B3REAKFAST-SUPPER. 'By a thorough knowledze or the natural 1.wswIih govern the operations of' digestioa and nutrition. and by a careful application of the fine propertie3 or wll-selected OCoa, Mr. Enips hassprofided car breakfast tables with e ;l,&tay f , -1 bevrav whhmay save ne msny- h avy do'tori' bis. lu is by the judicious use o! snob articles of diet that a costitut) ion mev bc gradually built up until ftre3ng enough l resi3t every tendeucy te disease. $unijdred3 or subtie maladies are deeati ig arc iind us ready f o attack wharever there is a weak point. We meav escape manv a fatal shaft by keeping ourselvesq weli tertiftied with purn blood and a praucrly nourished rame."-' 'Civil *ervice Gaccet te." Made simply with boling water or milk sold only 1tn pactrets. by Grocers. labllthu JAMES EP'S At(Co., HemSopathiý' n Igts, London, Eseglesid, WEDNESDAY OCT. 19, iS9'2 EU EBER OF COLLEGE OF PIIYSICIAN %BdrSu ons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. CCearf e idence. Enniakillen, 74.. B PRISTER, SOLICITOR, Fze. MOP RIB I 0CLUPstairg, King Street. Bow'nr- ville. 2elicitor for the Ontari Batik P tiVate Mosicys loaned ai the lowet rat3s S. C. MUNKING LTCENSED AUOT ION E E R FOR the County of Durham. Sales -attended te on stortest notice and lowest rates. A ddress Ctuaurtcs P. 0. 36. BORBT. YOUING, V. 8. O FFICE IN TUlE WEST DURHAM NeNN 8s)Block, wthere hinîseif or assistant Nviil b four.s frun, 8a.m. toi9t p.m. Night Osa$ ki residerce.directly opposite Drill Shed. Cals 1v ylelegraph or teluphone will recive prompt attn tioni7 yr L. A. W. Te>jI, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real Il.Estate Agent, Bowmanville, Ontarioe Saler attended mnany partoet Province. A- A- POST, A ROIITECT. Plans and Specifica. .Xtiens prepared for every clais of building. SýpQcial attention g van te heting by steam sed hot water andt te snitary arrangements. Olilce. Gorrie Block. Whttby 43 -ly R. ]PEATE, Talor Gentlemen's Clothes Madle to Order. ~.HARNDIEN, L. D. S. itu fthe Rtoyal Cotiege of Dental -Strgeoîn8. Ontarie. OFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. COLO FILLIt4G A 8PECIALTY Artificiel Toeth iesertet i thot Plates, Great Reduttons in price ou ail Denta Work. Vitaljzed Air, censtantly ln use Pro ducing Painleff Operations. Pertionnar tten tien paid te the regulation of Chilcre's Teaili Ml' ALL WORK WARRENTED L Branch Office, Dr. Rutherford's Otono. T.Mi. BRIMIACOMBE DENTIST. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Iligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE VETERINARY SURGEON, IIOWIYIAilVELLE, . ONT MYING. AND CLEANINO Ladies' anti Ganta'wear et ail kinds, Feati. ors, Glioves, Rihisens, Laces, Curiains, andi axil kinds et falîcy goods Dyed, Cleaned r F'roel Cleaneti. Work positively guaren- t(eet tie beat. No peddling wagon employeti. A reliable agent in every town. BRITISHI AMERICAN DYEINC CO'Y., old Medaliat Dyevs. Moutreal, Toronto, Ottawa anti Quebec. F' Agent lu Bewmanville, -.: 1-g. DOBSON. STATIONER. G.4'ents' Clothing Clleaned, Dyed, Pressed anad ilepaired by TI H8 PEA T Dyar and Ciothes Cleaner. f3cods wDrratid te be as no one will know th'eml irom new wbeu done. C',7;âer Xing and Ontario Streets, %lwmanville I I t ÂAIREMAflKABLE LAKE. It Grews for Veas, Then »ries UP, aul TisaStarts sa Afr4eSh. iNear Koberhrunn, iu Siiesia, is a rea- markahie Lake which scientifle men do net4 yet understand. There 15 aholiow near the1 town centeining about 2,600 acres, and at intervels