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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1892, p. 6

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tie-Te s Matilda, as bue wae weut te eaU bier su dreams -when bu did dream, whiclu was AN'O D M IUS ARR AGE but seldema-cisatting genisliy away witb for hardofor kuowu te ssist. It wau By GEORLGE B. BIJRGIN. ing; srutse;iud eTvtig;isicls unf(Dr - -Siurke) was net Lyeing te pu7t up witb fronm Miss Mattie was lu a dilemmia.A chili kiud," asîswered Prudence, seriensly scan- an) lady bewever fiee sise migbt bu under gleam eTf April sunsisine sisot asstise ing tise page. riayicusne.Selepldbs table sud lit dancingly on Miss Mattie's Miss Mattie hbsd net lest ah sentimeut.osay bcrcumst ance S e u pule bi face. Miss Mattie wss net averse te sue- tise rucalied tisat opisode of bier vsnisised But, uufortunately for tise Douter, Mr Al- shinie ordiisaraiy, but tisis intrusivu and ivre- soutis whun Reoben Rountrue had declared phaeus P. Winterbottom 'vas net ever- sponsible beam aunoyed ber; basides, it that bue worshippsjd ber. Reuben was ouly wbeîmed. mcade tise dame eT tise fire look sickly, sud a farmer's soni-a struggliîîg farmer-aud T ECNIUD disturbed maiden meritatiens. She put on Miss Mattie's exalted position bad bseau de- J5 N î U~ bier spectacles, carefully adjnsted bier cap, clared a fatal obstacle -te Reuben'e preten- sud prepsred for tiseworst. Then sise rang i siens. Wisreupon, Reuben lad nttered tisebell for Prudence, ber baudmraidun, who' wicked werds, shsukun bis fiut at Ma' tie's Thse lerri>Ie Cruseyel'Tuunessee Mus1es appeared lu Quaker gray sud a suowy cap. wite-baired old fatiser, sud departed te t ibr .Iie Little rebellions curie danced ont frein bu- lands uk-uown iu searcis eT fortune. Hutei1etG.Iie neati tise cap in s frivekns fasiin m is bad taken a lock oT Miss Mattie's fuir issir A New York tulegram says:-Gilbert G. uotbin g nould restrain. Even uow ais sise. witbhlm, sud sise stillicherisbed lu secretsa Rice, tisemin whose snlferuigs at tiseisands cause lu sue made an aIttempt te reduce tisem litle black dagnerreotype eT tise departed eT a mois ef Tenuessee ininers dili se mucis te order, but lu vain. swain. Ail tbisisad bappuued a quarter eT a lu tise receut strike te tura sentiment "Prudence, " saidl Miss Mattie, '"wbatL did century ago. At flrst, tise faitis ef love bad agalîsut tise strikers, lu able te telisis stery. tise Doctor's beysy?" keptNMiss Mattie'sheartwarm. But huarts Ta a reporter Mr. Rice gave a descriptions "'That woridly youtis, Mistresu, atteucpt- grow cold sud faitis wavers sud dieu awyeTftise tisriliing experienc e lie isad. Ru was cd le pass tise tîme lu vain disceurse con- wben tise years pas sud absenut loc;ae;s make captnred isy a band eT strikeru wiso were curniiig certain maidens wbo attire them- ne aigui. holding a secret meeting in thse woods whso suives in bine reiment sud smite a beathkmn Mise Mattie drifted placidly adowu tise suspected him f eTbcg a spy. Hie was kupt instrument called tise tambourine"- stream eofTiTua, ditribntiug little gif ts te a prisonuer several days lu bopes tisat bu "Ve, yes, Prudence," interrnpted Miss bier isigisiors on tise batiks, sud winusug would givu somedetails oT tise convict camp. Mattie, III daressy. Bot what did bue say tise love eT ail. Bnt sise fond ile ratisur Ru gave thomraise information sud they about tise ltter !" duill. er old scbool-feliows bad large made a charge ou tise camp sud weru "Hu said, Mistress, tisat bue wae te tae familles, wbo callsd Mise Matilda 'Anut defuated. They wurs very angry sud de- back an anser ; sud I bave entruated hlma Mattie,' sud coufided ah tiseir troubles te termined te naire au exampie cf hlm. It te mucis profitable ceonversation unti the lber sympatisetic cars. Mies Mattie aise was decidud te tie hlm isy tIse necki te a car anser bu writtéh.u" found, te lier