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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1892, p. 4

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WIIEN YOU WAKT Ai1 TMrC TO FARMERS! A OSwatd BOWMANVILLE, OCT'R 19, 1892. OUTLIOOK FOR FARMERS. Farmers are complaining in loud ac- cents again this year and not without good cause. In this district, as far as we eau ascertain fromi conversing with a f ew farmers, with whom we have ' met since our return fromn England, the yield of al kinds of grain is terribly disappointing. We hear of spring wheat yields of 5, 7 and 10 bushels per acre on some of the best farins in Darlington; barley 15 to 25 bushels; peas about the saine and oats a light crop. Thon compare the prevail- ing prices for these cereals and who will zay that farmers have no cause of coin- plaint? "But our Conservative readers may ase, At whaà must they complain î At tUe National Polîcy, certainly. Why? Bocause it has roduced the price of barley 15 cents per bushel. EIow 1 In this way. The McKinley Bill was ppssed as, a tit- for-tat to the N. P., and thc Conserva- tive Govrninent introduced the N. P. to benefit the manufacturera whio f urnished Utie meney for their election carpaigns. This is the position in a few w ords., But lias flot the introdjuction cf machinery helpod the farmers ? Yes, they have been largely benefitted by the applicatior of machinery, and cani secure thieir crops ait less expense than former].y. If then the contention of the manufacturers was a just ene, the fariner producin)g more and at less expense, and obtaiing ail his necessities at lower rates, shouid bo really Jtter off than ever; but cvery one kilows tliat that is not the case. Prices of pro- duce have decined aiid the fermer whc lias te accept of this consequence Of freE compétition in disposing of his pi-educe i, 1t allCw eclto avail himsecf cf it in pur. THE EXPORT 'HORSE TRADEý.. NOTES ON THE FAIR. Grain anid seedIs wregood bu)ýtexit amail. iFarmers in W 1est IDurhiam, a few years Ayr-shire cattie were rot represented. MHr. E. B.,Zelid made a very ettrect- ago, were makýing îoney ut f raising WhVy int give a prize for fastest walk- ive display fwatches, jewelr, etc. McKinley Bill suidcniy put a stop te it. i Vhere i? there a more successf ni coun- cf plush trimmned and other furnituire. This trade was chiefiy in heavy herses, a ty exhibLition'than'ours The display cf fiowers though net large ____________ class more easly and safly reised than. Mrs. W. L. Law, Solina, exhibiteil a was beautif ni and w as admired by al cf ket hae benresrte te bt te mr-very pretty home made rag carpet. asthetîc perceptions. roadzters. Since then the Engiish-a- Mr. W. R R. Cawker was awarded 3rd The fancy needlework, in the ladies' de- A W A T T N 7h keshvebe rsre( o btteciesa prize on carniage teain over 15j bauds. partint was vory good but the plain .LU..J. .LJ D JV.N cf herses most u'seful for fartm purposes The poultry this year was net judged 'work was a meagre collection. arc net in demand for the tradeocf the according te the "score crd" we are told.- Mr' Jas Dcymeu had several fine Do- r h rc sa h Mother Country. Ronce Canadien deal- The gate receipts for 1891 were $598- mine rgane and pianos on exhibition. ,17-R. S. Williams & Sou cf Oshawa display- AXAS T ers have got te find other fields of opera- 50; for 1892 ouly $470.98; decreese $17-dc two fine instruments. A W A "y '- iou., Onr local popular boyer,, Mr.52 Stephen Cotton,, who has fer two years pre fo theveprett foa basket slî-e Mr. Gao. Gray cf Clarke se 'ns te be are the styles and quai Mn. orthos. eypon wflal abaset fietthe ouly breeder cf Cotswolds, or cisc ne beeun making mnonthiy shipinentscf Cen- exhibited. fie fl0 tok. ete compote with bis adian saddle and carniage herses te Scot- We nover sew such a snmaîl dispisy ocfin et s hlmttrcvrhceee h t H aT R land, bas now gene te Chicago te buy for agricuitural implemeuts and machinery at di a iews tnetmate lIit nhet e c in DrssGo dsa the ain maketbecusetheexpeseacf his aitbefre.the leading industries in this section? picking up euough herses in Canada bas Deoen cattie have disappeared altogeth- There are 4 or 5 good factories