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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1892, p. 6

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________I BJEYONDRECALL. (MIAPTER" would emilea a i n acpahie of happînesesutch as inad yrboght ber. ",65 RALISES IIS 'OSITIoN. lu 1. a few monthe I migbt be almost forgot- Fa' tered for life !5ttered for '~etan: wholly forgiven. But if 1 lived ou, lattsred for life !" I Sutd it over and ova;: mighrflot the senea of ber own iifelnuIg mis- again, tou myceif, as [ sat boxed up su ther fortune embitter e againer the une who van that earriedru e axvsy lrom Newgater had hrought it uipon ber?9 Might she noet the fe1,l in with the beat ni the horses, ceasa to lova me, aud, ceasiug to lov e, hata leet ai i the rattie of the e'el.'Futtar-inSemt liva in endiess dread of dis- ecd for life! fettered for ie! fettered for covery wbila 1 live ; the fear that seoma nue Lifo 1" I repea!ed, as I sat in my wvhite. may find ont our secret rnarriaga, and pro- w îsb oeil, thne thrab of distant machinary claim ber the wife of a couvict, pmuet make snukng ryhmi acosuanînen. ise-ber look with dread upon evary frash fa'ýc moîîartuioýhu icmd i mrs listen in terrer to any chance illusion. it sicn on sny n'smbed sensý,s. I know Il mueJt goad bar tu a pitch of madues, iu th et I was plsotograuhed on my ariifiai 1wbich he herseif ehaîl reveal ail te ha quit bust 1.Lave n recolcectior nf tisai or the nif that perpatual tortura. And then, what oclier recîution to whiuh I wac euhmit- thon 1t ler fathar, if ha do not seîsd ber e 0f5 away, iili niake 111e witb- hlm su nueudur- ilb g-'vernor came te me. Ha was a able, tisat flîght and dapendeiîcy upon the tout thica-cet meau had heen a captain luncharîty of strangere will ha preferable. the naay, 1 beijeve thara w'ara decision As tiiese thouhs, and a thousand othere mIl firinie sim bis face, tamnperad 'a-tb whirled tbrnugh my hraiii, 1 gropaîl round sincuies. m nn"si the densse ceil, instiîsctively seakir.g for coma \Vo], y ntn" sidha, "youu bava instrument witb which to execute the de-t ilîard the rides read; do you eoînprehend sien I meditated. I fait uutbing hut the bear he walls.1 gay 1 eau manage it," ha said refllctiv'.ly. Thon laying bis hand on mý chonîder. "Shall I get permission for you to see a friand," 1kept my ayas tnrned away, andi fixedl mmd stuhhornly ou my purpose as 1 ne- plied- "I have nu friands, sir 1 "Sarely one ý" lha cid, tenderly. 1 sb..k my head lu silence, nut daring to Ppeak, lest my resolution might gîve way. "1surely une?" ha repeatad. Ntonue!" I said. Ha was client for a minutre; thon ha spoka. "I1 was guing te offar to write a letter for vouf; this was iound lu your ceil." lie heid a sheat ni prisun letter papar he- fora me, There wese but three words on ": My halos-ad wife. " 1 drew the hedoînthes over my head. Aftar a littie ha spoke to me again softiy and lrersuaively. "Won't you see that belosred wil e, Wyndham ?" Mastaring my feelings, and strenuously carnest lu carry iug out the lina of cunduet wbicb alune eau make tihe future endurable tomJanswered hlmn prasanrly. Wndham le daad, " saidlI; I'dead as if hahad guise to the cailows to which ae At Dartmoor, af ter I hadl gone through Eyesiglit of Birds. the cuistomary exammnation, the guvero lookiug at the paper ou the desk hefore him Whe n telegrapli-,vires were first put up said- numbars of birds were fouud lying dead bc- be"II scen ou'are a cabiuetusaker ; yehfid neath ihese, and were supposed by those btter go into the carpenter's shup." Who did not uuderstand eiectricity to have IIIf yeu pleasa, sir," siid 1, ',I wouid been strnck dead by an electrie durrent rather do anythina yon eau put me to thani which passed îbrou gh their bodies while that." they w ere prching on tha wires, Tie faer "llWhy? Didni't you like your tradîeV' is they wcra killad by strikiug the wiras hasked, lookiu g up in suspicion.tst and fot hy eiectricity, which could not ps "I dnt wnt d anyhing maythrough the body of a perchinq bird. rem-iud nie of wvhat ie gane." It ssworth nutiQiug that at the present The deputy governor, who stood heside day hirds are hardly ever kilied by similar. the guvernor, hient dowu, pointiug t-a ilote, accidents, they haviug learued tu look out aud saying something i-ia v vl for pnets and wires as weil as for treas aud "Oh, Isee," eaid the governor, and hav- brauches. In ordar, therefore, to permit a ing raad the nsote, lie asked mie if I should bird to acpy dauge~rons objectei time to lika to he employed with the agricultural avoidtcieee"nsb 'ln-ihc. gang. Iu point af fact, inany hirds which ueed te "Yes sir, if you please," said 1. detect sinail objecte at'a distance have eyes "And do you stili adhere to the deciion whieh are equal to good teleecopes. Such, Ifind noted hare, of holding nu conunul- for examipie, are those of the vultures, who, cation with your friands aiid relations ?" whien searchiug for food, ascend to such a ,"Yes, sir; it wvill he kindilese if yen haîghit in the air il -at thay are scarcely dis- siever Jet me knov; that a latter bas heen tinguislahîs. From this immense elevation sent to me or a friand corne to ses me. There they caii survey a vast range of country, and will hc uotbing then tounusettle me." if an animal should be dead, or even dying, 11Very good. If vons unauge your mind it le sure to be detected by a vuitare, whlch -as I daresay yon will wben yeu get i sutantly swoops dowu upon it. stroneer-Voi can laet me lrnow Sarsaparia Y-our best remedy fot E-rysipelas, Oatarrh R-heu matism, ani rS-crofula Salt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S-curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, Indigestîon P-impies, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworrn, Rasheýý I-mpure Blood i

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