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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1892, p. 3

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(CUT PLUG.) (P LU G. No other brand of- Ç Tobacco bas ever en= Joyed suehan immense sale and popularity ini the same period as this brand of Cul. PIug and Plug Tobacco, GZdst Cut Tobacco rnanulac- tîirers in Craaa MONI'REv4L. Cnt Pluri, loc. J- lb P'ug, loc. i lb Plug, 20c. M Of(NEYTO LOAN,-O frmaseur ity en umont hvmeble i"s-otae t QiePO Thix 119, or JON ur OiSTEnia DrVIvr, t3eWDamnuk> e~P. 05ly' FLORIOST. OSIA WA, - - . ONTAIO Grosirsa nd dealer iu ChoicesCnt Flowers. Pisete. Roees. Carseaijne, Violets. Smilax aud Vorus. lFruetai DesigeesauJBo rique t trade uP nushrnoctice In re= u8Ir wne Pilois, HosrtIe. 80 Enbes~&-. Pluan tamt"d =fer Doonratlor clsas Palme Foera sLLeI ec . .Tetepirone Conuecuion . -y "-10O RENT.-Fnr Ierm nf yoas's, (lien -J Dite "-300 acres, 2 mites foui Wiitby- gnnd buldlre5esundsoil Admirable 'oret aSoot Tor daiey. Cl ane for going extoesisvelyiy m T aoîS milk buainroqa or touk raislmsg foi lismetrlean marksý. Mon witIr capital muly Aeed eppîr. J. iM. Dow-, Whitbv. 32 If' THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN ESTABLI sHED 1851 $1 Pet anuum tn eduience, theriqrise $L. $1ebenriptioris auwtyî P17'ule &t f' aIsil y 'f k;,etine. Locale, 10 cents pot lino. M. A. JAMES, Puiblishet L' OR SALE OR RENT.-Hoîse arr]1 -1i 1i acres for @ale or $0 s'ont. situate on1 801u9oR vitreet eorth, The premises consist of a Rond boeuse w-ih evsry onuveniouce, ds'lving shed, stable, etc. Tise garden contits a ot ol the cboiieSt fruit of ahi vasieti,-. Immedute, Possenion ose given. For' narlnioniara a wJy 10Wtru sera Bow-unvilble ont. 4 tf sTANDRD BAN[-iýK0 OF CANADA. apital pcld aup, S, OO @tet 5% u 15 This Bank ie pu'epau-od to do Legiti- mate -Bankiug in ail ils btanches. P Farmerîs nIes discounted ; Deposits received sud Interest pair]one acconuts i of $5 aur] upw-ards in Savirgs Bank b Departenut.a, DRAFTS I l anAsd collectiosamarie ineEurope V UU' ted3ateu, sud Canada,. W, J. .,TON£EB+ ONTARIO ]BANKý Bnwimenville Ageucy. JbEPOSIThS Pec TvePd tIn lesyles, teS i>epsstrueont sud ni caOub tte so-datourn' rateF Nc noticeare wiitdraw-al neceeaay. Al deposîrE EXCHA4NGE B nîr1ista nd s ad Itrafttisued upon Esemov Unted States sud Cauada,alao Gold,Sii'neyndu V îmlid tatea Greous baoke tongirt sud aold, COLLECTIONS et ire t sltahr. nuls, United States an'. us1 ln mn OfGacsDbL, Telegraph Transfers Made for berge or csaili cme on ail part ou Canada. This le especiably adv act geomm te poteonceliving lunlMailnba or uhe lNthitwest Irmakos te fonds avalnbioe t once aItirhe plaýce of paymnt. )threr particuirnrs calut tire haut. .L.FORTT, (RO. 3ucGILL, Alccointant. Manager. ORONO, - OrT. Uisby negpr or ueeeone reoeuve im THECOK'S'EST RIEN L GETSALE P4 CANADA. AGRIOULTURÂL. "lu Some Way orOte. Iria, richelv bouse, 'mmid cgardofnIweeJs Tiiret ouri',ied unimderer] te .,cattet tii seed., Where the obiw-ebs excîrder tire sw-eet iigirt usoru. A woîn' sL 'idiy, in garmerils forluu'c Sire lonrlred antirhe ho'e',lu tire rar osten finor, Andi the rags, not tnon dean rhar, lier litle or wnre:, Tirer smnotircdlber taraw-napper sud peac fusliy? ied; "In