BPEÊ E ST-SUJP2LR. 'fly a tV tll j ds ' h~n turil laws wli h e cern to oes on 'di'ti> and n i' nù. un y a 0 esital , p'ca'iirn n th"e fine pirap3rico w ' sý 1 d<' LMr. lisminyil vçdo'rhlh. It i by tse, jîîdîcînus uýe ,' n su"O articias ni diet thsz a 001nstitution miy' be <grdîilly blft up uuiti stronmg enouglis t resiVa every tendoncy to diseelse. flundred-I of suble maladies are floatioig aronnd us ready Io attacis wheree there s a weak point, We îay g enti verm a fatal shaht by keeping ourselves well tortîfi,ýd wrus pure blond nad a prouerly nuîrishcd rame."-'Civlt Service"Gazette." Made simply with boilin,z water or millc Molé only in p's'kets. by Grocers. laboilledl thui JA4MSS F.FS £ co., lSlnSopatiic Clieifl Ists. Loendons. Engiall, WEDNESDAY NOV. 16, 1892 f4EMBR 0F COLLEOF 0F PHYqICIA%; and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Offise and flesidence. Enniskillen. 74. D UEBRE SIMPSON, i rivate NenessIoanBd ai thg lowssl rates5 S- C. HfUXXIlNG IICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR 4Jthe Coanty of Durham. Sales -attended to on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address cttiiricii P. 0. 3: IIOET. YOUJNG, V. 8, î('>-FFJCE IN TEE WEST DUJRHAM %J News BiOck, abere himself or assistant wilte rounud frein 8a.m. to09 p.m. Nigisi calis ut r( si der ce, direct ]Y OPPOsite Drill Sbed. Cals x 3 tefrglsb Or telephone will receive prompt sîtention i71-yjt IA V. TSLE, At UCTIONEER, APPRAISEP, Real EialeE attended in eny part of province. A- A- PONT, A CHITECT. Plans and Specifica. t ions prepared for ever casa or building,. sudil bot watter. and to sanitary arrangements. OfieGoIrie Blockc, Whitby 43-ly R P-EATE, Tai1oi: Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order-. 0- HARNDEN, L. D. S. 0s-adUafg 0f flue Royal Cllege oi Dental 0FIE Surgeons, Ontariso. (FI OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. COLO FILLINC A SPECIALTY Antfiil iTocîli inserted w hunt Plates, Guest Reduetions n pries on ail Dents Work. Vitalized Air, cnstanflyiynluso'prO ducussg Painless Opes-ations. Partiennar atten tion paid to tise egulation et thildren's Tectis tHALL WORK WAR1IENTED Iâ Brandi Office, Dr. Ruiîerts,-l's Cron lhî½iy'Rn1y-. AGIRICIJLTIJRAL. Jii Welb ter w.%a, biin triei for trying tu bribe a coloutrecd n iioý, S am Joh.-s4 uîg, Lee3 In Relation to Fruit. to testifv lalSelyý Iyod Say tlins efentîant nffered Ye'u a DY T . f.PA'_TOvT, M. A.. PROrLSSOILOF BTOL- bribe nf tcn pournds to testi fy in bis behiaf,' OGY, ONSTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLE(E. said lian e Gonge co Jobnising. Aur Act passed by the Ontario Legisiature Yes saih. " la-St ses Sio, refCrring to the prevention nf Now repcat precisely what ho said, spraying fruit trees whllinl bloom, lias led using lis nwn Word,,." to considcrab 'cdiîcn'-sion amoig fruii.grow- "Ho said be non d give mie ten pounds ers and bee keeper The former feel that if I--" tiiey sh oî'ld lie permitted to spray wheniever Il e cani lihave used those words. lic lbey desire, climin-, that liees are floit kill- did n't speale as a tiisd person. " cd îrom vs iting spraye d trees in search nf IlNo, sali; lie tuck gond keer dat dar was nectar ani .hat tisis cry of al.urin by bee- utlird pusc' n present ; dar n as ouily tn o keepers L, sinfoundcd. Furtber, many are -us two. De defendanit amn ton smart ter unider the impression that becs injure ripe hb airybody lilt'nin îrn'hcne am talkin' frit, and iliat it is qsesiossable wlicthcr about liii owss rcsklity." becs are as neeful in tise fertilisations ni I know ibis wcll nugli, but lie spoke lowers as is claimced for therai y iheir ad- fe you in the first person, dido't lie ?" mirers. 