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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1892, p. 2

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111HE FARM. CORN ENSILAGE F'OR MAKING BE EF. of we BY THOS. SHIAW, ONTARIO AGRICULTUItL This eyperiment began December l6th, 2 (j,1891, and Closed on May l3th, thus cover- ine à period of 150 days. t is the third of a series of experiments conductedl at ex (C UT PLG.) this station having the Saine objects in view. CC The chief objects of the experiment were wi -(1) to ascertain the relative value of the si] foliowing rations for making beef, viz. en- ai] silage and meal; ensilage, hsy and mýeal ; Ai and roots, hay snd imeal. And (2) to as- lis certain the cot of making beef when the values of food and meat are both considcrcd. er r~ i ~ '~ The animais slected were-fairiy good grade of (Pr'LU sP s steers in wbich there wss a predomninance th -of shorthorn biood. They were purchased fo by Mr. J. E. Storey, the farm foremani, and TI No other brand of brougbt te the farta July the 25th. They b( were then put on grass pasture and su kept st Tobacco lias ever en= until October l2th, at which date they were el put in the stables. During this period, viz., tE joyed such an immense wbîle they were on pasture, the average 0' gain par day on the whole lot was l' a] sa1e and popularity in pouuds. 1d the saine period as this Period of preparation. On Nuvember b, 9th six unifcrm animais. were chusen, sud brand of Cnt Piug and divided into three groups, with twu animais t, lu eaeh group. Thay were placed lu double tî PIug Tobacco. stails, one group in each stal]. They were fi fed for 16 days previuus to the commence- a Gicles! Ct Tobacco manufac.- ment of the experimient un the samne rations I as were givesi them during its continuance. il turers in Canada. The object wss to accustom them 10t the fi uew flet, t Food and fecding. The animais iu group I 1 were fed ali the ensilage îbey wuldecat f dlean. The aim M'as tu give themn 10 Ilb. of 9 meal per day per animal. Those in groupV 2 were given 30 lb. ensilage per day, tbe samne amount of ineal as the suimas in groupf 1, sud sîl the cnt hay they ,oulfi consume.t Those in group 3 were given 45 Ilb. slicE;d1 1~ONRE L.roots per day, the samne amourut of meal asa was gi' on to each of tbe other groups, aud8 I O. ~ lbPlu. 1e. ail the eut hay they would consume. TheC C lb Fg, b. ay \vss priucipally timothy, aud the rouIs ~ lb iug,20c.were turuips andi marigels. The meal con- sisted of equal parts by w eigit of peas, oats and bsrley. The fonds ted to the respec-r tive grouips were mixcd just betore beinigfed, ~uansd were give in threetfeeds per day. They FLORIST. had sait andi water aI vl ill. OSHA WA, - - . ONTRI&nO Foodi eaten. One ut fihe animais iu group Grower and dealer lu Clioce Cut lowars. 1 diefi on January 25th, 40 fisys atrcer the Plants. Roses. Carnations, Violets, Smiax. commencement of the experiment. 