PvLEAS INU E XPERI 'ENGE OIl A NOTED SINGER Brockviie Recorder. Miess arrie Braniff is widely and favor- ably known hrugiout Eastern Ontario as a popular ccncert singer and a ciarm._ ing young lady. She pasod thcough an experienco hs cummer that le perliape toc common among people cf lier profes- sion, an experionce that uufortuuateiy bas not aiways the happy ending tiat was the case with Miss Braniff. She telle the story as followe: Dr.>~ Butler- Medicine CJo., Brockville. GENTLEarMEN,-It afforcis me great plea3 une te etify te Vhe wouderfui reauits your remedy known as Golden PJIl has effected in my case. During Vie aummer of '92 1I eaen conaiderahie Vume witi a camping party of my friends on tise banke of the St. Lawrence, a Short distatice-from Brockville. Tho locaity, wu a iow fiat swand with a rising ground of sons beiglit lin rear of our hous. Whetier the situa- tion was malarious or tiat my aystom had rue down, or heti, I cannot decide. 1 know that I hecame very weak and ner- vous, Bo weak that I1 raa unahie Vo waik a very short distance without feeling feint. I suffered se muci that I caied in a doctor who preacrihed for me, and I ook two butties of hie medicine. Thoy afforded mie no relief whatevec, In tact I waB ge. ting worse when a friend suegeted 1 should try your Golden Pille. I procured a box and thir effeot was ruly magîcal. I oniy uaed one box cf your pille, whon my s1trength was restored and Vhe ied nervous feelinigwas ontirely dispeliedi. lu addition ray complexion, whici lied taken a èailow asfron hue, hecame cloe and pnky white, a great desidertum with ail ladies. I cherfully recommend your wonderful remedy Vo any one suffering froin physicai and nenvous debiity, and a cisar complexion is desired, ne botter agent cen hoenîmployed tien Butler's Golden Pille. CARRIýE BRA&NlEr, Bcockville, Ont. Butier's Golden Pilla are alike effica- cious in neuralgia, iaraysis,and aIl forma of femnaie weaknesa, suppressions, ir- regalarities and the many ilîs that attend women at change of life. Ail blood diseases, Sait rheumn, crofula, catari of the tiroat or st,mach,incipient tonsump. tien and cironic eryaipelas. The remarkahle cures of St. Vitus dance and nervous prostration, effeted by them, deserve a place lu the nlemory of ail ceadore. Goldfin Pilla are tihe discovery of a ditinguisied physician and empioyed in hie private practice for many yeare, with unfailing aiucce8s. They are offred at a price tiat makos a cf-urse of treatinent inexpenaive. Yo other remedy possossea sucli magical proprties. Price 50 conte per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Al druLegietsi or hy nnil,froun tie Dr. Butlier Mcdicai Co., Brockviloe, Ont. District No tes. Mr. J. B. Beal, undrtskor,î V Otsawa, lias remnovcd to Blacketock. Business at Port Oaiawa seenas to hoi duller tien known fur many yeare. RACRED WITH RIIEUMAsTISI.-DEÂRt Sîn,-For tcn years I suffered with rheumatism in spring and fali. I have been confined te bed for menthe at e tino but ince ustng B. B. B. :îave not suifer- ed froni it at ail. I aise auffered fron. the dyspepsie, whlch lbas net tcoubled me since uing the B. B. B., and I therefono tiink it ie n splendid medîcino. MRs. ASiELiA BRENi, llaj eslard, Ont. Mr. Thos. McQuay, of Pickering, while wocking lu his bare a part cf a scaffold foli on hlm and ho reeeived a blow from wiici ho lie sine died. Dr. Eut'Erc' Golden PDll have carned a great reputation wioever employed. As e norve tenic and hlood builder they are unrivelad. They increase the eppo- ite and pronoto