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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1892, p. 1

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IERMB :-81.6OIPuaÂixuK OUR TOWN A"D OOUNTY FIRST: TE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M A JAMES ED)ITOR ANI) PROPFMUTeR, MEW ",SBRIES. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. INOVEMBER 16, 1892. VOLUME- XXXVIII. NumBER 46 nrninii OS IN S TO CRYDERMAN IuuII1 announce the arrivai of THE GREAT BIJLK of their lEPOTTOS They claim to show the FINE ST' STOCK OF HJGH CILASS NOV- ELTIES in ail classes of DRY GOODS heldL' by any Houseý in these Coun- ties. An early inspection invited. OOUOHA OHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, Bowmanvlle, Sept. 13, 1892. Oua Do) West of Pont Office. (\UPL STORE presents an opportunity for economical buying that - obody can afford ta miss. Crowded with the Newes t of New Style-., selected with experienced care as to Qtiality, Good Taste as ta Style and Generous Prodigality as to Variety, our Store is the Riglit ]Place ta get, the Right Goods at the Right Prices. Popular Styles, Late Novelties, Standard Grades and Newest Attractions are al found lu abundauce in Evory Department of our Elegant lino of Boots and Shoea, Siippers, Rubbtera, Overslioes, Trunks, Valises, etc. No question about These Goode Pleasiug, tbey make Noue Botter. No question about Prices Beiug Satiefa- tory, none can Seil Cheaper. Depend upon us for perfect satisfaction aud value for your money. We deserve yonr trade bocause we give the Fairest, Squarest oppor. tun)ity for Boying Honeet Goods at Bad Rock Pricra. Comae te us for your Feul and Wiuter Goodesud you wmiii corne out ahead. Notice to thei Lcgislative AssernbIy or Ontario. Rý. ]BOWMANVILLE DEBT. Notice le hereby given thai the Corporation of the town of Bowman ville in the Couuty ot D)uplY will meke appcaint the Logis- 1 8ati' b ,mby of the Poico!Ontario, at ,tae "1ý4 ses3sion, for an Act to consolidate the debentnxecs anod floating debt of said Corpora- tion, to exteud the trne for payment thereof, to authorize the issning of debentures for pey- nient th ereof. te pro-vide for the redemption of debentures niow eutstanding and sucli other necessary meauures as may be properly in- cidenta te the Act preposed., Dated at Bowmauville, this 26.h day of Setme,1892. D. BURKE SIMPSON, 39-tf. Soli citer for Town of BowmanvIlle. Jno, J. Mason is ehowing extraordiuary values in Black and Colored Fingerings, Saxoniy and Baldwin yarns this season. 2 f3pecial liues, 5e. skein, black worated and black saxony 15c. double skein, 31ILBICJN'IS EEF, IROI AND WINE, resteres >srength and %I talàty, and makes r&eh rail bleed. C AUTIO0N. EACII PLIJG CF THE IS MARL'XD TS&Bt EN BRONZE LETTERS. NOUE OTfHER GENUINEYI 1bura's Cod Liver 011 nkes t de- Ileleus in faste and perrect curative pewver. Mr. J. Babcock has everything ready for public inspection at Treleven's popu- lar boot ana shoe store. Foot-wear for every member of the f amily, in fine and coarser grades. Seo the new advt. this week. Does Not Care to Live If Hie Cannot Have Sarsaparilla It' wouid be difficut to find a man better known in the vicinity of Burling- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheelcr of Winooski Falls, the efficient Deputy Sherif of Burlington county. He says: 0C. 1. iood & Co., LowelI, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparilia cost $10.00OaBottle I should stili keep using it, as 1 have for the past ten years. With me the question as to -çvetlier life is worth living depends upon wliether I can get Hood's Sarsaparilla. I don't think 1 could lîve without it now, certainly 1 shouid flot wish to, and sufer as I used to. For over ten years I sufered the horrors of the damned wth Sciatie Rheuniatism for if ever a man sufers with anything in thiÀs world it is wjth that awful dis- ease. It 'seems to me as if ail other physical sufering were cornpressed inte that on.e. I took about everything man ever tried for it but neyer got a doilar's worth of help until 1 began taking Hood5s Sarsaparia 1 have taken it novî pretty regularly for ten years and have no more pain and can get, around ail riglit. I have advîse.d a -'4 many to try Hood's Sar- sauar:la. D. WHEELER, Deputy Shier,,~ .ok Falls, Vt. Hoe.'a fi~s Cure'Liver 1119 Selling Out, At Cost., Going' Away. Now is your time, as our time is getting short, everything MUST GO at cost. We are bound to seli s s, j i %w FWces. Mn. Wm. Osborne leaves for Winnipeg, out. Man., next week. Haelias rsddhr several yeees sud carnies wiih hlm tle best wishes of hie aseociates lu tle Sunday C ai and get ou rSchool, cdurci sud commuuity. Call and et y u r Mr.