NEWCASTLB. Miss A. E. Davidsoenlbas corne froin Gixnderichto attend the High Sohol to prepare toi a second cîas cetificate.... Mn. E. Simmons bas aecured the contraet for renovating the Methodiat Churoh Orono... .Rev. W. F. Allan bas returned froin a thrae weeks' 'vacation... .Mr. W. Grieve, of the Port Hope Model School, apet Snday withhis parents .....The ed for tenders for the erectien of a new sohool be bult across tho west end of the chuîch .. .. Miss S. Ballagh bas returned fromt a long visit at Teeswater.. - -Mrs. McNacbtan, of Cobourg, la visit- ing friends, bere. .... Bort Brant has re- siumed bis tudies at Tnînity Medical Col- lege, Toronto ... Messrs Poole, Stein and several others have gone to Scugog for a few daya' duck sbooting. "Save who can !I' was the frantiecîy of Napoleon to bis arny at Waterloo. Save hesith and strength wtile you can, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is sdvice that applys te al, bath young and old. Don't wat until disease fistens on yen begin at once. (Clondensed fïorn the News.) Mrs. Reed bas retunned bomne from Port Granby. 1 Mr. John J. Dobson bas gone to Lex. ington, Mic., to viit. Mr. Willis, Port Hope, was guest of Mn. Jas. Lin ton recently. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giv- ing way to the geie action and mild ef- fecta of Carter's Little Liver Pilla. If you try theni, îhey will eertaiuly please Yeu. The Gardiner faram was nlot purchased by Mr. Geo. Gîay, as reported. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pepper, Lindsay, are vis-iting bier father, Mr. F. L. Andrus. If sick headache, what are Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pilla if tbey will positively cure it ? People veho have used tiremr.speak frankly of their work, Tbey are amal and easy te take. Mr. F. W, Raiston aud Miss McfIale visited Toronto laat week. Miss Ettie Dunsford bas retunned froin Berlin wbere she bas been visiting friends. BETrEn THÂN Got.-Gxentlemen,-I have uaed Dr. Fowleî's Extraet of Wild Strawberry for bowel complaint and can say there is no'other remedy as good. Mis. James Dennianu, Like Dors, Ont. Mrs. Ge-o. Wilson and daugbter, of the Guide, Port Hope,ý and Master ClarQnce Audrus viited at Mr. F. L. Andins' asat If 3 ou Once try Cater's Little Liver Pilla fer sick beadache, biliousnes3 or contipation, you will neyer be witbeut thetu. They are purelis vegtable, smal snd easy to take. Do't foîget thîs. Mr. Geo.' Wannan îeceived a severe blow on the bead snd aboulder, cutting s deep gashb bluw the left eye, by being etrnck by saçoor wbich wassburlpd with terrifie force by the xind. Ask pour, neighbors if they tise Dodds Kidney Pilla?ý They s!rengthen the cerves, toue the system, and the moBt stubborn casts (f kidney diseae 3ield to their influence. They are especially Sp. preclated by the old. > Ask your neigh bors abouit theus. The followiiig are row the officers of Orono Division W, P -Wm. Boddy, W. A.-Polly Odeil, F. S.-Peter Jamie- son, Treas.-D. T. Alun, Rec. S.-An- drew Knsox, A, IL S.-MauQgie Jerome, Chsp -B. Best, Cond.-Willie Davey, A. Con. -Ida Soucb, . I. 5-Thos Batten, 0, S Wx McConnack, P. W. P,-Geo. Johnsor. Ladies appreciate Anti-Dandruf froni the fset that it not oniy tborougbly re. mON es Daudinf with three applicationEs, but stops failing of tbe bar, restores fad- ing bain to its original color and makes lb eof t sud piabia witbout. leaving auy in- dication of sny dressing being used. Cle&r as crystal, cleantu is, it is a val. uable tiolet preparatien. Death bas again removed one of oui old reBidents in the perso r of Mr. Win. Mof- fatb wbo died ou October tb. Mr. Mof- faIt bas becn long sud favorably kuown in this towuship and wss cheerful and of s kîud disposition, sud igbly esteemed by ail who had the pleasuire of is se- quaintance. A CuRE Fou CONSTIrATioN AND HEAD ACIE.