A I M OINEY TO LOAN,-Ounto rsecur iy on most fayots bic i e.m-ma ontg4gss bougist, Apply [ te cisAiDFso aTF, east of te.wn. P, 0. Box 119, or. jusau POSTER, Dreyer, Basemauvilie. P O 5-lyr. FLOIIIST. OSIIA WA, - - . ONTARIIO Gnnwer sud deaier iu Ct'olce Cut Fiowers. Pîse u, RnEs. snaio Violats. Suilax. and IFerns, Enferai Desigees sud Bouquets madeaune onshort nottce in Wreath4. Crowns, Pillows. Ileats Soci-ty Ifushia4, & -. Planis Laaed for Drcoration.suca as Palma Ferna i t 'a&c. Telatihone Caneceton. 1ly M -O RlENT.-F(-r tenus of years, "Glen 'LDisu "-300 acres, 2 meies trou Whistby- good buildings sud soit Admirable or stocke or dainy. Ct suce fon goiog extensively ioa Toronta milk businacas or stock raising fo, usmertean manke. Men wtb captalonly Aead apply. J. H. Dow, Wbtby. 32 tft THE (CANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLI-1HED 1853 81 per annum in adysnoa otherwise S1.51, Subsciptoaaliw ty3 pyable aSt[ha offi ,-,'t Publication. Advertisin,, ratas nueleas by ovea race, 10 cafnts par lionngnutp )s?-8ie;frat mss 'le rn, and à5 cents pr lioneasclissbaqeaci ta- satine. Locats. 10 cents par lins. M. A. JAMES, Publishe. F OR SALE OP. RENT-Houseansd lij acres for saie or to rant. situiata on Scuuog Street forth Tisa promises consult of a.good bouse with every cooveolence, dnlving sed, stable, etc. The gardan conlalua a lot 01 se cisoicast fruit oi ail valeti 's. Imetedîsee posesiion eau be given. Por partielars appiy 10 W. FasLICueens Bowmovilile Ont. f9 t STANDARD BA.NK OF CANADA. C(lpila.lpaid ep, s1,@oo,o5o.met, ti53 ý,aO 0 This Bank is preparod [o do Logiti- mate Batuking in ahi its branchas. Farmer's notes discounted ; iDposits received and Interest peid on eccounts of 85 sud upwards lu Savinga Bank Departineut. EIBALTH-. 1 (CUT PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en-' joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut. Plug and PIug TobaccO-. OZdest Gi' Tobaeco manif(ac- 1:s o-rs in' Canada. MONrREAL. Cnt Plug, 10c. j lb riug, I0C. j lb Phug, 20)C. What to do in Ernergency Ciases- ArrARE'ST DEATIL.-Frcmtd rowesieg. Place perSon oen abdomen, oua artmuder fora- head t aise body [n ampty stomach air-1 passages of eater aud mucus. Rcmos-e lotis-, iug trous chaît, fay tisaporson ou issbacki wish roll of clothing (a man's body will do)1 under tisa back, tu raîse stomacb, sud iuwer lîead. Pull tougue forward, aud sacure it by tying string over itansd undar tisa jaw. Stand astri le sud knael at patiaut's bead; graap tise arma bciow thse eibows sud draw tisent out-ward, upsuard sud backward [iii [iîoy meat ovar the bead ; leep in tis positon te o secons, thon carry tbous dowui te ide of cheat egain tili lbows uiearly useet os or tise steeracis, and press firmly for two seconds. fiepeat flteen ternes par minute. Persevera in abese efforts for h ours, or until breatbiug bas beau rastored, thon promnote circulation by friction, artificial hast, etc. As soon as tisa person eaun swal- iow, give bot nilk, beel tea or cofféea o FROWt COau-Place body lu cold ton sud tub with suow ne batha in ice-cold watar util limbs ara soft and flexible, thice place lu bad sud tub with flaunel ; warm tisa ous gradually ruS wrap lu flanuel. As soon as the person can swalhow, give spoonu- fui dosas i bot coffea. FRoSI INHALiNa CAS, Cse.oRoaýoRsr, ET. -E-xpuse te froide air, luoscie ebthing ; keep bead cool sudl feet wsnn. If nccessary,tuse tisa method of resuscitation froue - Appar- eut Deatisfron Diowiuig." FROM INS- ,Cs u A, v. -Endeav- or tn induce respirations by samne metb-sd as recousuendad trous " Apparent Deaths trous Drowuing."' Fn051 LIGIJTNIN(,.-Dasis eold watar on1 besd, face ansd body; pour it ou head front a beigist. If thîs doas not rex iva, pisce tise1 naked body lu a baif-sit[iug posture, andî cover it ail over, excapt tisa face, wltlî freshis BITxs, 0r AareîýALs OR SNAKES.-Ile0at a knittiug-neadia or stout iire towbita hast, and buru tisa wouud ; set quickiy. If tise wound la on the arn or ieg, [je a cord about tisa wouesd. BnoicEx TLi-ssns-.