GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. rj BREAICFAST. "BY a thoro ugh knowl'edge of the wstural 1.1.s whi 'h goverl the operationi of dige4tr) ~tdnu.Tition. and hy a o uaful applicatioin o& lh in ropnrtIee oý wel-slectad Ocoas 'NI R~p isprovided ourltreaktast tables with a 4licately flsvored bsveraewhioe msy save us many h-avi doctori' bilk, It is hy the jaldicious use of such articles of diet thit a ..onstituýý4on -maybhagradtuslly bullý up iutil treng teli5 reslit every tendency to lieuse. Hundred3 of subtle maladies are Ioati ig roundur nrssdy In attack wherever there le a wveak point. We may escape many aL fatal shaft by keeping ourselvos weil fnrtifled vith pure blood &.id a praonorly niourshd rame. '-"Civil Service Gazette." Madeisimply with boi1ing water or mille. 'oe nnly ne pncee9ts. by Grocers. abeled thus .iA»E1 iFPS kt Co., ioeSopithlc Chons- lIss Lon d on, Englausd, WEDNESDAY OCT. 5, 1892. BR-. J. C. MITCHELL, RTENFER OF COLLEGE Or IY~CA V- n(1 Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offie tand Resldence. EnniskilUon. 71. D BFR!tT i SmpsON, BAFR1 ;Tl R SOLICITOR, &m. MOF RIW "F OCR, netairs, King Street. Bow'nao ville. PeiCltor for the Ontari Bank~ 111fsaltfa 1161Cyî lanefi at the lowest rates L CENSED AUTOIONEER FOR rithe County or Durham. Sales attended to en shortest notice and ]owesù rates. A ddrees Cîcaviosc P. 0. 36: BRT. YOUJNG, v. 8. 4FF1OE IN TBE WEST DURHAMt '"JNes Blocke 'webo hîm@olf or aseistanï lel e fouod frut Un.m 9oI p.m, Night caltei et enfociecl poieDci hd ale 'y telcgrséPh Or teloPhono will receive prompt attention 171yr L, A. W. TÎLE, AUCTIONEER, APPIRAISER, Real A Itate Agent Bowmsfnville, Otro faleE atttnc3ed in any part Of province, A. A. P>ONT, A RCHTECT.Plans and Specifica. -i-lions prprdfor every cases of building. fiSpeciai atiention g vn Io hesting hy stearm nid hot water and Io sanitary arrengamne,. Cilice: Gorrie Block, Whitby 13 -ly R.PEUTE, T.Lallor- Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. R 11 HA N E L 1, S. Graduate oft ie Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. tOFFICE OPPOSITE E XPRESS OFFICE. ROLD FILLING A SPECIALTY Artificial Toeth inserted w ithout Plates, Great Reductions in price on ail Denta Work. Vitalized Air eonst4ntly in use pro, ducing Painless Oprasions. Particular allen lion pnid to the regulation of Children's Teth 9_1j' ALL Wonr, WARRENTED 1S Brsuch Office, Dr. Rutherford's Osorie. J.M.BRIMACOIvBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-IRear of Messrs. lligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE VETERINARY SURGEON, -EoIjýlIIVIL E, ONT' DYEINO AND CLEANINC Ladies' sud Ganlts' wear of al tinds, Fealt Brs, Gioves, Ribbons, Laces, Curtalus, sud tii kinds of fseucy geade Dyad, (leaned crr French Ciesued. Work pesitively gnsrsn. beed lte hast. No peddliug wagoneupioyed. A rellable agent in every 10w-n.o n BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO'Y., Coid 1\1dlb't Dyers. -. dreai, To routa, Ottaw-a attd Quehea. A gent in Bowmauvilie. J. H. DOBSON, STATIONER, Gents' Clothing Ceanebi, Dyed. Pressed aud Repaired by lHOS. pEA T,> flyer sud lottes Cleaner. 