cone way or c'tier tiro Lord w-ili provir] lier irrebaur st ont iry tire do-st in thre ehai] Wlth beet on his chair ireek content erlly laid Whiie tise bniars sud weedr dîr] iiss eedo% adorn, AuJ tire grass luniris fildsw-as ontstrjppiug t 0f touts (in bris brosrte, there ente w-asi lackt But ie cimy irerved, w-ber biese lacIs descrihed : 'Iu coru--way et other rthe Lard xvii provide "Iu some way or mIrer," il may ire, but sue The loyrd, nhtirough patieur aur] love btcsttui Car soarce ir eoxpeetedti 1 stait-feu-d tire mai 'Who iras rertirhe gumîstin W do witat cand, Antd scatter is bouint les on every bard, Hie doesu't put ireanu ready meade ou t, ButI even a ohnleken must scratch for irimsetf Antd I thmnirH i lfer better pleeser with t f irs Wiro teekie lifo brevely aud dlseer it wi jokes, Wlro ru',ttcs e-le an u te jousruey along. Aun flil rp tire cinks w-rtl a lauigi aud sorg, Tirrran-nào ,ew-bnso colemnly sit tiremiselv dow-c, lu idlcucS wsiling a robe aur]an 0mw-r, Andtiolu',ly client, as tirey dm1f1 down w-tirt] Inu soure wey or otirer tire Lord wuili proviti -[IMortimer C. Brow'n, le Gond 1Ilousekeepir Tire Silo. An excellent bulletinron tiresilo andr]cce ensilage, by Mr. C. C. James, tie Depui Merister ni Agriculture, lisas been issued 1 tire Deparîmenit ni Agriculture. Tire val' ni tire bulletin us especialiy eulrauoed lut mucirs itl ires been comprieti frein.repli receiver] freim over lorry corresporden w-bn have bar] exporierue ni itosuone1 eheveu years igrnw-iag cern arr] lu ma-hjr sud feer]ing ensilage anrt rine w-bn iaý meale gond, swrel oensilatge speelu merc hi 1 ly nfits value. Thes fnllowingg usellcicL usatien us given s o building a entoe: Tire Siio.-Witir a few exceptionis Il silna ni Ontario bave ireen builtir e ce nets nI tiehemr, sometimes utiliziug lb rn-s)t collera lu tire besemnt s tire bmw pfart. Tire silo abuuld ire frour. 16 to 25 f j igir, aud sisouir] irebut to wilistar ononuous pressure. Tire main foatunres( tried silos wiricir irve brio rit lu orulirar farur berne are as fohlows,: Ipore e eebstai liai stone lorndatinrrie laid silîs 10k] inchr, flrmiy imirender] lu tire inrationc seeured to il by itou rode flrrny belte dow-r. Tire alîds amuir] bre2x10 inch, sE 12 luches spart, mortiser] luto aille. Leav tire tw-n atude 18 luches spart irbere doni are toire pleced. Secîre tire pistes as ralfters firmly, se tiraItitre ewill bh oun( cer-sily for mr rode to, prevent or overeon spreading. Board tep the nulside with or layer ni inchrbumbon, btetniug tbe joint, Ou lire inside firet place a bayer i inchi lumbet, pine or hou ocir whic neor] nI ire planer]; nuier tiret onE or hetter, 1w-n layers ni larred paper;ov tire terrer] pape, a layer' ni dresser] mei bumîser ruunicog up sud dowu, whlci shoul, ie , ongued sud ronver] or jointed JIn ce corneras siuldie fitter] board wilb bevelledi edges, lire epace lie bird pecirer]w-ir saaw-duat or groon Ovrthtie entire sirootir sud perleeti, air.tigict surface niflire imeerior tirs obrainer] apply one or 1w-n enats of liusee( nil or niflent coal ter aud rosis(one galloi coal Ianrou iree pouede rosier). The floc îray ire made n o eniofîarei-packed els' w-dl draineni, sud sionir] ho made level ori litho bhigirer in tire centre. Upon the fieej spreer] a