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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1892, p. 6

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ei3oller ig couderae id lis visiter ral ci'as 1 thouglit of the twenity years that vtere a' Iea.- B EY N D R L ~ ~ prsonal friand. gone, and eoinpred thei wýiËh those that Riell but disagreable Aunt C rumpy was -£ B EY U N D R L grasped the band r of my o]d frieud, and were to coins, li a moment ail the briglit' o a visit to her uot-too-well-off married we sat clown in silence. Hie looked in my niess of the past flasîed upon me-the long diaughter, whose existence aui that of lier ln a dangerous earecAE' fe'>e for a minute, sud thon I know itot riays of carele3s happiness, the~ days of kec lusbnd's abc made a perpettual turmn'tt to CHERRY PECTORAL is promplo p, ta nd CHAPTER XI. dosa te tren_ a muan up for trial witb despair what hie saw there tltat overcanie bim, bu' delight aud buloyaut hope ; ail these l'sy be. Clmem. sure to cure. A dose taken on th,, lirst A RSETO bis fa3e ; but I told him. The moment hiebroke clown completely, turnirg alwav to hind mie, lost for ever! Before me was 1One morniug bier four-yearol,l u'hw smtomusofruoBoîhtsce A POSEC 0 RERIVE Is3w th-u tna-Jor's attitude I Said to Ilim, bide the tears thrait rail downl bis chaek'. utigbtti upnt~l louo ugdaogahaybee n lid ather furhorPrrssothecmiat. firi ws oobesiderd y he"î yn out go ont of the country for tell The sight of thu dear oid fellow's grief blank despair. feet. I' soffuns Che phlegm, soothsý th1 in erowd of icteas that had beeu forced uPou days, my client will go to penal servitude unmnuud mie; for sympathy viitb ils in "Have you lio hope of mercy ý" aiskud the Il Well, sir," she suapped,' what do you 1fielô.ed membraneadiueslep trted to fix rny thouglits upon cre object lio muttered under tus breaili, as lie set than the mnisfortuue itself, The 'vords 1 "Do You eall it merey to sfnire the life of " in k tha thiars fo cati pAese aut ooa rupe, for mo ia, an ùe and dýistiuguish- it front the rest I found 't clown lus bag. "And as if," lie added, would have spoken choked me ; aul fork af sîuh oecsw'tba lTa oim h vr ard,"yo wa th gutiesees reply, ýc la grinpe, pri It alsgc imçrcsshibe. t me asiutosy as if ahs fpol turuIingi again Co me, lis brows overlapptng little while wc sat there mute, clasping of my last hope. 1 eau otiiy ' usîs thati I dada says wheuu you do it'Il lie goud wer sbuttg u messnultueosly asifwith the iutensity of hie exagperation-" ,t eacb other's hauds tiglirly, chl herls- were dead.' o i ou red. rapidymbere mf picturu serI bin faadif not coutclt w;th showiug off lits cliivalr tion ocurred to une that thts might lie tihu IlIs tltat your wife's hope, Kit? asked--- E fr a bfre my h e yes; an as if I al ipo f tlen h ts y r rd f r i s ow of is last frieudly grip I sho ld ever fel. fM Yti nyold friend, gravey, IlThink of lber, i P r t In ra c .C e r y Pt r I from au retelligi t, cc rn ofs cal Iupo chivalry f rpubimc adm iration, hoe iusC o "T l e K it, I lie s i ,su dideuy falg K it-think that at tiis very mumient she is o bR iCs i n srauce , poopley P e't giv auinellgile cunutofailI ad let ont what yoti said to blatimnl t'le me-" tell me, my boy, Chat you are 11111- PraigGdt ur o ole.Ill c]ime oh osesbr ce ole iay toe x L5alstma peaain.h huard