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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1892, p. 5

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'The correspondence lias hadl to be con- Methodist S. S. Anniversar. W. 0. T. U- CONVENTION. Family Herald and Weekly Star free MORTGAGE SALE densed this week -for want of room, for 5 mouthis to any -one seling us5 tw Our readers ohou'd note what Mr. Elli- The anuiver ary services in cünnectioýn The third annual convention of the new subscribers and 50 cents for Tisa OF VALUABLE son hais to say this week. Seo ad. with the Methodi8t Sunday School were Durham County Woman'a Cjhristian STATESMAN for the balance of thisz yeai. B S ~ _ Mr. . . lechrisviituglirvery succèEsul. The ran in. the evening Tempe-auce Union took place in this RELY ON, THis.-~.GENTIFMEY,---WO LUIN S B LC1%. duhMrs. m . etc el ting ler interfered somewhat with the evening town on WedneBday, Sept. 21%t. Theý have Bix childreu, and have relied on Dr. dauhtrMr. m.Casel i Care. service but the other services, espociallv morning and afternooui sessions were Fowler's Extract of VVild. Strawberry for IN BOWMANYILLE. Prof. Clark is the best elocutioniat that the afternoon, was very largely attended. held je the parlor of theMethodist church. the past twelve years ini ail cases of Under and by virtue of Powers of sale <'on- ever viaittjd us.-Lowville (N. Y.) Timnes. -Rev. J. H, Locke, of Peterboro, preached Mrs. Milîson. Orono, Couuty President, diarrhoea sud summer complaints, and it tained in certain Mortgages made by F. F. Town hall Oct 12. sermons, in the morniug to the teachers presided. The reports of the officers aLd nover fails te cure. Mns. ANNA ALL~EN, McArthur, held by tho Vendors, whch wifl 'd ~~h poe"o thYui o e on uprietesao ade in inayment of the8 noneve there will ha been visiting lier sister, Mrs. T. W. Jo.1- childron. Th rogram givon by the several Iittle girls sang a welcomoe soug, 1offered fo)r sale by Public Auction by S. 0j. iffe at flhe Parsonage. chidren in the afternoon entit!ed "The Mrs. F. W. Baugliman read a Most Ntesc itb,5ces; arag,50HUNKING. Auctionoer- at the Remember "The Social Glass" by the Harvest Crown" was very interesting aud excellent paper on "Iufluenae" aud was cents; 1>eatlia. 5o cents. eaeh InerionNN T H U E Royal Templar Dramatic C:ub in Town reflected [credit not ouly to those taking requested te repeat it at the public meet- -but FJLEI Oé itAG <I5A ll the ChN ITT I U Hall on Fair niglit ct. ôtb. part but also to Mr. P. Trobilcock who ing iu the eveniug. Mrs. R l3reeland fuca adiaeul tc1a tis &Ince ie the town of Bowmanville, on RYJY S Mr. John Keachie lias moved into the trained them. The primary classes con- gave a bible readiug on the "Vision of XMARRIEU. Saturday, the 8th day 0)f beautiful brick residence on Elgin st. for. tributod an important part to the programi God," and Mrs. T. W. Jolliffe couducted DExSEm-M.ONIZ-LEY-At the residonce of merly occupled by Mr. R. Barrett. and Misbes Veale aud Banuor are to be the noon prayor service. the brido's mother. Sept. 2lst,, by Rev. R.A October, .A. D. 1892, Pro. eoctînis O Troto corigratulated on the aucces of their ef- Luncheon waso served ini the achool BiIIrPy. H{erbert George, elde~st son of the late ait the hour of T WO o'clock p.m. the following Prof C!rk, loctioist f Tront fots.J. J. Deusem of Toronto. aud Emma, eldeat property, viz.: wjl h hal ct ~> ndr ors.The Biugiug by the ohool under room aud a very pleasaut social time en- daughter of the late Joseph Mankiey of this Thot certain parcel or tract of land and wilappear inuthe town hlOt.1 ne thdietoofM.J olnwhMesjy al. town promises situate Iying and bel ng la the town. the uspies f th Laies'Aidof te oYung andMisMiss N aseadsiot as Torganista sesioasaBThelataed.ernoouN-UIsessionanowept.2w1dlo attend-l Methdis chucb.aisegoo an theaudencewashighy Me.ny Rev. JtM. Camoron,at hieroatdenceoeeph log the oast Part of town lot number eight let Meda chucl. alsopis good: sndof tS.uîoc ash ed, maoqy visitors being preseut. r.Win. Callahan. of Toronto, and Jane Fair- blook"N"frontne on King Strootrn said tOwn. Th hse strrs aa rf .pleased with the whole program. The Tmlnsn w eyaporaesl.watr ehf wavie described as foîîows: . ommnencing at the H.Caki acmlt, atro teatcurhwsnceydcrteaconTahebynesaing trw es aropriahteý solo.neahrIeh.!B<mivl. North Hst angle o! said lot numbereight,then in te twn allmad of rai an frit as hrlafro i)ED.westerly aloeg the south Bide of King Street H. lark is. a pltemasro h r hrl ieydcrtd cro niThed aeiontresor brudiscu sos on Twonty-eight foot, thon sonthorly paral of deloclin. Hear 1 i2u.etw almdeo