District Notes. Mr. Wm. Clark, Pickering, bas three corn stalks meaouring, 15 ft«, 14 f t. l in, and 13 ft. 9 in. There is net and there cannot be, any emoking tobacco superlor to the 'IMyrtle Navy brand." A wrapper of brigliter appearance and higlier price ài l possible to-get, but ail wrappers are very poor omuking tobacco and but a single leaf is wapped round a plug., The stock used li the body of the "IMdyrle Navy",plug je (fie very bet which money can purchase. Thli powers of the Virginia soul can pro- d'uçe nothing better, and ne other aou lu th'Q world cin produce as fine tobacco as that of Virginia. The C. P. R. at Mynile are laying new -liies to connect their water tank there ,ith Mud Lake about a mile away. 1 Urie acid in thse bloodcisj the caueof aealy ail disease, it visita every part o ilue body and ila hable to fasten diaeate on any ergan ; the duty of the kidneys is te extract wates from the blood ; a cld ~villgtop this action, a pain in the back follows, and unieese relief la obtained, VGxranent inability of the kidneya te tîer their f unctiens folows, whlch Ciy te'Irminate in liver complaint, dys- p epsie, blood diseaae, dropsy, diabateB or Bright'e disease. Dodd's Kidney Pille asalÈt the kidneye te natural work, and çee 0ailocomplainte aud resulte eneîing 40m rnsame. Uit. Aaron Thompeon, j r., of! Scugeg, IMand, died lest week t hie fatlier'a re- eiiience after a few dayffe illne-!s aged 27 The action of Carter's Little Lîver PfIlle jepleasent,mi!d and natural. Tbev geü'tly timulate the liver, and regulata tilfbowelo, but do net purge. Tbey are sure te please. Try thmii. Mr. J. J. Pattereen, teacher of Max- weliLs echeol, East Whitby, lias been re- e.uga;ged for the yes r, 1893 et an advance orff50per annum over thie year'se alary. 1\1 pereen shouid travel without a box cf'Ayer'a Pillg. As a safe and epeedy remedy for contilpation and ail irregular-' 1),ieîs of the stomadli aud bowels, they ,1iàve re equal,and, being skîllfully sugar- coated, are pleasant to taIse, aud long retain their virluei. FARM STOCK WANTED.. Persone liaving fat cattie, milcli cowe, Bheep, lambe, veal clves, hogs and poul. try of any kind are rcquested te see or oeed word te me et my reideu nd I' stili cali on them. r 'dreeS. f. BY Netns, if by mail, Box 1, Bewnsanville. GOLD Nov Se PRECIOU.-SltS, For several iseasena we have relied on Dr. Fowler'e Exiract of Wild Strawberry fer ail aummer complainte. A few dc ses aI- waya give relief aud it nover feue te cure. Wé think it a very valuable mnedicine ; as precious as goid. Mits. F. C. WiNGEn, Font E111. Ont. LeOALOllîON.-This terni ehould be applied te the choice every intelligent person has between Burd ockBleod Bittera, the naturel and certain remedy for dys- pepaia,biliou3ness,oconstipetion, headacho, and bed blood, end the various imitationst offered by unscrupulous parties as being 'just ese good." There je nothing else as goodaseB.B.B. Ii ean honet medicine and bas made remakable curei right in çtw own tewn. Misa Lettie Huntey, Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Hun.tley, of Cortland, N. Y., a well known -car- penter and builder. Her frank state- ment below gives only the absolute truth concerning lier illness and mar-~ velous recovery by the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She says: "C. I. liood &C<o., I.owell, Mass.: IDear Sir. Twelve years ago 1 began te liave liemorriages and four years ago became sO 10W tiat the physicians told me There Was No Hope and 1 sheoulidsooù (lie. 1 could net lie tneved from my bed. Ulider my face ivere napkins continuaiiy reddelieut with biood from my mouth. i could eat uotbing and lhad 1no action of the boweis for a week. The doctors said tlue cause w'ats lcers in tisestemacli. At tiis trne my motiier said site wanted to mnake 011e more trial, and asketl if 1 would take Illod's Sarsaparilla. 