-Jardine attended tle faire in ibis section te flnd tle lest stock plg and afier .1115b+ seeiug a greet many le bought from Mr. work done up rghtRebt. Rowa,Bowmauville, sud haolias got a reai beauty. -Sao ad. ~'oà -Init Yo HE QcîrTUiE DOCTO.-GENTLEMN- ýýW ca doitfor o I was tcoubled with dyspepsie for about four yeers and tried severel remediee but _____________________ fouud ithem o! uitile use, I noticed an advertilemeut cf Burdock Blood Bitters,1 s0 1 quait the doctor, sud stentad ta use M AYNARD B. 13. B,, aud soon found that thora wus nothïng te equal il. Iltecok just tîcea botltie effeet a perfect cure in my case, sud 1I pan highly racommeud this excellent THE JEWELLERI remedy te ail. BzRv J. REiDWingbsus, A. WoIflIED S1'MIT whf) eau héal vit -trie Cas-bolta salve herie ail wnsseut kfrMnrdsaiaienale, b»rulsso r bu:rm4 A-frMuss uaf&I o tbr New Offers I CHANCE vo GEv A Bic LOT 0 ocuGODb IREADING MATTER FOR XERY LrrTLE MONEY. >1eR 0Fr THE BESI OFFRs Evzrt SENT OUT FýRom TEE STATESMAN OFFICE. W We will send tle publications namad, fo tle lime etstad e! ter each, tei auye addraessslu Canada or the U. e paper will ba saut te a different addreas t] if desired. ri Big 50 CENT Offer. Trit STATEsmAN, new aubecriber, Six menthe ......................0 LÀDiEs JOu-RNÀI., fashion monthiy, 38, large pages, oea year ........ 1.00 EOur New Premnium Book, 100 large pages......................5 82.00- Ail for 50 Cents. Big DOLLAR Offer. THE STATESMAN, neW rubecriber, any addraee, for 12 men1the...$100G LA»iEs' JouRtNAL, 36 pages mentI- ly, illuetrated, for ona whoia year 1.00 AmEtRicAN FARMER, montlily, for on~e whole year................ 1.00 WOmANKiNý, beautifnhiy illustreted household montlly, eue year. 50 Qure w Premioni Book 100 pages .50 $4. 00 Ail for $1.0O. Iu these offare yen simpiy psy the regular cash pnica for TUE STÂTESMÂN sud get alle otheres a free preniume. Tise only condition sttadlied te thesa astonishiug offers le fIat present sul- scelli-s ta TUE STATESMÂN Muet psy up aIl iaz ears (if any> sud eue dollar lor THE STA.TESM4.ýAN fer 1893. FQCr example:- On tle 1"Bic 50a. OFFERt" any, preeut paid.up subecniber to THE STÂrzsmiN can sed this papier te any new subscriber for 12 menthesud gel tle Ladies' Journal and Pramium Book hlm- self, sending us $1.50 altogether - Or, ou the "l3îc DOLLAR OFFErt" auy prasent paid-upsubscniber te Tu STATES- mÂN cen psy $1. 00 for this paper fer 1893, o an ee new subecription for 12 menthe for TETE STATESMAN, and gel aill the otheý publications humseifsending us only $2. 00 altogetler. PýýïFus net now sulisceibers te THE ST sSÂ imply have te pay us 50c. on the fhest ofier sud $1.00 on the second offir, Wheu tle Book insosnt by mail 5 centsý extra mut et asent for postage. Al' rders undler these special effere mu-si positively reach this offica by Dec. 1. AUi orders muet be paâdid mb TE STATîESM-AN Offiee,or sent by mail addeess- ed te M. A. JAMES, B3owmANVILLE, ONT. TYRONE. MIUI (ancia Scottlias returued from Toron fe,. Que ý,School Board lias hired -M. -W a Toronto, Nenmalite. Saiary $459. Miss Eva Hellyar, Bowmauville, w&s guesi e! tle Misses Peu fouud ou Saîbaîli. Mîzee Etta Campbell, Teronto Normal 8chc(si, and Mr. B. GJardiner, Cobourg, speut Tl1anksjgivlcg bclidsys et home. The debate Thnrsday eveuing ws de- cided lu fevor cf "Pi-ide," Active efforts towards a drame for Chrisîmas ana being made.