(Ce ndensed from the Niews.) Miss Berthe McMullen is ill. Mes. Win. Armstrong continues lu poor ealth, Mr. Wm. Luxon is laid op wth a badly fiprained ttnklo. Tho£,. Vickers i gig north for a faw îT0-e s1i'- gr#nIuý Mr. Thos. Chapple left for Blilings, Mon., ou Monudey. Miss McCabe, Port Hope. 'Vis guest cf Mr. Wm. Thotepsoii. Me. Ilarey Armstrong is home from Toronto In joor healtb. Messes. T. Kiekpatrick and J. H. Allin wara in tcwn Suday week. Mr. and Mes. John W. Gifford visiteil friend% In Cobourg la8t week. Fred Dobson was tbrown feom a herse and fractured is coller boue. Me. Site. Metl'et, who bas been very ili is now lu a fair way te recoveey. Me. W. J. stutt spent Sunday last at Mr. Henry Joues, Newtonvilla. Misa Berthe Walker, Port Hope, WaB gueat cf Miss Nellie Rutherford. ýgIr. Wml. Holland'a barber shop bas been re-nhintzledaned newly felted. Miss Httie Willismson is viiting bar iter, Mrs. jas. Sisson, Ballyduif. Thie w. C. T. U. "At Home" in Sans' Hlall, eroning cf Thanksgiving Day. F. W. B.alstoun. oved bis famiy and furuituire to Toronto ou Saturdey. 9ï*hc Orengenlen cf Kendall will hold a dlemonstration and tes On NOV. 5th. Georgb Beer picked a barraI cf app'eB lu 6 minuteq, lowering the record 112 Min. Me. Gilfillati, Bowmsnville, will preach in the Christian church Nov. 6tb, ab 2:30. The aypple ceop of Clerke la exception- ally large, quantittes are being sbipped daîly. Me. Bert Bsllagh and ster, Starkville, visted their sster, Mrs. Dr. Dickey, lest 'Week. 1 Mr. sud Mes. Samuei Wood have gene te live sih their daughter,bMze. Williams, Hope. The foot bail match, Orono vs Ptauty- pool, teck place on the grounds bora Set- uedey week. Ororo won. Mr. John Cuttie bas, a neethern spy grsft on to a taboan aweet tree which bore thîs year apples weiging 13 oz. Miss Celia Ferguton, eldeat auvbter of M.ýr. Robert Feeguson, Brandon, Man., was .ýnaared te a gentlemen cf thaïe clty. The uaw cfficers cf the Ladies Aid, Chrirstien churcb, Preident-Dlrs F L And u; ýVice- Pre-Mra A A Gamsby; Secy-M',ra W W Truil; Treas--Mrs N F Hall. At the home cf Me. John Carveth they eoyda rare treat for thîs seascu on =uuaylast. a raepbeery piefeom barries ptucked the day before, ripe sud luscicus. TimE FIAII Or DZAar.-TbO f ear cf deatb la excited by any severa attack cf disease, ep ciall ceds or ceough%. This need net ha uhere Dr. Wood's Noeway Pine Syrup la k opt ou bau 1 for family use. This uurivalled remedy cures cougbs colds, horsenesa, asthme. bronchifis and al tbroat sud long diseases. Prica 25c. and 50c. Sold by druggiets. They makae e feel as theugh life w8a W®rth living. Teke oee(ifCater's L-'ttIe Lvo-r Pilla aftereeeiîng , it wll re. liava dyopepais, aid digestion, give toue and vîgor te the systete, RCED WITH RusîuuATI5MI.-DpÀAn Sis-l'or ten yeara I suffered witb eheuinetîst in spiing sud feul. I have been ccufiusd te hod for montha at a time but alîsce uxing B.B.B. I have net sufer ed frote it at ail. 1 aise auffered from the dyspepsia, wWich bas net troubled mae since using the B. B. B., and I therefore think it la a spleniid needcina>. MRs. ASSELIA BUnN;, f1aý esland, Out. Report says that hîe. T. H. Runser pueposea gcîug te Seul ste. Marie te tae charge cf a dry geode and hoot and shoe busilit sý; another says be iî going te Port Hope. Time wi;I feU. Thar PAIN- KILLEL, -WO have kncwn the higb charactai cf Iis medicine, eut 1that if l isarsd ith great succesa and satiafacticn lu eue very best familles. Il is the favorite nstdicine cf eue mission. ,aties lu heathon