-Suipport tise ijured part on biankats or pillows. BRtuses. -Appiy ciotha wrung front bot watar. ie-spiy as, soon as cool. Later apply diiuted tincture arnica or essence peppermint. BuRmS -To axtinguisis fire, wrap awol lees garmaut or [eeg arnund tisa peronu. \Visen tisa fire 'a ont undress caratuliy lu a warne place. Dýo as little iejury as possible. Soaknid lieseni10 qual parts ot linseed il aud lin-atat, or lu a anolotion of saleratus tsbiesponuful [o pintutf %ater,) and apply. Fler sudusolasses nixed arc -aiso gond. Proteot tise parts trous tise air. FR05 SXvALLOWIsc., B[TTONS, ETC. --Bend tise person torward aud iva a sýharp stroke ou tisa back. Jiamove obstacle if, ivitiin' reacis. Bread swailowecd w sych autimes dlean a a-mailiobstacle troustisthtoat. Do not give cathartica. CONVULSIONS. -Und reas as quickiyas pois- sible, sud place lu s warees bath. Keap tise boaS cool. As sooti as propar, tub dry sud wrap in waress blankets. Inhalie campisor. Kc'ep quiet. Ctou.--Apply warm, uoslt clotisa [o tisa [broat, sud place [ha chlld lu a nsoist seinoaphere. Lett[ha cbild breatise over stesus. CuT'z.-If profuse biecding occurs, use pressure aboya htiîjnry, if enubaud or tact, aud apply typti cotton or old linan raveihings. If blaeding is sigist, cleanse wi[is wsrn wotean sd biuid with a, soft ciotis. Ds)zziçEss.--Give panyn hfessair. Looscu closhes. Iuisaleammnniaýr camnpior. 11mb leet aud bauds, Giva water [o drink. EARs.-Flies or Insecta in Bars. Put a drop nr more (nf glycarine or swaat il, Simpi!y [o antangle tisa offenSer, As a geu- oral muia, gycerene, ail, or any sticky sub- stanice should nt haput lu tis aes. If a biardi suisýsiance gats in tisa car, unless it eau hacalaken ont, do ot interferatfurther. For eatacice, use warm ciothsa extarnally, aesd, if uecessary, put wareu wster in tisa car. E'vss-Wben partieies ofcoal or dust get into tise eyes, unlesa removexl aasily wlth tise sotteeced end ut a aimati stick, sea tisa 01ILDRUI BEIEADED. Bles of Ilys aend 4Girls Cnt iti Ileelves by Sid-àiaeilî rigansieland I hrowaî tte The British Consul at Paleimo, lu bis re- pert an tthe Foreign office, givos atartliung details regarding brigandage, The wbole island of Sicily, lhesays, is infested withi banda of robibers wbo capture large lareded propnietors and recis marchants and bide [hem ilu cavas lu the morutainsunutil they are rauasomad.ý Farmars are pluudorad of herses aud cattle, while peasanta who are suispccted nI being informera are persecnted, torturad or imsrdercd ouitright. Great land- ownara living witlsin four hours ut Palermo are afraid [o remain on their estates unless they are sïtrrounded by private mnounted guards. Tisa baud, led by a brigand named Sam- auw, is tise moat terrible of ail [hae mmr- nus bauds lu thce iPland. The outrages per- petrate I by [hemn cal for speedy vengeance, aud tlseir immunity from puniisment is due entiraly to-tis upiness of tbe-Goverumant. Thsis baud lbas cummitted nsany usurders cbaracterized by tbe greatest cruelty. CIIILDREN ',BREtDED. Even blîdren bava Dot oacaped teemem- bers ut this gang of thieves and murderers. Tbey have belieuded little boys and girls, cnt thesir bodies in balves, and dlieu thrown tbe mutilated remaille about tise country for doga and leoga to cat. Maby land ow"Ors wleo bave iieurred tbe enmity of the brigands have been trcacber- ously asseassinated, while others wbo bave fallen iloto tiseir bauds have been condamned to deatb by slow torture. The dîfficulty met wltb 1n trying to snp- press these murderous baudsý, if any really deterneined attempt la ever made, la due tn tbe fact [bat a large numbar of the people provide the briganda with supplies at bigh prices and are risarefore nnwilling to give any information tisat would iead to tisair capture. Inother cases wbera tbe pesants might give information [bey are terrifeed by the tbreats of vengeance, and consequently whan they arc qnoistiour'd cltbey declare tisey ýknow notising about tbe banda of robb,-ers who are devas[atiug [ha country. A\ ASIERICAN CONSUL NEC XID Some time ago tise Amenicani Consul at Paiermo made a report sunilar [o the aboya [o tise State Departusent at Washington, lu whlcb lie said: " If life and proper[y rigis are [o be safe ie Sicily it la imperativoly necesaary for tisel Itelian Goveroment [o awaken frous its letisargy regarding brigandage and [n dis- patch a force snffioiently strong to, sweep the islaud outhtie pesta tb-at n0w infest it. Tbere lano doubt wbatevar tbat if pro- tectiun was guarauteed infurmuation couil be gained tbat would lead [o tha positiv idan ti fication of tisa robbers, Marly of who n purane their