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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1892, p. 6

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'BEYEJND CIIAPTER I. -Lsscx.A TsssF. -A cleoirk was etî-iirbuig eleven ase1 stood euhil t0 listen ouRichniond fHi. I was boo eariy bLya su mur, There ivas ftime for e resh Le- fa ging essy furthem, sud I needed it. 5'rom Oid Street Road, Sioreditci, to Richmond, je uot ranchsof a wclirfou e ynung man ni bwenty, bu gond condition; but whsen a man's heaul is Leavy, and bie Lad caten nihlng since midday landi tsen but huead and ci-mme), e mardi hure tiai late at iuglh maireshbiusheiry ab tse kmecs sud sicir, I st dov o nuonue ni the benches under tLe alime ou bic terrace tisere, nveulooibg tbe river. Tic mono was ni to Le sien, Lut ils lighi was difsused in tic wite, w'ooiiy misb tiais iumsg intic stiii air. The fallen icaves wcre covemed with noistnuc e;hieavy dmopa irnm this Loîglise above plâsheddownnowand biais as if t had beeuu aining recentiy. Tic gas burut suggieily in lie lauup baud Ly, tise mih forniing a hein aLout it. I remembcr uoticiuug tiese liings, for niy md was in a conditionu tnreceive bic impression ni trifles -jut as te cfeu nif a peiLle mey Le marired suter e al ni snow bas Luried the cauthu. Lt wes hl as welas dernp. 1 ichis it, situing tbierestilaiterîle wermtis ni liig. I busn- cd my colicu up, and iuncbed my shoulders up, sickiusg my iands deep lu my pocirets. The policemen on tise raised canseway La- iind migil weii paLuse itoirokdowu and speculate ripou the kiud ni man 1 wss, and bic reeson ni my cnmiîug beme tosit in tise bnruîd fou ai suci au mour. Ater glanciug Leiind me un irnow whose beavy tep bl s opped, I sttied my cars dowîs lu my coihar again. t was eld. IlNgçvcr mind ; it's botter to put up wii a shuver than to, walir about sud grnw weaai wili fatigue," thougit I. So I set tiare, m abcb- ing tise duops u zigzag, by fils sud siers, down tise glass nifbise lamp, as tLey flnwed fmem a touciing spray oln i, tisiitise police. man, havng rounded the corner sud coma aionig the beuuace, stopped in front ni me, plan ted bis bbunîbbu in e lt, gave nme a uod, sud spoira. Il Wcll, nid man ; got tbis iey ni tise street ?" Le eekad. I did ni tien know the meeuiug nifItba phrase, Lut I answcred, "No," Liefiy, feeling disinclincd 10 meet bis familier ap- procies. " Out o' coihar 1" leaserd, in tLe cheer- ful, bigb-piicbad toua ni conscions s'spariou- "No," I euswered ase befnre. Gnbnig bo siay Lare ahi nigît ?" ":Wby you'rc alnes, lire a poili par- roit" said le, wiib a laugli ah bus owu mis- erable wilbicism, "Ain't you got noflisis' aise busy ? Wist are you lhiniring abousl?" I' m tiiniring," said I, I"thet ut I wome a daceut suinf clothes, yen wouidn't trou- ble youuscif 10 a-ir me about affaire lîset do't couceun you." IlYou may as well Le civil, youug feileu, or 1 mey move you ou s litile sierper 'an whai yon loire for. I'e my duuly uo 1,rep au cys on dasîgemnurs cisaaclers, and you've got a face ibke wiab's more ni Isu sceau lua dock 'an eewiseme. I lumncdaseide, lesuing my ebouider ou bice Lacironithie seat in silence, 10 signiiy to bim ishats I lad n wish to quemrci or maire frienide. I.Oh, ynu may bumu youu hecir un the Cas,"lieconusiuued; "lnt, L've gois our face priuled on to imny mnd, sud I conld identify you on tbLooir as srs as if I'd got your pbotoguapb bu mynte-bookr, I couid" He waited for nie uo mpy-for even s dispute muet La an ageebie relief to tic mouotouy onini gbîs duiy-Lui geiting not a wnmd more imom me hua pucsenly wmcnt off withLrnoasucd siep, siippiug hie isutemu lus bis beit, ansd giviauguse onue more scowi ovam Lis shouider. Tise bal hour chimed ; I migit moveono nw wtbonh waihiug forthic conisihbes cid; it wae ton cihi silting tiers. The policeman wes standing in tise shadow lunch basket she Lad prepered for ane, and then, having set a chair Lefore it, she a-cain R E CA L II., aid hier hand tîmîdiy on my shouider, -and B..ELA LLIhave your supper rady, Kit." On tat Igotup, nd eating myseif in "Cedars." Idis peuple dun't go early tu the chair raul my eye greediiy over thc gond Led tire those wbo have tu be in their work- ýýings. Sha poured ont a tumnbler of bur- shops Ly six in the moning. Saine of thie gundy; I gulped il down, and then attacir- servants might yet L,3 about. Tiere had ed the bam,leaving thechicken tli my crav- Leeni a