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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1892, p. 3

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P7 MET8aostio.mei know al Isuday. To xnany it meas T Eskache, Sore Bauds, Blard Enbbing over a B OAtK steasngo tub, snd long hu.This falé te the lot of tbosc Abo sr 0db-, ch,ýp, sud in- jurions soaps This Soap doas sw-ay with Hard RnIs. bing, Tired Bscks, Rot Steana, sud Scime Bauds. It brings comfout ta mnillions of houses, sud ail do so to yoora if you ailI Renemfaer the Name 6 "SUNLiËHT" W-OESx PT. SUIJnLCIGT L rV555 5505 ,LIiO5 NER aIBRutELNH5AjS TOUOSSTO MJLLINERY STILL G01NG ON At IMrs. Dancaster's. Grand disî- play, of trinimed and untrimmed fail and winter goods. The stock is the choicest of this season's importations; it was perso-ta3ly seleced with great care and with due regard to the wants of the kecal tiade. It containits everything new in styles and effects and it is muade up in the most artistie form and wilI be offered af the' most moderate prieors. Feit and St.raw Hats dy ed and reshaped- in ail the latest styles. Stamping done bore. I hiave alto thie a-oency for the IRobinson Corqet Co. of London, £ta perfect fitting corset- Orders taken here. MIRS. DANCASTER Incorporated 1887, wifth Cas h Capital of $50,000 ivî AND APP141ANCE C0. ýî9; KING ST, W., TORriHtio, ONT§ G. . PAOIfERSON, Mgr. for Canada. alectricity, as applied by the Owien Electrie Beit, Is Dow recognhlzed lis thli greiitest boon offerad to snfferfog isuusaiiy, It Cc lfast ckiug tIhe place of duugs in al neuvous ccd hsciaLic troubles, r.ud will affect cures in seamiugly hopehess cases aviera evcry ot hem kuowu menus lacs faileif, Inta nailtores uausdy, sud by its cfeady, contiing leurrant flut is readily fe, À POSITIVELY CURES, Setrstlia, IFmnmaComplainte tienermil febilit>-, 1Iuapotnc,v V 1 Thao , IKI o eases, - erous 61seassas, Lever Comnîsaint Dyspepeli, talme Brak, Varicocele, Urnary Disarasas, RHEUMATIS-M Tf le a w-Il Lkow-n fact fiat medical science lias utterly failed f0 afford relief lus ubeumnatto casas. W'e venturaeflac assertion that sîtiougîs Eleefric*ity bas ouly beau lu use as a rmuedisi agent fou s fecv years. if lias cuucd more cases of libaumatisratfhan acli ofiaîmeaus cous- bined . Some oh oui- leaduug pbysicisus, ecog- nfziug tiis Isef, are avail iug lieutteives of this Most potent of natume's forces. TO RESTORE DIANHOOD ThIousnds of people suiffer frous a vsrlety of nEweus diseaes, suels as Saminal Weakness, Impofency, Lost Mauiood, Weak Lak, etc., fisaftise old modes of treafusant fail to curs Tisera fa s-a ossw--f iserve force --ou pow-er-thaf canuot lie restored lsy madical freatusent, sud au> doctor who wo-ùud fry to secomplisis nus la> an>' kind of drugs îs rscis' g a daugarous forin of ciarlafanisus. 1-rely tues ed THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Eleofricify, as sppied b>' the 0w-en Electulo Belf sud Suspensor>', w-Ch Most ateuredl>' do so.Iflt is e ouly known u medial agent that w-i suppîy w-bat Ce lackhug, naral>', oas-va force or powier, inapauf toue sud vigor to tIsa organesud aouse fa isealths>'action thse w-bote nervona systeus. BEW RE OF IMITATIONS And tIse vortilas, eap, so-cailed Eleerrie Blte cdvertiaed by tome consecmus sud paoîthed thrugis fie cuntu>'. Tie>' aue ciectuho in lamte onl, worilecs as a curative Pawer, sud daîr ut an>' mrice.4 Wo C91la1nge tiha WorM ton show- an Pleefrie Bet w-lae tisa curreut o under con- trol cftIse paint asc compietel>' as ttis. 