ri ri a hn rm aiae u ntrsigdsusoso DAvEY-T Tyrone,Sept. 22,Eliz tbeth Dla vOey, thhoetrubndyhrefothsut Alidentlemy Oct aprci a2 thed argüe chandlofieadfu froundth pandi a ri of subjec's. Several good read- relict or. th~i litelIt9)brt Davoy, agad 73 ye ara Bide o! said lot, thon easterly along the said î f 1ognwsinga were given, Mrs. Momeuî'si pae onad 7 month?., southere boundry to the south east corner fitting sud weli made suit or ovorcoat blooming plants. On the ora'a Influence" being especially worthy of Ithereof, then uortherly along the oastorn pas demonsfrateti its should leave their orders at Couch, John- liung a black board on which was a uicely ntc.OWIN LL K~T1a boundry thoeof te the piace of hegining. bo- ,vonder fui power of atone and Cryderman's. executed crayon drawing by Mr. Chs. The officers elected for the comitig year Block". rorykona'te cAhr KLLING EXTERNAL and INTERNAL PAlff. Ms .TeoîiaJM.sdMs MLean witli the words "Came to Jeus, I ,,.R rnuhad.M.adMs ' are: Correctedby .1I. MiVtIurtry, every Tuesda On this property je orectefi a fine Brick Block. Njo _Wonder then jhat it is fou<7d cil Thos. Creeper returned from England an Wwloeyo tooranveiay, Mrs. R. Freelsud, Prosident. 3 laorihgo on elttedi on teo w fine j yesterday after speuding ton days in The collections amounted to $101.70. Mrs. J. H. Milîson, Vice PreRident. FLouR,- VI 100 Ibo .........$1 90 to $2 50 shoge wndwl az td connienc fordine T1he Surgen's Sheif ar qurniea r eIl. Mrs, V. A. Coleman, Corresponding WuBEÂ; Faîl, f bush...O 0 00 ilO 70 a largo rotail trade. The uppor Btonies are Mohe' Cubor nuaranTn Wt rsSeal ofPic d-AaIeS LE ,Scoay.Iua 00 l07 finiahed and suitable for Office or Society pur- TIhe Rev.le T. W.Vahbldoirnse,&UTO AES ertry i Riaiu 0 i07 poses. The proporty !a weil known as belng Th Tavle'SVais, ward Islaud, attending the Presbyterian Miss Bunner, Re.odn ~rtr.n ie, . . ( 5oeo thvryetbunsstadt B - TIhe Soldier's Knapsa,-. Couucil, Toronto, will preacli in St. SATURDAY, Oct. 8,-The property known Mrs. R. Moment, Treasaurer. G.(ooale, _0 00 0 61 manvilie. ' curc Suda monin nxt t Mè.M. illar, Aditr.Colorado il... 0( 00 ~ TERMS-10 per cent nt timo o! sale, sud for The Sailor'S Chest Paul'a hrl udyuoun eta as the -MoArthur Block," situated on Mrs M.MbwrAdtr .alance em ilb ierladwl cmd T~he Cowboy's Saddle ila. M. the south aide of King St., Bowman- The evening meeting was heUa lu the Ryz, .......O 0( 0 i 0 55 kuowu at rme o! sale. 'Ili are' tbeThe Diroctors of the Agricultural Soci- ville. will be soid by public anction at Disciple church, Rev. E. B. Barnes,past- QÂ&TS, ai..... . 0 0 il- 27 For further particulare enquire o! W' F, The P-iner's tabl oty acknowledge with thauks the receipt the Bennett House,Bowmaýnville. Sale or, in tho chair. The congregation sang BÂRLRY, P bushý, No. ... 0 001 0, 43 ALLEN, EEq., Blowmanville, or of the undor'i The Sportsmfafl's Grip, of $15 from W. T. Lcckhart, Esq., M. P. et 2 p. m. S. C. llunkiug, auctioneer, the oponing aud cioaiug hymane. Rev. A. " '2.. 0 001 il 0 30 37-1wd. C.AJ ndoS, olicita. The Cyclist's Bunldle P., whc the have applied as ls prz WEDNESDA-Y, Oct. 19-Mr. W. Stutt W. Biiener road the sonipture lesacu sud '2.. (0 O38 7-.Vodr'olctrj ou fife wheat, small, mummy aud blaz-k- lot 20, con. 9, Darlingtou, will oel all Rev. T. W. Jolliffe lead in prayor. Rev. ' 3.. 0( 00 0 35 ASK FOR THE NEW ' eyed pes and six rowed barley. Mr. bis farm stock aud implements by W. S. Pritchard was absout on Rccount n T'wo, rowed O0 GO 0(10 Lockliart's letter was uot received in auction. Sale et one o'clook Bharp. of illuess, aud Rev. D. F. Gee, Newcast- BbJkkwheat P bsh.......O 0( 00 O 35 JE EJ "B G 5 B T IE ime to b: nted inthe pizB lis. Gls" L.A. W. ToLE, auctioner. biaaele, was uuavoidably preveuted fronhOlflg PxAs, Blackeye, e bush.: 0 00 il 0 80 R T O lad __________________________________________ , ,intedaet THE STATEEMALN office WB givo-a J. Keachie, Miss Freoland sud Mr W. " Small, .. 0 001 0, 58 _________________________________________ r00 notice tIse Ine; aov j -Îl ,rn , 1 ...-. MrISan _ ,d,_JL. n Rpf ( .O ( ________________________ __________________of___________ and mîrri rovol (Y o Wb oog Mp ilfl LU,,t tu_________________________-___._-____00_6_ accueila 2t, the. Ram t... meeting, U:ûa- nisa wero YIrB. 0 ~ . pricileaan-ha--~ee- -ro- d les0t Wîh s~wol uicl, Mis -ea aud Mi TIlit MUKIrA 0 Mi. . . " , nouncea on prse aa oý MF an re 2eF,-~' . ever arsnP M- 8rbeQM hPbe aaii s j ollie anct f i-jaoha MD iv ssavlçuu- 1........... F oi a_________ Mb _______________c______ ne____ one NIo Bauahm 311 --UU. -_rs. *'u

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