0Ccds -werrîînted to ha as no one w-ll know- th.n froin now when done, Corner Ring aud Ontario Streels, Bowmanville YOUNG FOLKS. Thte (hildren of the Light. 1 'rss"ed lte îusrkttplace, lThe sitamblas p1-îca oft titanud nigitt, The miste causa down aud caughl my itreath, A esadow ltled ity my side, Witere are ltet? ne ot heurt," I cried, " Wlsere are lte ciildren ofthlie ligitl" I board lteearn roaeofete, Tae undar titrait ofmi'îerbes Ibece, 1 tithlie biiîg fresîs oS fate Arasslia 1500 sutAitumnw-on 1 sawsaidpitautouts coin(,,and go, Tit adotv sîlil mas-ad ity uoysida,. Acro althe nad tthraitofoSlie mgit, WAliera araelthe italy eues, 'Icriai. "Miera araelte citilden o etliigitl" I ssw- itesuge deedsofot vil1 doonts, And kuaw nid itaunt'. et iuinan etrife, Pale plsautoms n t orratvs boutas, Wcaving ltae spectre w-abs of I fa; Loue, lhîsugry cyes auevery sida, Hauni ng tlise laeoS e- il bligit-, \Vitare are lte mamning itearîs!' 1 cried, Vu liera arc tise itildreu etflte ligit " I eaw yonlt use ils sîrrtlt for luet. I saw age Isideous in ire w-oa, Gad's angals groping l ite fint, For betcsial itanitis péisl nie go. 1 hoard tesons oS darituese vaunt eir brtmnal strengthbita elit glea, I sav lte w-itered face oS svaol Go past tvitit haggard nsery. Grea', totvcriu" greed svith power did ride, \Vbith law auJ forci b laft aud riglît, "Wharo arethe trucaofitearîl" I eriefi, - ît bere are ltae cbiidrau of lthe ligit " Aboya lthe misery sud ltae sin, Tae leves and bales, lte ites andi £ears, litt aat, sud sîsartat-place withim. A swel, weird issu-be filleidusina cars. Il w--lte itagiue of lite, Play ed by sauna sorceror divine, TisaIwitirled ny sensas to sveet strife. And sel nsy bloofi uta runniug w-ita; Till ah ltaI place swondar turisad, lThe agony, lthe iove-drawu breatit, Juta misa lumosl seitees btned, he ostscyoa i bie sud dealth. lte lai, tisaer, ltae love ltat siglted. Came .litraugli tee muet. mits ofthlie nigitt, "Wiere are lte ioly anas "1" I ried, .1 Where are lise citildentofthlie ligitt 1" Poor innocence ail eboltofdin rage. Sa l inkiug in ltae marktlplace, Caul and hypocrisy, tve iags, Wauî hy w-iith meetof ot tlyface; Sert strave wi-bIhtOacarose lte durit, And jugglcd for seadrer place, Eacit criaS, Once ouly le ltse ark, Weo oly t,îoxv tod face ta faice,' A îssyriad jargon voicas iseýed, 'lithe trulis ya seis le ro or home," And ovea itve lhitn iiithe must, Iu purple gleain oa uetityst. lThe dread w-ord " self " w-as syrillon clear. l'iew-haie w-orld's iii moaniefiaI my sida, Ail my slsrunk seul w-s filleS w-Ith nigit, And 1tthe great, drend Surk J crieS, Whtere are lte childran of lte ligiti" Witere are lte hitbr consoS olSl lTae igit prieste o et lia yeoS yore, Xito nover eciteued uer touel nom sold Wilh pracians .10w-as et God's bore; Witere are titigeulle and sustere. Tae ciildren of lthe cgee' yutit, lia seuls lite itrooktls munning dent. Witit music oiflta w-ride glad brult; Wlîere araelte warriers of te day. lThe stroug senteS bstl'ers fer lte rigitt, Titi suiters of thse cvii way, Witere areclte citildrela ofthlie ligitl "Oh spirite ai tIse Sark." I cnied, - O good or a cil, if Yenulieue, WhIseado lteena uýnS faitfllî ibide, Wlsere are lte lsly sud icema 1" AllS suad weaituas seul c.