- The, Patrons cf lndustry convention on Modnay was net very well etteuded on accouaI cf the weatler, but lnteresting opeec'lra madle tire cvaning meeting a suc- IiiAPLE GROVB. What's the niatter with the Patrons of ndustry here ? Me. Wm. Gimblet, jr., basnuioved into Mr. Wm. Petbick'e house. A very enjoyable time was speut at the ox social ThnrReaay evening. Mr. H. W. Foiey of Varsity College ' Bpet Tlieukeriving at home. Mrs. C. Runffie was cailedl to Lindsay et week to the fueral of a friand. Mr. S. Rudle and Mise Mary Jeffery rere married on Mouday eveuiug of lest i week. ()ovgratuýaticnL-. Tnz PL&ix TRUTH lje good enu)ugh for Hood'a Sarsaparilla-there je no uecd of- embellishuseut or Fiensationaiisrn. Simply wbat Hool'a Sarsaparilla does, that telle lie story of its merit. If yeu have neyer realized its benefitsa asingle bottie wil convince you it in a good medicine. The higliest praise lias been won by Iood'a Pile for thoir easy, yet efficient action. Sold by ail druggists. Priee 25 cont e. KIRB Y. Miss Harris of Clarke Church section was gnest at Mr. Aý Moeeow's over Sun- Iay. Mr. Thos. Fielding aL.d Miss Winnie F~ieliinu cf l3owxnenville visited et Mr. John Rickaby's on Suuday. Mr. aud Mrs. JG',Elliott of Baltimore have beau, gueste of hie brother, Mr. W. H. Elliott. Miss Ida Elliott wio lias beex visiting at Baltimore lias retueued. Mr. Albert Clieprnn stepped oa a wet board on Monday week end broke hie riglit log above the enkîs joint. Doctor Tucker set the limb and linj doing weil. Hoe ie et lie brother Isanc's. CostN SowiNG le s prooess cuuducted by tlie agency of tiglit bootis ail tlie year round. Corn reaplnçr le beet couducted ilirougli the agency of Putnam'B Palulese Corn Extractor, theouly safe and sure- pop corn cure. Pft*nam'e Extractor Ie now wideiy lmitated. Bewara of ail poisonous and eore producing substitutes; tliey are dangerous to use aud are eold ehnply becaee they afford the dealer larger profle. HfA MPTVN. There wes another owl captured liEra lest week. Mr. John J011 lias e enirsodelling his woodehed. The menons have about complete 1 their part of the clinre i mprovemnt. Several feom liera visited the "village on the hli" Tlinrsday. afteruoon. Messrs. Ilowe & Mason have finished tlireehing for this season having run about 75 deye. NNVe learn with regret that Me. J. S. Rundîs lu tends remlovlng from .this village te Bowmanville in the neer future. 0cOr esteemed pestor, Rev, Jas. Llddy, conducted a very lnteeestiug eong service Sunday nigit, in the chueclih ere, soe of the songe being very fine, and were rendered in exeeediugly good style -, the solos by Mrs. Liddv and duets by Misses Elilott, Salisbury sud Moyues desarvir.g speelal mention. dREAT GAMEs -The great American game, Basebeil, iu the S tatas, sud the great Englieh geme, Cricket, lu the Dom- inion, are lu foul career, and il le apropos te conaider wliat a ceiebreted pitcher isays : Me. Louis Rush, 49 Preston St., Detroit, Mies., U. S. A., writes - "In pltchiug bail I spriined my anm; two %p- plications of St. Jacoba Oit cured nme." If you waut te ha ready for the next day, try it. JO URTIL. hMe. Fred Flintoif lias returued froni hie huntiog tour. Mr. Anson Pickehllibas imflammation of the lurgs but le iwaproviug. Mr. tmnd Mes. E. T. Siemon, Oshawa, vrere guestet et the parsouage Tlianksgiv- sng. Great interest le taken in a iitaraey con, test et Mt. Oaraweii Divisiou. Oystur supper ait eteke. Mr. T. F. Wrighit speuit Tlianksgiviug at Sunnyside, witl i i cousin, Flet.-her Weery, Eeq., by Kedron. Mr. IlI. Salter, contracter, lias purcliat- ed a lot on Simcoe St., Osliawa, aud lu- tends te erect a lieuse thereon sliortly. Rev. L. Phelps preacied a very feanleas and practical sermon et Ebenezar Sunday morning founded on the oue public acf of the propliet Oded. Whie piayiug foot bailast week Mr. Fred Courtice lit on hie ehoulder -breaklug hie collar boue. Dr. MoLaughlin net the boue and linl doing well. The D. UJ. C. Co. euded a very eneceps- full aeasen on Monday. luI these tîmea RIA YDO.N. .Mi-. W. 11,Banbury, of Bowmanviile, speut Thanksgiring Day liane. Mi-. end Mes. E. T. Siemnon of Oahawa peut Thenkagiving hoiiday boei- Abocut flfteeu Oshiawa sports speut ['lirsday lunlinnting