1He wass aud 1'erns. Funeral Designgansd Bou quetsI observefi off his tee i on January 23rd sudf made uDono short notice in Wreathe. Crowns, diefi two days latAr. Dr. J. Hugo Ried, ,fut Pillows, Hearts, Society Elmbiemi, &l. Plants Loaned for Decratiou.such as Palns Guelph, was cailed in the absence of Dr. Ferns Lihaes. &c, Telephone Cannection. î*îy Grenside. H1e at once gave it as bis opinion -- - tat the steer would net recover ad furher-i T HE CJANADIAN STATESMAN more, that the ensilage ted was concerned1 iii is illness. A post-motm examinstion1 ESTABLISHED is5 was madea by Dr. Raid the samne day onE whîch the steer died, and the next day,1 $1 par anuum in âavace otherwige $3 Jannary 26th, hae torwarded the following 3ubscriptiosaiways payable at ticoe )Ê~ report: "yps-otmbl yneo X)ublication. Advertisin,, rateas unlesa by c ii steer that diefi on this fsrmi yesterday, 1I rtact, 10 centi par lin. nonpirie, firsi ifsart ws usaettI~ ,n, and à cents ppr lina each sulasequnat lu- s f satat 1 orind a rupture in- h sartion. Locals, 10 cents par line. fourth or truc digestive stomach, with an1 M. A._JAMmS, Piiblisher escape of a portion of the contents. There1 was inflammation of the peritonenm and1 ~TA~I1'NAl ~ ~ ~ j sight inflammation of the amail intestines. STAIDAR> D$BANjK Phe rupture of fice stomach was caisefi by, gases formed from the foodi in thc stomacb,i O F CAN A DA. wbi'-b when ted iu large quautiîy appears Capital pala up, ssooa,oao.iuesst, *59 ,i~ oi be of an indigestibia nature. Dcath was no doubt causefi by saifi rupture." Oua of This 'Bank is preparod te do Legiti- the animais also lu group 2 occasionally re- mate Bankîng in ail its branches. fusefi foodi For 20 days iu succession, in 9 tue moîth of March, lha woîîid not est an- Farmrer's notes discounted ; ieposits silage, sud bis gains ni cousequaîîce were received and Interest paid on accounts uusatisfactory. Because of these ex- of 85 and upwards in Savings Bank per iencas ve decided that it m ouid b h a Departrient.satisfsctory te uie but unle animai in each for pîîrposas of comparison. As w D R A FT S have thus far iu this saries of axperimeuts Iszu-1 ansd Collections made ln Europe usefi the ternu group, we shall continue bu Uuilted 0tates, and Canada, use it as a matter of convenience, aithough Wv.,J. 7-o.zEs, the retereuce in future wili bc te but une animal. "ge. Weights of the animaIs. Fastad weigbts Wre usad both at the commerinaent andi ONTARIO ]BANK the close ut the experimaut. The tast coui continues to do s Ceneral Bauking Busiess sisted inluwitbholing fond trom 6 p. m., !3wVmanvilce Ageucy. after the ev euîug meai had beau given, until DEPOSITSthe animals hafi been weigbed the folowing DEPOSITSnorniug. Natural weiglîts were takeu fre- In -va l avinem Bank Dapartimaut and Ou quetiy throughout the experiment. for the ce- land Interest allwad at ouvrrent ratai N o aogohrta ncs tms noicc ut withdrawalnacassary. Ail deposiîs reason, aogohrta ncs fmsa P rbe on flamand, we wuuld have the uecessary data for caicu- latious. t reay bc mentioued here that the EXCHANGE, average shrïiikage lun weighî from fastiug B I %tsndsold andtI)rattsîssuedupCnguro-pu wss 42, IL at the commencement of the tSates and Canada, also GoldSilver and experîmet and 3 1 Ilb. at its close. .U neStates Greanhbacko bouzht and eoid. The auimal in No. i group made the larg- COLLECTIONS est gains, Dotwitbstandilig that hae was off Fr nptl me at ouvrent raies uipon ail put bis feed on two or three dirent occasions c rcat Britain. tha Unitted Statas anwdi ors'hrtthse.Tatl No. 2 group was Lu inuIOn Oanada. aise off is feefi occasionaiiy, but oly for a Telegaph raiiselrs bncie intervai ait eue lime. The stear lu ~eie1aja Truuscrs group 3 hafi uuiforiy good bieaith ail the 'Vade for large or small ii mm on ail part of lime. <_'aiiada- This is cspecially ad',aiît gnous toe ieetmtf anoo Iefoi h ?ersons living iii Maniloba or tho Northw est, Tr siaevluoflcfod Th it maltes