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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1892, p. 2

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(CUT 1P-LUG., (F LU G. No other brand Tobacco has evere j oyed sncb an immeni sale and poplaritY: the same perlod as th brand of Cnt Plug al Plug Tobacco. Qldest Ct Tobacco tnanui,l turers in Canada. Ct Plug, 10c. j lb Piug, 10 lb Plug, 20lc. W NEY TO LOAN,-On far ity ou moîl fatvorable termes- bouugt. Apply te RICHARDi POiTE towýn. P . O. Box 119. or JOHuN FoivaI ISsîmmanvilhe, P. O- FLORIST. Gremen aud dealer lu ChoesoCut Pieris. Roteme. Carnations. Violets, sud Feras, Funenal Desgns snd mcdo e nshort notice lu Wresthi. Pillows, Hlearis. Socity bm blern4, &' Plants Leanm'd for Decoralion. sud Foriie Liies. &c. Telephone Cannec T 0 RN.Fo ei o e gced buildings sud Soi. Admirable or dairy. Ct suce for goiug exteusi Toronto mille business or stock ra mniosicu make, Mon mils cap] Aood appli'. J. Hi. Dow, Whsiby. THE CAADIAN STATE ESTABLISHED 1851 $1 par snnum lu advaeumes. ISn Sebsonriptielns slwmt,ys asa I lq publication. Advemtismu ,,rates uais' tact, 10 cets per linae. up tsilo Aii on, sud 5 cents per lino oach subieq ec:tion. Locals, 10 cents pin lino. M. A. JAMES, Pui F OR SALE OR RENT.-E, oi acres for sale or te reut. Scugog Sreet nonSh. The promises a Reod biause wiîh evmry cenveolonuE 5sd, stable, etc. Tise gardon contat ViSe oicesi fruit ot ail varleti s. li P )session can ho given. Fo)rusarticml t)W. FISsunLEsuH. Bemanvibo ,Out STAI4DARD Bi OF CANADA~ Capital pt siup, S , 000. !iost, Thsis Bankk je preparodt bd, mate Banking in ail ils branc Farmer's notes discouted; receivemi and Interest paid on cî 85 and upirards in Savis Departmnent. DR11A FTS and cCollections madleo Uns .ed States, sud Canadla. W. J. J0-3 ONTARIO 1BA -n'tinues te do a Genoral Bankisý wrnnville -Agency. DIEIOSITS ïCe yod lu iavierm fBank fepartur rd 'eerstsloedateerrent of mtîldrawsai neosany. - e on demnf, EXCINGE îl t 'ud sold asud)umatissuedri 'T tiSates andCaseasGl U nO Greomu beokq bomsht ai COLLECTIONS l r s pVtly matie a& canse nate$ uru ff Seat Britaiu. the United Stet -o llon ci Canada. eo EtiNARY â -4iJkW ORONO, - ONT. >ufi Pest Offiýýe Blook. tei Y taegrpe or Lephonaeà IllI THECO K'~SB TF7, clncFriTT? On the 24th of February last," said IILLED BY WILD iiEASTl3. ýý1MTUA(C.1! Mrs. Johnson, Ilwe badl him brought teou home. Hie had to bie carried ail the way Two )Iintng Prospectors EaIl Victims in, Another Great Triumpha for a Oanadian in a bed. Hie ias se heipless and such a liungry Animais. suferer the doctors gave him up. They Writing fromn Kootenai Lake, Idaho, ln Remedy. said hie had locornotor ataxia and that hie British Columbia, to hie father near Boise, could not be cured. They stopped giving George Martin relates a terrible stuOry of Ans Accoant or tMe suffring5 and iiestora- hlm medicine and sajd they could only ro- the doath of William Corlett of Galveston tton of Philander Hyde-gelples, Red'- lieve the pain, and for the purpose hie tank and Henry Gssford, formerly of St. Paul. Riclten and Longs for Dath-ilisI5 RO a plut of whiskey a day for tbree monthe', Thle unfortuntate men, to,,,ether with Mar- covery Front This Pitiable Condition- and morphine in great 'quantities. tin and three others, bad heen for soveral A a.emarisabie Narrative. 