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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1892, p. 7

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Far Constipation Ayer's PUile For Dyspepsia Ay'ersPIS For Biiousness 1 Aycr's PUIS For Sick Headache Ayer's PUIS For Liver Complaint Ayerls1511.1s For Jaundîce Ayerls PiUk; For Loss of Appetite Ayer's PiII ~or Rheumatism Ayer's Pilla For Colds. Ayerls Pilla For Fevers Ayer's PUIs PrepareL.)y -Dr. J. C. Ayrr & Co. Loweil, Mans Sold by ail Druggists. Every Dose Effective Quea Victoria's uew ditîîng rooiat Osborne cost $100,000. She paid for it 31onthiy Frizes toi' lcys stnuliGrb. The 4"Suniiht" Soap Co., Toronto, effert he folawing prizqs every meth tii1 furtber notice te boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of Ontario, who sQnd the greate8t oumber of "S3unlight" wrappers:lit, $10; 2ud, $6; 3rd, $3; 4th, $1; à h te 14, a liandsoine B3ook and a pretty pcture te those wbe seud net ]ss than 12 wrapper..' Send wrappers te "Suniht Scat) Ofce. 43 Scott St. Torotot flo later than 29tIL of each m' nth, and marked "Competition'; -aso give fu namne, address age. and number of wratspers. Winneri numsmî will be published la TitelTaronte Mlait ou first Saturday iu each manth. Blie Wanited ?in-Money. Mrs. Gruf (timidiy): I'I'd like a hittle piu.mauey ta-day, cear, if yeu eau spare Mr. Gruf:"'IPin-mouey, madame? What do yenu want with What have yen doue with the ten grass of pins thet 1 brnught juta this hanuse anly lait Manday V" Miss. Wl" SLOW'S SOOTIIINO SyRup bas been useS by millîcus of mot hers for their chidrea and crying witb pain 0f Cutting Teetb aend at bootlsing iyrtnp" tor eniaren LUeMUg. xiwn - - eïlieve Mue poor Mnuauzustrrrtmacy * nenup n 7,ss Lt anr.uueT. S ,s 8M ruulo RELIOS OP aHAM2LAIN. Saniee of the Langlmariks Lert tsy the Great , Explorer. Mr. W. D). Ligistiseli, et Matreai, writiug ta"Th TiaWeek,' as: ,, weeki ago an intcrciting ceiler entered my dloar in Mentreal. Ha was a tali, pleasaut English- man ýof parisapi terty-five years, and upoîs bisvisitingcard, aas asamcaîunusualattree. tienu te anycue acquainted witis th islsstory cf Moutreai, or inideed of- America. Tise caie was Amiserst, and its beerer wes cf tise tamiiy cf tise asous Sur ,Jeffery who commeudad tisa armias wbich captured Monstreal su 1761) an d brc ugist about attse [samne time tise capitulationi cf ell ' Canada and Cape Breton." Ia tise course cf cou- versation ha dascriicd ta me " Mantreal' ir Kent, Isis owu Englisis home-tse cîtate wbieh Sir Jeffery nemed fr,îm.tise tewn cf bis great captura and whlîiîpassed, witis ruse tîtie cf 1' Baron Amhesrt cf.Montreai" te bis nepbew, anîd tisenca directiy te tise prasent Earl, wisese bratiser tise speaier wes. It was a rare pleasure te taka sacis a man about tise town and show hlm tise encamp- ment site cf bis eîscestor's army, tise bouse which tradit ien asserti ta have beau bis iseadquerters, tise gara whereby haeîsntred tise town, tise Square wisare tise Fran ýh army lald down its armi befora isim, and ariser seues et eliîundred and tîsirty ycars &go. Dursssg tise day a drive wes arranged tc tise landing place cf tise army at Lacisine, ninamils uav. Tisa otisers in eut car- niage were net unconnecteUl with hi3tery. Tisey wara Garald E. Hart, tise asîthor of "Tise Fall cf New France," aîsd Charles Maur, autisor cf" Tecumseis" aud veteran ot bcti tise North-West rebellions, and tise conversations neturaily ran machs on t.isteri- cal subjects. Tise Lowei' Lacine Read, along tise Rapids, wes cisosen, and a stop was made ta sec tisa e.m embewered 1"La Salle Hoestaad," tise ancient building cwned by risc bospitable John Fraser su htisenighbeurbeod, situated, se cccteîsds wîti musei reason, cn tisa vcry grant of 400 acres originaliy talcen for bis privae demain by La Salle durîisg iis yaars et his ,ieitlemest of Lachine about 1666. Mr'. Fraser's claimi is disputcd by D. Giron erd, Q. C., tise bistorian cf Lacisina,.but is set ont with sosme concessions yet sisîcisfarce un a lata pamphilet on 'lTse La Salie Homastead." Hlowevar il snay ha as ta Le Saule, Mr'. Fraser sîow dcaims tiset et any rata tise ehimnay of ts bouse is an extrema- ly cil eue. Uc admits tise body of tise dwelling (new considarabiy ruiuad) ta ha tise cre-tion aI a marchant nesssed Cuillariar about tise hegiuning etftisa eighreenth cen- tury. Tisa cbimnay, hewvevet, ha dlaims stand s saaate asnd was tise cisiîiuay ofaI dwaiiing bout isy Chsamplain in 1616.