foerce storos a fsw days Lefore, and îng was frst satief cd wiih more- solid toond. the groutid in tise littie Wood xves covered Ail this time I spoke neyer a word, nt with fragments ni rotten bouglis that crea even to thank bier for the provision ebie had ad sharpiy under foot. It was a relief mnde. wien 1 reeched the wicket sud feit tire soi t "P.apa gave a dînner partv, and, someenf turf ni the paddock uudermiy feet. By an- the gentlemei' did notleave fuilpassîtweive; other wicket I cntsred the garden, aînd tl)at is why 1 liad to keep yen sa long' wait- nw skirtine the inside nf the high Wall iuig," saîd îny wife, apoiogeticaliy, tlîlnking 1 drew uer the bouse. lt was blackr as that mny ill-hsoîor aross srom tuis cause. nigit when I reacied tireshruhhery. There " And that is why yen are dress'-d up wes une possibility of distiuguisbing the pathli ife a princess," muttered 1, glancing at frnm the borders. Prescntiy i drova my lier maignantly. She made nu repiy. Per- foot xith a cresh in a bell glass, aod for a haps she gaie me yet credit for sutbicieut isw minutes 1 toofi in donht whicther 'Io eose ta see that she must recoive ber beat a retreat or go on; then, as nSoud father's guests becomingiy,, and thet to have iredicaied thet my nîisedvcuture hsd reised cbangad ber dress citer tlieir departuro an aiarm, 1 vcntured to push on -egain.' would bave proionged my stay outeide. As A dozen cautions pac'-s hrougbt 11sie to an I gianced at lier 1 percesved Iliat shie had opeoîog. The iawn wcs Lefore me nv, taken off lier diamords, lu deference prob- and lookiug ecrose I made out a feeble aLly to my seuseless susceptibility. point of liglit that sbowed where the bonse 1"lWhy have you removsd yonr trinkets ?" etuod. Keeping close to the sbrnbbery, 1 cotinued. 1"Are yen afraid I shiah take skirled the lawn until 1 was close enongli thetil V' to tbe bouse ta maire out the sashas of thse ."Oh, Kit I she said, clasping ber trembi- onus wldow illnminated from withiu ; then ing lsanîis, sud with supplication in lier I stoppad. The lind was down;1 the lime tender eyes. 1 pusbed my glass towards had net yet coame. ber to refill, and haviug doue wauh tthe hemi I beard a key m urni the incir, and the Legan ripou the fowl. door grating as it opened; then a soft voices " Whsolias Leen here to-nigbt'e"1Iasked, askcd, in a wbisper, Ilis tbat you, Kit?-" after eatsng au silence a w hile. "Yss. " I answered ii a Sulien undertone. "lSoule Losting gentlemen, to wbom we "fera are tbe india-ruhbers.- Be care- were îniroduced yeeîerday by Major Uleve- fui; they bave oniy juet goie Up.' den." 1 lied grown calions to dapredation. It I"And wh's Major Cleveden 1" was nothiug to me uow ta play the part ni " A frieîîd oipepa's. They were very iliti- a sneaiDig thief. Withont a word 1 tonirinmate lu India; and," sbe added,admonitîve- the oversinoes and slipped thern on my feet, iy, for I Led raised mny voice in speaking, ase I iicked off my nid shoes one af ter the "be sîcepe ln the nextrorom." othier. "Oh, be is staying lu tbe bouse The girl coming fromn tbe liglt muid nst "l'eolias Leen witli ns a wcek. He.csme see, me as dîstinctly as I aaw bier. She the very day after yon were fier." waited tIsera tili I toid ber I was raady;"Wbera's lis wife l" theîî she turned about, and, feeling l "11e j isot mar ried. " way with outtretcied bauds, retraced ler "1 sec; your father Ibinrs Le wouid Le a etepe noiseeesly thrnugb the conserva- sitable aatdh for you-anythin?, with a tille tory, sud I foiiowsd, soflly oining the -anythbng tbat would give bim a place in door Lshînd me, We passed thronch a Socety." room where the font sanir deep bin the I lied fallen now loto a jeainue mood. yielding carpet. " If I bad Lut a iew " IMajor Uleveden le old enougi te Lc my feet of this for my Led, thought I - wbat a ther," said sie, with a lookr and an accent luxnry 1"' There was a lightitnbu te bail. whlci showed iow innocent Sire was ni sus- The reflected raye glittered Lare and tiere pecting the tiing I spoire of. IlBut le sa iu glass and polished funiture, and cusîîy reaiirîiend, for ail thai," she continued, bier nicirnacks. , y guide, raising lier finger bu spirit rieîng in revoit againat the uninerited waruing, weut on firet tb the foot ni the Larebess-" 'a frieod whom I couid trust great stairs, t0 maire sure tisain one wes wîth my lfe ; generons and kirîd-yes as stirring, and iben becironed Me. At one