of, neariy thirtY years is converted loto a Lake. For a short trne thehottom ef the hollow is aimost perfectly dry. Then water hegins to ooze through the his that wall it in, hursts through the bottom ot the hollow, and gradually forms a Lake. At present the hollew is about halt full of water, and the level ef the Lake is stili ris- irîg. In a short lime, however, it is expect- ed te recede again, ai-ddli the course ef the next tvelve years or se the hollow willprob- ably he waterless for a time. No phenomnenon exectly like this is knewn iu any other part of the world. There is semethinig like it, however, in Hungary, where the Lake et Neusiedi has several tinies dried up. During the lest twe years il has lest hall ef its water, and is now net mnuch more than threeflentdeep. ThelI{ungrien Government has decided te take adventage ef this opportunity te drain off the water iute Ohe Raab River. The grouud is nt swanpy, andi il cati he useti et once fer ag- riculturai purposes. "1Afler sufferng for abou vny ie ers fr. isreflcus ,crlonth es- Y=ara trying varices me-= t cures wihot benefit, t at use Ayer's Sarseparitia -d a wonderful cure ivas tise resuit. Fveboules sufficed te restore me te heath-Bonifacia Lepez. 327 E. Commerce st., San Antonio, Texas. Catarrh 'v"ýMy daughter washafflieled fer eearly a year iitis catarrh. The physiciEe beins- enabte to hetp ber, My pster recommendeit Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I teltoweci is advice. Three eienths cf rege-ler treehenent witis Ayrs Sarsaparilla and Ayrs Ptls comptetely restoced Indauhter shelttt.'-Mrs. Loche Rielte. Litted Canada, sWare, Mass. "For- severel vears, 1 was trouble5 wtls iefltamatory rhematîsm, biegsas baS et tines as te 'De eîtirly beiess. For the test awo e yars, whesever 1 fait the effecs et the disease, I tes-an te take Ayers Sansepenilta. anS have nec baS a spot1 for a long time- E. T. Hansstrees-h, Eltk Run. Va. , For ail blood diSeases, the bout remedy l8 I'repared liv Dr. J.C. Ayer &Ce. Lowett Mess. Sold by atl Drugs-îsts, Price $x ; six tetties, $5. Cures others, wili cure you "MA1DRE E HIJO" (MIOTHER AN» SON) PICKED IN THE FOLLOWING. 5hZBES- LONGFELLOWS PERFECTOS LANSDOWNE RIEINA VICTORIIA PINS .Aii et exceptio nelly flue quelity. of diffarent atrermgtis. 1To suit all taates. Lillions SoId Annually. si M~IS & SONS, MON1R[AL Messrs. 1HONEX & McedURTRY have prirchameti the Oouns-y cf Durhsam for tise besi Wire Fonce iu thia Oountry. It i% treniz, eniiy handieti anti ornemental. It wili net ho iujuresd by anow, heat, citId or winds. IIm will tmm Herses, Cattie, Sheep, legs8, Dogsandît Pouitry. It is a met work wtheut barbs, andti wll net in- jure stock le any way. It te mucis streng or andi more durable than any havis feno- ing, belng cloeaey weven. Fonce put up andi Farm anti Townsip rights for sale. Appiy et CscNvTR& LiTE Ry, Bowrnanvîlle. W. P. RICII, Clarke P. O., having bought Clarke Towehip, preparedti t put up tende. SAFE ~1 THE GREAT EBLOOD zPUR IFIJE R CURES AU.. Taints 'of the Blood. : +I CEIR TAI1N EALTI. 