-Dr.Silat5 Lame, while iutbe Rocky Mountains, discovered a root tbat wbeà cembined wibh other herbs, makes an easy snd certain cure for constipation. It ie in the foira of dry roots and lhaves, snd is known as3 Lanes Family Medicine. It will cure sick-headache. For the lood , liver sud kidueys, sud for coaring up the coniplexion it dues ivonders. Druggîsts seli it at 50c. a paekage-enongb for five wo ýks..1 The Jubilee meeting in tbe Sons Hall .auy focdansd aiu stiong and amart. Ilis a grand medicine sud bas made a wonder- fnl change lu my healtb. Mis. W. H. Lee, Harley, Ont, A %lçriir) ,,PlIITS silso cau Leal. vie. tor5,s Earbolic Salve iseals ail weuntis. cuti, a a 1 XOUNT VERNON. Glad ito see Mrs. W. Souch out, again after ber iliness, and Misseilettie ýAbram iinprovng.ý.. .Master Norman Heatlie has been ýdetained f rom school by an ac- cident.. . Rev. J. Liddy ocoupied the pulpit Sabbath morning, giving a stirring addreas. Hello 1-you fellow there 1 Don't go humping about as if yodr back was broken-Go off at once and get a bot- tle of 31agic Pile Lotion-use it according to directions and you wjll walk as straight as anybody in 24 hour-Get ,alon.- with Yeu 1 To Higginbottam's or Stott & Jury's. IIALB ROVE. Several of our citimena took red tickets at Bowmanville fair. . .. Will. Rundie bae gone to Port Hope to learni the tonsorial art.... .Visitors: Rev. R. B. Denike, Miss Salid, Mrs. S. Souch and Mr. Barker, Lake Simcoe . .. .The new officers of our Division are: W P-Jacob8Stevens; W À, -A W Foley; Treas-Wm Foley; IF S- J D Stevens;, Chap-T Kirkpatrick; 118. -Wmn Frank; A R S-Mies Ida, M Stev-i e; Coud-FredIR Foley; A Gond-Miss, G Foley; 1 S-Miss Addie 0,ole; ýO S -T. Power; P W P-M Manday; ,Organit-, Miss Edith Power. Brockvllle, 9th Sept. 1892. The Dr., Butler Medicine Co., Brockville, Centie-ý men.-Cooper's Lightniog Gcrn Cure was. recommended to mie and 1 tried it. Its' ffeDct was magical. Corn was painlessly and completely removed after a few ap- plications. Cheerfully endorse its use. It proved the mest perfect remedy 1 ever used. Yours truly, S. S. D.&VIS, Palace Grocery. The above is one of the many testimoniale received. The eut in prices will be deepest in the overcrowded departmnenta. Ellison & Co. Our clearing sale begins on Oct. Lat and will last trougahout the season. Elli. son & Go. Dress Goods, Tweects, lothirg, Fian- nels, Gottons and MantieE, are leading lines. Ellison & Go. 11 It is beyond ail doubt that "Myrtie Navy" ia the favorite tobacco with amoke- rs of Canada. They obtain more enjoy- muent from it than frotu any other tobacco made and those of.them wbo have used it long enongh to test its menits neyer aban- don it for any qther brard. Th3 reason for this preferenceis that the "Xyrtle Navy" la nmade of the veiy finebt leaf whichla grown and that in every proces of ts manufacture the mobt vigilang ca. e la exercised tc, preserve tlise genine aroina of the leaf Jno. J. Mason lasbowing extraordînary values in Black and Colored Fingerings, Saxony and Baldwin yarns this seasan. 