generous and kiuid as yon were once, Kit." trne 1 would have scomned to îoîiow auy I puehaed my plate away and turned to woman in this ignoble mauner:-,Lut tisitiche ire. "1 e," thougir 1, Ilwhen onue e time wes passed % now my onîy feeling was rich ise t difficuit to Le genaerous ; lu a ni bunger and coid. "I hope thare's a flre moral sense or in c maieriai secse the thiog and somethiug toaet up Lare," tbought I, as equally truc. And 1 was ricîs theninl as I stealtiily foiiowed aiong tbe co-rridor hope and courage ; uow in a Leggar lu peet the chambars wbere tise houseboid eveîytiiug, and aIl my feelings are sordid were esiaep. WVe came to a door tiai tood and meanîsand Lase. P'o done for." partiy open, and weuî in. ficha crepito my elde, aisd kneeliug ou It wee lira a drawbug room. You wouldo'i tLe rug leancd lber armes upon my kue have iruown il for a Led cliamber Lut for (thougi ebe wouid have simuuk irom piac- tic Led witL ts sides down, quit and ing hber delicate skis bn cotact witi sucli tant bx'giugs of bine satin covered witls Ifoui stuif as my trouscre were made ni et lace, and a glimpea ni theie muet rooîn Le- another time), sud lcoking up jin my face, yond. Tic paels ni tic doors wcre painted w itb ail ber swaet tandernees, ehe murmur- te match the hanginge ni tihe Led, the Win- ed- dow curteins and thecquiited etuffing of theaI l t le oniy eleven mon tbe ago dear." chairs and louuiges--a paie blue piced out 1Thnew wiat she meanti It was cheveu wltb goid. Tisera were cabinets ni Leautiful mossis ago tiat sic rau away for a day workmassip in lie cornersfilhid with pretty from ths Parsonage ta Le clanudesieli mc- rifles, siender stands for cnt flowers, aud ried tome. Tietwsas ju;t before Ileft Tel- tables for svery use-ail tuai caprice couîid tiîsh e coma to Lonîdon and Il maire sy suggest or ingcnuity supply ta an extrav- fortune." agant testa. But I tonir nu notice lieunif11mw we loved ecd other then ; bow wc tise3e things-I uas ton cold for liai. Leev- ciuug togetîser as tic tima caiSse to - part; luef my companion ho festen tLe door, I lsow sire rail wseping citer me toaey gond- basia'sed across tLe rnom, and, sining on bye" once moîc wihen we lied tori ours-uIves nsy inees in the sof t, thiclu hearîlirsg, I apari ; Lnw wc prornised eaccsollier ta mcci spread ont my clamîny, cold bauds ta catch agalu quile sonu-as sunîL se I lied fouind lie generous giow ni the ire. emoient, sud gui n uitile borne ready '"IAre ynu su cold, dear? saidl a voires fouliser!1 Oh, sic wouldn'l îîsnd lsow smeli Lciîlîsd me presentiy, bu a low, tender touae il was, or wbat privations sic was put ho, ni uommiseration. su tisos we could only live together. Tisut Il Tbe doctor ordcred me f0 lie sent te Englaud, dear, wban 1 wes e chilè." lYes ; but the doctor did net urder bim to live in Iodla tili lue was aunid man." Ileil, dear ?" eaid she, admi-ýtting tise conclusion iwitisai h. "li purpuse i ceuîiug t Eiîglauud was lu get wbei mioîey couid net procure hiuu nuts isere-a position in sociefy. lieiecuobi- tinus. You have eaid an. Your beauty liis encouragcd Ihlm to hope for su alliance whicis w'ilfevor- bis designs even moue iban is aeaiti. If lie fonsd you were married te such a-a tbissg as I, even lie wouid abandon yonuu teimuain nf your cisoice, ausd go Lacir te Judia,, tekiîsg bis precinus mouey with bjm.", leWTeIl, dear," she said again aseI peueed, leyou du net w-eut hisamoney." No, not a penny nfi lis" "Nom 1," wiush a cbcerfui shaire oniber prctty hcad. " Yeu vonid Le content witb the siogle ioom" "And yeu, Kit V' I couid go nfurîhar for lie minute, lookr- sug dnwu et lse- littie face ail eglow wsth love. Sic stuetcbed np lber arîssand drcw my face dowu te ler lips, snd my lirein sxvsm as ifI blsd Leon suddeniy bronght ont of tise darknusse face te face wiii a giimpse of paradise, It wîs a returnofnitic nid dream ni simple dcye. Lt passed. I was awakc again. IYee, ynur fetiier wouild abandon yon to tise mass ni your choice," I aaid. "Weil, dear ?" sice asd once mura. Yeu sa o itiiug more thsasituaI 1 "No, nothing" I do. You ses wiet hunger and coid do for me-ibey mairenue c brute. 1 muet bce unugry sud coid again. Tice mrivaticns I suifer Yeu must sufer alsn. Thai wiii ni add to my cossientmeni. Your love muai dia. Yneu muet thinir wait regret ni al yoen have sacrificed. Yoni muet wiei tiat wa lied usaver met-wiei me dead. We muai liais esci other." Sie siorped me, seyiusg IlNo ! no Inn 1" iii terrer, cul cnveiug lber mouti witb lier hand, as tisougi she fcarad lier eînotlon wouid force froîn lier a betreying cty. "Yo-.