a heaithy performance of al Vie functions of the body. A thor- ougily scientifie prap,%ration, Viey nover faal Vo effeet a cure if directions are faith- fniiy carried out. Notiing harniful in çe om"eesition. Tho meat deiicae Lystem wlbe beiý3iteta, Aalfor 1)r. Butier'71 G,>lden Pilla aud tako ne other. Mr. and Mca. Dellart wore driving Vo Wiitby recently wien they met M,. J. Greer who vs Vie wocae cf liquor and asi a recuit cf Vie collision Mr. DellarV had is leg broif ein two places. It is no easy tig le dre's hareli, coarse hair so as to mako it look graceful and beomcing. By Vite use of Ayer's Hair Vitor, hs difficulty is reinovod,and the liair made te essume any style or arrangement that msy ho deaiced. Give ie V;gnV a trial. W. C. B.. PErIiY, Sea Guii, Ont. DEÂR SiRs, -l can highiy ecomnend flagyard's Pectoral Balsam as Vie beat remedy for couglis sud colde I1 have ever t3od. MISS F. STEPHmrsoN, Oakland, Ont. The lîteat rovel5y le Bithdey Rings at Big 20 Jewelery store. Oeil au se thom. BRiEF MENTION. Read the article on The Bath on au in- aide page. The lateEt fali style in kissing (for lad. ies of course) is one on oaci cheek. IT BEATS JAcK FRos.-Dear Sir,- We have usEd Uagyard's Yellow Oil in our famiy and know it is a sure cure for iumlago and frost bites. My Wifo was BO bad with lumibsgo that aie could flot traighten herseîf, and Yeliow 011 coin- pietely cured hier. It bas been a fortune tous, OLivER ALLEN, Owen Sound,Ont.1 Neariy 65 per cent of the publice cboo teachers In United States are women. Telegraph companies of the Unrited States empioy 37,000 women operators. INDIGESTION CURtED.-GENiTLEKMEN.-I was thorougbly cured of indigestion by using only three botties of B.B.B., and truthfuiiy reccnimend it to ail sufferin,4 from the sameeniaiady. MEs. D.&VIDsoN, Winnipeg, Man. For United States Republicana: Wittl resignation lot us al to prayers; We've met the enemy and we are theirs. If young persons who have a habit of1 singiug ae they go about their work wonld make constant effort to sing sweetiv and with pure tone their voicos would improvo marvellousiy. There are more cases of sickness and death from diseased kidneys than fromn ail other diseases combined. It is your own fanit if you alow your kidneys to romain in an unliealtby condition wlien the cure is at hand. Dodd'e Kidney Pis are guaranteed Vo cure the wsorst ýcas es. [t costs but littie to iiive tiornia triai. They are for sale by ail druggists and deaers or by nmail on receipt of 50c. or 6 bixes for $2.50. Write for book calied Kidney Taik. The increamo of population by brth is decreaing-tho tendency among well-to- do Am6ricans is to small families-one. fifthi of cuit native married women are childles.-N. 'Y. Press. THiE FEÂR 0F DETn,-The fear of' death is excited by any severe attsck of diseaee, especially colds or couglis. This need not ho where Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is kept on ban 1 for famuly use. This unrivailed remedy cures couglis coids, borsenesa, asthma, bronchitis and ail tiroat and iung diseasies. Price 25c. and 5Oc. Sold by druggists. Many readors of THE STASTESMAN are personaliy acquainted wlth Prof. J. H. Panton of the Agricuiural,. Coilege. Read wbat hoasys on an iide page about Becs in Reýýlîa to oFruit. Asic Youn FEJEbDS A13OUT 1.-Your distressing cougli can be cuïed. We know it because Kemp's Baisarm within the past few yesre bas cured ao mbriy couglie and colds in thie community. ts rematkable sale bas been won entirely by its genuine menit. Ask some friend who bas used it what hoe thinks of Kemp's B&isani. There is no medicine s0 pure, nonre Bo effective. Large bottîca 50c. aud $1 at aldruggiste. &rmplefre.