1 was de firet pussoîî myscf.' Thehbee-keepers, on the other baud, main- Yoeu don't undersfand me. Whcn lie tain that becs are important iii the fertil- was taikissg te you, did hie use tLe words: isationunf flowers and flua bccome neces- 1I will p&y ycu ten pounds t'" sary te fruit production ; that îlicy do ni IlNo, boss ; lie didu't say nunfin' about injure fruit and that tlicy are kiiled where ynu payiig tue ton poui. Your name ttecs are sprayed while in bloom. Tbey go wasî't nscntionied 'ceptin' dat l'e mie me of an fer as tn Say thai bioney le affected wlierc cher 1 got inter a scrape dat you was dle becs have licu poisoncd by Paris green.,, best lawyer iu San Arînnle te fool de judge lu ibis souen bat coufused state of affairs and jury-in fac', you was de test lawycr a bulletin bcaring ripou becs lu relation tu in tise town for coverin' up aily kind of fruit sloild lie nf interet sud practical reskeiity." benefit whcn tise follnwing Act (passed "You eau step dow." April, 1892) isaboisf fobe cnorced: 1. No person i sprayin, or spriukliîsg fruit frees duriîsg the pcriod within whicb sucli trees are iri full bloomi shaîl use or A y r s p s cause tu be used any mixture cnnfaiuing Paris green or any otherpoisonoos substance Are eompounded witb tbe view te injurions to becs. general usefuiness and adaptability. 2. Auy person contraveniog the provis- They aro composed of the purest ions of ibis Act, sba11 on suînmary convie- ftoenfliereof before a justice ni the peace, vegetable aporients. Their delicatu lbe subjeet fo a penalty of net less than, sugar -coating, whicb readily dis. $1. 00 or more ilian 5.00) with or wjfhout solves iu the sfomaeb, preserves coats ni prosecutien,, and lu case of a flue or flisir ful mcdi'-inal value and n2akes a fille and cost heiag awarded, and ni the thmeasy to take, either by old or sainenti cg rpon conviction forthwith Young- For constipation, dyspepi- paid, tise justice msy commit flie ofleîsder sia, biliouness, ick headache, aud te tise common gani, there f0ulbe imprisoned the commaon derangersints of thes er any termi unt exceeding tiirty ,lys un- Sto2ach, Liver, and Bowels;- lees flic fine and cosis are sonner paid. also fo check colds and fovers, Ayer's 3. This Acf shah not corneintoforcecuntil 'ills flic first day nf Janîmary, 1893. Becs ii Relation toi? rfilisatiou. D'urine est flic process of fertilisation tise contents nf A ire the e3 tlic pollen grains becoîne mingled wnus Unlike other cathiarfies, fthe effeet those of the ovules, afier wticli the latter ofAyer's Pis is f0 stregkr de'rclopinosccds. 1I bis takes place smmc- th0f cecrnghm wlaf as iollows : The dust-like substance th xrfry osgans and restore to (pollen) on flic ends ni the stamens fails tnatisir reg-ular and nafural ac- upon tise top oi tise pistil. The outer coat tion. Doctors everywhcre preseribe of the polen graini bursts and the muner thcëm. In spite of immnense compe- pochies ouf in tise innon a tube, wbich fition, fhey have always maiufained forces its way from fthc top niflice pistil flîir7Popularity as a famiiy medi- downil rougl iti until itreachoes the ovary cine, being in greater demand now (thse lower sud culargcd partofethtie pistil) thian ever before. Thcy are put top whcre the ovules are