1Ouis- Trade M'uark fa ttse portrait of Dr.1 03w-eu embossed in gold upuon eveî-y Baîf sudi apri"lsc(e manufactnrad by us. 8end fPr Catalogua-Malled (Sealed) Free. THE' OWENJ ELEC TRIO BELl' 00., 49 King St, W., Tcrontc. âgention ffliu paper.j A WINTERS TALE. We were watering the oxen at the well - Douglas and I-smoking aud rslkmng s we watcbied the cattle drinking and sniffing hetween îachi bucketful wjth a lazy satisfac- tion paculiar to tF.eirakind, and then care- fuliy knocking over the pails wvith thei- noses after every drîink. Wlsen I refiect on the number of pails Brancy and Soda broxe in a year by these and othier means, it isa wonder toe 00nw Chat vie made ont as weIl as we did at first witli our farming opera- tions. Douglas was a Scoteh Canadian, up ftorn the Portage on a vi8it to saine friands, but an old-timer wio kucw the North-western prairies from Winnîpeg to the Rockies, and fromr Prince Albert to the Moose Mountains, as weil as the Red Men themselves. 14were sorry to br'ar from him that the Indians had prophesied an open wiuter, for we knew that thev seldom blun- dered as to waather. Open winters, ie coutinued, were a nuisance sud lbard or axIes, for they meaut sevare fuosts and littri snow, with frequent hesvy tbaws-a statce of alfairs that will not admit of runnini sleighs successfully, and knocked wagons ta spiioters. SI 11 the Judians bsd foretold it, and-at that timie-I agueed with lîlus that it was hopeless our trying ta learn any thîug that tbcy did not kuow about the weather. abou t hnîîiting, fishing, and trspping ; the operations of nature ; the habits of bird, beast, aund fisb, and îuch-iike occult arts and sciences. But whien spriug came sud the clarg of the geese achoad ou river, lake, and siough lCanladian pronuinciation ' Sleugh'), and the long-drawn caw of tihe crowsie loafed across country resounded dcwu the %ailey; an,' the yonng poplars and the wiilows, the saskatoon and ail wild fruit-trees seeîred tO vie with onea su,thar in the race of growth, I began to wondau ta myseif whst a biard winteur was lilte, if the last six 1000 ths representad an-~open or1e. About the îniddla of October 18S7 the Colonel" and I left our temporary wiuter- quarters a short distancef om st1e Avery, to godown witrbtheoxeon and waeonto Birtle to enter for our land, and lay in stores and clotbing for the w inter. \Ve starteil on-s day after dinner, trav elling the twelva milees to Shellnsoutb before supper, sud staying there nill morr.iug, covered the fifty mile's thance to cur destination in the course of the next two days. 43 e entered for our h,,mesteads, and lîav- mngae de to other necessauy business, iaeal haste to get back, for the weatlîer was mild and threateninig, and the liard state cf the trails and freqiient snow-sbow- ers made ou mode of progression upleas- aîît in the extreme ; thonnh on other mîat tels we had no anxietv, as we bad lef t everythiîîg at the ranch in cara of our good friand Leslie. We did vieil to hasten, for on tticoight of the 22d there was a heavy snowavtorrun, sud the mercury suddenly feil to fifteen below zero. TIhe next day, Will Jameson, Jimi Burt, tand I broke thse ice at the North Crossing o1 thse Assiniboine, aind made ou way ov e(1 the river in the boat, becauise we wî-re afrai1 that the con paratively thin crust of ice would not bear us. I ueme'mber thse occa- sien wnll, for Jameson sud I stood on thse south banik for aboutý twenty minutes, sbouting lu the teeth of a bitter wind, to attract thse attention of Burt's