-tf. KENDALL. Mr. Jno. Carscadden wiii leave accu for Fort Edniondton, N. W. T. Rev. IR. T. Couclice preached a very practicai sfermion in the M,ýetiodist churcli Nov. 6. Mr. D. Oorntock lias begiin to rebuild his barn. It wli hamuci larger tian the oid one. Mr. Jno. Stark and hie sister, Misa Nellie Stark,, visited friende l1 tho Onl line lest woek. Reve. A. Leslie and R. T. Couctice de- livered splendid addreesea to tie Orange- mon bore Nov. 5. Af ter a pcotracted i'lness Mr. James Henry, of the 6th line, died on Tueeday morning, the 8th mast. at the age of 76 years. Doceased was a ceident cf the 6ti lino for ever 60 ycace. 'Clear HEavana Cigars" "La Cadena" and "La Flora." luisis upon having these brande. Leave ycur WaV.clie3 et. Jevllery at Big 20 te o 'ropaired. MIl work guaran- teed. Stijl a few Alarn Ciccks lef t ýt the old prive at Big 20. Skia DIsease 9 Vears. Doctors ana 3Medicinea Uselees. Cunusd bY Cuticura for $4.75. 1 feel it la my duty te fell you my experieuse 'With yosr CCURscsA RlIsEIsESs. I vbben troubied for over Dnce years witisas dresîdful skie disoage. W hu t 1first feit it, tiscre eppcarcd a f2i smali mcd spots cen my breast, and i t kept cei spreading lowiy. Ih tat- cd theise sm on rDy back, Sbetwecn iwy shoulders. A -, 7few tIsys attr tise spotu -e tereed grav, sud began faIt off, se t centhied spreading ait over rey body. I tried nl the pet- et nediciness 1cessid tbf air î Ï of, or get hioltI of. 1 aIse consulted doctors. Yes, they would cure me tnan shoo,1 lim e, ut tbey stways failed. Tisen I gave It a!1 1, 'thineking tisere iras noe ure for me. Sorie cw aontiss ago, I noticed ycur advertisemeet in tie Tascoma lIossefq Glsbe; thougbt 1 would ry thea CLIrîcuA RExssusES, noS thiekIig hwould do ID, mucis good, but te my surprise, tisrec boxes cf CUsICrseA, One eahle cf CUTICUiSA Soîs-, sud tbrceD t ottes cf CurîCusuA REsoLvENTr cured me ctirely. -1 si la now as White aud pure as tisai of a ciild. i eciîd mydi pisaiegrapis. I have many frçneîinl c:icage, I l., sud -St. Paul, Mien. JOHN E. PEARSOIK, P'. o. Box 1062, wiiattom, vvaeh.rgtonI. Cuticura Resolvent Tise new BlootI sud Sie Purifier, intemnity, sud CCRcsA, tise greai 51dm Cure, sud CTIrucuRA Sos?, tise exquisiie sain Beautifier, extenaliy, iu- stiatly relieve sud spcedily cure cvry diseuse aud iumcr of tise skie, scalp, snd bîotI, witb ios cf hair, frora t.faccy le cge, frese pimPi6t t ecrofula. Soid everywhere. Friee, CuTîdtatA, 75c., S ox., 3cr; RîsseavEetru, $1L50Preparcd by thse PoTTUrn DiueG AND CIsîcIAL CORPORATION, BOStcu. 1- Iow te Cure Skie Diseuses," 64 pages, 50 ilustrations, 100 testimocial8, malletI froce. P ~ LES, blaekiseada, rd, rougis, chapped, and P oily sidîs ured byCUCuseSiedAP. WEAKe PAINFIIL KIDNEYS, «With their wesry, dut], arhing, lifelesa, &ji.gone sensation, relleved lu oue ranuutB by tise Cuticura Anti-Pain plaeter. Tise final sud Orly inistanta- ceeus paln.-hlhlng setrongi.heaig placIer. 36 cets. llUam, A. Lehr cf Ken ial'vtile, Imd., sai s Ilood's leod s Sarsaparilla is King of Medicines And I is Cure Was Almost a Miracle '.I. bcod & Co., 10w cl, Mass. "Gentlemen: Wcnii1 was 14 years of cge 1 ias cenfined tta my bcd for several îconts by an attacit of rbcnmatisin, and wlïe' I lad partialy recovered 1 did not have thse n-scfA my legs, se that I Lasd te go on crutelies. 