* It was te, invastigate tisi assertion tist er niesour stoppage. Wr found tisewalls cf tisa bouse in tainrf resarvatien, sbesviag a strng rubisie extarior cf eue sterey, laced with cur-stoîse catut *iadoers and win- dows. Tise tact and floors ws're hall feulen out, was separate frein tise wallî, and stecd Lty ý irs n tise isanse, adjasning, instead f, ai g art el ina eos as eto standing directly su tisa cesntre, as @1f q w- . 5lî5- been paid. It wili net ha passible for Mr- Parmaise te prccced as fsar nartis as tise points rnetiaaed, but il hs conjectorcd that tise information he wiii obtasu ill warrant tise Minster of Customs in crcating two ci' threc otports cf custami eat points aicng Hudson bey, notahly et Churchill, XYork, Factcry and Mceose Factory. NEWS PROM RYDER'S PARTY. Ile isI»atingCee oi Pregress it xpierintg GïeenacsEasht Coast. News of tihe sate rtura cf Lieut. Peary fro.n bis expedition te Norths Greenlcndisi cioscly fllcwed by information tram tise party that Lieut, Ryder lad te tise coast cf East Grecniand a yesr cge. Risi expedition coasistieg cf nine memniers cf -tise royal Deuisli navy, lett Capanisagen on Jonc 8 lest yaar on board tise Norwegian sealer Hekla. iSeven weeks later tise party arriv- cd on tise ucrtiswest caît cf Iccland, and tiscuce tisey prececded te Scoecbys Sounsd, on tis enaît cocît joît souris cf tisesoes expiared by tise xoldewey expeditian in 1870. lhiser pîsrpaac wes ta make collac- tiens lcnig tisis coast and tc explore tise an- tire ragien as fer aauth as Augmagsaisk fiord, tise nertiscru Iiiiit cf tise explorations cf Lietît. Holîn. Thcy spent tise wiîtcr in camp et Cape Brawster, 70 0 27P N. lat., makiîsg large collections anîd taking obser- vations. Tisey did gead work doriag tise îpring aise, but ws re unable to complote their survcy cf the caast andcîncct tiseirois- servaticas with tisose cf tise explerers fer. thîti'sauth. On Aug. 8 Lieut. Ryder iloft Gseenland and returned te Iceiassd, but ise stsrtcd again on Aug. 26 for tise Greenland ceesi, cxpecting ta land ut aiscut 68 0 nartis lati- tude and te complete bis work. Great scientifie resuits are said te hsave beau ai- ready achieved by tise expedition. Whey, this work is campietad tise entire catt une Ircm Cape Farweil ta, Cape Bismnarck wiii have ieen otiined, and Piydcr's labors, ta- gethser witis tie information brouglt hanse by Lieut. Peary, wiil cable mep makers te gi-se au apprcximatc idea ofthte outline cf the east, ncrtheast, and notheru caasti, and tisen tisa contour cf Groenlsand is its entire- ty wiii ha fairly well knowsî. It is wortis nct- ing tisat aitisongis tis e at ceat lbas betu ragarded as almost in'sccassiisle, Rydar reached it lait year, and ha bad every eau- fidence whass in Iclaud in Augoî 't tisat ise wouli reechi i again tîis yaar. CHOLERA OVER THE O0JEAN. A Nurse IWrttes or lier Exprrience lài a 1fassbtn'g Hopital. Miss Henrietta Kenaaly, an Englisis val- nuteer mune iu tIse Eppandarfer Hospital in Hclmhuirg, ises writtan a latter describiug ber experiences tisera. Tisa latter. wisicis bas just beau pubiisiscd, says: «"Lt is samewiat appalliîsg ta ti-osceeus-, tamed ta revaresît treatisent cf deatis te witnass tise brusqua isandiing cf choiera censes cftishe blsoitals isere. Tise porters. arciiteet, and tisen wa must sec that poli- tics daci its wcrk prcperly." Tisemetisads tc ha used are simiier te tuase etftisa Salve- tion Army. MIEN AND W aMEN EQUAL. Tisera is litie doîsbt riset tisa Mayballs wiil win somatising of c foliexing, fer thesi' creed is based on certal principies assd is caculated ta attreet the dlais et secialistie raformers witis wiich Mcybeli bas beau as- sociutad et lata. An aleureinant for womeu la held ou', cIBc, isy an c.4oa1 rigsudagasa, ud-r wiicb ma is