folks on thea othar side ; and had not Burt come out by chance, we migbt bave been standing there yet, t'or sîl the good our souring did. After spendiug another quar-ter of an hour break ing tbe ice, Burt finally succeeded in getting acuoss and takiug us aboard tihe old second- baud and leaky egg-box ti-at dlid. duty for s, boat ; but there was so much, watar in it Chat I quite spoiled a braud-new -pair of Inidian moccasins I was wearing for thse first time. I1îlon't think I slhal evar forget Bart's crossing of thse Assiniboine. I was talling hlm, oniy the other day I intended making it figure in tise fiust story I tried to write; and here it is. I have naverytt rossed at this spot, owing to tIse wretcbed measis of transit, withont getting wet., As L genarai rie, of tIse two makzing tIsa passage in the boattIse passeuiger bias to bale for dear life; and the ferryman for thse time boiîig lias to pull hika a Trojan to get acrossWithout egg- box and ail going under ; ad when the bigh sud runnîug like s mill-race, it would be alinost exciting if iii wera not so confoundediy damp. Weil, thse ica la getting pretty thin now, beîng eariy spriog, and lsst nîgbr wheu 1 was taking Jiimy's mail to hisu, I suddaniy landed up to îny waist in saIsole qgainst tIse north bauk, wvbere the sun strikes at noouday. Ltckiýly, thse bouse is not more than two, bundued yards sway ; so I soou obtained a change oi clothing, sud, not alt-)getIser reiihng' tIse idea of auother bath lu ice-cold wateu and after dauk, I stay cd at Buut's ail niglit; but bafoue 1 go over thare again I shall insure my life. But this is allby tse way --Imust get back to my "Wiuteu-'s Tale." A few days aftar our crossiog in thse boat, tIse ice was strong enugh to beau a taam, sud ta- mained in a state of rock-lîke soiidity CIl tIse middle of April 1S88, wben tIse Martins, on the way hack to their hormesteads in tIse West, afteu winterinig iii the valley, forind it stroug enougb to suistain the w eight of tIse fifty bead of cattie tbey took wîtb thorm. It wvas iud"ed a Iong sud weary- wintam- Snow feli puerty often dîîriug Noveînber sud D)ecember, sud ou sud off iin that titre tIse Coloneiansd J wera busy gettiug Iboire Leli sd Bickford came up to baip sstoi est the good thiugs-at least tIse roast parki sud pudding, fourI1Isad to devour every scuap of [bat steak pie myself. I lîad made aîiough for four msen vith appetites in pro- portion to the fluse of yaar; so I w-as quitei a wble parforming the faat,and the numbar of timnes that pie appea-red on tise scana dur-1 ing the uast of tisa winter w-as weariFouia lun Children e%"rv foi the exatueme. TIse oniy duawbackftIafil river sud glistaning laite, homnestead and glory of tIse feast w-as tIse w-sut of flavouuiug hamlet, w-eue illumnined with more tIssu that goas vauy w-'ii witb s pudding, aîsd le earthly splendou; sud thle woives, as if not w-ioliy uuappueiated without. angeued by tIse faming briliancy, niowled - Afteu dinuer ou supper-it came off at lu disioal sud tuîîaiess cisorus. s fivc p . .e Isad a little music sud siug-1Bit ail fo 500h 1w-e w-are to experiance g irg, Nancy Lee, snd tIse like, accompaiiel anothar series of snow-st-orms aud iseavy - Iy Leslie's coucetins. About islî-past wiuds, tisat lasted f111 w-ell ou to tise end of t ep, Bickford decîdad fo go haine, in spite Februaug, though, of course, tIse tempera- of ou-uugisîg hlm t0e tay tilt morning ; sud ture became warmer sud outdoor w-ork lest i tlise lait I saw- of hisîmthbat îigrt w-as being