A'N OLD MATDS MARRIALEN' BY GEORGE B. RIJIGIN. MNiFse -Mattie hiroermhecair. Bvery fresh namne made the matter worse. (ood-evening, Dr. Slurke. Won't you The s9tranger saw it. I can't remember the cornfa ini ?" she inon ired. withthe 1-in nianr ,nine-s fth. ota- , 1'..il- c. . nevertbeless, gave an order for her arrest, and the necessary formalities for ber extra- dition were com menced. At that time she was staying in a fashionable hotel, where, however, eue was kept under close surveil- lance. The other night, finding the game was up, Madame Appaiuti undressed, dreuched herseëli witb petroïleum, and set fire to herseif. A short while before she had insureuiber life fr a cnslieble S'um. HEALTH. Thcu cryiug need of our women, maysaa physiclan, whose spccualty of the nervous diseases brings hlm. ti cotact--with plenty of the nervous ty pe of the sex, is sleep. Over and over I tell my womeu patients consists ini frequently syringing out the ear with warm water, usina also a lîttie sweet oil or white castile soap to dislodge the ob- struction. Sometimes a large piece of wax cornes out only after weeks of such syring- ing, and the defectix-e hearing is suddenly rStoEdFR UERTTOS SEAFARIN liFElisTITIO1bS. PER0NAÂL Mr. iFrederick Douglas, the cgloredl ora- tor and politician, is sometbing of z viohin- ist and often pîsys duets with vifflt-ýs who are at home wjth the piano. Hie bouse at Cedar Ililli near XWashington, W iu~sited a great deal y--youug-peuple. H f-~that sort of society. His granuison Joseph also 7~i1