litle cnt elraw belote pntteng i cern. No rnrrgi sne asould hloiet ex posed, but auy fouindalion abeve tire fine ehouîr]se irecovered ith isheetimig. Tir w-elle sirl b oî]ehf t bollow. Tire doorw-a' je made iry enbriug dowu frour plate 10 ail. benween lire1w-n suds, leit eigbneen inciro apert, ireuging cloee-flntiug doore on ti ouIcide to chose thie npening, escir dont be. .ng about fourfeet long. As lise silo le filler flic jurer w-ahi jeis rded up tigit, tire don: cinser], sud tire spsce iretweeu filler]w-îti eruivduet. Il tire doors ion tersniug enisil- age are nIt cnveuiertly placer] for fifiîeg, a semail dont w-illire neessary, sitiiated necordiug to roniiremeube. Vererilane eiriren by moior gable. Iftlie silo je more tires sixteen feet lonig, it is edvislee o clividi by reruovabie pleur partitin. Tire tw mast important points t ire observer] ir cnstructton are un bave il vety cnnoug sud p'rfecthy airtigit. Cnet suad Capacily ni Silo-Oc)je Ion ni mîrilage w-nll 611l about flfsy cubie beer. Ther est ni silo depeuda upon somsuy circeum rtances tht it lmigirt ire dvisebie te give s ew exemples: leet. tous ix415x27 Separate, brick, fouît moouss 450 $1001o Mows of bira ....- -17. utG Sopatat" build'g, xvoodcrr . 225 2601 12xl'2x20 Rbot ibouse fixcfi Over ......75 40 7xlx2 Bey onIbirntri ...............l1i) 75 16xl2x2l Agiinst brn............ es 8 In c2 u orner nf barri...... Su)8a 4 1xiilf l Iteri herse....... 10 s50 ixxln lany of barnr....... 100 10 'liow Shah 1We Ma ire Tire 'arm Fay? 13v w-es. i. Loir-Cut. This depeur]e entumehy upen kIruow-iedge sud agricubrural training. Tirere len o c- cupation requiriug moto varier] informastin, a sounder judgmeul sud more common ceuse ttan crltivatng tire soil sud taisuug stocir. Ie tis sayeog ton mmci ? t se s strong slalomeur but true. Tire cehebraler] Sully sair]Il tiret agriculture la lire breast frour w-hicir bhe nation derries ira support sud nouriairmeut." But it is alan, an art as "tire disposition or mndificationn nf e biug iy bumer siril o anie-ethtie purpoce inreur]- or." Arts r]iperding opon lise shilh ni the banda are calier] oseful, sometimes tredes, obirrs lirerel or fine. f Now, lb je plein tiret au art hecomes moto diffi cuît je practice as ire ules, arndtire c oni goncies micir mndily ther, irecorus more numernue. Estimater acecntding 10 t iis s teuderd, agriculture tairos more suir- jocta ofirnow-iodge arr] envers s wider fildîr in co euone tiratry otirer art or profession. Tire p byaiohogy sud petirolngy nIf'aue ile; law-e of berodily ; ofl'cts ni ernssung on bree Ie ; tire laire ni plant 11e, aud tire lu- flue-le nificenu, ligirl and .moienureo nuthejr row-lb ; tire beat measr for preetv lng 'u"ts aud grains ansme degreo ni sui in meebanier, sa aquairtîsuco w-hhe clairs 9F nteebanieur, arr cqesintance witi tire awe nf maciry. le titis 100 brnad ? It rit uheespet acre w-il cnet tlirrty cents petrle.uae feiaiy brnaiel, sud ixry busheesw-li Cnet DsorgdHsiaiy but Iwonty cents pet bushel. Von muey . Dr'umme.-May Iniferyonna littîtsgenre tinir my ertimete ni twelve dollars per acre une eld Bourbon? incorrect, but taire euy otirramnunt you Respectable Party.