2 special inEs, 5c akein, black we rsted and black saxony 15c. double Ekein. Be Warned. Don't boa fool: know what 3 ou wanut and refuse to be itnposed upon by greedy dealers wben they attempt to palm off sera producing aubtitutes for Putaam's Painlees Corn Extractor, the only safe, sure and painlese corn cure. Putnax's Corn Extraclor is the bet, the eafest,and only painlesa corn rernedy., Sold by al dealers in medicine. CRUSTS AND SCALES flair and Eyebrows Fen Off. Doctor and Many Remedies No Benefit. Entirely Cured and Haïr Ilestored by Cuticura. My wife bas been troubied for years witls dry cruets and acaies on lier bead and eyebrows. After seeming to lie dormant for years in hier Eiystem, it broke ont over a e*ar ago in ail its fury Iler hair came out in big patches, lier eyebrows àI fell off, and ehe pre. sented apitiabie condi- tion. W tried airnost ever3 thing, bnt she eontinuedl to get woree. ¶Ihen xe tried - one of our bot phy. sicians, but ail to ne çpuroee. Finaiiy my çfebelleved that the CLuToCUuA ItiaEnIxE wouldenre ber. After abc bad used ine boxes of CUTICUSIA, ' X and about a dozeni hes o~5 f CUTICTssA SuÂt', and four botles of CrrçU. RESOLVENT. abieas curedentircly. lier iair caînio onogain, and to-day sbe bas as fine a head of back eurly bairand a" Bmootb ska os any lady in Allentown. lier oye- brows are h'îavier than they ever wüe, ber scalp je free frein dandruff, and lber beaitb ta excellent. Now for tbe benefit of thosee uffering with saine disease,1 or te those w ho may doubt the trutbfuiness of tbis statement, write me, ineiosing a stamp, and 1 xii cbeerfliy answer. 1 arn sure tbat the CUTI- CUItA RMEI etired my - ffor - ee sed lnoth- ing else durinig the four or fixe monîba abe used tbem. leREEMAN STOERER, 21-5 Court. Street, .Alentown, Pa. Cuticuira Resolvent The new Biood and Skin Purifier, internaiiy, and CuTIcuRA, the great Slii Cure, and Cox'sCUss Soerp, tbe cxquielte Skmn Beautifier, exiernaily, iu- stanly eilve n sceily cuire every disease aud !N BRONZÈ LËIPTTP.S. ME NO¶TOHER GM\NUINE Williams A. Lehr of ellevixmle, md, 55asIloods Ilood s Sasaparlls is King of Medicines And Ilima Cure Was f"~ Aimost a Miracle ie 1 C.J IIiood & Ce. Loxveii Mass.I Gentlemen:.-iTen 1 xxas 14 ycars of age I wras cetfmed to my bed for severai mentihs by au attack of rbieumatismn, and xvien 1I ia parti:sîly recovered I dSd mnt laxe tise use of îuy legs, se liat 1I had te go onueiee __4bouta year later, Serof n la, in1 the formi of r- White Swellings, nppeared ona xarious parts of cny body, and i fQrçleveci years 1 xvas au buvalid, being con- O jiavet 5tuny bcd six ycars. In tisaStibmePl t"nor eleven of tiiese soies appeared aund.. 'broke, causing me great pain sud snffering. seversil imes picees cf 1)01e xorked ntSut tbesores. Pîsysisuas dbd nuS lieîp measud ,.. ~ "Iwu uChicago te udst a sister, as it 'ias 5b'ugbta change ut air and scene aigisi do mi-,gacti. ut I1xas conduned te my bed most of -thee lme. Ixa seauimpressed wýviti tise sulceessa0ut Hod's Sarsaparbîla is cases aiitlsxt mine that 1 deeided te try Boys SUITS AND OVERCOATS ALI t. Su fbole w yas beuglit, and te my great ae ~' oo crsjlica,tIhe soies seon deereasea , sudIl nae Boys ana xoutn's Suits t r f ifeicter. TIis strengtbened my in'ireasing, our work is abead, and a faitisl ts mesichue, andinsa short taie I wassqai Up and Out of Doors q(]i. Te ik long story short, 1 ceutinued Su BOOTS AN~D SHOEs.--There are tai ods Sarsaparilla for a yesr, wîseii convince that we have the right good bad become ae ulnly released frenu the chains et diseuse that 1 toolc a position, witb the Flint & Wallsîag Mfjg. Co., and abuce that tbme T bave ist lest a single "by on account uf siekuesa. I always feel well, ar nbugo sparits sud bave s goi appetite. I enduise1 l DON Hood's Sarsaparilla Aot7 AYOV Abu 0frieudsasasembled ai Mn. W. forithbas bee a great blessing tome, and te 11. reepe's on Friday evening Sept 30tht sy frieds my reovery seems alsnost mirac- te usake Mr. sud Mis. Samuel Siemon a nions. 