iii a dangerous ernergency, A'vu'S CHERRY PECTORAL is prompt t0 net anid sure to cure. A dose laken on the first symptoms of Croup or Bronchitis, checkrs furtber progress of tbose complaints. It softens tia plegm, sootits the h.-7 fianed membrane, and induces sleep. As a remedy for colds, cougbs, losf vo.ice, la grippe, pîicunionia, and cvo-' ctysumption, in it ecar] stage,~ ,cherry uh& excels ail shmlar préparations. I eu-doDrsedby leadivg physicians, la -. grece- able to thte taste, doas flot interfere witî digestion, and iseads to bc taken îsualh ir. small doses P'rom repeatri tessjemv ewn family, Avere Cherry Pectoral i as procci itself a very effiieu' ,'emedv for raids, coughs, and the varlous dis- ,res et the troat and lugs."-.WBattt ?ittsfil ld, N. 1-1. "ýFor t:,he last 25 years 1 bave heem taking Aycr's herry Pectonr 1tfr lung troubles, and amn assureS dia, his use las Ï have rercommened it te buendreds. 1 ind the Moest effective way et takina this esedicbte is ie srnatl ind freq.ent doses."- r. M. Matthews, Pl. l'., Shernan, Oh: . .My ,ife sufferaS from a c ,Id; notbir.g he'ped ber but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral wv ble efected cure. '-R. Amer,,, PIl mpteu. N. S, Ayeèr's Cherry Pectoral Prepared h, Dr. J. '. Ayer &C .Lwell Ma,. B ARRISTER, SOLICIOR, NOT- ARY etc., offices, McAtihur's bock Kng ret Bowmau ville. Morley to joan,37. M/IOE Y TO LO AN,-On fsrm Secur lu itY On uiost 1, v table tae'ms-mortgages; bouglt. AP)Y nîy RICHsARD F STE1R.eaSt ef t' wu. P 0. Box 119, or J oînx FOSTER, Dreyer, Bowmanviile, P. 0. 5-lyr. FLORIST. OSHA 91A, - - - . ONTARITO Gsower nud dealer in Cisoice eut Flowers. PIeî s t$eRocsî Carrations. Violets. Smilu, audPfarus. Frnnra.i Desizos andi Bouquets mareeun on short notice lunXreath,. Croic'u, IPIII,,ws, I,.arts Soci' ty Kmblems, &j., Plasiii oaneti for Decoration.Eucb as Palms Ferins Liies. &o. Tléphone Counecton. 1. ly F R E E! Pac ofeThcgnEs Ti l$andE~ large 100 pate Picîntre Book 1ht Iwi , r'iely Puriit n ote rosdt ea haundni, otie- Sed 5 ' ï iietopay postage, A W KIgN>"Ey, Bi. C. 8.. Vrmouth, N. S. 12 3m. O" 0 RENT -For termi of years, 1(lieni "1-Dbu "-300 acres, 2 niles front, Wbltby- gond lhutîdinig andi soli Admirable or stocki or dairy. et suce for going exteuiyaly iute Torointo mnilit businàes or stock raisîug te, 1uRnei,jean marke. Men witrs capital only Aeed apply. J. Hl. Do, Whltby, 32 tf,- F AR FORSALE-The north halt &I Luinte 3'd concession oft fhe cen ann,ï l100 acres more or lesa. !> Iipon thaeprelnu,Ses aresa goodl dwelliug house, banandi stable. Thera i a neyer fiiiug î pring Cosé e îthebbuildings, agood yonng _rIlard Fyr teni.s and ,rni set,.,s an YOUNG FOLKS. EDUUjATIOIq OF PRMOES. BtY CaneraI 4asîs iRadeaui. Iu 1643 Louis XIV. hacausa King et Fra7tsca, îlougb ouly 5yeans elt. Wahah Wu5s t 6 or 7 thte Princea ef Coude, oeeoe 11egreateet nobles ant bicîdier he ialime, want te psy bis court le bis little master, anti the King îoek off hie bat le naceive hiins lTae l'rince, ef course,ucoverati aud mati a prof ounutioleisance ; atten titis lbey stooti îalking for a witile, flite bey stili bolîliug lis bal in his itandti li bis valet wenlnup beltinti im aud wiisperati : 1'Site, ha covaret." It was propan for hies te lake off bis bat in recuivsug se grand a personaga, but tisas tue Kiug stoltibu ceverati whiileh oltar ratuainuti tare. Wlsau Lous ut* bis haltte Prince at once >exc1ýiimtid " Ihat te igit, Sire ; yen (le us houer eneuglis lutakîug off youn hallo e neive us." Iu tit.j way litli kir'gs are tugtt ltei las- sons lu royal deporîmeut. La Perte was te vaIetýs name. Ru slapt lu te roons wilh tte king anti rend tins stories trom isstony tdli ha feu aseeep. Until titenth îe omen ivio caruti for him.tati-bld hint f airy tonies at nigitî, La Perle changeti titis for tales about greal kinge wiso rulati their subjeels weIli. heru avas a geo etitas et 'ueremeey about the geing t edt. lTae boy king aixînys