sud seen. t.Ilown ber e isai voih the fber. hatrian stopi eeiaetu h a- nosdyu'do-hsas aare WVith a strauge feeling of apathy I itoolo. e wuthhatsâhnwîhh ther utetucîo bupu po en sa ouoiCueg fm id u tTiat was Chue turuiug pint.e Up te~ "By God, I am innocent !" I replied. sIte May ttex'er sec your face again. freda hrarwr npctn h ol nostbld sat own n Jeedgeof m bed andthen every thiug was on otîr side it " Thauk Heaven for Chat," said lie, de- IW'ouîdn't if bu butter go? Degradeli Shed. Il I 'aisht tluey'd look Sharp, and tendl able tu the taste, nLoustnotinterfere %with set myself to court the bricks in thu vias a moral certaiuty tîtat ive shonld get voutlY. "No onu eaui comnmand sinueritybeoCeleiofasv;brdd itîpmemypolîcy ; Che thing miglit get burned digý3stio-i, and 'sueds tobutknmuii wall lander thu coatiug of whitewash bu- Owtelvlo lv;bre ititedonaymutad iers I b twen he oo ad te ide Ate awtieyou off; conviction ou the evideuce as froin misfortuuie, but Chu knowledge Chat viiesi of mankiud; what shall I bu a. the onaymnué ie esIdb ln i' Sm-,ail céoses. tenhdoadhsd. ftrwie tstood was ont of thu qustion. 1-s yoti are innocent musC give you streugth sud of tweiîty years?" tliae yojadu iqirdtefiu hrr Pertoa msoed testei ey ow efficuent my eyss dazzled with the iriglit re- ruinud us-dropped us dlean luto the hands to mueet ht witi resignation and ffbear Chu "Whatever you uhoose to make yonrself, faeyupi i? nurdtefin. ryPcoa ispoe fi fleutfon of the gas tpon the lime, a feeling of oh Cie euemy with bis theatrival reticence bitteirestblow with fortitude, It baslight it Wnim"rpid h iawt Lonmg 'ago," auswered tise other, n nirreyfredcugs n levrous îîa, thes tcamea aa >ums' W Bartlett. sikusscaeovr ne udI an nyied u is huticl isly.h asa if tue ened my huart, sud will liglitet oue still mor ofrita thae Ihoa anad evrsenhmexngsotîu ytt ho.o Cemumye.Pitfl.. imy hattis. lien, just as the figure of ladl plautued it al out beforuhanid-at if lie more nearly hourd teoyou than 1Iam." Ihibit. "If yon givo way to evil influences cept abuidie of papers Iftheydou't tend "Forthela - 3-caersl have een adrgAyery" tîte ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o sust beill prau brutef ife youtin lid dnsit il u prpse.Dote o pu. I hpe l uay" Imnrî, le1 tnua rut; f yPectioralem at asod ulîy aontrroubsmalestat e useba your oves after lookfug ut it, flehets white ha you teuyusa ;li e numdadC err Petoal os gtobeamaas fcas sh ,rpe akitotenao' pose? l" hrepeated musingly,as lus regarded "-It wil Kit; it wil! lie protestud, Yeu will lie a mniata better, a strougur tpe t ht loor te mae, and u t t fac, hedrppe bckluto ienijo ~the floor, is head on one aide, one brow up, stOtlY. "Tie heart that loves you ulow iman lucr crth thf aoo wouîau' lnd ehrg that arma, came before me.' 1 tee it ow s I Ctme otier dowîî. must love you ever, aud lu Chas love fiud a you 'are to-day. Courage, Kit, courage! i S a ve e #-.,e hb tohmded.I fid saw t tChou-Chu white upturuied face sud I was surprisod at Chu solicitor a changed constant spriug of sweet reflection sud sol- Bo mati, fo h aeo orwf.'hu rie o iv u r's notfec omeav cf t ardhs, 1ssuieume msci pstCed lips, standing out iii strong relief demuanor. Prevî'ousiy lie had sltowu sense ace. But I'ys net corne Co p ty hu part of of hier love; wuar it about your lîeart like a s!~îiyme1 and freque t doses.'