iu the rid- become tee, great, the profits being caten er u h ubisse ehl h i g uin taeln epne.own agamîst all-comners.Te ela oosng.. ae n uptaelln epnss The directors sholîdî offer a prize for Th1eda oo'.Ce a eahneE ba-ve a ti SAKEMA readera, the large mjority suggestions on bow te mekýe the Fair dispiay cf their mnetalic reofing and an- of whem are farmers, will ho intcrested in more interesting and useful. awered many inquiries. The more known about this article, the more demand there o u r M n few figures obtained fromn the Govern- The Society hed a debt lait year of wiîî be for it. o u a t ment reports juat issned. The expert $101; it bas now been reduced te $2927, Teexiicfbtrwsntselgee p t to ha' ea y during the year 1892 was as follows: To ainospite ofrmethecasiil buttehdance. Great Britain, 1,369 lherses vaiued et There were- more exhibitors cf Rol-qi- on somehfo me r. r oco s. ut the - i p r a i n l t i te heUnte Sats,9,61lir-steins then usuel and some cf the animaisnman, Mn. A. C. Allun anmd Mns. M. Burk $214,785; t h ntdSae,921br were very fine apecimens cf this rare carried cf the rad tickets. i e so t a n w j ses valued at $1,094,461; te British West breed.t me so t t n w It would assist the directorate very Iuches, 252 herses, valued at $28,025; te There was an uuusualiy excellent ex- much if a iaw were passed that every y u w n o b , Newfoundland 157 herses, $13,906; te ail hibit cf sheep this year, and the jndges exhibitor receiving a prize should leave other countrios, 24 herses vaiuedl at $2,-ha a difficult contrect te niele the eue dollar for irnembersbip the following ofi u e 850; makiawardsrain sealrafi1istances.-ycar. The plan is adopted by several ag- 850 masnga ran toal f 1,03 hrs The question was frequentiy asked, ric ulturel, societies. es, vaiued at $1,354,027. This is de- Whcre is Mr. Jeffery's bard cf Jerseys? There should bc more farinera among crease as compared with the total expert Mr. J. finda the trouble cf bringing the the poltry exhibitors. Poultry i5 profit- ]J 1 '3,.L .O 5,~ s cf lait ycar, and the trade bas decreaed animals te the-gnouud tee greet.' able when cared for as thoro-bred stock is ETARI.. since 1888. The exporta te Great Britaîn Ilerefords arc apperently on the Up- usually. We kuew e few fermera; who have increased sinco the McKinley Bill grade. Mr. John Oke bad e capital bord are making poultry pey well. It pays Weaegvn and Mesrs. W. Brent. J. Wordcn and beit te keep gcood breeda. eaegvn was ouforccd, but there bas been e g-et W. Coutice were wotby competitors. The total outries numbered 2,061 being expends Twenty I falling off in the experts te the United There werc several uew exhibitors thia herses 152; cettie 110; sbeep 91; swine 46; States. Iu 1892 the report shows drop year, but there are many more farinera poultry 282; implemnents 5; dairy produceGo s witli us, anj of 6,857 herses and $793,434 in value, ,anad ladies cspcciaiy wbo sbould teke 36; grain and seeda 80; fruit 429; veget- Spring, a splendid compered witb 1890, and more than 50 more than a visiting intereat iii the Fair. ables 275; flowers 188; ladies' work 208; Tbe nyu i pecent as compared wtb 1888. The An authenity îays herses cf the high fine arts 57; demestie nmanufactures 102.T be Onytrfr pestepping Racbney type are bccoming Those sîccie, tidy looking Shropshire a Ticket which briný total expert te Great Bitain in 1890 a- more in demaud. Mesrs. Beith's Heck- sheep are a pleesent sizht for lovers sof mounted te only 125 herses, wbile the neya attracted much attention, especially sweet mutton. Tbey are profitable tee ing purchase until year foilowiug ahowed an incroase e! the burdle jumper.1 for the breeder wc are told. Mr. S. AI-dolr rthe 1,097 in number or 1,222 herses valued et By the way why are net herses, cattle ' lin receutly aold 17 laînbs et $10 each te dol lrs ortablte. $5,5.As iill be sean by the returu, sheep and swiue judged alike by the -Mr. Levi Skinner Theme rwo gentle- our lvl als $524.score card principle ? To get judges te men sud Messrs. John Oke, Jas. Leask o -h gosa o this bas been mucre then maintained in do it would ho an unaccomplisheble en- sud A. Tamblyn sbared all the honora stegosa o 1892. The