irksoine. But as I continued f0 "lrun the * pitched out of ftisesaddle ovar blind Poli S show- " siugla-luanded f111 tIse Coloual's re- * head ; bsut tIse snow- w-asý so deep tisat lie tomn, I peufoumed only thisîost uecessary il snstaireli uo damage. Iu momne respects, lu- dutics, snob as trnding tIse caffle, keepilfg -dead, if w-as rathar au aievatiug end f0 a np tisa stock of w-ood sud fodder-as a suIs- pleasaut avauiuîg, btnt1 mysaif prefer alighf- stitute for water w-a iuelted suow, aud theu ai îug tuoinstue saddie iu s more deliberate baasts weut dow-n avery day te tise w-star- t sud less elseugetie mannar. bis oeut in tise rivet ica-aud those odd jobs s Tw-a ou- tbree days after Christmas, I w-as that alw-ays crop np on a Manitoba farm, as cl heiping Leslie to thuesis ; but w-bat witis elsewisere. m, ceansd bauley beards, my spectacles 1-e- Stili I w-as far froun feeling lonesome. Our came so misty that about ail I could sac -hanty w-as ountise trail tse tolmber camp s w-as tis a wy f0 flic bouse, w-iitisar I ratir- fouty miles north, f0 tise varions l'ayricks >ed sud thisw-e.ltIsa giassas out. If w-as litIsa valley, sud ftiste bush for cutting -wonde fîsl tIse number of timas I isad to do botb loge sud firew-ood, s0 thaf friends used ethis is tIse course of tIse day. cuustaiitly f0 gîve me a cati ou thair w-ay IlDuuing tlie test of that week I1iselped past witi thiai teams, somatimesremaining etIse Colonel f0 gar in supplies of wood long enougi to watm sud bave tiseir muass esud isay ; assd on the last day of tIse yetr with me, or petchance stayiug al uigisf. gweut dewrs ta Sisehîmouti witl tise Wheu tise worst of tIse weather w-as 9 Casile Avery mail. TIs auils w-eue bail ; over, the Colonel refuned, aud w-as short- but witb a good baud abthtis reins tise1 ly follow-sd by Boffiu sud Rumblas, w-ho, tpanies hadl to gar there, sninl spire of the 1caiing up from tisa imberless country *drifts w-e barllly buoke tIse trot tise w-Iole i soine miles ftetise soufis of Castie Avery, tw-eive milles. Auived at Siselunourîs, 1 elected to live wiris us w-hile cutfmug a set cmet tIse "Skipper," sud fogether w-e ent of stable legs. We were a jolly party. .ont f0 bis place (Tin coin alea), w-Ieua I 1si'I,. et-, Cniso.1 -»,mnh1,,,Tw-sgad fo s stayed rendsys; butas there wasnotamploy- w-lcorne hack- and oufwo f riends, thete meut foir moue tIssu oua, I w-as not ovet- w-as Leslie, w-ho càme ovar day by day to Ewoked, sud in fact guew- uestless for want liew tIse loge as tbey w-ara eut, sud a pretty iof sonetiing to do, sud longad to ha out Of regoular streara of tisaway-fareus bafoue men- 1doors to do it. But tIserimie w-as near tiousad. So that w-heu tise day's work w-as 1vîsen I w-as osîîy too zlad f0 remain il tIsa doua, tise dishas wasised, andthie carte fix- ;bouse. Ou tIse lOtI of Jauîuauy tise Skipper ed np for the niglit, w-e had pleuty of fun cduove me homne, aud neveu shall I forgat bafoua w-e tuuued lu. \Ve w-tto lied aarly, 1that drive, for tIsa wotk w-as more ftyiug tisan aveu in fTIse theumounter reglsfered twenty-fiva mid-w-iur. TIse veuy warmtb of tIse days bibeiow- zero w-bau ae started at noon, wifI a caused us to gar wet tistougs fromn tIsa kues Iiiug notb-wastetiy air d; but tIse day doww-au'd lu tisa metiîg suow-, sud f8i w-as fsiriybriglît and clear. XVe weut a w-as foilow-ed hy a sudden chilI that came as 'mie sud a half Ouf of tise w-sy ta pick up soon as the sun hegan te sink, wirIs resuit Blanc, sud thiis pulled onit fou Castia Avery tîsar onu tuonussund fait