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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1892, p. 4

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K Jit hein' se tliick, which pulled me up for eMy own--for my professional reputetinnu s FORETOLD IN -A DRBAM. I moment. 1 heard the fightiug pretty close concurned in gettinig yen off. And I s-ay- B i uKDI1 AIX L I et htnd, and just as I started forwards I once more emphatically, that your mosi SÎuglllar ocessrrenf (- i lcon etien Wllb huard the pistai go off, and recogniised tIrs expedient course et the trial wil bu the Rîsîph ItlRelee's De.sils. prisener." close adherence te thet reticeuce you yen .r-. r ftoepyhooia ytr tainly was in bis tcne as hoe aaid, IlVery "How did yen receguiac the prisoner?1" seif suggested. Naturally the person ~ Oec hs ncooia ytru CIIAP1'F~R XILgood," and preceedad te write a fuw words. a ked Mr. Beeton. quesition is in very terribe anxiety concern- whicli oc, s'al cret hesraet CRUMITTitI). "New, William Smithi, hew Io yen pro. "-Pertly by the flash ci his piste',,and ing your fate, My hands wîll Ira strength. bother meu's minis nccurrud iu ceunectiou I ws etles urri-dtb he rb ofose te cluar yourself ou the other ceunit ? partly by tnrniing my lectuere on hlm." eued cousidarably if 1Iecu couvey t'3 t his W"ith the deetu of yoting RalpI Bhackley, the passengurýi by tIre charge ruade agimlt 1; }y telliîrg tire Simple trutlb," said 1. "Row fer was hae from yen eit the time ?",persan a decision ou yonr part ah o ln mkylied by au ulectrie car in Toronute, me. 1 thic,it i ed them lu a mcuirm-îrad J "Then ont with it, and let me her the "About as fer as 1 am frein you now, obviate a rsb outhurst at the trial on"thu afew ays ago. Ou Friday iight of the exclama unrot astorishment. Thre icjrs wbele stery," seid hae, turuing round f ull te sir." part tsf tIret persan." week prex ions ta Italpb Bleckey's deeth, ri-ale,],I mruetae xp2cî apprehrensien the littluahaelf, andbeudiiigevaer hie lottiug "That le about threenyards." "Will slie bu there," I gesped. Walter Hampden vs inluBLicher Boer- for ie n cerruad wiili thre htrglars lu pcd, peu iu hand. Ioue't sweer te it." 1I fear notling wilIikuep tbat person in g's bouse on King streat west, Ranilîo'i. tiseir rttumpt tupue tIrhelieuse ; but it ied I told hlm simply bow I bhid fonind u Tthhuhso orbaif botu ba w he ola utiret ursonThreawurea thrae r four othars presentt bu- nAvereniearcd in.y mi iid tîtat tierer serions roeuleddar, how 1 lied beau overtakan by yards." epu un. aides Mrs. Bowering, and tIre conerusation crime might bu atlrihutud te use. Row the heusabreker, Irow we bcd groped eut "Yes, sir, te the hast. of my blli."II"Tali bar," I seid, " Thet if my life de- tnraied ou tIre subjeet cf drems. Af tur couil I hava cerniittad the corder whicb "a crosthea Meadow and np the hill, aud 1 "IlYet the moment before yen bcd rmn pendad open it, I wonhd net have bier break two or tîtrua instances bad related ef dreame hat1trkei place tari or ffteeu minutas aftar bow we had there huard thea abot w1îiclî my. agaluet a tra, citer turning ou yeur bulle. thet secret. "hvn on re ape eae I rat ct Ir gond ~jcerpenion ettribuitud te Rcoky. Mr. Bau. iiuyu, ewiug te the feg baiug sa tl'ick thet "I wihl telber tuat; yonr lif deeadepeed dream which ieha bd the pravieus night TU,- esuithar the timu icr the place ton liteuad ettentively, and jettad