very great surprise, tisat men sud then sut tise car runuseng dowu tIhe Miss Mattie lu(ked perplexedly at tise rather disturbed lier. Sise liked bier iittlue teup inclice. grave, sereue-eyed, ittie Quaker maid. uap after dinuer, bier gaine eT backganmm "'fIs Te noose wae drawu arennd my neck "Rew old are yen, ciild ?" sise askud. witb Prudence in tise uveuing, bier regular sud tise brakes loeseued," hue said. "Onu ITwenty, Mistrees," said Prudence, quiet liTe. If she bad ,narried fieuben, al eT the niners dropped tise noose frein my i lus Mattie gazed at tise nnopened ltter tiseutisingu wouid bave become impes. nuck te ncy waiut. As tise car started 1 ou tise table, and tissu at Prudence. II Pru- subie. took a stop forward, tissu anotiser until I dence, yeu are yeuug," slse said, Ilbut wiser Miss Mattie did net like te bucisurried. fournd it diffleuit te keep up. lisesaides eT tian ynr years. Have yen-have yen suver Aud yet-and yet. Aussesat there bold- tise track were linel witis s jeurinug isoi eT bad a sweetheart V' iîsg Dr. Sluî-ke's ltter ilulber bsandlber miners. At a curve lu tise reafi I wau lest Prudence looksd a littie unprupsred fer youtb came back. Ho'v tise peer boy bsd te tiseir sigist. There was s sudden turu as tis remark. Bnutaise was censcieutieus. ioved ber ! Sisu recaiiud bis foelisis speeches, tise car flew around, and at tis enofetise « 1Trnhy, " sise said, IItisere lu oee tahwsrt lus touiduesu for bier yuliow houksansd blus taut ariat I fuit nsysehf flyiug ubreugis yontb, s carpeuter, wiso lias Titterud mu eyes, sud ahi tise tbousand-and-oue itthe space. I bad gens off on a tangent, snd tise many times wisuu going te Meeting, but te tric'ks anud juste witis wbîcilbu had beguiled reps l'car tise car strsuck a tehegrapli pole. wbomn I hsave net been draw. " ber iate loviug 1dm. Dr. Slnrke's ltter Tise tope wound itbelf rspidiy srounid tise IIOh, you-yon weren't drawu te him?" had unsetthed bier. Tisougis sisufuît se poie. Tberewas aasarp report as the hariat asked Mise Mattie. could net marry a mau wbo neyer wipud bis parted aud tise car weut on. Heurs latur I "lNay, Mistrese ; wbereat bu is mucb pro- boots ou tise mat, sud beliuved tisat a con- revived sud get free f romntise lariat, wbioh voed, sud tisreateuutb te"- gested livur wau answerable fer alltisesor- isadi torntise flasis about my loins jute "T - a"ssked Mise Mattie. rcw iluths word-yet tbsre migbt buciidden shreds.Torb eeboesdIwas "To are forth te foreigu landsansd for- dupthsu eT love witbiu hlm. Hu was a bruiuud ail over. I founid a squatter'u but, get m," phscidly answered tise ittie maid. doter, tee. Tisat was anetisur recommenda. sud two days later wau lu Knoxville. I Mise Mattîs s tili strnggiud witis a certaini tien, bave been very i.1, ever aine. My weigbt sisameful censcieunesu that abc bad wAver- Prndence stihi waited, tise ltter in bier lise Tlen frein 205 loundîs tisree weeks ugo, cd. What a tewer ef strsugtis Prudence 'baud, te 150 uew, sud the souk Éistuned My was 1 "-Did yen-did you-did bue evur kies Miss Mattie teuuporised. «'I-I wiil ask bair white." yen?" she ssked in a whispur. bine te tua, Prndece," sise sssd, as aise sat Prudeuce epeued bier bine eyee widehy. dowu te bier desk and wrote iu au legaut (Joming Into Ohurcis. "Surely, Mistreus, it is tise msnuerof yong Italian baud tisat aise mut have furtiser Di yen evur sue themuominginto churc h suîti recu te ndulge iii sncb unsessîliness nuises tiîîe ini wiicb te ceusider Dr Slurkes flatter- tic late, dieconirsged." Iiug proposai. "And Prudence," aicse aid, And attenpto read their temper isy tise ns- ,'And-and did-yon- did yen discour- as aise seahed tise ltter-Miss Mat tie al ways 'tusavryof ei gtudsd e'lldi &guoiim '" asked Miss Mattis, usud a sa-"lse that your pikelets are werth your whcite, A faint celer stole ever the pretty littis pleutiful sudoetthe best. Netbing coinforte Te ebserve tisuse