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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1892, p. 6

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BIJNGo 714 POOR RIND OP ECO)NOMyI ýt is on a par sitis buyieg lots ai ubbishy ioap for 1111e maeey. Poor soapa are tisa- hnughole " ihrougb which time anti lahor are seasteti, anti by 'ms-ich tise clotbes ced banda are ruinet. 'Coses the Aven-ues cf Waste and Run,, and by its lasting pro- ýI pertico, its wonderful cleanssng powers and perfect purity, it Baves Tihne & Laoas' tMd brings Comfort & sat1sfaetI0, 10 ahl who use it. ruO USE THE ~I WORKS! PT. SUNLIOFST LEVER BROS, LIMITED NIAR IRKENHRAD TORONTO MILLINERY STJLL GOINO ON At Mrs. Dancaster's. Grand di- play ùf trimmed and untrimmed fali and winter goods. The stock i8 the choicest of this season's importationls ; it was personally selected with great care and with due regard to the wants of the local trade. It contains everything new in styles and etfects and it is made up in the most artistie form and will be offered at the most moderate pric. s. 'Feit and Straw ilats dy ed and reshaped- in ail the latest styles. Stamping done here. 1 have alwthte agency for the Robinson Corset Co. of London, Ont, a perfect fitting corset. Orders taken here, MRS. DANCASTER- incorporated 1887, iwitli Cash capital of $50,O000 AàiD APPLIANCE CO. 49 KWG ýUST. W., TORONT09 ONT. G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Ulectriiy as applied by the OwnElectrie Beit, Is15w eenouizet as the groatest boone nfered to ate IlsmaIl ty. It is test naktusg the p lace of triagetencai servons sud mieumnalic troubles, i sutiieffocl cures In seemingiy bupciens tLýs- siereevery ouzier keno naceaiuu' bas faelcod. ]r is natures remety, and by Ira steady. seeting[cumect thatis la ceily fait, POSITIVELY CURES' Rheurmatlsns, sexuel Weksesq, Sclattea, Fonsalo Cenuplaints General Dobhllty, Iîptn5 Lunnago, Kidney Diseases, Nervous Diseases, Liver (omlaint, DysasoIsi,, LainseBil Varlecole, Urlnary Jflsoases. RHEUMATISM Ti as eu iscoîvufaot blut mettcal science bas utterly faîlel5 te effort relief lu riaeumcttec cacses. We venture tise essortontliat aitheugis Eieeîicity huis ouuy been lnuse~ as e emettai agoni for a fese yecs-s, h lia s oumcd moreo casese of Rhoumatlsm ithîcnil other meaus ceus- tinet. Someoef 0cm leacling physiciens, roc",- cizieg tisa act, are avai!is thousseIves0f tiss Most poent oet uue's forces. TO RESTORE MIANHOOD Thonsauts nf people sufer tmom c variety nf nerveus tiseasos, sncb as Seminai Wecknoss, lmp theccyLost Maniscot, Meak Ilaîk, e., ria ieedmodes cf treatuseerfailtot cure Thore is e as ut nerve force cm puswer tisai cunnot ho restoeutby medical treelmentcn any docler seho Wseod rti y te escomplisis ibis by .e knt t mus je pactlsiîug a taugemnus1 for.mfethicI.aLsmn. vrneromytrtet THESE DISEASES CAR BE CURED Eiectrtcly ras appleti by tisa Owen Elochnin Belscuti guspeusory, seilunoslusssuediy do se. his la hunly kuosen remetici agent tisaI wiii suppiy seiat ta iackliug, ncmely, nerve Sce or powser, Impart tiucacnt vtgur te tise gens acd rounse tealcttiy action tise aheler nervons systera.t HEURE 0F IMITATIONS Andthie wotlses, cisesp, c-cahoed lr-le Bota ads'ertised by- sume onenems aed pettiot tisough t iutconnury *!l2iey are eleeîrte lu came only, sers-isas as e curatitve poweer, ceda dean et aey psion.0 We Chalenge the Woeid to show anh Rlecti-e 1Bell selere tse currolitis usuder con- trot of tise j'alloe as cnmplctely ce;ilsis. Ourt Triade Mairki s tise pertraituot' Dr.n Oween embuoswd in goit eipun evemy fBoit and eppsitance rmaufnatuzcdb us.9 î îd for CRWaogu0-:ýiiuiied (Se.aled> Fîoo, î THE OWIEA ELEC TR,>W BEL T 00., t 4- Klieg St W, Tucý-nto.