the tunfin available at once at the meal, the roots, sud thea hay were asztimatefi -lace uf payinent. aI the curreut market values lu G ep, ee Other particulars cal t the haut:. iicphfaktigfre n nal tar B. L. FORTT, GEO. McGILL, 'i oto aktn fnia nai ar Accouritaut. Massager. un der average conditions. The home value put upon the cats thetrefore was 26 cents par buish., peas 50 cîs., barlay 40 crs., routs sîb.ef 6 cts., par bush., aufi bay. talîc cul, $9 par ton. Corn ensilage wsas valuefi at $1 75, as lu thie correspoudiug axperîmeut éf ot last year. The grndiug ofthlie grain was put at 6 ets par iQO lb. Tise cust of the do ily ration given was: To the ani*mal lu group 1, 13,07 ; lu group 2, 14.04; sud lu group 3, 17.24 ts. The enîsilaga ration tharefore wss the cheapest outftic Ihree. If thsat ware the only cousderatiou, wa would have nu baesitîucyv iug, being cioîely woven.meticudgthdafunws$.9 Fonce put up sud Farm sund Township This estimaze inciudes the foodi caten by the nighs fo sal. Aply a CENRA anima-lse t diafi, sud al other outlay for rigts or ale Aply t CNTRL LvFthesixanimais sud for tbe foodi consumefi Rv, Buwmanvih1le. by them, but il ducs nul include the cost ut 1W. P. 11101, (Clarke P. 0., having standance or thie value ut the manure. bouglit Clarke Towship, prcparad lu Wheu the manure is includefi tba total put up foence, gain on the tbree animais of the axpaimaut 7as $63. 25, on the five animais sold at ils loee $88.50, sud un tha six animais $27.32. The amount racaivafi for tha Ibrea animaIs ,the experiluent, wben guld on May 181h, va $-281.35, whinh was within 65 cts. ut biug twice the sum paifi for tberncon Juiy !th, 1891,, wh en thcy reaoh cd tbc farm. GENERAL OBSERvATION,ýS. i. The principal objact for wbicb these ,xparimaubs were undertakan bas nul beau umrpietely rcaiised as yet. This ubjecl vas" "bu discover the relative value ut au- lage sud mea] ; ensilage, hay sud imeal; tfi mots, hay sud mccl in bet-miakiug. "' ,s the results bava nul beau unitorru, Ibae sueccssity for lurî,her axperiment. 2. Somne progrcss bas beau made lu rat- -rnce tu the solution of the second objact :f these experimenîs, viz: " T o ascartain te cost of iuaking beaf whcu the values of fod sud meat are both considerai. " 'hase expenimeuts have deusouistratefi that etf c-3ii stili hacnmade at a cash pro fit wiîera nitable grade animais were oarefuiiy pur- chaced'nnd jadiciously ted, for iin thesa tsts we have stili a net cash profit of $37.- 03 wheu we hava thrown the two deafi animali m the compost heap. This profit Lues nul include the items ut alteudance, tedding aud manure. 3. Thase experimen Is bave demouctrated two thiugs, however, sud both are impur- taut. First tbcy have mafi i prclty dlean bhat ensilage sud imcai unly do uot furnish a ration that is aitogetlser cafe in finisbiug beat cattie ; sud second, they lbave provafi n a comparative sense tIse great sataty lu fiing a ration ut whicb routa is au imnpor- sunt factor. Our afivica tharafore iu the ucautime lu those wbo are growîeg rots for this purpose wonid ha lu continua lu gron' Iham, aund lu grow corn lu addition whana Ibis is practicabla. 