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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1892, p. 2

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__________ __ z (CUTPLUG.) (PLU G.) No other brand of Tobacco lias ever en= joyed sucli an immense -sale and popularityin the saine period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldesz' Cul 7'obacto rnanufac.. tiurs in Canadac. M1ON'REÀL.. Cut PJug, 10c. j lb Plug, 10c. j lb Plug, 20c. M ONEY TO LOAN,-On farîn sacur ity on tnost ISvorab1e tenîs-mortgages bought. ApplY te RICHARD FOSTER, eaat Of toýwn. P. 0. Box 119, or7.JOHN FOSTER, Drover, Bosemanville, P. 0O S lyr. FLORIST. OSHAWA, - - . ONTARIO Grower and dealer in Choice Cnt Flowers. Plants, Roses. carnations, Violets, Smilax. and Ferns. Funeral Designs and Bouquets made ni) on Short notice in Wraatbsi. Crowns. Pillows, Reants. Soci-ty ltmblem4, &ý. Plants Loatied for Decoratin-n.euch as Palma Ferra Lilies. &c. Tlephone Convection. 1-ly T O RENT-For terni of yaars, "(Ilas Dhu "-3W0 acres, 2 mil]e rom Whitby- goosl buildingsa d soul Admirable Ïor stocir or dairy. Ct, ance for going extanslvely into Toronto mllk business or stock raising foi temerican manke. Men with capital only Aaed apply. J. H. Dow, Whetbv. 32 tf? THE CANADIANSJATESNIAN ESTABLI-RED 1854' St per amnnm in advance. otbar wise $t. 1). Subseiptions aiw4y% payAble at tue o0111 ieif publication. Adverti,3in4 nains unlass by c sl ract, 10 cents4 par lia., nonp iieia rfnat insa-t en, and i stslp3r lins oaahsubisequt u !- bertion. Locale, 10 cents pin lino. M. A. JAMES, Publishe IVOR SALE OR RENT.-Housa and -L iacres for sale or to rent. etuate or Scngog Street north. The premises conelet co a good house wîh every convenlence, drivlnq sbed, stabla, etc. Tue garden cantalns alot&o the choicest fruit ot ail variettes. Immediar,, posession can ha given. Fur particulaers appi> te W. FîSsLeaî 1. BoWmanVîlle Ont. 4Ji1 STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. capital pald RD. 8,OOO let 59 e.10) This Bank is prepard to do Legiti- mato.Pianking in al its branches. Faruîer's notes discounted; iDeosit.3 received and Interest paid on accounts of $5 and up-wards in Savings Bank L'epartsnent. D IlAFTS lamaei and Collections made in Earopý United 0tates, and Canada, W. J. .JON-Ei, ONTARIO BANIK continues to do a General Banking Business Iluwmanvile Agency. DEPOSITS liec 'vA'd Ie Pavinze JStTi-k 1)aartmett and r ,e and interest allowed atourrent ratce N~o ,coicecf withdrawal nacessary. Ail d<posic, c eon demond, EXCHANGE U iuted States and Canada, aiea G ld,S!ilyansd COLLECTIONS YI r "tly madie at carraus rares upon ai p1r <f î;'.'at Bri'tsidn the UJnited States an- !k 0oIlibe a1Canada. Telegrapli Traîisfers M1(01 !(y e!>t tn ru roi eum4ouail art cof ,rada. 'Ibis la rsjeeiaiiy atvantagai stri rerC-120 living iu Manitoba or thNoh-ust it ' ,jr.theiafunds avaiableeat 6 NoflS tb,7s' pla ce of isnlst.. liber particulars cail attthe ha-,k. 1. L11ORTT CGL0. ScGILL, Accountaut. Manag'er V ETEIi&RY SURGEOhI. ORONO, - ONT. Office.-P.St Offlue Black. Culs <'Y tee9rôpb or selephone recelve lut me :iate attention. kAi ýS ALE KiiC IHOUSEHOLD. Education in the Iitchen. Friands of ganuina social ir'provamenl ana congnatuiatiscg licunsslves tbat the pris- grass ot edîscation la begtusnine lt taeafeef lu this imsportant depantunesît of tionsstic lifa, Cooting -chools bave spnrnig sîp in mnauuplaces in Ibis r-orntrv ami in-r rE 2amir stinnut rougi a colentier ; seson with sait anti pppanr, and tirm mb the sonp oua tablespoonful of coruabarch anti une of but- batr wall nubbe t ogether ; add a haîf tabla- spounful oi auger anti a piusch of soda. Boil Ian sminutes anti secrve. STE-,ED TOMATOEs.