Eaeand Comfort W ITH poor soaps andi id fashioneclm~ays of washing, it ie cruel andi bard upon women nf advancing geans to attempt lanndry work. But witb ths wold- fained, labor-saving 1nlg ht ap Arsybody san do a Wash witb com- parative case by following the simple directions Wth 1'S UN LIG HT " there'-in bard rnubbip~sr s uuke hot steain, or tired bachIs. ýA trial will a8tonish yen. duis* Pt.Ssiniclht Lever Es-st.. limitea Ncar Bir'kenhieadb Tss'io MJLLJNERY STILL GOING ON HOUSEHOLD. IL,. Somebocly, ,_Y liVdle onue cae omewping, wcepiug, ýoer her cheeke thc b'ight.tears creepne: "0 ifisima, 'is rainin anS pour!ng awayl Vie calnnot goto the picole oday."1 I tOOk fthc darling up in my lap, And tried Vo Make liglit the great mishap; "De Patient MY ehild, wiLh the nain; for, 0! IV iakes Mr. Somnebody's garden growv. Yes, iV makesMn, Somebudys garden gnow." MY litl nUe caine Vo me sighing. sighing, Almost ready again for eryeng: "0 mnm)ia! the sun is flcry bot, The flowers 1 planted have died in the spot." I took the darling up on my kue, And kissefi and spoke Vo her checrîly . "Be glad, My child, nf the su o VO dy; It helps Mr. Somody make bis hay yes, it helpe 1Mr. Somnebody make his hay." Therpa T.'any a thing May secm *"quite ton badt" For th,,, ,itle ase or that littbe lad; But the hing haV Vo you inay the hardest be Ma fil Mr. Som ebodys heant with gice. Yes, May fil. Mr.Somebody's bearV wvith gece. -[St. Nicholas. Salmon Saiad. In answen to an inqoiry for a necîpe for salad with cahbagc or lettuce, I give he foliowîng: Pick ot the bones and ekin, and choponue can of saumon. Chop the same quantity ni white cabbagc or celery, or eqoal parts ni cacb, and mix it with the Salmon. Wbeu ready to serve, pour over it a dressing. Toss ail oehr ligtiy witb a wooden or silver -fork, and serve. If yoo use lettuce, do not chop the Salmon, but pick it loto emal flakes. Let the lesVuce stand in colS watcr until r -ady Vo ose, then poli it lu pieces witb the fingers, mix 1V witb salmon, pour the dressing over 1V anS serve immediately. Dutoh Apple Cake. A German neigbbor oseS to make a disb whiCh receivcd Vbý above naine. Teonue pint nifour add two teaspoonfuls ni baking. powder, onue hall easpoonful ni sait ; su V It and mub in a tablespoontul nf btter ; beat ,nue egg ansd add iV o a scant cupiol ni milIs and stir ioto the prepared foeur. ButVer a deep piepan andS pread the doîîgh over it about hall an inch tbick. Parc, core aud eut four gond-si7ed, sour apples loto ciglîthe aod lay them on he Snugh, sharp edge down, pressing hs pîcces loto he Sough a littie. Spriukle bali a teacupiulolfnisuar over the apples and baIse ontil the apples are 1 ion tins aod eonking uteneils, hand-Vowsls, dish-Vowele, dish-nags, string boxe', sud rage ion bruised fingers on tees. We have one emarkably convenissît article in our kitehen. Ini mauyfarm-isouses, a bath-room iii ant practicable on account ni heatiug sud he cnet ni water ennyco-ý îenees. Put the bath-tub in hs kitchen by an outsîds wali, wbers thseivaste, wster is casily cariS away, anS you wihl Isave a bahsr-oom tliat le aIways wsmm when the waten le. One lite wiii Issat baths, whicb la quite an item Vo the fariner who secs his, wnod-lotrapidly emptying Vo ths demand' ni tihe conh-stove. Make a cover for the bath-tub of stout boards , hinged aVtihe back, and witb a hoohi on the front edge ta fasten Vise enset up Vo hs wall t the back whils batbîing. Make this fasteniog very secure, for a knook