2A5out a ycar later, Scrofci-a, ln tise form cof White Swellings, appeared on varions parts cf nmy body, and fo-r eleven years 1 was ain invalid, being coui- t1ned Io My bed six Y".s-s. 111 tlat lime ten or eleven cf tlsese soies appeared andI broke, cauissng iue great pain and suflcriîsg. iSevernl1 Laies pseces of bone workedl (nt cf tie seris. iysiciaus di iisetliselpime and Recame Dis-couraged 1I went te Chicago te visit; a sister, as il was tIlîcit a change of air and eceno might de rio, goo. But 1 was cenfined te rny bed nass of tise unie. 1 was se impressed witl the sisccoss of leod's Sarsaparilia fil cases, siniilar te mine tisat I decided te try fi. Se o u),le ovas bouglit, and te sey great graitlfctiîii the Ceres soon decreased, and 1 t'cgan Lt fGel better. Thsis strengthenod s ny f aiti th ie medicine, andIin a short finie 1 w as Up and Ou t of Doors To soake a long stery short, I contined te talke Ilood's Sarsaparilia for a year, wisen 1 isad become se f ully relcased from tise cisains et isease tisat 1 took a position w sth tise Flilet& Waihing 1fg. Co., and since tlîat time lhave net lest a single day on account cf sickness. I nlsvcys feel well, amrni good spirits andI have a geed appetite. I -udorse Il Hood's Sarsaparila for it bas beu a grcat; blessing te me, ami te rny friends my recovcry seemns almost mirse- uleus. 1 tisink rloed's Sarsaparilla istise king cf ait *edicines." W5LLIAm A. 1E}in, N~o, 9 North RIaiiread ai., lKendaiiville, Inît. Hood's PlUs cure Bilouses. BREACH 0F PROMISE CASE. A YouaoG LADY 0F DURHAM COUNTY CarS $200.00 As A BALaI FOR Hxx WO 'ŽNDED HEART. Peopla in thia counity, owing V-) their eminent respeclability sud reliabiiity, ne doubt, do noV cf ton figure before the courts le sucli sensatieriel cases as breacli cof promise, but ho it kuowe Vo aUl ont aidera that Vo Vriflr. witi the sffectione cf Durhama Count'y gis iî a dangercue ex poriýment, as the case in point will sloïw. At Vie Petonboco Assiz-3e juat heid, ani action was brougit by Meise E. Wright, cf Pontypool, againast Samuel W. Lowry, weavr, clamming $2,000 damsages for breech, cf promise of nenriage. Mise Wright appeaned in court wearing e bandeome black bat with black p'urnes, resting upen lie jet black hein tiat fran- ed her pale, demure-iooking sud ratier pretty face. A grey Ptsrsiau lamh eliould- or cape covered e royal bine veivet drese. Sie testified tiat aie ivas22 vears cf âge, sud was a dreasmeker. She came Vo Petenboco te learu dceaEmiaking ie Jeu- ery lest aud weut te board at Lowry's. After a lime ho asked ber te ep bouse for lin fer a couple of weeka Ie Vie absence of hie heusekeeper, Mise Gillespie 'AV Vie erd cf tiet tino ho eugaged ber prmnsnently, and laVer ie asked lier Vo ,nerry. Sie sas lu tie kitolten audJIl- came lu aud esV down beside lier on the lounge. Hie asked.lier if ahe isd msde jup bion-- in tQ 1ive wi uneki, le eaid lie iievehtalw anybody lie liked se wcll [aud a8ked lier te nisrny him. She did noV guve an answer, but about two weeks eft er aie coneented. The date of Vhe weddiug wss txed fer Vie tiret Wodnes- day in May and Miss Wrighit aoou weut bomoe te propane foc Vie wodding. De- fendant wrote o Vbler on April 3rd. She repied, On Apnil 8ti. Dofendant wcote agaian sd Vie witness replueîonio April l')sh. Defenidant ceeed wniting Vo lber. Ho old lier th.t lie lid couclcded Vo mecry ancther wornusn, Sie wae mnuci distressed for aie thougit a good deal cf Mr. Lowry. Ne ether gentlemian lied paid lien any attention is Vie interval. WVieu witnes found out tint lie wa8 narnied te anetier woman aie decided Vo bning