- Maention thblu' 'ýr' KnI we tî it etsanitet pusis hîm aseay. We eot the fciny-isoek anti finisheti h, antise ut iim Seo ail tisa pictumes. Thon se santeti L do Our Sunsfer nexi day, and 1 thougisi Lo myýeif: " Oh ulear, nos ee shall have a tie!' eut Manian sait : "BenLuîe, wcet lu do snmo, tue ? There's YOUNG FOLKS. Katy-Did and Katy-DIidn't. It wseca nîddie long ungssessed, but 1 wili te the ans %ver truc, just w bat it cao tiiet Kats' difi, and cli thui RatY didu't do. Slu d id go str aight to bed ai eîght. cnd didr waut te seait til i ne Sho di4in t cre forI, Party gesens, sise dit sE -titches neat and fiue; iSho did sit vemv stit jen chnrch, aad didnr crak hem littie fani Slue did riglutal vacatiton tinmc, and dide't fr( when scheot began. 'Ne Wouder tisis sirpreing chid is sasng chor seith suscb de igiut Beneath thse greai round harvest-meen, i eOvemy pleasant auntuuun nightL The Wey to manage Benny. Manse Sheniietige bias a fus or, ced lE nuetier bas saeut Bennie uver bors eoA'ur Auu's for faar lse'il catch it. Aunt Anc gning Lo keep hlm till Mame gais well ifi takes woIsen suts, ase says, becanso sisei serry for imrs. Sisortletge. Ha s'eeps le th trundie-be injeAnsst Ann's meem, ant ii looks real cuning in isis nigisi-gosen. Wbe hle firsi caine, Marian ant Ih curie, bis bain anti shoseetihim pictinros, anud playe, seit i isimli tise time we weee et ii schioo Bei afier a day or two en egut tiret, an, tisere wee so many otîser thîegs se wsanie, tsi to we couldnt lhobothereti sitis Bonni Su weasulhacause banging armud with lu puctu're-book, wa'd say, "lOh, ru aseay B91nnie ! We can't stop tb show picturi nove. By antibye wa sel." Thon le a minute or Isen be'd corne agau cati say: " It is bimnehy nose, Jamarian !" Tîsat' tisa way ise mixes our naimas up, becatîse lu bears Aunt Ann say ",lae andi Marias, wisen she specks b lus. Well, of course wo coultiln't stop b sioN hirm pictures wseowe bcd cli ner lessons i lecmu, anti wnrsteti wvork to do; anti besities I cm loamniîîg te crochset. So seben lio kep teasing us, we'd say : 'Oh, do get eut niour wa3, Bec ! Don' yoîs see wc're bnsys- Antioce or tseice se gave hlma a 11h]j pusis. Iltididn'î hurt hlm a bit, but h, went in c corner ant i et, anti Auni Ani scitl wa ougisite b ave mure patience. I fl serry myseli wbenIh eartiim suhbiuug: l wa'Mmy maiema! h want my mamîuua! For we Isati ieandti tisivony day tisat Mcmg wes seonse, andi ber motîsen secs >ahitire( ont, but sisa coultin't leeve ber e miuîto. So thon h telti l3ennie tisai 1 woli dsiog hlm tee pic'tires if haie oulti lot me c'on( ciienwands, anti Merlan saitishe wnuld gle( Élhm a lezeuge if haie onîlo lt hon alune, cnd su we got as muais as an hunur io doeun ose: work le peace. Bennie seent anti set dose: by isimself linluis uitile chair ; and ho jook. et 50 foniornanti so cîuiîg I bcd bal, mleti to go and pcay with hlm, but I jusi tunetiawcy anti woitiu% notice him, auuî get cli tise mati tine in tire buuk-mamk1 wsecsoeeking, belote dank. Af te-nsîîppen hocnred again le go hume. Auet Mania isati one of ber iseaticess, but sise teck luim Jluiehon ap anti got hlm th sleep, anti Marian ant I habd a chance ltid 0cr sa. Wben we sent up-stairs tu hoed see agneeti that ut ws enaily trying te bae c cisilti ike thisnjethe bouse., "hit mixes ep youn duties an," scie Manuani. "itmakes yen bel as ifyou di wrong tl an yur hessouis anti menti 'ui atockng . I keisseAnt Anc actually froseeiat us