people waiking up tise carpet- maid's face. Sise leoked distressfohiy attise a man se muci s s a good tes." coveied sishe. carpet. "Tise youtb wss streng, sud I but Mise Mattie was s uittle bit ruffled by the Firut tses-e cernes, perbaps, an aged, Sent sud slight," sise suswered la conusion; "suad bi1 eveats eT tise day. Sise weut up-stairs sud sober-fealured msan. wss about te depart suid--sd"- looked horg sud loviogly et a certain littîs Wisese scaertaein sisnffiing indicates, as plainly "W-wbst did bue de' asked Miss Mattie tin portrait. Tiossse put oul ber beet ThIsa t an.ay erad ahutdb eagerly, stihi holding tise ltter ilulber baud, iaveuder silk dress, rurnoved bier cap, sud d b i essadsrsdishntu s "Ru saluted mu, Mistreus," answerect Pro- welit dowu-staire te ber cosy ittiug-reem. Tisat tise next timu hlli1bu carried, carried uic dence. A falot emîlu plsyed over bier lips Amn's stop scrnncbed tise graveuh outaide. tise church astule de-md, ai tise recolluction. sud tise next momenît asunuknoowavnee xt beiind hlm cernes a lady, chseckes alttle "Sit down, Prouies4-," eaid Mies Mttie. demsuded if Mise Matilda Seweil liv ed sunken uow, 'II wsnt te ssk yonr adysue, ciild. Yen there. Streaks. of whibtelis air sud age's tell-tale knowmor abut usutisu Ido. Mis Mtti tbnsttis dauiereeypein-Butwriukles onhber lirew ; knowmor abutnen hanI d." issMatte trua th daiiereotpe n- ut iser walk is slow and stately, aud lb plain-1 Prudence sutdowu. Mies Mattie regard. te lier besomn sud weat oui. "Wisat bu it, ly scores te say,1 ed bier asu a daugistur, sîbisongi Mise Mattis Prudence?'" sise ssked. " Oh, wve've toiled sud 'aved wiseu yennger; bumsîf was ociy orty-five. Bot peopheuin "A wayfarsr fronm oer the suas wbo we ejeying it te day." Little Bgletea rather prided thenîselve wonhd bave speech witi tises, Mitres," Tissutisere lua married danglister, sud lber ianj on leoking old. It was thouglit te saveur saîi Prudence qutly, as sise went back te guid stup issîrsys berihins ffok dptdmdr lier uueet.He iieamiuess beneatistise crsuuug, concen- faeT so Iistre ed ftîe sdted wnMdem iss p tikesadsesain tlir trated gaze, fasiion ortraeihd ofen e twu iss MissMattiefui suodd enstio atberWnileliîcr far ont-swinging dreuss kirts are de- Mattie wss tise eniy dangiter ef tise huart. It fluttered aîsd luapt. Wlsst if ciaring lbas siamne lats Dr. Suweii. Ever sinus bier a- Itisis burly strauger brougistlber nuws frem Te ceme bte chssrcis se tardily, but sise le net tiser's deatis, whicb iad bappened about tise unforgotten Renheul te blancs. teu yesrs ugo, aise bsd ived bu ber Tisestraugurhisld a ltter la bis baud. Suie bus ciildren sud they fellew, cllugiug onu owu pretty lthse cottage en 'buieont- I've juat corne down en tise cars witis a te uluLer baud, akirbe et tise tewu,,. People wbe remeni'oer- ltter frein au ohd friund," bue sabl. -Asnd they sturnise, leokingchoirward, askiug, cd bier fifteen years back said tisat Mise "Ou tise what?" -asked Aias Matile, su Bntsheoeds bbem nop, and, steoping, seT tly Mattie was tissu vemy haudsuuue. Sue wa bewildermnt. tells thorm te ice till. stilU a swet-tsced weusan, witi r icis auburn "On tise cars. Oh, 1 forzot. Yeu eau Tiinkiug, " Vil net bu se latu sgaiu-coutwist- issir, sud placid bine eyss. Tisere liasu iesu thien trains. Can Icoen l tcd if 1 will ! wbisperu eT a girlisis romance s long lime f "Witb pisasure," said Miss Mattie, bus 'isiou thure cornes a yeunsgsr sister, tripping ago ;but by-aud-by people looked upon ber uttered, odd littie touie. "May 1 effer yen lightly dovn tiseaisie, se a con firt'cud ld uîsid. Tise ysams pesa disisof eTta " Restiusg on ber preudiy-tessing head s bat ef laiest style; cd, snd still Miss Mattie iivsd lier quiet Tis trunger seemed puzzied. IIWu gener- And tise mcsing of lier maîsour le 11I wiuh nuevesttul ulsys, until Dr. Siurke, tis e ushy drink it lui mugs, " lbu sau. tisai father's tsew practbtiones- in tise place, audenl isc* Ru H took off bis bat sud coat and caruful- Was s litîle furiuer forwsrd ; then Id longer1 ed tisat Miss Mattie was wastbng bier lite, iy bnug tisumou aspeg in tise hall. Tise pas.