11 Iü was while tather.was in this d1read- months engaged in prospecting, and with Froin the Syracuse Standard. flui condition that we saw in the Alhany considerahie success. They had discovered During the past few months there have Journal the story of the miraculous cure of nine ricb Iodes, and a few days before their appeared in the columns of the Standard a Mr. Quant in Galway, Saratoga cousty, death it hadl been arranged tbat Gesford îý the particulars of a number of cures so re- hy the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for adi oletlhul0o as ndtr o9u markahle as to justifly the tern miraculous. Pale People. XVe badn't much faith, but we terest weatby friendri in their prospects. These cases were investigatedl and vouched f eît that it was our duty te try them, and On Sept, 10 the entire party of goid ssok- for hy the Albany Journal, the Detroit so we sent to the Dr. Williams' Medicine ers went out for a hig buint. About ten News, Albany Express and other papers Company, and got six boxes of the puisa miles frow. catmp, as Martin, Gsesford and wbose reputatien is a guarantee that the We read the directions carefully, and re- Corlett were walking through a narrow de- facts were as just stated. That the tern solved to comply with themn as fully as file, a large mounitain lion spranIg from the miraculous was jnstified will ie adrnittedl possible. We stopped giving bim morpbine topof an over-hangiug rock, ahgbhted npon cases referred te the suferer hadl heen pro. and gave him tbe Pink Pilîs and treatment it the animal a blow wîth the hutt of hle e= nounced incurable hy leading physicians, according to directions lu whicb each box rifle, wbereupon it ef t Geeford and attack- ise and at least one of the cases was treated-by is wrapped. Tbe efect was wsonderful and ed Corlett. Before the latter could fine tbe men whose reputetion bas placed themn almost immediate. In ton days aften father lion crusbed bis right armn and his lef t log, in among the leaders of the world's mnedical hegan taking the puisa he ceuld get out of after whicb it disappeared in the unader- scientiats, but without avail, and the patient hed atid walked witbont assistance, and has growtb. 1118 was sent to bis bonne with the verdict that continued to improve until now be walks Wben Martin, who was somne distance nd tbere was nu hope for hlm, and that oniy about the bouse and the streots by the aid bhind his fellows, came ip lho found both td death could intervene to relieve bis sufer- of a cane only." Gesford and Corlett in au insensible condi- ings. Wben soine months later the restera- ",Yes," said Mr. Hyde, "and the pain tien. Tise latter was desperately injured, tien to bealtb and strengtb of the former lias gains out of nîy back and tbe numhness but Gestord acon regained consecuusncse. suferer was aî.nonnced it is littie wonder out of my legs. I have nu more chilis, my Making a litter of green boughs upon whichb that the case croated a profound sensation 'digestion le se good, and I have an excel- to carry the mangled Coriett, a start was througbeut the country. ifecently tbe fol. lent appetite.",and thon after apause, "But, madeforcamp. Justhetoresunsetthewound- I iowing letton, which indicated an oquay ah me, I am an nid man ; I have seen mny ed manri rcovered from bis long swoen and remarkablo cure, came under the notice fbest days and can not hope to recover my begged piteoulyhathis conductors wold The Stan ard:oldvigor as a younger man mign t, ut arn stop for a tioaste motion oansecFt Lim SOLsvir-LE, N. Y, June 25, 1892. s0 thanrkful to have the use :)f my imbs great agony. Martin, however, was afraid * * Five weeks ago fathet, (PhilF and te ho relieved of thoso dreadfuli pains." that C.lett wouid die unies bis 'wounds 2-9ander Hyde,) was very low and net oxpect- Mr. Hyde has cotlnued te take the pilla