- . If frasb, scalti, -Peel anti alicu ; place s lump of butter iiia b ot stilietb, put jus tbe tonîstoas, season wibh --t-, MR. A141 MRS. BOWBEII. What was in Ibat box wbich cama up Ibis aflernoon ?" quenieti Mca. Buwsam as Mr. Bowsan cama home tIsa othun avaniug. " That box!I Mrs. Bowaur, titi you aver Isear of the ganse of croquet V, "Von bavr-us' bought a croquet set?" -"Heu'u'lI? lIs about half an bn,,r f-rm -h but the Eugiisb are takiug tbe iead in or- atirning iaif; cook canned unes about f. ganiziug îbem uas a part of their national teeni minutes. Serve at once iu a deep dish and commun achool syatemt. 0f tbe, imper iinedl witb toast. A litIle cream added juat tance of this mnoveme;nt, ibere carnnot bu the before serving improvueibehm, sligbrest question. Considening our nec- STFWED ToMýATKS.-2. Peel and slica sources aiid tbe vaunted education and iu- oue dozen tomatoes, put imb a sauzepani telligence of American wornen tbere is mucb aud cook siowly-balf an bouc. Crumb fine to criticise in the culiuary systaîtîs of to two suices of liit braad, add to tise toma- many bousewives. tues, and simmer a faw moments longer. Thay seenstoebave thu igbt ides uon Season witb butter andi sugar or witi but- tbis mattar in Ganmany. Germant cooking ter, pepper andi sait. andi Garman habits of eatiug are very unu. lika ours. Many of their disbes wonld 'De repulsiva ltous; but it is a gooti customt aînong the Germait girls that ail "lis, learu FIEARLS 0F TRUTH. how to cook, In tbat country thare is a- department of industny, the art of bouse- Striving to better, oft wa mer wbat's keapîng. This i3 desigueti espaciaily for wail. -[Shakespeare. wometi, anti constitutes the chief giory iu Ona cen net livu to bc a haro, but ona tbat land of scholars anti scientists. No, can aiways ha a mian.-[Goetbe. young lady is regarid as having a CniseetiIf God '--ars witb the worst of us, wae au education unlesa abe lbas speut ai least cite snreiy endura each otban,-[Waiter Scott, ycar in the bouse ofsomte good famiiy iearn- Gv htynhv.T oeoei sng the art of bouaekaaping. Gv btyubv.T oeoas It requires bardly lesa talent andi training mny ha baller than yon dara to think.- ta ha a good cook than to ha a proficiant [Shakespeare. aclor or artist. Suma bave a grealar facuity Many a amiliug face bides a mourniug than others, but nu ona cau wali foragu beartl but grief alunae teachas wliat we the etiucaîiun anti training acquired hy ar.-[Scbilier. eaaly experieuce. Good professional cooks The featbereti arrow of satire bas oftan caninot always behadt for money, anti a'beau wet witb tbe hearl's blooti of ils vie- large numben of housakeapers cannot wall tini.-[Disraeli. afforti the extra expanditura. But as a lW e are our owu worst andi isnt danger noIe peiti servants wbo bina ont to do ganer- o us socieîy wben M'a are in trouble. -[Celia ai housawork do not undenstaudtth uai- i ouiy ness at sdi. Tbay bave nu akili ; basida, P*Woly tbey ara siotbful, wastafui, caeaîca andi A kind beant is a founlain of gleduesa, utleniy nnreliie. The youug bonsawife, raking averytbing in ils vicinity freaben if sbe is voing to bave a servant or aven, into smiles.-[Jrn ug. lwo, muat herseif kuow how tu cook, bow Tbe chains of habit are gananaliy too amali to buy, boss'te serve, anti how te save lu ha fuîtunutil thay are too strong to ha thinga berseif. If you understanti thinga broken. --[Jobnson. anti bava a mathoti youreelf yon eau Scott Our grand business in net t tee what lias teech a compteut, tractahle servant. No dimly at a distance, but ta do wbat lies clean- woman eau beach wbat abe doas not kuow ; iy at hant.