- f. M. Matihe' s, P. aainst the major'e black coat.soto eevv'.asiiulcmotr yby;n olt0TeSagt auC. oatoerhe v. hraOi. "ht las bs oueCha ae soul sot o teer e vn a certain duferetuce, luasiiuiofrnm by . ob talisman, thai. wili give yoit strengtli to Theoin r'Selie" Sas h a. i Tertr oticehsh. SemnO-o Wlatbs il on ta alesoudspeaking to me; non' all Chat was îirown Chu chiapiu of îhis gruat establishiment la a evercorrie CIme euemy, sud bring yon ont tri- te bays anti gir's nder 10, raiti~ bCu e u " Ayewie's Cerey oter Id;nvhii effclnd a suiferV I aaked mysoif, cocîscions for Che oýff. I suemed to me ouly Cou aigniflusut. far more able mati in that respect tItan I; I umpiant fromt ile struggie. Thumîlz of lier Povointe uvryiowenil tll unr3nt.tes 'tr yeru suerry front a c ,ld; uotlihmmg hslpa first Cinte of flhu iriJustice of Chia punish- WliaC nued was there for the man to observe ami bere to reuder you practfcal service if I csliting Chie tîsys sud hours fer your re- nua.ber o~r l,unimbt" wiraupere: let, $10;2ad.l Cure-R. Amnero, Phymptn. N. S. ment. Wiat crhime have 1 doue that I respect or attempt concesîment lu Cte pres- eau. We kuew abiout it hast night," lie lussesnpporthng Chu weary days, with Cie $6; 3m'd. $3; 4th. $1;5ht 4aHndou sj shonld bu here ?" enue of onu eondenued te sud lus lifu in a eonitiued, after apause. "A neigliborhlad confidelit litopt of happineas te om and ta tian 12wrsulpsrl Senti ,,'îapperg te Aye ' Ch ryP coa Witl tItis a feeling of savage rebellion fird few days ou Chu gmîUows? beuu to London, sud brouglitlns Cime aen- ielievu Ire, yon will not have thli heart to ! sanliîht'I Soalu Otd'ee. 43Soout St.* Toron to Pr prdbyr.JCAer&..,ow Ms. my huart-a feeling of bitter liatred to IlAs if ie iad doua it ou purpose !Il lie iug paper whth a brief accouint of Chu trial, !do ili. Tliisweakiesswillpassaway-ay," uOt liter than 29,h of each m tti sud markedit Jý hueaen ud atChandailmanknd.1 cra-repeated once more, refiectively; then sud. It was chuc finit we liad huard of it. As a 1said ho hie voie truîuîbliîîg as the tsars Comt'on"; alto gtys CuIl nai, nddiros rmpFt itqueacr ed the judge whosu impartiality had forcizly deuly casting one sys ai nue lue asked rnis .1 avohd Clint khîmd of readiug. I ue ped t uhiyfnè lti age. trmsudlh nubrhe of Th, oront W tuw Heealruady. You xviii couie ont wehi fromt this un firat Se zirday iu oac i mnti. fiiriotu instinct of a rapped best wio wil1 Ttanu tirCait yoti 1usd nmot senut for me.- I might iorduai, aud amîuly couspetisate Chat lovhuug Ruliber liseis, to facilitate marchiug, are ssuap lu bisi pain even at Chie bsard that woulId IlNonea vhtatever." have doue somuthing for you, Kit. h could wif e for ail tuer patient suflferiug.' to le attauluel Ctisth slsoes worit by Frenchi uullerd Chu sprhng. "Notse V' he said iu a tonie of surprise, bave told theut ail I lene*t about yen ; what "I wii bu a isuam," 1 said Co himt as we soldes xeiet hhtst iv 1 was in tit uneod whsn Chu chaplaîn I Choug i lie was hier uncle." au admirable workuîan you were ; lsow 1parted. le~- camne te visit une. I dhd not raise my iîead 1 turned away impatientîy withut ru- Wall You eoîsducted yourself in' al[ Iwsuulhape we etbkt givun decided satisfaction. xwm lvheu Chu dooren opund lie l yi nw sponding. Wliy bsdl lie come liens tu tiogs; low you atood by yonr ofd rmy celI. Over