1I ilui Hood's Sarsaparilla la the anî king et ait medbines." WILLCAM A. IEHu, salproseut uefure ibeir depanture te No. 9 Northil irosd ai., Reudaîlville, Iud. Wiunipcg, Man., wbere tbey înteud te Mood's.Pilla cure Bilionasness. reside. Mr. John Rundie, chairman, ______________________________called the gaihorirtg te orden sud sfteî a AUCTON SLESfew emaks asked Mr. R. Snell te rad .&UGTON SLES.tbe following address: Mr. andi Mrs. Smuel Slemon,-We groat- WEDNESDAY, 0e5. 12.-Stock, impie- îy regret tbat you are about te beave ns bu mente, etc., un Lot. 15, Con. 3, East go te sa great a distance. We eau bard- Whiiby. S. C. lluNiziNa, Auctioneen. ]y roconcile ourselvos to the faci that pou TuESDÂY Oct. 18.-Mr. Wm. CoUîtice, are ging from oui midst. This bas ai- lob 28, con. 2, Dalington, toutb of wsps been pou.- home snd froeinbildhood Ceurtice P. O., will ol witbont reserve until uow ibere have sprung Up 80 suany the whole of bis iboîoughbred Durham, tender sympathies, rocollections, jopa Hereford sud Holstein estile, South- sud commet s orows, bopes sud aspira. down sheep, Berkshire swine, sud 12 tiens ibat, we wiil greatly misa pou botb. boises suad colts sud ail hie othor faim lb will bu a breakin" up of all the ties ofj siccir ; 812o a binder, mower and dise home sud friends. Throuizb pour whole harrow. This ila a meat iseportaut stock lives we bave always found peu bhe best sasie. One o'eckck, sharp. See large of neigbbors, ai peice wibh ail, sbowingi posters. S. C. luI'KIY;c, Anetioneer. constantkinduesa tb everybody, snd Vary WEDNESDA, O0t. 19,-Mn. W. Strutt, conspicuons bas the cbaity sbown in lot 20, con. 9, Darlingion, will seli al peur speakiug of others; pou have always bis fari stock sud implernt, by wished for the besb te eacb individual aucion. Sale ab one o'cloek sharp. sud anxious te peak of their good. Iu L. A. W. ToLE, auctioneer. al pour dealings sud transactions wib riHuIsSDAY, Ocet, 20.-Mi. Alex. Staples, uthers pou have bean strictly bonest sud lot 3, con. 7, Darlingbon,, will moul bis npright, sud bave obeyed the carmmand veyvaluablo faim stock, imploments, 'Givesud it shalbe given usîtu yen maier ecîH a asILJ, otgood'measure, pressed down sud shaken ofh.ner, cetc.le bs s pSledid togethor sud rnnning over." To the posters. Sale at 12 o'clock; lunch pro- omu zealin gholnyen haeoîy o vided. L. A. W. Tous, suctiencer. mc eli epn neeygo cause, everpthmng wortby bas recemved FRIPAY, Oct. 21,-Mi. John Fosten a pour approval sud laelp. You have (drovor) annusi stock sale on loi 9, con. sîudied, praetised sud bad tibosa prin- '2, flàrlingtou, Mauvers Road. wheu ilswihtn oubidcaatri ihere wiil be od10go edn ottiers sud pourzeif in temporance, trutb- abeers, 20 ewe Iamube for breeding, smrn fuiness, moralititp sd ail geutlematily sud boises, colts, implemeutî, etc. Sale ai womsnip cenduet. We cannot fot-bear te 1 p. w., sharp. Sevon months' credit mention your grest liberslîîy, and the ou sppîoved notes. Sebis. L. A. noble stand pou have talin luthe cbî,reb W. ToLE, Auctiineer. wbera pou will long be remembered for MoNDAY, Oct.24.-Mr. DAvid Thompson, courage, meal, chritian character sud ex- lot 25, con. 10, Carke, near New Park, ample. The Suuday Sehool wili aise suf- will sel] bis valuable faim e bock, impie- fer s a os lu yen botb lu pour remoaval meante, macineîy, bsy, etc. One frein us. W0 hope Mr. Siernon that the o'cleck See bills- L. A. W. ToLE, members of pour close wili practise ibelse Auctioneer. ruths pou have tried to impart bu aud SPECIAL NOTJCI.