-No, sir, you mnay b lase, aud it wiii nov change tire principle. rot. Whisky le e ourse. otire sureat w-sy onc mary farine to Drunumer (apnogetically) - I admit douibe tise yield pet acresu ans reduce tire whisiy--- cnet pet busirel, 'e-oir] ie 10 reduce tire Reepectable Party-I've nt 4ocbt you acres onder culivation nue-half. adms'it. Tire trouble nfitIlal you admit ten A careîni stndy nftýi ueubjectof farur mer. mitei whisky. Chlidren Cry fcZý PixcherYs Castorlaà can be reaclied in soine degree by every agemeut shows thatIbrains or the farm coint fariner. for more than muscle, and that eurocess de- Good papers and books, agricultural pends more cri a systematic plan, wisely litereture, will always be sought and read chosen and faithfully executed, than on by farmers who keep abreast of the timtes. physicai labour. ,.The less educationutire members of tire fani- ily possess, the poorer and cbeaper wiIl be Twenty Thotteaid Pocket-Kuives. nIthe pepers and bookrs which they read. Tire inan who thinks the most and thre deepest It je alwea's difficult work for a boy te njoys the mruet. Jr je truc tiret we now select n new poctret-kuife. Thre trouble is there are sn mauy gondonues to select fromt ies flud imeuy ignorant men whn make nmoney Mr wj a rw nauigcnrs and a gond living ona fti, but rhey onweMareTwin as y's new uif wie et rut £-rnhof tis biiity t educeted men wirn tenaby' e nf hiei si h e. " have improved iniplements of all kiuds, store and af ter lire ha taken it borne. Whilc l.modes oi cul iviteen and management of in the store, beside dozens of other glîttor. crfi ade.pniedbedigo dmsin ig knives, it loke cheap and common. ,sanimale. Those men take what they have place; but ab horus, wbere it has al the fleld t"earned n right to. Il Thcy lookr over the ne itseli, il look8 e shiantisomle and valuabîr fence aud receive information witirout tirat it miaies thre boy grin f to ear. no roneyand ithot prce. ortie nitire large entiers lu New York un mney ud wtirnt Prce."keep 20,000 pociret-knives cousterttly in bs Where agriculture tirrives, there we al- stock. Thinir ni eelecting one kmue out ol ways find a prosperous p mpie. Itjaiways bas 20,O00 lyiug eining in thre cases! There ar iro been su aud doubtiess it will ever be. Il Be about 1500 dillereut kmode ni pocher-knive. e.sure you are rigirt and then gu eiread," lu use iu this country, and eithor three or sirouid ho tbe watehword ni every rman wlio four sizes nf each klm]; se wiren the cutier e wnuld farm successfuily. Thre largest hall irnys several ni eaeh aize nf every kind, hi ie, ni tire profit ni iarming lal-or, and mucirOfnibas 20.000 huives for tire cuavorner te select ' its reai pleasure, muet corne out ni tire vig- frotou' hoorous exercise nf the worker's brain ofiwich Styles lu pocket-kiuives change juet am- ire skilied inreosr. j pretty much tire master- surely, tbougli ont quite as Ofteu, as style, piece. Tiroroughly eduncate tire farmer lui i ats and clothes. The cuatlers eay tiret a the eerly manbood, and lie will ire ioremost lu style seldom iroide ire popularir.y for more every gond work. Gray baire aud tottering tbau two or tirree years. Boys nf tis gen. * footsteps wili flnd Iiii stroug for trutb, aud erationuJo nt khow aurytbiug about the ire stron g in iis C~od. Aud bmw gloriousiy Barlow huile, tiouigi a few years ago neariî would sucb a