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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1892, p. 6

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_____________________________________________________________________________________________ I (CUT LUG.) (PLU G.) No other brand of Tobaceo has ever en= oyedtsiieh-an îmimense sale, and popilarity in the same period as thîs brand of Cut Plug and PIug Tobacco. QZde.t Cut Tolacco manac- turers in (ýznada. MONI'REA. Cnt Ping, 1 Oc. î lb Bing, 10c. lb Plug, 20c. ,4 ONEY TO LOAN,-On tcrm acur- ity ounaust favorable tarms-murtgîges b0ou9ht. ÀPP!Y. trîRICHrARDn F4ST9R, east iof tjwu. P. O. Box 119, or JoriN FOSTER, Drover. Itesmanville. P. 0. O lyr. FLORIST, O~RAA, - ONTARIO Grower tsud dealer lu Cholce Cnit Flowera. Plaints. Roses. Carrations. Violets, Smilax: sud Farus. Poruerali Designs and Bouquets mnade un on short notice in Wroathi. Crowns, Pillows, Ilearis. SocIý'ty lcmblema, &i. Planta Loaned for Dccoration.snch aýs Palma Ferns L!ia,, &o. Telepho,îa Caunection. 1 ly ""0 ']RENT.-For tarin of ye'trs, "(1Ien IL Dhu "-3r0 acres. 2 miles froîn Whtby- good buildings sud asou Admirable oresock or dairy. Ct suc! for goiug extensively iuto Turonto ilk busjues or stock rsisiug foi emerican markeý. Meu with capital onlY Aeed appîr, J. H. Dow. Wh1tby. 32 if! THE CANADIANSTATESMNAN ESTABLI -dED 1854 $1 par auirum lu advance, otherwise $151. subseriptioas alwaLy3 payasble nttlha )'l f publication. Advortliiru4 ratas unoliseby ec'1 raut, 10 cent i par lina, noup triotet siine-t un. sud 5 cents p3r lina eretil subtaquraut la- 3c:tiou. Locals, 10 cents par Ilina. M. A. JAMES, Publishe IOR SALE OR RENT,-Elousoaud .Xýlâ acres for sale or ta rani. situate ou Scugog street north. The îreniises couiet 01 a Roud bouse wil h every couveniauce, dri ving shed, stable. etc. Tule garden contains a lot i tha choicesi fruit of ail varratie s. immadîsce fOLSeeIsesau hagiven. For narticulars apply o . FLIH. owmanville Ont. le 11 STANDARD-1BANK 0F CANADA., This Bank ie preparod to do Legiti- mate Banking iu ail its branches, Faî-mes's notes discounited; I)eposito3 reccived and Intarest paid on accountn of $5 and- upwarôs in Savingýs Bank Departme,ýnt. DRMAFVTS Isïiîecf sud ïrcollections matde InEurope Un ted Otates, anti Canada. 1. W. J. .1TONILS. ONTARIO BANK contfinues to do a General Bauking Business Ilewnîanville Agency. DEPOSîTS lied Ind l tavhrgo Bank 1eartment sud on cb land intereeî alhowed at ouvrent ratep No noticeocfwithdrawai aecoeaary. Ail di posita p e. uile on damaud, EXCHANGE 13 I ,t aud soléi sud rrafts ïssuad upon Eno Il-lited States sndCedaasloSvitu U rï Graanbackftbouxght and toMd. COLLECTIONS I r iliptly made a,, currae raced epon ail pii-t f rcat Bris tain. the United States ana rire tro o 1n ncCanada. Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smallt suma on ail part uf Canada. SThis je cspecially advant, gco, te pensons living ine Mýaiioba or theN 1orthweK, it mukes the fundsaa alable ut once et the place et payment. Other particulars ralat the bcnk. E. L. FORTT, tILO. McGIl[L, Accourteut. Manager. ORONO, - OINT, Office. -Poat Ofnire block. ueltsby ute9ae.ýpa o iaphone reGaive im. THECOOK'S BE I FIND LARGESI SALE IN CANA À LONDON 11ll3ACLVI An Important Statemen t by a «Weil-known Citizen. itir. F. . . 