dowu a 'yen ccuhdn't se it." upon lier keuping the secret, William and wlîiolî bd beau in his mind ail !o(e ,diyslada ermtiyln or two now and thon. There was cIter. "Seuindare told yen ha badl sesu thamac Sumith." that day. Ru8aeid hae dreaimttbaîî Relph e aund urysaîf, aud as ay a perumptery "Otît ye gat !"' came item my otd enacîy acter aveu ln thre man's long, thin er. It witba the bag," said enaeof thea magistratea; And se hie selt dewn as before, and want lcevbdeakied yatrlycr tIse cemitable et Richmîond P iii 1 stepperi ed like bis ea~brow, end iu ils diverse "bcd tIra prîsoer got tlise hag whan you ou with bis interminable questioniug; but aed whlle bis listenets gatbured &round lie out cnriate plrtfornThae fficurs ou twitching 1 fancied thare wcs expression of scw hi'n ?"for soer'-e ime 1 conld Iet fix my ideaà upon gv ît ecito ftr aa os eac1î side, with e ligib grip on my arma, sstonisbmient, deubt, aud satisiactiun. Jenuingspeused a moment, and then, witb thet subjeot, fer thcnking cf îy idear Rubis dent, Ru desctihed it very minnîely and plîsLud a parea u g theg Iacrewd cf pot- WIren 1 cameua thte eîd, he tuned roud the anîllu of self gratificatiou whicb a ma han'bersiirricg aîd lber loe. Ner couidfIecb cran who heaid the 8tar3 of bis 'dreamr teandsi1id It tawbe bcd mc n p te seau wlat with e jerk, lookud mu streigbt lu tIra face,, bas iin evoidiug a pitisl i cross-uxamina- tbink of -iuythiig elsea wleulhe lied gee that night bett tIre wboe story most pain- m'as tIre uatter, acd burried me eff teatisa and said- tiers,Ire replied-- cnd that night 1 eîept as swaaîly on my ui eahe emd ytupbose n adaetstatieii of tha Undergrousnd Rail. I hablieve every word yon'vu scid. Kecp "It was tIre man wbo broke awey firat wooden hued as if al My troubles were sud- conut ef tIre nfortunate lew stndunt's dtathfo Sun lay lest. The accident oc-~ suaj s'tcîs m ci Ir wy Irt uy t tat, and wa'1l gut off' on tIre grever 1 whiolbcd rIre bag ; Pot the prîsýoun." ud. duho thrg I miglît say wenld buttaaen iu avi- charge, aid perhaps-Isaey perhap-on theuIl'IlWîll yen swear that tIre mnenbcdl net "Iepro h as rel neetdcurrad almoat uxacoly m asmîpden bcd dauceaaa:nsrî nia. Thiat was ais unnacus- lasser. But yen mlsat net uxpeot te beco- got tIre bag ?" leyen," said Mr. Beeton threneaxt day, seau it le bis dream ihaw aea eas y caution ;I1bcd îsotîieg te sey - q'îlittad by theamagistraes. If tbaybelieve "Yea, I wihl sweer te thet." "wislses te se you." An Effort of Mamory. It was idurk wben we reachud Ricbmond; yen as I do, tbuy woul net taeaispen them- t,,And yen ivill aweeý tIret yeregnor I could not ruprss a on-y of joy. Oh, if Odfme-W tbcceofht e- nae'teua rwd flockad about as wu alestIe re-sosiility of deciding le yonr tha prisouer eit tbrue yards hy the flash cf I conid oely seueliem once more, ouly lut lber sieYugMuYuwr nae oa marcbaîhquicklyehlon, te streat, soeurnu- fevor. Tliev'll sand yen np for trial"' bis pisailasd tIre light of yonr laîsetu!" seau bow muclîI 1loved lber uow, I should netseahou pngs mar en wam usaga? ee ein ci i fon leru. aml bC Ilm Very w;,11," said i. put lu Mr. Beeten. mnd wba'r sentence was pesaed upenme Cicomtr-L-m-s.I mer- ace~~~~~ ~ asIcneit s ilto h e.Al At tbca umoment tis srgeent cama te say "I will sweer te thea pris er being tIre "But 1 bave begged thatperson to oregoared hlm, I balieva. ac see cam le kn e. Tbey'thegl hic 1 h'te1Imuait bu taken up