-wouîiri," Iinsisted; " Vousdonont kuoxv wbat hardehips are ; whist 111e le yat axyhle. " "VI'c causuot goen for ever iie tuis, Kit. t is't iseLurai ; il ls eeo cruel. Il Lie je cruel," 1 sald ; and tîsen hapsing inosnoody uneditibon, I added, vaguely, -"No, we caunot gn on lire tis. Sometiiz muet Le dune. Who were liose muen wlio dined isere ?" " Officers lu the ermy, two ni tlser, and assoîber was Lord Sornebody. I forget Lia namne. Lt doesîî't malier. Dontw_ r about tiem." Sha saw issy face cioudbug again. " But ht dose malter. Of course tbey are suviied to corne agein." 'eI don't know." fier voice qusvercdý wilhfear. Sisekinew tiat jealnusy was gel- ting thie masiery ni me.' ifs, you do irsow," I mutiercd. "I -itisinir papa gave tbem a generai invitation." elYee, aîîd yon knnw ihey'li corne. fie wili tlirouv youî ai the liead ni tisai fehiow wiui tieieîdle Lefore hie oiams. I'm glad 1 didn't krow they worc hore. I shsouid have gone mad, as I siîivered out thera in tle if 1j lied kuîowu iliat ynu. down there amouget tise flowers, were smiisg et unen sud listessing ho liseir flallery. Oh, tb'y11 corne ageis ! You blad hetter ni tellin-me nexh tijîe," I added, ficrccly. Tillib-a- consequieuly 1 puusucd, for 1 could nt get tise giiawiog suspicion out ni my heari,' " Thsose diamoids wcre put on to pîsase tiîer: wbiih you teok off nt to offeud uie. Perhaps you dbd nont visi me lu> inw thai you hcd Leen deciig yourseii ont tb fascin- aie tiose inenl" She ros, sud, ictcbing tise diamoude, seul, genty- "Taire lbem away wiiiîvoit; Kil." "No ; is bes't corne f0 thet yct," said I bruiaiiy. 'eI caine bere as a thief, Lui I isave eîsspty ianded.- 'us aslarcd xvhcn 1 thinir uat I owe your father for wiat I ha-ve eat. ut 111 fiih ii,,,f i,,,i-f-,1 1 hied pau-sed. 1 beld inmy breati to len, aud, hearing no eound, came to tLe con- clusin bist, Leving foilowed me down the hli, sud ticre bng et a mess w Licis xay bo urrsmsc-sevu T--prhtit, contiYsh7 tine imseii wîthb svndicatbve whiite. Ih le a iaw ni nature, tinugit 1, bbc atmong exhtirpete the weair ; sud thbs ieliow is ne womsc then tise wail-icd dou who suape et a starved sud spirihiase cor. Witl bues reflection I1 was abouit to go ou agelus, wien a qoicir, heavy stepisihlsud don- ly nppou my car, and s man pcesed su close lieu 1 eouid beau uïs deep breatibug sud distinguis is is lhouette againet lie igbu- su background. Il was e second constable, basueni ng ho snswcr tbic issuonimy lirsis ce- quaintance. fie muet Lave eut ecmose ithe slrip ni comuson theus orders bise rcd lu tiat parts. Tise demp turf made lis approaci noisciese uutilii e gaincd tise lard pathway. Hie dud ni sec me, thet is certain, fou tise momn astar le reacbed the oad bcbioire loto a ronces the wlistie wase Lhwn again. I waited til thie rehueatirg oottepe guew fajni, and lien I iuuried on towerds Hamo with lautise haste and silence posible, for if isba-pouice got nipouî my scent tise purpose wsti wisicb 1 bsd comalems rwouid Le irise- trched. Wlien I got thrismigh tie village, and, stnpping, ieemd nsound, 1 feu msaie. About hlsî a mile beyoud fHamn is ai s sta wisichs aitieht time lied recentlp Leen pur- eiesed by M. Peucival Thane. 1h deruvts is n usss, thce"Cedaus," iroiîs a me- jesiboavenue oni-thosa hmesswhici Ue 'rie carniage drive froin the road, by tis ris-ar-sida î0 tise bouse. Lunbise iront tic grouande arc sepcuated fmoin the roed Ly s pair of cussmnous ison gates and s leire. Tie idet are protectcd hy lieavii«y-buitres- ed brick wslie tèn fLou higis, Lut the bacir is eut off fmo:'the adjoining -park ya wooden palung, thon in course ni repuir. I!y au opening in tiiese palinge I got jute the grouindseaesily, for 1 irnew nîy wey wall. I wae ni afraid ni pursoit. The poliose wouid neyer ubîini ofiooking fou me Lare wiisier nly onue euld niaire iis wsy ou suci a rugit wbo was sccuetincd bo grop- ing alung tLe wehis un bise dark. Yet 1 bail f0 appmoaclistic house w-tlAscaution. ThAuu ciocir in lise Leliry over tle te'es ha' î'.uuck 'cnmt tweive just before I reaciad bisa teaLr ni puty wedcd o tieir lustre. Thlaat1je, wlst ILeaw, und xviaI I sec n'w ase I riuse. lb was a vision te impesas iseif forever ou My nsbnd. Iu the soit glnw ni tise wax ligissshe stood therebendiuug over