located. is ile mean- botli in vials aud boxes, and whctbei' lime a minute structure (germsinal vesicle) for home use or fsave), Ayer's Pillp bas formed iii fli ovule. This point is Ir rfrbet u ohr ae rahdb h olntba necag you vertrid thm ?yni elemenîs faîtes place, flic o uloe is iertil- ynu ecr tied hemiscd and ai oncc changes liegin which end 5 in the complete dcvelnpment ni a sced. The question uaturally arises, How do M y e r s vé s ibe pollen grains geftoeflic pistil? Tbis cf- Preparcdbylr.JOC. Ayr&Co,Lowell,Mtass, fected, fertîlisatiosi will in ail lilîclihood Sold by ail Druggistî. fake place. E eyDose Effective Observation shows that ibis aiay bie doue Evein severai ways. 1. By tise wind. W2'lere this is the usual "M A RE E HiJO way we flud flic plants are ridli in pollen, "M A RE E IJO bae Dnectar, grow rwe togetiser, lu souine cases blo, m lielore flic leaves appear (HOTEErigu n fl SO'N') and some maples afford exansples nif plants largely dependent upon the n'ind for fie transport oiflice pollen to the pistil._ PACKED IN THE FOLLOWING 2. By artificial mneans. Man cao effecf SIZES- tbe saine result by simply fsking flic pollens aiidplau4ng ifupon thepistil. Ibislbasrun- LONGFELLOWS ablcd hlmto cross-brced and bybrîise to sucli an extenithat lie lias developed innu- PERF CTOSmerable varieties ni plants ni great ecoîsom- PERFECTOS le alue, as is exemplified ini our beautiiol LANSDOWNE flowers and luscinus fruits, 3. By birds, wilch to tome cxfcut aid lu IREINA VICTORIA carryingpoîîen freai plant tu plant, especial- PINS i~y such as flic hutuming bi'-ds. ali a flic most common methobd in <ature,' sud fruit, a conclusion arrived at liy many oh- flow to MDeal With Choiera, servers liafore these iborougli experiments - lich Noverber number ni The Nine- were undertakesu. Tbis is wliat miglitlic fecuili Century appears au article on the expectcd wlicu the stru3ture ni thse bee's peetErpa hlr rmtepno mouh i cosidred I isquie dffeentinDr. Ernest Hart, ciairmau ni the National] the case ni waspq whscli are supplscd with Heafluh Society. If hs an exureiely lut er. jaws suitable to break inothese kin si, gpprt rabti oudhvb and n al lielioodthey arethemore profitable 1rm the public poinît ni caisse ni tise injured iruit upon whicls view had if appcared a monili or f wo ago sorte observera bave accu becs fcediug. whcn pcople's mimdi were more or lesex- Munhie eeslis been collentcd rupou. tise eied hy seusat tonal statements., Dr. Harf's amonut ni injary doue by becs to fruit, views are brscfly comprebensive. He de- aud if al sceiss toelie in iavor ni exonerat- clares that " cloiera is a flltli disease, car- ing thie bec irons the charge ni inurissg ried by d irty people f0 dirfy places." The Paud rite ureainf bc.T eral traces of ail paît cbolerasuvould prove ibis Pars geenin elaionto ecs Insev even had Dr. Hart nof gone un the trouble places whcrc sprayîing 15 carried cou exigu- frvn tsiniial.A]coea sîvely it bas been observed tisat sinne the ni prsigfsceilaty Ah hors itroductinsoni hat pransice many becs desice timeir cpidemrie dcstructivcness irons bac peisbd lsrn th fiie roc ar «. 