THIRTY DAYS TO LIVE! $AmMMustkv&'S DEATII SENTENCE Cnet- MUTED-"WIIAT EVERYIIODY IN GRAVÉR- RURST îa TAIKINGOFO. GRAVENlUItýST, Sept. 21.-The rneny friande o? Samn Murray will bis delîghted to lesan hat haeia bimBelsf agala, sud that afier undergoing intense safferlng, sncb as fecu have expeuiisncisd. Sami, as eveuy- body knows le a rajîroader, or rather was Up to the time, iwn yeara ago, whisu ha met wiih an accoîdaut wbie aagaged ia coupiing cars. Oua band was crushad and ha let saveral fingers. This waî on September l7th, 1890. For five montbe end a bal? ibhe poor follow was laid off work, but bis nid friande did nit desert him, sud maay were the biud isaquiries seut from alila long the liais as te how lha nus e geig ang At lest Sam thonghi le w ar.aiel-te ïwouk and was put to braite en a passonger train sud ran on ibis Mes- f ord Mail fou abouta month. Ris wae nexti rbanged to the Muakoka mlxed and afier a sbouttimre eras iuausfevuisd to a way fright beiweeu Graveahuuei sud North Bay, but bis failed sieadiiy, ikeaa iman in cousumption leni flash iv@ry day. Fuoin aeauly 200, poude ha went down te 140. On Juna l9th lait year ho finished onue of i hie aai us sud ihat sarne eveing wken taking a salk wiib a lady ho fell on the sidewaik, wboeaha lay as if dead. The young lady gaveaibis alarma d Sea wascauied te a docior's office. The doc- teu said hae had an attack o? ACUTE LOCAL FATIOUUE sud that if ha was aveir ableate work again il wold only La by takiug the utraiEt caris obirneal?. But haeris- coveued te a cerasin axient sud then bad snother aitack wile taking a uow on itis lake. Thea ibis spelis came ripou bima witb gusatar frequency, sud wbîlo ibey lasted ha lest ail consciounees. Oaa doctor gava bimtasirty days te live, wbile anoihar tbld hlm ble believed ha would bava sixty daye irn which te saitlis is eauibiy affeira. This was aiything but pleassant uiws, sud yet Sarne cheeuy smiisliV!Lirsokhlm. RisH belonge tun the Brother hood o? Railway -Traiunh, sud cf coures uecived bis sick basafit frein ibis G. T. R. Ai lest four doctous gava 1-asoru certificaie thai ho wold neveu bis able to resurne hie daties as a trainsmen., The Gra nd Trnnk uailway spid hlm ff, sd the Inuranco Brauoh te whioh ha belong d gave bum bal? ibis arnount o? bis lufe inuanois on accoui o? total di£abuliy. Tics, Grand Truuk docicre made cave rai examinatiorn; and ibis company gave bîrn saveale1pascea toToronto t0 coasuli with specialista._At lest ha ueceivad ac-ertiflo- ste Eteeig, tiai hs blond was diseased and ibat ha ebould neveu attempito do sny svouk. Lilse Job, hae waa coveued Swiilah oua. .Sam's positir a is a peculiar onue. In the fluai place, ibis dociors wbnonghi te -know s ay tisai ha in nntable 1e work and never will bis. Their certificatise 1 that effeci are cocu biing coasideued by tbhe supreme authouitiao? ibisheBroibaubtiod, aued unisse Sarn declinea te accepi hie Insurance tbey wil have-10 psy hima. But on ibis other baud hisin ooking fou waorlç, and aeys e ias swel sE.8aveu ho vie. 11ie explanation o? bis sndden uecnveuy le the talk cf tle town as well as ni bis comuadas cf ibis uoad. Four mnuthe ha could nit leep ou back ou aidesansd Lad te take what litile re8t is got by lyiug on bis stinecii Onue day soane as huesea lths book cal-ed XICDNEY TÂLcc inobis door, sud hie wifa after readiag il peusuaded ber leusband te try a box o? Dodd's Kidney Puib. Iseagraed irnply f0 plisseslheu, but cithout any expaciatiol of -gisting relief. Strangs te say, the plls difi raiiive hlm and hoa bob several boxes cf ihcrr, the resuit baing ihat to- day isis as weil as aveu ha was. Sam says hae osa- net undeustaiid it and do't caris, howsvis, seeeig ibat haebnwe the pisahave cured 1,hlm snd Le s l abue once again 10 wouk fou bis lttle family.