doI maie My observation from the win a little click bclow. I lookod down, My TEVNEIAI OEI . dIl."soiicitor was tcying With a quili pen. The B E Y N D E CA L , ou.looked ont and saw that ail was comsPosure of his brows, the-absence of ex- ~Ce Drawnv on a -Maes Deer is a - Yes." ~~~~Pression in bis face told me that lie saw rsngoDct. -Published by speciai arrangement from advance sheets of Charnbcrs' Jo urnaT vs. there ivas nothing moe to be CRAPTER IX. had deciaredlooiheoknew it wasreIte ha dbed Thendrossid aouhrsee ofything aod th CHATE IX hd dclredhakne i wa 1wh eri no te 'rdah?" -yhigofte pio-box and tout. bis seat beside 1lce . fie cas Cersîcan who finds it drawn upon bis door MYTRALIL EGN.fiedte isol o n heýeana?" , s al s se no.knows that hae must lok for no quai-ter. lu MY RIA 55B~EUR.flrd td psto. Yes I saw tise prisouer on the veran- 'The evideuce was ail taken, and thon decrees forhiddsng the carrying of arms iu The court was full cf people, yodthelic Soine inhabitauts- of Ham were cslled dai." ýcrandsrcs xeto sofca ymd momnet 1 stcpped into the dock I caught next. They swore to hsving seen twove n, Wlcat distance was he from yot ? speeches were made. I remembîr that my cnease i .strxceto i ffcsly mne oight of my peor wife. Sile was dressed in wholosked 1 ke labourers ont ofwork, hang- " lie wss close to me. I cauld have lafd cusufi dsposi ou ofthein cdenhoscemie Tevnetnihrsep cheerful colrs; I knew she had chosen them ling about the village for seme days provions m ado 1m"eiaise m ecsps po erjy, n calîng fornowhr s s tp I afo ins pieferonce te a more suitable dress with ta the burglsry. Ast.ed in turu if 1 were "IBet you dil net iay yonr baud uo upon thiuytleecl otercu oifndt w ocs h uresc the hope of inspiitiîig me. Yet ber desdlyonue cf the mn, ail answered in tise noga- him ?Posile j tlee coisvcti ofesmail ncoh ndividuai re tak ersnsuphyThelqeslis.o pal fceshwedho ltte er est a'~ ive, and doclarod tlsey bad nover soon me 'No" construction to bocîput on a fow w ords uit- Not oven collateral branches are exempt, accord with this show cf hope. As our eyes beforo. Thon rny laudiady was put in the "Did yena raise an alarm ra rCal attention tered in baste aud oxcitement. Hadth sd women omust take thein chances witb met ber lips partedi I could fancy ehe box. It was difficuit te keep bier to fictat umt ued eesei ir nltc bnahe ynao Rrdep muisn eyos point. Again sud agalu she tricd tae x- "Io major, lie saîd, valuod a mns te s h Iemo.Idervn mois.risic vmuiawran's honor, lie would nover ally complote when the hlo' falis upon the lit nup with a smile, as if she bade me have plain that, althougb she bai threatened te "Tiliat is net what one would bave ex- havuerepateod a 1 brase wbich joopardised boaetifni aud gifted. In 1856 cne Josepb courage-a smile wbich I alonle saw, for round ou me, she wenld not bave como np pected of yon, usajor. May I ask why you the existence of a'fe liw creestuire, anud Antoine iîîjnned s girl named Saiifranchi. every oye was tnrned upen me. agsiîsst me 'if she Iad net been served lot bhlm go ?" mîenarl-J Fis wlfe witll that lifelong mi.ery Tisit7y yesrs pasîci sud the stcry was fer- Sbe sat n,,ar the judg ; lber father wa8 1with s bine paper. Sho dii ber hesi "Because I dii net feel nsyseif calied sdsaewihIe nswsrsibte orn u i e.1,18,tenpe there. Between bime and Robe sat another frme1eligloanbhad ysi t reetbi sap.m me, bi euealied inao sielanbter rm Snfrui, uontered14, A8,thneonpet. lady, five or six yeas oeider than she, dant.