-[Canlyle. su every youug housekeepen mnst panforce Tbose who paý their employes good wages learu bu teacb, i. ., tu keep bouse. are more Iruiy philaisîbropists than those By far too large a number of honsekeepens -who out wagas anti give iargely 10 chapela kuow iittie of tbe business tili îbay menry. for the poor. Few girls take kiiidiy to tIse kitchan ; they limtdgohueisneftecie prafer lu do fancy iork, play on the piano, Uîimtigoihmoisoafteeif or it in the parlur witb îbair hast fiuery requisites of ail gooti govarumant, wliether ou, rather than te souI heir dalicata banda of oue's suif, a nureery, on a cointy.-[Mra m ithfCour on disbwater. When tbay," gel L. Orîniston Chant. a man" theybhunry into the kitcher, take a l Philanthropy, lîke religion, wauts fis of few lassons in making fiee cake and cookis's ail the gift uf the beart andi soul of tbose sud baking pies, snd gratinata fuli.Caedgeti wbo wotîld do goodte1 othens. Unless yon cooka, The fact is ilîey bava not learneti giva yoursaif yeu cen not belp othars. to cook at ail and know notbiug of hourra- How mncb trouble ha avoitis wbo doas inaeping. As a resuit thea drst yaars of Ibeir îet look tu sua wbut bis neigbbor aays un marniat i lfe are rentiared misenabla hy Ibis:.dues or thinka, but ouiy te wbha i doas want of knowledge. Thea 'oeuy parhaps biiîself, Ihat it may ha juar anti pure succeed ini a ureasuia in tha andi ; somns [Marcua Auralinis. neyer learei. Luxury is matenialistie and salfisb ; il The lamants of liousekaeping sbould ha retards the meutl anti soiritual devalop- ocquired in early lifa. To know bow lu ment of a people sud tends lu impoveniali prapare for, anti presida at a tabla which a nation. Lnxury breetis luxury, as sin shall unite sîaatness witb comfont, is nul hagets sin.-[Prof. Ely. oniy an accomplislîment but a virtue. -oe pnioaius he nb Hp Says Mrs. Chiltis in ber " Frugal Iluse- Hoesiiulze It. Hp wil :""A nowedg ofdomali duiasniakes il always uuw ;andi aven in the wite A kowldgeof ometicdutes earth's hast anti brigiteat a--pect, bupa is bayonti ail pnica to a woman. Evary oua shows il te ha ouly tiesa sadowv of au iii- of our sax uugbt to know bow te saw ant inCite bliss hereafte.-[Nathaniei Haw- knit, anti maud, sud cook, aind aupeintandtihIbrue. a houschold. lu evary arbuation of lif'e, higpb or low, Ibis sort of kuowledge i. of greal Hava the courage to cut ltioseat agrea advantaga. Thera is nu nocessiîy Ihat the able acqurintance you bava, wben yen ara gaining of sncb iufonmâtiou shoulti inter- couvincati h2 lacks pî:ir.cipla; a frienti fera witîs intcîlectnal acquirumant. or aven shoulti her witlî a frieutis izfirmities, but witb elagant accompishmenî. A wail-regu- lot witb lus vices. Ha ithat dosa a 'basa iatet i nticati Ced lima be attendte0ail. tbing iu zeal for bis friand, bernastIsa golden Whau a girl is ninie on tan yeans olt, ie hebreadt Iaî bintisIbeir beants togeîbar. shouiri h a acusturcedte taka soume ragular Science lias doune machs for us, but il is a share lunisousaholti tities, andtie feal ne- puor science that wouîd bide from os the sponsibla for the manner un whicbhanerpînt great, Jeep, sacreti infinitude of nescience, is panfoninat; sncb as manding, waahiîîg whither we eau neyer panetrate, ou wihil dlishas anti pottîig thaîi in place, cleaning ail science swims as a mena superficiel film; silver, or dustiug andi arraugiug tha parlor. This wonit,after ail our Science auk caîcs This shoult iiol ha Joua occaioually ant islastili a miracle ; v.oneulirn,incîtbe naglectati wbeneverabcshe Cda il conveniant;! magical andi usre te wbcsuever wili lîink she sLoulti coniidar il bar d epanîmaupt. of il. -[Carlyle. WVheu oldan Iben twelve, girls shouiti taire tonuis in snperintandiug the bouseholti, Seeing andi Observing. kaeping accounit of waekly expensea, malt- iîrg puddings, pies, -cakes, bresti, andthei