicb wouid dcveiop afterwards. Or- dinary travuilers eau be watcbcd ton any desired Ian gnh et tinte alter arrivai, as they' bave a destination in vicw, andi eau givo their addresses at the instance ni the dol- tor. Ail the leadinv medicel officiais ef Pie Government meyestenday te discusa ho situation. It was resolvefi that more gzn gent meanis'tban cow in force sbenlu> ha authonizefi. Thene is a streug feeling that Mn. Gladistone ebenid convene the Minrters, and pass an order en the ground f e 1uhi< cxpediency empowcning officiais te abh-uteý iy excinde emignants at tieir discrrtion, te long as the danger front choiera esîsts. The steamer Genona bas anrivefi ai Midi- diesborougb ifromt Hamburg, as there was ne sickness ahosi d the crew was aliowed teatèis- cmhark ; but subsequently oeefethte sea- men was sei7ed with choiera, andi tbe Garons was tben placed in quarautina. Thesycin GRAVE CHARGES AC AI.NST THE AUTHORIT k.ES. Tbe Lmxdon Post puhiidhes a latter froum a Hslmbung physicien making the greveci charges et negecet agaiust the autherities. " Net even tbe cacreta et choiera patients,' he said, "ane reudenefi innectieus. A saîlor attaekediwith cboiera ivas leftifor twq.

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