- most'ospectsbly-neverswearingncr drink- I"Yeni were sîsffcently interested inhim, moment 15 ne ovtawi er ho ai. ~S tefra irst ocaoune Atin~en r.s et sud far less beautiful, but yet. sufficieîtiy lug like most cabinet-makers ; but I w-as a hewever, ta go dowîs sud s"Ant eam d otuiug l badtwst he major- frem luis bousoa.e. ishotthe tm-aen dcwnlit.a like for eue te sec that nhoy were sisters. 1bit tee prend fer my station, asudireadinlly cf hlm wiinho droppei f srom hte oan "fer thx(enlife cfaisfinn ocent isuthudmajor;s 1 bai nec or efcre seois ber, thougb I bad rpinthei te hofosure.liSheobai ineocetmeantandv-edah ?" heai unc o be see dipoitin uding sud taharvigwe.Sev'ryd aynmsd fre- " Ys ,sîameitil widewbood ef an innocent wýmau Tlsreateued pensons romain shut up for tender wisdom from RoIbe. Rer namne was ;55W it weiouadIl"like what it dees with IIYet were aise snfficieutly necoversi jue-y, who have te joaeige the charaoter and as ail Corsican bouses are, like a fortress. Edith ; asle ad livei ail ber life ln Indis moat poor folks wheu they ca't bear Imager frGm your spsdhy ta change yenrself with actions cf this man iispassionately sud If they wlab te go eut for a moement to witb bier fathen. 1Isawv that ber baud tonds- ne longer." Rtad seen me go eut about nîne the safe-keeping cf the prisonor?" wthtpejdc'brasetefehirushehrboda se Hee'rs cret.lOinethole o n htocok ieothes uc woe, udoaw I Idid change myself- widh tha.t neJonsî- When the juige came te sainsup, lho ut scout goos hefore sud recounoiters. In the shoknw 0r ecrt.Ou Is otersid c me come borne witbont my bat, sud my bility." first soemed te me te taire s veryloîsient sud district cf Sartene bands cf annied mon are my wifo sat the majr-faultless lu iress, clothes al l ns mess cf yallow mond, and "Mr. Thane gave yoîî a ismp, and Yen favorable view cf my case,.fie said that sometimes met witbln tho road. hIt s a cie-an cnt sud upriglt, the very type.of a geloshes eu my feet. teck prisoner indc s touîhense lu the shrub- thse evidence tenicd very sdrongiy te show man en inimiii travelling from eue village gailantsd fcrer, serupulons lu ail thîngs, I1"As if hoebad fallen lun a iteu," suggest. bory ?' bt1wsnti t"wycnetdwt t nte.Tevnet great aud small. Re iooked more auxIeus ed my conuscil. IIYcs.ta a e uaywycînce iht ute.Tovnet between the than whn 1 ha seon ira in he toohouse, II Jes that- it.eAnburgiars lotof brokehemieglMn. hobaue'siiReoMc.inin andR the TanfstheT rescltedlt luintth bt ha wenIlhad iacilm uthsf-oesesona, i. n o as cegoi ow long iid you guard the prîsener bouse. The more fac cf My havig ag death cf oleven poerssud the execution buthosIilmantisei hesof-ososicson the table, sud went eut iu a fla.miug suit. there before ho eacaped si c iîsyaftnthe burgary rovdOf oeeof the principal ciminals. In ibis of a. man cf the wonii-of a gentleman Seon sfter thrat a gentleman called, vety "About twenty minutes." n otinen atioe' e rvas woedl xro nr aetoetr ailstc wbose co siieration for the feelings cf anxieus te seo hlmi or kuow wbere ho migbt Smhusin eepta ouvltivotai. dGtenstlenaserviant w ifeWeiethe roiycse udwaed