îu dreamý, Iu tiisdread cmarkt-place 1lsc, Aîsd uatling hîdden in ils gleans, flut halli ils ceuful erpart bunîtie. Lord of tae biekuese, ne are usugit. Tint dust-nsotes itissn acros lthe cark, Wlserî' araelte anas our heurts have se ugit5 Wiîera are lte keepers ofthlie antI Whierc do ltheinsigitty spirite bide Mita secacrosse tiiietý of nigit Whtec are ltaeuscrutiiigheuart- t' I crieS, Mithera are ltae ciidFcu oS tite ligîsiti' -[Vibias Wiifrod Campbeall. A Morning Grievance. I likte aduel, sud J lita la ew, ,A nd I like la w-alec thita des, t lite te w-eed snd Ilikto oca; But, oit,bosv I hala le w-asitdisites I I w-h a disit hafi nover taon made' But wnits lteutse et wiseiteu? Manima is cs'liug, sud-lnn afesifi J n use do tosebresakfast disieel The Two Inris. Io s beautitul part on a mousntsin-sîde ltera are Itwo Ionsea iu w-icit I sutinter- astod, fomrtey w-are built by a friand ef tuinefot saute fricîsds of mine. lbey w-are bouilt by lthe bay of aur fam ily, for oum dear friands tae birds, ltae ciip. monta andtihltasqnirrels. They w-are îte 0wntrs oai hese iovoly greal mossy itouldemesud silver w-atemtaiie aud hall breas belote w-a came sud built aur collage home, 80 ive are goiug te, ha as iid la titan as w-e inow low te ha. 'shen the rocks svere blssted sud lthe hansmers sud saws a w-omit, titey ail w-ess awasy, but uewltey sme haet again, sud lthe lairds came in at o'jr wiudosus, sud lthe citip- iîsunks rssn acres btae veraudýa sud leokit a us w-ith curions, brigit eyes, sud are not airaid. Our boy tias bis Ilcarpeulcr's alop" hoe- iid lte lahti6e.w-ori theltabassinent, sud ltera e o ade firet a itouse for the robins, or any cf thei cousins tiraI migtt lita la laite a cottage, meuh free for a seasen. Ho slained lte roof sud versuida s rosy mod, and thie parla heuween a yeiiesv.brow-n; sud tupon tihe front gable w-as paîuted lthe naine, IlCocok Robin Inn." The noxtlitause w-s1w-ice as largo as lthe one I bave descmiited, but made and st aiuaed -very innîsi lita il, ouiy on ltae front w-as su- otter naine, lThe Squîmmel Inn." Our boells me titis is Il for îveary citip- munits sud travelling equimreha. " Titis 11111e inn tas beau piaced a iew fart aw-sy fro'n aur collage. Soînetunes itlias heenplaced, on a greal mosa-cocered rock, but just uow--ît stands on a stnusp tisaI the if you don'î elant for sehool soon yen w-ill gal a bisait mark luis morning." And off lthe dag ,î'ouid go, aloite ta scitool. Iu sumunar te uîsusiy lies in lthe r.uîry unlil ltaesien gets aroun nd s iles in hie face ; the itan o es is te sehool roacîs sud hues desvn undar my desit, the beat belsaved scitolar in ail the scitool. Ah recese s e erneojy lthe play lime quite as w-el as auy of thtaebiliren, who are ahl firîn friands of the good oid dog. The itour aI noon-lime is a favorite one with isim for besides bis owu dinuer from George's psu, le gels mnt acî suouthf nifrorn the otiter boys aud girls. One day at reese, George cama in with tears in bis 9yes sund said, IlOit, teaciter, Grover bas gaI sometbiug lie uîsouth, anid il borts him awfuliy, w-ont youi comeansd vet it ont ? " I w-scI