1 toi lier it would be A Waste of Money but findiDg it wouid comfort bier, I began talc- ing it. In a few days tlite bloating began te subside, I seemed to feel a littie tronger, but thouglitit oniyfancy. I was soweak I could ouiy takçe tets drops of Sarsaparilia at first. Iu twow~eeiks 1 was able to sit up a few main- utecs every day. In a montl I could %valk ucrosw the rooni. Oiie day 1 asked wliat tlîey were to hiave for dinner, and said 1 ivated somethliug Searty. My mother was so happy suie crie . t as the First Time 1 had Feit Hun- gry for Trwo Years 1 kept ou witlie lood's Sarsaparilla and in six usseulis Nwas as well as ever lu my life. It is iiow four years silice 1 recovered, and 1I have k nt îàda ay' sciiiess silice lo ayitelir- risge i ee a'-ma eing thankcd the ood Il..rd S on bSended kuces il was I. T know tht ilo arsa.parilia, and tisat alene, unuestionabiy SavedI my ILife." Messrs. Sawyer & Jennings, the well known druggists of Corland, gay that Mis iluntley "I a lttghly respected lady; lier statement of wiiat Hood's Sarsaparilla ai done for her is worthy the highest confi- dence." Hood's F1118 cure Liver Illa. (Ceudensed frem thse Neivs.) Mies Minnie Hall wes viiting fiends in Torünto lest week. Miss Annie Benson, Bthary, le visit- iug fiiende in Oroîto. Mr. Geo. Cain lias rezited Mr. James fllett'e farm. Mies Werry, Tyrone, lise been visiting at Mr. A. T.imbiyu'a. Mies Lillilan Gavneby 'has recovered front lier recent illueee. Mr. John Cuttie wee visitirug in thie city lest week. Mr. Porter, Ottawa, ta viBitiîtg hie brotlier-'n-lew, Mr. Josephi Henry. Mr. Thomas Fergîsson, Midland, le visiting his sister, Mia. A. h3euis. Mrs. Potier -Preston,' and deugliter, _______________ Letlisny, haeve neen xisit1nu Mr. AUCTION SALES. Hugbhscl. mise Penfouud, Bownianville, an d. }',RIDAX, Sept. 30,-O)n lot 11, con 2, Mies Alice WVilkîneert, Toronte, wereI Cartwright, the f armrtock, implenens, gueste o! Mrs. T. Vinsen recently. etc., of tIse laie M. Smith. Sale et 120 Meseirs. N. F. Hall and James McGil o'clock. L. A. W. ToIR, auctiefleer. have returned terne frcm the north country where ttuey have been for lhe HAMILTON, Mareli 2let, 1892. benefit of their bealîli. Dr, L. A. SMITH & C., Mr. E. Sharman, e! Port iLpe, lias 536 Bleer St., Toronto purcliased thse Bslsery and Con!,ctionary GETS,-Pleaee slip us per G. T. R., business of R. 1101 & Soit. freight prepeid, three (3) groes more Of The Miesais Wright, Pinice Albeet, your Anti-Dandruif. Thise makes six visited lhoir siîtar,Mts. Jas. McCormeck, grose or 864 bottles purdhaeed frem YDU receiitly. ince January lOth, 1892, a lite more Mr John Torrence,- Rete ofo Stanley than iwo menthe. Thse large demand iseand Warden o! the county o! Huron, and due te the merits o! the preperatioti, as dangliter, have been visiiug Mr. G. M. our cutomers te wlom we have vold it Long. -- - W..~ . 4ý n, li, .einîve the u'...î. uîrrii£,- and., ,, is W_- - 1 1 Mr'. Pedlar sold, at the Industrial lest' week, a roof of hie Patent MetaI Shingles te go te CEntral Africa. The material will go via Liverrnool. The portage will ceai st the rate o! $80 per ton, and be carried a long distance upon the heads e! the natives. Mr. M. S. Bowman bas purchaged from Meesre. Farewell, Dînglo & Ce. some 25 acres of land, situated on the ea,-t ide of Simoe St North,for a fruit and vegotablo gardon. 11ý At the annuel meeting of the Women's iseienry Society of Medcslf St. Cliurch thse following officors were elected: Pres., Mrs. Watch ; lai Vice-Pros ,Mrs. Kirbv; 2nd Vice Pros., Mts. R. J. Gray ; R S., Mrs. W. E.' Dyer ; A. R. S., Mis Keeler C . S.,Miss Ayleeworth ; Treas., Mise Evereon. A Mission Baud has been organized with a îaemberehip e! 25 Miss Lavis is Presideut of ibis depart- ment. Mr. John Schofield le abiut to purchase the Vason Works and c. mvert jr loto a Woolen Fectory by sîhicli le wi 1 empley' some 80 liande. Mr, an>d Mr3, J. D. Storie W4ye u-turu- ed from the norihcen laie aumm ýr reÉerta.