s e ailiaro otlio's comes hefore self-iuierest Even at'bho fein." positions lu the doolîsouse, etc., ai thon seigbtaand i u thodpoa no-upnea te;ec l uuwsasa that mmentlise fcnnd te say ta1e Asked if she saw the gentleman in court, the coliusel centioueidiiion 1 pnoseited, sholi baud even tohim by gendarmerie, whe bad disgraceful Robe that drew her attention away from se pointai ont the major at once. IINow, major, will yen tel me bow the ber sac ings. The stadoment I bai usade alliance with bandits lu enier te affect their me. Tafuerne ol unher scae udmein-hepnsoner contrivei te escapet' witb regard te fiuding a laider attaclîed to Wben 1 tcrnei my eyes from tbem, I wsatroni nte disgnise, b avîîug Upen this the counsel for tho defence. rose the Wall, do my falling lu the iitcb, t etar ecsom oec leohuits dazei by the numbet of faces turneid owanis rosi the paper bf t by the gentleman, jcmp- quict.îy sud sai- ainknhceîhhusbekr ecm rgnsA i esnsot- sis-th stsnones c eeryhiu. to- Iciat once bte sa cab sud dreve off sharp. "The wituess is nuot compeleidetagive wbo admltted havings beeu lu the neiglu bar- ide their quarrel are nover uiolested hy cgizd lenu eseluth cur cti uy hercecdiuicrssexmiaîouskdauy auswor ibat may inciminate lîlussoîf.boifrtn sy wib isacmîc them. They are merely outlaws. The li enomv, tihe coutable'Jennings, was lu if my clotho»were lu tise condition nnw she If it can ho provod tisat the pisoner cern."fookyfo"tonvas lcorrbirste b heRcein bows cilrie l 18 ( te witness box union examinaticu. Ho saw tbem wbeu I ieft thera beind. mite'mndrsu tsa h esapi y heev IIcecfthso wh orhd onn telir iatedexeRo cticu or asuy ytiersinboaste(thea repeatei the eviience ho bai given at the 'No, ir," she replied. 'I brnsisei 'om culpable negligence cf wiîsness, chsnged withb stii attcbeofte Ib w al, withe ndicaion hosst oeitwe ormnywosudbai t ed examination, and ibai id al bis onuway up deceut, I wili net ieuy." ' - bis safe-keepîng, widnoss isicaionsho lis.ble do prose-nd ce ille until a gentleman in sa gowu sud wig, who " I[ou tbocgbt they mighi get hlm ie cui s aopngccessony te he t rose-onthe clayey edgeofe the iitch beiow tha't saven pensons with bis owu baud. Confident outin asan cce-sor te he urde." s man bai talion there, sud ibis was funthen Of repriove, hoe ccntîîînied ta regard himself ssat noxt tea uy solcitor get up. This trouble, aud yen brusbei îbem, feeling kini- A sharp discussion followei, and thon the corrobe,>rsîei by the tatement cf the womau as-a aoe ntil the day cf bis oxecutîon. was my ceunsel. At firstuslho speke ly dowars ni t?" counsol fer thse prosecution pnoeeeded. with whom I1 lodgei; sud my description When ail hope w-as ne lie saut. in the in a blani sud geniai way, as if ho eutirely "lYes, sir, aud, Ilwith the dendennesaise 'lWe will ws.ive that question, and scp- cf thse man's communication te me waseqtisl- most abject3 t-adeocf wardice whlch lasied agIreei witb everytbiisg. In this way lie bai once befere showu me, "L 'us sorny posiug dbat the pnisoner found ilmoana te getliy borne oui by the resideuts in lans, unt:l thseînd. drew Jenbgs ont, sud got froni him a fuclliss b hlmbre noi." bis bauds froc froin the huicouffs fonndinl who bai noticed ihese mon hsnguug an c explicit siatomont as te tise axamin- 'The siippiug agent testified tanmy dakîng tise tooihonse, anud thon by violon t me-ana boi.