BOTTLF1. Miss Stoughton is visiting friands in Bowmanville Fair to-day. Lindsay. Ali newa irtters have been condenscd Mr. . F. Hill tcf t on Saturday for this week. Chicago, 111. Mr. R. Sinclair, Tûronto, Spent Sun- Miess ora IL Werry, Sulin's, hs een day iu towrî. visiting at Lorne Villa. Mr. Cawk'er advcrtites somne cholce- Miss McDonald, of Baltimore, is visit- stock for si- ing the Misses McDougall. Mr. W. J. Jones is out again after his Mr. John S. Bond, Toronto, gave us a aerîous iliness. fricndly caîl on Wedncsday. Durbani Teachars' Association at Port Miss Viola Bridgman of Ottawa is vis- Hope, Oct. 13 snd 14. iting her aunt, Mrs. J. Reid. Mr. J. J. Phîtp of Winnipeg was guast Mr. Oscar LaBalle is taking a course at efl Mr. Jas. Morris over Sundtty. Hamilton Business Gollege. Thanks, Mr. S. Guttie, of the Orono> Mr. J. lligginbothamn who is now in News, for the larke Fair prize la. Milton was home over Sunday. Rev. R. A. Bilkey preached an anni- Mrs. W. R. Knight and childran have veresry sermon ai St. Saviour's church, been visiting relatives at Lindsay. Orono> Sunday. Mrs. A. GChristie and Miss Gh *stie, f The special collections in tha Methodist Montreal have been viiing relatives in Gh.rch Sunday week for thre Sabbath town. - -School were $10650. Mi rua. oa ilpi, J-r1. A., 01 D&lUWeU-Y j.fAtûÇ.ngAc ifn S'I'n~trl ~ ~pt,1 ~ ~iI~pIJ....t. thie action of the tationing Gommittea. Rev. W. S. Pritchard who has beau officiating as pastor of the Gongregational church here for saveral months, preached f~arewell sermons Sunday prior to resum- ing his studios st McGill OGlege, Montreal. New S raw Bats for 15 and 25 cents at Mno. Dancaster's. Sea those lovely fowcrs and plants at stei mci precets are away clown. Bave you seen the love]y naw patterns of Wall Paper at Sherin sud Kirby's ? Their stock is very complete. It will psy you to cail and inspect before purchasiug elsewhere, T. Geo. Mtaeon's Ctothing and Boot and Shoe store have adopted the cash systein. Buy for cash and soll for cash is their motte. Cash customars should give them a cati ard get the benefit. Seo Dancaster'si. Ladies please cati aud see tham. Ladies fancy ilair Pins 20c. now ne- dnced to lOc. pardozen-going fasit. Çall secura someata Big 20. 500 LAMBS WANTED by the e Bowmanvilla Butchars, Hume & Wright. Caîl at Raynolds' old stand. Ramember Maynand the Jeweller is taaving town; týny ona wantiDg goods at Newcastle, Oct. CAU JOHN CARVETU. L 1892. 40 -tf. rTIONO EACII PLUG OF 'TUE goodý dwelîng bne tn onain 0 and bard water. also a gond barn withsoft and hard watcr. About 420 of apple. pear, cherry allu d 1 mtre nd a varlety of siaîl fruit. Firt boghing douaSe1 miles froin Burketou station. For furtbur particulars apply to A13RAHAM MoItRîS, Purpleà,Hi1ll.40-tf F ARM FOR SALE. -A firat clasa fanin of 125 acres or 115 acres situatad ln the township of EastiWbitby Ist con, lots 15 and 16 on tba Base LUne, about 1kl miles fram Osha. wa station. 2 miles from Whitby an d 60 roda from theschoolhouse. Large roomy buildings. out. Cail and get your work done up rîght, ____________________________ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _________ uàk ShnrA ti.Utl ...........o Ah ,1 1'1 i'n bil 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *'~-'-~"~"--s~ ~>r _ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ la K~1 ie J~a xu Diau UO L 'sT 9 myca Fl I.1 Cam afi -isr t Sa mI¶ - a li".~ __________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _WIN__ _ io ,__mi_______: =__MIE______ r-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ li i 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __o f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __uC. fu j rt er pa namA g ~~LC OIva l4 LI PrLlktt 1.1.s UOW or-- - . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a v __a 1 i We are or owded with stock from cellar We take due bills saine as cash. Elli. to garret. EUIXon & Go. son & Co. We have spent a month preparing for To make quickz sales we will sacrifice our cbeap sale. Ellistn & Go. the profits. Ellison & Co. W&- meau business, and are bound to___________________ sell pzofits or Ibo profito. Ellison & Go. Some goodse will be solti at itaîf prSAFE others at less than auction prices. li son & O.. To finish the remarking of stock, the THE GREAT store will be closed on Friday Sept. 3Oth. ~ Family Herald ' ad Weely Star free PU F l for 5 ,months toaDay one sending Uri twoR FIE ST,&rBsm&,N for the balance of this yeai. "What yon can buy for a dollar" is the subject of Jno. J. Mason's new advt. , this week.. One thing our readers may depend on is tbat the statemnents madie ,. > there are fscts. Read it.r The Woman's Foreign Mîisaionary Soci- ety of, St. Paui'a Ohurch are to be favored RS L' H MORTGAGE. SALE OF VALIJABLE BUSINîESS BLOCK IN BOWMANVILLE. Under and by virine of Powers of Sale con- tained in certain Morttgges inade by Y. F. McArthur, held bY the .endrs. which will be produced at the eale, and on defanît bcbng made in payment of the moneys there wil ba off>red for sale by Public Auction by S. C. 11UNKING-, Anotioneer ai tbe BENNETT HO-USE, in the town of Bowmanville, on Saturday, the 8th day of October, A. D. 1892, at the heur, of TWO oclock p.m. the following property, vîzý: 1k-at certain parcel or tract of ]and and premises situate lving and being ln the, town cf Bowmanville, in the Connty of Durhamn, bc- ing thre east piart of town lut number aight ln block*"N"frontiiLn on King Strectin said towfl, iq- 1 wy -X-- 0 l-ý 1RFlAýin M. IZ rýý- 1 llu DUIOW cOzi, LIOW IB-tTfe--Ulnreý , -ffl f