wisen we wee cipiuering V h smiieti under tise betichethes, fer Mariai nover doos ment iber steckings tliitise very lest minute hafore she pîuts tisem on, but 1 agneeti witb bier tisai it secs ten bcd t1lbe matie te feel selfisiî wlien se sere dole1 tbings we ugisi lu do. Tise nazi mumnisg oe of tise ginss le school lenteus a spuenditi boek to, recti, but sise scie sse muai finish iltishai sanie day, fer ase coule nul lot us kaep it any lonsger. Soesen theugiut seseul cîirati ail wo ceulti et neeu to gel aesieni. As sve tunnet inlto eun yard, there sea, Baenni,, wateising for us et tise sintios. HE leegnati anti clappeti bis bmnets sehen h6 saw ns, anti se ouiti eer hlm eau Jamanian ! jamearan ITluene, nese ?'saîid Maman. 1"He seon't let us recel eue word. Let'% go uî te tise garrot ced sLayy lii ineer is ready." Se wiscn se went il e cjusi laid oui bookseanti shates eus tise lahin lthle front eetry, anti slippad np-stairs insteati ni go- ieg into tise sîîiug-ruom. We nt anuse place îup le tise seos garrot isy tise sintiese anti tisaeese sel sido by sie, meeting as fat as we ceuiti, fer necrly luali an isour. i seas a feiu-y-book. -"I susi h coul elih a fairy," saiti Merise. "I couit muake se maey people happy. Eiber c iairy on c missiouary." h thoughis h svery noble ira Manian la seaiA t bdoan macis gond, cutidseien Aunt Anus calietiuns b dinner sse seent tiesn seitis our amies arounti ecis cer, cuti felt ploes- cnt towsea venyhody. But tise minute se upenedthtie sitling. renie tour, Boucle ran tu meet us, sxcluuim- ing jeyeusiy: IlSc my pretly herses !I1h tineti'em sil myseif. Loek, Jausarian ! WVe lookati doiýve, it s my sîcte ! Ho bcd got it Ironstise eeîry table, cati rubbed cul cli uy saims tisai h1sonketi su bard ever tise avenung isciore, andti tis1 hsskeeping en îuuy siate for tisai afternoon's recibatiou1 I isas se provoket I coulti have siskenisim. "ýYen nangisty, naughty boy!"1" hcned "Nuse ynn'va spoileti my lessen, ced 1 hiai ose îny perfect carti, anti1 hthi ik it's tan rnean! nus seat. Iluene seit bcbohard placet back ni tise t'esiteiui's chair, liko a isoiel bail- huard. Thse yeas bain g fimt caileti, eachi usernber tiesinrig te voie yec pressas bis aye buttera anti reeords bis voice, andthie samne eas uthuie noos. A Chicago muan sax-s in ail aaiuusnoss, lst Ise wsce l iving je a botel in tise sintiy cuîy wseee tise custum seas cbiefly tiucî of travelliung drumamers seho seere ce- cuatoînet to boi--ng cahot ait ail sorte of bnîums. One nigisi h at juat reaciseti bis omu shen c terrifie stomm bursi over tise city andti broe distinct eiaps of thunder sounuet, close to tisa boiel. Saut ho: " Evemy maciliu tise bouse set up, ycwîset, anti about- et, 'Ibhear you. Ail rigs. ' " Ris Interpretaficn. Jebuuy-Mamma thlnks I sisoulti ilve amcng teai people. Peç-a-Is Chtisiso? Jehuny-Yes., Sie tiiks I sisouit be seous, coi ieent. Ie accordance wjth Clinese cliquette, ail business of State noqeiring tise omparor's attenticn is trausaclti boiseen lime heuer of twu o'clock anud six o'clock jenlise mure ng. Fer evecing dressas tChose ef chiffon over slips of inexpensive slk are penheps thse anost fasiionabia, but thora is au inexhaus- tible suppiy of spubtetilaccas, embrnidered siik mulis, anti deicate spider-sei organ. ties. lnmanity is tise groat peculiar cisa actenistiecof greai mietis. Lie s'do,, minis achene tht angor anti revenge an0 are capable of feeling tise exact ploasure0 fomgising tiseir enemies. Sisotier fnihîs of lace sebiclu hava decoa t- et evemy sort ni gosen, trum zaphyr lu velvei, are being replace,1inj semae