sud over again I rspeated TeHa ngo lswspsut hu bulilslandtrouble my laSi lioura, and excite me mno'her Co Cie lasi, plodding oui ii Cthe tiha' tue goofi old vicar had ssid Ce mu. 0f the Liabon 1Mledical C'ampan s, fouowu nxcle usr sok -e on îîîy armi, and sitting beside me xvitafeln of anm sit t a Cime whuuIl okso wlseu you ivure Copedt go It m e i new life, I aw sotiga Toronto, Canada, sud înaly lue con- supleyment and control ef Cerrieîy. Hv o th ln ei Sek hnwislied ouly te mnake peaue witl ail men? whure yeur genfus would olitain butter Ilow Cet vefr Hp sa bngtyueisie uhrl esno y ute o hn ebsns- aaa35yas iaa I looked rmp quîukly xveth Chie fudre couehoebihtyae Mr Beeton Cook ne notice of me n'ly recognition. Tîsat mnust have counted for'tru h om isaCa a sfr me. cîron e nie pesnior Ce ate Mon Cel I ih e eudfrtri cepiion Chat Relie miglit have flotrd luer shonld bue ?-but atood drawiîug bis baud somethîug, foi' surely a guod sour is nus sr a 1 wes in Cis butter nsuod thu uext morniing yiton;g oise or mddheaed wlo mand iM".ohrgte edotrq way lither tu bld ne Ilgood-bye" for eve r. dowu bis long face as lie atudhed tise figor, bad tian. And ail Chat I lad bmi say lu your wlunr Betnagi vsiu ne evaeros, r a a mideîad tew fi îo ae CAEBRTIRSG Suuughiblck oaauahavehîî uredwhIlst 1, taking Chie Bible frem ita shmîf fvo cola have heau snggusted by Miss « 'ts aIl riglit" lesaid, cheful ; k d' nuy face agaun. seatud umyssîf ou thie plank bail te rend, liane, whmo dou..btloîs wonld haivu k rui as Il , . ;te oeSc a roeu down fromt exes or oerwvrk, Coîberus, Ont. It was only a jaul officer, paid like thes "Well," saud hue, suddenky, recovering buis whlliug as h to go hnothie witness bo.For "weva putitioue Ch oteSceay. sud resuîîing l * n of Chu following Syp- _ _-________ h voX ul get your comumutation lin a few days. toms: Meta dgrsin prmnur ea id0i4 ~ f warders te admunister wliat linmanity brhsk, ensrgeîîc marner, "«we nînsut loteshae ain-aya took the drepusi in'eua tual s a moral csrîaiîsîy.." agu, lest of vitality, logs of memery, bsd NotULice LtJ 'r" Lamers. could raut .ieuy. Hmiinaniy y! Wliat liad imie.' Nevermtnd about reading jusi new. Chait con'ernud you, thouigl yoît, of course, I amu glad, of it." dra, dnns hsgipliaino h liumanity te do with me? You'Il net be huangsd Chia time." knew riothing about if, aiheit Mrsa. Bulhsn "Havýent touts Cime major?", heat, mitins, ofc oihte , paiin lu Che r rpTdt oaleopn tfv lie spoko meofCoins ovofndGod's. %Vloveo esudeai? 1i'spy. w"Wbhavtidoyen outmran?"ic I gaspurile.o Iliiclthavesinst thiaftenrgupainsn teomamnthparattoac aumchtpitga"Ne.", 1 Curned away ivith a brutal laugli. Wliure "Oh, your sentence wil bu _ommuteil, of sxîstud iuutweeuî yoti of whicli wu wero kapt I.Ashlamed to show li«, face. No woîsder. kiduys ithesdîor puimpsesato ou u th ee et Ve h,1h tcc oue mudd' ,,a scrrum waonne obut Ihe orgaus.. diziuss knery wher ladiesn arer, Gnti job ifr, Ti cotne npoto h fnewluici auffered Cwo innocent crus- M e ontmdle it yott will get od' n'tm Kýit, wion tleyget notiosaoCtîsis kind into svay.1 sscsur wa sein ofs the itch, zin zs hCu indr air &Mlie cme pries.wio.