were attended te, se hie and Geeford con- Sed to live but a short time. Ho was in sncb regularly since lho began their use, and was tinued on their way. agony that we hadl te givo hlm morphine te on bis tenth box at the time hoe told bis As suon as night fell tbey wore literally relieve the terrible pain fromn whicbho was stury. besicled by animais, wbich, attraeted by snfferng. The doctors hail givoîî hlm up. Bouides Mr. and Mns. Johnson, other the odor of the blood, had followod tbe tbree They said there was ne help for him, and peuple in Solsville confirm the accounts of men for miles. 'I'he enly tbing te hoe donc mny dear father lenged for death as heing the Mr. Hyde and of is muet remarkable ro- was te stop and liglît a tire, ie order that .c. only certain relief fr-en bis sullerings. One cevery, and a number uf others for varions they right net hoe assailed by the prowlers. day hoe saw iii the Albany Journal an acceunt, ailments, are ning the Pinîk Pilus. The Bildîug a circle of ire ai uuud their wound- cf huw a mani by the name of Quant, living mother of Abel Curtis is using them with ed comnrade, Martin and Gesford prepared lu Galway, Saratoga couuty, and who was satisfactory efects for rbeumnatism, and te repilee auy attack. Presently, hewever, afilictedl like fatber tith locornotor ataxia, Mrs. Lippitt, wife of ex-Senator Lipptt le sometbiug seemned te stampede the animais, badl been very greatiy henefited and hoped using the Pille with muchbebndfit, for nerv- for they rau poil mou nup tbe canon witb ru eu-for permnient cure trorn the uise of Dr. eue debiiity. affightod cries. imonîgages Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People. On A futher investigation revealed the fact Atter waitiug abont two heurs, Martin sot -taes learning that these pille cold bc badl of the that Dr. Ws,'lliamis' Pink Pille are net a pa- ont for the camp te hrng aid te Corlett. sn. Drerer, Dr. Willams' Medicine Compauy Brockville, tout medicinelu the siuse lu w icb tbat terni Wben lie aud the aitier membere of the 5 lyr. Ont., aud Schenectady, aud tbat they were is nsually underetood, but a scientific prep- party returned at daylight they were bier- uot exponeivo, my hushand' sent $2.60 fer aration successfully used un gesierai prac- rer strioken at wbat tluey saw. Colett, six boxes of them. And what a lessieg tice ferrnyyearsbefereheingofertddtetho wth the scr'hed barrel of a rifle in his ONTARIO they biave been ! Father bas taken but four public generally. Tbey contain lu a coudens- bauds, was lying acresthe dyiug ire, wbich 1Elowers. boxes of the Piuk Pille. Ho is ne longer ed forrn ail the elements necessary te give badl literally coekied him te deatni. Searcb Smilax. î-ariner ten hie hed, but le able teO get up new life and riotel:esto the blod and restore for (Gesford réeulted ini the inding of bis Bouquets witbout assistauce and with the aid only of sbattered nerves. They are an unfailing body in tbree parts at a littie streamn about -Crowus, a cane te walk about the bouse and ail specilie for sncb diseases as locomotor 10flifot f rom wbre Corlett's body wae lying. a s Palma arouund eut of doone. .Hol bas a good bearty ataxia, partial paralysie, St, Vitu' dance, Wild animale badl kllledl the puer fellew and otieon. -ly appetite, hie food agreee with biimu, the pain sciatica, neuralgia, rheusuatism, norvene nearly devoured bis body. It is theught lu the back frem whlcbho suferedl se long headache, the af ton effects of la grippe, pal- thaù Geeford went te the spri-ng for water rs, "I(wlen and se terrihiy bas lef t hlm. Ho bas ne pitation of