dresses by chemisettes of exqîîisitely fine Indue lasen trasen up on baby ibbee,anti in nuisons by fihas uf Indue euusiin otigedti setitny gatisereti fr'1ls, anti some slîStisteir ends tucket nie tise boit. an nid siate le the cioset, and lVIl give you JA'1inTPfR I~JC a pcncil."JJJ .U IIJJ4II VY And thon, don't you think, that Utile A E F R I N EW mite drew up his little chair ani sat dowil just as sober, and-made ilte marks and linsalovehisslte illwe adfinished A company has been formed et Copen- ,t every oe of our susmo, and hoe thought he hage ihteoj fbidn emn was ipleri'â ngtas mch s w wee.ont Eiffel Tower in that City. The tower, Then hie trotted up to Aunt Anc for ber to wich will lie built of steel and iron, and ,t Eee, and sho lcoked as pleased as could bo. .ich will be lighted by eiectricity, is to hi Weil, just that littie thing, that seemed 1670 feet in heigbt. tlike an accident, has beeni the great'est help A Vienna correspondent telegraphs :-It ttolâlarian end me. Wo have-n't hadabitof is annnunced from St. Petersburg that trouble witb Bennie since, and wo love him Prince Krapotkin, a wealthy young lieuten- Lt btter every day. 1 wish hie was my littie ent, has cornmitted suicide lu that city. The Ibrother. papers are eut allowed to report on Lhesub- When lho wants to bang around li, we ject, ced even lu military circles nothing is lot.hxn, When ive are writinig compositions, 'known of the cause. of the suicide. we give hlmi soino papier to scrilhble oul too. The marriage of H. R. H. Princess Marie XVbe. we study ourI spelling, we give hlm of Ediehurgh witb H. R.H. Prirce Ferdile- 'a Word to speli now and thon. Ho is so and of Roumanla wili take place on the t cunning! Ho spelis like tins: "B-l-d, cat!" lOth January next at Sigmaringen, thnt S Anti when we work withounr worsteds, 'resideuce of the parents of the bridegroom. we ot lm aven eede ireae1 The German Eiisperor's moeey matters aof oanvas, and lho is jusù as busy as WC are, have steadily grownv more harassling. He eH[e isn't cny trouble i ail, eow we have is sai to he o 80tieply lovoiveti with moeey efoueti out how to manage hlm; and when hoe lenders that the court officiais have diflioulty thinks ho has doue somthiieg pretty well, lu gouting their salaries. i ls voice sounmis se sweet as hoe calîs ont: J "Look! Look, Jamiarianl" Complote statisties nf the great fire at St. Johnl's, Newfoundlaed, have jnst beon issu- THEI LAS VIIT HME, ed. The numnber of housos destroyeti wcs Kild1,550, the number of famtilies burneti ont LeftTîtIrFmiliî a4lIkellWer Kiled1,874, anti the total number ofpersons bure- lu rne.eti out 10,234. tA Philadoiphia, Pc., despatch icys :-A An EnFiglish company is being iormed for terrible wreck nccenrred this inorning about the cccllaaizatioeni oflephants lu South 9 10 'clock. The sceue of the accident la Anierica. The valley of the AmaZon and at West Maeaynnk, a suhurb of this Cit, is trîhutarles are thought to ho very suit- about 10 miles (listant, ht seems that the ibe for elophant farming. aShannjokie express on the Reading mati The death of Count di Trapani is an- due bore et 9.30, and carryieig a largo num- nonucei. lBorn on tise steps nf a throne, ber oi passogers, was the iii iatod traie. the thirteenth sosu of Francis 1. nf Napio, This train rsually leaves the ripper coci re- diet inl a garrot ; for the very mnodest lodg- lgions on Mondcy mnrnung locclet with tise ings hie nccnpied on the fourth fluor of a wnrkmen anti leborers who are eniployeti1!bouse in tho Rue Montaigne woro littie elong the hune, and wbo tako aantgeofi