-----as---efne e eao aieu cf windows sud doors prier t findiiug a. bonisfor Amorica.-do uuy auxiedy ta . about.ame yocr resisîs.uce-" doaso My boots. gtsaynx1s.,l m obg ea Temajyor urrupîtned im " tee discredit my sicay sa far, but there Monthly Pu'lzes for IBoyu- Gi 4lrls. "Yen, and Sauedei-s weutrounidishe teiegram te secure a barti, anddotaMy use4l no vioenuce wtsatever," h a l hsqusuct ela uaeri.i Thse *"Sunight' Soap Ca. Toronte, offr 'thse bos n aeul xmndalthe Win- inquiries about traies to Liverpool, sddiug, 5. the prîsener fini tise ladier aud get folcwin pizesverY mno tilt funrther notie bous soucarouil oxainedailMy censisol again rose do put bîun upDn over theW-al bejb's Satine'rs wns i/mot te boys and girls uîderl 43î eding in tise iowsanssideors t""<I toli ail ibis do tise ietectic-e Whio came bis guard ; but sileuci-,hiua as hli aitheorsess>WbrgadotievdeccfPOuiecfOtri.w esiieoctS ~o us îîqînesa cunsel for the prosocudonu, ho sast- Bme f Ouigs'wspn;li. $10; luit ']'ben yeutfouni the bonis?" af ion pnisosser lot t. I dcii the detodive I 'Is-have ne wish do evaie the censequenc-.trosConstafor outig is' there worc tonig $4; 3rd. $3: 4ts. $1; 5 h ta 14,.satHandeone ie ctu Yes, sr II iad sen himgo ino theoutfiter's ver e of wat I hve doc. .1say aain thcnracy. foWdotbeut s dccaapro ithyutendtareeqru tuee toiwao uo lie daduno "Vos, ala enb g b teodite' vro e tIhvoue. Ita sy againsup thehe .cnmititiusg pcrjury, lho mîglisists:e that teas than 12 wrapors. Sand wrappers te pTose îo wter auu uodh infleatyen dosp.The otay." e bs oiiopeisouer usci mie violence irbatex-en; I my- which w-asnit frie, a pa-adox whi, ail "iunlight" Seaqs Ott'Ce. 43 Scot St.iToronto pos tas hee bi eeninracio ?"Tho onflîer siei bis toti ny. self ramoved de aciuifsrous bis wrists" 0 not juer this.u lOis f -ad manti, and nirked "No, ir. "The servants dischsrged by Mr. Tban, "or aircmandarspc,"sjiccii uîuderatauud wiso have obsered lhow Competitiol,; îl8a gi-e futi nanas, addrosa. "'Othorwbse yen wouii net bave with- union examinatonu, scoruifully ieclareidte counisel, witb ua note cf triumph. "And ad r engy usscon'ptonviTie os irere bin as- age, sud3nubler cf iwrauspe'ron Witr drawu sud waited the heat part oftdhnee dhey kne*w uothîug about me, sud badI ~expoct yon with aequsai caudor de stade wuuy si8e hi ocpin.Temotdnîigaais i apuiaa ulhi1oof ci her o hurgiars dc appear t" nover beforo seen me. Tise moat pert, a yen libhertad hin." eviience againat tise prionuer iras undoubi- on firsi Saturdv bun oaci mentis. heursir l retyhdise ad,11o o hik1eiiy tisaireluctaniity giveu by Major Clevo- Tise aldresa et sny persan lu St. Petons- "Qeutosa. Tisere were ne ligisson tise p"i Iueaisl,"D e hlkI~ liheratedei hm because I knew him do ionhaon perisapa ho shouli witissgrbater jus-denrgrcan ha procnrei in a few hours forua grouni fioor-only tise nigtilgisburning afewo a ho enkein opu wt nbbegiteacfts rmefribci ola ico aay tibeowonis oui cf the prisonor 's postagesdamp. Tise police ten have b!auks a felloeronn h iatlor" I was galtha t" h iprsioth beeu takens inocctstedy." ewu mouth whici tise galiauusoficer b-ad fer tubs purpose db-at are te ho filici ont sud "Tiere was a light lu tise servants' room made, for boir couli Robe bc aspeciei lse