patriarcîr siik te test. Wirere e'ey boy iu the country hard une. Ask th ire was hotu aud where lie bas lived, tirere yor erre bu t u r iitl o he dies. lu thir idst ni the few c,,rivivors that the Barlow knie w"s one of the boat 1a ni bis early life aud ni the ý.ourir whb ad tools a boy ever carried. It had only one beeu led by bis exam pie 10 tire ighest cul- large blade, but that was aiways miade of os turc,lire fails asleep. Reverentiy t 1e crrzond steel; anJ tire haudie wss about balf hie remasos te tire nsrro-w bouse and mourir boute auJ bal itoir. Le tiret a great and goird mari bas iallen. Suob Tire greart thick knives eoutaiuiug a men there are, flxed witb tbeir descendants, large number of koleues are aiso entireiy ont ou tbe soil. ni fasirion. They were mcoh lu demarrit n. Suppose alarmer çfthe oldentfimie were t loue time; auJ boys auJ men ton, tbongbr corne bacir roeartb. \Vbat would hettiu ni that tire more hiades a knue hW, the hetter the case aud rapidity witir wbich tire couje8 jr was. This led tire entiers te in-rease the now prepared fortire seed ? How astonishi- numrber ni biades as mucir as Possible, aud ined as lie watches tire rapid progres nithre tirere werte rot ouiy eîx-hlcded aud eight. 1 yru ae bears tire quick estrokes oi its keeni iraded, kuives, but somne tb'r.t contaiuied ty hIs.drs and sees the waving gri disappear eiliteen iledes unetro eacba end ni tir iye as if swepr iry surgiug fire. Tire stroke ni baaie. Peuple soon learnen], bnwever. Ctire fia. 1 auJ tire pantirrg ni tire tronz '"an that tire mairy blades weu-e aniy e bother te as hrave cerrsed, but ire heare tire ciatter ni carry, end tiret tire ernaîl tools cnntaiued jn les tire tirresirer, tire buzz ni jts wheels aud cees tire baudie, sncb as screw-Jriver, gjniet, tirte cheaves Jiseppear as if by umagie lu its anJ buttolirhonir, were very pretty to lok teuisatiable tirroat. ti ouscai strawN-cut- at, but were seldom nf auy luse. Many t3 ers chop tire srraw iuto da.nty bits, aud thre biarîed kujves are stili kept lu stock, but ,V IlLittle Giant" eas te recoir togetiier V' fmi'-vp-ol o hm Akjem o b- tecri iebyttsIi'ie iirsn exhibition et tihe lest Perle Exposition by r-sweer.beert and wkWIeel41 Comrir' Tirro' rire tire noter] firur ni Rogers in Englend cou- Rye," wijle tire grecs ilaloft in long wiaîd- teiuedi365 blades and mole, ,lrows. Herses ernsow anud pleuit as w-eh as Tire pocir-r-knives urost uced et present r-reapriand ro. Steam wltirresi tire grai. coutain ouiy 1w-o blades. firey are thin, '13 an sa th woo an doe cuntire bult- but wjder inthire aie tirr tire kuives ,et ter. l laya rtoao n h adei ft. Warit ni succese ru lerming le due te the used ero w gadtr adel id ad ire tre armr oosunIappecatetir fusuaiiy made ni boute, serel, or iý ory, Tire railfac tha th famer oesnetapprciae etal trps et tire ends are very semail, aud ni diguity of bis cellhirg. Lottaus lookret sorte ofiten there are n tipe et ail, nnthîug show- y ni tire corsisderatjons wbjcir eirouid influence ing but tire ivory anJ tire spring et tire il- ris decieron lu tis important marrer: bacir. These kiuves seli irom tweîrry-five 10 1 Experreure and observation have tangirt cents to $100. A big price tiret for a cînal artiat crnp-growing and stock-irreedinig