auds, ehere they use il 1more than ail elso together fer th( dise a. sa thet ahouud lu thoso waeer ciimateý,. t bul bho kept ilu aver; bouse, and bho lu reRdinlesa fer audde: atnk c îkns.25.prlarge bottie Trie Presbytetisxt anniversàey tfoc place on Suudey and Mondey week. O1 -Sunday Rev. R. M. Phalen), B. A., Et 1niakllen preeched two excellent sermons On Mcudey the annuel suppor was serve and oeeof the besi programs if r beau cOur pleasure te listen -te wa rendlered. mr. O. A. Gamsby's singiný wa.s highly appreiî%ted, AsK YeuR EîtiEiiDs ABOUT IT.-Yeî - dlstressinû, cough cen be cured. W know it hecausa Kemp's Balsam wifhl the pat few years bas cured se mar coughs eand colda lu this commisnity. Il on the lowet advantsaeUS term£,. get n largo market iherefore, wtho whieh ha wotld have ne inducamneut go on, Would ho the wcek cf mauY vea Th&t la the reason wby Messes. Tucki & Sccn have the command cf the mark, sud t hey are wi2e enough te kuow tl they 2,en reteîin if oly by 'keepingt price dowrn te bard Pan figures. Ask ýýforMurdonltake ne other. Boyd's jewelry store was burg-larized recestly. Medcalf St. Mthodist churcl i tryingc to organuzea choral claas. The town weigh scales have been con- demned by the Ins'pecter. Mr. E. T. Siemon, B. A., willI have charge cf Oshawa night schools. Mr. Geo. Burtefpent Sunday week witb bis mother and siters at Toronto. B. Armour's kitchen, near the Malle- able works caught fire on Friday week. Mr. S. 0. Hunking, the well-known auctioneer, intends meving te Oshawa, llarry Jackson, jeweller, whe bas gene te Oriltia, was banquetted by bis Oshawa friends. Misa Margaret Wilson whe went te British Columbia has mnarried a proniin- ent merchant iu Victoria, The Christian Workers' meetings under charge cf Messrs. Philpot aud Fisher are weIl attended and spiritually bles2od, Mr. Alex. MoMillan who went te Great Britain in the intereets cof the Cedar Dale works nearly a year ago, bas roturned. Recent Visitrs:-Mr. Ed. Cherry, Belleville; Mrs. D. Cartret, Kingston, visited her aster MrF. H. King; E. W. Wilson, Montreal. Mr. J. Arlingtou Cook gave an address en the the progresef temperance wotk and Hev. W'V. J. Scott rend au eBsay on the prospect cf the ýfuture, written by Mr. C. W. Reynolds, at a recent epen meeting cf the Royal Templars. LATE ABPtuvÂAs.-"Andrew, are you going te the village?3" "ewle"fheu deu't forget te brlng nme a bottle cf that Kpemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds, the medicine that cured Aunt Mary's ceugh after she had foollshly let it run along until she had about given up ever getsiug rid cf ih. Rememaber KeMu'S Balaani Andrew, and take ne other. Yeu cen get It t any cf the dmng stores." KTRB Y. The Leene bad sa very intereetAng pro- gram en Friday evening lust. Mr. Tho@ Thorton moed te Oono lest week aites living in this section over fifty yeers. Mr. H, L. Powers vi'ited Lindsay lest wesok teo attend the revival services cf Croeslesy and Inter. Agent Bingham and ire inspecter Sal- ter of the London, Liverpool and Globe Insurance Co. have Bettled Mr. T. Han- derson's dlaim on bis loae by fire with $1,500 Insurance, He secured quite a large quantity of harley which waa net hurnt some cf which ha bepes will do for soed. The neighborsi are ehowing great kindnass by allewing hiim te house bis reet crop in their os-ars and Qffrieg tie supply bixu with straw aud tabling for bis stockr dnring the winter. DOUBLY COMMENDED. Sss,-I bad a vary bad coid aud wes cured by two bettîsa cf Hagyeî d'Èi Piot cri- ai Balzam. I