-When sale buils are imrpess, On their rnds, thai they msRy pîbnted atTaHE STATEEMAN office we give a free notice like the; abeve up te date et Sale. copy pour exampie of always being regu- Wbon me do net u)rint thse blls thse cbarge la larimn attendance sud doiug pour duby 25 cents a ]ue each insertion. Fer sales in ful. W rsn o bsFmi il West Durham 'and East Wbitby a notice sursn yuti aml il tbis paper is wortb as much as 100 bills front sud wýeshp that with il.pouenmii accept any' other office in Bowrnanville. because the Oui kindesi .regaards for pou botb. We fIermera ail read THE STATEsSMAN. hope it rnay bo a sligiat token te pou of Our eteetu. We feel graief ul te pou 1Mis. Sletneu for the help pou bave given C. C. RIcisAuns & Ce. for YOars in the choir sud in heiping on Gents,-My daugbtor was snffering evorytbing conueiated with the cisurch, we torribly witb neuralgia. Il pnrcbased a will neyer forget your loving aid in urnes boitla et MINARD'S LINIMENT sud of sickessas s enîw. lu concusion rubbed ber face ihorongbhly. The pain we ail join iu wiahing pou a picasant lett ber sud she siopi well tli morumng. journey te pour new borne sud tiind'-. Next nigbt another attack, ;inother ap- We hope pou may have veîy nmauy plicatien resulted as pieviously, witb n0 frienda, that pounrnay fuel et bei lu return ince. Graieful feelings deternltu- peur new surreundingeansd that pou insIV ed tme te express myseif pnbiiciy. 1 have abundant happineas. May Godas wouid net be wvitboui MINARD'S LINI asmile slways rosi upon pou, aud us ail te MENT in the bouse at any ceai, te end of life. Pakdl, n. J. H. BAiLEY. Mus. R. FAtaLS. Miss M. ASHTrON. Pardsi, Ot.JOHN RUNIILE. RENDOL SNELL. W. H. CREEPER. Miss Maud Ashton made the prissent- FARM STOCK WANTED. ation sud the chairman thon calied on Master Gyms Siomon wbo on behaif of Poisons having fat caille, mlch cowo, the Sundas Sehool claaes ed this addrese: sbeep,. lambs, veal calves, hogsansmd poul. Mr. ,S'emen- ,L SIZES.-If you want a really flrst class choice see ouùr new stock. Wê, -er at very close prices. Our Men's Ordered Clothing tràde is stil! all who bave compared will allow Dur prices to bà the lowest for, samer stili some who, have not fried us in tbis line. One pair tried wili [s and rigbt prices. Mn. Wlr. JENNINGS isin charge of this depaxtment. GEO.,lIASONq, Clothing Store, Bowmanvilll. WeA Bought 1Cheap, W>e Seli Cheap. FIRST .GLASS CORS AT LOWEST LIVING PRICE&. o-- Read carefully the follewing list of Bargains. Cut this list eut and bring it with you. We will show you- each article as advertised. 15 yds. Heavy Factoiy Cotton ton. .$.00 15 "' Fine Shaker Flannel for. .$1.00 Il lb, or 20 Skenm Blacki Worsted Yarn fer ................... $1.00 5 pain pure Linen Towela foun...$1.00 1 siuit;Mens' Hoavy ail-weol Under- wearfor.,......... * ........$.00 6 pair Mens'tIleavp Weoi lSocks for .81 00 8 pair Gbildren's Black Wool Home for $1,00 or 12ec. pair. 2 Meusi' Soft Feli Hais for ........ $1.00 10 pde. extra wide Glass -Toweliig f6r$1.0' 7 Gents Ties fer.................OO 1 pair Ladies Blacki or Celored Kid Gloves (guaranteed) f or.. . -$1 0,1 1 Ladies Hleavy a]l-wooi Shawl$ ,, 5 pds. double feid Gol'd Gasbrnere.$l.O 5 yda. Blacki double told Cashmere.$lO0- Lovelp patterns lu Dresa tweeds for per pd................ àOG 13 skeins Black Saxouy for ....... $10c> The dollar you spend with,ýus goes farther, lasts longer, gets maore style, more quality, more'qua ntity and does more good in service, worth and wear than any money you spend. JNO. . J. MASON. Mi. Siemon made a suitable repiy tbanking the compsuy moat heaîtlly for iheir kindness to hinioît sund wifo aften wbich speoches wero made bp Revs. Me Cuilocb sud Sinike sud Mosa. John Siomon, W. H. Creoper, D. Bruni, Rich- ard Siernon, ai., A. Super, R. Falla sund obbers. Alter the speeches "Shall we gather at the river" waas ung sud Mi. McCulloch led lu pisper, AIl thon par- book of the good ibing% providod by the ladies sud s very eujopabie evoniug was speut. Icmo Pausu PUI)Dns.