1 t The Hygienio Treatment of Piles, ti An Englisis physiciau giveasemain practi- w ai suggestions on tise rationel treatmant et d bhat very cem.non tilsortier, hemorisoitis or d ies, as teliowa;g Once it is, estaisiet ta a patient bas gI piles vary mucis may ha doue te give relief witisout eperethon' in a considerahia preper-m tion et cases huinmeuy, te affect a cure. )iat anti axercise are et firsi importance. Stimulants sisoulti ha avoidati-tse more completeiy tise beiter-anti fruit eaten free- ti y. Brown or wisola meal breati assista f action et tise iowalis me patients, iviile t tisera are ralievati by oatmeai porr tge ai breaatst with or wvihout molasses. If tise bowala continua obsiata, a dote et enaetof tha natuvai apanient waters, or a teaspeoon- nil et casier où, or two teaspoontuls etgf - cannn ay he teken in tise mornieg early ; - tha saieacutimay ha gaineti byea wine-glass- ir fuh et a mixture couieining tram eue te twe I llrachms et sulpisate et magnesia, two te a tisrea grains et quinine, a fev dropsaoet dilute suiphurie aciti, anti ayrop tD teste.h Some persons are relievad isy driuking a glassful etft olti watev, otisers soeawrme water or warm milkinhoearly morning. i Lisose tailing, an enema et hait a plut et ceiti or tepiti water, with tise addition et a e litile seep or glycerine, mey fulfil tise de-0 sireti objacit promethug easy action. b Merning ablutions, coiti or tepiti, ac- corýding te aciivity et reactien, are very un isetul in brachng tisa syatam, anti ex- citing peristaitia action by reflex atimu- lation. This cileet la encisancati by rnis- bieg or brushing tise loins anti abdomen t w-us roulgis lwels or fiesis Lrushses. Tisa ixercisa, unseparable trom tisese manenvers, f is et great use in overcoming intestinal % torpon. Eacb casa must Se manageti accord- t itg te the constitution anti circumîtances of tise particular patient. As a raie, relief P as propertionata te tise strict ob-er vatice ot hygienie directions anti te tisa amati amaunb of meticina takan-ibat uitile siseulti be nilti, navet tirastie. Tise urne for premeting action efthtiae aowels 1* important ; when practicable, ha- t4 fore tihe morning bath andtihis attendant ' toiei h a gooti tinta. But net many persans 0~ are reatiy fer action se eariy. Wisen tise d piles ave raîhar large, anti have a conaider- ' able tantieucy te protrutie, tisa patient fa a comtforteti by resting lu tise horizontal positton after stool. Semnatlnses h -is weii C te cultuvate tise huabit et relieving tisa u boweia jeat before ratiring te bed ti ai ngis. cý iiold span Iing tisefundament, ummediately 9 atter tiefeaation, la a very useful praotica- the part baiug eftarwardti torougisly.dtieti, by rnoppieug net rubhing, witis a place etf abssorbent tissue, or softturkish toweling, cr of olti linen-net paper. Tise impertect re- f novai et impurities, in tie sanal metiseti of cleansing contincea te urritation, turge- scence, anti ipasra, wbicis in its turc oacemes a provocation te ts'rtiser nervenis anti vas-t culan aercitaion. Te restoeatisa local cir-t culation wltisin pisysiological limite, antid sacrîre sierve resi, aisouldttheis surgeeti's afin, as tise sureet useens et arresting local patisehogical changea, anti restoring sotiuly r iseaiti. In tise avent et pretrusion, ligisi0 continuons pressura witis tisa celtispenget assista raduction, or hazalina rnay ha appliati to tisemucous nmemb~rane if ila h o vry ir- ritable or bIeaýd reaiiy. A very useful paauice, ou completion et tislales tiulaI, us te place a piace et dry absorbent gauza ard cotten tisane iatwaen tisa buttocks, tisa naturel con- traction et wisich ia quita equal te keep- ing tise amail pad in its place ;tis eas- tic pressure is saoti-sing, anti conducea te sbninkage, and tisa parts ara coinfortabie ln proportion as tbey are kapt dry. It le ver-y remarkabito what formidable lookiug piles nsay ho anefteti-nay, cured-by thfe simple measuree, long