1owe il, oa.33 Aimaistret, ilteiaiî-s 11is Reaariable Experiemare te as Ad- vartissr IeueetrCv- -zrdby lalignant Rîlelmatism frein Tleyoeîl., Heast Las't Escapes cras Igoîày-A Seiy ful ar Hope l'or Other Snîi'arers. London Ativetiser- Ar 33 Aimua street, 'Soutit London, livea Me, E. J. Powell, s gentleman wito bas me- sidet lu London anti vicinîty for about six yeaî, eut wiro eujeys te eateem utf a large circha ut friands itereansutelsawbere titrougit ont tira Province. Thosa who know hîmn ara douhîlessaewara bit e blas lbean a sut- tarer since bis youtb trout rieuinatisin lu ira worab orut. Rise cquintanees lunte dry, wito remauther te long siege utfte ilnes ha tout a yaar ago lait winber, anti who bat camne ru houE upon hlm as aimost a con- firted Iinvaliri, bave beau aurpriset ut lare to sec the remarkable change teertire bettar arniost, crippiat formtofta yeaî ago bave given way ru arr appamance ut rohustuesa, vigor anti agiiity tert certainly seaunthtIe resault iiacuions agency. llearirg out tiis a reporter calet on Mr. Powell in orter bu ascartain hy whab mragin mains titis ransatemnîation baditeen wrought. lTe scribe fieat asket if te reports cenceru- ing bis wouderfuhresturation ru heaitit wera true. 11I1sam thunkfiniltesy they are,'" said Mr. Powell, "'My case is pxrtty well kuowu arounti bere," 'ITo what do yen owe your recovery?'" was aRked. I owe it to the use of a certain remedy,"ý lie repliati; "but 1 wooldi prefar saying uotbing at preerut. 1 bave suffereti uearly ail my lite witb a malady I bati begnto regard as incurable. Anti the tact that I amn permanentiy relieveti appears iu- credibie. Iu commun parlance it sces tou gooti to lest. I want to bc sure that I am perma'ie tly cureti befora any- thig is matie publie. su that wben 1 do give a testimonial it ivill have semae weight. Yen may ril1again later uon anti I wiil let yen kno-e." Ab'rut two ruiontits later the reporter kuoeked at Mi'. Powell's door, anti was ad- mitteti by that gentleman bimacit. lTre lat- ter sait ie a snow cbselutely coux ieceti ut the permaueiucy of lais cure, but being s man who titi not care for pnbiiciby, lhalatbai- tateti long beture ha coulti make up bis mid toashow bis-name tobhauseti. Coming brout oue ut bis consciautionîneas anti probity ut charseter, bis w or'hs cannot feul to bave the rveight they deserve. 'The pri'nary causa ol my rbeumctism," suid Mr. Powell, Il I attribute to a savera thrarsling a.iiriered to me by a school- teacher wheu I1'vas 13 or 14 years ut aga. I recaiveti injuries then wbich subsaqueutly broughit mn years cf suffariug. The fir8t time 1 rraiiy felt any rbetimatie trouble was oue dav wben. earryiug air arintul et wooti uip a fiight ut stairs lu Victoria Collage, Cobourg, which institution 1 wae attanting as a, stutient. This w-as lu l-72. A twingc ut pain csught me, but passeti sway in an instant. Ititi uerk'ow what il ws. Agairi, wben playing footbal , 1 experiencati a lke sensation andti tat msnrked tiha commence- meut, Atter thatlIwas attackad rît varions perietis, tbongb it was not ut tii 1876 thst I began to grow alarmeti. I ws living theu lu Toronto, keeping books tocrnîy brother, wbo was lu the whnlesale t'a business, anti as 1 resideti on North Pe rabroke street sud hall te walk te Wellington ýtreetevery day, 1 founti that myv rheumatisrn was gatting pretty bati 1 tidti eonsit adoctor, but toek difféent patent meicines ativertisati to cure complaints et myniattira. I wasnfot benefited, bowaver. The rheumatism pesa- eti away unly to return lu the tail anti' .pring. lu 1878 I1airgaget lu mercantile business in Essex county. Fi-eut that ont I wae at indoor work, b t tire pain rarurneti at irtervals. 1 auffereti froin sciatica lu tire att leg ; it. was vary acute at timîes. Iu tek. img stock une day iA became se severe that 1 was hardly able toeruove arounti. Tbis was the fis a sete symptom-tbat la, wire the affects remainet for auy lengtb of time. 1 suffareti the muet inîtense pain for tisys. That was about the vear 1880. IFor a number of years afîerwards 1 coutiîîuied to grow worse anti werse. In 1884 1 event inte tire real estata business ii) Torontu, anti having s goaddai of walkiug n ûdo, I axperiencetl tie pain cousluY- that sommer. It was ail day anti at ail times, frequently se hati that 1 wouiti bave to stand ou tbe street, relax thic muscles ut my left leg anti let it swing unrtil the spasut was ever. At most, I could walk but three or tour bloekesud would then have tolirait. 