cannot do without it Mms. W. C. H. PEnnav, Son GuI, Ont. DISAIt Sns,-l cen highly recommend Hegyard's Pectoral' BalBiani as the boat remady for cousihs and coids I have avec 3usod. Miss F. STEPHIENSON, Oakland,' Ont, a Miss Katrina Argue resumad ber stud- 3ies et Bowmanville Bigh School this week. Misses Annie and Laura Hlogarth spent ri a few days in Whithy lest weelc. " Mr. John Reynolda bcd a succesaful " huskieg bee lest wesk. tQoarteely meeting iviii be held et El- dad on Sucday next. d Harmony Division ara expected te psy e ue Division a fraternal viît on Friday :t night. l- Patrons cf Industry moat ce Tuesday it eveuing next. E very member ho pre-sent ,e as there ia Ipecial business. ci Farmae'r are busy with their roots and 'y rapcrt e very favorable crep. The youtig people are talking cf cegan- izing an Epworth League bore. kMinard's Liniment is used by Physiclans. Axful Suffering. Driven Aimcst in- sane by Doctors. Trled Cuticura. Relief Immedlate. Entirely Cnred ln 4 Months. I sufercéd with the dreadiol ec-zrma for over SiX montha, during whieh time 1 Lad consitled three doctoro, ced iis tormeetIig skia disease Lad grownewom c addwvrse on me le spite cf ail mcedi- cal treatnmut. My condi- tion v.as xubear-ie. IMy legs v erc 6wuiIcU, My mis ersetraw, rny face and neck full of ruptime, whicb made me scratch uneil ny x wbaesiere 'i,7) soaed and pasted rith A 11wthesickly Ibid. 1 could h adiy berr y ciotbing. bWeen igbt came I ws afraid to go te bed, rio sieep v outd corne to te. Hoeve me, bu' the itchieg would lecrease. Durieg day time e1 bad Done tst Ivasalal broken,,T, uer- v;ous te the higheet degree, and eeautly drixen f0 despair. At that time 1 read abitUt the CUTICLeA IZEnesesIES, ieteeded te try tbem, aed dropped the doccra. iffter cpptying Csyicur. I had l tI fret -night'5 t'egt jor oceral weeks. Usng tho CUTICUBA, CurîCUttA ScAP, and CUTICUStA RE- SOLVEttT, witb proper juogmet, Mny condition impreved salowly but 6urely day by day, untlafter three te four moths' use cf them 1I vas cured. Our miciister, 1ev. J. G. Perrault, je Mandae, hknows me and kecws 50w 1 suffered. Ay ocee oay write teim a l ed ovcil certify te tbetrh c lahistestimoeial. E. IR. STEINBRL'EC1X, iaudan, ITortb DIakota. Cuticura Resolvent The uew Bleod ced Skie Purifier ced greatest cf Berner Remedies, ieiernally, cleauses the blood cf al Impuriies ced poiscecus etemeets, Wble CUTr- cuRA, the great Skie Cure, aed CUT-CUitA SOAS, ce exquisite Skiei Purifier ned heaufifier, extereally, clear the skie of cvery tIface of diseage. Scia everywhere. Pries, CUTIOIA, 750. * SOAP, 350.; RESOLvE.NT. $1.50. 1repared by the POT- TiR n eu ACuELcAL CorpoesArecte, Boston. erI""Hcw te Cure Bkin Digeasoes." 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and testimionials, iuailed frce. t LS, blackhends, red, rougb, chapped, cnd PIM Cllskie cured by CUTICiJItA SeAt. HOW MY BACK RUIlESI Back Ache, Kiduey Paies,' ci ed Wes nýess, Screeess, Lameca,,tra!wtus.cd Paie reiieved lnin eeinute b; tht C;uticura Ati-Pain Plaster, 0f Toronto, Ontarie, Cus'od of Catarrh and Neuralgia Guod autlcorify lias saidt t Il neurailia is thte cry cf fthe nerves for pure biooct.'lTise protpt nettie cf BoettaSarseparîlla on fthe ItI n t, cemblneet wifl ifs tcuing andi streugils- t geffoet ciponth ie ne rves. malee fis a grut nelieine fer neuralgia ant iseaofo cticil etc. %Vo cesmeni titis letter te ail iavug sncb troubles, anti especiaily le Suffering Women "For a guct i any years I1Isave beeu sufer- iug fr3555 enlarrh,, cemraigia anti CCeneral Debility 1 faileb' to obtaixe permanent relief fretS ntedi. il adviee, anti my frientis feareti I wuouht noser ied anytling f0 cure nie. A cil', rtiune ago 1 was iteduce t b iy Hot's $xsprlaAtt u imeC 1 wai unable te Mfas. ee-nattshort distaîsce wthcut feeling a Death-Iike Weakness c;in 1t hXse ant d intense pissns from BolS SUITS ANI) OVFRCOATS ALL SizES.