_________________________________________________________ ____________________________ M I ___________ The Close Hunting Season. The times during which sportsmen in Ontario m"y test their powers in aearch of game are as follows: Deer, batween the let and lSth of Noveniber, inclusive. No one person te kili more than tw,3 deer. The killing cf fawns is prohibited. Grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl or par- tridge, woodcock, anipe, ployer, or other vater fowl or game bird or animal (includ- Ing rabbits and black and grey sqciîre1sF,) between the l5th of September and l5th -ùf December, inclusive. ,1 Quail or wild turkeys, between Oct. lSth and Dec. 15, on and after 1897. NWild turkeys, beaver, otter or fisher not to be taken or killed until 1897. Swaus or wild geese between the 1lSth. of Sept. and lt of May following. Docks of ail kindo, between Sept. let and December lSth. iNot more than 3C0 dlucks to be killed, by any one person during any one season. Kiiling wKild fowl between suneet and sunrise is forbidden,and hunting on Sun- day is also prohibited. The sale of quai1, snipe, wild turkey or partridge, no matter where killed or pro- cured,is prohibited for the yeara 189293. Dr. Butler'a Golden Puis are supersed- in)g ail other remedies for the cure of nervcus and blood diseases. Their action is quick, sure and unfailing, a great blood producer, thus feeding the nerves with the desired vital force, imparting rew strergth and bealth to the whole body. The contents of the Dominion Illustrat- cd Monthly, published by The Sabiston Litho. & Publishiug Co., Montreal and Toronto, for September are: Frontispiece, Views in Muskoka ;,A Visitation at Ver Rev. Wiliam HTollînshed Of Sparta, N. J., voluut=~y says: "To Whom it May Concern: Il Unasked I deema it Iny duty to a suffering hurnanity whose bodies and 5ouls 1 would have healthy, to tell them of the value of Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Whille living iu Ohi oue of rny chilidren ivas greatly Afflicted With BOUS having 30 on her limbs, and being unable te walk. 1 had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and bought a bottie, half of which cured en- tirely. Two years after, anotîser child e as afflited as badly. I used the other hiaif bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla eith like re- sults. About four years after, the child first afficted was again tormented like Job,, and 1 bought a bottie (ou Sunday at that) and again acure. 1 gave some ofthemedicine to, a poor woman and two children; they wero helped as were mine. Througli a testimo- nial sent to C. 1. Rond & Co., inquiries came <)ROYQ, Ç Condensed from the News.) Miss Annie Jerome lias returned home from Zou. Mr. Jas. Bell lias been at LakeS.-ugog dueli shooting. Tvr. Wm. Rowe, Bowmanville, was in tûwn recently. Majsor McLear, Port HKape, was in town last week. Mr, Robt. McQilU Etilil continues in veeq poor health. Mrs. J. L. IRowe lias been visiting friendsin uToronto. Mrs. N. F. Hall was visiting friende lu Toronto ýaBt week. Mr. Albert TourJee spent a few days in Oshawa last week. Mr. Will. Bill, Port Hope, opent Sun- day weel at Mr. R. Hill's. Mr. and, Mes. Wm. ThompsoB wereý, visiting in Toronto recently, . Mr. John Miller lias purchssed the I Ferguson proper&y for $150. Mr. John Beer has the contract for re-] moviug Lockhart'a elevator to omn ville. -Mr. Moment, aceonipanied by Mrs. Biggerman, lef t for Brooklyn, N. Y,, last Wednesday. Mrs. BR.* Grant sud daugliter, Miss Emmna Grant, Toronto, have been visting frieuda here. Messrs. Geo. Reid, Peterboro, And J. Reid, Newtouville, were gueos at Dir. Adam Henry's last week. Mrs. Muiligan, Newcastle, and Mrs. Thrnpêov, Newtonville, bave bzzen visit- iug at Mr. Jas. Liuton's. Mr. Wm. Corniali purpcees erectiug'a new frame dlwelling on the site of the one recently dcstroyed by fire.1 w __ Athi ete anDe rby 01IC AR ETlES Are solci on their Merits Everyboiyknows they are the best. Everybody Smokes them They have no rivais. J cnr& IL AntUUL..... .' 1-j '_. o an moeayrathaian uy aruiuu-fi l"i, This medicine is manufactured by t.he offered by unscrupulous parties as heing rà! r;edeuln oe mint3 ) Fl.w tar eiw ilin ceg îoeî ovn.caii oi y. Ont. oronoeiiutowuaN. Y., wbonalso 'oodias .B.B. It is an homeat medicind others i manufacture that unrivalled cougli mix- aud has made remrakable cures rîght lun('1OWS FOR SALE.-Cows already reo.gisfrsl.Apy tC~RLIr.b ecmehte o u rnt ture, Magnus sxetratad the Magia our own town. Jnowed and some to corne in soon for sale ua m~ny, Bowmanville. Pile Lotion, TheEe remedies are for sale iJNU , IVIAbUNb W. P. RIaIT, CIslDeaP.eO inhaving N.B. Ellioct's Roler Flour kept. k 1 ' ' ,~ PESt COD> LIVER 0111L ombined qvih eStock, Box i.,I3owrnanville. 1I toi T.J. AS NS 1I. I I I Ilare A M hain by alrespectable dugit-B krje l 1Cer ndUppop1tsrnesbouglit Clarke Towahip, la prepared t 1J T I 1LLIA S Ilm.itiibrn7% EmulsioIk thaebest on thsemarkeet, Ripans Tabules banish pain. DRY GOODS and JEWELRY HO1USE. put up fonce. AD-Faiîuers Produce takion. CLEAR YMUR, HOUSE 0F FIES. o0 We have the best, the cheapest, the most effectuai FJy Killer. Tanglefoot StickyFly Paper; Fly Poison Pads., Fly Poison Feits, AND PURE INSEOT POWDER-,, OHEMISIS AND .ORUCCISTS.