et once te tse mat11,wbo firedtIse platol." the meeoting. Bettur meut afterwatds then r cTIre fllow wlîo stthlie policemen last I ort. I thougbit My selîiror's eyebrcwa wenld rue the risk of neyer meeting &gain. Whee lit ta wiabed te raduce ln appa inightu !" waa echoal item aida te sida. lunj TIe nnqusry wamade with closed doors. tencb tIre patîng of bis hast, as wth a gen- iMybheart àrcek like s atone lu my breat. suce tIreIreigbt of an ebje-ct, lsontal or tIra police saatien I suas put in a raised dock Tiua enly witnesses prasent were Mr. TreatIc ahake acd as achelIre bent dewn teanske 1"It in most daugerone sud issadviseble. blique linos should Ire employad, and par. au(! a bar closad mu in. TIre inspecter îook e doctor, thre constable, ccd tIre datectiva a nota. Wby 9 Bacante, te obtain e sanction frocn pendicnlat wbee liighit is ruqiu.l tIre constebla'a dapositien, and thon fume- whobead eppralsaudefi me. I wes surprisd toi TIr a xt witness cuemfnad wi Mn'. tIre autherities, we sbould hava te show papun'ing a room with a iow oailinîg this lu-c te ce cskad My name. flnd tIret tIra major wus net there. jTbane. Asked Iiow lia came a nuaffer hie tIret tIre causael justice waa furtherel by Qbould bc rumembered. William Smith," 1 seid, bcpîng tbclmy 1 ecegnnsed Mr. Thane retIrer by sucer Iprisouer te escape, ha expliiuid that Ire hy this nmeating, wbicb conld only ire doue tedl nacre îigbt naver ira discoered, censciorasuesa than by anything alse. In tIre wes suffering fmom s complication of ail- by revealing tIr actsotnu whlch yocsr very Fii r @i erFlnvFyer', "William Scnitîs," seid tIre inspecter as ig and dai-knass bis facturas suera indis, ceenta, and hednotbingou butslip shosand lufe dapenda. Il yen respect tIre fuiture hep- MRS. Wa-ssueW' o'S 0 NssrSe-irusa as heen bue wrot, I"alies what ?" tingrnlahable ; I lied neyer sean hie face bu-- a dressing gewu, and tIretlIre had Ircnded ce piese of thetu perean, yen mus declinu tIre nsad by millionï of colLer' fer thiîr childrers 1 made ne rupîy. fore. Rebe'sfa fr iined bis babavior over te Major Clavadete look cp in the intetvicw."' whie teotLuesq. Ir' di8Tn'urb8 l a ngIs and "Like tIere est of your femily, ne ad- svbun I waa pleced in Iis cnstody badilad toolbousa, under tIhe oiel ltaS as a mili. It wae a bard eÈrrîggle te egree te tbis, ad roie lpl of yor eutÙ asioTeti uss8iage dres" Ire coetinned. nime te expeot in hlm thre appearance of a tcry matn, anrd s man of physîcel but I was persaded by my goofi solîcitor ta ens e&.ad gIzM abQredou "Me.. Wi"0uw IlNo.,> bulti', lot hullies I have found levamiebly streugtb and 5iger, tIre major wa', bu r forage tIret onu bappiness-pessibly tIr a lst Soot.bleg Sîmnin"for childreà teething. ri wid Then e description of my pursenal appear. îcruel and coevardfly. TIret Ieavy, rud-faced,aa eha iete guard a desperate ruffian'tIret miglit bu offered. Dpn!th.po Iciser.. tfer, led sintsely ance ; cy hight was mesured ; 1 waas unhealtbyloekingcman witb the heavy jew, like mae. i Mr. Be-ton brîghteaefi up oonsidarably saoutit, Îh curai Dcsrrha5 ýc eaIate3 tise d seeanchan sd haned over te tIre werdur. s ensuel mentIr, and shitty, irritable eyes - Where is Major Cleveden? Wby je Ire wIren I lsed made the. sacrifice. 2femah and Bowels, Caire',.Wind, Coltc "De yen waul te cemmunicate with any met acswerad te my preconceplion. As a net home t" ssked oesof the magntratus. 