preventad trem iseving et Crosse hIl andi otiser Ca-sadien ports, tise Provincial Board af Healtis cf Ontario, tistaugis tisa ion. tise Misisier et Agricul- ture, desires to urge most stroîîgly an tise Govarument ofthtie Dominionu et Canada tisa advisability ot îsstlsng immaediata reguia- tiens enforcing a querentine cf tweuty disys against cli vessaIls carrying immigrants ta Canad jaisperts." It wes furtisar decided ta urge upen tise Ontario Cavermaent tise adviseiiity cf placing sanitiury inspeeters et Niager a Feus and ariser poits, ac rie Iailowing rasolution was isassed :- That AN OPPOSITION TO THIE SALVATIORt TO PREVENT CHOLEERA. ARMY~TARED. peclal Mieeting of the Provincial Bearîl A New Sect Whieh Wltl CombIne anti ne oi'Ieath-A Qsîarastiae or New Yorii i~or th AbveStette 5ieaures tebe 'lakein for the Oea. Stephea Maybeli and wif e, thse pro- Prevesmîloit fthsc tîrge. jectars cf a uew reiigio-politicai reform, A speciai smeeting cf the Provincial Board have just started fram San Francisco for ut Heaitis wes held the other day in Toron- N ew York ta preaci sesine unique dactrines. te ta consider nîsasures which shauld ise The establishment cf heaven oni earths is talses for thse preventian cf. the inpartatian their idea, and tisat is ta, be attempted by and spread cf Asiatie choIera in the prov- ~bth religions suiasicu anîd force cf gavern- ince. There were present :-Dr. Cassidy ment. Mayisell argues that tise people eau (chairman), Dr. Normn Allen, cfUI cranta,; neyer ha saved unless the nation is- spirit- Dr. Macdonald, cf Hamiltona; Dr. ,Kitcesen, ualiy saved, and se is piani is te unite tise of St. Geoge; and Dr. Vaux, of Brock- religiaus work with politicai refarmeaticîl. ville. A latter wes rcceived fromn Dr. t is the separatian cf the spirit cf religion Bryce, secretary cf thse Provincial Board cf f ram goverameut, biesys, that causes alI{eaith, who is at present absent on tise social, industriel, and political cvii, and bie Choiera Commission. The letter is dated proposes ta usa palities te prcmata religion at New York, and isegins by caimg atten- whiie bringieg rcIig:ou ta bear on polities. tiou ta cisc incfficiency cf tise Grasse Isle Fermeriy a promiactît Sacialist, Mayheil quaretîtine. Dr, Bryce, hawever, gaes on hoids that poverty is the roat cf ail wicked- ta say :-«'î If sisp arrîvîng witbiu tise sîext ness, and hae will erîdeavor ta remave it hy week do net pais chaiera op tise St. Law- a cambiîîation cf religions and Socilistie relîce, and I do net £ee how tbey eau witis principles. The the action bath et qnaranliîse station andi at AILMY cOrITEAvKN AT IIAND Quebec for deiaying ail suspects there, is tht name that tihe Maybeils bave chosen tisere ought ta be for their organizattan and as the work lias NO FURTE5ER DANGERt becu in preparatian for twa years thare sic j tiis season, if tise Dominion Gaverument net a few ceaverti already enlistcd under supplement tise action cf tise Presielent of the ehosen fiag--a sky.islne haîser, ou tise United States by a twenty days' quaran- whiî3h au intant wjtis outstretched arms is tine cf immigrant shipa on the St. Lawrence. tise sysubol of the cross. The recruits have This wiil practically stop immigration thîs beau won isy correspeadence with -ocial ra. seasan, and tili tise frcst comces,the St. Law- tormers that the leaders have beau associat- rence rente siii be safe." If this is Dot ed with, and by means cf a weekiy jounîal donc, the letter goes ain ta say, a large nunn- pubiished here in the new army's interest. ber cfRunssian Jews and ather immigrants Thc Heaven et Haisd belief pravides somes will came through Queiîec, np tise St. I aw- new feattîras in theology, asidc tramn the rence, aîsd this, together with tise immigra. assurance ther Paradise may begiicn earth. tion from the United States hy way cf " Ail through aur religionr," îays Maybeil, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, wîll suiject On. " are the symbols cf tise male and the fe. tarie ta coîsiderabie danger. Dr. Bryce maie. And se iin car Triniity insteal ot the advises that a staff cti isspectars ise placed Fatiser, Son