uecaiied to my mid e piiue 1 Lad sesuni 5Diana dcscendmug te Eudymsion ou Sausmos. Bîst wlai an Endymioù AMy oye, travelling dowu un ber litlî fout, bu ils Lnoiie d sih.s sud iigliî l stsociing, feul upous rny ted band as I ested il for sup- port onstic ru'.nu us y lrcyad cuf sund ihrsadhare sîseve-on MnY 1thiel's fruend," as e wnluSliomdilcb celicd those su india- ruibes-on mny cosuse socir sud mudcaired fringe onu my cnudumoy isouners. A recir ni aquahor sud povcrly rosa witis s iheam iuom my soddsmu cioties, Ych tenttue youug sud beeutbbui crs turc benra ne I xvaenmnre tien Eudymion bo Diana. Thsey weue overs; xve, aies, were busband sud wîbe i CLIAPTER IL. CAUGHST. "Ara yon se ooid, am, thai you cannot seaktiru e ?" she asired eg'ain lu moauniol reproaci. 1Yas, sud 1 .ui huugmy sud wei, " I cdd- ed, siscrply, amshee put ber baud upou my &lioulder sud Lent ioweu. But tisai weru- ing did 001 puevenis cu rmeiuuig ny checir, Tisera are misiortunes that soiten a man's whoic nature ; mine issd beudened my bean and made me brutal. 1 lintsu lgt ni ber wbcus I ionksd et myseli, sud tic moment- amyfieiug ni deligil sud admiration cisng- ed to loathsbug sud dieguat. " Wly siouid 1 Le tins, ragged sud starving, au oL- jeci 'o Le piiied Ly my xife ?" 1 esired myscît. " Wby sbouid I lie compelied to shiver in the fog tilLah bnuseliold evas et reet, tbai I might crccp steaitbiiy, lire s thmaf et lber beels, te ber romre " 1h wae ail my owu feul; yct,j soured Ly misiortune, bruiaiisad by bard-1 sisip, 1 Loue a a reucomous ili will towsrds1 my poor wife, as tieugb seawaeebis a cusa ni my snfferings. i1usad not tie grace uo eciruoxvedge berkiise. MoodilyI Lent over tLe flue, unbottounlmg my jacket bLt the Lest mighi get et my ciilled body. Swifly utnd siicntIy suae brougit s table to tLe fireside, sud sais oui bis contente of a k"cp us iwo, Kit " she eeired Lnpefoily. I iaugied. " Wby, a yeam'e waes et that mae -wnuldu't Loy tise dmass pou, ara wearing" saIdI1Y1 "I couifi de withont it," said sha. "I wornisolhing LbtsinfI lei'n monube ego." That soltened my heari. But I was usot ench e olinuworidiy metuers as 1I bcd Leen e yeeu Lacir. Ay, we were, bois thsen, bn- deed-Loy sud girlf oîs, îuotiig mire. Sic seveuitecu ; I only juatinl my twentieth yeau. It sbi'ld La illogal for suds Csie -pie- tous te unrmy. A y4S.rinLu ondon had open. c, d My eyes, anI I lad used tiem 10 adyso- tege lu hesmning soinatlsmng nifisba reelilyof hilfe. ",No ; I'vodoue onisfoolisi tig. LI uoh do euuobher ni tls saeasorf. TIsai would La juet s crimea," sald I. "Acrunme!I I dou't undaratsud pou. Whîai foilish tbing Kit ?"1 IlSupposiug I scttled dowu tte i eaof e pioddlog artisan-suppose 1 got a place ai sigiteensillings e wcek ?" IlYas," seid she chasru lip, drawing e littie cioser. IlSupposbng I could manage bo gai soma suri ni a borna for yon-a moom l is e soL- uni witb c few sticirs ni funituma, wie-a you wouid hLe to do tic drcdgery; sud Le eribbcd up ail day wile I ws su xork ?" 1 iooired down ho sec whsat affect bues pictu;e made upon 1er. SIc wae ectueliy smiliug. The dreamy lookin bu Ioneyee ehowed tiet sie was not tinking ni the Lerdehipesud miserces, ony ni the momentie sentiments- rcriicèd to iLs beariug ni bundaus Lp ioving isearts. IYes, daar," she ssid again, sucoursg- ingly. "lDo pou iruow wisat wouidbeppen tben ?" 1 ssked. Suhlld ber Leailn oua sida, sud, ilook- ing iu tLe lire wistfuiiy, eaîd, ebter s mn- ment's imsgiuing oi tLe womeitieht couid happan- "I'm afralid pape would Le vamp sngry." Tsat's certain enough. You've toid me ennueh about ubun to show tisasLe loves huim- self mors bhan Le loves pou. Thitls only naturel, fie xnuidu't ihave saut op o bEug- land, and iived aina in Indie for sixte-u ycams obiserwise." I irucw net how hong I bcd been asleep when I w'nlt witi e start, isearing a sirihi wiistle. Toc tic moment I thougit 1 bad Leen -lemsing of the police tiat followed uaousvthsimit.Butvhre -r-Nywife- siýtiusg besîde ose sud cluiching n'y arm. Tiýen anoticu wiiste sounsded outslde Le- low the wiuîdow. 11Wiat is lu ?" gasped fiche. A window sasi was hhrown np, audible nugis bo ou slaimed cars. A voies cailed ont, 'lWho's tliere?" Tien fmoun Leiow came tue ciecu reply- "lPolice, sir ! Comne down sud ici us lu, pisase. And lot soine onue lookr te tial om onnsyour rî-.t. Tiere's s lighitiere, sud thire's burgiars iii the lisouse 1 (To BE OONTINUEt.) The Blug Jay. Tic blize jay l isaemuet persistenut pisse- ticai joker in the feabhîered kingdom. fie wili couccal hiiselfiun ut ulmmp ni icavcs near the spot wieue emehi hirds eue accus- bouncd to gether, aud wheus they sue eujny. ing tiemeives in thir onufesiion wiii suddenhy iriglien uheun almusitoedeabi Ly screasiug oni lire e hawir. 