1fib and espccialty from rxcrcîalunicleanli- haveoomand u obstres hae utrccd arlt nees. Tise sanitary safety ni Englaum ius flicooada alan pers haeicd. tatnow 50 wcll assured liat the nation tefbores flc <lae ispyiscisnonaltycauafford fo dispense witls flicTurk- n-i nown.he Nysosv aitbsougli tis-c usisb barharity ni quarantine.Il Thein l- been un analyini the bloiegn flc erbad troduction ni a person iinfcctcd with choîcra becs for fle puroste bnieasefaitieg tedilao a town," says Dr. Hart, "is like bring- presefoac e i rses of stili tdafi nigflue iug a umatch iimte a powder umagazine. prosnceof ameiicstil flc dath f te liere will bie no explosion uîless powder is beccs is seniuimately assoniated witlisprayiug there on flic gronmd rcady to expluude.", tbat fliere sceis but little reason te helicce The moral is IIdon't bring lu tIse match, or otberwiseetban tlatthebecsiavebeesspois n- don't leave flue powder atrewn aronuud.' cd hyPasis greemn nsed in spray iug f ruit usces. The powdcr of choIera is filîfl, old ragi, Howcves- flua will likcly soon lie settled liy coi faminatec milk, sud su on. Intelligent ant analysis niflice ladies ni lices suppossd f0 Gin erumeuts like our owss, sud, indeed, hav~e been poisotied, sud 1 have n deui ah imntelligent people, uîuderstand f lese arsenic wiit lic dfeetcd. I suggesu flic pro- tîuings. The tesson whicb Dr. Hart wishes priety utilice-keepers forwardimg 5<5<10to feacli is ni su easy. He advises flic speniiiicus ni poisoncd lices fteftle cliemist British Goverieuneito iollow flic retreat- ni tihe Agriessîtu al College. ing discase back to its lied lu India. Tlicy Prof. Cook nf Michigan lias provcd iy ex- may purins ht witb a RnoyaI Commsissicn, perimsct thaf a solution ni Paris green ln but adequate action would mnîcthli purifi- lie proportion ni 1 pound to 200 gallons (a nation ni tIse Indian Empire, sud ibaf is nof comumois mixture used lu apraving trees) a smaîl contrsef. If csrtainly is not f0 lie pros-ed fatal to becs within 24 lunurs.. usodemiaken lu ibis century, wici, witb Regarding tlie cffect upon honuy ihere is alispors- ut ccnetwt b corsidrabe dverit ofopiaio. Fiba scvng fic persodmeal raidi ni Indian pol- writer is nitawarc f ni uy expenimeufs n lo 1tio. nofi ltycnmntc iErp ing as yei becu undertaken to show f lai Afnica, sud even America. even tise bnney 18 affecfed, tbough tflere is____ lu tise mndcs o seevery prieficatmensunli J.atural Ouriosifîes- as the inspece r Mr. McEvoy, who ih thoroughly courmncsd, a great icar thaf An Anfîsens ((Ga.) herse always refuses tu bonny prodtmced at the time ni spraying ia work oni Sund&ys. dangerous article ni fond. The writsr wonld lu a cave in tlic Pantheosi tle guide, by îuggeît thai anmte sncb auspicios lioney li stsfikiug the flaps ni bis ceai, makes a noise seut to the eliemisi already rcfcrred f0 se equal f0 thaf produced by flring a îwclve- tisai there nay lie ne longer amsy doabtf ne- pound caminon. garding tIse s'bjecn. A deposîf ni natural ceaient, ni gond E'tperimeut in tise laboratory and ohser- qualif y, cox'ermng onue thousand acres, bas vaftion by practical mess indicate fliat spray- liccu discovered in SoutliAfies. isug frets in bloonm wti Paris green is follow- Mayalipurai, Imsdla, is graccd with aeni cd by mos ,disasîrous resulîs to becs l l in h flicheit reiakahle temples lunfthe world, meiglborlicod, assd so doubi sornse degres ni cadi ni these unique temples ni worship imýjury to flic irce as far as flic fruit is cou-ri.sting been fashied frrons sotid granit cerned. boulders. Tise lime to Spray. To spray wlien trocs F~~or O 'îriÉ Vearg are in bloomaisa greaf misfatc, liecause if is MRs INW eo'sS oTING i'Svius-' lis been a waste nifumatersai, timme aud fruit. Tise used by ,ssîlinus of nthers for thiis- ildrem plumai curculio sud codiing nsoth are tise while tcetbing. If