perseovered in. But wban tise piles are et alti standing, and lloa, or pratrutie mucis, wisan external piles torm a "oidi ring lu wisieistise protruti- iag luer onlesamar api te bacon-te semi- strangniateh, an epenation is tisareadie6i anti meat lasting matisot et relief. Il~euralgia. Of tise many complaints wtticis affect tise nerveus system thislaeawiich is par- ticularlyupleaseut, insomucis tisatithis extremahy painful. Tisis l necraigia, a disease, or botter an afflictiout, te wici wotnen are especiaily hiabla. Th-- ciseaks et e woman ara ordiearily covereti turing inclement wentisar by a veil, antiaise is se regartfiul cf lber complexion taa secannies an utubrahla, or soeaLiing eftatsaisrt, te proteet hersait from 'external influences wbicis migisi aggrevete tisa ravages eftlima. Hoever, lier akin is, as a rula, thinuerthait tuai et a nmac, aven titougi saise may esuow more plumpus ef face ant tsmat, says tise .New York Woniti. Wisile neuraigia may affect a nerva lu eny part etftisa body, for tise tartu meraiy means s paintcti nerva, il seema te have a spaches et tnianisisip for tisa nerves wici taka tiseir course ibrougi tise face preper, tuatislaba- neatis tiesekun balow tae checks anti up over tisacisecks te ta eye, wihh it des nt confer on any otiser set et nervas. Tise pecultar ant isttrasstng symptomi -which acceaîpany neuraigia arc simply thosa et pain-pain et tise e-tst acute cisaracter, antihs sisetiîtg anti incessant.IL is bots localizeti anti geaerel, but affecta luperticu- 1er tise face, anti carrnes witis it an xaxisut- ing anti dapressinghisadacise, itaffectatise >ayes, tic cars andtihie tacts, ant in generel make- lite israia diseases et an infectiens cheractar, or te 1 tisose tiefiuutely known to e hbiactaniel ln thisat origin. Sucis measures canuot be toc 1 tmiliar te heetis et heosoitis. Tise value piaceti upon tisa isolation et hildren atteeketi by dipistieria la ais own by the tact that it was recommendeti that the mtunicipal autherities shoulti establisis sta- tions, or buildings, for the reception ef the wetl cisiltiren of familles affected with tbis disease. Soute ittasures ut velue lu infectious diseases generelly were vecommended. Oit going eut et a sick-room, attendants sisenît hange their outer clothing. Allinexpeusive -taterials coming in contact with tise body tf thse sick person shoulti ha burueti. Fillows, conîtorters and like articles used i the sick-reem shoulibc ha isroughîly beaten n the rot, anti exposed for many censecu- tive heurs te the suulight anti fresis air be- fre further use. T-e fleors and ceilings et the occupieti room ehoulti be wasbed wlth a watery solution et corrosive suhlmate--one part et sulimate te a theusand parts et t'ater. Paperetiwalls shoulti hawiped down t'ith breeti-crusts, whicis tisroughly remove eust anti germi without scatterîng tbem or injuring thse paper. Tise practice, co mmon ln Europe, et holding a glass plate haîween the physicien and bis patient wliila exaanhtîig the threat vas recommîndeti. By this means the etigment et particles et the secreti on ceugis- ed fvem the throat upon tlie face, bearti or tenson efthtie physicien. which might heae source et danger te 'tise latter, or ha convey., ti te othar patients, la aveideti. Slck chiltiren are sometimes over-ted anti iver-stimulateti. Milk, beet juica, mutton brotb, wine wbey, oatmneal anti barley gvuels usually furnish a sufficiantly varieti uenu, cuti are more likely te agree wiîis tha st-omacis than ice