-O O Muest womeu kuow al VaOuLt Vhs miseny cf wssh- ciday. o mauy it eseani Beockaclse, Sure Rends, Hlard Rubbiug, uver a CKstusiug iitub, and long rheurs. This falîs te Vhs soiec wbo use poor, cheap, and lu- Th7is Soap doua awey whiH-ard RoI- bing, Tinef Backa, Hot Steas, sud Sore Rends. t binga couifont tle millions of hoesnsd wlll do so te yuura if yon sii use lt Riemembfer fhes Neme W5t:PT. SONserG sicLEVas cOs., rn.ieIED isEaf Ï-. IRsAD 'TORONTO MiLLiTINERY STJLL GOINO ON At rs. Dancastter's. Grand di- usa ftrisnmed and untrimmed fi nd wýinter goods. The stock j-s the choicest of this sefcsn's inîttos , iii was pers-onily selec'ed wîth great care ndwi'th due regard to the wirnts of the ",cal ùade. It contains evryhng new i styles and effects andi it is miade up in thee înost articl orm and wilbe offered at (h otmoderato pricýs. Felt an tr-wlatsdyed and îeshaped- 1i aille late-st styles. Starug done here. I hak uko te agency for (the RoisnCor-,et Co. of London, Oýî"n, aperfeet 56tting corset Mý!RS. D ANOASTER Iueopoatd i7, wèt GCs Capital of $50,000 ADAPPLIANCE 00. 49 KINO AuST. W.q TORION'T09 0NTL G.C. P2,TT:EPSON, Mgr. for Cjanada. Ulecricly, s applied by the Ta nlow reconîe as tîse gnatest boon offered t,, sufeiug lsuansly. it is fau-t tacking tise plaeou;f duein aýil n envous aud rheumeatic troulesccdwilt effeet cures in scemeingly Pa fie.i-, is ntries remody. sud hy its stead, souhiug oprret Vt a sreadily feit, S PC-SITI'fELY CURES Uhsumtlsm, Sexuel Weukness, Ste irmIteus ruisîssiComipîsints Gnrl", bllity,lmoVn, LnnsagoKïdney JDiseuses, IVeve',DisaseLiver Complalsît, Dyspcssss, Laine Bauki, Vîîaieoc1e, Urlnary Diseases. 'RHEU MATISM TV la a well known faet that medical science lias te, taie uafford relief ilu shoumatic vassI.. We vYture the assertothat alrhougl EU, t: !oitas uly heen in use as s remedial agent fo! a ew cars, it lias oured moi-e cases cf ibeumaIIwîsr tîsan cil other mucus cons- i ' tune outOunr ieadsug physiecus, necog- iiog.VIls tact, ara avaiing theesselves of this meostpof tnatures fonces. TM RESTORE PIANHOOD Tbuaduf peuple stiffer frees a vanity et 1nervu,,ts a Iseases, snob as Seminal Wea]îoess, ImuecLost Manood, Weak JDack, etc, tht Ieol modes esf treatesent failteV cure Teeis si lois uf nurve force or power that ceInuot bu, restered by modical treatmeult, sud 'tri ýdoctorwlsowocld t ry tVoncoomplish tîsis 1;su iud utofdrugs is practising s dagerons bru etdîalarniss.Pnuperly tneatcd TEEDISEASES CAIH BE CURED Elsetr!idty, !se apIplied M, thse Owen Electnie Bet sudSusp'ensony, 'iili Mst assurudiy do su. 14,le is;ie ou numwn reeedielaent Viat WILi supply wliat le lackinig, ueesely, norve force n powv. isprt toise and vigo;r Vo the organ an -cie V bealthy action the whole' OEAR F IMITATIONS eruf tise wortlea p, s-called Electnie liealerI by cousecouderas sud pcddled th-un -cutry. Tlhoy are elecînie su usi ol, oîthcs s as acuarative puoser, sud We Challe e ~oworld o show aun Ehectie B 1t iveetu onent la usoden cou- nl of t;ue patenta'ompirtely as t1s l. Oui Esde 'ulsj>is the portrit of Dr. OweueuibssedIn 'd upon cvery nit aund appicee eanuact i Sby us. Seu fo CaaIoue-i1ale~(Saiedi Free. 711E WEAI LEC TRIO BELT CO.; an eh l Viuck on a sliallow baking peu'. Cure, pare sud eut the appise lutu ulgisths, iay rhum lu parallel nows un the top of hs douigh, the sharp edge dowm, sud press unooglitVo make Vise udge penetrare slightiy. ISprinkie the auger over hs apple sud bake hall su bonr. Est while hot, wiitb butter on witli lemon sauce This le eue of Mre. Lincoin's reoipua. Chldiren -Cry fi Jus~a~ Wll leasd. as dry éoriaceous or ieathery-like leavus, Jus'. asWel Plemd.yet it je productive of a very glutipous liq- Choly-"'Mabel ad-er-I have bea- uid. For motîs its leaves arc noV mois- er-telking-and-,1 have coins V awsk if tened by a sinigle drop of rein, sud its you will cousent Vo our marriage." branches sud bouglis appear enrirely driefi 1cr Fater-"What! Allowyon Vo marry up ; but wlien Vise tinnut La pisi-cef iV gives mny daugîter Mabel? Never 1" eut a pleuteoas aupply of yeilow juice, CIolly (with a igle of relief)-"-Thassks lsavissg a balsauiic perîure, sud is said Vo awbully." bu as eourislîiug as île miIk of VIe ç0W. Early iHome Training. AL[OFCH ITITENDEN. A lady remankef Voesme hs urlier day thet the duvelopseut o-f original sin lu ber two-yean.uld boy wuss sctbiug sppe1liiog. "sudhli lesnoli a ba by iV h impossible Vo train hlm yet," self she. This la w-bure nkeauy parents meke a fatal msistake. At the firet dawoîug of intelligence lu a baby holi shonîf begin at IcastteVoluaru that bis hehy faulta resot uponhsisel.