Dunung a wan hetween Austria auti Tur- cookiîîg of ail substantiel food. To learu key, a baker in bis ceilar irîeading breati effactuaily, they shouiti acîually do these 'noticeti a siigbt nuise rising anti fauliing et t-hiogs themselves, nol stand hy anti sea intervals, whîch seemedte1 comae frein a dis- othaîs do tlisen." tant corner of bis celar. Ha alopputi bis Traininîg like this would prevrut mucb in-1 work. anti tracing the sounda, discuvarati convuniauca netote 0sey unhappiness, ina ihet Ihay ware cauti hby a few manhles householti. Every houaewifa shoiiitikuow dancing up aisdiclown on the Iseat oiea utIle how te manage a isousahoiti. If oua doas dtimm is chilti hati ieft Ibene. han own work it is impurativa Ibat sha pas- The majuniby of pensons would have beau' sess Ibis knowludga ; if she employa seT- satisiedte10attnihuta tbe motion of thie ara- vauta it is scarceiy ls ieas î"acsary. To ha hies btiste rumbling iiitbe straut', or tb the ahie te instruct domastica wbo ara ignor- occesional Ciring of guns ; but tbis man Ivas antI; te kuow whun Ihay bave dotsa waIl, 'ais observer. anti when Ibey have dotte enoungi, wben SurpriseS al, the perfect r-gularitv with they hava reasoistebeh weary, or te coins- hicb the osarbies jumpati frons the druisi- plain, il is nucessary te bava hati soma par- heatilia put bis ean 1te te groui anst srouai axpenienca of what is nequireti of inoticet a distaîsîtapping. Ha racailetihow tîsan. il as a boy baebati huard froînone eisti0ofa Complainis uf Ihe errons of domusties aresiong log e conipiin sanachicg wiî,h e pin vary common, anti wiîb noise mura so tisan upoîs the othar anti; ant ieh judged tIsaI the with tbosa who ara icast qsaliied tei direct aartls was juat sucs a conîluclor of Souind as the. hap~J~sctemu tm&epetLof the luliehd beau. theus; penliapa there is a iack of nsaking r Suddenîy il fiasheti opon liinsiihat what dune aliowance for Ilim causes of irritation, bu huard was the Soundt of a pick, anti that on of sympathi*zidg ini tia bartiships of thein ýtha Turks were doiug what hati long beau lot. fearuti, uudermniing the cily. TIhe uîews was carnieritethie Anstnian general, examiîs- To L't Dow Tamaees. ation manie, a counlaermina prepaneti anti ex. To ut ow Toatos. piotiat, andthie iTurks put 10 flight. lit the ToMeA'u PRaEivFs. -Scalti anti paneeuaniy part of Ibis century an Eiiglishbaboton- ripa tumatoas; the yaliow pear-shapeti unes maltai became faunous for the steel waisb- are the hst ; prick witb ae needie, atitiau 'coat buttons whiciîlha usadte manufactura, aq ual wight of sugar anti ]et tbem stand1 wilh liues cuit upon Ihens for ornameut, Ha over nîglît. Iu the monng pour off the gnadually put tlsa unes nearer anJ neaner juica ant ilclown thick :adtithe toma- tugaîber, anti obsenveti that as hae incîcaseti .ous anJ cook util transparent. Flavor the numben of Diuas, thie buttons becama wiîh lensun. mura anti more iridescent. Ha expiaineti To.SiA'O SALAD-I. Scaiti anti remiove lis.d.iscoveny te a sciantiat wbo began ex- Ibe ikins. Chop the toînatoas witb ceury, perimunting opon ruieti plates of steel. Tha pour off the juiceansd adti a gondi saleti rusuli waa the wontierf ulIl"diffraction lressing. gnatiig " wbicb is nov. usati in the uac ToOsiÂTu SALAD-2. Arrange altarnata of the glass prisn,opon ail great telaSCops uow l'il bu pruvîntah you that what you tion't know about croquet wouiti malt aa large book. Mrs. Bowsen, l'va got tinti of your bragging about Iîow yon usati ta heat everyoue lus fouir counnues. "lBut 1 neyer braggad, anti you know wa hati't beau- mannieti but eigbt tiays wba- wheu--" IlWhan wiîat? 