the heart, paie and sallow cern- for Cenett, aud that the animais, wimcb bd or Wtocismure creeping chills and hoe appears and says plexions, and the tired feling resultiug retnrned te their bivouac and were tvatcb- ,ively into hoefeels like a ne w man. The docters bad frominorvous prostration ;ail diseases de« ing bis movemeute, followed sud kiiled hlm. iîing Io, pronou nced lis disease te ho crepin g paraly- pouding upen vitiatod humons lu the hlood, The creatures then preeumably returned te. )It_13 nly iladsadh ud net hoe cured. How sncb as screfula, chreuic erysipelas, etc. weeCrotwelig ve o aet 32~ glad we are that we beard about these wonî- They are aise a specific fer troubles peculiar the lait, grasped a rifle and tried te standC E AN detful Pink Pilîs, and bow thankful we are te females, îucb as sur pressions, iriegulari- up, wben hie weak legs gave way and hoe ES f or bat they bave done for father. Indeed tics, and ail ferme of weakness, Tbey pitched forward loto the fine. The bodies they bave donc wondens, yes, fven a. miracle build up the blond and reetore the glow of wene iuterred nean the icone of the double for bsm. Respectfully youri, bealth te paie and salluw cbeeks. In ca2e tragedy and beavy stone3 were rolleli upon MRSu. WILLIAM JOHNSON c f men they offet a radical cure lu ail cees tîteir gravs 0. rise L53. The above ltter iudicated a cure su re- arisiug frem mental werry, overwork or ex-___________ '389 11 0 )a markable as te ho wortby ef the fulleet in- cesses-of whatever nature. Sm eakberas es inar vestigation, and The Standard determined These Pille are mianufacturod by the Dr. A omvýe rewmade abe ea. ýqueii ia- te place the facte, if orrectly stated, befere Williamn' Medicine Company, Brockville Ataverbomda tour ef the Orient the public for the heneit ef other suffers, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., an;( are and.wbo, by the wsy, le something cf a blshe or if unfounded, te let the public know it. îold cnly iii boxes bearing the firm's tratde magician himeoif, telle tbe wonderful stery buesdWitb this end lu viow a reporter was mark and wrapper, at 50 ts. a box, o)r six of bis expenience witb soet of the wizards stuate onsent te Solevilie witb instructions te boxes for . 50. Bear lu mimd that Dr. oftefa0st conist ofgivo the facte of the case as hi o feundtbem. Williarns' Pink Pille are nover sold in bnlk, ' Il * One of these was begun by nedriving With tinsse instructions own eSlvleu vtedzno udeadaydae the largoît mani in the greup, who tbrew a bsa lot 0f sud un Tuesday, Ang. 2, 1892, cailed upen whc& offers substittutes lu this form is trying great oil of ribbeuns fan teward the sky. As [rnmedia'e I hilander Hyde and iearued from hinm and te defraud yen sud sbould hoe avoided. Dr. it uncoiled lunrnid air, a snial bawk eeemed iars applyteb ieaefri t Heirldron C It, 49t frorn is relatives and ueigbbors and friende Williams' Pink Pille înay ho badl ef ail t olbrtdfo l ocrbdcon the wbole tory of hie siekuese and.- his druggistî or direct by mail f rom Dr. Will- a few times, seized the onde ef the ibbons ANKterriblesuffring, of his having beeu given lame' Miedicine Comnpany from either at inhbis beak, ansd thememade off toward a convalescence by the use ef Di. Williams' sl aeacus t ramn opr-ed hefereouer eyee. a * r * ry fr* ýPink PisotsralePepleetvai oures e o ared winthcopar- From Ibis cloud there now slid te the It may ho of intoreet te the reador taremnedies or inedical _treatusent. baby, sbiaoh u ne etthe ir's 'wive' -knuw that SolsviIle le a postoffice village in bay -c reo tewzr' wvs de Legits- Madison