1I neyer realized the god of a mcd jine so in'ch as 1 have m. the last feîv monts, during Nwhich ihae 1 have suffered intensely from parronia, folowed by bronchitis. 5fie tryrng saro's re-'dies wsithout 1ertt begar. the nse of Ai ers Cherry .,ecoral, an. ithe ffect bas he mri lous, a singbc do e i elievmng nie ef choking, and eecuringg a gond nigh's res. - T. A. H5iggnbohau, Gen. Store, Long Mountain, Va. "Last Spj-ing jI %vas taken down vbh la grippe. Atti-hueslI ascopleiely pro>srat- cd, an.d se difficut , as my breahng ihat my breai-h seemed as if onfined in an iron cage. Iprocured a bottie of A3 ers Cherry ecoral, and nsonner had I began taking i-ban. relief follnsved. 1 could ot beliese that the effect would be so rapid.'-W. H. Williams, Cook City S. Dak. Lung-z Trouble Fo m.ore th'an tet ie3isIMa a sfferer frein luigtobetne st coughing sa severe at tines as to causc hemorrhage, the poroxysw.s frequently last- ing thrce or four hours. 1 was 'nduced to trv Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and aftcr t.akbi' fouIr bottles, %vas thoroughly cured. 1 eau confldentlyrecoýniendthis medicin."-Franz Hofinann, Clay Centre, Kans. ABOUT ONE 01HMTOE IN 10,000 Tlîat Yen Wilt bc lUiled bY ijablIsIathse Caning Year. The paItseason lias been unusually fatal in the number of casualtirs irons liglitning- stroke, scarceiy a weak' elapsing i, which f rom onue to a half-dozen deaths have nlt beru reported from thiý cause since the miàddla nilunelazi. Lightning, as it appears te th e eye of an observer, is usually classified into diffrent forns,, as sheet' lightning, zig-zag lightniing and hall lightnin g. People may hae struck hy-lightning almnost anywhere-in bouses, ont of doors, under ireas, in open fields rand on board ships lat sea. Casas, however. are nf most frequent occurrence out nf doors, and under trees. Sai'ors, on board ship, are pec-uliarly liable to lightning stroke, Marallic objects carried in the pockeýts, or about the body, render any one more liable toestruck. If the lothing is wei, the lightning may pass over it, as a gond conductor, without harming the body. On the other baud, persons may he killed withoet lharin heing doue to the clothing. In rare instances hodies have heen stripped uaked hy light- ing. Thie oneringa of the icet areliablato ba seriously injured, hecause it is bei-e that the lightning meets the greatcat resistancé of cattia or other animais, umbrelias, walk- iug sticks and metal ornaments worn upon the person. The chances that any citizen in the ordin- ary nallis of lufe meurs in a single year of being killed by lightnintr,, judging from the experience of the past 50 years in this state, are about one in ten thousand. Men are mnch more liable to death by ightuîng than wornen, in the ratio of 5 to 2, a fact which is probabiy due to their ont- door occupations. The greatcst numhers of deaths fromn this cause occcur in Jnly, and the least number in the winter mnonîlîs. The age 20 to 30 vears also furnishes the greatest number of victim3. The statistics of 200 deaths from ibis cause, presented in the United States census report of 1880, show that lighltning stroke was by far the most f requent ini the ragion of the western plains at the base of the Roeky mountains, and asun in the beavilý tirubered region of the Northwest, whil e the north Atlantic seacoasi region asa com- parativiely exempt. The Crops in Ontario. The August bulletin of the Ontario Bureau of Industries withi respect to crops, just issued, ia a most favorable one. The yield of hay has been axtraordinary, seldom les th!an ne and a hait tons per acre, and ini ITEMS OP INTEREST. The Mayor of Ironton, Ohio, Mr. John M. Coros, has occupied that office for twenty-two years. The. rabît is su prolifio that the Drogeny of a pair of them, in tan years, wil number 70,00D,000 Tho hast corks corne from Algeria. There are 2,500,000 acres of cork forests in that country, After a ted tous courtship uf twenty-seven yaars, a couple were marriad thé other day iu Weston, N.C. A tierman doctor as ceris that topers cap be cured of the dasire for liquor by eating raw appies ai every meal. Glas type, recentlv tasted in a Paris newspaper, is said to ha a success, The printing froin it is clear and sharp, whiie the cost is muchi lower than for leadeu typa. Ihere is in China a secret society called the IlTî iad. " It is a capital cri-mu to ha- long in it, yet it bas more than thirty mil- lions of members. Its object is the overthrow ni the prasent dynasty. A relie hunter in Portland, M., recently virited the hause in which LGngfellow was borts. Ha desired soute memanto of the poet, sud watching bis opportunity, took the higgest he could find. He stole a wlhole mantie pièc e. 'WMAJE AND SVORflDFI3!R. -4 Roeyal Battle Between the tivo Aliiphib- Adi ices f rom San Yrancisco give particu- lai-s of a fight witnessed ai Monterey which eude 1 more fatally for the larger but more defenceless mouister of the deep. The whale, it is staîed, wa, irt 7ain by a party of bathers one after; os ! > appeared to be the bay and occasionally sending a shower of spray aloi t like t-bat tbrown by s power- fui touniain. The preseuce ofthe whale or some othar cause seemed to frighten the small fish that abound in these waters, aind shoals pressed closely i shore, the waiar in places near the beach being FAIRLY ALIVE with them, while the surface was kapt agi- tatad by thair laapiug into the air as though seeltiug to escape from soin e invisible enemy. The whale foilowad the shoals iushore, when thera was a tremendous splsshing of the water, the gi-eat mammal was observed to move hurriedly hither and thither, while the cotortions of his body and his strange actions couvinced thé observers that he was eugaged in combat. It was a singular duel, aud it lsstad for some time. Nothing but tIha whale was visible, his enemy nev ' r com- ing to the surface or wiîhiu range of those who wara watching the scene. Fiually the That it ia not wise to experiment; with Ch-ea-p comipounds purporting to ha biood-purifies, but which have no real medicinal value. To make use of any othier than the oidl staný dard AYEII'S Sarsapoarilla-the Su- perior Blood-purifier-'iB eimpiy ta invita loss of time, nioney and health, If yon are affiicted with Serofula, Catarrh, leiimatism, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Running Sores,, Turnors, or any other blood disease, bc assured that It Pays3-o Us A!iETt'S Sargaparilla, and AYEIVS oniy. AYEH' S Sarsaparilla can al- ways ba depended upon. hý doas not vary. It le aiwaya t'ho sanie in quality, quantity, anda ffect. Lt le superior lu combination, proportion, appearance, ana in ail that goes ta bu.ild up the aystem weakened by diseasé and pain. It searcheg out 5 ail impuritiéesin the blood and ex- pels them by thé natural channels.*