are kie--$ 10: ; but il ls e rt tire ije tirnt u] inseparabie iu tire purcuite of profitable bue- rvrcass îîiol ieiade c et birrdry." First tise fartai must bre suted to $l iufe tireirandile smadeofn goid and 'eii etirs. Marty farmers to-day, tirer] ni1w-o or tbree ismail disucouui are set in it. trt eirciiiug, discouraged lu tirrir efforts te Nohody beys sncb irivec except tire popIe impov sui eu10 er eta roitirtuwlo have more suoney tissu tiey kuow te- l;be lad tiret' tirey are in Jebt. It is tire w-bat te do witir; anJ tire entiers say tiret te bane ni farmaili. I do nt, by euy meene%, tire bledes are precisely tire saiue lu tire te say tiret e fermer sirould neyer jîrcur Jehrt tweuty-tive cent klir' audftire $100-tire lu hnnbyiug a ferm, for tire mjority ni young différence is al lu tire iandie. fermera muet do tim, but it samuir]c ire ly Mary curinus thinge are teobcho oud ru airer tire moat careful thongier auJ srudy. th ireg cutlera cshope lu a large city, but I t l isten wiser t(i Lbuy a saller farm tiran noemoecrospeiptrnw-îte onr mor curons, luhpdetita nue. rterndeeplin e for e largecie Thte cIled tlireI knife-inrir," for tire use ni cire- dquestion ni tire ise ni tire arm sirouli ire arme,] men. A mart wivir onlyneriern ires determined lsy tire meaus ni tire farurer, tireagradelotoue irtre riny patclrbraucir niferming lire inteirds b hile ird luth, and aller ueiug onuelireiras flrge and hiisbusiness capaeity. Botir te la, i. J ow-ubelote liree aupicir up tire c- Olaeard surah ferine have tiroir advantage. oie.Tr u-oi e ra]ml ld la .b r^g smacit wl py dti uet inn.nrerouridedi sirost lîrto s semicircie lire a gar- ys dao-oiitrcrieysd raeu e sichie, but witir tire uttiug edge on kep mor ily employer]. More ireip c511tire oteide. Tire end ni tire blado le divid- my sdIi wilesl ed intro tirree pronge like e broed inrir. Tirs Spericar twcn cenrathet on anmte blade cute tire mear auJ tire prongs pick it :)rparicuar orkin ir ntegeny. p, ndwitir Ibis osefinstumntttireonue 'y Oua large fetroi there lis btter npportunity armer] menr la aed tn get iris fuil share et a' for rotation ni crops sud diversifled farmimg, any table, even wiren lireiras only Il en min- aud more stockr ecir hO iept, wiici will, utes for reiresinîenta." tr under gond management, nt only i'eep tire Tire entiers say, tont, tiret a pociret knile f apim more fertile, but ase give au equalin-i requirýes somte attentinrte, irep it lu good )romne witirtres lairor tir ebre muet ni tire erder, sud tiret a gond huile w-eh sarer] lot le ail muet bce cuitivater]. On a large farta shroir] ast fer mauy years. The Jirtahonid 'y tireproportin ni encing ro tire numberoniirecieaued orntir te joints nccasirsnaliy, sud acres mray bce greatiy reducer],sud lteusonue tire whmie huile bie oiled, Tirey are lucluer] 8 ieavy item ni investment aird expeuse ire te mahre e ittie sport ni tire city tron wio ~ matr all lessner].go onutlin tirte w-ondslirmtiug lu tire fail. Il Ltme r ermrrriowever, tir1te<t A New.