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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1892, p. 7

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CRATEFUL-COMFORTING. eas h : vru theopersilous0odigetisu and ~ ~ ~ ' ntto. I eCiereinal appllication Of t'Il bterp rtieeol -.331eotad 090[)&, Mr. lpsasprO vîded our breakfast tables with a isictl tared which may sas-e ils meny hï ï,>%-> doateri' bis,. fiî'5by the UidiCÀGius< 01 osuch articles of dîitthit a Cntitution la e graduily lult up until strang enough î'.o -resat eve"y tendency to dies.Hundredîeto? ubtle maladies are fioati -,g &round us ready le attaok, wherever Whre 18 a weak point. WO May escape many a f&ta shais by keepinz ourselves well inrtified .ith pure biood &aid . proiierly nourisbh.d ?amne."-"Civi Servce Gazette." Made.siuiply with boiin, waster or mili sfflr nly en comis. by Groecers. labAiledthbu JAAERS ErIpFF8& Co., fleoeopatikle Che n itS, Londson, England. Wý*EDNESDAY NOV. 2, 1892 Du. J. C. MCUII4, A EMPEFIR QOP COLLRGR 0OP PHYSICIAN ild Surgeons, Ontario, Coroiner, etc. OTf -,and Residence. Enniîkillen. 74. B *tRiefl SO~LICITOR, kce. MOPftP9 RFlO CR, ipatifr2, ingr Street. Bcwnxi vlle. Ptlloitor foreri. Ontari Banki 3 Lirate flosevs loacel ai the iowa3t rates S. C. flhNKING V CENSED AUCTIONEER FOR -4 the Cony of Durham.,'Sales -attonded tuen onhortest notice and Ioweit raies. Address Ci utance P. 0 6 0FFICE IN~ THE WEST DURHAM I\e8 Iûsf~ck * vhebre biu,,etior assistant be ilteiund fruni Sa.m. te 9 pin. Night cetle ut rsiiencee.direcly opposite DrillSled, Calle i legr&Ph or telephone will eceive prompt ticciion 171-yr L. A. W. T ME. _& CTOB ,APPRAISERReal A.A. 1POST, AýRCHITECT. Plans and Specifica. zstiens pi t paned for evsry dlace of building. el" datatuenon von to heatiug by team rd 1-. water ad o saniiary arrangements. Lftice: loie Block, WhLnby 43 ily For Constipation For For Ayer's PUS Dyspepsa Ayers PUIS Biliousness Ayer's PUIS For Sick Headache 1 AyeG-'s PUIS For Liver Complaint Ayer' s Pil For Jaundîce Ayer's. PUil For Loss of AppetUe Ayerls Pil For Rheum-atism Ayer's Pillu For Colds HOUSEHOLD. Death of a Famous Bandit Chief. The las4- mail from Tonquin briugs newE4 of the death of the Black Flag leader Lunky, wbose opcrations along the Red River, anîd in the region lying hatweeu the Delta and the Chinese frontier have kept Northern Touquin ina con dition bordering on auarchy. It appears thet lu the recent dariug ettack on a Frenchi couvoy near Bac-le, lu which two officers and ses-ral mec were killed by the pirates, Lcnky was himself in comnmand of the assailants, and lu the course of the engagement, whicb was a desperate one, lie was shat in the chest, and abdomen, and died lu a few heurs. 'Forty-one of bis followers were slam et the carne ime, while the nom- ber of wounded was considereble. He was buried in a forest surrouuding hie camp, and bis yeunger brother was elected te socceed hlm. After hi5; election, t le eaid, Luuky's chief lieutenant aud a number of bis followers quitted the band. No Doubt of It. Ralph-There le one thing 1 notice, that ev ey girl likes to have ber finger in goert-What is that? Ral2h-An engagement ring! Rcbber-tired omuibuses will bc trued lu London. For Those Whoî Visit, People who live in the country are pr o. verbialiy bespitable. The comparative iso- lation ni ibeir lives prompts them te eagerly "welcome the comiug guiest," and if they sometimes feel îles ihey would like te "speed the partiug guest," it le efien tlie fenît ni the latter. Wben I wae a child aud lived la the country, 1 tbînik we were neyer wlthout visitors, during the fruit season et least. I used te wnder wltmoiber meant, wben, atter the unnsualiy long stay ni seins mnere ecqueintance, I heard.lier say, "Soine peopie wonld bang themselves if yen gave them enough repe." Asthetpersoncseidom