1 cons3ulteti medicel mennand wasadvisedte try electricity. 1 teok the treatrneut steadi- iy for several weeks, getting sometimes two or three charges a day onr thc bauds anti feet trout au electric battery. r ut it dit me not the îlight ait good. At last, my bealtb beesme se bati that I tiecitet te quit thbe reai estate business anti enter upon rural life, thiinkinîr that tire change of air anti oc. cuption migbt bave a beneficial affect. So I exchanget seine property fer the oIt Dr. Wotrull fruit tarin near thea dry. I work- cd ir erre year, but leund it was teo laber- ions fer my cemplaint, wbich was tait rend- ering my lite a burden; I1 reluctantly iet tire faran sud caminute Lontien titrea yeurs agu lait May. 1 titi semas buildinig bara, but my mslady preventat me treur actively arr. gaging lu business. "A year ago last winter the first snow fel on Dacamber 1 ; 1 want ont te aboyai the snow, anti hetora 1 got througtr I was achatd with s painr anti bati to go ioto thbe brouse. For tourteau weeks 1 neyer left t. The oniy wsy iu wlrrelr couit ba meveti wss by being wvheelet arontinl an easy chair. Wltî1Isufrfieat uring that perioti ire oua but inyseif cati ever realiza, 1 was attendeti by the hast physicien lu the city ot Lonîlon. Possihly bis treatuteut was net without temporary affect; ar sîîy rate 1 gradnslly recovere tril I waî able to ha on îniy feet once more. I decid tiet try coun- try lite again, anti want back to my farni st yesr, but I etili fourîti1I ati it as bat as ever. I was living lu dreati et having te go ti'reugb another ordeal, whien 1 read lu the papara about this Marîlîsîl miracle lu Hamilton. I hadthoitn as mucit faith lu Pink Pilla as Iirad in otiîar patent madicines -anti that wasu t ery great. I dît flot botitar wilthe.itat or dit 1 thlnk ut the matter again until lest Septemiter. 1 sew Mr. Marshall at thre Western Fair ant ie ativiet me te try Dr. Wiiliim' Pink Pilla. I told hlm 1 titi not think the rêm'edy chafinetetacure rheumatism, andti îat ai- theugb I hrall certainily oculer preef that bis own was biens, fille, my conîpleint 'cas differeut te iris. Mr. Marshall said ha coulti net say whetber it weult cure rheu. rnatisut or net, but thte pille ware gooti fer flice blooti anyway, anti at lest it would de ne no barm tu try hait a tiezen boxes. 1 neglecteti bis ativice ; it wonid hacnrseless te try a maticine, 1 thonghît. Msny ut my friends, i hobat probabiy read te e r ts a sort of forlorii hope, 1 took four boxes 'sud rereiveti no benefit that 1 eould reeog- uize, but while taking the fifth I noticed that for a perioti of thice or fonrt, dys I feIt rio pain. This wag a noveity to me, as for hree or four yesrs I had nzot known it was to have a îroment's freedoni frc m ýsufferiug, whether ln bed or ont ut it. -t suppised it wae a temporary relaxation due teu natural causes. Eowever, it gave nie some hope te fiish the sixth box. Then 1 knew I wss getting better-much better. The pain which had been constant beesme inter mittent and less severe. MAy friends sud fsmily told me that I wss beginuiug to look like another man, My face, which had bagu ta wear a Irawn exprï.ssjion, com- mun vvîth people who are suifering, corn- menced tu shlow a better color. My sys. tam was being toued up. Int3pireti with mu- creaseti hop@ I purchaseti six more boxes t rom Mr. Mitchell, the druggist, anti cou- tinned lu take tbem, sud with easci box I realizeci more sud mure that it was s cure. 1 naed up thirteen buxea, in ahl, snd wben the tljr'teenth xvas finisheti I tîsd had not a sylanptom of pain for three mon thsj." " At that time Mr. -Mitchell spoke to me about it lu the store. 