action te clear lierseif f roua imputa- tiens tiat lied heen cat upen lier char- acter under Vie cironiastauces. She did noV thiuk ho lied mucci nney. She met defendent in Vie dining room of Vie Crort flouse aud defendaut tbld ber Viat ho] wouid de ail lie ceuld againt lier te pro. vont any one frona macrying her. Wituees seid ne one beyoud lier feamîly knei cf lier engageument. Lowry did net deny that ho lied pcomnised Vto nary her. She lied net lhnown defendant pre- viens Vo Janueny. Defendant paid lber $1.50 per week ashile aie worked as hie licusekeepor. Sie wns keeping bouse for bina for about four weeks. Wlien de- fendntpcoosd nrc ne a e orced JUST TO HAND LAST SATURBAY, cLOHING FlOUSE, 6, Large Cases of NewGoods. An Immense and Elegant Collection of Nice Goods. 1-dd N eyer were so Attractive Neyer were so Varied Neyer were so Prebty Neyer were so Admired Neyer were so Gheap Neyer were so Saleable ÉM» SQgmu0 -M A nice new line of Feit Goods just opened out and. meeting with general approval. Ask for Mr. Wm. Jennings in this department. T. GEO. 1YASON'S Clothing House, BowmanviI1lë' to piva lier the reason hoebhil discarded her, and if ho were nfot in Pontypool by \/W Te .tiouIJg(h t C h nea Mondsy niorning at 9 o'clock,there wonld .L L4 ho a breacli of promise suit brouglit. Witnems concluded ber letter by eaytng W e i C e p that if ho did not corne and settie 1* wonld W e l Ce p be ail the worse for bim, Defendant wrote a letter in reply and said he bad no intention of givlng lier up. She burn- A L a sB edth lterboauesh ws eedwihFIHST GLI400 COODS.AI LOWEST LIVING PRIOE&, anie expisined how Bhe had received Read carefully the following list of Bargains. Cut this list out and hier information of hie conduot. She liad conmultud a fortune toiler to learn If it bring it with you. We will show yolu each was true what had been eaid about de- ril savr~d f endant's perfidy to her. atcea detqd Mr. S. Campbell, bar-tender ab the 15 yds. Heavy Factory Cotton for. . 81.00 10 yds. extra wide Glass Toweling for$LO, Oroft House, saw Dlaintiff and dofendant 15 " Fine Shaker Flannel for. .$1 00 7 Gents Ties for.......... ...... tJ In tho dining room in conversation. 1i lb. or 20 Skeins Black Worated 1parmdsBcko lre'ý. Lowry told ber that she liad botter "not Yarn for..................$1sOU' 0 pair Thdi s Bhc for .....r.d Wid go sny further with thie tbing or I wiil 5 pair pure Linen To weis for...1.00 LaiesHvy (gaantedor hal..$1.00 show you up. He was worth nothing snd 1 suit Mens' Hlo y &Ill.oiUdr Lde ev l-wool Shawi.. she conid got notbing." wear for................81.00 5 yd8. double foid Ool'd Cashmere. $1.O0 Miss Gillespie, the housekeeper of the 6 pair Mens' EHQaêýV 0Wo oksfr$.0 5 yds. B'ack double foid Cashmere.81,4» defendant, wbom plaintiff succeeded, said 8 pair Childrea'e ý uL~ta Wooi Rose ILcvely pstUerns in Dreeis tweeds that Miss Wright toid lier that she wap for $1. 00 or L '.pir;, for per yd ..................4 engsged to ono poison and liad three 2 Mens' Soft Fel itit for ......_$1.00 13 akeins Black Saxony for .......$81,0Q chances to get mirried and now she The dollar you spe.ad wiÎh us goes'further, Iasts longer, gets more wuuld niarry the firet one that asked ber. É To r. urnam wines aid he asstyle, more quality, mr quantity and does more good in service, worth housQkeepor for Mr. Lowry and engaged and wear than any tioney y ýi spend. Miss Wright to take bier place whie aheAr O N visitod lier home. On lier retnrn she O .J M I1 5 found Miss Wright iantalled in hor place. J O . MS N Âfter addresses by counsel and by Hiea ____ Lordship, the case went to the jury who brought in a verdict for plaintiff and $200 damagea. ton and CJlarke as a very respectablek U r !FR S young woman. 