(OUT-,,"PLUGI) (PLUG.) rN other brand of HàOUSEHSOLD. Mother'a Eoom. Let us reverently enter, where a loving pres-t ence waits, Not far away front beavenýy fieldls, witb open. golden gates ; Trcnd lightly, heur.s are precions bore ou this scecmng hly ground, Dear Motlser's Itooni, where patient love and blesýsings rare abounci. Speak softly, for unpleasauttones should neyer bere be heard, No t hougbt off strife, nu augry voice, nu bitter, burning word Be uttere I 'neath the boaling wings off trust, and hope and peace Wbich buxer over Mother's Ruent-and rest without surceaso. Be gentle wbe n luMthers lium, for berei truc gentlenes Hath reign supremie, and here is knowu tbe sootiiîg. sw irupres Of devotion at the cradie, at the altar and the tontb, Making off this a world of bliss lu rcstfulI Mthers Ront. flavored witb onion, or seaoned simply GLN API1 MIRAC~LE. with at n pepper; whicb last we think best, because the meat on the breast off mut- lUfr. Jamnes Saiids' Wonderrul Bes. to is the sweetest flavored off ail mutton toration to Heatth. cuts. After dinner was ov6r, we returned the Aftes Three Teas sf raralysis, Insest.t "lef t over "part te the pot with the re- biltty, aacl lselessness, Hie Tells the m1ainder offthe brotb, just long eugh to Tale otrmis ltèe0very ani Renewvet rfiîeat it -having first carefully removed al okl h 1olý1 tr sTl bone andintermiuscuilar tissue,. h was then Wrki neW M-iStoyaTo put through that bandiest off ail kitchen TaWFree PsReporer utensils, the - combined fruit-press and po- OTW REPFS tato-masher," the enriqhed broth se, away The town off Alexaudria, sonte 55 miles in one bowl, and the nîeat pressed firmly South off the cit y off Ottawa, on* the Canadla into another,, fron w hence it will slip ont Atlantic Railway, lias been contplet3ly as- whea wanted in perfect slicing condition. tonished, recently, at the marvellous ex- ý. cupfni off rice boiled in the broth will pericnc~e of a young man, who, after having make a toothsome eutree for the next dia- been bed-riddeu for neariy twelve mon bs, uer. and bis case pronounced incurable by Mont- What môre can you tiesire for five cents, real and Alexandria doctors, is uow restor- ed to complete heal Lh and strength. Why Your Bodice Sets Awry. Mr. James Sands is a youug teanister, Saidone oma to nothr, ýenýherwell known and extremely popular through- Saidune oma to nothr, nentheront the country side, aud bis illness and OtRIO, are, a geat maniy peuple wuuld be beter olt. Lb ase&a rnt at t e ack %~~ ____ ______________ jgown to-sit smouth over theý shPdrb- e~r~nn & je~ws I~~~a as mn __tlno ' i tf jr 1,,,,h,~ eh- as yo ca haI 1-h n4,foi~~u sale airke tane remaese priceci is o -z for Infants and~ Children. 5ntrla is so weIl adapted tochlr htICasteri-a cumespolie, condpafoi, recomxnend t aa superior to ayprSrit oSur Storach,, Dlarrh-11, L-r11.1113%t I latoWorms, iessepaiproOtdi- -fo]ELme. X.A acumn, M. ID., giestion, . 0 " Owrd Si.. BMokiyn. X. Y. Wuit injurloos edicatiai Tim CZNTÀlUR CompmNY, 77 Murray Street,ii.Y