- leinve! "You'vea mission te fldl," bue bad said. sage seumed te shiik wben buieaked alocg A edru epnfrCia "Wbat is il?"' -plpiidly dernudud Miss it, sud lis isead bit againut tise low littie A odruWapnfrCi. 1 ?dattie. 11 vi il îgo borne and write it te !portah as lis folhowed Miss Maîtie bte lier Tiseme arrivedat tise Queen's isotul in To- yeu," retorted ise Doter, attacked by ,aissnail sittiug-reom, full et dlîcatu cliiua,aîud mete Tuesday a youog gentleman who lias8 snddeîi fit u i syýnesu. -Ris usanuer isad ce,- gay witis sasuplers sud quaint old mirrers s large contraut on baud. Re bu ou bis nayt casioed Miss Muttile soins risgiviugs, but iou tise walls. te China, and expeutsa te returu te Englandc se isd coucealed tse n uder ber sîsuali Tise stranger sat down in au crin chair by fe'ur menuis ieusce witb $1,000uu wombiuofeT plauid exturier util tise arrivai efthtie fatal tise dru. He susred te aswuih ever tise sides John Cbiisnerisu Gerumeut bonds. Tise ltter, et it. Tise est jurnped ou bis colossal knee yonng gentleuman in question is Mr. Enstace Tuea latter lay upon the table. Miss sud went te sieup luere. R. Turner, wisc reprusents tise Soutîsgste Mattie darud net open it. It seuîued us if Aliasu Mattie sat faciug tise wîudow, sud Engineering Comnpany, et London, Englanul. tise occasion dernanded e soluma sund fermal feeling resssursd. She truted tisai caî's Ris mission te China is te conuirut ftir bbe cerensosuy of sorne srt-a ceemouy withIn sstinct alrnost aseranchs ausule did tise N-ie- Chinese Gover-rmnt ilx-ton arsenal ue Tins witnesses, I Open b, Prudence" se said Idem eT Prudence. And tise cat did net Sing sud uquip t withicaclsiuery capabhleT stiddenly, turing te tise little maid. know yonug carpunters. producing tieseuet irnproved canunnendn As the siauger giancud arouud tise recru, projectiles. Ris compassy have guateeda Even Prndence could net coucual soeu-tise ancient figure uts asir ags esepl es bcsciia iedsac tising wisichu appreauised te werhdly cuios- bis eye. Helsstudied tise impossible pua- et eue mile tismow a steel cannon bell 14t ity. Slie teck tIse ltter lu ber baud and1 lb wbishemnuni dhibraton.ccksespreading tiseir tails uuderuequaliy im- sucius bu lengtis and 6 incises bu diametur0 openecii ih iruul eiea ion possible trocs, sud bisuyus twiuklud, "My! ibrougli 9Pluches et solid seel, 25 inchies oetI "Tiseucan lias a coriuera te marmy tisue, lAin' tbuy ruai pretty " busaid. Thonnlbu oak sud Il luches of iren plate. All tiseh theistr, ieuialr aye-sle looked ut anotisur sampier. 11I liku tisat material neceseary for the' construction eft No wcmau likus te bave e proposaI eTf iclure et Noahssud hiiusens stiing on top tise arsenal bas besu sent freim Eîglund',audr marmiagu put but ors bier bu se bahdly urai t tie Aik,"hie observed geniahly. skiiled werkrnan arenouemsroute. Mr.P prsî Miss Mattie fuîtdistressed. Sse did net Turner saye, tisaI witliu rîshe hast four days s manser aulutubs instance. Mlies Mettie iliku te rmup isie 6w et criticisrn by sd- bols tiseJapanese and Chiinesu Govurmueuta feIt tis thbie occasion wae net bsing truated ritu ha ieAkwematfrts ofbv nd aterdsl Iemte ... - . - 1-- -1y."Ra l-lodets ose udNeisiss os ee uy avls- niibr enpm'ît Tsy .r THE PEAOON'B I'U.R(HASE. BY HELENA isINON. Goed eld Deaceni Downs was net wiat people weuld cal s woridhy man, sud yet sornewhlure buneatislbis shsort gray hisar his isuad conbained a hook-out-Tor-numbur-one bump et ne muan size. 1Tise commnd "Six days sisaît tison labor," etc., tise deacon rigidly followed, sud ou tise seventslbu iuvariably tiied bis seat ai cisurcis, sud did bis bet wbule usure te keep awaks. fHe ne ver once tergot tise luxi, sud alwaye