1 tolt ihm what a blesseti change bad been wrougbt for me through the use of Pink Pilla. Ha askad me if I would object tu giving a testimon- ial to the firm-Dr. Willams' Medicine Company, of Brockville. I said I was neot a man who careti for notoriety ut auy character, sud did net relish the idea ut having my usine publisheti tie ressens wlry I bave beau sg long lu maki ng tis publie. But Iarn soiprofoinuti ly gratatul for my reacua fruin alite ut pain tu orîe o e astitanti îtrength tiret I tee I wonl ie hanagiecting a tinty I owe to suifer- îng buîmauiîy if I alloweti thase seruples to einierfarea ary ion et with au avowai ut rwhat Dr. Williams' PinkE Pilla have doue >for uma. 1 discoztnunet tak-irg tita Pinîk 1Pille the Lat et April lest. 1I siarteti agalu in Juandîr have tiret six boxes, not ha- caus e I bava hati any recurrauce ut rry oit complaint, but ireesuse I want te tirorougir- y driva it ont ut my systeut IIblîrE ikte Pilla as gond as a boule. " "Now," concludati NIr. Powell, "lyou havaen-y expericîrce. I knnw wbat 1 wce ; 1 know wlrar Iarn, I know tliat frein bey. hoI h ive beau a viertimutfmailguanît rlîcîrnatismr, wlîicb bas beau a torture the lait fcw years. 1 kîrow that I have trieti every reîuetiy sud beeri treateti hy tire hast medicai sEull, but in vain; aud 1 kuow that Finit Plis have suceatieti whare everythhing aise hastailetidi tat tlrey have breughture itacir te btýaîth anti bappinaîs. Theretora I eaglit te ha tbankful, anti I amn tiankini." Aird Mr. Poevell's intense carîrestîres ut mauner coulti admnit ut nu doubt as tu bis gratitude cati sincarity. Tire reporter > sooknk stansd took bis ieave. "'Yen may ak 11ev. Mr. Melntyrc, of the Askiu Street Mathoduat Cirurch, or Rev. G. A. Antrews, B. A., pater oetftira Lambtethr circuit, wbether 1 waî a sick man or net," wera bis paeting words. 11EV. t'MR. 5INtŽYMt'S TESTIMONY. Te reporter dreppen in un îiev. C. E MeIntyre et tire parsoîrage, 82-ýAskiii street. IlI iruow Mr. Powell wel," sit Lnerayer- e nti gentleman wbcn questiorrat. I"Ha w as au ateemet parîioier et mire wren lha i ivet un AsEin etreet. lia afterrvartie uovet rîrto the contry, brt lbe bas sînca rarurîreti an .attautiug the Asi lu rteet Ch urch IlDo yen ramaînhar Mr. Powcll's iliras ea year agc lest wiuteî '?" "Vaes ;I frequantly calati ou hlm. lie bat a very bat attack of ritenuathm wiricb laid hirîr up for s longfimae. Halirati te ha wheeed aroundthe tire use it e chair. "Voen noîica tb3,t halira- recovaratdt Vas ; hae appaire to h a ivaîl man uew. I Ireard bha rtibeaucurat by jOr., Wiiiiame? Bink Pilla." "lVon know Mr. Powell teobhas thorongia- ly honorable gentleman ardîti irt if liraesys tirese Pilus cureti iim, hae belle vas that te hae thectmoit 1" IlI do. Mr. Powell je, ilu my opinion, n-eut lha wonid make wnlt hae perfartly re- hiable. " 3"UAT 31R.11MTC1ELL 5AYS. 'Dr. Wilibams' PinkE Pille are te hast seling anti moiti popular madicina in 'the store,"' sait Mr. B. A. Mitchell, te wal Euowu trîîggist, upen whom te reporter uext calet. "Do yen know of Mr. Pe'cell's case? aikedthlie reporter. - Yes-, aiil consider t emetrmak able une. I eembar that Me. Powell was a great sufferer trom rheummtism. fHe was cuîrtiuually' hnying meticinaeif erre sert, but seenrat toget nu bettar, Thitanlie coin. menceti to tmy Pink Pilus. 