statement o! number and val- deaver we suppose. on this occasion. ne of herses imported into Great Britain The judges this year left smail roin for The Sun-man felt a little grouty et the te ,adte tb shows that the demand there is large sud grumbliig, for there bas beau noue of directors because they did net engage the bein)g both u'sefuil ai rapily rewig, he mpen veue ain eny account. Good judges often differ Band this year,, sud wrote with peculiar- irad soince 887orteraeue hnredhonestiy in opinion, se sorine allowance ly definite indefinitonesa this sentence:___________ 'inreaedsine 887ovr oe undedinuit lwaya1 be madle. "There is notbing te compel a departure pet cent. Were this growinLy demaud for West Durham, truly bas a good lead on freon the old rut neither is there any- * Clydeadale herses, our Canadien fermera apples and pears te judge frein the dis tbing compelinîg the gàneral public te 12 -rl,~rF'>~i-c weuld vcry quickly ho alive te it. play on the tables. The rosy rad apples psy 25 cents each for the privilege of-1--J? LL.~L . l t_________leoked very inviting sud thse lusclous passing threngh a turnaýtile te look et~/ < ~ 1 plates of graye etmres.semething they eau see and hein every o r in a dF r THE .APPLE TRADE. Mr E. C. Benan bas a valuable bord of day in the wee k." Jresta omnethatetoof Mn. J. N. KivelI, the pepular agent for -Ml Jeses ht omaue te ttnio, fthe Singer sowing machine, had several JN O . i Yery large quantitios of apples are ho- spectetors. He la very profuse in prais adim1acie n xiite1u S ng shipped frein this district this yeer, of this increasin.gly popular breed and ne- ___________machines__onexhibitionand i the prevaiinr prices being $1 and $1.50 Porta most favorable resulta in mile and oeeof the fineat dispîsys cf fancy work ___________________ . . butter products. ~doue by the machine that we have overFml eadndWkyStrfe sper barrel for Faîl and Winter vaicties bte rdca seen hiere. The Singer is oeeof the best FiiyUrl ndWel trfo arespectively. No btter apples are growu n i obfn falre rbte ol machines -in the market for sîl classes cf fr5mnh eayoesni~u w try exhibit bas beon seau et any cont y 'Mork in the family. Re hed a skilled new s1ubacribers and 50 cents -for THE in Nerth Amenica than in this part cf the fair lu Canada this year than bere. Joa operater from Kingston, Missal'raser, who STÂnESMAN fer the balance cf this yeai. S yDominion, bence the highest pnices are cf the exhibitons figure satisfactenily in cen eclipse the bout sewing artiste ever The West End Rouoe have just receiv- 8 reaiized by local shippens in the Old prize lust. We bave a very friendlyafn brought bore. The ladies were deiighted ed lu a very choice selection of cloths -Country. Some ides of the extent cf the ity for this departmnent for oine unex- wlth lier work wbich she perforins with and tweeds, overcoatings, etc., which * exprt appie trade enu ho had frein these plained teason. greaet ecase. The Singer won finit aud they are prepared te oeil st bottoin prices. The influence e! the Faîl Fait shouid second pnizesaet Blaciestocie, the only Ladieis who visit eur fair next weeku * figures: ,Total nunîber of bartais shipped be brought tc bear on the pupils cf, the fair in the district wbere pnizes were e- wil mriessene of the- beat sights if they as frein ltkntreal wcek hefore lest was 54,- Puhble Scbooli as weli as on raisons cf big warded. fail te soc the beautif ni stock cf New -469, and the total fer the season waa 106,- beets and pumipkins; say by offeing prizes The Directens met on Saturdey te ad- Goedsat Oouch Johnston & Otyderman's . H' USE. ýe West End House. lities of their goods. [INGS LDress Trimmings. remendous rv(In )les and do iîý,t ,of Our original in a very short is your time, if racket at a very away to every pei'son who Dollars in Cash' for Dry y time 'between now and h ardwood folding Work rst purchase for Cash ask for ag with you at each'succeed- il you ha ve bough twenity you are entitle1 to one of We charge nothing extra will easily see when pricing e is really worth having, and ornamental., .id for ail kinds n Produce. /cMUfRTRY. Ielhlng )ut mmzmËý

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