-GUraxemîhumrst Bannme. PARM STOCK~ WANTED. h-eraons hahing fat caille, milcb cows, Eheep, Iambe, vesi caives, hogsansd poni. try of sucy kind sue usqueted te aise or send word te ire ai rny reidence sud il iili eal on theni. Or addues S. R. Bnv- NoSiSD, if by mail, Box 1, Bowmiaaviilis. AUCTI0N SALES, SAveuAr, Oct. 8,-The puopguty buown aste is"MeArthur Block,"' situaied ou ibhe soutis aide o? Klng St., Bowînan- ville,. wl ha eold by public cochion as -he Benunett llouoe,Bowmnanville. Sae at 2 p. m. S. C. llaaking, auctioneer, Wr ,DNESDAY, Oct. 19,-Mu. W. Strunt A CURE Foxt CONSTIPATioN AND HEAD AcniE.-Dr.Silas Lana, while in the R.ocky Mountainse, discovered a root that whan combined with other herbe, makes an easy and certain cura for constipation. It is itha forii o? dry moots and leavas, and je known a3 Lsne's Fsmily Me icine. i will cura sick-headache. For tha biood, liver and kidneys, and for clearinrg up the complexion it doas wondaus. Druggiets eell it at 50c. a package-anough for byve Mre. Kata Douglas Wiggin, the aut],or -e? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -m "T d'heia irL will fuua.ish the leadieg serial story for St, Nicholas Mýag-azine baginning iu Novem- ber. Hlava no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick beadache, bilionseea, con- etipation, pain in the aida, and ail liver troubles. Carteu's Little Liver Pilla. Try ti'cm. FOR1 INVAIDS ani 'weak delicafs womer ume lUlIiburIi's Beef, ieon and i Vne; ne other It Is tise bast, OEWON0. <Coidensed from the News.) Mr. A. W. Carveth,LeBkard, was visit. ing friende in-Toronto aset week. Miss McGill, Burton, bas been visiting Mrs. Staikar. There can be.nohealthy for ither mnd or body -so longý as the blood is vit iated. Cleanfie the vital current f rom ail ivapur- ities by the the use of Ayer'a Sareaparilla. This medicine recruite theawasted energies strengthens the nerveo, and re2tores hecalth to the debilitated system. M~r. Joseph llenry is building a barn near hie reajidexice. A nuinher of our citizeus attended Patarborofair. Do not sufer frorn ick headache a moment longer.' It le not necessary. Carter'a Little Liver Pille will cure you. Du se, ouu littie pill. Sînail price. Srnail dose. Srnall pili. Mr, Thos. Vînson, Toronto, wae cme over Sunday wek. Rev. J. A. MolCeenatatended the Pan Presbyterianconvention in Toronto. When wea, weary and worn out, Ilood'e Sarsaparilla le juet the medicine to re- store your strength and give you a good appeti'e. Mr. R. KnozR sailad from Glasgow par S. S. M ongolian of the Allan Line Thure- day. Mrs. N. A. Jerome and Mrs. Wm. Jones vlited friande in Bethany recently. Mu. and Mre, Jos4ph Henry and-son, Dolph, and Mr. -Gao. Waddeil attended Ottawa fair. Messrs. W. W. Andrus and H. E. Armstrong have reumed their studies at the Trinity Medical Collage. Mu. James Gllillan, Scienca Master of the High Sohool, Bowmanvilla, pusoch- ed 'n the Christian Churcli Sunday tanin- ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Vauderburg woe attending the