0f course, tiey scaiter in evsmy direction, sud wbcn tisey do sentle munheievouse rascai ghvee vent to a cecirle ulaissoudisvery muci hure e lauglu. If hae onfined hie puanirs tnencb joires as thîs, iuwe en, lie wouid nis Le sudsa Lad neigibor te irdes sailer ibanLiuîseli, Lut wieîule samuses bimsesf Ly Lrcaking tbbc egge in their neets sud tearing bis young bto pieces wiusb bis iii, Le becomas e pestileut nuisance, sud they niten combine their forces te drive himnoultnifiisir ueigibou-r iood.' They do net aiways succced, fou is is ni figlit as ni mieciief, Lut e sevemet conflicis beaebes s iosthats tha bon Laver rîgits, sud tuis induces hum te mend busr insnome. Fluet Club Man-" Le Jackson s mancof domestlc tasies b" Second Dtto-" Very;f I uodeustatîd le flirts witi tise servants." s Hamry -" Did tiey hae mosquitoset tise unsmer hotel wieme yon mîopped 9" Jacir-" I thhirunit. 1 wcen'i cbarged for any onutisa bii," grouvlni lowus aes mud bu liairegion alossg tise lineofnitise Canadiaus Pacîf c, whici did otexistin 1884. Tise reports Legin wits Msttawa, on tise Ottawva river, wbich bY1lee the . oudar biwecntise provincces ni Ontario sud Quchec. Lu 1880 tiub wae a Hludson Bey Cnmpauy's post, aud to-day the popuilin is over 2,000. Tirceeqîsuiteus are Fresu'iuCanadiens, and tise renueinder Canadiens ni otiser origin. Ceihondsu coutains sieur 1,200 souis, tAures- querýers beiusg Frech- Cenad isos, a large percentaee n whom wcre îepatriated. from tic New Engienid sietes. North Bey Legan witi tic sdveni ni bhe C. P. R., aud, wIuile it coutainced but ne bouse in 1884, tha population is b-day un exceess ni 3,000, and bcbng the junctisunio the Grand Trousirwiti tic Cenadian Paci- fic and lise point of dlsparture fou tic pro- jecied James Bey railway, lias a brighît future beto;e it. Sîurgson PFalls, wicis Lad re existence bu 1884, lis uow 300 bamilies, aillni whici ae dning weli, sud 180 arc Trench -Canadýiaus. The repert siates biset a grist sud saw iii are bemng buihi ai this point. Vemnier ba composed ni 72 Trench fernilie3, almosi entirely repstmiaied imom fiolynire and Lwei Mass., within the st six or savaisycars., Afiser SadLury, wbicixvs descuihod. e iew days ago lu these colurns, couses Chelinetord, whicls Las grownvfoibon nnthing flye years ago ho an excellent farus- ing sethiememît, giviusg good homnes un 130 Trench-Canadien iamiiies. Tieme are man-y gond sethiernents ou thse Son branch as wehi, and-the facitîshat this noriheru portin of Ontario bas been settled hy I"reusch-Ceus- ediens, is due un the worir ni one msan wiose mission lbas hecu to promoîs thLecmnigmstion nf tLe hsaudy race just rnentioned. A gen- tleman hntemeeted in tisamne worir refer- red, iu the Empirs's haiing bn-day, to tIse reccntly formed colouzizon mocieiy ni Seul Ste. Marie, wiicl ies taken us uts moibe tic seitternent ni Algomea, sud, as 1h is compos;ed ni Eusgiieb spcaig people irons Ontario, lhe sad uttwe îîaiuraliy espposcd fiai the rcesuts ni tiseir work w ouid Lelise colinizaioisni oftadistict by Euglisli-spcakiug setiers. filowever, tic ugeutloeabuinquestion obeerved tisattise Ontario Govermmat appeared ho Le saopine r. 1Juuln .tactorY. A picture factory is a place in whichi the.1y put blank canvasses ou sheives runuing and paints in the sky on canvas No. 1, theu passes on and peints in the sky on caniva No. 2, and so on ail round the room. Ttert another mail cornes and paiots in a sandy shore ; then au',ther, and peints in a tree ý then another, aild paints in the sea; tlie;a another, and paînts in a, hip upon the sefi. Thei Ilîse pictures, which are as like eacià other as two pins, are, liy a heantiful di- vision of labour, finished, £0 ta speak, i less timie thais no time. Aad they cali th« irst "On a Smiling Shore ;" lise second, -Wbere the Wavelets Kise the Sands ; the third, "Thse Ship that Sailed." TheS give ecdi picture a different titie. 