cream or wine jeilies. A soft rubiser tube passed through the nese unta the oesophagus, or gullet, anti attaeoiet te a tunnel, tormas a good meioti etoftorced feeding when tisai be'cemes necessary. Empisasis wes laid upon tise necessity et watching closely fer the fini dfuttering et tha puise luntiiphtheria. Snch a fluttaring predicti daugcvous heart-feilure, Oholera. The worlti was never se small as it is te- lay. Means et rapiti transit are bringiug Ill quartera efthtie globe dloser anti doser ogether. Thia result bas ita dangers as Wel as its ativantages. Tisa vacant outt.reak tf choiera ln Enropean Russie, et wluoae leily stivauce we ave matie aware by cahie, wares us tisat we have dmngers te bear frein atee, close international relatietjship. The grave respensihility et keepiug front oUv lanti the dreadeti acourgaet choiera resis ipen the eauitary inspectera et env port ilais, fer it la eniy through a few great gates et commerce tisat we have raon te fear uts introduction. Recent experiences with typhus fever lu tha port ef New York have sisewn tisat thave are wealr points la aur qnersintine de- fences wlîicis shoulti ha remetiet. When once thase bulwarks are passat, tise labor of diaintection ila tereasati a tiseusanti-toit. It îsooid be tisetiuty efthtie airihovitias te prepare beforehanti forerouaegis inspec- tion et ail arrving vesselà anti for complete disinteetion of ail suspecteti treight anti pas- songera. Tise usually aasy-geing Âmevican shouid set allow bis go-Ï nature te modity tise stringency et bis etaritîe sanitary reguha- tiens. Enropean officiais are te be commsinti- sti for tisair increasing vigilance in tisa va- bpco tl y their effortstisaitishe dîseaâe, ayhkpifrom osbtpping ports, wiseace it maglut ha di3iributeti by commerce. The disoase call'edi choievitie, wisich bas lately beau prevaisent in anti about Paris, bas been statobed i wth anxiety by the anthovi- tics, but there la avery reasen te belueve tisat i is len n way cennecteti with tise ganu- ine choiera. Pî'obabiy choiera will neyer again ravage Europe as ht bas doue ln pa4t. RtecanDt scion- tific ijavestigations, whicis have given us a dloser knowiedge et ira nature antiofethtis conditions favorable anti untaveraala teits tieveiopmnent, have contributati pewerfuily te rentier efficacieus the efforts matie te pre- veut its apreati. Universal clesuliness, with gooti water anti gooti drainage, wouiti probabiy banisis choiera front tise enst ; but untier axisting circumstauces, whcu it bas once startati on its traveasis hraquires tisa ineit stringent regulations te chseck its pregress. While Turopean ports are free fren ibis disease, tise Unitedi States cen isardiy ha saiti te ha meneceti ou ber Atlantic ecs". Ncvertheiess. sirtdeuce bitis -us nike prep- arations te guarti both env Pacifie atutiAt- lautic ports against such an insidieus tiseasa hetore the danger froin à becomies immi- nenît. l1ho Uses of Hlonay. A writar inth ie Horticutîovl '1inve ax- jrvesses surprise tisat isny us se seldont accu on tise table ofethtie people cf ibis country. Honey i3 ai once a valuashe redicion andi tond. Foui air, impreper ventilation, sutiden changes ot weather, tise exposure et lungs andti iroat te a damp aimospisere, are tise source et no eud oethrboat brencisial troubles. A froc, regolar anti constant use ef houey ie probahiy tise hast madiclîta for ibroal troubles tisera is. If is a moît wbelesemeE anti economical substitute for butter beiug, -s a mile, haifthtie