made a second visit, lu alLter years 1 cern- prehended iny mother's rrmank. Itiniakes eallfference where yen cre vis ' t- ing, aud mrny ni thsse suggestions will oiy appiy te thece whu aie staying wlth friend s in moderato circ uinstances, wluo keeî eu'ny eue servant, er perbaps.noue et ail,.libtis case, it soeme tW me, île firet thing yen ougbt te do is te, make your eîay a short unue. Unless yetn are se situaied that yen cen cordiaily ask youir friend to returu the Visit, it is a pretiy sale rois net te go ai aîl. There 15 tee muccl eesided visiting 0f country iriends. When yen are on a -visit, adapt yourself te circumeitauces. Do netlet yeurtee will ing hosessseud yen a breakfast in bed. If possible, hefore yen are asiief et what heur yen luke te brcakfast, ascertali the habits ni îhe iamiiy lu ibis respect aud siguiiy yenr pleasure lu conforming to tlem. Re- member that lu the merniug ynur frieud le almeut certain to have houseleld matters whlch reqîîireber attention. and scethet yen leave lber ire te attend te ibeni. Re- lies-e lier of the burden ni previding enter- taluimeni for yen ly sbowing bier that yen are capable et baving a gond ime by yeux- self. If site sees yen reading or writiug lu a slady cerner of tbe erclaî-d or lawn she will feel ail t e satisfactionuni a genereus hostess who liltes te know thet lber guest le enjeyiiig herseli. Speaking ni wiiing reminds me ibat it will be well te teke your owc statiouerji, se tisat yen need net berrow bers. Do't ask bier if ebe bas e siamp. Gisote meney toe teeue wlîe mail,-, the lotions te get yen corne if yen bave forgotten tbem. Keep your ro-jm as nice as yoîî iound if. If yen are s wemau, make your own lied, net forgettingite take the deintiest cane ni the pretty bureau ho- ougings e Olebenieusly fasbiened libitsefew spare moments ni yonr hestese tht shet mnigbt do flie more lonor te ber guesis lyt thus daintiiy furuisbicg forth ber guesi dliamber.,t 1If yen are a nmen, fold back the covers etf yeur befi te air, keep yenr clothes tidily huneu and thc top of veur bureau in luxury of these fin de siecle laye re- quires a différent derneanor, yet wbich is only the superficial veneer ov-er the, trnc, sweet heart of noble wornhuood?' (0ar WOIrnen are se progressive, there are so mnany luterests nowadays that forrnerly were net eutered ie by worn that home lfe sud homne duties soinetirnes ep- pear slighted, a'nd we wonder if the chil- dren growing up in acircle wbere "mother" le but an occasional visiter will flot cone te regard thee member of the mumerons socle- tles or the gay butýterfiy wbose wlîole aînle the sttin ,-f $teas, receptions, balle and dinners, as ksnrut an utter stranger that li- LIe confidence will be gis-en elsewbere, cor- rews sobbled ont loto other ears sud the great wealih nf love that -chould be kepi for tht dearest onue on earth dlvided up or scattered about among those who have more ime te hestow upon the negeted cilîdren of a mother who is wrapped u in social or public obligations. Perbaps mothers are just asnmotherly as in tIhe olden dlays when " the chlldren " were the beglnining and end of every hope aud every amblition, but if they are the distinctive tendernese and ail- absorhing love lu many cases remain skil- fuilly hidden hy the whirling rush ni their ocîside obligations. Stairways and Childreni. A physicien, writing about the différent portions of a house wbicb, hein, csrelessly consiructed, frequently lead te lad accid- enta,sys: 0f ten îlhe stairwaye are tee sieep, île rtread being ion narrow and the rise tee hugh, aud Dersone are cousequently quite likely te faîl. Ie id cal cair wonld berepresent- cd by a tread doubie the widtb of the rise. Children snffr more frequently than adulte fromn defecîlve stitirs. The net uncommon picture is presented nf a moiber or soine guardianu