staonce, sudliera w-s the poor dog ici lthe inidst of the childen, w-haw-are ail auxious to beli their friand. The dogu's mouth w-as openi, and there semed t ae a large subsetance nearly ont of sight in the bacit of bis throat. What il w-as tva could oct tell, sud ite wonld uot aiiow me to put my -baud in hie mout. lThe bldren were ail emnali, sud 1 did niol w-sut ta risit suy barnai'Dy sskingthem ta heip me, for the psint had made po r ioe cross. JusI thon 1wo nen caie down the road.- They kindly stopped, and one heid hie head witile the other put bis had isto the dog's mnth and quickly tok out a large rool wiih w-as wedged acoaisthe îhrnat. Grover slîowcd joy and relief, sud no spoitei thanke wore ever more score titan those froin hie eyes. Il mighî nat ha ws'hi to shlow ail doge ta go to scisool; but wa are ail quite wiiing that Grovor shonld corne, the chiidren i te ne' notice of hlm dnring scitool tirne, and wa htave grown ta lovaelthe hotuoiy oid dog wha bas beau aur companion so lontg. Baby Blue Eyes Guardiait. Bouncer wss an ugiy cdog, aven belore bad bumen had scarred lis hrawu, sitaggy- coated body. 'He cama e n git to r.. Linit's kitchen door, asiting, dog fasition, for a bomoe. Nobody w-snled a dog, but tithe Linkts wore kindly people. Mamma ssid, III ceussot turn the poor feilow t ut in this storn. " Bouncer was lot drivon away. Ho w-as se glad and gralof ni, and Baby Blne Eyes loved hlm 0sonmuci that Ms Lni sd "Lot him stay. ' Baby wae able to sit aiî>ne. Bounner would lie bouide lier for hours, and watched baer faiîhfuiiy Mamina Linit begaci te flud the dog a rosi beli. Ha was a guardian to ho lrusted. Baby iearnad ta creop, and loved ta play wlIitte cealiil i thecoal-cuphoard. Ona ovoning, witen Mammia Liitk was bnsy in, the diing-rooco, baby creplt t the ititchen. Bouincer iollowed close behîtsd, bis brîglît ayes seeizng the miecicief that a match care- iesiy drapped by Roithie w-as doing. The biasîng matait felltîpon Baby's tiblî gow-n, Bouncer barked sltarply. No ane saw ltat the littie gawu was an lire. Rab- hie w-eut la tho cisteru for s psul of water. Bouncer's sharp teelh grippad tightiy a por- tion of the gown. Ho quickly dragged thte baby, screaming sud friglîtened, int the dininug-roont, Mîaiuma Liîtk w-as able ta prevent a sari- ous hurît, titanits ta Benncer's watchfunnss and intelligeuce. lThe littie dog's shaggy caat was burned in patchos, but in two w-eeits Baby Biue Eyes aud lie w-eo ntireiy heaiad oi thair burus. 0ur faithini dog friands deserve kiîsd trestinent. SENTIMLNT 15 CHAWGING. Newfeuel] udtl Wlneg Toiwrds Camsail:t. A Halifax dispalch sys s big change lias corne ovar ltae spirit of the dreains of the meit rsbid antri.Catsadian paper iu New- laundlsnd. The Tehegrain, orgaîs afflIon. Robert B3ond, publiehes thte follow-iug sig- nificant odiloriaiunder the heading: "'A GILOWIU SENTIMENT. " "lIt canîsot ha denie-h titat a growing senîtiment oxilts bora lu favor af coîtfedora- lion ail over the coiony. The attitude te- wards Canada is siawiy but snrely usîdorgo- ing a favorable chantge ; sud w-e ventura ta prediel that the sastesînan whio leads a psrly aI lte next election ici support of