boots w-eue frozan sudIhome~; a"'i flugisw-e w-ee ltind as as stiff as boards,wluicli made usgladeuough good atersu as rhere w-as attIse time in this to cou n usto supper sud tisa w-lcome section of tIsa couutry, it fook us ueariy warmtis of tlisa stove. five t ours f0truavel tIse tiitcees miles. WitIs tiedepsrureof Rumblesand Boflin Nor w-eue w-e exacrly pueparad for whtw-as affer s foriiglsf's visit, sud tIsa compli-tion in store, fou w-mbtIste exception, of some of ou ow-n wouk mu tise bush, fthe Colonel stuavi at tIse botrous of tIse wagonbox, sud I hegan throw-ing dowu Beuson's hanse whicb w-es moiiuted un sieiglis, tIse bouse-»vihicIs w-e iad hought, prepauarory fe blaukefs, sud Blîînc'c ox-hisde, w-e hsd uo jhauliog tIse loge it w-as built of f0oOur sîitable covering to puateet Lns fueus suclu bomesteads, osly laavsng the w-ouk to intaîsse cold. As itw-as, tIsetrail w-ss aud- elp ouneighhours with their isouse-rais- iy aveu visiblea bervican ;Isne's Bluff ant i igs, w-Iicii came off as soon as tIse softaned Castie Avery, F01r a few minutes tIse bouses. stata of tIse snow% permitted of ftning vioulî fiusd if below-tIse drift; tise next up tIse esutis snfficientiy f0 lay tise corner un-ýtant, is rheir endeavourtet foilow- if, fhey stouas. Tisese house-raisinga frequntly wonld mounu miniaturte wal4 of 800w-, caked gave us Iseavv, but by no means unpleassuit lisard enougis ro beau d'a weighr of tIsa w-rk, wheu 'we ail pifched lunavîfîs a wil- " ife ooufit "foruafew yards surcessfully ; cossîated inrise kuow-iedge that w-e w-are suddeuly, the treacherus crust w onld crack, lselpiug Ou friands, sud couid couait on aud, slippiug sud pluuigiug, iow-on flue fuailt teir assistance ar somte future fimie for any sud novi off, wirisoua uannuar citting nearly lika w-ouk tîsat w-a migist wisis f0 undertake to tIse grund, and w-o ourselvas lu dansger for ourselves. of beiug pitcbad omt over tise sîde, tbey XVe stteuded tisa fiust of these lices about toilad paiîîfnlly sud gailaîsrly fouviard, tIse tIsa midl of Apuil. Bickford w-as put ting Skppeu giving theuni their lseads sud cou- up s new-astable, sud I raemubet vihat a -atuly cheeaiîîg tIseus to furtîscu efforts- task it w-as te lift fIse beavy tw-auty-fiva aul thay uespoîmded toefIse cati. Ait tIsa heet idge-poie into irs place. tusse, tîse wiud, as if delighted in Ouir- Ieip- If w-sa veuy viarus lu the su, tîtough tIsa iassness, swepr dowri sud sînate us witlî au suow w-as stili quite deep, wiliiard frosts icy keenness tîsat made us curlt "P sud St niglir, sud we w-eue looking forwaud to shivar sud cuillaîl us te lha maravi. tIsa adveut cf spring, for risough on Apuil Ou e clear of Hauailfori's laike, flue viorar 5tîs w-e exparienced a fearful snowstorm, w-as over ; sud as w-e ueared Castia Avery dnumîsg tise couflunance of whiicli 1I iad to and tise moue wooded country, tIse efige w-s i dg away f rom tise stable daors tiarea rimes, îmew-hat raken off tIse baset, gud w-e faît tise gease had ucfurued ou tIse 7thm, sud tIsait claeered at tIse prospect oh gtting tIsromugI welcome cuy w-as s sure forerunîser of tisat ini safety. But our destination w-as two grand awnsuer wcaf ber whicis caine at lest, umiles beyoud tIse Castie, simd tisougi w-e rIsougi slsowly aud reluotantly. ware sure of a kiudly vielcomeansd thaw-. ont withisu ira Isospitable wails, w-e, as w-e Do> Anhmiîs Ross on? pasced, neeiy droppcd Blansc, w-ho w-sa' bound thitbar, sud ne ver drevi rein tilt we Mu. Williani Robsen writes tIse EnglisIs reached