just nonil of lie. rlieir dogs-appeared te he sober. Mr. Jas. A. Mýountjoy cf Toronto Uni- versity "pnt the week end with hie mother bere. City life agrees witli Joe. Salvator-Mague jenot e planet. It is not a patent madicme. Ilje net coin- pounded by mysterions or supernatural igencies. It le net a fraud or a huuxbug. [t le tha meet patent remedy for inng Ilseases ever praduced. It dissolves tubercles, premetes expectoration, heass the luzge. It lias given indrede cfn- deniablo proefe cf its effieacy. It cau be obt.ained et auy deug store lu town. Buy it. Try it' Peice, $1.00 a bottie. ENNISKILLEN. Mies Elliott, Tomnto, le viieiting.t Mr. A. Riggs'. Mes. B. Jtffery, North Toronto, la visiting oid frieude hore. Miss Cie ke sud Miss Uxîls', Bridge. nenîli, spar.t TlirkogivincgIit the Pacson. aga. Miss Btin, Taunton, Mr. F. Trebilcockr, town, were aneste st week et Dr. Mîtchel's. 1.Mr. D. L. Sandeeeený P.L,., left for hie father'o, Rev. R. S iuderson, Wiltn, ou Feiday. M s. Gibbard, Mers. Dunbar aud Mise Geace Rogers are speuding a few days wýth friends here. Mes. Wortmen, mother of aur new tailor, Me. Ulysses Wortnau, bliscerne hors te reside with lier son. ]Rev. Mr. Prlen wae ocelle te takeï bis service bers isetSablalli ewing te a severe cold. A prayei-meeting ws held. A Tory plea%4ng evangeietir service was haid in the Prgpbyteýrian chiyrch last Wedneed-ay eve. The sin,7ina by Miss and Mr. Me0rate wa.% very ad Misen MWla nder-con after epending e pleasant fortuigit blieaaiwoug er numer- eu frienda left ou Tuesday for lier brother'o Dr. J. H. Siudeeesou's, Elmore, Mich. She wae acoecspanied by the Dr'e childeen Pearl aerd Olverd. Theto cial aunons-ced lfor the eveninig wae petponed o ccatcf bMisRogers-' deliuni riday evefiug lNov. 25th, rhbn it ie expected th leue will lie e large turnwut aIt-the Pirtsoutga. à good pro. grer anà u id lein An excellent Tliuirgiviug sermon was preadled as annonced ln the Metkodiet chureli by the 11ev, A. H. J. Strika. The Endeavor Convention iîe the sfternuoon we s weü'ii attended ansd ereeedingiy profit- able. The session wsua presided over by ReýV, D. S. Houeic, Tihe papars rcd ivere of a high order&%id wortliy of a Dprovincial convention. They werea as folmowe :.'"The Scial Comnmit-tee," Mr., John Youcg, Emaiekillen; "Thie Frayer. 5meeting," Mr. Allun, anîpton; "The D ookout Coin uittee, " Mise Couch, Tyr- eon - and Me. S. FL Seardereon, Mt. Ver.- nen. Tliey were iireatly enj-oyed but th8 discussion wee somewlist limited. The Convention closed with an e-<peciene After a protraeted ilînes Carnie, eldeet Bdaugliter of Mr. F. Ro-,gers, P.M., egeci reighteeu yea-e sud tan menthe, fell aeleep lu Jases about miduiglt ou Tues- day, Sth nEt Misa C. Rogers was boru in this neighborheod and epent tle great- e r part of lier short life among us, se >that fihe was intirnately kriown by aIl, Lier disposition wam very sweet and un- selflsh, sud frein lnfaucy abe wae cher- ecterizsd by an unueus.l emeunt of thoughtfulnene, eepeeislly for the cern- fort of others. Befng of a cetiring nature she was slow to maike intimte frIande, fbut those who lied that privilege cannet speak tee highly of the trutli and beauty of lier clareeter. She was an eseneet chnset,"a7e sud gave eveey evidence cf un. limuted feith ~inthe ýMeater- wleu se cheeefully and gladiy weiaomed the sumn- -moeste Hie presenas, Altha'uglr lier life was brief she bas lef t ae briglit liglit ai a guide te othgrii behind lier ",Sha didi u ot lire in vain."; The funeral ou Fi- day 'mvzs a Irgely etteudd and was con- duced by Rev. b'tesss lieuek sud Mc- Collodli. Tho Inteement teck place et the Bowmanviile cenuetery, A beautiful memnoriai service ws ,held lu tle Metho- Idiet chu-ch on Sunday eveulug lest. A yvery impressiva sermon by tIhe pester and tîle seleetinz, by the choir -we-rceot ap- propriate. Mr. John Stltnesabliail edlicol ciescof Young ladicrs of wýjch Carrie wau a mneýmbDr itroe saated t- 0gether dnrlng thoe ecv'icia, They wera ail greatl teoaehed by Isba esrly daho£ their beled .-,4ciasm-matei.Tiante

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