5Ve starteti in ta play a gamu of cnoquet, but yoo wene sa bounut anti duterminudtialu huaIme thal I waltati off. Yas, I nenuemabar all about it, anti 1 uant ta giva yuu a uitIle pointer. If yeu ca' play fain don't play aI ail. " Il'nsu sorry yon brougbt the set homne! Conidn't yoen taka il Isack anti exchauga il for clothes hunes?" IlSonry 1 Clethes hunes 1 What on aartb is the malter witb you ? It's got ba a pretty pesa whun two olt i sarieti people lika us can't go ouI ai knout a fuw painleti balla] aroundtheb yard wiliuout cutting esch oth- e's Ibroats oven il! You nsay gyel mati, bot 1 ahan't. I siunpîy waut t ta ta sonsa of the hrag ont of yen. " I, was wiîb nsany miagivinga lisat Mra. Bowsen donnet iehanbat anti assistedtialuset op thearaches. Mn. Bowsar on the ncon- tracy, was fu of antbuaiasm antiaunticipa- tion. " Champion of four counnues, eh'? X'l se about thal 1 If I don't heat yen ont of sight le Ibis game yon can orden tannsew bats to-morrow 1" SBut if I beat yon, yo'il-" "Get mati? Net a mati! 'ins nt that sort of a man, as yon onght ta kuow by Ibis lime. If you beat use l'Il aven przéisa youn sitili. You mey bave fibec rst abot. Holti on, now 1 Wbat ana you goiug througb both arches aI uonce for ?" 14Why, I'va a right te., Eveny playen mates otu arches if haie au," "lAil righit go aheati. l'Il givu yon evany ativantaeaandt hen heat yens hy haif. WhaI sort of a n-ova do yen cali thal ?" IlIt's a nagulan inove. It's my play ta go throogh the ide sncb, îsn't it ?" IlNot in Ihat akewjewed fashion, but go atsaat. Here--whet are yon édoing ?" I"II'm going tbrough the middtle arch of Co urse. Tisera il gous. I cail that a gooti shot." "AIl igît ; il's your astat scb ! It's simply e u of luot anti no skili about il. TIsera sîop rigbt there ! Yon ca't play no sncb gansa on une as tbat I' IlWbat ganse? I simply went through tbis arches anti bit tae state, anti il was a heauliful ebot, 10." Il Bot il was a deati awine! " shoutid Mnr. Bowsen, as hae waved his mallet lunlIse sur. IIt'a the ruIe as laid tiown, Mn. Pon ser, anti now l'va got yenu mat saîf wbite-wasb- acJ.,, IlYou bava, aIr? More of youc brag ! It's your lest abot, Mca. i'lwser nd îsido't you move tIsaI bail tbe blllionth part of an inch, aithan!1 Tbana-you've imisseti1 1I bld you it was ouly a non of metk. Stand asitie uow, anti l'Il show yen huw to play croquet. Thera !" Il was a vuny roun "thaee" foc Mn. Bowaan. bis hall struekthtIe finstar aai anti rollet i ftaen feet away, anti Mns, Bow- sur ciappat iber banda anti gleufulhy axelains- eti: IlYen misseti 1 yoenmisseti! Now Isball furaiy wlitewasb yon 1" IlTbat's it ! Jump up anti town anti yall anti acreans liku a girl 10 yeers olti 1 Thc nalet slippati just as I struet anti l'Il try it ovun again. " Il You ca't do il 1 If ttice baluovusaet ail yon css't taka il over 1 IlCan't I l i likta b now wEy! FIva put. up witb a full tiozan of yoss trickrs since Ibis ganse enati, Mrs. Bowsen, but I can't r standtoou ch. There! Now. you wstcb my susolt. l'Il show yon a itiria brick yon neyer saw hefore." This lima tbe ball weut ta the Jeft of dia final arcb ant idtinot stop under tbirty faut, anti Mca. Bowsen hadt ho lr an s again amndi njuice. 1 1 IlPoor foolisilwoman ! Cai'l You se I'n only toyung wutlc yon ta nuake youn deteat ahl the mure bitter ? " gnowieti Mn. Bowser. IlI bold yon I'd give vou avery ativaubage, anti I have. Go abeat i ow." Mns. Bcwsentiti saesplendid pîayiug neyer m8sing an arcb as sha ratunneti, anti as bier hall CinelJy liiitIesa ltaesha droppeti hanr maJiat anti ciet ot: IlYosn aewhiiewashati Mn. Bowsur- whitawashed!ltI's Ibis worat huatI I ven saw! " IlMrs. Bowsec," hae whispenrl ini repîy, wiîb bis jaw set anti is face very pale, Il we bave a eblitIhe houss.", "Yas, Jua." "Doo't yes, dean, ma! Haisa young anti innocesnt ebilt." Yes."' "Ha bas not yet, learneti how ba pne- v-i~'cat0e-a-nýsîïid1Oantihen brIag over iIÇ, anti I ton't wauî te lampt is ta do so,i tîsrefon--" "IWhy, what areyoudoiurr, Mn. Bowsen " Il Reunuving a Isusptatioru 1" lia repliati as bis tu about pullingup tise anches anti gaîbuning op melliehaanti halls. I"Thura tbey go-over n m the siîay, Mns. Bowsan, antiwa'Il neyer have anotner set as long as wa live logurban ! Supposea tisIinnocent ebiti hat heurs a wituuss bu yoor actions!' 