bouse. F-aunataly, noue of us Fanc;ers' Gazette as foliow-s Ifi: k w-eue fuozen, but stiff audweay frous tieex. fol.low-isg anecdote of a do- w-ll beau out the posure, flc Skipper snd I w-eue able f0estabopinions of mnany w'io believe f Iaf animais but a morsel of supper. Atteu scing thatsuedo-dwfhtefaurofeao lis team ssi i the cattie w-eue comifortable I ami a resi lover of animaIs, sud 1 analaI for tise nigh t sud tsking a fcw- whiffs, w- a sys glad fa beau auy anecdote isicis me- turned in undar ailtishe blanirets w-e could dou'ds to fbeir credif, if«it ha authcutic; find, aud swoke rinsetsaworse uext 80 I sm usqire disposed f0 believe vihat a moriug for al we i'ad gone trmugb. gentlamaii uold me of Iis beantif ul calle dog Dîrîg tIse iiglit tisa wiud siiftad ro ftie oua day. I w-as strokiug hie silky black oppoitequater su w-ieuI bde IseSki ansd fan coat, sud admiuing his large, affec- oparit sudt je andwisoe 1tu iSipso- fion ate, intelligent ayas, at tI3se amnetinie to go visitiug-good-byms, tisera was s uag- reading tie namne aîsd adduess legibly au- suîg suovictouin frout tis oîtî-esat, tIsat lu_ graved on Iis brazen collar. I eaid :"i)id creased lus intrnsity sud vigor ail daycon- tns evar biug Scori back f0 you?" "Only tin'sing f111 abolit midîsgh, w-haistis cow- last we-k," said my fiend. I I ost Iin ceasefi aud rha winud vaarad rund again t sornsawera in Piccadilly. Yon kuow- how- tIse noutli-w-et, usbaulug in tise direfîsl mucis I rush about iunisansona cabs, sud bVszzard of Tluursday. Janmssry 12, 1888, Scori aiw-53s goes w i thi n-we frayai miany disastrus alike tof le lives of man d isast miles lu a weak togerinl this way-buî frou tise Macktenzie f0 Southriis ows,whîiîe on risis occasion I w-cs waking, sud missad irn was feit, moue or lacs, right down tefise hiun. Seaucb was lu valu. TIse cuowd w-sa Gulf o' Mexico. great ; traffie drowuad tisa sourid of my Aud yertbh taie of frozeni human coptes vihistie, sud aff cm waiting aw-hill, sud look- to e fuuu duiugtIs uer fw-days lunrîsis îug averywbeue, I retumuned f0 my sut'uubau ltieb fudufd nd mueluabsed povnc home wlithout iny companion, ssd sud sou- of t Ie raf oue and mgh bsssrvne eu oafui, yefbhoping that heusighf findisway couuted ou oue's fiuges-a tact w-lids wiîîbc.llbulwobom fa a rus compare favouusbiy vitthfIe Isavoc andi dis- lsanuss icab drove uip to the do'ransd ouf rass wronght by tIse samne tempe3trn lu ise juapedl Scoti. TIse cabman rang for fare, United States. sud tiikiîsg haeisad someisow- cspturad tise WhIite if lasted, tIsa maximum Lenapema- uunaw-ay, 1 inqsmimed Isow- and w-Isre ha isad toue fou forty-eiglst bous w-as twventy-eight fouud blus. 'Ohs, sir,' said cabby, 'I1 clidn't beiow- zero, anmd the minimum at nigist-tîma hall hlm af ail ; haeIsailed me. 1 w-as s- foty-tw-o below- Tise catrle sud I kept sftaudiîîg close by St. James Cliunch a-look- warm sud snug; but ou tise butS, day tise pipe ing fou a fara, w-heu lu jomps tise dog.' Like of tise heatiusg stove in ny bedroom w-as his impudence, says I ; 1'so 1 shoots thmougis tise iluder, but haew-ouid not stir ; SDI gars ten dayc I1avas obliged to live in tIse kitcli- dlo ntri1s toYpnti Vim ou n ifilow-s eu, w-isse for a rime I avas a lutrde crow-dedlins my w-iip; but hae sits 55 stili as aveu, dac Bikfod, -holivd oly saî s il and bauka as mruchs as to ssy, 'Gaou, old ssc icfos rrdwh issukouud bic sa iley .sn'as azsllsb iacUu cd uufieckad by cloud aîsd unuuflied by tise divas dow-îswirisa smail stick lus bis isaud, ligItste breeze. And