huard enongli ofthtie sermon te bu able te decide josi wbat clase et amouers ougisi te benefit tbereby. But sousceiow, iii spite eT bimueif, randouni thsougisaoet is cropu, or tise probabiity eT main, or seine receisi addition te bis stock in tise sisape eT s farnous cew, or s "isesnty" of a farrn horse, wonhd bîstmude upon is mmnd, te tise uxclusien et more serionîs ru- fluctions. Tise duacon bad a nuigibor, Grant Davis, Who svas about even wibis hlm ii tise amont sud valne of bis worldly possessions. Sîbîl, in the malter et ewniiig s pair oT inuttle- soins, weii ucatcised c-riage-borses, beiid wi ie uasd bis Tarniiy mode te cisurcis cery Suîhay, Grant cvs ehead. Tise deacon avas net reslhy au envions 'nan, and yut, wlsenever bis usigisior drove paut wbish bis well-kspi baye, bue couhd net hceip tiiking disparagingly ef bis owu stumdy team, wisich was obiiged te do duty both lu tise field sud ou tise road. To owu s toma-ont equal or sopemior te Grant's bad long isuen tise ciserisised wieh eTfisis huart, and yul bu conld îîet q elle ses hîls cleariy te purcisase sncb a tuani as hue wauted. But ouîe day tise deacon carne home frein Eikisart-tss utile village wisure bue attend- ed cisurcis, muceived hie veekly puper, sud marketed bis Tarin producu-witb s beam- ing conuteusucu. Rueiîad coee srose a man, buie aid, wbo bsd offéed hlmi a grand bargain. Ru would lut hlm have a splendid herse, coah-bhack--tise deacon bad ahwsys isaula pamtbality ber black herses-for only Tour humudred dollars, wbsn, by îakiîg in te Lawtou, tise ewner asured iiolus couhd mealiza mucis more tissutisai amount, but ie was vemy muci ispresse4 wiîis a Tuhhucv- feeling fer Deacon Downs, for sybicslbu was albogeuiser unable te account. But tise feel- ing wae irresistibie, sud te grstify itlibu was -wihiiog te make tis saucrifice. Tisema wonld IsSu liîs note for a year, Oce good, deacen addsd, wbun Ëis M>îfé eiedered 1,,loNew bu expected te psy f or tie i(somsuii,- in~l a yuar tise brinalea eteers weuld1comýe ndur tiseyoku, sud lbu conld toma ont tise oldoxen te tise bntciser, sud, tiey, togetiser wvîlh sorne euug stock wbicb lue ceuld easiiy uparu, wonhd bmuug tise price dsmnsnded Tom tise herse. Ru had net conclndud tise bar- gain s eu, but isad deferred il on pumpose te consnît bis wife, whbcb tIse good danse usndumstood perfectiy wuhi te meuntisat bue did net wisb te seuntee sager te accupi tise etrangur'u effer. "ýKeep dark, Moliy," said tise deacon, gleeunlly, as bue gave bis fat, gord-uatured yenng weifs a levîng 11111e ulap on ber more tiss uimp soulder. "lKsep dsrk, and if any et neighîbor Davie' folks drop bu, doîs't lisp a word about tise herse, for ton te onu Grant wonld marci rigist off te tise village, sud as sure as lie laid ies eyes ou tisat hoerse be'd lcuy hlm, if bue hssdtebehbis iast cew te maks payment. Se net a worul, sud te- mommow morubug, brigisi sud eamly, l'Il isming tise herse home, sud Sunday l'Il give Grant te uudemstaud tisat bis day for dmiv- ing pai me, us if bue wure boseT tise read, is ovur." Tics nuxi memuing, truc te Isis promise, tise duacea led bis bore home, sud prend enougislbu fuit wiseu Mms. Dowits waddisd eut te admire tise ghossy-coatud creature, aud tise lit île Dowus ciapped tisu ande in dehigisu. Te sdd te tise deaceu's stisfactiou, tise wboie Tsnihy oethtie Davises weru ou tiseir front porcis, eviduutiy gaziug lu ad- mirations ut the gmacetui movernunts eT tise animnal as bis usw owoem led hlm tiuns- pbaut ly about tise yard. By enaumise on Snnday mnrning tise deacoss wus ou bis way te tise pasture-het witi tise intentien eT briuging np tics blackr herse, tisatie migist hait is tise front yard nl tinse fer churcs. Two boums atterwsrd lie returued in soe perphexiby, bis face flusised sud covemud witis perspciration, sud bise baller stihl hangicg ou bis arm. The herse bsd dnmbly but pîainîy rufused tlobe canghît. Raslîly uevsilowing a