4. W hile we have discovered some thiugs from these experiments, tharo ana many things regsrdiîsg whicb wa bave ya t1te learu - TLay wilba continuefi, tiserafore, tbough lu a somiewhat modified form. While there ire clamants ut much excellence in ensilage corn for making beat, 'nva are yet in some uncertainty as tu the very best way ut teefi- ing it. Iu the hope ut secnniug Ibis infor- mnation aiong with other tacts bisat are of much moment, wa will continue lîsase iu- vestigations. Mako theo iarm fBuildings Comhfortable. A farmaer shonifi neyer attempt lu wintaî more stock than lh auan uruisli with domn- furtabia sheiter. Many farmers have largu farm buildings but tbcy soon gel ont ut ne- pair, a huard off, a fluor hangiug by un( hinge, or lcaky roufs. Such buildings art nul comtortabie. The openiugs shlow snoiN tu coutinually sift iu, or gîve treaunim terruptafi accass bu drafts ut colfi air. Ir sncb cases a pounfi ut nails sud a few heurs limie in repairiug outen saves a ton ut hay ir one wiuter. A building wbicb is simpiy boardefi up shoulfi bave the cracks hattan cd sud thus mafia as Iight sud close as pus sibie. Use steel wire nails long enougîs t( ha clinchefi. This takas a littie longer but the baîtens wil îhcu aiways rainain clos( fitting, which means a warmar room aur stock lu batter coudition witls less tfidder, The building should nul ha madea su clus4 as tu be uncomturtable dnning the pleasaul days uf spring, but tbaresliou.Id be tran aný thorough ventilatiun when the bigher tam perature may require it. Fofider may h( cheap, but usils sud huards ana cheapar whcreas feefi is gone lu a cingla season whiie builintgs are a pcrmanent investlment Provide suitable racks sud mangers luetee the stock from, sud do nul feadfi rom 1bg gr.ound or suow bank. Keel, the differen kinfis ut stock in s separate inclosure. Feat reguisrly, sud provitie an adequata suppli ut frash water. fl o te Bo'inSoiling. As tLe presaut teudaucy ut commerce i bu cheapen production the tarmer mus couturm lu il, or ho caunot kaap uý with civilizat ion. UTîder utany i cumstauces suiiing reducea the eust ut keep iug cows very msteriaiiy. To pasture cow taquines live average acres et landfi o tLe sommer, sud one acre for tIha wiubcr' hay while an acre sud a hait ut nich ian, wili furnisli feefi for tLe wboic yaar. Th expenimeuts ut J. WV. Sauboru at the Utl station seeni bu show that pasturng i wastetul, that soiiing gets more trom th grounfi but thal where- forage dan ha ecun omicaiiy driefi, the finied foudfi wli nouris stock just as weli as tlice green. This sua ha laken as a, possibiity, theretore th unly thing that remains ie te find ont hoi il May ha dune. Now is the tima lueiseglît. TIse firsItac:]è îssg must be reafyiyns Aprii, or cariy i May, and wiuter ryn is the muet availabi drap. Thsis will hast unil the choyer, c orchanfi grass, is ready for cutting, an tIssu tullowseaariy ans possible in the cpning The final planîing ut corn avili last nl August, whseu the secosnd plsnting en lb rye gionf will comae iu. Repeatefi piaii luge ivili suppiy teeding until the wissiteî wheîc silage, or fiedf beets or usangeis, wi] funnisb succulent foodi for lte reet out h year. Thus there is a succession ut grec crops the wisoln year and tLe waste utf 5i bure sud manure le avoidefi. The acre ( laufi for the hay wiil pruduce easîhy tweix tu tuvcuty tons ut elîber siiage or rouît whiclî will fced tbreor four cows fuin the winter. Aller tha crups are piannefi, comes tb mauner ut fecdiug. Il je a part of whs 1miay be callefi the new agrriculture, ta in Octoban sud Novambar, sud as une squar rofi pan day teede a con', il is easy lu figut up bon' much shoulfi ha sown bu supply th baerd. Il isu-'t ec(icfired goodfi tum fon a ph3 esosan 'o tell Ii s b