ý Mr. F. Putto lias greaiiy imnproved hie large brick blgck by the use of paint. Mr. Harry Jackson, with Fclt Bro., severely burned hie lband Saturday weok while trying te remove a blazing spirit lamp frein the store. Thse lcolsol in the lamp lied cauglit ire and was memeuntariiy in danger o expledîrîg nd aetting ire te the store. Mr. Chas. Ding'ir has been visiing liere, On Monday ni xnîng Sept. l2îli, abaut 5 o'clock,tho bat tea and contente, belonging te John MoiMil an living about a mile and a hlai! orth o! town, wera burned. The building wes filled uitt, grain and there were steeke of grain aboot, which were aIse deâtroyed. No indurance. Tremps are supposed tohavle caused the blaze?.i Mr. W. Mitchell, formerly o! the Dominion Bank bore wae the bicycliat wlie collided iith Mr. J. H. Hleard who wss killed by thse trolley car ln Toronto ecently.1 OBRA WA. (FYorn Our Owss. Crrespondent.) Miss L. Mallet lias returned telier home in Lindsay. 1Miss McNebb, Glencoe, is vieaitingc friende liere. Messrs. W. Penwarden and H. 1IL Saunders, Bowmanville, spent Sunday in towni. Great attractions bere. Messrs. R. Woon & CJo, are exhibitin&g their mowers, clover millsthreshers, etc,$ at the London Fair this week. Miae flattie Clarke, Cobourg, lias been visitiaug ler sister, Mrs, Gregory of this tewn. The Bowmianville Salvation Army Brasai Baud viaited Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. John Polkingliorne, of the Civil Service, Ottawa, bas been visiting friends in tewn. Mr. Thos. Guy, Oshawa, exhibited 13 head'of Ayrshire cattle at Toronto Exhibition. He ancceeded in capturing many prizes. Mr. C. A. Mallory left Friday morning for a trip te Georgian Bey and Parry1 Sound., Have you tried the 'Cûablo Extra" CIGAR? "El Padre" PINS. BEIHA VICTORIAS ASURPRISI LI, MIRACLES DO NOT OCCUR AT Î HAPMILTON. We aie just going to Thse whole town io! Glamaie, Ont., knows of acureby flic application o! MINARD'S, prise mnost people with LINIMBNT,te a partially paralyzed arm, that eqtsa'e anything tIsailias tranepired Ivalues we can give in ai Hamilton. R. W. HARRISN. Dry Gloods AND Mr. John B. Allia lias bought the farm cnwned by Mr. L. J.Coryeli,lut 17 Broken Front, Eat Whitby. for $9,300. ON FIRE WITII ECZEMf Terrible Sufferings of! LittIe Baby. sur- the Olothing .House, Jewvelr3 this fail. Cases" on cases of new goods are finding their way to our shelvesI - '1 i--- r' Athi ete and Derby CIGCAR ETTES Are solci on their Merits Everybody knowsl they are the 'best. Everybody Smokes them They have no rivais.z T. GEO. MASON'S LOHISGTORuE' IMPORTANTANNOUNGEMENT. Nthe lst of October we will make -our business ,a strictly Cash one. We shall BUY FOR CAs'U and SELL FOR C4SuI. Algoodsrnai-ked inplifgre at the lowvest Cash prices, and our price wilS found as low as any of the big Toronto stores on saine goods. Merchants and customners who buy for Cash al vant- to spend their money to the best advantage. Undoubtedly the larger- dealer can buy cheaper than the small dealer. We are cer- tainly the largest dealers in this town, and when in competi- tion with city houses we claimi that their heavy expense as. compared with ours gives us the advantage. Any sincere, unprejudiced shopper wiIl find our price as low as the city house on the average. READY-TO'-WEARGLTiN tecj' TLN is here now in great profusion. We don't seil rubbish. If' we c-in't seil good Clothilig we don't want to seli any. Our Olothing is made to fit; it is made to wear; it is made to stand. Our Clothi.ng- is marked ini plain figures. Our price is the same to 'ail. Men's Olothi- ing, Boys' Clothing, Children's Clothing. You can't afford- to miss gee- ing our Clothing before buying. CH1LDREN AND BOYS' SIJITS AND OVERCOATS.-Here (we dlaim the largest stock, greatest variety, best selection, Most styles, and lowest prices; every style ,;l garment, from the. Child's Kilt Suit to the Youth'-~ Eton Dress Suit, Reefero, Overcoats, Macintoshes, etc.. made frorn honest wearing materials and well sewn. Deal with the best Clothing -House and ensure satisfaction. WithMr ENNSi Boots and Shoes.ceharge and with thousands of dollars worth of new goods atriving, principa1ly of bis selection, our stock is, we believe, ahead of anything in this district. -Ail goods marked in plain figures. Don't make. any'mistake. You an save money by buying at the Cash Store. T. GEQO MASON'S