botter. The decoased Prince fonght gai- ttheir Snnday's rest te, go home on Saturday lantiy lu- defence of tise kingdom nf bis nights cnd spend tise holiday wif.h their nepbow. Ho bcd heen a groat invai for fanilies, yocrs, anti livet il absoliutely retiret i 1e, 11Whe APNE.Who says thse nid goldfilitis ni Australie Teili-fateti train was known as passeu. are exhausted? At -Bendigo, where tbsy ger No. 2, whicb blaves Shamokin at 5a.m. [have been diigentiy extracting the procînus The train is an express, cnd makes but iew m Ietai evver silice Lord Salisbury visited the stops hetween Reading cnd this Citv. It 1place lu 1852, the goid yield for July wae was runiuiig on thse nortb-bounnt track, thse 20, 623oz, being 9000oz more tban thse Juiy >soutis-huand track heing ilu use for' other nof1891. Sinna thse firat cf Janucry up to t1rafflo. Thse track Wa-st been ordered clear j'tie doparture nf the lasti mail Bendigo hs4 for No. 2, and thue train wcs rnsbiug South- turnied ont 112,500l oz ni golti, and thse dlvi- ward toward Philadoîphia wheu, at a few dends exceededth ie cails by £50.Thse minutes after 9 o'clock, it crc.shed into ou- deepest sallat is Mm. G. Lauseell'e No. 180, glne No. 5," uuing nurti, just nortis ni where thoy are gottisug gold iat a deplh of the West Maucysînk tunnel. Thse firi re- 85 t port roceived liore wa"to, the affect that the A suovementi 18o0n foot lu Melbourne in collision bcd occerret iun the tunnel, but laver nf eremation. A comînittee nf thse icter information proveti this rum'r to bav ei Royal Society nf V ictoria wbicb was ap- heen faiso. The ongineor of No» 538 lbcd poietedt t coesîd or the subjeot ostimates hoon orderedti t lie i Peu)coyd station, a tise ceai per body eit the moderato sunu of short distance sentis ni the sCono of the au- £1lis. '[bis wili include tlisef1efor medical cidet, ced it was due to bis disobedionce examination and the expense ni a menserial of these coîrdar that tise accident nccurred. lire. Tle cost of carniage mnusl depend uipon Had hoe remnainet iet Pencoyti c minute cm the wishes end position of thse mournars. twu Ion g r, the iuss ,f 111e acutilnjuring nf a score ni persen s woulti have boon aveideti. There bas been a Lois deveiopmunt ofithe Both locomoti ve. were hadiy wrecked, andi Australian frozen meut trado. Refrigerai- botb tracks were biocked. A few minutes iug stores bave boon establisised eit Port ai ter tise smash-up the wrecked passengeýr Said, and iresb noats, fruits, &c,are being cars caught tire, tisus addting te the lborner cens ey ed tiscuce inom Australien ports hy of tise affair. An aiarm breughl ou " the steamers pa s-iug tisi-egis tIse Suez Canal. fine englues, but.itwses onme timo e fore Il The quality ni thse moat is saiti to bie mucis flames uvro oxtingisbed. superlur te tisat killeti locally. Thisews tiepanture wiil pro~ve a bouc te ail wiso pase Phuoooraphinz Liohtingp. thnouglitthe Canal Evemy mei, almosteeeny day, tise photo- One husudred andt twonty-five familles lu graphie camera doveiops nese minvels, Tise the provinsce of Sassari, li Sandinie, were, stars anti plcuuts,nay, even the lllmy nebule [on the l5tis ci this monlti, ejecteti from are pbotogrepbed niigisîly, anti it is knoes their homes, cedahi their gonds cnd chat- thst celesîil objecuis vicb the human eye tels solti fer non-pcyment of tise Goveru- aitiet bv the moat pewerful instruments, menlt umpesis.Ona homo sud liti ontain- icils te aetect, are depicttd lipon the sousi- ed was salued ti t1 lira aed 50 centesîmi, or tivo plate. Obj',cts sîsek se deep lu space a little over ls. Four