union w-Oh lita Domninion, w-ill bave a very largi uiuorily, if nstlaltuai irejority, of folltiw- ors. Now, the question arises, Witat bas lad ta titis chanîge af feeling frein stronga anlipalhy lowarde Canada, ta kiîsdiy interesl lu lier affairsl We titinlçthbie causas ara cary obvions. Firt thlie coiouy's wvanî cf influence witiî lue Imperial G overn- metnt, in consequence oi 0cr nîtmorical' weak- iiets, as exempliflod in lthe malter oflthe Bond-Blaine convention ; socordiy, our coîîtmercîsl sud soojiai relations wiîiî Caunaa, lthe idenlily of aur interesîs, sud lthe sirmiar- ity af our political antd national institutions; sud thirdly, bue maguaniosmiannor in wiic every province of lthe Dominion ran lc aur relief, tvhen, on the Stit of July last, 5hall of titis ciîy iay in aches and ton lthousauid cf our people w'ore homaelese. Caiiada's noble geîîerosity ou titis occasion îvii l sanbc forgoîlasby ltae ishabutante of iNewfouudland. IL le loclîad uin ieusory's tîeasure-honfe, sud lher w-atm heared peuple titenîselves shall kecp lte koy. Iu a suit- saquent issue tva shall have mtore ta ssy about titis inlerastiug itattor." The Shortening Days. he days of tite ear have passed tit ir maximum length. Thora' is a fealiist of itaving passai ltae primoea a robtelle aI every sacceedinig dAy is esarter, sud that Ibis wii continua te ha 80 unlil lthe low-esî paint sitali hae rescea in lthe bleait days of winter. And yel w-e are juil caming into the bai voal, We are uow gatitoring the fruits af a wlitoia yor's labar aud hife. We ,ra autlte priod of tinSI intense activity. Vigor, enorgy, resoîntion, firmîpass of pur- posa ltheso carry lthe accoun t. Patience, ltae second bravery of man, la perbaps, grealer tha lte tiret. AN ELEPHANTS EMOTION. 0Ovegeesîce by a IRushluofiFeellig Weu en Saw tihe ,estizes ef Mis flegeased l tllecr. SaineaIfthe Enropesu uewspapems are tll- îug a truiy venadiau8stsomy of the sagadity oS a, îrained ehaphant w-blet adarus s Frareit travelling show-,lThe proprialor aI lise circus auîuneed that on a certains uight b is elephaitlw-ouid play tite Russian ilymu ou apianio wîhhiis tricot, Intense inlerest w-as sroused, sud svlwn ltaceensog cae the expectant isuc c row-ded lthe cîreus la ltae rouf Aller lthe nenal perfarmances four men carried in s colltage piano, w-blet tlsey placad in lthe centre of lthe araîsa. licen ltae intelligent asnumr. w-as htroughît lu, parasled with muet dignily thsea limas 5arouud ltae rinsg, and ttien, amcd thte teenest 1excitoîssnt, advaced taelise piano. Wiîi a movacunof i is tImnutieta itslscd ttc teyboard, but tsrdly bad lte donc e 0w-boi s surpmising chtange dame ocam hîlun. Ho îmembiedivitit fout sud rage, tvbinied hie truit into tihe air, sudthetu with s scecai of terrer rnsted out ai the amena. Thora w-as a greatl isuryiug teand Ira af ltaernpieyees, and tb iseerena propruelor sud lthe eiî'pbsnltekepen laittheitang for consunltation. lu a lew msinutas thte pro- prietor returued sud anuounced viith regret ltaItthePerformance couid isot tata place. The lac w-as, lie said, îhat hhe elepisant itsd recegtsized in ttheiteyboard of lthe in- stronîccît a portioneaoflthe tuska of lus