county, N. Y., about 30 miles f rom A Monster Cast Wheel. caughu in bier armesud beld out for tIhe ýches. Utica, ounmthe lino utf the New-Yoi k, Ontario One oftIhe largoît wbeeus ovorIbulît for woudering crowd te inect. Next, ail eto the Doposite & Western Railroad. It le the station at any purpose, and the very largest of ils magiciaus save the langer, (a perfect giant aconswbich te get off te go te Madison Lake, the siud ove constructed, was that manuifac- lu stature), 110w left tise place. The giaut' Lg Bankrit cbarrng and attractive objective point ut turod by tbe Diekeon Company, South tion st down upon the ground. Ho thon sgreat manyp=ui and excursion parties. Scranton, Ps., durnmg the Summer et 1889. srsdalroclrdubel usc Ou roacbing Seeile the reporter euquired Il le what le called a Rend wbeel and was tmamnoer as te whclly cunceal himiseltf freps of the stalle i agent, wbo le also agent tbere made for the lieds sund Calumet Copper unr parly. Calliiug me te hiesaide hoe exact- of the National Express Company, if hoe Comnpany, cf the Lake Superior rogion. ihat 'ed a promise from me te remove the un- iu Eure knew a man by the Dame ut Philauder gigsutic circie et mron wes 53 foot lu diarne- brella alter the expiration et exsctiy five Hyde, sud where lie lived, sud aise if ho ton, 71 foot wide on the im, sud cost the minutes by the watch. I did as ehobsd NTE, kuoew a mass by the narne of William John- compay $7dO00oexcIUSiveof t-aneportation dîrected sud was unspeakably suised tu A grt. sou. "Yos," said hoe. I arn William It wae rnuuided around a 20-iuch heîlow fidi that thie giaut liad disappeared, theugh - ~Johnson, sud Philauider Hyde, wbe le my shattet gun metal, sud when fiuished weigb- the earth wbere lho bad been itting was LN K wife'e tather, lives witlî me lu that white ed 1,561 tons. perfectly solld. bouse uver thereono the ide il; îhsî'î At the mine, wbere it bas since been put "Il eturniug te the hetel we touud our ng Business hlmn sittiug on the piaz. " lu poition, il rovolves slowly by inans etiîiircle-wrking gisut sitîiug sorenely ou Wbheu told that your reorter's erramîd enurmne cege oen the surface of its cir- the punch. WheuI 1hcnded hlm bis nrn- was te nterview Mn. Hyde sud te leani curntference. These coge were cast lu eeg- brella hieo upoed il wiîh e quick jerk, dis- about Liii sickuoe sud aileged cure, Mn. monte, sud Aeigh mauy tons in the aggro. closingmgry watch sud chain iaimgng lu a mnot sud on Johsosôeaid Tbat's ail igbî ; yen go gale. silip-neeee tfrum oeeou the ribe. it rateg No Ail deposite ight oer te the bouse suddte Mn. Hyde On escb side efthIis the gicut ut al mater - su dmy wile. I willecorne verprotty soou, wbeels, Ihere are fit ty buckete which lesk Sticide at tlie Side of a Frinces sud we willliehonoly tee happy te tell yen more like gigantio wino lune themi anytbing The Frenidoibiîsff u Vionna bearnnetrous ah shbunt i L " lse, eacb capable of bisting 100 galions et Nice ofthlie toilbwiîîg tragie inciden : pon Enroeô IlWill you walk lu '," said Mrs. Thnson. wator with eacb lurr. et the wbeel. These Prince Alber nsudh's iife returned oni 1,SiLversnd "Those "hil'dren (wi n are playing about buokels levate the IIwasbiugs"sund durnp buard the yacht Alice frorn a voyage te nd mold. tIme piazza) are my twins, sud this le rny them into asluiceway provided for thst pur- Englsmmd sud France. They were received tatimer, Pîilander Hyde." pose. witb great emthniaemi by the inhabitamîts1 on al part Mr.Hyde walko into the sittiug room TIse wbeel was sbipped frn mthse workI; n sud a great numîber et visitons, wbile eau- tes