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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1892, p. 5

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-I 7' At night is always3 a trouble, and it 13 otten an enitircly unnecessary Itrou1ble if Ve-rirv Davis! I I I KEEF IN THE FÂsHioN Young men by getting your suits made by Bownianville's fashienabla cutter-J. T. Allen-at bis sbep King St. W. Sebis card, A RERIAELE YeUse MAN' la wanted at Taunton, Burketen and Les- kard te act as correspondant te this journal. We supply aIl tbe stsmps, statienery and a free cepy ef TUE STATES- MIAN. SnowîsaIREs PEcT TO THE BRIDE. Dnriug the past week a large number cf ladies cf the town, irrespective cf churcl4 adbarenca, bave called on Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Baras te persenally offer their congratulations. For the present Mr, and Mra. Barnes are stopping at Mr. fiall's. WHO watt BE MAYOR? As this la Mayor Alen's second yaar cf office, there la some speculatien respect- ing his successor or whether hae wiil lie retumned uuopposed for a third termi. The only nama we have heard menticned psrticularly as a probable candidate is that of ex-ceuncillor Cornish. EvEEX' BODY Sneran TARE ONE 0f these excellent Englial publications- EDITE ROcSCOINsG. Clyda Camp cf tbe Sons cf Scotland, Bowmanville, have secured the Edith Ross Concert Ce'y te give an evening cf Scottish song here on Dec. 19. This tsaa splondid company. Ju HEsa OMING. Our readars will be glad te hear that the fameus Joeeses is coming te Bowman- ville fer oe niglit only on Thursday, Dec. lot. fie bas been having immense suc- cees since he was here. Town Hall; silver collection, WATER WeRns FOR 1BowiA.NviLLE. The tewn council bas at last taken steps te secure a systamn cf watar works fer thts town. Soe persons who have investigated the matter dlaim that we can get this mucli deslred convenience and protection againat lire witheut cearte the town, that la, the systeni can ba nmade self supportlng chlcfly by the reductien in coet ef ira insurance. Leastways wa are go- inj te soe wbat there is in It. A DESrICARLE WFsTrcn. The Port Hlope Guide saya:--A man ra- gistered at oeeof aur leading hotels oe day last weeh under the nama John IDunn, hailing frem Petarboro. fie bad witli hlm twe yeung girls-, une cf wboni, accord- ing te ber statemant, ha bad premiaed te _____ ____ ____ ___ ____i -- i I ........_... - 7l PERSONNES. WR ARE MARINa NEW OFFERS 1This waek te enable car present sub- Miss Prowar bas gnete Kingston te scribers te ebtain one new namne each for College. Us. Surely this is a omaîl favor to ask, Mr. E. Dewnay cf Pickeriieg was home yet we shail appreciate it vary higbiy in- ever Sunday. deed. Deer readar, just stop and rhink Mr.J. f. enerof trtfod, pefe r eue moment wbat a boom it wculd Mr. J. 11t. nec tsfrsatgiva our business if every oeaof our Sunda lu ewn.present subecribers wculd get us oe new Miss Edna Geuld of T oronto, bas been ene. If any ene of yen wrota to us re- visiting lier parents. questing us to ceilect an account for yen Mrs. Fred Fleury visited ber lite home or te buy an article yen miglit want wa In Oakwood last week. weuld gladly oblige ycu. Andi wa know Miss Effa Glever fa visiting Mr. A. tic that ware we te go personally te yen Bingham at St. Thomas. and ask a favor cf yen that yen would Mr. W. Dewney spent I'hanksgiving gladly comply. We cannet go personaliy Day witb friands in Toronto. toeaecli one cf yen, but we juat as arn- cerely request a fayot and we are willng Grever Cleveland lias beau electad te pay yen wall for ycur trouble. Yen again te the R. S. Presidancy. can get oeesubsoriber at the regular Miss Beatrice Fester cf Oreno called rate and keep ail the preniluns we citer on Miss Velma Jewell last week. yeurself or yen can go halvas on the Miss Tillie Prout, teacher, at Oak Hill, transaction. The papers are ail very was home for a few days last weak.' goed cf thair clasp. Mrs. S. B. Bradshaw,Torenteo,bas been AMainbraiuIcfStets visiting old friands in Bewmanville. ma ye Mexicns j ulotaeesa Miss Penfound, was muest cf Miss Big 20. Sea the windew. Florence Hloar, Providence, on Sunday. "The Twe Orphans," gitan in tha town Messrs. Edward and Blair Raid, cf To- bal Saturday niglit under tha auspices cf rente, have beau vibiting friandsa in twn. the Bicycle Club, wss net a suceass fin- Miss Minnia Jennings, of Modal Sebeel, ancially, but the play gave those preeant Port Ilope, sipent Thauksgiving at home, an excellant insighitito beth the bigli Mr. W. Greenwoed, of Lendea, nws aud low lite in the gay clty cf Paris. The guest at Mr. John Hellyar's over Sunday. acters ware the Frost and Fanshawe GQOD TIDINGS. The following tlaken frcm the Tilsbury Times, cf October l4th, is of intercat te the peopia cf Bowmanvîlle as well as the publie generally : TnLsr.uRY CENTRE, Oct. l14th-Word reacbed this cilice the other dlay of such a prompt cure cf a case of piles as to justify investigation by the Tumes. The gratef al individual was Peter Labeute, known here for years pastwho wiilingly testified te the Times reporter that ha was eniploy- ed in Crawfcrd's handie factory firar an furtber said- Abeut a month ago I was takan wlth a bad ca,ýe cf piles. During thq weak fellowing the attacli I was scarceiy able to werk,J went te Jchnston's Drug Store for relief and hae sold me a bottie cf Magie Vile Lotion. 1 tried it and thrceý applications complataly cured me iii one day, and 1 have net been troubled since, that was threa weeks ago. Very littie cf the contents cf the bottie was used, and I gave soreate My cousin, whicb cured her with oe applîcation,and mnoat cf t'ho contents cf the bottie sti11 remaîns." This medicîne is mauufactu.rad by the Salvacor, Magnus Medicine Co., Lti., cf Brockvllle, Ont., and Mcrristown, N. Y., who manufacture Salvater Magnus and that unrivaliedi Cougli Mixture, Magnus Expectorant. For s ie by sîllIDruggists in tcwn. 46-2w. -4"- ____ ___ ___________________________________ - r~ - - _ - t -~=; Tt?~Ç~YIL~ 9~ ____ __ __ z2tZ ~ ~-~a rzr±~r ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ -- -kl-. à.- -- =-- hie,________ _ ________ ______________ ~-a-free- Fhe~'k~"'s'e--"- ne was norremny cepravan ne ±en ~ - i ..~

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