long- lest miotter, whso tvd talion a prey bteh ivory hunIers af Aîrica. Haeitadsnueeeld ta bte teeper titlanotter piano unigît ha pmoanned, bultishaI expert iad intomed ii i taIlite animsal w-se oovereoma ivitit emo- lion tlitOrwonld ho impossible Ion il la perom lthaI avaning. Under lthesa cmr- cuinsîsuaiýs te suggesled titllthe IlRus- sian Hymn." fllowed by ltae "lMarseil- laise," souîld ba pisyed hy lthe basnd. Ttc entertaicîment w-sltaus hrougit tle a close amid ltae Irnute appiause of the audience. The Shriue of the Goddesi of Murder. IlBlactwod" for Seplember conîsîna an iutoeretîng article en 1"Love sud Crime in Indis." lite w-milan lius desenihes lIse surine of Kali :-Half-iddemî among lthe polisted stoî s ef lthe gracalul bainioe, tuera stands auniiltapI sitnine, sacred ta Kali, savaga gaddess oSfinonder aud rapina. tnroughthetaopen doorway eaui hosean ltae griîîuiîg idol, ail fouied w-iith bhaod, pencit- ed cuisaIsigit camced dais. Acroas lhen tueea hies a iteen-edged sacriflalal tuila, sud ict int tacr breasb is a large gres tone mark. ed w-ith blood-red eplasites, fit type aS tem- ocions Kaî's iteant aI adantant. lTae situie ia sitsbby sud evil-odoutad, yel il bears a itigit repotabion for sandhily ttraugitout thte province, ebidfly because oflise sIste, wylîli is genaraiiy believed te ha a atone af Suvuna- tien. Legeud relates ltat il.w-as usai ion many socs hy lthe Wise Mais ai tise omIth that titan Il came m t'ie possession cf lthe Queets of Siteba, whio presonîad il bo King Soioon, svitconîiuuailyceîssuiîad it; that it w-s stoieîifrronhitu by ana of bis w-ives, w-u sent il away bo lien ow-u cocîltrv. lThere the stene disappeset, sud ivas ualt hourd of for sman>,y yars, stien ih dame te iigbt agaiu in Anabta, w-tare il w-as seised by -Mohanmmed lte Faite Propicat, scita, aller basiing ils virtoas, tltrew ih an ay, ansd deelmayed ail record ef tise speils sud incaîs- laliaice needîni for ils proper use. Tlîeuee, aSter advenlures enuahta fli a volume, il Iennd a rosting-place su Ksi's brasI, whlera it isy lonîg onused. Ail limougi thbit close Septomber eveuiig lsera squats at the idoi's foot s hahf-clsd Besimin-weavîng w-bite gariaude for thte grotesque deity-a f air- siined, itasdsome uman ai middle aga, w-iose hîlgit oreteud sud cdean-cul lace esowsv sgmîs aI reediug aînd oatlent, but' lthe clisse-set lasling ayes acnd squara jowi beryuiciuuosw-ill aud cvil tenîpen. He uttrs e iisel as ledefty strings tisa sw-eeh-sceuted flow-ers farthe idoles neet, snd Ircîn lime ho lime siniles ceinplacenfiy s e ogmsces ahtthe stune of divinations, anîd ltanco aI aau iicit parcitnetl croil bibi-e fiow to Receive a (ConaPime t. Nto0valisaic isotlpraîse, neto aenjay tise appreciahion ai auras leliasas, la ha lu- différent ta titein good ac te their iii opin- ion, il likely tela nmrk f lfty su- periorily tissu lulecîsa self-salisiacîiau. Kiudiy people, friaetdly people, usodesl people, lite tsi ho praisad. llsey flad scons- pliotnt agreeahie w-iieila incere sud etl excessive, and lu ous a y (.!r anoliien ley are pretty sure la mactulest their plesure itn il. Often, bewesan, lthey de se against thei w-ii, iatîug allthe tic a