1 be.. lieve they keep a mani whose sole business is to fi'sd the tities. He must Le the Most, ingenlous, Dlot to say imaginative, mnan inS the place. Tic whoie affaîr is a beautiful exposition of the applicabîlity to comme.e ciel purposes of the fine arts. Pat was Going for liii Shears. Captain (to green sailor): "Pat, iuy la 6 go alo'ft and trim the sails." Pat startiiig ta go hein w): "Xaes, sorn Captabu (shar-piy> "Rre, what are S going Lelow for ?" Pat: "For me shears, captain, dear, Sure you do't thinir Oî wud Le aithet thrimmin' the salle wid me filigers,deezl Succotash. Pot uone plut nf tender Lima beans in a stewpan wiith two quartr, of boiling water and a teaspoonful of sait, oesd Loi gently for one bour. Cut enuugh green corn fîýe.n the coL ta maire one quart. Put tja l14 a steivpeu with one plot of bot mral, onê-quarter nf a teaspoonful of peprer, orie teaspoonful of sait, an~d ona tabiespooufu-) on butter, and froînith e ens and beason th enswitb -, level teespooni ci of sait, a iittle peppýer anlisonue tablespocuful of Lutter. Stir îbem îa the disli of corn and îniik --d couick for n ia- Utes longer. S ove.y ho%. A CABiNET OF 0URIOS. lu the matier. At ahi eassis oua meecsn oniward acsivity on ieir pari. fie cnou>uded Strange Thîeezs Cuee frou thse Wondess h sayiug that tiare was n part ni thea Do. of Axili saI andl Inonituu e mrni'in more prospernue than the district of N'amsre. Nipiesiug eaîd Aigoîna bn northern Ontario, Tic Arabe dlaim thai Evc's fomb is ai ___________ Jsdd ah, the mapori ni Mecca. Tisetemple, wbth e palm trce gowiug ont of a crack in RAILWAY AN D Mllq NG. the rockr roof (wich is nfi usd1 nue ni the woisdcrs on hie Orsent), ïsesuppnued te he AnuIssejertant 1E'nt<-pase WihhTeronti built directiy ovar tLe lest rcating place ni Citizes Are E, ngaged la. îLe firstNvwnsau. Accordirîg tuAr-itradi- Messers, Arthu B. Lee suddfinghs Blaing tin, Eve moasurcd over 2 lo icet in leght;: ni Torouto, have juet rsturned frIom a lwe wbicb, uiikely as il may seem, siragcly weeirs' trip in lhee mon region oupç3 ahout coiucides witlsan accoutuofour frs parents Port Arthur. The speciai nijec 01n their writien by a member ni the Trenchs Acado- jnumoay was un attend the annueL meeting my, ivin aiso cliised a beîgliuson over 200 nifithe Port Arthsur, -Dulthcnd Western feet for boili ni tLe len a:nti ni the Garden Raiiway Comp-any, su wiici. they and oiber ni Eden. Eve's lomi, syhici is iu a Lnrying gentlemen licre are hargciy inbeuested, Ad- gmnund tiat je surrounded by a isigli wali, van tage wss tairîsniftise occsin to unaire tle gaie to whiciî lias oui heen opeued for a peusossai inspection ni the mcd sud-tise a ingle untermeni for over 10050 ye'rs, 15 country tliuouglbwbichitruuns,soasioobai-,s tise sirns nithousands ni devoted Islîussael- aunie ni ti e reenurces ni tise incalîties tes, wio maire a piigrimage to bbc spot tribuiary hoelise mcd, sud the probable once cvery seven years. Once ecdyeuxaretvenuesnifbise cnmpauy. Promu these ou Jusue 3, wiich le, according tc Arahîisn gentlemen ile asccnîained tbat their road eends, the aunîvereery ni tLe death onisla ow finisbed for about 80 miles, sud wiii Abel, lic doors to the tnrnb nifoonefirai Le coq-ipieted to tic Cenedjani bonndary motier reran open ail nigb n odds xx at hune et tise Nammows, bciweeu Oun Pu nt precautions are tlecuto irecp tlem closed. iakc sud Magnetie haire, abouuthe ea"no Terrible cries ni anguisis arc said to cmii tuis onth. A short lino is aiso being i -, frnm tic momi, a îbougb thse mcmouy nifithe by thsbaie parties on lie United States frai irnwn sragedy stiii bsunted tis e m- aide, running into extensive son minýes. mains which bliîsd superstition Leliave to Tisey paid e visit tn tLe proporiy nif bhe ho depositcd there. Guiri Pni Iron Comspauy in tic state ni 1SOME OC.IENDAR OOSSSTIES. Minncsota, abouni four miles froin the end Tic daye ni the monti sud weeie are ai- ni the Canadien lineofn the Port Arthur, Duluth sud Western. Thius aseasd to Le waye the sanie in Merci sud Noveunber, inu Apuli nd July, and lu Septsmhcr sud De- toc finestis rou mine lu tbesemba, nit aven cember ; tisat is, if MerchIl" cones n" on a excepting fie clebrated -on mines eb Monday, November wil do îikewise tic Tnwer sud Ely or tise mucb-talired ni Mas. saine ule epplying te the nîber mnouihe echa mines. Tîcre are nul-cmoppinge ni uamed above. In îeap year Januauy le the lineet nue coveriug a strctch ni over wit Apil nd uly i oter ear itistîrce miles sud Leyond dloubi coutains withh Apul andJnlybruoushen ea r iÏ8 millious of tons of the Ligisesi grade ni witis Auguest, in ohirer'ycaus wth Marmeb