weddiug .of hieu siser, Miss Laura Kelly and Mr. Archie Colleur, at Rockfoud last week. Navy" tobacco invita the very loseet scrutiny of ite quality. The expert whosý trained sauces tesce him to reoog- nisa itis exact quality cf tobacco, and the amoker who j udgee by hiseaxperienca in smioking it, will both comae to the samne conclusion that it is of this very hiehieet quallty fnywhera to ha found. It is made of the very finest Virginia leaf and is nianufactured with the grcatest poEsible caris. Mus. Lavi VanCamp, cf Bowmanville, and Mu. and Mrs. W. IH. Worden, Imd., spent sunday waek at Mr. Wrigchtson Foster'd. Rev. D. F. Gais pueched the annivar- sary sermons in the Methodist church, Norwood, and Rev. Gaso. Brown, Garden- hlll, Sonday wcak. Mr. WSe. MePharson, Touon!o, was home last week. Mr. A. W. Bunner, Bowmanyi e, cc- cupied the pulpiti of thea Methodiet chuuch Orono,Sunday mroning weok. and Rer. F. Johason, cf Hope, iu the evening. Mu. J. W. Counish, Laîkard, bas ris- tuuned home from the Old Sod Thae11ev. W. P. Auchibald, M. A., Bý D.. of Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, dreached in the Presbyteriau church Sun. pay e%-ening. While Mr. Wm- Lana was plonghin and in stooping- down to arjust tha clavice ona of the borss kicked bum inflicting an ugly wonnd in the head. Mr. Wm. Armstrong was in Cobourg attendiîîg a meeting of the Exeoutive Committer, nf the Cuuncil laït week. Mu. Rerb Best fel fuorn a threshing machina while rnoviiug it from his father's barn and wes sightly injuued. On Tnesday Sep'. 27 another old resi- dent of the township paBserd awsy, in the parBon cf Sarah Mitchell, ulict of tha lata Levi Fuller. at the agis of 68 yeiaus, aftar a long and painful ilîneps, at the ris- idence on iher son, NMu. Amase Fuler. The deceased lias lived in the borne in which she died fer iipwards of forty years and was bighly uspected by ai. The ris mains were interred in tbis Oronio ce- rtery. SCRATCHED_ 28 YEARS A Sca1y, Itclilng, Skin- DIsease w1th Endlises Snffer!ng Cuued by Cuticura, Remedles. If 1 had known Ou the CUTIC; Pl' REcranîrs tweniy-eight years ago, it would have sac cd me $200-00 and Lin immense amount oS suffering. My cb'aea (psoriasis) comreenced os my hesd iu a dopt fnt larger than a cent. hIt preail rapidly ail over my body, and got under my naila. The scales w ould drop off oS me ail thp time?, aud my suffringti-,s vO.lkss, ~ ~ candciihoni relief. On" thon. 5 "' cand dollars wenld une (cempS me ta have this discase over u.. gain. I cm " pour man, but fec r id e tachareiieved of what somne of the, Soars said waë l e'prosy, soe rineworm, Pooa- iasisec. 1 cannet praîsa i the Cu'reîlcmA RastamES tu shin as l rarch. They have mado my Alknasl rndfriefreinscaies Baababys. 'uit I oscd oS tlcm -aas $5 worih. If yoo had bv n hecandsid yeu wouîd have curcd me for SOs- 0c,) yoii woud have had the money. 1 lookcd hke tbco CaseSki Dlcass,"but now I am sas cleras nu person exTer was. Through forces of habit 1l s eh my heocis over my armsa ind legs to scratch) oneein a wvhiIe, but to no purpose. 