price et that article. Honey is et more service inouen cooking than most peopie iimagine. Those wvbe in. dualge in a glass et grog and bot water on c nid wintar nigisis, siseult ry tise affects et a apeont ul oet ioey insteati et 0gev. Tise change will surprise thaîn. Honay îuay, indeeti replace sugar as au ingrediettin tise cooking et elmost any article et footi. lu vice puddings fis writer inveviably uses hotiey insteati et sugar . tise flavor la mueS hi hati six legs. Twe ht put eut intu ie air as a balance poe, two it itandi cd tisE wr-b whth, anthie thirti pair it useti in pull- ing itsait up baud ever baud, as salcraý clituisaerope. i came et hast te watch for tise teliow, anti it wes always taitistul, eo tisai1 we sure et et leuit oe attentive anti apprecia ivie heater. Lumbago, Backacîhe, Headache, Toothache, 18-ore Throat, Frost Rites, 8prains, Bruises,_Burno, Etc. Sold by Dreits and Delaers everywhefl nFily Cents a bottie. Directions in il Laugueges. wI CHIARLES A. VOGRLUCe. BRIUlsr, RU g ai Depot: Toronto, Ont, "cMutngo"ý "Kieker" "Gable" ~'nves eIyacknowledged te be superior in every respect te any other brandis in the market. Always reliable. as ha been fully demosatraed by the militons that are eold annually and the increasing dsmand for them, notwith- standing an lncrsed ïcorn- petiticn (À over <hie Bsendred anid TwentypjL'eFa.ctorl s - This fant speaks vsiumes. WVe are net cheap Cigar manufacturera S. DAVIS & SONS Monltreal, Largest a.nd llighest Grade Citge- ManuF'acturers in Canada. PURE, PUREST, STRONCEST, DES8T.. Eudv for use iinv cuantitv. For making BOMA5 softeming Watesr. fli,,inecgng~, and a humdred othdg tiOS. A eu equalBwpounâasal seode. gelad UV MIl re.es a lDr iss Athiete 01ICAR ETTES Are solci on their Merits Everybocly knows they are the best. Everybody Smokes them They have no rivals. Cas' 'Z ta cure tihe rorsicace re Ne, usDebitita'. Lsu Vigor snd B EA NS adilng Mauhocd;Lr areh. bE N 4a""sr-rnt r v es orat- - cesses cf yontls. TV -RemedYa ah teluteta' cures the Most obstitte cases sîben ail other TENTShit a lrbie aiiad even tarelieva. 7ldty drug- gui i$ ppekaga. cr ix fer $5. or sent by nmait on Write for vamphlet. Seid la- Bowmanviile by STOTT & JURYv. Have-you trîed the CIGAR? IRE KY TO'NEALTHU TTnIoeks ail the. coggea aventieg or the Eowels, Kldneys and Liver, Sarylna ca gre.dually without 'weakening the. tys- tem, ail the. Impurities and foui. humera of the. som~tions; at thei. ma tirne Cor- reetiIig &oldity e!t the Stomaeh, euring BUiousneSS, DYsP6psia, EeladMehs4 Dlzzlness, Rem."burn. Constipation, Dryneysf the Skrn*> Drepsy, Dimnmof ! ision, Jaun- die, Salt Rheumû, E rysplas, SrO'ý fula, F utterng of t 0eart,Ner- vounebss, and General Debility ; al these and mrnmy tiier as&mflar CamplIaints yied o t h iauoS f URDOCIK For 8«40ey OUv w nh Hob's Ar the amton EUi. I ý CRE r. . d Colde, therough- HLR L.ITTL.E clean&ilng-the system W E n*hohabituaaieenstIPatio. aolosyte iemdw2rely ed by lealtlng physîrees. or sacte leading CHID E tujitor sent by ii; 25 ets. a vf. P -C .ddr1s 913 Pro, ps, San FramtmceorChusi41TAIO FOR SLE IN IOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY OE A F' I. Hggubothama & Son, Fainily and Dispensing APPLICATIONS TKOROUQHLY REMOVES Havinggot sttledin my Nwitlsho Ln thCEA ELOCKN. net olo r east of M rdSchopsan havi g omplet-. ed my Sprng Stockof-3oots andPShabes of aiarae and sizes, I wi. qts th.alm ol custoersetnd man y Newons o give me a cali and inspeet my fine new stock. -à