-If you wai t a i eally flrst clasm choice sec, our 110w stock. VWe, iti l n y bod, istîctiant i luch, v Xi xxcrery exhaustiig. But 1 an glati make Boys 'and Youth's Suits to order at ve ry close prices. 0ur Men's Ordered Clot.hing trade le stliUî t t;iittiasaxv atis11)ai cf akis Id'ig ie reasirng, our work is abeadi, and ail who have compared will allow our prices te ho tue lowest for E.'axi-o good Ihe '1io oek 3 botties I was entirely qctality. Cured of Neuralgia, BOOTS AN» SnoEs.--There are still semie who bave not tried us in this lino. One pair tried wil1î I gal etdini strengti rapiffiy, and eau. convince that we have îhe right goods'and rigbt priceN. MR. WM. JENNINGS isin charge of this depaîitment,- ý take a iwo-cille wxaik xithcuf feelincgtitreti. 1Id tici sufer icary se tends frcin ca- tatiqi, andi indt lt as luy stroitilc trases T. GEO. MAISON, Cilothing Store, Bowmaiiville. chi.e .e xoman, catd am sery grtîtefîî tOf Hood5s Sarsaparilla IiDIstrict Notes, fer wht t lent decofor tise. It 55 1Y visii-... SW /e 13z ug hzrn..t. C Ih eap fjia,tiss ny testimocnal sall bcriepiebisiteti Mr. John Csrsadden, -Kendall, întends in eider tls.t ofters siifferlîîg as I WaS me2' reucolng te, Manitoba. I este howe te lie beiefiteti." M_-ies. M. W e l C e p Wii~Re,5 Elet StreetTretc. Burgai's visited Dr. Rae's residence inW lu Ce p Hooo5 PLLecur ai hier tit Bi OsOhawa a faw ulghts ugço. ies. Jaeediee, Indigestioe, Sick Bieadaithe. Thse townshilp cf Brook will vote a a- --- - _UA HP TON. ThJaes MMcli FIRST GLASS QOODS AT LOWEST' LIVING PRICE3.F 1Manvere, waa eontly auuouncad. Ghurch ze epening the latter part of Ne flowery rhetoria cen fell the merib Novmbe. f Hods Sruaarllaaswei aseh cue.Read carefuly the following lit of Bargains. Cut this list eut and. The chas. >cosnpany will sip part of accomplishied by ibis excellent reedicîne.0 their October cheese this week. W. congratulate cue uplcy tcntemper- bring iti with you. We will show you each M. M. B. Cryderinau has eased thse eey, the Pickering News.. on raaching its article as advertised. south 40 acres cf the Coulton eatate. 12ih birthday. Mrs. Bradley lateof Loakard bas ranted Te gat relief fromn indigestion, hilieus- 15 yrbs. Heavy Factory Cotin for. . 00 10 ydo.extra wide Glass Toweling for$j_.q0 Mr. W. T. Cole's etate et Ashtou's Cor- nausa, constipation or torpid liver witberst 15 11 Fine Shaker Fla1nal for.- -$lî O 7 Gent, Tics for ......... ....... ý1 G nersansd moved jute the aiea.dsturbing tisa stomach on purginig the li lb. or 20 Skeius Black Worated 1pi aisBako ôoe i bewebs, take a few doses et Carter's Littîle Y ru for . ................ . 00 GpîtLades Bbsok e) or .....ed IÇ,id Mr. Tho. Burrows bas beau very il], Lîver Pilla, tisey wili plesa you. 5 pair pu~re Linen Towels foi, .. $.01LdisHav -wool Shawb, . .$J0t Mr. G. Oliver bas aise hati a relapse. re#lm îk rmmoug1sutMn'HayllwlUdr- ,1LisHaval Me. Geo. Paeish ina ble te ha eut éain. To..r.ven...amp...cks$fr00n5smokladoubsuit Mena' Heavy all.wecl Under seak the new wiek twe or tbree heurs in wear for......... s.o d.dul odCo' ahee$.O Mr. H. Elliott, jr., returned from Ce- vîneger. Dry well befora usîug. 