1I wiil give ven my ressenîs aef er thre ssfteuse iGeIms.. edtmnese Initenatries and ouee?" Ire aked, as blad me luto tIre oell. vision of my wile. beuntiful, sweut, and Thre clerC asipiaiuad tIret tIramajor bcd trial, if, Ireppily, rbey do, net coma oun l e s tetand oe&ry te tàe whalesystera "Urs Winalow's Soaia tqyrupsi ur chiîdreat "No. Wbanishah I butried t" jguntle, rose belote nuy uyes, 1 wondered hcw lefS lite Cedar',, wheIre l ad [mcii staying tIre course cf it," saidlire. eetlicag le pléseaut w ne is.tsr', sid tatIse "You'll be toek belote tIre megistrate sIrecould ewehem being te tlinsman. Rap- as aviilot', auwtIt Ire wa net tube foued. I set upen my bieIdajecled, picturing to prescruition u<of o.eaoftheoldurcieand bhult te- iu'csereow." puly se bave two parans, sud the offispring at Iis Londou sddrae. 1 mysaif Iew alire migbit bava tendemed my "ýe psP'Îinu si end e, 4la tIsa littu' TIs ra s., c w e o e n b e d îee e tI e s d ity ha as li Ce 7t Irh e e asu d n lik e t Ie Y es , h l e l t m y a nsee y a terd ay m or - e l sa ve ny p ssad ise by Irn'p resen ce. d r s 2 as e s b t l b a d 6 i Tiiee wa awoodn bdetad a th enr"Y m*e«% mueA',wrld. Be aure ai of the whî e-washed vauît. Istdw uotliar as the delicaiue bloseom of the tee rose rigemy"srdM'jI-a I bnri Tr poe"înaagettirtg e great esC for " Mies.W 1 BL 5'eSOOT ING Ue-en it, and set mysel te îhink ont how I slsouldr te tIre briar on which il la grallad. As ireî riglît te etate that 1 vas exoeadiugly an- show of wii ases, but tbay cen, do ns ne defaud mysai vitheunt casting suspicions on 1caugtsight oh mueIrenoddad- isaheed tierce- noyadby bue vaut of proper cae in guerd. harmn,"lIre said. IlAmoeget them e y bave Wlien the Grand Duke Paul of Russia0 My wifuetrimpliceting tIra m:jor,vIre bcd 1y luracogcitiee, and spoke sberply te the ine the prisoer aIrer I bcd confided hIîmget tIre vomers lu whoboliuse yen laergd. travels ha caries Iis bed sith hlmn. Ruis belriended ne. jgeutiemans by whom lha set. te bis cra. I looked upon it ce a breacb ef Yonr old cootbeswili urobabtu bue brought se teil tIret ne erdinarv bied will enabla hlm l "I neyer real-zed thre ilo of a niedicine so n'uicjh i bave in tic last few months, duing rvh h tirce 1 have sufFered intensely froi neumýror.ia fol1owed by bronchitis. After tryng varions remnedies ?- thourt benefit, 1 berin theuse of Ayer's Cherrr Pectoral, and the eFfeci Iras been marvelous a single dose reieving ine cf choking, an. seccur'g a god nltsreit." -T. A Gugbtrae e. Store, Loue Mountain va. Lait Sprinig Iwstae c down witls la gpp.At times 1 vasc umpletelyprostrat- ed, ani so difdicuit sias my breathing that niy breail, sed as if eonfinied iu an ire,. ae.Iprocurai c boutle of Ayer*s Cherry eral, and ne sooncr Lad 1 began takieg it than relie'f follrowed.1 caId 'art believe that the effect would Ire so rapid.'-W. H. Wdianss, CoklsCity, S.Das "Fer enore then tweiity-flve year, I1 w-asj a suffièrer frein iung trouble, atendd witii coughing se severe at tâmes as to caiA. hrrrnorrhage, the porexysrns freqluc-tîy Lcs iog thee or four tours. 1I was i1d.ced ta try Ayer's Cherr-y Pectoral. ,and after taking four botules, was thoeroug5hly cureS. I eau i{olmanui, Clay Centre, n. CherryPectoral Prcaaed by Dr . C. Ayer & Co., Loivel, Mass. SaIsI by ag Druggists. Price *$r; six botties, $ý. P'rompt to actx sure to cure To BeillOur unexcelled Nursery Stock. Steady employment and controi of tesrritory. Havei done bus1nese lenOsada 35 years. Libaral ~iy te thse right mea. SeSd for terme. CHASE BROTIIERS Ce., Oolborne, Ont Notice to Farmers. 