eciecleti the isebleusan w-be was te bold thea cantilu whea ha autereti lte bcd citaushu. It was s great houer to lightthis littie inajesty. La Perte remarkuti titat the king Lad nse'l otiltiren etfbotter" about tins, as otitai royal chiltirun in tbose tisys tati, ltatisleciiltren et great people for pisymnatas anti attendants,.lTaseyi teitif etoue e it ings cf Franci boi bis chilibooti bat a littie iboy companion1 who was always wbipped when flite kiug titi wreîîg, for ik woald net do, it was îlsought, te wbip a king, howaver îsaugbty et how- ever youg. Prohably il weuld hava beau btter fer king anti people aîttuwarti if ha bahautse punisîsco parsonaliy. Crtaiuiy il wouiti have huait pleasanter fer tae utile courtier wbe sutîcreti for bis tacite. lTe valet wae a gentleman, for the ser- vants et great kinge area dIeu very grand peopiletemselvs ; this ene was vorv aux. icus about hie maseie's mannars, Ru eotserv- edt uaI Louis in iis gamas odieu playeti taepartof a ser',ast.'lo coreclttis La Perte oeeday seatati himseait lunte young Kiug's citait anti put out, is bat, anunopar. doîsablu liberty. Louis conîplainati te iis nicîher, Aune of Austnia, anti La Perte in- tommeti bar ttlita was tryîng te cure flite Ktng cf playiîîg vlt. If ltae Ktng teck lte servauî's place, lte servant wouiti take tisa Ring'. lTe Queun explainedth iis le Louis, anti ta navet afttrwartîek ttc part ot a valet in hie garyes, Most et ttc courtiers wbo sunnoundeti Locuis et bis uariy age only seugbt le obtalu tas crs frein hlm anti te gain bis gooti wili by tlsîîety anti indulgence, for aveu ttaen ha coulti beslow usey andi plates onuthaîn. Bran tise Queun, wte wns only 1egau_ ouil te becamaetf geand tae Prime Minster raînembered Ilbesvpowerful ha woultioe day ha, snd were carutul 'lot te refuse iim uitat ha waîîiti. Naturaliy bu graw up le bu a selit imnseeeking hie owu plessura at tise expeese oet uea soleringe et hisspeople ant i luviolation et houer anti îîsraliiy. Louis XIV. lst ait speci men cf wiat abad cd ucation eau do ton a prince. Queen Victoria et Engzlanti shows wi.at a geeti training will do for royal etiltitan. Site was tae iice et Williant IV., wtose wife hati ne chiltircu. so tisaitfisa vn,î,s Victoria. Site wss Pnincess Royal of Eng- lanti, anti is uew Empress Fredenick, motter efthIe present Garmnan E mparer. lTe famiiy muet bave liyed la greal iutimaey anti treedoîtiamong tiensseives. lta Prince et Wales was nlwRys calle Il"Bartae,' Alfredi, tiseDoua cf Edinhurgit, was "Affi," sud tite PrinjesHelena bati a German niekamne Il Lenclien ;" for tbay ail spoka German witan they were by ttenîselves. lTahe hiltiren aise spoka Frencht, but 'ite tatitar being a German tlsey have ail a sligitt German accent 'wben speakiuig Englisli ; titis is aspaciaily notoceable in tue Prince of Wales. lTe boys, ct course, learneti1Latin, anti boys and girls ware matie good rider2ansd dancars. lTae Duka ofEtinîburgb lad a passion for mulsicansd play s ltaeviolin veny tairiy ;tisa Princese Louise sîtilatisculpture,tae Pnincese Hai. ana bas publîiset s book aud Beatnice sketches weli. AIL the daigitters wera accomplisteti, but Alica, tha Grand Duches ot Russe, aud tise Ltnpress Fnaderick ha. came womren cf greater talant ansd strossgen character titan most o eiar sux. lTe sous wera educatud ton especial pur- poses or careers. lTae Pritîce etf Wales was teo ha aKing ;tisa Dukue ofEdinturgit is the sailor Prince ;tise lîke et Connangist is a ieWdier, sud if tite Quacu bas lier way wiil comnîaîd the army, wiila thte youugast son, now ,Iead, was more schoiariV in Iis laites. Se al etottoas Hue breugitl up te their tradas like lte sens cf humbiar folk eîsiy tae traîles isera somewisat dîllerent. The Prince etfXWalas -uas saut tle Eton aîsd Harvarti, thte two great public sciîoeis te wltici tise sons cf the nobiiity and import- ant gentry go, and ntterwarti te oh titlie unîvrsities et Oxford anti Cambritige in toril, soeltatneiter