1 pair Mens' He avy Wool Sooks for.S1 00 5 yda. Black doubla foid Cashmaere.$1,O0û bourg lest Thursdsy uight; feem eobterva. Thet tited, Iauguid feeling artd duit 8 pair Childran'a Black Wool Floue Lovoly patteres lu Dras tweeds tien ha bas beeked tht place as a 1ed edcai eydagsab.Tk w for $1.00 or 121o. pair. fer par yd................ .0 town-only loyau places wbere iquers ef Cartaw's Little Liver Pilla helre catir- 2Mn'SftFi aafr... î0 3aen BakSxn o... $,Q are old. ing, and yeu wil i Sd relief. Thy novai The dollar you spend with us goes farther, hasts longer, gets more, Several patrons cf the cheease factcry failte do goed.stea1ttt mde moe drli bore talai ef putttug lu plaeutia.ble fer Ttc Milteu Reformer la savon yeara tye more quliy, more quaniy and oemr goo in service, wort ter mnatureofsudtern Iduid heold, sud Brc. White aays: We are gied te and -wear than any inoney yen spend. wer ood ahme.d e hin tw l e b be te aay that if is enjoying very good Recent visitera: MiessMarouey, Ennia- IIESlTIOb. D-L2NL-UF.IJ 0 . IJ. M ,A .S ON . klben; M . T. Sller, Greetsbank; M es. 1 Iis trou ghly N Cu red-of indige tion -I Bull, Stirling; MigsaLoua Lene, Torouto, ss thouhly uee o ludigeaB. i.eBc, an Misa Jamieson, Detroit; Mes. R. Marais, tuing uiy tree otbescif BtB.Bl audn Pelechere, et M. Thos. Rowe's. tuhul eemn fbclsfei. w as t ro bl e wi h y sp p mi f o ab ut f ruo i th e s ae m a m as y . M as. D A v ID IeN , HiE QUT THE DocToit.-GENTLEMN- WinUipeg, Mati. I ws tcubed itbdysepse fr aout Me. Dean 11undie, lot 23, con. 3. four years and tried several remedies but Brook, theeshedto tn ecres Alsike Clever. found thora cf littbe use. I uoficed au Ha obtainefi 80 huabels cf seed whch wili n f t e l rg s t c fP r atvetseeu f urok bodBitea bring bim $560 or $56 au acre. E se I quit the doctor, sud started tu' use Fo tecortofi.nty toostpaio 13 3 . n or on htteewsstcmsch sud liver troubles, aud ail der- inJh s ou tLLJ..L e f und a uolhng te equel if. If tok juat three engoments cf he digestive aud etsiril - -"R1Vi~ Y'U E' S HEat and Ùur store* botties tueaffect e perfect cure in my case, ieognA r'Plaaaivlub M M A E sud I con highly recommoud this excellent tia ourga Aer's Pillacre pnlaeo Onmyt. ai.BR .Riiga take, alweys reliable, and ret3nn thI-esc consi sts of Pu r Coats,-B5obDes, On.vint nos in eny cli mate.I Jackets, 1 a es,' ola s 11fls n A CINSALES. Mr. Thomas Liston, aged 84 yeersdied, j1Cap,, Jo1qa s ... UE lu Kingston on Wendesday uight. Bfils C p ntE)Latest StyTle an d at WEDNESAY, Nv. 9.Mr. Sanleywidow, ase 84 yeasraof age, died en the Ca siIt t Staples villllat Burketon Stationi,60 sae night, three or feue heurs luter. ithe low 'est possible cash price. sheaeling sheep, 20 good awe Iambe, 40 Jusr AsCoc, peehapa; but if juat ase store boge, 10 fiue abeers, 2 apringees, - god as Putuam'o, la thitt nef a very high . .a ~ ~~j r3cl c1aa~~ 4~57 soma Cotswoid, 'Leicester sud Shrop- recommandation for the originslald suhet A. lar e and w l.l s le te oc sbire rama. Sale et 12 o'clock. Sea cern cura ? Puftuam's Pailesa Ceeoxren s F unnh n s al v y n ret bis. TuestAs SwAIN, suationeor. tracter. Refusa te, accept eny cf thalUe n G n s F r i hi gs i a s o SPECIL OTIC.