nefarious occupation unidar thse guise Ci sealil farmers." Whan it became known [bat tha Ameni- ceni Consul had made the abnve rsport the Italian Governnent indignantly denied bis atateents and privately demaesded of tise United States Gnverument tbat lie bc re- called. Tbis demand was complied witls. Nu oue acqnainted wltis the facta has the aligisteat doubt that the report was correct lu evory particular. Seasonable Rmna If a fariner wiil go in dabt the best thinga Chat bie ahuuld becoine lu debt for are manure sud fertilizers. Tise idea that ali [ha ligist [bat a stable needa la tbe trap-door manura isoles along tise wallas shotld he abandoned. -[Jason Jues. ['bat cooking tise fond tenders it more easily digestible lsasdmitted, but tise labor and ceat of fuel are the obstacles [o ova-r. COD-le. It la possible for a farmer [o bave no weeds to kill, but at will require constant cultivation and the destruction of ahl weeds as fast as [bey appear. Kaapiing an animal until aead nMay re$n1[ lu a loas. Tise greatest gain la wisan an animalislayouug. Atter it reacisas maturity la uMay lbac lu weight or gain but very little, 1 know of no better trada-euark [han tbe grower'a name, with well-kuown, carefuilv- aaaorted fruit, bionestly put up in neat, clean' packages, of full capacity, tu back it up.- Fr. Williams., OHEATIU'G RA1LR0ADýq- Sanie Passengers Who W aire If A Regular Practîce. "Do people aver ti y [o beat [heir way?" quericd a G. T. R. conductor the other day iu an auswer to a question. IlWhy, my friand, 1 beliave t wo.thirds of tbe travelling public wiil chea a rail- roadL company ont of its juat dues et every possible chance, and tniink it great fun. Tisey would not tbink of doiug sncb a tbing, bovever, if [bey tbougbt any loas faîl upon the couductor." IlTwo-tbirds of tise trâveliug public " la probably teo large a Droportion ta put [bis suspicion ripon, but an observant man rid- ing frequaualy upon steans railroad trains lu, varions sections of thse country cau see mncb lu that lina wbich will surprise hlm. Tise littla tricks and dodges worked by people ut apparent resiiectability and meana with wbilh [o pay their fare are maaey, and saine of tise moat simple are the most effec- tive in fooling theuniforeued pîucb.bandlers. Tise latter, as a rule, are kenitleminaely Idl- inws wiso attend strictly to business, and cbeerfnliy give [ravelers Pvery chance [o right themaelves whenevar tisera la a ques- tion about ueouey, ticket or thse mucis-abua- ed Ilpasa," but wbo haartily deteat aud are usually q ick tn deteet the railrosd Ilbeat. " With ail [beir alertncas, howp.var, [bat spe- dies of tbe [ravaleër occasioually gets over the roafi witonutlisaving [o 1"give np, " anudl[heu chuckles toablussaîf over the ease witb whicb ha did it. 0f the several cond uctors who were asked for an experience witb tb-a people wbo ride frac at any risk,1 eaci bad a different story [n [ell and eacîs tale was interaating. " I do't carry [bat klnd nf people on my train," said Conductor Minard Knapp. After going tbrough a train et tbe start- ing p-siu a conductor generally knows tha faces because bis mcmory bacouses thorougli- iy trained lu [bat particular, andiln mauy instances [bey rival those wouderful botel clarks you read about, whu after a lapse uf years, knew a man wbo once lept one nigbt iu their hotel. At es'ery station [tha cou- ductor and brakamen step from [tha train sud watcis [ha people asho get on. Besides tisat, tha conductor nsually rides loto tise station on the stepa ut oua of [ha cars and "1sizos up" the people, but ail [ho time ha la apparently entirely occnpied lu looking ont for bis train. The brakeusan, ton, keep a sharp aya upon tisa uewcomers, and bv a littie syatem of signala kisowis [o their donc ductor lot hlm kuow intu wiich cars tise people want. ilere, too, [bore is ax- collent opportuîity for tria play ofthtie conductor's imamory oi faces lu ganeral appearance of umen aud womau. Tisa Ilsharp" will get nicely stnsved away le a seat sud be dacply iuteresteedlu a naws- paper befure the coindctor reaecbes bis car, but thtt doos't ofttn aveul bien neucis. A good usanofut[hemn, [ac, are wcll dresse.1, ansd presume on thoir appearauce [n carry [henm [hrough whosstiseconductor walks tbrough caliing for tickets from ssoe intermediate station. This littie acheme ot tai