others rcalisedti wo that light, traveling i the cmazîng speed lire ench, or Is 6d of unr meney. Flfty nf 12,00)0,000 miles c minute, oniy hrings a househuitis, sithu ail they cYbtained, see message nom u tera citer centuries, reveal s-lued ait sunus nangiîug frntmlis te 10s. their-shapes te the aiî-seeing camera. lie reesainder did ce, reach even 5is. Tiha instantaneens plate is a groat diseus-, Some a bile ago a lady le St. Petersburg, chsanter, as weoil as a great discoverer. Il suffeing from a nervons mclady, feil leto a shows ns the noble, boueding steeti gathor- deatis-like tranee, andthie latter having lest- edti au mnosi uîsgraceiul lumpusiu bis edti iree ticys, the, doutor pronuenced iher foot tucked under hlm aed bis body tirasen decti, and lasueti a certificate to thai affect. jute ccurions curve. Even tise Young girl, But iu the eleventb heur another physicien, Ilsehosenuotion is a Song," is tiepicted iin a friend efthtie fceirily, bit upun thse idea ni tise uîegaliaut instantaneous plate with eue applyl a microphone to the hecri niftise feot raiseti, bout sidewise, balcr:cing herseli supposet dececsed, and the senSitive insiru- with c baud, as if she were about lu' faîl mont quickly sluewed that tisane still was oer. Foi tun-te it la, ne douhi, tisat wa 11e. The lady bas siece recovered, and are givoneniy isuman, ccd net canuera tiras heen saveti im u a al deatis by sigisi. ibis valuable instrument. Ameng tht aciieveusents ef recent pistog. Ie 1876 Senator Perazzr of thse Italien Par- rapîy l is e cctching ei tse ligisîning flash lianient wbilecoming dosen ail Aiphinegiac cuti depitig* t urng itdpu -ee, er ai tbe height of 14,000 foot, tiroppeti bis StraelglYl ennugîsl, thougis sea havealays ,,cnet in a crevasse. The guides, knowing tbought aed spokeofnIljagged ightnng," tihe annual rate ni glacial muvement, tôlti the causera shows us tisai tîeme is ne sncbhlmtisat it woulti probably comeoeut frein thieg iLnexistence. Tise angles creuseot sharp, tise glacier's mots li about seventeon but itie anti cnrved,tbe branchies are blit-.Ilyoars. Lest Auguisi soîne tonriEts sase a ended, anti as iisey pluege towuward, Seoir ceat jus the moraine, cuti, ou examînation, like narroîs ribbons sitis thuir rarti pro- it turneti out tu be the Seuaîor's, jection shapoti liko tise biatie oi etable- Oeo h is fet fiirdcigpr keife. More marveous yei, tise camera bus Oec iefriefci iîurtuigpr shoen us, black îgbîning ; tisai is, electricai liameuts iibt Japan has been te stirouhato diacargs shics, ofa rrm iakigadz- nveetors te tuscover somne means of doing markthei pasage y deti-away sitis hobby divisionus. Po.Zmk zlinig giare, mr hi asg ya a a ef tise University ni Tokie bas devis- black rihboc or liro. Science bas nat yot Il cd ce eleesical m neu by sebicis eacc expiaineti seiat flic camnera bas saîbniitted memben cati reccrti his voie sithont leas'lug to it. i -_ --1. 1 -. HAINES' OARRIAG-E WORKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, GARRICÈ~S -MANUFACTURER 0r- CARIAGS2SLEGH WJOTTERS, WA8NS -&. KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Nuse n haistia cumber 0f voesanti ma'uufactun ngagach =nymore of tha i'îî patterns acd besi finish, sebtisl 1ama offaning for sale c ie oetpnico caînsists seitis due regard te workmanship ccd quaity. Tise fnllowing ta calisi cf tise principal veisichos manunactureti by me Double Covereti Carrnages ............ ........................... $150 tYawdrti. Single Pissetons .................................................. 100 4 Open Buggy .................................0 « Tnp Buggy ......... ......................... ............... 