%1,, Cutres Co hoe plunged lute shame and itiery? punal servitude for lifu; iliat lu ordiussry Cisir huxd; there's no disahusiug their But Chu mnajor was not ilslaued to show mslseeW n lehrbsfles Then lie told of thie Divine pardoni accord- cae muebisyyas mrsnîuî.mnao roIcmeu yCuftttan u face. h M'as taken np hîtto Cie cousuit- dupst luur th. uine lts f ilposr sd vo repentant silnueis, anti beggsd use Co caeTli wnyyab mpioiet id ferr.Iaeubtifrttan mucl, P ss i sud areler, bs fuinpoers, YnsRsetu pray wieh hili for forgivunss wlsilu therle TaC's not insupportable. Yetu will cerne and as it ivas too eariy to se you, h wutit oom tc couet 1dim jif sfter Mr. Beetou left teuerusoChsclsdspnwasdA..TO EY n-a Clne~iiu f0pra fo,"ont a.t forty, and ai thsai; agu a utan msy Co Richmond, liopiug to learui sonmuthmig nue. lie lookr'd auxions mand iII ; but Chers flabby muscles, desire Co sieep, hailure te bu Teoleye Milîs Darlingtel Ia crieinie yet hope for tome enjoymeut of hife. If w front my dear Relue about yoîur puer wife.' w as no sigu oh simame or regret aveu ou bis rustud by , constipation, duliness of Cortc-tacf1181 Ilheav nofin er forefeos I arie tu o nuddie i, yon'li get inpurisonniunt for :: Did yen sc huer?" I askud. Chun, handsome face. - 55P. sltd, CutcDe 81 cet i ofrivns. a no tew etrio your lam lifo. Ihuat "No. Tie hloise ha abut up ; Chu anl liesrmng, lots o eu dusîre forsoiue cet" , lahnoele, anrm of tmaiwosdrbygn vry htwsancsiy faruI "We have made a great mistake, Mn. excitabiity of Coîtiper, aunken uye surround.- Ru alowed ne surprise. Mmuy anotlier wos hnbighne ioîe o o urta r iaedsied~Wyiidlma-n,"hle sali, gis iug nue lis band, ed with LEAtise OTIIOag, ehly lookien akili fen-nd gîîîlty, mmybe, lmad profussed inlno- -may othiCeivfrotmgto ope corvants." "aîîd I wish te undo il if it 'S lot Coo lie." etmc., are aIl symptems of nus-vous Jebiiity Covenant MVutual douce m Chat very cave for. in Yo inver lo-oi ilte ehyor Tii1a eif was adlent, not knowing to wliat tnia- that load te insanity sud deatli nnIis cured. Whici oh ns cati aay hie is biamneleas 9" ta "h ki r h ' pnn o ialfrc avu btit e prison walls Cull body and mind are weru Iukew, îssy dear fellx, tat youir Mmfe't tThe hiein oerred lie orebvrgls stl Benefit .Association li ad ety lTorh uaet- "'Yen bclived like a mari of honor," lie 1 clou every finaction wanses lu couseq'seuce. o oute miiand yet homo- ,edar maustm acvu he osdr cent of tliscrimne, yet sureiy thuereare ohr HwCa hathle avoided V"I1aske i vitli andI I lioped Ciiti Reche could Coll rot bume aotnîuîug up ik a s2acrg"and f' inot-awhô ma bhrug prabuey cotured ionTeaoý% ililw ia1sra y , ur lips are clîsed for saen 1~ ans about to sboxv yen. if we cati mi-ltim bu cite of hier ewn m-nids wio alla unhv td istake mpo Cafllound Beeon- Cou ook snt froc diess eua Copn ~n teW I thougit of Halbe; oh Chu hast meeting iu mnako ir -foirue SerreCary believe, asî1tuink took frotîîtat yent bad mnarried," Il ma,îanCod hoh dst e r er uon lif h ser in 1y Chu lrtit in wilict we - ay. Chat yen wetu coti vi'ced upol'ne h I sluook amiy lmead, mn mtlwoi igaet i er dsae iesmtm fwihae $ 0 6 e e r ailupo lir b th brtalty ntov7hch minsuomuroption oh certain words, ruCEered IlYou are married Kit V' lic asked wvith profession, amd wlhose vurs' namne is sniffîcient faint speils, purpie iips, unuess, palpita asruk lie ow hoe na systat in t ugliesahy lu thie exdfitumunt oh tlie mu- tomse atixioty,. te daman thîe clienu who employa hinu. TvIrt. tien, skip busCs, heC flushes, rush of blond Inseres fer $1000 - struck berdown