c'sp et coffue sud a suice eT toast, tise deacon again mepaired te tise field, fehbowed by tise whole famihy, in- uludiug tise motiser, te aid in cuptuming tIse refrscetry animals, whlish, tise uiaceî s !id, " îsueded a closemqsace te bu appre- cîated." Raîf tise foercon passed sway, and the herse evas sil ai large, blugistiset dinest salt and oats, tuempIing enosîgi te bave sisflsd tise appetituetof icepl-ils, wv e te red blus.t At henglîs Mrs. 1)owng bit upen a isovel metsem te seur e he rse. As bu pssud heme asede'-Irouoly tlurewiserapronover iis lad, se au te completely ebsesure buu vision., lu ibis sibtiation lbu wasqsickiy msade s pris- enser. When tise tamily ruacised tiselimoucse il was lime for uhureis. Tise herse ,vas serin bamîsesued, aîîd tiien ail teck their places lun bise tarily wagon. Tise deacon suizeultise - reins, leaving tise wisip inu us accnstemedc place nîîdem tise seat.1 "h iorse possesued et sucb spirit," bue salul, " wouh I reed oniy te Ise spoken te, te go off lilze amailroadeugie" bSe bl d hlm- Jeuks, befere the service ; se she planted herseif lu tIse rear of tihe wagon, and push- ed strenueously againsvtishe vehicle, while bier husband by turcs wlsipped, scelded, sud ceaxed the balky herse, but in vain. Iu tisis state ef affairs thse deacen ssv,' witb dismay, that the Davises were coming, > Lut there seemed ne belp for it, sud witb dejected meus sud scarlet face, lie rested 1frem bIis efforts tili they shouid pass. But, 1instead of passing, the bays came te a hait, anîd Granst get eut te effer assistance. This was precisely what the deacon did net waut, yet he; accepted bis neighber's offer witbout rudeness, if net with tbaukfulness. At Mrs. Downs' suggestion, the herse was unbitcbed from. the wýagon, sud led by euoe of the beys te the top of the bill, while 1Graut sud the deacon, assistedl by the lat- 1ter's wifu, foliewed witb the wagon. ,Once msore in thse thilis, the horse weflt 3off witbout hesitation, sud soon arrived witls bis load in frout of the quaint old vil- lage churcs. But, thougis the deacon's arm hmad lest noue of its prîstine strengtslbu feuîcd it impossible te nring the animal te a staud-still, or even te check lus sed wbicb seemed te accelerate with every step. 1Evidently tHs herse liad net beuul traîuud L lu a Sabbath-fuariur, churcb going family. Down tise pleasaut street, now liued ou both îsides wîth churcis-geers, bc beld bis way, tbeugh the deacon neyer fer au iustaut ceas- ed tugging at the reins. Soon, te tIhe good Lînsu's borror, he stopped close te the door of au old, tumble-dowu taveru, whicb bad lonsg becu sn uye-soeute temperaîîce-ieving Deacen Dowus. The herse dropped bis bead nseekly, and after eue or two iîceffectuai attencpts te drive away, tise deàuon, wbo hsd. proflted semiewlia. by bis experieuce of tise last heur, spranig eut sud assisted bis wifu te tise ground. That, lady was filled with right- eous indignation, aud avowed "that never again would she go te meeting isebiud that herse, seeiug tîmat iustead of takhicg lier theru, ise lsad breugsulber te tîsis tobauco- suented, wbisky-soaked oid dram-slsop, wbere a decent herse weuld bu asisamed te stop lu tIse nigist, lut alonueof s Sunday, sud wbeu thestreets are alivu, with people." Ibus, lu a subdued voice, Mrs. Dewus gave veut te bler opinion, as sisu followud ber busband, sud was lu turu foliewed by the.cbildren back te tise churcli. Fer the tirst time lu bis life the deacon dîd net buar the text, sud thse sermou wae alike uuiseedud. Neithur did bu doze sud nod iu b-is pew as ou er.dinary occasions. His mind wae whoily occupsed with oe abseorbîiugquion. "Wsat shallbu doue 1,br. Lie services were ueariy conoluded, tise deacou rose sud weut ou tiptoe frein the uc-lreis, that hé migbt bave thse wagou lu ruad.iness fe'i bis family svithieut displayiug the peculiarities of the herse te a gazing crowd. Just as thse ceugregatieo came