1 arn ail wel. I Lecratehed tvwcty-eight years, andfit got ta be s li i il of second nature ta me. I thank Yenu thon Fe-md imca.V LEXNjýý,IS DOWINING, Waterbury, Vt. Cuticura Resolvent Theic 0w Rlood -and SkIloPurIfier, Iuternally (te cI mm tis 1100 of ait impuritesansd puIsuncea ci 'meni), and CuvocuurA, the great 51cm Cure, and CUTICIJRA Sotu, aul e'quiita Slolu Beautifler, e uiternally (te clear the akîn and scalp, aud restora th-- bir), iutantiy reliave aud spoedily cura cvery' iccies of iichiug, bnrung, scaly, crus' cd, pimpiy, s 'rofulons, and hereditary diseasea and humora of the silo, scalp, sud hîo , with loua of hair, frorn -jnfauy toage, -frocs isjlot0sc2la- Sold cverywlierc. Price, CUTs*JURA, 75c.; GeAi', 35.; RESOLVENT, $stoOPrepared hy tha POTTER £inscis ANI) COEnICAL Cosi'ossATsox, Boston. »ýï- SenO for Il Iow te Cure 5kmIn DseEcs,"ý 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 tc5t!monials. P)jl PLES, blaek-heada, rcd, rough, chapped, aud or l Hiini kin cnrcd by CuTicunà So4r. Dep. Sheriff heeler Does Not Care to Live if He Cannot Have Sarsaparîlla It wouid be difficuit to find a man better known in the vicinity of Buriing- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of Winooskj Falls, the efficient Deputy Sherif of Burlington county. He says: "C. I. 1100(1 & Co., LowelI, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparilla cost $910.00 a Bottie I should stili keep using it, as I have for the past ten years. With me the question as to whether life is worth living dcpends upon whether I can get Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't tbink I could live without it now, certainly I should nct isb to, and sufer as 1 used to. For over ten years 1 suffered the hon ors of the damned with Solatie Rheumatismn for if ever a man suffers with anything in this world it is with that awful dis-. case. It seemas to me as if ail other physical sufeing were compressed into that ore. I took about everything mai, ever tried for it but neyer got a dla' worth of help until I began taig Hoods Gairsaparilla I have taken it now pretty regularly for ten years and have no more pain and can get around al right. I have advised a good mnany to try Hood's Sar- saparilla." R. D. WHEELER, Deputy Sherff-I, Winooski Falls, Vt. Hood'ls Pis cure Liver Ilis Staî1kar Buos. teu k fluet priza with thairt aoted colt "Billy S.." at Batlisuy fair. Mu. Archie MoIConnachie at endad the Peteuboro exhibition. Mu. llammond Arch bis e ben appoint- ed agent tou ibis Mica Rooflng fou ibis township. .LMaster Samn Ricke bas puuchaeed a new bicycle fuom Mu. Wes. Jeweli, o? Bow- manvfile. Mr. llenry Kelly ba5 puucbacad a val- nabie colt fuonMr. R. Foster, Orono. Mu. Luther Fox aud bis siater, Mrs, Glascuti visited nt Mu. Chast. Weic's receatly. Mu. Jas. Taniblyn uaised bis barn Tbuusday. Mu. and Mr'. Wight, Manvers, visited Mu. R. Rowe uecently. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Gens,-My eaughter was suffeiag teuribly with nauralgia. I purchased a hottle ni MINARDS LINIMENT and rubbed heu f.4ca thoroughly. The pain lett heu sud tbs elepi well till morning. Next nlgbt anoilier at!ack, sinotheu ap- plication resulted as previoualy, with no ratura ince. Grateful feelings deteracun- ed me to express mysaîf publicly. I would not bis wihout MINARD'S LINI- MENT in tha houas ai any cnet. J. ]E. BAILEY. Parkdale, Ont. O fIl A WAl. Mr. D. Duaw bas sold hie large teara o? roa hurzes fou a gond prica...Medcalf St. Maîbodisb Churoh beld their annual hauvest born eaxarcises on Sunday week. The nffring was oves $40 .... Mu. John James and dauizbteu, Miss Ellea J. James, atteaded Lindsay's big Fail exhibition aud visited friende in Fanelan last weak. . . Mr, Schofield bas ueally puuchased the Massona works to be used as a woolea fac- tory.... .The Ontario Loan & Savinze Co. bas reduced uts rate ofjateresi tn 31 pari cent.