wss gtiiltleas." I htrao a o apeun htvr rpr eetdi i vdne otd on tise second floor." cf being the wif e of a mau irîs e ven a 1"j1irnewtdbat ho bai corne teate sonse The jury must rtaallse tisaibote iras s.min The Head Surzeon "Yenswon d îb'us ' srvat aîsrni d reard-asa sieotseai ttue iei bi wie."sudiemsly set at libertsy, witb the fixei sud "Yes, swear t thit. a es sud vant swornedschrgard,"as ali mycouel --, "Yen isuwisa iseif rs nlua desporade dedermnlationdo m-aire the unoat 0f tise ubon Medical Company is noi nie knew there was sornouhing ep Whou re " becanse youn master beiieved .thiyen cf Mr. Thane's iunseîî V' cf irti shneldaFisfo d lmrifm e edingtsu teeTnondo, Cana, sud laythoron-i seau dbat," . Co u t" I"IlYe." ebed II usucfrmts erin nidcbr upru rb atro i Noir, suien yen capinned dise prisousor, "Mn. Thane boelidtisat ail ton "Rai yen seen pisener proviens tc finul. cohsoquencos cf bis arest-a desite stimu- chronie diseases peculian te m-an. Mou, as e uskepco;u su ut hlm I efy- iaîei by s seuse cf gratitude for the monuy ycnng, cli, or utiddle-aged, Whis fini thous- tise mais yen hai follouci trous Richmondisnîeenta say 1le or spoko a word 10 bîm. IIdoir?- y 1111 t "fe dsa uoiinini e ipiuateany " Vs."careor, sud by the mispiacci geuaosiiy ou broken down troni exceas or overwerk, "il Ilrcgie li ie oetIgoHynee yesn, et ntei mml e I-d e e a "Wne ?tise partcf the major. Tbey must aslt ieni- resnltîng in m-an y ethte folbowing synip- lan1ieucuisis e." Tisee hmentnset.eapo- enofye, descnl o lbi ie pocitmn "As a pasVI ts irr cto ssselves what culdhacthe nesuit cfa muna etoms:- Mental depression, premlature oid Ntet onbfe " e kepr crbthe poitinaAshals'serthoma ary dî o is wougbt finding hbuusetf auidenly retaken, bset vitality, loas et memory, bai 1"1No, aifr 1wasiposil, eig oiaii te srtsr.s eîu tosdtemciiway trous die censervato-y te tise by the police. Wsedher lundb-ad moment iresms, dimisescf sigbt, palpitation cf tise thicr."fbor uero hes roma re a li bya i-in "Di hosceyenthoe tho ireir bis pistol upon the oficees in a beand, omissions, lookof encrgy, p-abs in tise ,.I,-I No Vue,:os oreîh m ap uden impulse cf self defence or net iras kidneys, headacise, pimples ontise face or su )wlong utc il nase yen tat hreiryonr now everloet.bng theeverandsb, 1a lies-e V'fotîni I [luad ne vosias. I kuseirI bai loftibeyosd the question tbevhadte deai with body, iteising or peeuiiar sensation about tise lîgiion bis face t" suid flie cousel. o iefnt my box dowustairs. I wont down do fedch If they heiieved tiiad ho hai the intention scrotum, wa8tiug et tise erg-ans, iizzineas, "Nota minit." II Yes," thiere is a windoirn h frs-thos. A lighî iras burning lundise hall whaneulequinici tise ioîhonse f et ttng Ispeoka befere tib eyes, twitchsg cf tise "The piaonnr stonî stilîl ai le ise ?ne'" fleor ianding." lamp. Tise liirary was qunito dark. \Vhile off ai al bazar la, thon tise killiîog oethtie muscles, oye lie à sud lseiriore, basistulhss, fia ias torced do il ; I bai hlm by tho Il When yeniront dmin de Miss Tisane'a î w-as it thoro tise pisouer passed,' policeman atterirds, nmalter lu ihat deposits in tà3 urine, bas cf mil poeor, "lar I yenmbi not iylulflndyttistcolïad"ow ope"ne s ite loi lie?" y."way, must te cousiderci as murder ultis edenes ot the scalp and opinie, weaksud t4 