dieturhed atunigisi sud lrok chie i enemies wc eek to deîtroy ifli Paris en of gosîr rcsf by a stek child sufferiug and gren. he dul nitis frosr lye is ggsI rying 'vitis pain ni Cuttimg Teetb send at once gren. he duloftefomeraystsegs ndget a botten of rs inslow's Soiising lu flic plus juef lieneafli flicskia snd ih Syrup "for celldresu seetbing. Ih will relteve nof liitîly folie present to asîy great exteut the poor litile sufferer immediately. Dopend tillthefrui isset conequntlyapp n peu if, suothens. tiscre iseno msetake abou t lu til flc fuitis etu'oseqcnuv aupyîng If cures Diaresoa, regulatos tise Stiîsacis and flic poison n-bile thes frees are lbin lons la Bowcls, cures Wind, Colin, s-niions tise Guuîî, coaimcncig thecaffack foosoonu. Iftfluuglit rtduces luisammaulon and g;ve'u toue sud neesr oattack insecîs before flic tuis eucnrgy to tise whole systens -Ü s, Windiows uecescry inSnntlsng Syrup 'for hblîdren tccthiog is plea- ni liloosm spraying aiay lie donc, aud aiter- sast 1te f aste and is tise prescripion ni nue wards, but ces-aily neyer wlile flic mess oh ie ldest and lest femnale physecians and arc lu flower. nurses lu tise United Statcs: Price 25 cents a In te cae ofthe odlig moh whch ettie. Sold by ait druggiste flirounimnut the lu licnas nifli nolin moS wscbdc-worîd. Be sure sud ask ton " Mus. W NSzsos'S pneuts ifs eggs in flic bînssuai end niflice Sysur-." yousug apple, a mistake la also made liy apraying lies-e tise fs-uit is set, wbsnb doses Ris Feelings. sot take place f1tic hebîon. is off. The portion nf tIse pistil upon wbicb ftsc Syxupathefie Housewifs (to iramcp) :" pollen falis ih excedingly tender as nsSuppose Yen efienfue lie necd nif fiends, tive, soutni soflat ithe application ni poor mn1 suei sbsancs as Paris green injure if to Tu amp " Yes, muai ; but nef Sali an se greaf an exteut fiat tlic prosuess ni fentil, ni ton as I do tIse fet oi focs." isaîlon is affectcd sud tIse developaient nf fruit clienkcd. XitS fliese facus heinre us Vierne Medical Prescription as rcvcatcd liy scienfifin investigation, if Aseociection. dues serai strange iliaf anyone would af- tesupi te spray ai a time net in accord with No ExcusE rea it IIEALTEJ. tise îcacbiugs nf acieries, and thaf anynne would feled h ardship te cnforito ft Tsoebacunifeaoea'ca requiremeuis ni a tasv calculafed teproteci h oebac.ofteaoeazca fie isterstis nf twn se important classes as tion on fie Amenican confinent is now flic producers ni fruit sud bouey. Spraying located in fhe city of Toronto. Lattera ia only lu its infancy, but as fisce roils on ni thanka are pnnning in iris ibose who an-t thi,, ,-u,-ctice ecnoses umure gocucral, flic ,ecoived tiern. aiost of wbom bhave for c' 3'uraga caia Lumbago, ackaches Toothache, Bore Throatyr J FrD ites, sPrainéeý, Bruises,_Burns, Etc. Sbld by llroggists and Dealers everywheme Flfty Cents a botte. Directions in 11 Languages. ME CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Ba1î1mc-e, 2à Have you tried th.e> Recauiscd STANDARDllO Bands GM ungo" "Gable" Universslly ackuowledized*to be siuparbor in every respect to any other brands in the mnarket. Aiways reliabie. as bas been fully -deionetra'ed by the millions that- are sold annualfly and the increasing demand for themn, notwith- 11 standing an incr.sased cnnî iý petition of orer <lue B-Hundred a)ud Twentiy-fiîce Factoîes- This fact sptaks volumes. We are flot cheap Cigar manufacturera S. DAVIS & SONS Montreal, Largcst and Highest GradeCir