-...,Mr. M. J. McSweauay, resideat o? Oshawa for about 40 yeas, bas rnoved to Toronto with hie farily .... .Mr. W. Wilson shipped two mares snd a glding tO MNontreal thaï. woigbed 5,100Olbs. He ueceivad $475 for them. HAMsLT~ON, Maroh 2lst, 18929. Dn. L. A. Sarîrli & GO., 536 Bloor St., Toronto GENrS,--Please ship us par G. T. R., fraigbt prepaid, thuise (3) grose moue o? vonur Antli-Dandruff. This makes six gross ou 864 bottles purchaeed funni you since January l6th, 1892, a lithse moue than two months. The large dernand le due to the mnit cf tbis preparation, as ou customers to wbom wa hava sold il certiiy. We flnd il nt onlj' ramoves the dandru-.ciand scnuf-, but il seWmanailegoca haiu-dressing for the bair. Giea to use sud bei an agreashis odor. htisleone o? the bisai preparatins wa Isnow o? 10 pr;u-nota ibeis gwth ofibhe bair sud pue- vent ire ?alling ont. WisFing you con- iinned acceese sud au exieuded sale. Ws remain, Youus trnly, J No. A-.EiÀ,ïRuit&U(o7' J. A. B. The contributions to tbisOctober AnENAÀ a vaied, interesting sud able. In thîs issue Hon. Thomnas E. Watsoni, who oet. ed sncb a furon lahbis once of Repues.. entstivas hy hie charge of drunkenuiees arnong coagresmea, appeaus la a tbonght- fui paper on tbhe -Negro Question in the South." BOYsS UITS AND OVERCOATS ALL SIzEs-If you want a i-eal]y first class choice see our. new stock. 'We. make Boys and Youth's Suits to order at very close prices. Our Men's Ordered Clothinc trade isstiil inreasing, our work is ahead, and ail who bave compared will a,low Our prices to b,- the lowest for came, qaa]ity. BOOTS AND SHoEs --There are stili some who have not tried us in this Im. n~ariidwilI convince that ve hav e the îight goods and right puices. MR. WAL JENNINOS iS in charge of this depattment. T. GEO. MIASON1, Clothing Store, Bowmanville. Asseunbly oir Ontario. R3e. BOWMAINVILLE DEBT. Notice la hareby given that the Corporation or the town of Bowman villa lu the County or Duham, wilI maire applictrion to the Lagis- lative Assambiy of the Province of Ontario, rit !ta next Session, for an Akct to consolidate thxe dabentures and floating delit of said Corpora- tion, to axrend the time for payment thereof, te authouize the iasuiug of dehanturas for psy- nment tbareof, te puovida for tha radcmption of debenturas now outstaudiug and socle other naceseary measures as may ha propeuiy in- cidenta to the .Act proposad. Dsted at BewmanviIa. IhIs 26,h day of September, 1892. 39-if. Soliciter for Town of Bowmaville. Biusiness.0' most elaborate illstrated treatise on busincss educabion ever published iu Canada w~ill ha sent ambitions yonng men and women inttresed in the aubject, upon application to the principale. SPENCER & MoCULLOUGil, Hamilton Business Colloe and Shorthand Institution, James St..Soiitb, Hamiiltonl, Ont. 39-6mn Athiete and Derby CI GA BETTES Are sold on their Merits Everybody knows theyV are the best. Everybody Smokes them They have no rivais. IVMADRE E HJO'~ ITIEil Alt) S9ON,) PACKED IN THIE FOLLOWING SIZES- LONGFELLOWS PERFECTOS- LANSD OWNE REINA VICTORIA PINS AiU of axceptiona4jy fine qualiily. 