Ifouluae bet en a ni matet" My "Tis.pnisunerbisul hae de pashunin ' ?' premeiitsdiou. fiabby muscles, desiro do sloop, falure te ho 'touseavcerbis thbamaisUsisioaM issTeisne wud ado e as tsai pari Cs.nyen tell us the womans saune Again I iras tioen dow as tise jury ne- nesei by sleep, constipation, dulluosa cf ,ounsel stck bis Dhubs into bi waistcoatMiss Ihdeclinenddo de se.h The partiIeîuer baso dose.dTte consîdeî-asfiî1erlverdict.r Ther veirast beere nu e loisg o l voicieodesiresi forfosolitude, poct.etî ani spoke jocoseiy. trosuirnhich hisefel uhen hir as lakei? set au example in the course lue bas taken r 'elWisy, ne, ir, if I haiî'd a heu hlm "Yea ir." h michI sahouli ha base indeoi ta oe tom.'> puy isnoeloefoelyle Iekedinîot. xdaityofdAemper, sunke eyeo snrround be'd a boîte 1, sud I shold'l bave galtishe Thsis concmici tise examinatinu et tisew"lTise pisoer m-ay bave particumar r hr vsn op o n;Ikewta. e li LAStcRLoiyboiî kn chance et seeuuug iim." The Consta.ble lot.- sors-anis. 1 tiin t i ias to judge iriseson forbsrliec.Again I msas loi baciinioitheidock. Tise et,., are ail sympteus f nervons debluidy CIvy-rlsaified mt isessîtasd tie sked irif the deoeuce dii eeî inienî te Cross- "ebv ie ss rmn"jurymen ucro ini lieir places. I noiicei thatîleai teinsaaity and ioatbuuilessecred. e1 vahaery se silsmn.tat iiuey asde ekepi thoir eyea trous me.Tise spring or vital terce having ltira ton isugitter tisaI folloirci bis Observastion. My examine theis fnrbi, wuts a vioc-te fi- A murmur r-au lhroîugb the court; 'out'Il mus c h a twul thig do loot.k u inte sien every funciliana i esequence. conusel waiiei mmiii tise murmue ias pet- ing uhuc-if atiy-waa acqnainted wiih giausce a.î my solicior shoired thai lie dii face cf a usait ubeuus by a wsond yen lias-o Tsose irise crongh abuse comiittedinb teciiy luushed. Me. net ahare tisis sentiment et approval. sont doatise gallows. ignorance musy ho pormanently curai. Sand I suppose thse fog wis about as tîsickIl"No, my lbrd," si1 mny cotnusci, risimsg ; I'Te pnisouer and bis ut e dii netsc 50 Tin ludeai silence the fonemeu cf te your aidreîs for book onail iseases peculiar in lise spiuîy as you founIid ou tisetaire?'"Iltise prisouer ompbanically doclines te say yen as tisey passoi ibreugis lIe Ial >" uywsakdi hy Loalareadýt mn ok etfe eld Vasr Isanything who say miscaeoro prl, l.,,haa coico thai searcelynresclu. fleuri, tise symptoms cf uhicis are "Vert say yen rne about tltnee yards lu Mn. Tltane's householi althluogsil h as "fai yu en ospriioner proviens te tisai dm tandCr htte ogareý an plo upeipnm7s 1.t ne nl tise prisonon mihen lie sscI Sautuderst" been atrnugly represeîsîeid o Ihlmthatliehoeceasi-sumo y taîe etVIa. hyier god.t.e poIp l is ubeI, Palpit AbDhu iai, sir. ma yta en la hmeffo h IN e csas queîtioned agaiîu, and ssii tisat on dtieu, skip bonds, liedtfusises, rush (;t blond chng e hin i tseisus i-Iisbugirnna "issI o flionkmirleirsbr ciharge cf bunglsny iboy founn me"- Nettanetise beai, dull pain lutise hoart uits bonda di o f tise pisiol t" sini." haai"Gu ."Oms Ibis theroairas-a quîiclu uur- atrong,npdsdieglatescodsot " Andthe ligist et r n auere. I"-There mas a mutiner cf appîsuse, mnicis I did nontknout' il cutil se canme 'n tail mur belestei deiawynnsio ncfrw tqiii ss iefrtpi -butts " You don'îthint. yeuscoli