pooring eut, bue drove up, but, as isufore, the animai couid net bu made te stop, but began lu- stead a suries of the meut asteueshiug kicks ever wituessed. Hu kicked as bu rau, sud rau as bu kicked. The deacon's bat flew off, sud was pickud up by bis wîfe, wbo founid it serviceaisie as a fan before lier long walk home was flnislied. The next meruing the deacon went te tise stable te feed bis bonse, stiliunducidud as te wbat was te bu doue witb su animal tisat se'-med utterly good- for netbing but te look at. Wbat wae bis amazemeut te fiud the stable eiipty ! The herse bsd been stol- uni. II Weil, Moily," ssid ths e Frs-wing dus- cou, whenîlbu had acquainted bis wile witb bis 1es8, Il the Lord oftun pays trausgres- sers as tbey go along, aîîd if that thief dousn't repent of stesliog my borse beforu be's a day older, l'Il miss my guss."l Whether the tisief ever repeuted or net, the duacen neyer knew. 11e neyer saw bis herse again, but xvas conteut tîseruftur te bue drawu te cisurcb by bis trusty, thongs net stylisb, Tarm-horsus. THL G:E.NBROUS 8sIW AiS1. nie Loves te Give Away ail ail, Goeils and Miie a, Reputtin iFor limisif. Speaking witb a promineut Salmoni can- ner a few daye ago, a represeutative of a uew Westminster paper uuquirud bow the Indiaus wsre faring this year in the salmen dishing, sud wisetber they would bue ricis eugh te indulge in the potlatch. "Thîey weu't have mucis mouuy te throw away in1 that direction this seasen," replied tis ecan- ner. Il Last year a great, mauy Eiwasbes mnade goodi wages, sud petiatubes were ahl tise rage for soins time afterwards. Tisey are a curions people, sud it is astouisbing the deligbt tbuy take in appeariug liserai sud weaitbinlutise eye3 eT their frieuds. Last year 1 bcd an Indian working fer ie whe earued $1,400. Il e druw tise whoe of tisis iu a lump soin, sud laid it out ini eight r mns3kets, s dozeis boxes ef crackers, sud thet halance-abeut ?1,200 -in blaukets. Tissa thse noble ted mari called ailtise Indiens witblu reacs tegethur, sud aunouncud bis intention of giviug s grand potlatcis. a ITise blaiikcts wcre spread out in a twe-1 sure fiulà, wibis the crackers on thse eut-t sidu fer bis frieuds te lunch on, sud the nuskuts in the cantre. Wben tise appoint- ed tioce arrived te begin tise curunioîsies tise Indian xvaced threuigh the sua ef blauketsI te whiere tise iusisets iay. bu clirmbed su a box, sud began a. ln g oration, which lasted ever au heur, at tis end cf wliicb timu liu piuked np tise nusketu one by oee1 aud snmashîud thein over the box, signifying Clafa Weinecke ot Berlin, aged tz. agreed with hier four brethers and sisters to commit suicide in order te escape the cruelty of a brutal step-mother., Ail the cildren were rescried, from death except Hermann, aged 7, who perishled. Clara was tried en a -harge of iocitîng to murder, and bas beeD ýound guilty and sentenced to three y "tas' im- prisoeimeut. In the tewn of Lodz, in Russian Poland, a few days ago, a mad wolf suddenly ap- peared r1unning fromn one house te another and biting every1 persou or animal it met. lu this way no fewer than 20 aduits and 10 children were bitten, besides a large number of horses, cattie, pigs, aud sheep. In no case was a dociber seut for, as the people badl ne idea of the fearf al consequences of the bite of snch au animai. Now the village is full of personas sffering from. raving mcdnes, terrible howls i.suiog fromn many of the bouses, aud being beard lu the street. The victiins cannot long survive. Burgiars broke lately lrito, a cburc4ý' Montpelier, aud stole tberefrom the diý- dems ornameutiug the brows of the Virgin sudt Couid, thiuking, ne doubt that real precious stenes baal been put into the ar- ticles in boueur of the Fete of the Asomp- tion. The F8acrilegious thieves were, how- ever, disappointed, as the diadems were merelv gilt, ard had only glass oruaments in tbem. This is not the first time that