works. A feliow triod it on mne soe time ego. I paasedl bius, tan, sud ha cbnc'-,led ovor bis auccesa, hWt ho waa indiscreet enougis [o express lis joý at baating tho coeupauy to bis seat cous- pacelues. Tise latter was a friand of mine, sud undar tise pretonce oI gettiug a drieek ha followed nie [o [haeud of tise car sud toid me. I went back sud again wakcd [brougis [ha car calling for Il ail tickets." Wlser I reacbed tiseIl bea['" I stopped, a-id as hoe offerad no ticket I tappafi iim on the shoulder. Ha looked np Irons bis news- paper witb an injured air, but I lnisisted (.'n Il s giving me a ticket. Ili a 5 I was lu e arneat sud gava it [o me. The car was full of useneaud woneîa and i turned [o him aud said ;"I My friand, wleen a coniductor calia for tickets dnring your [ravala lu [ha future, be a gentiemans aud don't try to cheat the coepany. " IlN(,, ha dldn't auswer me, but from bis actions I dont beliava hae will evar try tisa game again." IWe hava ail kinda of people try tn 'work us,"'" aid another couduntor. "For axainpla, tîere's tise fallow wbo gets ou at saine way station, slides into [ha tulet cous- partusant mid stays thera, takiug bis chance of hei.eg found. Tha condactor looks in asý tiiie ho goas [brougi tise train, but so,,le uses ha mi,8se lamapr tisa dcr is I Cked, sud ha goas oi e xpetîng to get back in time [o catch whoever is inaida. Tisa chances of s eccess lu [bat game are il A large Stock of well selected Ainerican Wall Papers, uhaP andi beautiful front Gets. to 5Octï per roll. (Jail and see for yourselIf be-. fore purchasing elsewhere., All colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good saütî- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, KaIsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes ,ar.d Wlîisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Giain ng, and Papering done promptly, and satisfeactorilY For ail of wheh eall at SHE.RIN & %u,-.R-KI R Eb Y-s, South aide King t,,batween Traevcn's and -Reid's Shoe storas, BFo wmaznvile. HAINES, CARRIAGTE WORKAS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MAUFCTRE0F- 0ARRIAGES1 SLEICH8, 0UTTER8 WAGý0NS; &M RING STREET, BoWMAN VILLE. Now on haud a numbeir of vehicle, and i,3 maweifacturcu.. a graat m ýny more of ths-jLa'i3 patteras and beat finish, whielsî an o fring for sale at thc lowest prîcc> nfliiO windergard [o workmnaus n quaelity. The followmgl al5to thne principal vehiclea rna'nufactured by me Double Covered Carriagea ...................................... $150 Upwar(. .ig e P S o s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Open Buggy .............................. ...... ...............70 Top Buggy............ ......................... ............... 90 Dernocrat Wagons .................................. Lumber Wagons ................. ..... ........... ................55 Light Wagon .......................................... .......... 40 Expreas Wagon..................... .............. ... ...... 75 Skeleton ...............................50 Sulky. .. «................ .....................................40 Possessingsuperior facilitios for manufacturîun carnages, I intenid to sqli very chcap for c9ali approved credit. and by so dolng 1 hopc te grcatly incre asc env numnber of aies. \Ve sei the wood parts oniy, or the ge rings of buggies iroi Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Paiuted and Trimnied if Desired At thse Factory 1 alan do Plannin, Matclsing', Tnr nn and Sawing with Circie, Bn or r Saws. and prep ire ail km la nI lunber for carpenters and oPiers for building purposea, Qraa'55ltal anl Plaie P1ickets Èo' fces in l every style roquirei. made to erý1L. The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durharn for the liberal patronage extended- to us during the past season, also to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIGESTMARDKET PRICE ALLI KINOS 0 F tORE A ED for, 1nfafits and Children. 1 Ilastorla la go wafl adapted ta hde tetcatos'a Cures Colle, constlpa[!on 1 reconomaud it as serior te sny recipto Sour Stnmacls, Diarrhoea, Eructationt¾ known ta mne." l. A. ÂSacHTR, M. D., ilIs Wornis, givas siaaep, and Prom0teS di 211 So. O3ford St., Brookym4 N. Y. Without injurions medication. TEm CENTAURa Cosre'ÂsY, 77 Murray Street, N. 'i?' FOR SALE BY J. I{IGGINBOTHIAM & SONý, BO WMANVILLE m 7,Ç i