peer prabense oi indifféenî.ce w-ls'clt hy suppose ho lha de- msssded by sssodesîy or politonesa. Sausalinss tlîey go furtiten, and inîsistentt- ly diselalin praisa witici t tiy cautiiol bol knaw is faimiy iiueriled. Again Iiîey giggle foo1ishlý, or tny 10 w-sica the malter acide with ait aîry gestome sud a laug t lit does ual rng true. Girls, especialiy, w-tu are not likcly ta nadaiva comsplimensts, are least ily ta rciva tisus w-ail. Othon s prehîy girl w-ull destroy a Seligitluliuimpression by iter silhy eusbsrraesnion L t a sIiwvIalur ai w-ordeofaidîmiratiaun for lhem youtit sud ffnss. As site fluhes sud laugits, loats up sud thon dowu, sud turneliem hcad consaiouslysmde,oeels tisaItbteeee au bc butlile admiurable absout lhan oxcepl ier heauîy, i htita ese oimportant te lhon taI a more neference ta tin s er prese mayas lhen so aasily. Omsa claver girl, w-to tthiîsaildue tliemreputalitu for doene- nase te despise caompliments, will nopal detemîhard for a tuisbaudl," on any persan w-Ith s lmieud Iluuiomtusateiy disîipaled " w-us aqusele a olify hsius ai lielact, amsd lthe pensons described wouid te esrcinîed Irons tua place of businss. Ha hedieved "lttane ana geulacmen ai honor, sud evorkt- in wvio cau affordlb, w-to w-anl la drink," auîd he a asutatet do business, a eînicîly legilimato business, w-lll thent. F No Danger. Mr. Max O'Reii, in hie recent traveis in the United States, found that Arnerican deîflocracy itad ils inconvoniencas. Jouia- than's haiidrna'ds sud mon-servants, for in- stance, acted as reduced duchesses aud noble- men in iivery. For titis and other reasons lie fouud residence in thie hotls other than those of lte large cities a miid fori of pur- gatory. "At Jacksonvile," lie says, -I w-as waited upou at table hv an extremely obiigiug negro. Oue day hae brought me seine w-tar put tee ln il, sud discreetiy Jwithdrew behinid ,ry chair. 1 tool: up thte glass aud mhîiuteiy iuspected ils contents, 'E paîiiuýondas !' sad 1.'Dat's siot rnauina, sai l'rn calied Citarles.' 'Charles, look at this walec thora je a snake in il.' Charles took tise glass, looked at il, snd thon, with a reasm.iriug grin, auuoned, 'ls dead sahi.' 'That is coin orting..' said I; 'hut it may have lef t eggs which w-i coma to lufe by lhousaudsinîside me.' Charles 'vas facetious, and was not ta ho put out of conuteace for sncb a trille. Hee look up the glass again re-examiaed il, sud repiaced it ou the table. 'Dere's no danger, sah-it's a maie !' lho saifi. ajareers of Emînent Men. Geýorge Washington was commander-in. chiaiof ttie army at te age af 43 ;Crous- w-el eutered npou bis rornarkable caroor aI 29 ; Napoleon conquerod Itaiy before hae was 10 ; Gladstone tvas a member of Parlis- ment at 2i ; Macaulay began bis iiterary caroor aI 20 ; Columbus startod ont on bis voyage of discovory aI 36 ; Frederick te Groat began the thirty years' war at the age Df 30 ; sud Bisekatone had finished bis commentaries before ho was 35. Ease and Comfort WITH poor sôaps and old fasioned wayu of waabing, it is cruel sud bard upoîl women of ad-t'ncing yaarc tus attempt lauudny svork. But w-It thse woril- tamebi, labor.cavbng unlight ap Unusadl machinery grows rusty, so does Anybody can do a Wash with cona- unused mind. para tîve ease by foliowing the simple directionsi ....... ~ ~With *1S UN LIG HT"I thore's no hard rnbbing, sera knukies, hot steam, or tiredj bacits. A trial will astonieli yen.