1 W aw lw as bagiuuiug te louE lilce a tiffareni_..eIsu I askat hiiroua day about it. Ha toit ine thit ire tracat i bs cure bu the use ut Dr. Williamus' PinEkPil1e. As 1 bave already sait, tire daîrranti for Pink Pilla is soirethiig astonisbirrg, andti lry iuvarisbiy give tire hastsatisfcrLioim. 1 know tistoehasu roîn the voluntsry stateuetaus ut the custoîners, anti if necesîary tire propriators coulti gar scores ut testimoniais front peuple hem wbo bave beeau ieîctlta by tire useaut Pinrk Pille. I htave solt thousants ut boxes, ant iuhva nu lresitatiorr inr recommeudiug tteutase a par.' tact blond biltar snd nerva reatorer, cure mng socir tisases as rbeuratisut, neuraliî, partial paalysis. locomotor atai is, St. Vit- ns' thance, irervous ieaacîre, irrvous pros- tration andthie tiret feeling therefrout, the afttr-etrecis et la grippe, tiseases tapauding ou bumore u inte blouti, sach asesceotula, chronie erysipelas, etc. Pi-iE Pille gîveaa besltiry glow to pale anti as iuw compiax- ions, anti areas spacifie for the troubles penul- ia e tolica feale systand uirutire case ut mnthay affect t -diecaIcurrc-iu ail cse arisiug Item mental wurry, uverwork or axcaises ut arry urture," Me. Ilotigins, tit a liierk, corrohor'abed wb'ît Mr. Mitchell bat sait. The sale ut Pink Pilla 'vas extrsordinary andthir genier- al verdict wes tiret jr wae a wonderfui medleîîre. These Pilla are uranufactureti by the Dr. ,Wilia' Medicine Comtpany, Bronkvihla, Ont,, cut Schenectady, N.Y., ant ara colt only lu boxes baaringounr brada mark sud wrspper, et 50 cents a ibox, or it boxas for $2.50. Beacrunmind tiret Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille are neyer utl in hulk, or by the tiozn or undret, anti aîy tealer wime effare sobstitutas in Ibis torînis rying tu tiefraut yen, and sîrouiti ha avoitat. Dr. Williamis' Pink Pille may hir at ut ail deug- gista or tirent by mail fromn Dr. Williams' Medicine Companry froîn aititar attirais.1 Tira prine at wiiirtiesa pills are soit maka ea course of treatîrraut cumparatirnly maex-1 pensive, as corupareti wirlî other ramatias or maical treatîneut. A Geem an toctor ut reputation presorihas aluiniiut ases permanent cura for ritauna- tisîn. A flîrger ring mataetftitis irretal, anti preperiy jeluet with anetimer mnerci, n on untaefineer tue oua werk 'ciii cura te wurat case. It genefatas s gentie cur- r'qirt ofeeatririty. Twartv-aigirt cuieet YOUNG FOLKS. The Giant Kite. Racently 1 resd lu a Connecticut paper an àecouut of a great kite wlîich bati baen marie sud flowa by four Conuecticut boys. Their kite, it waS stated, was sixteen aud a haîf feet high by twelve teet witie; the tail was une hândred and forty feet long aud the rope lina twelve hunntred feat. Tbis kite wss lauucead in the air and raised to a heielht ut a thousanti feat, whare it flew for several hours, at the first trial, The noys are certainly ru ba cougratulateti on their success. WVe are told that this was the largest kite ever madie sud successfully raised lu this country or the world. Iehallnot deny this but I think 1 remember au accounti whlch was current about tan years ago ut a kite, made lu Missouri, that was as large as this. Anti 1 msy, perhaps, bc permitted to speak sf kite matie about fif teen years ago, by a psrty of fi ve boys, iu M aine. 1 was one of the boys. Ours differed from the Connecticut kite lu the respect that it wae wha th itterieda bwlnd- distingnisbed from a "squ-are" kite. The uprightrstick was nearly fit teen feet irigh, snd the "Yard" or crosapiece twelva feet long. The "bow' wassa claît strip ut flex- ible white ash ; andi I suppose that the sur- face presented to the wind must have beau, on account of the curve ufthrie bow-bead, as great as that of the Connecticut kite. But the tail ot unr kita was