-Yorher goirrg into tire wonde, tirey onuduect suceessfually e large larni, requires ýsay, wacte enougis inives to snpply a w-ie executive abilty sud business habits, sud bribe ni Indiens ; an et tis eeason tirev ah- ltiret many men eau suacoecainiiy carry Outa ways heep a large stock ni b mýives - ernil iarm w-bn wold fail ou s large nute, ou heu]. * On tire uther band ltotre are mary advsu- Stages cotruectefi with emal l arme. Tire mari 'A Thousand Cattle Burned. or th is nral farma eau largely diýpeuee witir A telergam frornBoise City, Idahro, says: hiadrd beipsud save iis w-ie tire extra'labor -Kicusen Bi-oc.bave receiver] word front. r wiricirtirir board aud iodging brimes rupon tire trperirrenderntro ir stock range lu b ler, Olen whien sireise aiready nverrdetted tire Bear River Valley tireturore tran 1,000l nwiiti here sofni hilmren. Tire mari on tire iead ni fat cattie ihave beer destroyer] ly 1emaîl fartai car ueuabiy cortrol his expenses tire greet fnrest tires tiret bave for w-eeks f s tiret a failure ni erops wili ntire an disas- ireeu sweepirrg ever'tiret regilon. Niue trous e thiim as te tire mern'iiti tire large hmuses and 'four cabine w-eC se destroyer], efarmn. On every farte nirere siruld ire in aund tiree irerdsmenlfataliy iriîer. uniailiugsupplynofpiitewater, conveulertto Thie cattle were feedirrg in a ineil valiey b iouse sud bhen. Conveience to poat-office, on Tuesday. A sttnnig wind suddeniy biew store, blaciremîtir sirop, acironie andr a ses ni fire donulapon tireu. Tire arr- chu-cires, wiib add latgeiy te0ftire ncorne ni imais stampeder], but tiîey tar inirtire wrongy tire farm and courforte ni tire fermer aud iris djtectlon. Belote tire cowboys conir] tutu 0amily. -tire maddeuîed acîmals tire herd w-es sur- 0Ail tire profits iu lcrming corne ritom maxi- rnunded iry fleures. Tire cattle huddled lu 5muni cropesud takîug aeft e i tire ede- tl'e centre nf a clearinsg, about a mile square 5tails. From tire etatisrica as show-riy sire lu et, aud tire cow-boys rirougir viey C BZELA~ IE1OR O-ASIE- Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENEI> COAL aways in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoOLELLAN &G -o- We have the becýt, the cheapest, the most effectuai F]y Killer. Tanglefoot StiokyFly Paper, Fly Poison Pads, Fly Poison Feits AND PURE INSEOT POWDER ___H[iPS T S le!No DRU[CISTS. OLD BÂTTLfl BHlpIS, iren preserver]. Nor le tirore auy trace nf The Humble Fater1hat Awaits evounthse atouer] lte *-rld, A Ihl Lisat remeine ni tirs 1'rensest IWar vosee. 1Bec uraur, tire gorgens 1wo-recied gon- Theoutry hic ba ben rise agmstdolA wbicir sn proudly carrier] tire aughly the destruction ni *ýelson's nId flagàirip, 'lIe Doge jr tire daya ni tir? Venetian Repîblie, Foudroyantl, maires jr iuteresntier trace te onre onlher iastis ; w-hile tire Bebey Caine, tire enr] ni otirer fanions vsscets. Tire Sieur- w-bhelr bolugist William ni Oreuge te tij non,w-iicb lnugbt aud tiohk prize tir- Cîresa- '0oumttry lu 1688, wae miel aw-ay 138 years -peaire je 1813, w-es irrohen up et Cialiram, I.;-t'. But corne sîipa have corne tbs far parte ofber hlnl beimsg sold ate a acy li 2 more dq>,raîing end tien that of beiug Sir Francis Drahe'e Golden Rjud camte a ebîoktn up Severil Englishr aud inreigîs sîmiiear e t Doptiord, a chair made ont! arveerie w-hi lei bave hemenîr]li te ni bier tmbnera being onue of tire tresures ni Nore-egiaus arc n w- erryîng timber ironc Oxford University. The Reanluite, w-iich p-,rt t port Thre Marlbrorougir whIich, w-ont lu