-Wan cia uIsaradangeroîsa sera producing subaliluiea a das~ s~~ ~ PEI NTC.WesaeblsaeOordby greedy dealers who maksî large ha d n as LJL±ap as theX.Ji.J.L l~Qjas printed et TuHESTATESMiN office WegiVe ofi u îegedteasfeet fcn When -ge do uci irint the bis the charge la sunions. Set e, painlees, certain.e t a le ry a d s c r a g i 25 cents a linoua ch Insertion. For sales in i t c "~~"~ ~ " West Durham sud Easf Wbitby e noticelui Wbibe in the ucrîheru port of EtiLland s sttield this ppeor ta vrth as rnch as 100 bills from snd parts of the States they are erj)ysogLL .J '..S. any 015eoffice in Bewmanville. bocause tesu no tehe, ,l he o ef A1 . far i odTESAEMN are hsving ua.most maguificent au ualîn. L X inds of Purs altered. Higli- Grand time for fermera andi ap,.uîe picers. e tp i a d f r R " u s IN TaftriNG.-Tbere i a goed uceny e tp i e p i o a U s in activa training toe equatie sports ahoi Ê wiil do well te read the opinion of Mr. ]Ej91 C. C. RicHiaP.Ds & Ce. William Beach, a champion ceraman o! R C IALF R I My son George bas sufferedl with non- Australia, who asys : 'Ilhave found Sf. ralgi's round the heart sinca 1882, but by Jacoba Oil cf greateat service in training. the application et MINARD'S LINI- For atiffne as, crampa, muaculer pains RAGLAN. MEINT lu 1889 if completely dieappearad and soranesa, if je luvaluabf e. I aiways lîlUN sud bas net triuhied hlm since. keep e bof fe iawth me. If cures chou- Me. Robt. Feasre veey i] JAS. MCKEE. mtiorn." This le standard authcrity for. Me. Jas. Fewster of St. Mary's la ce, I Llnwood, Ont. athlotes. Me. D. B .tdford la home1 frein Brant- A FRMERS Me. Lang, Prince Albert, duelug the ford. pat season raised cff eue acre : 25 boada hnyuoeaAdrtmn lk mIangoldsansd cerrots, 25 hushals turn' , Mr. L. Poster viitedl friands0 et New-WhuoueanAdrismstlk 25 bushels cern iun e, 500 cahheg,15 castle. DON'T BEL.IEVE ST ___________________ bushbois potatees, 1 buahel white bean; Mn. W.- Hezzlaweod wil move imb the u'fyn eur uyhn îGrocoriez, To The Front! halise solti off the sane acre Qâ woelb of village. Staple Dry Good@, Patent Medicines, grvean pea beades c large quantity of Me. Thos, Rosa in moying te Mes. M. Tiuware, Gardon Seeda, etc., ca.ll t We notice by the announicemteut lu green beans. Still'a tarm. . -1SOLINA STORE wheee yeu wili fiuc, & Octobor issue ofet taFÂnsmzs' AuVOCe-rE, IT BEÂTS JACK P iTcs. -DoerSir,- 3/rG.Om8o ilouptebus firat-cleFs assortmont which bas boei et London, Ont., sud Winipeg, Mani., Wa have useti Hagyard's Yeilow 01ùOM.i.tmitn il cnyine os boughtfor cashi, ceusequently I arn pro. that if in te ho publisbed twicoe amenth eur family anti know it ii e sure cure for vecateti by Thos. Rosa. parod te salI et close prices and r-; acit atter January 1sf, 1893, et the sae rate lumbago anti froat bites. My wife waese Miss Alica Warfoik bas rat urned home fle quality.1 (1.00) palr annura as heretofore. Ve ara hsd wîth lumbago that eho coulti ne frfom Blackstock. Amneelcari sud Canadien oit îalways ln alwaya pleasedt ehave fiis journal reach etraighfen hersoîf, anti Yeliow 'Oi cern- Mes. J. W. Anderson o! Flint, Mich., stock. Pleaue givo me a eslsud you wil our office, as it centains s vat amnount cf pleteiy curet iebr. If bas been a fortune ia visîting bier si.ter, Mes. T, Dawson. ha weicoma:wbatler yen bny or net. valuable raading ou ail subjacta pertain- te us. OIivEit ALLEN.-, Oweau Sound,Out. N.B-Eler' ele Fer ef ing te Agriculture. This journal ijeavec &la aaaGgr"N . lic' olrMu et eeady te taka up the cudgels in behalf et EOUGHT, CORDS, ASTIIA, I1O10 EJ.5,TCear avaa Ciare tfli rs anti ahotult receiva their BarONCHITIS, etc., y1eld et oncete Or. t'La Cadous" sud "L, Flore,." Insia s A tAMS fermeraWeed'is orway Plue syrup, tise Jufréessta jhearty support. Throat andl LungE Specifie. tipon bsvirîgf these braudas. Fa erFedc taken. a p 1