sun 'lie sud lakmug ascsat Eaid hoe wold willmnuly sections, each pieco nuunîened seaIbsI tlîey nous b oomned fromu the castbe, lu the mîdet telb the slury ut i sickness and cure, and xould ho 055v te fit together. No btter eft hie testive icone a young mari who was bad ne objection te its bing psîliehed, asq ides of this igautio piece et machinery standinmg cloee l the Prmîîcess fired a revol- more te homydead iein suIboneid a ice wî opn tslin u bced Cepp 'r Island. Thse Caplains report w a "Whlins this condition 1 wss tre tef a guard ovoer the cargo w hich mas wasling rnaiimiy te lthe effect tIsaI ho got 000 sli*ns by Dr. Groen, of Poolvîile, sud Dr. Nich- ashere.. Ater a tramp et ton moles acres,,suid " swno Russiai. '> tustheroor leOîy olson, of Solerille, and Dr. Weed, efthtIe momntains, the mou teuud a native crast, hriotly noted tbat bis vessel " was eau t by r -Utica. They did me ne good. Isoih whicb took tbem ou te Kobe, irbere îsey unaimrine velcanees, wbich tossed the V. came «perfeeîly heipleissdbss a il eme Inded lu tise clotiies givon thessi by tlhe ýcbooer eut (,f tise wira d tlsrew Ihe ies of e motion, even lu mny bed." ntive fishermien. i-lown on the dec,ý ike nimipins" for Infants'and Children. ,Cmstebr1is go weii Adated h blrm htIcaatola cam s 0db, OOîi«p5ioN, 1 recol-iend ias supeiorlacy rscitbf ISUS teahliîBarhes, auc pmt« known te me." IL A-. jc=a 1.i., LUs Werms, gvsaop u rmh 11 i.Oxord et., B M Iwithou Înjious Moceaioa Tim OserrÂna Cossr&uY, 77 Murray Street, 1;.'Ï. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHIAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE * ý' large Stock of well selected Arnerican -Wall Papers, cheaP and be utifu-l from Gzts. to 5Octs per roil. Cail and see for yourself be-. fore purchasing elsewhere. AUl colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good satis- A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub- Bid--uu1ies ané Whisks." Glas s any size, and Putty. Painting, Grainýncr and Papering doue promptly and satîsf&ctorily For ail of whîch cal1 at SIHERIN T& KIRBY 'S South side King t., between Troeoveu'saud Roid's Shoo stores, FwmauviltO: M. MAYER would rernind his nurnerous custorners and' friends that Jack Frostils corning and that by looking at your fui-s you may find that sorne -need repairin2g. Bring ther n ear]y before the busy season cornes on, so that you wilI not have to wait for rnonths before- we can do thern. A large stock of Rats, Caps and Underwear on hand. Ai ll be sold cheap for cash to makeroa for Fur Goods. ,ast End Gýýrain Depot The undersigned desire to th ank the tarmers Uf West Durham for the liberal patronage extendled to us durinc the past season, aiso to remiind theru that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HIIGREST MARKET FRICE ALL 'KINOS OF O SAN EED deiivered at our storehouse cor, King, and George streetss.m or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on fiand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadiau and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Ba,". Rock Salt for cattie and horses, arid Fresh Ground Grey mlaster in Barrels which we are prepared to sel ci -'OR O1 :BIAS3:E- Ail kinds of Lutuber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREE1FED COAL aways in stock. \Va invite inspection ansd guaranteo satisfaction. MoCLELLAN & GO --o- We have the best, the cheapest, the most effectuai FI]y Killer.' Tanglefoot Sti"ckyFly Pape,-ýr, Fly Foison Pads, FIy Poison Ft AYD PURE INSEOT ?OWDER]-Pý. 1 E CHEils -4AD Du 1J 1 - vll

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