less than for Infante and ChiIdrern. «'Castoela is s» fadapted to ci11enb tS" tia nm" le ~pto 1 recommemd itaas uperior toa aiy 1reipia 0Bersn&icl1 >fT(8 tc&i~ H bLoseSte me. H. A ÂacmIL . Worms, greas leep, £-d premtze 11 i t B rS4m aN. y. I iai tajuiO&sMe~Uon. T= CoEÀeTà ComrnAw, 77 Muray Strcet, N. ¶ YRSALE YJU IGIBTA SN OWMA'NVILLE' A large Stock of well selected Arnerican Wal Fapers, cheap and beautiful from 62ts. tû 5Oct3 per roll. Cail and see for yourself be-. YESSEL-OARRIYING TRADIE. MJozermi Type BRoits Eneule Vesselmen ta Matie a Living. "Business bas beau a taie average this year for vesseinten ou the appar lakes, " ra- msrkad a wall-kucwua Torornto vessel-owuer tu a reporter. "I Von ana, it sle htiis: Tire vessais now doing the' greeter part et tire trade up titera araet the muet modern type, tira oldt ilers baving bsen crowtiad ont. Some ut tham are enggatdinluttoc lumbar-carrying traie from Georgîsu Bay puits te Datroit River ports, while etihrr are nnw aarrying ceaI on Lsae Ontario. The fraighîts ira nov,'se îlow that, were it net for te improement anti iarg.'r typa ut vassale we Dow hava, wa counit net engage in tire bîrsirras,. W'hy, rates tat ara new elaaseti as medium woulti a few, years ugo hava beau cousitereti starvation ratas. Anti thea casin that we eaulilve undar tbam le that it actuaiiy raquiras but littie more te rîu the largar buas thau it toc3 tire emniher. Ir is the imp'oxedt tois, as i ware, that anable ns te do the weik îchaap- e than toi meeiy anti witlr a marinuprf UJlt De ±.U;5L Uttl 2LJeVXrl tl. Tanglefoot Sti*ckyFly Paper, FIy Poison Pads, Fly Poison E&t1ls AND PURE INSEOT POWDEIR CHEMISIS AND DRUCCISTS. Umm nie-hait as long as titat une -anti insteat of barlrap for "'flyers," wa matie use ut îight, Ail coiors of Paints ready for -use, guaranteed to give good sais- tin arripe et dry cetiar, two feet long, cacit faction, Floor paint~ a apecialty. Enottet exactly iu its mitdle into te tail A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining,. Shoe and Scrub Brushes -and cord. Mureover, oeue kite svas nut coveret iitir Whisko. cnvas, but iit cheep, unhlesniret notton Gluss any size, and Putty. lot; anti for s lina tva bat a miscelisneous Paintino', Graincro and Papering done proMptly and satisfactorilY colcinoclothes-linas, belpadt .t two or three balia of atout paeking twirme. For aUl of which cail at Altogather, we bat rather morre titan two W--"1% titoussut tact ut fligitt-iine. SIIERIN & KIRBY'S, eSu far itrou makrng s succastul ligit t5 South side King st., between Treleven'a and Reids Shoe stores, Bowmanviliaý tae first triai, wa faileti eigitt or tan rimes- mn ore erempta te reaite kite. Duriug tire most et eue day wa ware experimenting witb rte tail, tira leugr th fwhicb we wara obligedt ru doe. Our previeus expériencet bat beau wiflir suralbow-heati Eues conly. But et lasti wa succeedet ut raiaiogoune kite, anti eapt it np for tuiiy an houe. lb neyer '«floateti sareuely lu the cerniesu teptits," but equireti to haéitunireti anti "eplayeti." _______________________________ lb was a littie inclinadtut bob anti dive, sud bu race or boit, sitewise. It was towamd tte anti et Septeunher. Ouae 1M. M~.A.Y ER w'ouldi reinind his day te wiut blew lreavily, sut we ada- great deai ut sport. Four treng buys coniti nurnerous eus borers anud j.rlefus have haidthrie kire et any time, 1 thînk, if »1 titay bat placed'themselvas in a guoti posi- that Jack ÙFrost i s corning and thlat tin;but several blutes i l gut us on te ru," anti we itaci iveîy truggîea bu seenreby l ok n g a yo ir u rs y u.n y greunti boit agnin. b o k n - i o r f r o a At a tance or atone wall we couitgne.I ally manage te sucitor ; and tii last