ntce-ipa-tieniltii-il so'u lbîog is the n-\, tl,1iýr Obldron Cry foi TWO OOMING OOEAN FLYERS Tho Giaut Ounard B.hip Oampania Now Afloat on the Clyde. Dailt lus Lines fo ai' acsety, Fleaismes. and iieai,tv.Sise Exceeds she Llssil of te Great inisn Twins by 6Over 2,000 Tans. Xvbat ara the lisnhts ut the marine ancisi- ladt in the 'building ut mighty sips? A nepresentativ utouaon ufthîe great fhues thinks this question nay Le answered in Yankee tashion by propouuding anoîher, sud that le:- Hon' big miust a sLip Le be- fore baer ruuniug expanses exceef iber ne- ceps ' WiiI iargar sîips than the gia'stess ufte bb0utnard fleet . Camupanifl, lauchafi issi mi.»tliou the Clydie,bL enat forth tbu baIlle for commnercial supremacy ufthtîe At- lantic? Othar cumpotibiva fines doubtiesa n'ili builfi, sud n'a nay nul unreasuuably axpecl 10 sec wilhin the next fan' ycans a fiyen ut greater tonnage sud powern than the Caînpauiia. An Amenicaîs angineer ut large axpanieuca recentiy n'rote bu Mn. Vernuon H. Brownuouthîe Counard lina, congratulaI- ing him ou the ianncbing ut îLe great COnu.- arder sud expresciug îLe belieftlusaItîso day 'scnet remote n'heu tLe 1,000-tuot sLip n'unlfi Lein seryice hetn'aeuNew' York sud Liverpool. Mr. Brown sayse aducs nul sac n'liab je bu prevautthîe comiug ut THtIS MARITIMNE dOLOSSUS if it can hc demousînatefi lu tIe lina Ihal may ondar lier from tisa ambitions British hudans that sha sylil yiald a reasunabie su- cuma. TIsae e sownonudock ailLer iti Nen' York or Liverpool large euough lu acoum- Lmodate s soL s vessai. The biggest docks n'a hava, ncantly lengtbenad for tLe tn'in- screw sips non' in service, are net oven 700 teet loue, sud lbey n'ouid nul bacn'ide euuugh, aveu if lengtiîened, safely te bartL s 1,000-fuot ship, wvîoce beamu old ha close upun 100 tact. TIse Liverpool docks n'are nq(t large anougisfotonhe White Stan flyers, andi these va ssale ara dockad at Bitk- enhead,n'hich bears tLe camne relations lu Liverpool that Brooîcyn flues lu Nen' Yorks. f Titaeras a stronger feeling smoug ship. piug nan nhe Lepioncer outhîe bwiu- scrow Titansa, tLe Cityuf-Nen' York, n'as launchef inl 1888 tlîai she woisld rain lise luman Comnpany. Sha turnfi out lu ha an immensaly profitable sîsip, and iu the im- * portant items ut cuai cousuîuiptiuu she show'- cd hersait more acossuiical by neariy $100 1a day than either the Etrunis on Utubria, than îLe an iflest marchant sLips afloan. TLe e sister Ounartiers hum about 350 tans, and abbeCOity ut Nan'Yur nsd City ut Paris h um eh ashunt 325 tous a day. Tise cou- Is"-tativas openafibhein eyas wn'etbey aheard thaLthîe Cunard lina n'as buildiing l'o 5600-tooutshsîps. Teisa1sdsuppocafithat nu acompauy n'onld ventura bayonfi îLhe 10,a"00 tous ut the City ut Parls, sud lhey shook ythein heafis atter tIse aîsciasbt custoîn ut sheilbacks, sud lookafi s big doubt thay difi ônel cane tlulatter aller bbc tailtire ut their tavil prophecias about the firsl twîîs scraw. eTise Canipania is mssre than 2,000 tous ýlanger than the sisee" sLips ufthelIse J an l. ine. The oniy vessai even Isunchef tisai n'was biggor Ihan tLe Campania n'ac the tpouderours Great Easern, wises designer îsought TO SOLVE THE PROBLEAI e ut switt ocean navigationi by bulis, cumbîn- Sefi n'ilîthe conipartively imsigtiicanl herse powear ut 6,'200, appiiefi bu pafifla ;wuels sud propllies. The Great Eastern d n'as 680 feat long sud 83 feet bruafi, or 60 e tact longer sud about 13 feat broader Iban îL te Cma T h.