1My actionîs ! Why, wlsat titi I do ?" " Neyer mind, Mis. Bowsan neyer mmid 1 I tnDw and 'ou kiocv, but I wiil kuep it froinsis, poor chilti ! Yon eau rnn m tbe bouse row. This nsayancuraga you te1 norb anti inonder me iuun es eep, eantiI ought to look oven my papana and tigl ing ready s0 Ihat our chilti wiîi hava a bnusty guardian appointeti anti ha baken cana of ANOTMIR TRANSCONTINENTAL Iowun than the bighust point reachati aiong LINS. lhe Kickiuug Honse pass. LINE.It is considerela mnsavaîlouely claver The C. P. a. te thse Fronst. soya on the part of tbe C. P.R. 1tta up Ibis pass, as it la by al otisthe bafiuesl t TIse Winnipeg Tribune says :-Tha Cal- the mountains. It lasu îsnarnuw tisaI bur, ýay & Edmonton naihway is completedti oa une tract eau ha cotvenieutly laid, anidthe oint 93 miles due souih uf Calgary, anti is C. P.R., in gattieg ius gnatiing doua, now nadeti 12 mies funthen bo the usuw townsite pre. ampta the pasa. )f Macleodi ou tisanocthbhaut of tise Olti It bas beau suiggisatedti tIsatheaKicking gan river. If a lina is dnawu wesbenly et Horse will imatahy ha abantioneti for igbt angles fronsIispintlhvhifllwfneîght Insific anti that the C.P.R. will es- kaulltid Menand the diFsknoiî4±h-iaoha±ioslle theIbacoasu ýamous Crow's Nesl Pets of the Roctias. It Il is also saidtieta h probable tIsaI a line [s along this lina froin Macleati wasteriy for wilha non due fnom Fatovan on tIse Soo idistance of seveuîy miles tisaI the Cana- lina 10 Maceodi anti thenca Ibroughfi tile Eau Pacifie lues hegau the constr~uction of a Ccrow's NesI pasa ta the Coast. Thsis would- raumeb lina, the importance of which la hu, give thea C. P. R. possession of the valuabl6 litle ontiectooti. Savaral gcstiîgunfia îteniîory lyiug tri the soutb of tIse preseuil ne alneatiy aI wonk ahong Ibis pictnresqua tcans-continauîal lina anti wbicb uis airi to cote antiny helievea tI this tunsmark bu magnificaut fanmitsg country. 3ommencemausî of the coustruction of a lina whicb wiil uitimnabaly reaeb the Columbia anti tisa Pacufi'. The op'suiniz of Ibis naw territory wilh hatn the deveîopmauî of the Plucher Creat anti adjolniug districts, wbich lu fantiliby anti variety of nasounces ara second to none lin tIe Nortbweust. A rosi uina is aJneetiy heiusg operabtid, of course ou a vecy amaîl scahe, ou tise iddtle funt, anti in the pas3 axial minus supurion in euh probahiliby 10 thosa in the Bow River pss. TIse contractonsifon the extension ana Ross, MeKeuzia, Mann & boit. A forcu of tînua buntinutimen will probe niy ha at wonk in s faw iveeks. A gentleman who bas jual ne- torueti fnom a trip 10 the Mountains, wisene the pasa mues,sasys Ibat about ban miles ara aîreatiy gradeti. The passa iss axbnemehy narrow one, bot il is a capitl apsa andtihle jrades ara as easy as coti possihly ha ex- ecteti. Tis asumînit is aI leacet 1(rOO fel Oaada ta Nilfor-1 in Brnnty-Tw,. fleures Canerai pusblie intunust lha - en anousad in tIse oftau-diAcrisssat Queheuu badrnail- way schence by tIsa publication of tire repot of a aou'aey of tha lune. Acconding Vo thid repart. thea aubina length of-tIsa proposai lina is 850 miles, its tarmini being Qoiebap au tIse soutis, and au tIse nonthi Fort Mtre' hans . wbich islata present a smaîl towu iion Lewis Ituhet, sixîy miles nantisof tisa Strails of Bellila. Il is ciaimeti by tbe rapojeotoil% of the sceeathal -bthe treusaîhanitIa nuit coulti ha matie frnm Iis point 10 Milfori Havenan lueavaty-twa houns hy bise faaý leamsbipa nov. employeti on leaading lunes. Envy is the fruit of tic"r-eu sri0 wIsen it la gruau. -mitry ali'l Ili ýfgm-, sair, ma 1 ... P-s hlp, ý . ý o .