siteai t ink itsait negiecteti. Ru lived very muait as the otîser boys and echolare tiid ; bad oue or two more servansts sud attendauts, wore a gold tassai in bis cap, but was sabjact te IU a raies, anti ganerally oeyedt Iem. Attar loýis bu was sent ahroad se ltaI ha miglit sua otiter coantrias besities bis own. Re visited Amanica witen ha was ouly 19 anti at 's sshýitgten was receivati by Presideîst iBuchanan, sleeping a igtit aIt te Whtite Rouse. lit New Y~ork onaetflite grealeet processions sud evations that exet occurreti ltera was effered te lte bey Prince. Ris heliavior at that lima was îsniversally de- clared admirable; et course le was tutoreti by ltae great gentlemîen who atieudedtir future King, espeially lte olti Iuke et Newcastie sud Caneraî Bruce, tut stili ton a lad et bis years, a Prince in a democratie country, te unaka ne mistake was a mark et sense anti braeding net consmon in anly raîsk. lire Prince, hewevar, bati a great ides et bis own censaquence, as ust princes hav-e. Il somtisas matie hum act in a fastiion titat M'a sioulti eallunfiltal. lus faisan Has a foreiguer sud could navet become King, se tat lte Prince eti Wales, lte future sover- igu, was, by Enlilitnoies, tIse greatar persouaga, sud ettitiadti 10greatai public honore. Once lbey v ara vîsiliug soe naval i-essai andthîe prince and bis tatiter occupiati dificrent enial hoats. lTe royal standiatrdwas itoisted over te tathet anti net overthlit Prince et Wales at whicli tua son was very indigntant aud lsimed bis igitste îougis s lad et only 12 or 14 yeans Se bu hattily sems te hava beau taugitt hantiliiy amoug bis other studioes, et leaset ha iîad net learned. bis lesson weii.- lTe Prince anti Princess of Wales in thiai tutu have triadt e brîîtg up tuait ebiltiren pneperly, snd, whiltilhey were very yog, wilîîgreat simpiicity. The Princese indeeti ,wasnet hotuneyai. Duringa alber cirli sont to ses andi made midshipmeu. They werealaiowud their valets, but hati uo eq- nanaes or gentiemen-iî.waiting; tbay messeet in the wand-noom at the samie table witit theit nes, and were suhjccted to ail the raies aud erders, like auy otber offilcer of te saie tank luntte uavy. Ouly wben off duîy or ashoru they were calied "Sir," and want bafore their captain or commodore. Thie yeung feilows about titanswure niot s0 punctilieus as- oldar people, and played practical jokes on thein at times, whicit the princes took lu good part, reveuging them- salves iu the saine way if îisey waru able, lbey wera downrigbt good fellows. But thera ara othar than Eugliih Princes iu lte orld. Thte littlu Qnaan of I{oilaud and tha baby King et Spain ara piaying aud sludying iu their palaces at lTe Rague andi Madridi, hardi1 conscieus of thair future dîgnities, if îndeed tls<se dignitias ara quite sacuru. The Prince Inipaniai of France, bora St the Tuileries, was jost as carefuliy trainu- ed as elîhar of tem, but whan lha was 16 the Frencht Empira was overturnati. This young lad iu bis eaîly years was eutireiy uder lis motitar's caru. The Empress selectati esci day lte clothes haesîsoulti wear, just as any motter in middlea11f e miglîl do: site was ofttn preent whea hie racited hie les euis, sud lha prayeti uait uight St bis mothar's kece, as childreu in ail tinias sud stations pray. Ha rawardad lbar with great devotion, and in bier leneiy exile in En glanid, attar the deatit of Napoleon III., titis boy bacame baer ail. Hie aas sent to thte Englisit Miitary Aeaderny at Wool- wieit, aud during ouaetfbis vacations want- ed his mother to v7ear bis cap of a cadet. lTe Empress at first objacteti, but ite in- sisteti, and at last hae niacati bis cap on te liaad that had worn a crown ; ha wrapped h is jacket about lier waist, andt itn threw bis arms in boyieh gice arount iebr neck te titank lier, A beaulifal pietare tbay matie, titis Emprees widow and exile ant ieha boy. Ris tather, the second Emparer, was tae son of Louis Bonaparte, King of Hoilaud, aud