have ideît- disejiudge deprecaîci wiîuî squiet. mos-o- iceilueusse sud toli me." aleeirahest uw hal verdict breasaibboue, oe., can positis-eiy hocûrod. i sisiiironuh îiue teet etblt. kfeg hy meut cf bis itands, soid it oeurt tison rose "Nom, major, the day asuer this affair fthey avepon tbegas-oracesai. Thton tish ue , use psy.4 Mendfor ell . A ieseo lise flas efthte ptalune 1' for luch. Up do this p(int ail 1usd gene in yen altoireu yourss4 partmcuuiariy auxiouis charetuoan aukeragain, an malI liaI eus tis ot. BN 4Msinî,A-un, "No, sir." mmy tas-en. Tisere w-as celer in flebe's face te conmuiicate ulitiste pnisener, saii the cag imne hytsn e"n y"ntOt Tuio flashouthlie pistol occurned pnoty noir. Rer eyes flasissi encouragement as i resuit et yonr comiimnnicadiont usa dîts lie gai n a i'i hmcfou;btadherei excia ptmo ____________________ us n _ft ' tise report thal directed your glauscod ton-ariabier. As 1 passoî osît Of - tac nistengit the court; isul as tue-)jusige put a - en iiun do the spot, I supposet" tecourt 1 be-ri one banm'ster say toet n- liaad one M. A aisosrn tienotpnueIoubdt iet a iucigst1i an- sud eue etr.MII 't luaue'i servantsylaCtint concistfront umo'tgat tîtespeclaiens. Awmrn ahs lus-ndind, sir " oîsen "Netgnity. Cut cos-iconustiat a tnrtibio atait as doas.ccound tfor yoli' cx- ltaine o. At irat 1 tiongisi dîe y aicon Nea'(insnes"voii, wiuî osu mo-r yo cc'desue."cessîve solicilcie it preveîîliug ils duscos-- fremis Robe, butwiisn I turnodinmeysihî lîah ntyonr bandi euttise collar o eis-tl nyynso m ldsyonoute s dr î îî d b cnet s; the moment ie fired at Sauniers?" h IeIe esnl fa ia îs wyausr îgci a oa ose "i maset ninet fartht isa-sindlier banda -lsspei in ber la.p 1 a iefoot off, sir.I CHAPTER X. preoousitua Lusolvs-c ouetiig more tissu The juige irainoîl until tîsere usaperfect "lTisn on leu-as ift nb-t yoîssacs- Unt Ms-TRIAL 55 E'îDED. t iisicoveryt' silensce, sud thoen, oeking atnime, hegali te ucbos en i dlias juat cou taiif yen biai 1Major Cieceden mastite firstuc'iiness cal- "1 liad*I" delil6 c odice. Tise -,omaujus the issul net ieli hitby the celuan ou tise bacs-n yen lonustise neturmi cf the court,.feHe " ai yon netiroason te apprehenidith býro o ut loto hystericai lasîghteî. Tic xi euh ises-os-have got thie chance cf e-ing lpefectiy calun, sud gave bis eciieece ije1tiseara tp-sosnwnicndnu -Jg ace.l ia isatRb, laisi ofStisail t"nl "l'ut net certain, lue diu't say ho luai 'At chat time, mas tlie scuifbe gcing ian cutia '" feu feol et hlm antI hi$ mohor pleadirig for COQ PER'S BIJNION CURE eclane ee e 'c sd bciri heu Up" ubi inth cescecaory" No." mercy for hisi. Anothier son L' senuutg a ('unrss Bîumiiouue4 'V-ts sms Mle Onhot aer"austs mere calibc, w irbo usin No ; Ttat usas ail mus-r. Il us -j itu' " el, ceu'ecios-of thse sigiicacr i h fis torilsiii prisoun. Tn iroby cegu Thici ieekanrSkias13, f ou ieanng he tintbsroue couid qiet lîelocv. ' ulis, yoiu set bshrEî t' nuieve cîth"'Tiseu5daarstc. s-voar disat Jeucînga bai sai i word ml-u Ilow - i ilvoi k'.ua- iistie srs-anistsfriibspaeIcue a- oe ~ ~ ~ - pu1s- . ou'dbedooiei.Aa fit Ail ruyheisgtis muios, is n h -li se hu" ons uakimg w - dli." hlere ignorance i la b itasm - ois- oyto dru s-its. Datwht. as1L 1 ý, t elimonee bov* ws a ies.i silence, (>r brokon hy knvtIhi. s-u are as bol. f5rfiiteildlenn e B. rec&N.IbeOnt That it i-,flot wise to expr& sentjý with cheap compouands purporting to, bc biood-purifiers, but which ha-e no roai medicinal value. 