member of the family ieading a little oeeon two to five years down a stair- way, holding on to the litîle baud, with the arrn extended ahove the head, the stairwair steep), the rise perbape seven or eiglit luches, sud the tread nt a whit wider. The hittle eue, with bis weight hslf sus- ,?s-nded, suddenly drops upon eue hlp in . ti a way asieo briug tte whole weighit ni cad body upon that part. This aci being repated as many timnes as there are steps in iha %tairs, gives ns one ni the surest meene of pi-aducing LIe dread caiamiy kuown as Oîp plut disease. Nuen we thluk ni the extreme frallty nf tna Xup-joint lu these littieonues, bow the bonea ofnitîe hp are not yet irmly uuited tegdther, we appreciate hmw necessary it le t the weight ni the superimposed sruc- wde shotild hi eveuily disîributed over both titu1n md all e tLgsues compesing the joints. àt ,è;der te avoid onue part being subjecr.ed MIBCý3LLABE0US ITEMS. Onseof île mosi curions etenes lu îhe world le found lu Finiand, where 1V occure lu meui.y places. ftis a naturel barurnoier, cnd actually foi eteils probable changes lu île wveatbcr. Ifislecallefi sernakuir, sud turne black shonîly before an approaching rai, s-hîle ln fine weaîher ih le mottled wiîh spots of wlhte. A London schonlbey Irought te hie ieacb- er a letter from s physicien, staig that " ibis ho yim until, te attenîd suhool fer 304 days."' The ion g and ratIer exact period named arnused tle ieacher's suspicions, and le discovered LIai île physicien lad ivrit- teîî "'3 or 4 daysý" This île hôy lad ebanged Le 1"«304 days. " A gtaut sunîlade ,wbioùlis inteuded as a present for LIe Sultan ni Morocco, bas juet been cempleted at Berlin. The stick, whlcb le over 3ý yerds long, is Leilded sud richly oruaîueuîed. Tiie outside ni île parasol le of brigît green silk, wiîh a boas-y gald iringe round it, while île inside le lîued with pale -traw ceienr. A big hole lu île grouindbls bsec dis- covered by s weil-digger in île tewn of Slenghier, near Seattle, Washington. Hie lad dng a well thirtfy feet in deptu, sud LIen a rock for seme Lime obstrucied furiler progress. Wlen ibis was remos-ed i n- cos-ered a bele ni nnkuowc deptl. A sixîy- foot repe faled te tondh bottom. Then le uiropped a stene in île opening, sud nearly ihree minutes elapsed beinre a dcli splsel was boeard. Tle hlb îe ibougli te ho île op .înmg te au exiuet velcano. A person wiîo lias ioîaily lest the seuse of heering iluoeecar, althongh lie may imaegine thai tle defeet is ni liLile coneequeuce, enu- nt locaLe île direction of a souud te cas-e bis lueè, even wîeu Lhe centre ni distnrhaue is quite neer him" Lepers in Indue a-crs ireated witl dhock- iug inhumaniîy bofore Chrlstiauity eni-ered thai country. Many of Lbem u were buried aise. Tle Engluel rulers bave pnt a stop îe, this custom, sud fon fenrteeu years tleîe bas heen a special Christian mission te île 135 000 levers lu Indua. There are groundd fer alarm regarîlîng the weifare of France. Ils people are be- cemicg lese rost year afLer year, and île icncase ef population il e s îall as te, be alunosi eîarîliîîgiy îsuggestive. Indeud, wore IL nitfer île influx ni foreigners,'it le like- ly ilet etatistica weuld slow a deonsase ssch yeer. France bas a population ni3,- 218,903, comprisiug about teu million fami- lies, and of thsse two million couples lias-e ne cîhîdren, whiie twn million have ouly one chiid esel. Fer SSverFîft-Ye-srq MeeI. WI-SsnOW*S SeOTHuNxn Ss-nop b-;been Neuralgia, 3iatica, 'Lumbago, Backac.e Hoaduche, Toothache, 8cm Throat, Fro&t Bites, 6-prirng, BrtdsesqBurns, Eton Sad by Drulss and Dealers es-erywhsem -lFfty Cuae bottle. Directions iu il Langinages. TICiIARIS IA. VOGELER CO0, BaMtmore. CiS Oeliiadian Dopob: TSmontoOnt Have you tried the 1 CabloEx CIGAR? RecopiiW dSIARO BRands

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