-Tbis doudoius confection is'nicely ealcuiated te pied ueo dyspepsie, heartburu, biiiary troubles sud beadacho. Eurdock Blood Bittera is equally woll calculaied ýto cure these troubles sud bas proven its powers iu hundreda of casesa. B. B, B. reguistes and purifies the entire mytem. IJJFIELD. The foliowing officora weîo elecbed ai Enfleld Division for this quater:-W P, J Dyeî; W A, Sister Nellie OrmIston; R S, M J Gibson; A R S, Sisier J Ross; F S, J Ormilsion; Treas, Sistor A Reynolds; Chap, C Selby; Con, W Werp; A Con, Sîsater Alexander; O S,G Reason: I S, Siste Ormiton; P W P', H L Pascoe. Percy Bitord is reovering slewly .. John Wight weutL te Tyrone Sunday evon- îîug te irait on bis brother William..W. Sandercock sud wife, Bowmauville, visit- ed ai John Elfurd's -... . Eber Crago lis been uffering with a lame back..Ed- wrd Prout aud John bando iront te tLindsap Tburaday o take paît in the rifle match..Thia section eclipaed al preomus records ibis pear at West Dur- ham Fair tskiug about haif of tho verp besi prizes gironi. The lesding exhibits were Shurt Hurneansd Shiopabires by S. Allin; Liecesters by J. Eltord sud W. G., Blackburn ; boises by John Wight ; pigs by W. C. Blackiburn snd S. Bragg; fruit, by J. D.Hoar sud Rd. Osberne. .Farmera S. Allinansd W. C. Blackibura wero Lj udgos ai Uxbridge sud Cartwright Faire, suad Ed Prout ai Boirmanville ; Albert iAllun judaed caille as Clarke ...The rLUeceater Ram Lamb so much admiîed ai rihe Fauir as purcbased ont of the farnous fiock ùf Wrn. Hamm & Sens, Meaferd. H1e il s gucd eue. 11Glear'Havana Cigars" 6.La Cadena" sud "La Fiors." luisi upen baving themo brauda. Assembly or Ontario. R3. BOWMANVILLE DEBT. Notice la hereby given'hat tbe Corporaion of the Sein of Bowmanvillo in the County of Durbam, i, m make application te the Legis. istivu Assernbîy et the Provinsce ef Outario, ai its uext Sessien, fer an Act tu censolidate the debouturesansd ftoating debt of said Corpora-4 tien, to extend the time for paymont thereef, toasuther les tbe isauing ot debentures for pay" ment thbeteot. te provido fer the redemption ef debentures nom outatanding and sucti other uecessary measures as rnay bo, properly ju. cidenta te the Act roposed. Dated at Bowmanville, Ibis 26:h daY Qf September, 1892. 1 9-tf. Seliciter for Town et Bowmanvllle. Bjusiness. moat elabonste illustratid treatise on business education ever published. in Canada, will be sont ambitions young men and worn inttrested in the ubjeot, upon application to the principalo. SPENCER & McCULLOUGH, Hamilton Business College and Shorthalid Institution, James St.,South, Hamilton. Ont. 39-6m, When yon see an Advertiacment like this DON'T BELIEVE IT but if you require anything inlêGrocerîeur, Staple Dry Goodc, Patent Medicinee, Tinware, Garden . Seeds, etc., call a' SOLINA STORE where you will ." firat-ciaes asaortment which has be bought for cash, consequently 1 arnprê. pared to sell at close prices snd net ssclY!" fiee quality.1 Arnerican and Canadian 'ou , always tri stock. Please give me a eau sand yotu wil be welcome&whether you buy or flot. N. B. Elliott's Roller Flour kept. J. T. WIL LIAMS ftDFarmers3 Produce taken. PURE COD LIVRE OIL Cosnbined Witls WIId Cherry and IJypopbesph1tes renders xilburmeà EnsiSn thse best on thse market,,