befoe my eyes n the men, that thseYes-umîharetopeatelyufor aalyYes-ihe,"unateVyforiint îif oh course,, ofncouoebiugwoh hin m;oteim tiehuaehe dul d painainnintheiearrwithbcaeas court ~ ~ ~ ~ mut Cha ofos tires arelon openo ted qnute to in liemr Chatb ilxct Sir luurll lientrog ai adrenir ecn cort; hCle ifiugsorovanl hae t îlèreut construcrtion, and ChatChiure wmsu MiCI setthus Mrs.']huiien,,"sail mie unbesxuycentrhysultururpdsdingttuscn ur W. E. PETHICK, dET nhicli I lad doomud lier for want oh niauly liot suifflcient uot'v to la tte pr ihashiglut accent oh rtml.I Th~ C 'hu firaC legal helpsiuggesd by the sergesnt busC quieo thau Chu flrst.pain about Che couagete ritmy aythrughthemesespetratiou oh sunob a crime, lie wilh cerCainly poor soeul stiukiug to lier absurd hypeilicets at Chu police station. The next miataku lirest boue, etc., eau poaiîtvely bu cursif. Call or write hlm for particulars C oh nîttiontune thathlad falait iîpout mu. remit your penalty to Chie ntmosi."I coutemuds Chat yen weru viaiting RliHle Climt was te follow lis direction at Cie trial. No No cure, ne psy. Sund for book. .Addreta "Whlcl oh tus ha blameleca ?" 1 asked. "Do yon Cliink it possible te convince di'umifuh niglit, anud finds anl explanation oh good end was ever yet achieved liy wrong M.Y. LUBON, 24 Mmicdonoll, Avenue,lor "Good c4od, net 1 h1"f ht" oi reticetîce imm Ch e faci Chat vonr feared neais. ott, Ont.FO litechalainspoe on su I isteod mim h Cat lue roccuto, i ws lie inyour- \,'Xbat wnong muant iveru employed ' I- Th halinpkeo, n 1ls "nd I do. Tliauka to tieCoeutr a o involve liri yuu nisfmutunu.." .àk patieîstly. It ivas net fua wcrds I listuned made et-ident ai the Criai thi yuur ivife n as I tried te Iaug, us if Cie notion were ru- Sk"ed. b' ~ A hast peunman wilI n'niCe ut the ràte oh v to-my theuglits were toc busy fio Cake luasratlin hnesles.Ni- u dicuomis te Ce gmn wâx, Cthe uvîdence on thinty Ivords a m tnte, wivîucl measmu Cisav Clieir~Ê aunu;hiwasCieoouwClatapeaid antttaniasoucadte tphe ua pjueryYomyaasue ninBuleapsiivey uraid wr se temiiud Cscjuyaudfaauluun'ieeahy nitn le lasdrws te îuuy heant, tes isiîîg memuories of CIhe pasi. ontnl thmîsde inrnug aubieuCataoiug htIwsathuearntvovit"Nseem1accddluthsrowing suspicion oh hils peut aig a spmue o 300 ya-l..s.- - ýýmthD i hecercl cenniybe hal, rtrywie"ceupiicity onm soutie onu ohfCthe servants, wirh __________________ ~emcvin u Ci cenua uceu, îa b, ellow, huarng the chsaracter for boueti liv- flme u ny5 C.icb result thai ail tire poor devils xvere dis- r atled back to my miiud Chat mornuing when -n and sober n'ays Chat yonr lamudlady IlI will mut am end te Chai nonsense," cbared flua- next dmî', aud thini cliaractur e firaC bronglit Relie te tee my canving. 1 gav'e you, woumd commnit a tisurden mers- said lie dectsii-eiy, strikuîtg Che iloon witmh. oii eael.W a'lo pni -ettud Ce bear hisi moralizmng upourart, aud îy tosavehbisx;.e front losiug lier situation." is stick, Thon iooking at lie, bis as a itie; imut tliey dont, ii'a certain. u 'j - cronus use Ce bu nmde eh Chose gift a "But-" Ho cliucked me wtCl a motion menner cliaiged in ant istaut CO its Aî h atuiiae i 0sie iCiwhiŽhîPrvieerte itdss' arîmssî o li hsd.forernî Cendernuas, lie exulaiied, in a thrt rtice Bouto fe.v -p liîS liomely luemily witl in- 'II kmmow nliat you wotuld gay: youîr toues oh suif- teproacli, Il ,sd fogv mu:t icrasa BostonCo petitiouCuHm stm ur s oh gruat mon riseu frein estates low- wihe la not a tervant. liai fatstC iccn tit is lie e o £tieirlr cQ ry.hav jr-t ohi Chat thi mtoru er saiu usille, whlui Relie st,J over îny realeel. It is p-rfuctly nuecessary Co re'eal Kit., -Ive hacve to talk about your usoor wifr. 9.s uCni oî cac hucpa rl wmth lient iead, iu Cie evuuing giusv, Chtat fa ci. To forge tus2 chance oh escape 0cr firet care inusC Ils to provide hom hier, nevai~xejurcuuhcnBihtn srlasBe-Com ta a ragcai sud Chie HomeA -face catrhiug its tender flash, lier imnî bu suicide on vour part; sudwionse and she shmalbcprovicled for, 1 prnmise yon. Secretary isa geutlens. Non, Mn. Wynd- m-CIDE k.fiia ysfxdwnuhih u i thun ihiat, for iv la not only youn life Chai Tiiere's a hsomse mn tie Vicrage for lier as latIvii oud hsnmcuea ul r; 1ug realiced 1v ahltI -o -rs iop h at stake, but Chu welfare oh your wifee, long as we imve, and I shali take cars Chiai '-A/R' INFALLIBLE REMEDYI 1-at ha-I besu niy hatluer's, uow mimue, witi No v ndhl you secondI nue in Chia effort?' elle doue tiot want citer ive are gong. Yeti , YIIi I atn"v'upoo,."1akd ain o h eo slow, latticed windows ; thu hollyhuocka "Oh cou'rse 1 wiih." know me, .uy boy, sud yon ktmow Mn. Il proposu to go to ieHm ertr aemtt De'th prepr'u Isottiietts -athey rep th slu wid cirl abov Ci In "-X\1bi wit a'tuata ming-rleu thndl oUoru'egueIarlwma i heNvrd t y-ýf .:;ig honthe; Chup vin d crs o he tho n, regnet-jox' iu titis teîtimom'y oh huer beau t, but 1s usceptible te enrors oh judTgmiit Hu is s ni thle tînosi iniegrity, I reed MsÎroi Luatonb, sCitiardercs nd SC ~ILoeU ap r:Iim hson it se hnig Cie eio tmell constant love; regret ro Chu conviction like any other, With ns your iîe tiali1 not tell voir, aid I amn certain thuat, svlen git:t, Lecimmeisý, et. iseseo Pltorh oisss uË pa iitse hpsne eslîy ladhp e tessonu on l Chu Chat I must net sec lier. 'Yet te go away nover knov wn-mt, lier buar'a word oh ru,- 'lo ien ChLivts ole tratii. lie will exercice tive prepertis, nue r' ss irful to th i mus -itepn rsl adtpt esno h iiCont sueiug lien once more xsithout a proadli agminsi you : for huer secret, if aiui poîven, tu Cime uCsinost ln your hayon. etausses.Tmyr icrsnt eno as -rtsbeîisovrba, udnîalhstning ook or a word oh harewell-I conhld muot wonld guard it, shail lie saur ed in yonn leep- Is 1; Ch m y vvihe-s n isl V' I askud. nlSuyue aîssamdcds-itgCtscee ~gistCmebndtoig iiîacîisel, lis- teoilme myself to that. Mn. Beetoti, ing. Sic shah lie oun dclaughten as Crnhy asi "IShi itoo il-too overwmelnued witb iny clef priarice ontef surv cetes, ipeai. Thsvi cet theietî unpl tbe merve cenned tancreasiimg vo Chu s asiangopel ayn s ilta ra, intigih hi t wdepersnitdnss wul minciua passe Reve ten meak ocOr to oni a s thyIecso a m ruhrnd h eàtel B-.e at'oieAsntatm n! sagerhongig, »~uueuh gnidiug hat hwlmyI arnhmeîe" ~'4 tit Ii>thCus tCe'ventmng attd,ý_hg disest i1ons to royacif, wiCh man eae olig st ahr rnigmy palns togetîser lu I can but write lus words. ns I emniemibr -1Yi ilreui h. For ale by Druggists, 50o. per bo-e, ar sent pot- u-veritli impatience te have doue wit p ta hue desperate stnIzgiu vo tvnom hu tbsm; î la impottill to duarib hieý rale- "i-cCeHiu entr ny mBilrIfdcn Chrougi my fuîgeî-s felu upous the stole cd ou ail sides n'iti iuick piste