1 amn prepsred, ho do ail chopping aS fir- cents PusV baR, 1 haveaiea ont ln new maolt' Inery for grrcndiscg cern and cob wvich 1I w 1 "I lied r.othîing ou but my sippers and e a'fu11cxp a ntion, and Rupply a s'tisfactery covered from thtae erarin caused by the start- TItan, lîeswill von accouîîr for feliDig Ite thbe nagitratas fer csînrain icI o tIre bande et tha peliceu ?" TIre clark pointad Iis pan ut JennuDga te IlI ashah net attempute acoun t fart it. 1I proeed. shall refuse te aussier eny questionîs as t10 '"1h iue a Serlo a btegp that art ýf th býiiiies." irh ence. e îaid Ire had scîn thea mati IYen canuot hope fer- cc4uittai ou tIe i-slth tIre hg. I eaid 1 weuld havie alok -hargeTuf gicy-y-Irtesan." for ii aloi g by the patinge uvile lue gmard- "Wharevar tIse ce3enenamy bu, I1j'd thre gap. 1 lsadn't baun gene aboyeaa il sfty'norbiug suatevet teh£ting te tIre!r cou'ple of miniutes, and I hcrin't gel far evanta nhattîok plaeabafora myucýsapcfrom esuuy, uhien Saunaersiageun sang ot te ive, tIre toolloiet." - ai cd'ttie -sn .e 1 huard c sýu ngh " Thlle~ou flud sîtntin t j'alrng plce. I turned on my Icuterîs, ân It la." crird euýýt I was ceming?'ud 1 tben-gbttlîheru sias a lokco f appr-ov--l ' Yrr uscto biu ssitne iu tIrs cxpanneueof hbu eyebtom sî ; tîleecu-i es, tir, and 1 rets Up aganet e trce,l tIre mrurtlar I tiisil et te-ll yen tan-ttis TIe rogue waastet lorn uthere u-jeyment of statemant mîut cxncate yen entirey 0,Oit Iiaty, fortan anergu'secciase was orgaisud thea charge cifIeiug tIre witlî httrglarous îhy tIre ceus'ables, vIre brougbt hlm 10 bey jutant." near tisa'cce de la L, atiosa nd cenveyedi My ecyes fillad witit tears, and i coîuhd 0ot him as soon aapossible te thte aistt'al station. speak for tisa cuotion tiat ch C,,ed mu, a where ha la bedly îvantatinconnectîon with tiougbt of tha sacrifice my duet wlfasues more sujees iniedecucnonms. prepared te mae for ce. The persen goei4furthur thiiitbaterîn," It jse stiniatud that twenty-five toua cf tocrinued Mr. Beeton, -"andrii M iost cet- g.1ld1aren-tsiead a-amy week throogheut tisa ta on' maka tiiet statement, esîsîcîs yoe. x-wend. pruishv f orl.ld il." Cranas, aforkis, and wiid-geasa fly fait 1' do forbu d il,." I cried, veheuety. renongls to mare trip ferti Nos-tiuri '~QuiSe rigIrI, Wh' m ilti. I ruvealf E tropa te Afuica iu a siacir, but tMoit of hava lothiden jt it yonr intercalsanà ind lesm tuat nertb of ltme Mestrrcneaa. Phosphlates, or any î- o-riaent, EWCILLETT. Toronto. ont. cRcu' nard ausserêlt ,rHs',3alythree aepI.cs~ qtesresi. COOPER'S BTJNJON UR cures Iluuionse, \Vrtq a&e ItL se Swellau Gaîýdp, Thick ecacInd Skie Di3gses ra ly arn'.D'tbdaavd Ask f.1 Coup c-r i crnd 1aeeno ceer. 15 an!d 25oints. Ail Dr. Buitrr laiclne Ce Berockadle. ont bu.t fortunsoely thein' goodam ad"es a n c thley will not ba willIng te de without them. B~ut after llsckha le the 3ane f o r s mi-'ea ýthgt bh la whêre wm malte Our gr - bout'. Our 1 lla cure it vrhilb otJers do noo. Cnmaas Lirr L ivgn is ? Aver7y sall and! very e"srte tkOe r . JUSemalte a dom .TI.ey are strictly gtaland d Ret gripe or pur"e, but by tlheir& elsat 8 an ilWho luse t.haîn. là vwial&"C e î l ?eàr$.Sldeeyhre seel LOIai. il - "No! II as tiol 'cci -- nncî -

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