and Holy Spirit, we have tise at Niagara Falls, aînd cisc that measuras ise FATHER, THE McTIIER AND THE SON- takea te place iu the bauds cf thse public praper regularions with respect ta the treat- This is natural. The motherhood is nees- meut cf tise disease. sary, as well as tise fatherisood. The Fath- A discussion upon the variens points sug- er hs the wssdoam cf tise isîivarse, the Math. gestcd us the dcctor'i letter followed, asnd cruis the lave cf the usiserse, and the Sou the tcllawing resolution was carried ; represeats the people. And agein, in the " Tiat ia view cf tise action cf the Presi- practical workiug cf aur religion, p6iticsils dent cf the United States. who has'issued tise expression of tise maie, and religion 18 an order establislsiîg a qnarantine et twenty the expression cf tise temale. Bath shotild days cf vesseis carryiîsg immigrants, se as ce-operate for tht benefi tof the people. Re-ta preveut the introductions cf choiera into lîgian, tise female, is tise architet cf se- the ports of the Unite'd States, tharcby de- ciaty ; it shouid ferrotise plans. Politici, lecting the stream cof immigration te oui' tht maie, is tht carpenter, and îhould carry soeand a secing tise unprepared cou- religicus plans inte executien. Te referasý dtono Sick Headache and relieve ail the troubles inci- dent ta a bilious state of the system, sncb as Dizziness, Nausea. Drawsiness, flstress after eatiug, Pain in the Side, &c. Whiie their mast remarkabie success has -been shawn in Cul ing IleadacbeYet CARTER'S LiTi. vL IVtRPîf are equal y icluable ia Constipation, curin%,, and preventing tbigs anayiflg campiaint. wbiit t es correct aIl disorders of t e stamach stmuate the liver and regulate the bowelig Even if tbey ouiy cured 1having received ntcet nry astila car- - y 5n11~ 55~~~we recommec fe~oenetn n ',r~ holie solution on thse body, bed, and ileaven at fland, Mayheii and his wife are tarie ta pass an order-in-Councii anthariz- Ache thfey would be aImost pricelesg te tboPi _____________________________ o.mrlaae u ank. Itis the iaw that a , E---irmvî o.suifer froni this distressing eampla.inti it ta the martuary.the hcad of tht army et aIl times, each te andsteamhoats, .rsi~fa ieSae theselitl'e pills valuable in so nal:SYý5a t ter ta l Wl some j h rpdtvwtf nensrn itlns MV- gu M11MngMl-A 5,r1 3 -em 7= w or l.ý ~r~ A 1~ 1t bc awoma of he sine ank.v---èÏÏ .v -1#1'.M -.à OZ fll:YhY evev ove u[iiwé maKoea ourugréâtr vuàbC. - - 1 . , . -ym1 .. ee r tc- m - , - !- - ahl c ilpse , aton Ir sptttlyii e e rt 'Be l aise ad ptad ou cfj tlne r cîcs clecTi s maesmzau oy ut. a desterT s aadto ci Mge.leasi shewa tot- Bo ill wa te dopedso o rune o eleri........ iedbyDr For S~1 - After s.ffering for about twent f/e eý from scrofulous sores on the legs ai arms trying various medical courses withoutoenefit, 1 began ta use Ayer's Sarsaparùb, and a wonderful cure was the resuit. Five b"flles sufficod ta restore me ta, health."-Bonifacia Lapez, 3217 E. Commerce st., San Antonio, Texas. Catarrh "My da.ghter was afflicied for nearlv a year witb catarrh. The physicians being unable ta bnlp ber,, My pastor recommended Ayer's Sarsaparilla.I follawed bis advice. Thee ,nontbs of regular treatment with Ayeras S.rsapasriila and ýAýers Plls ussý letely restord my daugbter s health."-Mrs. Louise Rielle, Little Canada, Ware, Mdass. inflanumatory rheumatism, being sa bad at tinies as ta be entireiy heipless. For the last tvw-o years, whenever I frit the rifrets of the d;sease, 1 ta take Ayer's Sarsapaeilla. -nd have noïc had a speli for a long time"- E. T. Hansbrough, Elk Rua, Va. For ail blood dliseases, the best remedy le Sarsaparula Peparrd by De. J. C. Aver & Ca., Lowvell, Mass. Sold by ail Druggists, Frire $i ; six bottles, $5. Cures o'thers, wil cure you u ý ý 1 1 1 1 ýf 1 De WOTTILIrl 01 Mu e lau 1-1. lera ! Lu--m mq- ý,ýà i 1-Al- ýf 1 ne awoman or ine ettiric vatih. Il.- -ý 1 -, - nt choiera 1 AV' -M M-M WL- 1. C-tral tile. 1 - - -- Aff-M M - RIF-M cwý j 1 we maKe our greub vuubý. - vi- uuiv - ally ý,ollapsed, ye.t on Fridi meel, -miisie

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