Hortense Beanitarnais. Once, ýaitte age of 3 or 4, ite was lookiug from obepJl aca window sud saw seahiumuble cîidren playing ju tha muti cf tbe streets below, Ha wauted te go tiown anti juin titam, bat et course the attendlants coulti net permit titis, sud tisa littie Prince crieti bittly bca cauise bie was rasîraineti frein the gamu titat cbiidreîî et bis age prefar. Ris costly tloys were far lese attractive te is tItan tite nnt pies litewantedt t sake witb lthe beggars. Tise King of Spain te net qite so unlucky as tbis. Ris littie Majasty bas a squirtgan mlticitlia dlights in aimiîîg at tae courtly dignicartes wvio sarreuund hii, and il is considarati very proper for great ladies aud gaîtarais te stand silîl sud let the littie mnoiîareb dense tbeir embroitiereti gowns sudunuiferîne. lTae soin of tite German Emparer is vary military, as hecemes tite hait to s military usonarcltv. Ha bas a uniferm in wbich bie trots arouud aftcr lte slliers. Ris nurse eau hardiy itolt ims ack ; ite wiil keep stap witit treepa et stand ils front se that thay inut sainte tbeir princea et four or five years ot aga. Te lataît scions of royalty is tite grand. daugitter etflita Prince et Wales, da:sghiar of tise Ducbess of Fife, and great grand. dauglîter of tLe QueauIlier aducation is itartiiy bagun, but lier mother carnies bier- about inlibr ewn arms, which is nol u.sual witit prince.ses, se that tite fasbion saenis continuti. Ibis littia personaga is calleti Lady Victoria Duif, but sîsa may ha Quaen et Englanti. If ltae oîly living son of the Prince et Wales sisenld diae to-morrow tbara woult baD bar bçtwe ber andthie titrona. for Infants and Children. "Cstorlai sowelladaptedtobldetbN atorla cures colie, cou Ipatlon, Irecomeud faasuprlortauyprscripion ISour Stomacit îihe. reain recmmnd a suerorto ny llýaI 1Kmls Worms, gives BleeP. n rmttd Imown tomze" H.]E A. AncuEts, M. D., gestion, UIIO. eord st., Brooklyn, N. y. Wltlsout nujuiloul mdicO.tioD. TRE C~ENTuR Coxp'Àei, 77 Murray Street,N.. k FOR SALE BY J. III1GGINBOTHAM& SON, EOWMANIIVILLE* A large Stock of well selected Ainerican Wall Papers, cheap and beautiful froin 6-,ts. to 5Oct,3 Fer roll. Cail and sac for yourself be- fore purchaýiig elsewhere. Ail cotors of Paints readv for use, guaranteed to give good satis- fact ion, Floor païnt a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes auLd Whisks, Glass any size, and Putty, Painting, Gi ainng and Papering donc promptly and satisfactorily For ail of whîch cal at SHERIN &KRYS 'I(cuiL s X K rg st., tttc(ii T iele%(n'a and Reîcl's Shoe store, Bov înanfl H'AINES'GARRIA GE WORS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, -MIANUFACTURER OF- ARIACES, LIS UERAlN~Q KINlG STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Now on haufi a numnber of veàicilaid jq m, sha arias,,î at ni iv ioreof ti olt33t patterns andi bett finish, which t ain oflrernig for sale at the iovwast p"tDcC C3'istOflt with due regard te workimanship anti quality. The followtng is a list 0f - the principal vehicles mnanufactureti by me Double Ce'.ered Carniages.,.. ................ ..............._$150 Upward. _ _uSýingle }'itotons ............................................. OpnBgy ............. .................................. To *ug...................................9 Demlocrat wgns.......................... Lumber Wagons ....... ........ .............. .................5 Light Wagon ..................................... ............... 40 Express \Wagon .................... t.................. .............5 Skeleton ........................................................A Sulky ................... ...... ..................................40 Possessingsnperior facilities for manufac'5arin5 cirriages, I ibntustt s1 uy ie f )r esis approvafi credit, andi by si doing 1 hopa to greatly in ci ess mv nunabcr of sale3. We seli the wood p.i"Us only, or te gearings of bagIies iroaui't. AUil Ki-nds of Vehictes H'-'epaired