0f' differeat etreagth. To suit al fastes. Millions SoId Annuaily. ýS DAVÂIS & SONS, MONTRR 1 WVe Bought Gheap, We Seli Cheap. FIRST GLASS GOUDS AT LOWEST LIVING PRIGES. iRead carefully the foilowing list of Bargains. Cut this list out andi bring it with you. We wili show you each axticle as advertised. 15 " Fine Shaker Fiannel fou. .81.00 It IL ou 20 Skeinis Black Wouted Yarn for .................1û00 5 pair pure Linen Towels fnr ...$1.00 -1suit Mena' Heavy siI-wool Under- wear for .................. $1,00 6 pair Mens' Heavy Wool Sobs for .$1 00 8 pair Children's Black Wool Rlose fou $1.00 ou 12-ýlc. pair. 2 Mens' Soit Fait Rats for.....$1.00 70 Gaets a ics fou...........f.. .1.0C 1 pair Ladies Black or Colored Kid Glovas (gnaranteed) for...$1.061 1 Ladies Reavy all-wool Shawl .... 8$1.00 5 yds. doubla fold Cnl'dOashmisre,$1.OG 5 yds. Back double fnld Casbuier. $1QO Lcvely patteras in Dress tweeds for par yd ...................01 13 skeins Black Saxony for........$1Q style, more quality, more quantity and does more good in service, worth and wear than any money you spenci. JNO. J. MASO N%-;. Have you tried the CIGAR? A Til INFALULEI REMEDY! !h'pciees ael ailier preparatioca for the ours cf .Unraruation, Suîp'e si)a nd ic-s-gulau-s- Stes, Lene' rrhca , DL'rn'drs of Stons'h, Losof Ap. pOt 't, DizzincýS, etc. ihese Pis possessu n0 purga- tive properties, :o' aozithIn., hurtrul, ta the most delicate syitem. Thvare the resut oiyear2 of care- l stud.y and ana1y ,is, and used-wih great suecess in the private practdee cf au enaineut phyeician. the VIMI otprce,~ nTe ev etesdcesu ib lsl Fo-e, p(armotiug Assimilation, Enrichs isa Sa Blosi tus prevertln.- and .:.ringdisease. For sale by Drugsts, 60c. per boxc, or sent iwsi- peeid for 50., or 6 boxes $25.> Dr. Bztlesr Medicine Ce,, iirochcvltle, unt, MILLINERY 13PEN NC ALL NEXI WEEK At IVrs. Dancaster's. Grand di3- ,play of trimmed and untrimmecl fali and winter goods. The stock is the choicest of this season's importations; it waýS personally selected wvith great C'Aie and with due regard,, to the wants of the local trade. It contaltis 1everything new in styles and effeetsý and it is made -up in the' moýýt artistie form and will be offered a~t the most moderate prices. Feît and Straw, Hats dyeçl and reshaped- in ail the latest styles. Stamping dona here. 1 have alEoite aggercy for thre Robinson Corset Ce. of London, Ont., a perfect 6itting corset- Orders taken here. iVRS. DANCASTER SALLE S!MEN 'Fn dI mr neexceied -urrery Stocck. Stlpady j empîcymaut sud coul roi of tr - I'la Hv doue bus!aies Canada 35 yeer-., Libe3rai par to ths riglit men. Send for terme. CHASE BROTHERS ,Co., Colbhnrne. On.. OOOPER'S LIGHTHINC CORN CURE 1 Uc--oFa-mr cures na rd and Sof Co us. OuI' thueise-N COOPER'S BUNION CURE Iarn prapae-ed toe~ i choppiag ai fivi Cures Bulons, Warta sud Moles, Swoilen Gliande, Thick Neck sud Skia Disasses Of a cents par bagý I bav asenPut ian ew maoli- ly pinlse. on' bedeoaved AskSouCoo i ary Sou giadiug corn and cob, whcih I 'Wli er' su tae n oter.15 ntI25 ents il gr! n Iai the ssme7.puioe. Dr. Butlier Mleine C'0. 1Brckville- Ont, Yours Resrectfully -A-. S. TOOLEY, A WOUNDSIITS 'l' iiascftebai. Vie- Too'ev*e 3Fitia, DarIingtQn1 torid Carbolle Salve lisenlis ailwOusnes, culF , brailses er burus. CutieDec. 5 SM,. f -tf. r _________ ACHING BIDES AND BACKY5 Rlip, iuy n uterine pains sud wakesc aeàee in one minute hyteCutieura Anti-Pain Piester. Fuye fini st ud auly pau-ldling lastur. 7) in ;- bOOk. te ( yvur 1ï.hi7if) Losà or -V -t-_ 1 Li --v 1