îe bulldens outhlie Cait- l ai xaî er eangines lu deveiop, ater Y she Las beau in service a seasuu or bnu, lhe- bwean 129,000 aud 30,000 horse power, or uearly fiva limas as mnch as the Great Eas'eru usefi ineffectually sud n'iths much axpanse, owngltIste marine etîgina ut hanr bs ima. The Cunard Company teai su n'ell ýt assurefi that ths Catupaîtia n'illieh a switt P sud profitable sLip thal lhey hava dupli- - cated iber lu tLe Lîîcauia, which n'lll Le ,)slunchafi naxt moulhs. a TLe Campania suid tnom lIse nays at bbe tr yard ufthtie Fairfialfi Compasny, tLe builfiens s aiso outhtIe Ebtrunia sud Ussbia, on Sept. d S. The Clydea nas firefigaf immadiateiy le opposite tLe yard, as tisaee as fear tIsat h bihe deap drauýgt oflhseshipwouid causaet is lu sIise hottoin. She mafi a brfiy any ae commotion when sisa louistise natar. She - is buil sosuewhai un tIse hues of tLe Um- hi bris, lhaving a straight, stam sund an eliepti- 'y cal dtem. Sha wili bave, wn' completefi, le two pole iuasts. She measuras 620 fetct xr wal ansd 600 teet on bbc waten lino, sud Ibus Las an uaenbsngiug steru ut 20 ted. Han 1-extrema baam is 65 feec 3 luelhes, ansd lser Ji daepth oh Lolli fnum tLe, upper dock is 43 le teet. Sîse will have sixteen water-ligbt )r bulkieafis, sul constructafi thal is casa ut fi diamage bu any tau< ofut iem sha will stil L e - abla tu fluat., She is buiit lu meel adînir- SI aLIty nequinamenis, 'ton' serving as an armafi ae cruiser in lima utfasar, baving docks espe- t- cialiy arraîsgafl sud straugîbanafi lu carry , gunis, sudliser vital parts protactefi. Unlike Il tLe othar ln'in-scren' sLIps, lise tampauia ae las au upasing lu îLe sternutrame similar tlu n Ihatinl a siugia-scnan' sîeanisbip. Tbis is t- intendafi tu gi ve thse propeilens mure trea- of dom ut movament. No bracisets ara fittefi ,' lu, îLe staru trame to support tLe ouler enfi , ufthîeBsisal te. Insteafi tLe franue ufthîe ig huli ana bossefi ouI sud piatefi over au as tbu torm tLe s51cm tubes. At the outer endi ut 10 itese are stroug castingseofuteec] n'icb an- I1 swer tLe purpuse ot brackats, samd Ling a t continuationsut thsa lunes outhîe bull are sîsp- ce une t unnel for each group. EaeLhuiler Las eigLIt urnaces, niuaty-six isn&II. Excepting bar nufdr, tLe Camnpaîsia is y-uetsrahy ut Bitish builfi. No Britishs firm L- ad tLe machiueny necassany tons s kiug tLe ufider, n'Lich le tornefi ut a single pucce ut PltChev'ç Castoines for Infants and 'Children. ~'maoiaisweladapted toebld a em ato~~ ue olCnt~tO t t rc Mmed ssuperior ta any pecitonI8Stoah, Diaoe& rctto kn0wn tg me." H. Â. Âgcr, 31. D., i lU 'Worms, &ives slee,anl promtUdOï u1180. oxiord 5k, BrooklyEnK. . Y1IwimhuniOfls .medic&loD Tmc CsrAu. ComsN'Àc, 77 Murray Strcet, 7,, 1: FOP, SALE 1,Y J. HIGGIN',BOTH-AM & SONý, BOWMA'ýVIL,'iý A large Stock of well selected Ainerican Wall Papers, cheap and. eailtifuLl from 6c'ts. to 5Oce.3 per roil. Cai[ and see for yourse!f b(, crpurchaiag eliewh ere. AI colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed te give goodl sais- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes aud Whisks, Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Grainng and Papering, donc promptly and satisfactori,«lyý For ail of which cail at sH«r-rEîR-'uIN & KIRBY'S,- South sida King st., betwrecn Treaeven'a and'Reid's Shoe istores, Bo -,i-vniîje Easjt -nd Grain Dpot The undersîgned d esire to thank the farmers of WestDuhr for the liberal patronage extenddd to us durinom the past season, also to remind t'hem that we are stili in the market andr prepared to pay the H IG H-E ST M AR«'MKET PIOC FOIR AL L KINOS 0 F C,0A là7E C-7-AIN&SE delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss, or at port lJarlinuton. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Ro.-k Sait for ca ttV and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barreis which we are prepared te sel1 OEIE:A-lp FOn A8 Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SOREENEI)(10 kA aways ini stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoCLE'LLAN & GO teel, andfi ae nulefi by Kruspp, the gun- mnaken ut Essen. Wîbh the afivautages biei- onstrictors have Lad thnougb stndying tLe waak poins ut the racons of Ibis scason tbc Campania ought lu carve a large suice off the record in year or su, when hanr eneineers Leglu to undarslanfi ber. Since June, 1888, n'ben the Elrunria hLd lte record, thon 6 days 1 bour andi 25 miuutes the lwin-scraw speafi- ers bava neducefi îLe tissa between Sandy Huuok sud Queaustuwn Ity il hours aud 31 minutes. Iu tLe nexl four yesrs n'a may nul reasouably expeot thea pow'er ut slesm, which bas ils limitations aven wben axerted through triLle expansion angines, tu knock another aievaîî hours or tmore off the record. But we may hope lu sec the Camipania tulfil tLe expacîstions utbaer uwtiens, just as the uthar big sLips hava somatimes dune atten fisappointing finst citonts by cuvering, the ucesîs race track aI the average rate ut 22 kuots au hour, thuis bringing Queunstown wlthiu five and a quarter fisys ut New' York, Shoulfi she deVEiop1 23 kuotesud maintain it for tLe voyage, the New' Worlfl aud the Oli n'ilil Ledividefi by oly five fiys. MADE A BOliEIRE OF' HIN- 3Mme. Scisigel Ths-ew vSpiris g) Wlin Hafier Hubae ntisd Bîînsîad lm lj. Sume montha since Panisiaus n'ene honni- lied b-y tLe report utfus case lun'whiclî au at- lempt was mafiba nvite to du away with lier hîsehanfi by pouuing moiton leafi isîtu une ut bis cars nbiie le slept. Thare n'as aiso severai years ago the case ut the passants who burnef t bain eideriy panants alive, sud whose crime fturuishef M, Zola with sevaral effective ints, n-ich le mafia tsa ut lu "La Terre. " iccently, at tbhPrse sizs anothar ravoiting case uftIho kinf was unu- foldefi. Mine. Schlegel, a rathcr goofi-iooking wu- man uft hirty, was changefi bafone thc jury wilihaving thnownspirits out ne on lban buebanfi sud thon set fine oth îe inflammable tîsattar. The man expirefi in feartulagoîsy, hut was donhcio.s to thet'a sd kept ne- peaaiug Ihat i t n'asbis wife n'bo Lad causafi bis horrible suffaninga. Tie affair bappan- efi un March 17 last. Sohlegai 'nas an artisan living in the Avensue de Paris, nean Saint Dastis, sud is saifi bu bave beau a quiet, stesdy, hard-workîng teilon'. lis vif e Lad the rapubation ut beiug ýsIrew sud bai fraquautly mafialber habanf ince hy bbc acimonions vigur uthale ongue. Evcry e v a s îl i g t h e r e n ' r a b i c k ar n i g s b t w e n t h e Pair, sd , acording tu lIe ind c îmne t, on the nigbtout Match 17 Schiegel, af Ian an axcapliunally bard fiay's oih, n'as in nu moud for tLe scoliilus ut Lis wife. Sha, huwaver, coutinuefi nagging, sud lse smade but munosy ilabju replies bu lier reniumtna- hions. W'hen Le Lad guI into Led La saifi lsuwever, bte he'uman, -1 That n'ili do !I LaI us have nu mure ut il !" Whcnaupou' sha flîsng tLe iflammable iquifi on in. Hie back sud shirt