- -- -IL un muur Iruili 1 y ... P-s .... 1 i 1 for Infants and Children. C1ossowefladapted 1hlreta Castoels eRres Colle, Cowl!ition, 1 recommend it as uperior ta ya rip= to urSom , irroaFruttin kaow ~ome. H. 4. rsczai, 1l. D, KllaWorms, gives sleep, andi proractes dl- l ~.OxfOrd St, Brooklyn, N. T. 1 Withoutinjurious me&Od0 TEM CarTua Com'Àosx, 77 Murray Street, N. IY, FOR SALE BY J. IIIGGINBOTHAM &SON, BOWMANVILLE' A large Stock of well selected Ainerican Wall Papers, cheap and beautiful from 6-.ts. to 50ct3 per roll. Cali and see for yourself be- fore purchaqing elsewhere. Ail colors of Paints ready for us3, guaranteed to giTe good satir&. faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Bruishes and Whjsks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Graining, and Papering, done promptly, and satisfacLorili For ail of which cail at SHERI N & 'KIRI_8S South side King st., between Treleven'a and Reid's Shoe stores, BowmaulO.1, GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, 0ARRIACESI SLEIGH89 GUTTERSe WAGONS> &UN KING STRECET, BOWMAN VILLE. Now on hand a number of vehaieles and is i-.,nufacturing a great many more of diuahist't patterns and best linîcli. which 1 arn ottering for sale at the iowest lice consistanlt witlî due regard to workînanship and quality. The following is a lisL Of the principal vehicles manufactured by me Double Covered Carniages.................................... $150 ljpward4. Single Phoetons............... ........ ............. ............. 100 d OpunBuggy ............ ....................... ...................0M 4 Top Buggy ............ .... .................... ............ 90 Dernocrat Wagons ............... :*....***....................... i Lumber Wagons ................. ..... .... ......... ............55 Light Wagon.................................................... 40 d Express Wagon ....... ............................... ..........7 C Skeleton ................................. .....................w...Af d Sulky ................................ ............... ............40 d Possessingsuperior facilîties for nanufacturing carniages, 1 intond to s3ll very cha for cash approved crudit, and by sa doing I hopo to greatly incresie înY number Of sales. Wu sell th2 wood parts only, or th-, gesrinýýs or buggies ironoS. .All LKSinds of Vehicles Repaîred At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired At the Factory I also dg Planning, Matching, Turnin-, andSaSwing withCircle, ýr rn Saws. and prepare ail kinds oË lumb cr for oarps-nters ruS others for buîýiaing puL-poies orignen ta a-i Pai Picies for fonces iu aveny style raquired, made taendr 1East 'nd lGrain 'De-pot The un dersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durhain for tbe liberal patronage extended to us duning the past season, also to remind them that we are ,till in the market and prepared to pay the H « EGC 'HEScT MARKl XET P RICE A LLI KIOM 0 0F LEOAR 7E SRA 1il E delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock,, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait foi-c~t and horses,, and Fresh Ground Grey Plastgr in Barrels which we are prepared to sel1 AU l'indo ImerWoadand DRY CLEAN% SCPREENED COÂL a'ways in stock. We invite inspection and guaranteo satisfaction.,-- MoCLELLAN & 0O g pc gr of m -l fa is lil ar ro cc 1 1 1

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