- Werke Pt. Ssesliglst Lever Bro.. ]Limfteâ Near Birkenhead Toroxto Lumbago, Backaehe, Elcadachep Toothache, Sore 'hraaty Fro&t Bites, $prainsp Bruises,_Burnsp Etcý, Sohd by Drnggiets and Diealers everywherem SFifty Cente a bottie. Directions blu Il Lau guagos. MEi CHIARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimtore, ut* Ocnadian Depot: Toronto, Ont. PUREST, STRFONCEST, BE-ST. IEsdyloruseinssyquantiy.Formkisoa, .ffteniugggn Watelgg isuetsî, da hndred 01h0& Uses, A can oqualeCi p.unds8a51 oda. Setd lby At ,o a..uîd l5ruggÎtgts Act gently yet prompt- fl ly on the LtVEut, NID- O n1 1UDD~NEIS suni BOWILS, dis- peliing ileadacites, Fev- arsasudCi olds, thorougît. LITTLE îy cîeausîug lte systein L 18b!ý oe disosse, sud cuqres habituai constiPatton. Tbey ara sugar coated, de net gripe, vcry smali, easy tetaleandi pury vegetable. 41 pille inu eaeb IIl vial. Perteot digestion, foliows ltaeir us. Thay abselutely cure ddt iiead- ache, snd are recemmeebi- ebi by Ieading phypicline. or sale by lesding druggists or gentby mail; 25 ets. a val. Address NOGGB(S MEDICINiE CO., Propst, San Francisco or Chicago. FOR SALE IN BO\VMANVILLE, ONT., BY 3Higginhotitam & Ses, Farnily aud Dipnsng Citemiste NERVE BEiUNS are a new dis- coeery that cure the weret cases ef Nerou Debility, Lest Vigor and B EA NS e, igMo cor i aue by over-werk, or thc , trors or ex- cessefetyou .Th.LU , ÉRoedy ah- aolutely cures th e st ohst*ncte caes when ail other T5iIÂSMENTS have failed aven te relieve. Z;old by drug. gists et $1 per peettage, or six fer $5. or sent by mail on receipt of pries 'tVrite for pamphlet. Sold ia- Bowmanville by STOTT & JURY. [HE KEY Tu HEALTH@ UJnhoc1egal the clogged avenues 01 tise Bowehs, Kidusys and Liver, carnying off graduaily wgitout -weateniug tise sys- tam, al lte impurities andl foui hiumons of lte seonetions; at lte sanie lime Cor- recting Aeidity of the Stomach. euiiing BiliousnesS, Dyspepsia, Headaehos, Dlzziness, Heartburn, Constipation, DrynesS of the Skin> ,>POpsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- 1dice, Sait Rheum, Erysiplas, Sero.- fula, Fluttering ofi the Heart, Ner- 'vousness, and Deneral Debîity ; al titese sud many ter elmîhar Comiplainte yiehd la lite happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. r" Cale by ail Deakos. 7InuiLUR{& Co., roprietors, Toronto. i ~ Restores Fading hair talifs 1.L. CAVEN. orgnl0 I I Bae An.Ondrafiepereetrme'refan. Steps fallingeoforhair. I a ise ppliatioe ne ee y üI ZIyesee Keeps the Scalpp dean. I es~s iv deed 0if 1Ycumlato btetpv Mates hair soit and Pliable GUARANT~~ ~~efl bag ofth, taîr. .ni alot-aSpliable-ad Pottstrwh preotêd a visible growth. Pooe rwh Having got settled in my New Shop in the BEAVER BLOCK, next cloor east of Mu.rdochs. and haviug complet- ed my Spring Stock of .3oots and Shoes of ail grades and sizes, I wish ail my old customers and many ne w ones to, give me a eall and inspeet my fine new stock.,