glass, lui- Il i aut ce you tomu lier thtia, vit -gis-i "he msajor bad] seaeuthvi Hoine Seceeary ;n a"L' ess Amio lîeywîould bo ailmost priceless te thiosi, floor. pvin10ondbtopntCieosra you gave tutu crudit hon sympaîhy amd'sU true sud I xvas fettened hon lihe ilM _Y R E>A Nis-o tuffer fren this distrestitig ceciplaiut Thien~~ Cieien tipausen s ome luo he warnder wuto t len e i the~ obev bt fou naCsly iheir gooduesusu eC, not Teth hpi eigneaffection. Now let ustChtiîk about yonrself. O Tbure aiCoewoor r ic 'îfn liegged use vo foilow bisc prayer. psurusaycotls ihlsoîitn Soi. ethiug musmt bu doue te obtain a re- PTO E bvstDOIt ttuete ltte plls vaeabe insaOmanyiw-ays ttuaît pnieve s reapite." ~ j î~ Only eue dollar 'î-t _toeu a C'mrv a iicno bu ean e d ihmu hm 'i Vas," aaid I uteekly ; I wihh pnay," mine pi-uferred Clie cuhl, bis clients feeling mu My solicitor ha doiug everytltiag thmat; la i. cents fer tie tvvo papant. aisckmat And se h dropped mîpon nsy kîmeus, sud "Inore at home" C henu5 as bue tld me, ivitît possible iii that way. Net the Musio. - 5syinig my snms on the lied, bnnied rny hmcê cynical fraukus. iu Chenu te bide te -iiorking of uumjy facu,aud I aaw Chat my visitor wsys Cie ritud-hueari- "oab iieyuayhp hsrer. "r o oî hmtsuh ss ta aisdseasml oye wh g rief sud reimarse sud pity aIl iearing ai ed old vican, Mr. Bullen. Ho hastily ulnxv n g? un oh The youug msal ai Chu qoncert, wlio ti The Lades Journal 0 isbbnesmnL sbtieeebr nsy iîemrt 1 prayed as wehhl as 1 rould Chat has noue, and put bis hamdkrchieh awa as yes ; ho eet conmfident of obta-inuiu xva-i ap placding vigorousiy ahver a pretvy n-e umaku our grmu bna,,;. Our pilla cure il God wonld have mercy opon my wihe-. I spproacbed ; but fli sîsis oh emotion weru Che huilluat possible rrmissmou oh my sluut -c" girl hmad sung it a very pailiful way. it Ca a piablicatiosî Chat wiil Ittrest wite otiers do not. Ah, inîy nexi visiter ivas ohfîthe sert. yet lu his face when I entenud. Ris eyes I shail bu heC off wiih txx-etity yeans oh pouah IlNet panticularle'," rephied tie yug every womau in the landi. CAavsa'a LITTLE jivr Ptrv nruver, umahl a3 ai rn il lb ntivery easy tetCale. Oeo w ilsfae Eanîy tIse nexi, nsoroiug uinste Mnl. wure nud sud wei ; huit îips Crembîod as hie servitude." tiafsnl bt I mmm exceediughy fond The nogutar suscripftou pric of ut Tis s dose. They are strictly -eealauld Bucton, the solicitor; hie uyeluiii)u, hî btrtied to spua.k, amnI halled; hue conid onîy "W hy thus is coinshetiug news iud'eed, oh the inisictan." Lutelles, .joutrsui" -sud Chis pxipcr is $2 pur nov np rpre but Iy hi gnî ato tiglmtly closed lips down. Withont. a n ord aCi-etch out huit two batnds Ce me wilm s look Kit ; i la abmneC utmore t lt-n 1 ioped for.-o er o u i u o pluse ail. ol us iî t 5cns lie sho2k baud's niili use, oh unnîýtrlu l smstnow. -il sIll bo a yuimu, insu n hineuty yas" Aboit CA0TE CO..rne- atv nIo- i- o 1 Slieeyi, 1% rk yi. - 4,"6mli, lmd job1" salul lie, prcseunfv. l'ie warhen M'eut outside, ieaviîg lthe 1i imuîed my face .u amy imands Coatifleithe don eveny June fremn Itahy, aund icisse again ~C~~L~hIh R 1 i~ "I aid o-n~ toyouof ours. Ner Jur pemu, u la uîsomay wiie te dry o.f dospair tai rose hnotsumyi'ery bont, lOuoeSenti your rney andi addressotiietc.£ j1 Chilren Cry f@iPtwirsCatra

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