megnetic uon nus. This company rccenbiy sud November. The lest day ni Fchuuary madesacuniraci with the Port Arthur, Duluth sud the 4th day ni Juiy aîways occur on and Western raiiway to uinmujat iest, theiane dy o th wek ;thesaie nue eunidued thnusand tons onirou ors toc Mauscday anidbChwrirtmsem e maannuslly for 10 years for sbipmçnb iii bond ni My Dy ed Cileias.over the cumpeny'e oad bo Fort William or WIIEN WAS CHRISCT BORN? Port Auribur, bheuce e b Lafouwardod Ly, Metlemelhiciasus wisn have "lfigued on it" w-aloi to the eatcmo siabos, and the opbnion say biat we have n prof that December la fueeiy expresecd .tisai the actuel shipuseuts 25 was tic date ufthie birli no uSavjousr. wili far exceed tic quantity contractcd for. Lb le uow prctty gcneraii y cou) ceded, and by ht wouhd aecm impossible to place a lirmit be ti.e Lest antisurfies iu bbc worId, ton, tbat thisinu indtuiry in ilsis locaiity ou sither Christ, wesnt Lomu oam wbat we oeil sîde ni tic naionael houndary. There are " Christmas," or eh any otiser trne dnring excellent iudications on tlise Canadien sida, tise WYlmter mouths. Tic date uow aimosis and ticensly tiing required je capital for nnivemely agrced upon le Apri 5-uni udhr speedy devslopmeut. Specimieis, ni Aprbl 5 ofthetIcl yeer 1," Lui April 5 ni tîme ure hsave been sbown us imom a locationnuer ycar 4 B. C., accordiug to ou mode ni recir- White Fisli haire, close to the bracir, fre onuig frne. fmom sulpîsur, wjtis nuly the siigbtasb brace THE FIRST IsAGUERuREnTYFE. ni pinaphomus, and which shows 65 per cent. The firsi likenes evcr 1eucccssef'iiy baicunofi imnsand 15 per cent, ni mangaues. On by liieDagurrueotype pmoceesw-as oneobtaimi- eccount ni the large percetge ni mange- cd Ly tic hale J. W. Draper bu June, 1839, nese tl'js nue is said fote cworh $î.50 par fifty-thce years ago. fils camnera was a ton more tIen ausy ore bu bhe United States. ciga boxbu wrcb e Le faeeueda do- Ecitemeut le ruouiuggi il hrsougi thîs mia on spectah clos dI'mfessn Maorsetheregon, sud if only s smaih puccenhage nifbIse wimoni eteicgs1 rap fsserdMdorper h eca tion of Ihose interestcd bc realized wau the ne i14 1 m t isiapsu e esDraer tise people nifCCanada w-lLecastonislod at iheimmnthert pofg0-1 romb hisAmuicathe temuit. The prospects of tuis pioncer r fhtorpýi mrc Canadien miserai road are practicaily un- hasgron.hounded. Iu additsionî f0this jn isffie A VAir ABLE LTT'LE TOY. tlserc xvl bcLean immense inmber trade, an& Emi Winegauiener, a Geuusan jeiveler ni tiecocmpany lias eiueady seime large con- Turin, Italy, cxi ibits a unique uoveity in tracte for lauiing loge. 't'rain loade aren00W une ni hie show xindows.. Lt us a boat mrade cumirg down the oad daily. Besidas 'rus un 1883 Ly a worirmau lu Mu. Wiiliegarusenex-'s tisere ls aepleudiui farming country for seutle- eîupioy, and is iashloned fmom a sbmngle peaul nieut aioug the Wbite Fi8L vciicy, sud ibeme Tic outdine, eweii and coocavitics ni a mcci wiIi aise be consîderabie tmafflc f rom the bugboai are true to ic. Tiseminiature rail scores ni siiver mnes aiong tise lina ni lie us beaien imom solîd gold, eiudded wiui dia- rcshwey. It le gualiiying te beau suci miouds, iThe binuacie ligîs is a ruhsy ni reports iroins these gentlemen. Lu tise wonderulnibriiiiancy, ernrahd sauves iausguage ni nue oni hem : " Mining ilut13e for a rudder, ansd tic stand oison whî. i h section must assume prodigions popor ,A, is mouîsted je ni pure rvouy. The weighis nsd onraiiway lu Cansada LaiE,ïver com.- thc bout sud stand je ies th ien heu a ounuce. mnned opemaions witl anything lire as Lt is vaiued ai $5000. favorable prospects as thbe Port Authur, TISE "YELLO'W DAY." Duluths sud Western Raiiway Conspany. " Septeniber 6, 1881, je well ememhered inMar. W. R. Brook is itseuîewiy-ehscicd Maine, New finpsie, Vermout, and parts pueidei, sud the hsead oflice ni tic con,« ni New York, sud Penns-Tlvauia as tise paniy le hkely un Le moyeu to Torontoi. Lt "lYeiinw Day." Canada aise o oirou soin e îecxceedingaiy lntcmestlug ho hear thsse geu- ni tic characlemistice nued n lie States tlimen describe tLe grandeur ni the, sccuîery chocs msuîjoned, oniy that tise y3-ln-v vs long Whuite FieL lake, Sand ishe, Lune ni a duil, greonish ca, wîich eccounîsfor Range laire, Iron lake, Northi isie, Gun mi... fat lit e e,-rt i-i.± q thes,- l r,te Flint haire snd Idenetie haire and te hls

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