'To make Lise of any other than the old stan- ard AYERVS sarsaparilla-thle S- perior Blood-purifier--is sîitý,p1y te invita lbas of time, snoney and healili. If you are afflicted with 2crofula, Catarrh, Ilheumatism, Dyspepsiei, Ecesna, liunming Sores, Tumors, or any other bloodl disease, ho assuxedl that AÎER'S Saroaparilla, and AYER'S only. AYIER'S Sarsaparilla can al- ways bc depended upon. It does not Vaxy. L is always the sanie ini quahlty, quantity, and effect. L ueroincombination, proporti, Y apparaceand iu ail that goee fto build up the systenï woakened hy diseuse aud pain. It searches out ail impurities lu the, blood and e. pels thoin by the natural channels.5 S aîrsaa ï r.i lia Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co.,Lowe1LMlas, Sold by ail Druggists. P'ries $1; six bott1se, Cures others,wB! zzize yzài To seil our isnexelied Nurzery Stockç. stet.dy- ernployment and oontrol of territorr. Have donc business Inu Caaada 33 years. Libspral pay te the rIght men S'end for ternis. CHASE BROTHIERS Cc., Colborne. Ont. IN ofice to Farmers. I amn prepared to, do. ail chopping at fi ve centa per bag, I have aise put luaonw imachi- inery for grinding corn and cob which 1I"'i grind at the sanie Pries. Yonrs Respeotfally A. S. TOOLEY, Toalev's Mîlis, Darlington- CourtIce. Dec. 1 1891. eu-f. Covenant Mutual Benefit Association. The argeet Oddfelluws Life Insuranc Company in the World. $IO1068 per year. uazuren for $1000- W. E. PETHICK, GET Cali or write hlm for particulars. i FORE CHILDREN AN INFAILLIBLE REMEDY I Supersedes att cher preparaticus fer dte CuIeoe MendtDal Deilil-, Nom-vous prostratisu tos c lutouparaysia, ,omostOi-Ataxi;, aint ut iiciratusuppuresafits anad Irregettumt. Mies, LeuroriSa, Disorders ef Stomaîh, Lgâs of-Ap. lIeuste, J5.mziness, etc. liSsi Pille peasesne purga. ,iv-e pperties, nor n m5hing isuntfut te dte most delicata alyatem. liSey-are the resut e -arsaetcane- lut sts"y sud i.uaysbs, aud used w iti great auoiss ZsgSt iottu ps-niae,,ng disease For ente by Ds'nggists, Soc. per box, on sent pout, pubS tor 50c., cr 6 boxs82.we. Dm-. Btler 5HedtCiis<, Co., Sbec rHe ldcis -m Alled-s l lsietugbtas inci- de~nt te a bitous ast oethtie sywtein, sueS as bizxincos, Stasuise&. Dt5"nesms, Du-croc af ter eaing Putin i te Sida, &c. White their mest remnalui succeasshas iteen Slown in cuning ?leadacsa, Y-t rsisaLsraLsm Pmi saro cquallfralabSle bu Coustîpadton. cdu-ms sud prevoutiegÉlisa nneybeg -enuplabot, wil tlses-alse correct aill isonîleta cf ticstomnacs timulato the lis-or and roguîst tie boee Es-en bf ties- culsý- uei mue suifer freini tis dbstnessiign' sitt bust fortunatols tisait gisodnEs Ses net Onn, haero, anS Ihece, isho once mtryteL) us q 1 fi tthese ltle pilla valluabla bu se meusy us-as-s tht dthes- uil net b- wlillingto dorieitisoul thlsou. But aSter au i, ml si la tisa tans cfsema-ise tthmf-shu- ws nîsice cuir gi-u bssi.0c ila Cure ut whie chit-ersa o u. CaniiR ca LLM res Lusmos PuIs A tosl -,-y-1Aia. a dise. Thoy st-e clu-iis- se thlesdd e gnipe morge'4, bIu t keurgsl stu-tionà,f î ~t-sa cailus-hoiatîtotî. t. luviI î, ccai vo for $1. unleeuswe-,rseis-sat ~aI1i~i~ JDuel ?M 1 à