03-H WA.One of the largest stock of Fu'rrs candoccent liglit plant and wili soon have in thi co.yis to.J P./ b e fi thomn in running order. M. MAYE'"R'S Hat, and Fur store, The Fediar Metal iRoofing Co. are mun- â" ning niglit and day to keep up with the it consists of Fur Uoats, Rooes, demiand for their shingles. N.wa da for ayearcrued by ctrrh Jackii-ets, Capes, Co1Iars, Muifs and HodsSarsaparila." H. HieRs, Rochi- CaÏ1 ps in the Latest Sýtyle and- at ' hestdnt o orHîgl Schooi arelthe low est possible cash prica--. deveioping great running abilitios In their lag1a d 'w el1e ec e vain endoavor Vo play Rugby foot hall. a rg n el s l c stocké,. Mr. A. Cimeron, sou of A.P.Cameron, a former resident of Oshawa, was mnar- i e t u n s i g l a s o ried in Minneapolis on Nov. 3rd, to Miss 1 t-ur ih n s N a s o Burn8. hand and as cheap as the cheap. PIETEUATIS.M; yes, an"' -NEURÂ,LGIA toI, are greatly reîieveq' and often entiroly est, c ail early and secure a bargain erdbythus of PAiNKLLEnTry aihtso k in s o o d 25c. fer e2 oz. bottie. a h t c u t b o d Mr. John IN. Kirby left Oshawa with a weii filed car for the Northwest being Al kinu"s ofFurs alterea. tign- foliowod by hie wifo and family about 8 deys later. etp i e p i ô a r r The C. P. R. thronghthoir enterpris- stp ce p Aid fr RawAFurs preaonted theo Oshawa Sools wisi mapa of Vie worid. Magie Pile Lotion was net mado simpiy V-O soîl, It was made Vo cure FPes an1 1 wiii do i t 50 qcickly that it wil surprise Ameugst tie holiday viitore we eoticed MeEsrs. Fred Carter, Frank Carter, M. Gould, S. Morris. F. Patterson, F. Al.- chie and E. Dearbomu et TorontVo, The annuel social efthVe Chisitian churci was atteuded by a large crewd. A gîom was ceet ovrrtVe as8enbiy by the death et Mne. L. J. Coryell who lias been for yers an eecne3t and paiustaking worker in Vie ciurcb, Miese E. Pauline Jolinston mot winli a large aud appreciativo audience Tianks- giviuig ovening. Sie wes assisted hy Mre Lawrence and Mies Nash of Toronto, aud Misa Dingleocf Oahawa. Wbile le town Miss Jolinston was Vhe gustVof Mrs. R. S. Hanalin. If yen are ired tsking tise large old- fahioned gripiug pille, ry Carter'e Little Liver Pille sud taie some confort. A mcan cen't stand everything, One pilI a dope'. Try tien. PRACTICAL FUIRRIEIR, Mr. W. Orpwood's teniiy la recovecîug from Scarlet Forer. Mr. T. D. Allen,manager efthVe Stand- ard Bank., New Hanburg, apout Thanlis- giving witi bis parents. Mr. ]RobV. F. Hunter, native of tVils place, bas been elected Vo the SteVe Logis- - - laVure for Colorado by Vie Republicana.Q D The Metlsodists are prepening foc a Pink At Homoe t Vhe Parsouage on Fri- day ovening. Toronto alent will aszstr l I in Vhe progcam. Mr. and Misa MacRee, Vie celobcated Pala, a l ae 88-ý N O iisging evangeliats, conducted a aong taF9te ika others. la1big otle1 service in the Preabyterien churdli Sab. 60c. and $1,00. - bath eveuing whicl wee highly epprecat -__________________ ed. Visitera : Mre. Harper, Peterboro Special vacus in Scn1ettesabetJue, J, Mn. Bort. Brout, Trnity Medicel Schcol, Measoîse ;frîn$5 *00,pe'r yard up. TheY Toronto ; Mn, J. F, Scot,B. A.,aud Mr. are Lisîen's usasse aid rau ho reiied on as A. J. Mann, B. A., of Knox College, good te w-ýar. Toronto ; Wm. Gnieve aud L. Atkineson, of the Model School, Port Hope. Rii'cin- Tabules banish paiÀn.