weat fin d that sorne ne e d repairing. tachai alUog ut wood btte grount-ent fIrut th lnetesereas atrag. Ibis devine Brincy them in ear]y before the busy was nt whllyaatistactory, for te drag r riyingitsas playedth iekiOts. season cornes on, so that you will tyippe t w extrrmaiy active exercîse,D as well as'remarkeitiy guet tun. We ware not have to "wait for rnonths before icosatperspiratiun, anti shoutet anti isugitetiuproariously et eue play. - e c n d h m Once bbe kite f ehlip t a mapia gruve, anti eeddo t.:a bu disantaîrgia il gave us a great teai ut trouble. On the saine day, tue, îr feu ronto A l r r t c î H t ,C p n wcet: but we were astouisherat i Sd tiret I der'vTE)ar on hand. ..AlJ w Îll bc) eue kibe fiaw barrer wheu jr was damp than when it was dry. Thris gave us a hlitan sold che p f r c s o Yn k rni webruugirt ont wabee sitar tat bu aprînkle e p fotas o _akc'r lb wilb, ifor Funr Gods We raiset it ou four diffamant windytiays tat autumu. lTae lait day-as I ian feout_7 a note ounte fly-leaf ut my olt arithmetîc 1-Nysu te 28t1r ut Octoher. ---*-- the kitealaoft for an houe or mure, it hegan tc diva anti preientl pltngnd to te grounrd lthera usrrnouucoiting for wbal a Ette will- Just at the moment whran tereratcory The undersignied desire t-o thank the farmers 'of West Durhamn giaur caine tnînbling towu, a faera p- peîred boita driving an oxteam aimîg tire for Vine liberal patr-onage extenderd te us duriugr the past season, roa wichle ino he ilagene rus is aiso to remind themn that we are stuli in the market and rack-carti was leaed with barrais ut apples, prepared to pay the anti trawu hy toue rur tvemy wel broken stears. u ia {G IESn T ]VA 77b «MT IRIC driving down towaritirmm ahott. Thay took trigbb> piungeand utra, i).Tae-armer IFO IR shouteti, Il Wioa, bush! Wbea 1" Ha tan madly aud bmauiisira bis guet-stick. But 4' rf : ha was botaily uinable ru cuittrol irisuruly ALL KINDS Cý»- teat. lTae oxen charget away wiitiy titwn tce reat, tire cartl lnîbemiug craziy after deiivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetsA., or'at _Port teraws etnos nitmutotbt Dariington. We have also on hand a large stock, roat, as yen may imragrue. Finet oee hie-F mal ut apples, titan anotiter and ti oher (ail N EWA AN D F S E- H off the cart. lwu ortitrea horst open, antiRd tire higiway was strewn with Balditiwuî of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattIe Iu tira end, iowever, nul munit damage and hoi ses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster ina Barrels was doueclu bita prenions cargonnr te te hhweaeppre tosl conveyamce itiaif. Tir aupples wcre galber- hc eaepeae osl ed op wiit eue veey williiîg assistance, sud the bameela e-eadet. But lte man wysa vindictiva andt irestenaie ue tathrtanwrth a suit for dami'gaa. No socit proceedinge wera beken, but eue AUl kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREUiNEI-) COAL et thea saiactmen outhrie tow'n fevoret us a".ways in stock. witit a lecture, anti loibatie us te raie rte W r~a npcinadgaatestsaU Elte in fture.eivt npcinad urne aifcin Vielirg bu the' msjasty et publie opinion andtd bieaw, we tis-nautiat ounr Ete. For soeresnneraevr n tertinet.a 1fcCLELLAIY& Go satisireti, anti rasoivadto tby agalu enotiter yeae, baLimrg stvantage ut tire expérience that wa had gainet ii eue experimnu, sud reniying tae datants ut eueSeast I"grant I kite.! But sias for thea ichemes ut boys-anti mn ! By sîrutier year otirer labors sud oc« cupations angrosed sa nud if eue hrg T h ',bohed ve hda uceso i ue «W ave the best, the cheapest, village, il was maee y otirer banda ttan oures 4-1-% 4M n -M nfi i* 1 P 1-ZT TF i 11 ý-L -L

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