chnrcbi robbers bave, been duped in a similar manner by astute parish priests. Advices from Grand Csnary, received ai Liverpool, report that tlie African mai steamer Bomna was tbree times fired at by the French gunbeat Heron when steaming near Grand Popo on the 3d uit. The Boma't captain did not serionsly notice the first two shots, but wheu the third on1e whizzed throogb the air, nuarly striking the mates who was ou the bridge, Captaiqý Har ey stopped bis vessel and demanded'from the Frenchi commander the meaning of the bos- tiieact. The latter saidhbad thrice simi- larly stopped other steamers, as bis (Jov- ernmeut was at war with the King of Da. homey, wbose' territery thse Boma was passing. Captaiu EHarvey rejoined that hie bad not called at Dabemneyau ports, but the commander ef the gunhoat demanded au inspection of .the steamer's papers. Cap- taiu Harvey, in writing, proteeted against the indignity to wbicbh le badbeeu subject- ed to by being fired at witbout bbing signalled. On arrivai at Lagos lie hbd laid the facts before the (lovernor, with the view of communicatîng witb the British Colonial Minister. The caravels built la the imitation of those wbich sailed witb Columbus te discover new worlds 400 years ago will be hsnded ever at Barcelena te the United StatAs delegate. It is initended te have an împosing demonstra. tien on the occasion. Af ter the naval fete the caravels wïth the Sauta M aria will pro. cuud te Palîs to assist le the festivities go. ing on in Huelva. Thencu tbey will ssii, uscorted by a Spanîsh squadron, te the spob wbere Columbus landed iu the West Indies. They will 8000 afterward join the American squadron at Ilavana and procued te New York. The London ansd General Bank <limsited), ef No. 20 Bridge row, Cannois street, E. C., bas suspended payment. The bunk ws foundcd in 1882 with a capital of £,0001000 To Sept. 30, 1891, the sum of £417,70 bad heen subsoribed te the capital. lu 1891Y bank paid a dividend of .3 per cëut. Th6 failore lias created noeuxcitement hure. Mr. J, Spencer Balfour, M., P., is chairman of the board of directers. The agitation snîeong English Chnrchmeni over tlie effects of the juidgmeut iu thse case ef the ritualistic Bishep of Lincoln grows apace. At a demenstration rupreseutative of the Evangelical section of the Chorcs, at whicb the decisîeu et the Privy Councl was denounced, thse speakers uven predictud the disruption of the Churcs. Tbe sale of the estate of tise late Charles Stewart Parnell reaiized only £2,000. Thse desd lesder's mother will go te Irelsnd during thse present montlî for the purpose ef makirg an, enqoiry loto thse seulement ef bis affairs. The Barenesas Roques lias again preseotud a petition te the Home Office praying for thse release ef M-rs. Maybrick, sud is hope. foul tia t thse prisener will regain bier f reedomr before thse end of the year. Science on Sndden Peath. Most people regard death by a faîl as oe of the mest agouizing forms cf dying. In a lecture at Zurichs, Prof. 11dm has desclared, sys a Berlin correspondent, tlîst this opin- ion is erroneous. The first Tact te be con- sidercd, according te the professer, is that thse subjective feelings ln the various kinds of lU are the saine. Tisere are people wbo have esca.ped deats by a hsir's breadtb, wiîo reached thse stage of uncensciousiuss, and whe are able te report what they fuît. Prof. Heins, wbo bas ocuinpied hiniself with tbis interesting questicon for întiny vears, bases bis observations on personal. -xperi- euces. and on a large urber of casesvïliich have occnrred, net oniy lu thse ns.ntsinis, but aise lu war, lu sudustrial establisi,. scenfs aud iin railwsy accidents. The vîctim, suifers neo pain, ne paralyzing terrer. le is perfectly aware of what is geiog ou. Thse tince seemns long te Iiin. In a few sece:ids lie is abie te thlnk se much thiatlbe caa re-

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