on hs head iroin thîs beavy enver would ont De very comiortable, Vo say hs ieast. Wlien the coven is Suwn, you have s permanent wash-bsnch that wilh old Vree tubs Bide by -ide, if you g4 tbh' isrgest aize ni bath-tub. IVta a nice, loueg bsncb Vo eut ot clotbiîîg on, ton, for you cau taIse a low rocking-chair and sit down by it. Lay a carniage-robe or Vwo Sown on thsîs cover, anS if yon eau have a pîiow bandy, there will be a ouge that the tireS wife ean lie on anS watch Vths însier coohing. It may noV be as soit as eider- Snwn, but iV le vcry r,'sVful for a few min- utes, juet the saine. Desserts. While les is vcry generahly put up for ose lu he fanmei's household, yet there are localities where it le noV alwsys Vo ehe aS, anS the housekeepeme are neV able Vo have ices =îrngtesommer, anS are quite at a less fo lany igbýt desserts Vo taIse their place. Creains, blanc meanges, charlotte rosse anS gelatitis jeihies wili ahl be bonuS excellent substitutes for ice-cream anS sherbet, if set in s spring-bouse or hong lu a cool well until chilled. Bhanc manage is sa easî-ly mîade, anS he, expense is sa trifling, that it should came first i0 Vhs ist ni convenient desserts. The Inisu mossain ts natural state, the mnss larina, zeatine, coru starch or arrow- ot may ahi be useS Vo convert hs milIs into blanc mange, which may be flavoned with iesb fruit juices, extracte or chocolats. Evco in the warmest weathen blanc isange will thichien if put in a cool place. Bavarjaîs ereains come next inb Vhs it ni eonoilal dainties, anS are veny nourisb- ing, being a combinationofni emi, eggs, sugan aasd fruits., Charlotte usse is alan verv diinsUtU lizing thîs fnef, are avmiiing thée'ýevesof1 t potent of nature's forces. o ô, msuu san iai utnititV-as gond as you Cao afford-and use iV every day, or in hs eveng, at Isast. Do you suPpose John on lives one ni the most emarkabliwme I would let him haveVh job fottifhe even ni this mnst remarkable age. Thelwouid hrnw 10 a breakfast. Hie came fiOusTe Ai w~T ?f4 -ct sh lve. ni ean gv canuot~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~99 9 ber Voe-ymSclVetet n o od n hs hne*î~ssa an ioie smo7 o smaîs ror paying it n tie tog- -MANUFACTURER O- no bue4n onan, .sron sref s otwsbbronbaus. us i uthv etn'r -f~ m:u- ~~~~~~~~,~~~Ton liersen l rn- 13pscfin, iagmoss orin of charlatanisin. PIropcnly treated bay-fisid, tireS, warmmsud so hungry, dosa DISînSES AR BE noV Vths cool, piessaittdining-room osmr TREE v~m u~ AJIBECIJED inviting than he bot kLtchen, bc iV011mer ecictas epplied by the 0wc Eicctnho convenient?t vrs udet andi SnSPeiesorY, es-ili most aissluncdly do- In building a bouse, plan Vo have the on. IV le thc onhylknowu remediaiaetta kitehsen at the north ide, if iV at ea ni s"piyWhV l lcking. uameiy, Orvne nenetV Vswn-hue canden s f ,,iower, impart tone andi vigon to hsluein etewodbuqgre n ore ni amuse Vo heai1thy action Vthe whoie barn. There shouid be s wlde poncb nul- 'nervous systein. eside the kiteben door, where thes wasijo HEU R OFIMITTIOS ma bcdonc ln u smier. Many othen bits An te WARthEss0F IMITsoATIONS ofiworIsdo 'sot sein an tirestine if they Anitis wrtie ysome cher soclcti iejcan be doue in thie resh air, sheitered fimi Scîs dvetictibysom cnceneanti pedtied the soo's fierce neya, The cistenn pump hrough the country. They ane' secniel should be in hs porch asi, 111 leto cous- 'nains only, wOthlcss as a curative power, antid netV aei n h os tVskt dean aV any peice. vnin ehv ti h os ttekt We Challenge the Wnsld Vo show an chen sink. There ehould be double eup- Electric Boit were iteh curnent isunoder con- boardhs hîlit isto hs wall between hs dim- trol nf tse P; tjeut as cooipetciy as this.