ftse dayligIst had sud gives tIse fiis a tr on tIse nuise, rapeaf- scauca laft os, ara, nigut affer inIt, tise iug ir unfîl tIese hauki for coîrfors cake1 NoutIseun Ligits, iske giant touchýes point- changes issposious cd leaveshisrtait w'ieue îug tIse paris f0 heaven, flashed forth sud bis isead bad Issen. Tis ie tise ficlueuman'c giintedaeiudiy, wif i a radiance tisat rival- cisance, sud s second diva w-ilu a nOOse ar lad the glouy of tise witrscnoon, tili tise end of s lina soan makec hlm imaster of wooded cuest sud fertile vailey, ica-cIsainad bis game. Pîtcher's Castorig. idf LnIlIIuL lIIlU if 'Ià Chin ail, BOjWMANVILLE, Headquarters in WEST DURHAMI for FINE and Tea Sets Chinaware Glassware Cro ckery Hall, Parlor and Hand Larnps Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases Lemnonade Sets, etc. OUR FAMILY Is alwayswell supplied with the very beet goods at lowest prices.' Highest Prices for Farm Produce Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show good s. Inspection solicit ed, MURDOCH BROSO Victoria Buildings, Bowmanville. USE McCOLL'IS MACHINE. OJL. 1?he Champion. Gold Medal Oil for al Machînery. McCOLL'S1 i8 the best in the Dominion. Try it. McCOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto. HAINES' CARRIAG-WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MI NUFÂOTURER OF- OARRIAQESe S1EICHS9 GUTTERSe WAGONS)&O KING STRIEET, BOWMAN VILLE. Now on baudsa number of ve.sisles sud is mauufsaturin-, a great many more ah ths lsitc3ý patterns sud hast finish, whidi1I nmoffriug 1or sale at tise lowest price Consistent wiris due regard te w-ork panpsd qua hit. ficfoilowiug is a ist of tise principal vehicies manufactuteti by me Double Coa'eued Carniages--------------------------------------ý $150 Single Pheefons------------------------------------------------.. 100 Opens Buggy-----------------------------------------------------70 Top Buggy------------------------------------------------------90 Democuat Wagons----------------------------------------------65 Lumber Wagons-------------------------------------------------55 Ligbt 'Wagon-------------------------------------------. 40 Express Wagon------------------------------------------------- 75 Skeieron--------------------------------------------------.....50 Sulky--------------------------------------- .... . ..........40 Upw-ard. n 4. 'i 4' Possesinia rior facilitli rumhunlausgs Mtted f"cl er Ch or a 9 h apv ed cr dit udiy se doing I hope ta greatiy luercase ny nmbr ohfsales,. Va salitisa w-od parts ouly, or tise gaarings ohfibuggies îroned. AH' Kinds ofVhiesRprd At tise Shorfest Notice, Paintad andl Trimmed if Desîued At tisa Facfary 1 also do Planning, M Teiul. ani d Sawing witI Circle, Baund or Fei Saws. sud prepare all kinds of 1umasu h ourarpenrers aud oahrsr for isuilding purpoass oraumanasitPlain pickeLs ha. hisses li every style romuired. made ta ardor. PER CE lT. DISCOUNTE a Saturday, the lst of October, we wiIl begixa Great Clearing Sale of an entire stock of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. T-Lhe extra Cash 'Discount of 20 per et. will make it impossible for any compet- itor to match our Clearing Sale Prices. We want and must have $10>,000 with- in a certain time, hence the necessity for quick sales. Due Bis will be taken same as Cash. sB.-To finish the re-marking of gtock, and to complote our prepa- ration.,, the Store will be Clote 1 on Frid1ay, theo*'>Oth of September. Zatt. 27. 192. Icgo I

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