90 Deocrai \Wagons ................. ...............65 Lumber Wagens.............. ..... .......... ............. 55 «1 LigistWaon............................. ...........40 Exrs agon .............................. .........75 ' Skeieton.......................... 0s Sulky................ ......... ......................... 4o Pussessingsupoinrfacilihtis for m'enufccturlng carrnages, 1 icntn to sali ens-y (ciseap )fo)r -cash approveti cmedýlett, nd by sodoing Ihope tegreaily inoreaso m sber of sale, W sutise wuod parts oniy, or tise ge-aicgs uf buggies mroneS. Ail Kinds of Vehicle s Repai1redl At tise Shoricat Notice, Painteti anti Tnimmerl if Desîred At tise Factory 1 alan do Plauning, Matchins-, Turntng and Saseing set iGiie, PBacuil or Fr,) Sases. end pmgpare cli kicis of tumber for narpeaterýs anti uhers 1far bufldig ranmnsiaes ornaunQoutnal cd Plaienli-1eîs for fonces lu ee oy styloertuia'S rco tao o '). -r f s -------- >Headquarters in WEST DURHAM for FINE 'Dinner and Tea Sets Chinaware Giassware Crockery Hall, Parlor FancyOupsand Hand Lamps Saucers, Vases Lemonade Sets, etc. OUR FAMIJJY Is, always well supplied with the very beet goods- at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm Produce. Leading Seedsmen in the dist rict. Always pleased to show good s. Inspection solicitced MUJRDOOH'BROS., Victoria Buildings, Bowmanville. H1aving got settei in my New Shop in the BEA.VER BLOCK, next door east of Murdoch's, and having complet- ed my Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes of ail grades and sizes, I wish ail my old customers and many ne w ones tc give me a cali and inspeet my fine new stock. USE McCQLL'S MACHINE OIL. The Champion Gold Medal Oil for ail Maehinery. McCOLL'S C-7LIZ2T2DMI, O1IL is the best in the Dominion. Try it. McOOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto. Oh! liza I Tisececursel pnesecnîing in a breacis of promise case secs youihfuu anti fresis, anti deligistet u in suwing ismeli off; but ho didus'tknose seisciacgny hoseas uneil i fehi o n hisetisa tull anti sickemieg tisut. Tise doiendant bcd taken tise stand. sel ou say," isaidthtisa ising yessng 000e. sel, citer severci impertinent questions, "tisatYeunenver matie love to ber 1" IINet lu sny kuoseletige," ropliedthtie de- fendant. "'Nover cahotd ber pet cames, otiser, h suppose ? 'Ne ir." "Nose, as c malter )i feet, diti't you4 cli hem Lszzueaîcuer yen heti been te s00 her only thusee et-fouir limes, anti ciways ciettu ta, shen you kuseus you siiocit hava cahot iser Miss iSmithif ilyen hati noi been seekîng bu sein ber yonng andt tustiig iseant 1" II'Ne, ir, h titi met," 'Tise piantiff pulaedthie atiemney's sheeve, bulbhe pali no attention te bon. "Ais, lideet," vemy sarccstucaihy. 11I preseume yeu sever called ber Lizzie le youri 1f e?" Il h nos-cm&I, ir." The manpf hawsst fersearti sitis c sharp crack of tise chiair legs outise flour. Il i' ike to keois' sey you nover dit, air ? ho askad, sitis the air ni c man sehu knesech id lise facis. IlBecause "-anti tishe ituea secs as col as a palm-leaf faoi coulti make hirm le June «" bocanse hem came secs Eliz." Thon it wscsbiat counsel iseededth ie plainliff's silticlutchinga, anti santedti bit ibimself is tise ceck aitis a iaw book, but it waatee laieý Makes Itg Own Trouble. "That's a migisiy pour circuler you bave to ativertise yuur oye seasis," Why ?" "it is su illegibie ht gives c man sare eyes lu ect i t. " IlWelh, isn't tisaI gent for tise oye seasli 9

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