saer'ch on irJohn Frankinj, aud, c. rv y dJ anay tirousands ni nur Irope) aller beimrg abaudouer] in au ice-w-este %,vs1,) lia, j- now montre t Gibraltar as's picked up by an Amerjcan wbaler, andI te- ceaIrli u r] pndtireJohn Bertrar, lire Amers- turnedreflttedby lie Uniter] States, Goveru- itC' rateiug tra clipper oudorer] coure years usent te tliu country w-as menor]lun tire agowliii" st-r îgliitg aiong twards Englanri Me]w'ay for aenme yeersafaterw-ards, but il- j -teac'g sp8eUricu-J boandon Tehe- limateiy tairer jInodock sud puhled tb pi . pioces, s suiteofnIfurni.ture isimned rin bier naher timbers boiug sont as a memerto Great Bitair iras a eew- w-st iip lirat te tire Amorican Pres-«derrl. coatthîree milli one nf dollar sý Tire Sovereigu of tire Seas, lire flrst Brjt- hwm h a enhar nwb isir îbree-deirer, bujît in tise timeofniChatr- 1wm ie e o e~nt rn-b les I., "bo tlire great ghory of lire English lirat symptour, botter tien by any olirer, nation, arr] not touire par-aliehor] in tire w-uie .1w-bat iud ni e man yon. are yoîrîol; fnr Churistianw-orbd, "wasa scidertally destrnyed yor show- ie w-lir yonr edeel ofnImiroor by fire et Cherbaur, altor usueirasd long set- 1isj, w-bat iid of s man ynu long inexprese- vice. Tire nId iooden wail, Presi-becrv, je ibly te ire. nw- a drilli amp fer lte mon ni tise Royal Naval Reserve, and le moorer]jr tire Sortis- West India Docks; aud nie Qiceen sud the ee BabY w-as sicir, w-e gave lier (IastorIr. Goliath were enîr] tn a Vaixiel.l slirp-ir-oker Witen sire was a Cilid, sire cried fer Castie. tire enîrarce te w-bore yard je cil adorer] Wten sire iseeme Miss, site cluucg te Castor-le. witr tiroir lisnge flguire-beadls. Of CapI. Wtnst eVidorsr a'tm elra Cnok's Endeavour notev trace is leIt, hiougir We seseCatra several of hies cientîfle instruments have for Infante, and ChiIdren. 4iC~O4~tssowebadaped tchhlde Sour CatoIa chreSaOi, ofstati0l% I lsWoirms, gives aieep, and PrOmOtE di. kiiowirto mp,." H.Il&A, omEsr, 3M.!)Detio Ili eo. Ozlord st, Brookimn N. Y. 8W£.ltlut njuioS medioe*u Tas (Isutirau CompN'ar, 77 Murray Strcet. N. 1I. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE- A large'Stock of well selected Arnerican Wall iPapers, cheap and bcautiful from Gelts. to 5Ocls per roll. CaIl and see for yourself bo- te purchasirrg elsewhere, Ail colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good satis3- Loction,, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and Wlhiskti, Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Gr'ainmng and Paparing done promaptly and satisfactorily For all of whnch cal[ at SHIERIN & KJRBnýY'S, South side King et., between Troieven'a anrd Reid'a Sho stores, Bnsn'manviT5ý The undersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Durhýam for the liberal!-patronag~e extendoe1 to us dring the past season, alto to reinind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HJ'rGIIEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINUS 0F CGSl"E delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH., of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for catt: and hoises, and Freshi Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which. we are prepared, to sel

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