n'are satnrsaed wilh it sud betora Le coulf i sucra is anti- aLla pantner is said bu have igîsit- cd bbc stuil tram s smaîi kîtcheis lamp n'blch site usefi. hete n'as immodiateiy a1 vasl sheet ut dlame, sud Scbiagel rushefi wildiy bu tLe four, wbich n'as closefi. Ha succeedef inlu emuviug the b-it, sud tan tu tihe iandiug shriaking fon help. Soma naiglu. horsaranivefi, sud sece-ing his plîcous condi- tion, envelupedfilmbinluwel shsaots. Ha Lad, however, beau gnriuiusly buarnefi, anfi was carniefi bu the St. Dennis Hospital,whero ha diafionîLe foilowing day. While ber1Lusî- baud n'as Leing attendefi lu by tLenueigh. bons Mme. Sehiegel was cslmly cicaujing tLe drupe ut spirits ut wina off the fluor, sud il avas whiîe engagaf inlusuefoing thal beýr arast was effectefi by the gendarmes. She mamtainafi ibal lier baun' as drunir su-.d Lad upsel bbp bottin ot stuff while stat' garng lu bcd. Au iuquîny n'as bLeu set un fout lu bbc noeighuorbofi, andi it n'as ascenlainefibia tbc huaband wnas a maak man, n'ho huore n'ith isis n'ife's neproaches ike a lamb, bout that hae was occasionaiiy prune tu dnuwin bis dumastsc troubles lu absinthe sud petit bleu. Lt n'as also saifi that Mme. ScLlegal hafi alnaady Insidte rcast lien hushanfi aure whilebaclept,bnlbewokebefore staaitm ,,u carry lien baieful prujact tbnuugb. Frnm that lune the n'oman Lhad tLe naputalion il Saint Dennîs ut being a female Torqîsemiada, baer exploit being cosupartaf luihceo,'t1 ta Grand Inquisitors w'îo arc axhibitaf inlu Le peep-sbows at tains. A neighbor ao deciar- ed thal belorete Lbsband n'as burisaf, rMme. SahiegaiL ad saifi Ihat sha inlenuiefià tl "make a bonfira" oruI"tu leI off flne- works" un lhar owu account. Thesa asýser- tions were ahl usefia, ainst lber by bbc pros - ecution. Iu court lu-day bLe accusaf! iu- pbstically afihenef bu berdriginal lina utî detause, altitoug liser husbsandi Lad sn'orn "befone Go' on Lis deasîb-befi, r, baer preseuce sud Ibat ut severai ut'h"rn. thal it n'as she, snd sha alune, n'iso W bu rnef i hm alive. Mme. Soblegai n'as dataufief by Maitre Robert, andfiou tLe conclusion outhliecasa the jury brougbl it a verdict outIl Gilly, w ith ex tenu aîiug circuiuebauces. " Shewaas than coudenmuafi l penal servitudea for, f1e. ___________ Au Accidentai Pop. A youug man proposefi under very Pcý cniiar circumstances. Ha Lsd kuowu bbc young lady soine mouthse, wban une aveni- ing Le proposefi guiug tue hiesetra. Sha bcbng agneeahie, away they wout. Non', tLe eîtertaissmeu n'as te omenece thi laughabie farce, autithafi, Wilt Yosîttc Àt Jy iviae? The youug man n'as naadîng this bu îLe yourg lady as tLey n'era cruahing tuo gat lu, but she unîy beard hlm say -" IVihI youî ha my wic? " as she n'as squaezed closeijv tu hlm Ly the cron'f. She ansn'aned, "lVas, Harry, dear, butý Lad e n'a est batan get 00uoi, na? Aund out they guI. Ha dif nult a irly compreheni ii-i b saîi, "Wbalever msade yon 'uoseb use n'lsen n'a warahait -squaazad bo<'deah '" Butliha rose lu the occasion asud saifiJ, "11, n'as the' squeeze tisaI dif i-> imy da. Jass-" Wby do't yen ask EDr. Ef lu your dinnar?" Bess-"I cau't bear hl.1-z Ha looks as thougb Le wara sytnelubuisr- sait; "Great heavans Il'il baýtIsar liveit ont ut urder.", Wheu Baby n'as sick, nag aleweatne Wheu she n'as a Child, shsa oied ton 'tiactonia. Wlîen she became Miss.,Lrshe lng luCaios W12811s-uo hadP"dçrQu. shceycaIe ise Csqn il 1 1 mmumm -

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