- Our Ts-nd§ Mar s-hth Ie portr-ait of Dr. îng mroin- anS he kîVeben for diahes, anS Owen embosse-d i lu doitio eveny Boit and the kitchen sink sisould stand as uer thie appliances ianufactureti y US. cuphoard in he kitchen as possible, se as Vo Send fOr Catalogue--MaÎIed (Sealed) Free. make tha least trouble ln putting sway THE OWIEA ELicTRiC BELT 00, diehes aiter washing thein. The pan try shou open into botb diniung- 49 kîng St. W,> Toronto. noom anS kitceif ipoesible. fbers shonid iéention this papes, lie pIeuty nf cup huard romin th Ve kitcheeî ý111II 1011 îugeraniuon which i1V s lb- .atd, witb8,O 0 ci, managedbyher. It ile hwo boys or akes op the land, selects an otosthea men, boys, sells and trans- fers the cattie. She je -also a skjllni and intelligent prospector, and found the valu- able silver mine on ber territory, in which she now owns a bial interest. She singe charmingly, accoinpanyîiis- herseli on the piano or gnitar, and hiandies a cambric needie or a water dolor hrosh as dexteroîis- ly as she uses an adz or a jackp]ane. She entertains delightfully at hier home whist parties, littie dances and aven an occasional germlan. fier naline is Yis. Barber, and shebas been twieea widow. A woDnan who Cao run a ranch, build a bouse, manage a mine and engineer a suceessful german de- serves a prominent place in the tanIse of women of genuis. Two-ball billiaris is a gaine iast eomin., loto fayot witlh the experts. To ont, a player maet bit the objeet balVWice wiv bie eue bail at each sbotiL mati wnen tocecioctors noarcict us at Quar- antine. ý"'ihein nur anehor went down every motber's son ahoard wentdown with it, and the tugboatman founti we hadn'V a thor- oughly well manl on the sbip. Then be in- vited me over to the tug, whîcb was the Rescue, and asked me if I didn't Vbink that job ni towing wae worth mrore than $101). I said I coeldn't tell, bot I thooglît tbe break- fast waîs worth at least $50, So we eom- proinised on $150; whieh was dirt ceap. Wlien we got to Norfolk I sent the mate and seven mein to hospital, and Vbey got well. The doctors told me that the way Vo cure beriberi wvas to seed the patiente to grass; Vbey waot the soiell ni the dry land, which yoo can'V geV at sea unlese you Vake. it in your cargo." A etrange discovery was mrde by Mrs. J. F. Hazard, nf Nyack, N. Y. She was can- nîug pe'aches, and in cois nf thein. ihich si-c had freshly eut she found a penny îying close Vo the stone. The fruit had grown ahl art und the coin. ING STREET, BO30 WAN VILLE. Now on baud a number nf voicle; andig iC 1fLO'iturriig a gr3at miy my rnortI 3V11,33Js patters and beetfinish, whieh 1 ain offering for sale at Vhe lowot pries OJstIICiUC with due regard Vo' workmanship and qlality. The following je a list of the prinîcipal vehicles mnanufactured by me Double Covered Carniages .......................................50 Upward. Sngle Phoetone......... .................................. ...... 100 Open Buggy ................ I................... ..................70 Top Buggy ... .................................. ................90 Deinocrat Waguons.......... ...........................65 " Lumiber Wagons.. ............ ... ..... ........... ............. 5 Ligit XWagon ..................... ...............................40 Express Wagon................. ................ ..... ......... ' Skclton...........................................0 Sulky ............... ....................... «....................40 Possessingsupeninr facîlities for manufacturin-,eirriages, 1 intand Vo s'il11vory ceap for, c'î approved eredit, and by so doin.- 1 hope to gcaatlv lncreaie îny numb-er nf sa'i3. \Ve "seu the woad partus only, or tho gosarin~s nof~ge iriacci. Ail Kinds of Vehieles Repai-ed At the Shorteet Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired AV hs Factory 1 allo do Plarnns&ing, Tairning and ïwn with Cirele, IeDmloni'r Saiws. and prepare ailIkinds of lumber for carpentersani otapr'e o: b[iiluppiýc1 rnn aial iPaia 'ickets for fclaüa nevary style relu;ir-1. mal 3tà Cc.I. A INE1VY SKIPPERI W13 IE Oaptin urke'sYarn of flis Baîk's Voy- ca ;Lage From Iloilo.r 5)55 WseLenblng, Ius 7Mees Werc Byl>nz, Sib at mela Do d n a au. 3 The yanio the Nova Seotian bark fi.B s Can, wicharrived at Nonfolk, Va., on 1 un(lay broir Iloilo with 2,100 tons ni raw ,egawsceruî pnysedyb _ r, r ru ber nervy 1littie Yarmouthi skipper, CapV. l<( A l lVII~fII m Duirkee, te an audience ni reporters. ~ ~ WA..LA 1 - "-I cao't give you the exact latitude and longitude the finit man was taken down," 1~ A I 3saiS the optimnistie nId sait," lunlese I loIs He adquarters in WEST DrU .RHAM f. or CV my log book, and that's ahoard ship, out in streami. Anybow, we were 130 days ont FIN E 1fromn Iloilo, and we were leaking. Thernian compiained ni a numb sort ni feeling in bis Afe e asohr e r tale Di nner and Tea Sets Lby tedisease, wihmdeterlegs wl as if tbey Liad Sropsy. I suspecteS that C hina w'are theyhLad berîbei, whîch thse doctors sy s ~1 s-v cue ythe steam from blic sugai. O l s w r 7Seps. 23 one ni the men, Thomas Rueseil,, died anS I mustered ail ths crew-we baS r ck r fourteen meni in ail nnw--that couid stand C o k r Vo the waist ofi'the ship and we shovud the H all, Parlor body, sewed il' cent as into the ses, while I read th. buiai service. This had a de- a d H n a p pressing effeet on tue crew, evcry mar iofa d H n m p which, except one, was sick. But Sonle tof Fancy7 Cups, 'em were able Vo stub smong, and, as Vhsie Lord blessed us with good weatber. ive fat cd pretty weii Vilî nun biscuits began Vo geV a c rs a e iow. We baS uotbing ici t bot sait horse anS water, and miglity littie ni that, wheu e o a e S t ,e c eve neared the Carolîns enset. Seven inen rere Snwn then, sud Vhe rest could work oniy once iu a wbile. Wc bad a brick northcrly wind, whicb was dead aiîead, nifT cusand we beat sboivly up the coast. O U R..> l .IY.8.M I.LY "nSatnrday, Oct. 8, the carpeoter, - John Nugent, died. I mustered Vhe men , 8 r(11 again aud hunieS Nugent. Tney were almost I9 T4ir ) l jUI~ D I~Ilu h' bopecess then, eaeh one tbîîsking Le mîgbt 1 I IlIh ê riii D i~ i ~ ii be the îscxV Vo suidsoff Ible piank ito thie à l ,1 se%. Our biscuite baS given ont, sud the prospect ni sick men living on a 51eV ni coin- cd pork wasn't aitogether bright. I Lad t Vo do soinething Vo bceep their spirite up, soI,; 1 IL"À ý called ail ni'em that could bobble ait and-t th made 'cmu a ittle speech. I saiS we were noV far fnom land, sud that I wouid malte .-ID a w ys w l up h d Vhe nearest port north niflHatteras as quîck- uiv ys w l s pp ed w h t e ly as Icould if teywould try to shako off very best goods at lowest Drices. ---7 7 1 = A T «KT ". C-1 e ýr4 A -r-% -r% Ir . . , -r" -V-9rý - - - -