* If a baby of cîght menthe cries Vrougb seeur neugît- nuss-be aune firet that it is naugltincs- tissu' put is lu a roun wheru he cen cry it ont alune.1i A puor womnau of my, acqueimtauce, wlio, lu addition Vo hs cane of several ssl bidren, took lu iaunfry wur, hef a, little boy :)i a year aa ialifwho causef iser great fear sud trouble hy bis pursisteude lu playiog arounufthc s cuve. Thc pour cuother expiainef agaso sud again that the atuve wasalut sud would humn, but without cfect. At lait lu despair seulais fhi fgers on tise iot luda, aud witlu spartes finînese beif tîses thers mnil quite painfuliy hurnef. Wbsu she oîf me of it, I exclaimcd in lier- rer et lier eruelry, but s replied tIat she haf, unnoubtedly, savuf lia 11e, as, ince hs lieraI leason, lue wuulf net go witlsiu mnauy leur of the tove. Childreu are of suob differnutesprasentsansd oberactera VIat it le absurd ru detail seutnuIse for rhumr goveroment. My ewu baby, wiseu les than a yesr nîf, icaruef that the îteam beaters4 su sey apantmoants were liet sud always gave them a widu berthinlupeesinu. Peimape Vhs oniy gemerai noie that will spply is that niflionesty, The ime-wonni adage la neyer more tru Vlan wheu applief toe tr Vaining of children. Be pufectly bonset wlrb yuur lirne unes. If baby cries evcry rime you put on youn bat, hecause lic kuuws yen arc guing te ]cave iim, don't go lu tbe uext roum te put jr ou sud slip awsy for fear of has cries. Ai eurcly as yen do, lie wiil soon beglîs Vo cry if yen go ont of the nous, because ho will bave learuef tliet guing ont of it lias meaut s prolongcd absence. There la no yranny like the 11pink sud white tyrnny " of infauey. 1 bave learuef by experieucu VIat muet of my troubles lu he management of my ciildrn have beun caused by my fatal weakucess of doiug whst wasscaser attise presur mu- ment. Wlsemi my firet chissî was yuung 1 learnef some pretty severe lesuns on hs point. The whisical littie fanoies that cumiss to their baby beade are lugiosi. One baby of muy acquaintancu wouîd only taku s drink irons bis mottre bhaud, wblch urnte whim isis fend nmother busoref unoutle day s baby siter came, sud sils aw he cvii reaults of lier gof nature. MNastoc Jack refuiedf ofd or drink for 36 houri be- cans bis mansma couif net givu it to lis, 3 but, althoueh sbe begged Vo bave hlm bronglit ru ber, tise firm sud judicus anurie who lied is iu charge, would nul 3 yield. If, by ths tise baby is s yesr old lie las 3 noV lEarnef that von seau what yen iay, suad that hie loudeat acreanus wiil noV awerve yoa rest your purpose, you have somnu the wind sud imuet bu preparef Vo neap he wlminiwind. Next teo Vis, sud perbape bc. sids i, comus the lusson of obefience. Oely a setIer knows liow liard iV h Voe maks a pretry baby rogue wîu muns sway troso bis osorriug bath, aliieking witb glee t his owu waywardnss, corue Vtee tthVe aound ut liser voies.Ilis vcry syibfulîss lasc prerty that aie eau Iardly kuep frosu clasep iug lies Vu ber sud coverng is witl kisses. But alasý ! if we osothena yield Vo auy suob transports as rîese, it itueour own ssndoiug. By gentie muana, if possible, if not by aenu- un mues, baby msît leern that mamnma'e w ord la law. To this end ir will ha juet as wcvlI if mesusa doua not bewildur bis infanît slnd with ssany iaws. TIers is another littie lessun wlich b sby can leeru, as waa desoostratef Vote eV s fnjeud's lieuse. This la ru coutrol bis feel- ings, aud if lie happons Vo fuel cross, Vo ru- atrain ils desine Vo wneak vengeance ou al bils faitliul aubjeots. It niten happes,ase iV dif lu thls instance, thet baby wakes fres bis uap lu fIat moof wblcb la popuiarhy supposef tube causuf by gettîng eut of tise wnong ide of Vise lied. Iu suob cases, tIc osotlser's usuel mode oiprocedure la te bush sud sourIe sud Vo ry hy vanlous muasstV divent bis mnsd irom lii sopposef giev. suce, whitle Iaby's usuel mode of prucef une is Vo grnw more sud more exactiug. Iu VIia case, baby's papa askcd Vise young mari, whu was eut yet 14 motbî uld if he wantud a drink. Baby sbook bis 1usd sud yllef loufer. " If yoen do't stop cryiug, " self papa, " You saal go in VIe kitolea." Baby lusitatuf e momenît, tIen rhought bu would riîk iV and reaumef bis cnyiog, upon wlisob pape promptly carrief hlmr, ligh clair and all, ru he kitchen. Preseutlyce vuny mucîs subduef sud mollif cf baby eall- cd 1'Papa " ln beant-brokesi toues, sud upun abaking his heaf "'ycs," wheuasekef if lie would bu goo, was brought ils osewis saane-faeedly, sîssiing. At finit 1 remuon- î3traruf wltt Vbs aenupapa, but lie silencef me by saying, " Babies sud bushauds aloulf le trainef te control suddauppreis thein feelings sud net mueke othens oiserable every tise VIuy are a littie ont ai sorti." Cool Weather Dishos. F RICASScEu DCil icîrE 1. -Wssh suddurn tOu hs chisikens; bull them in j jist unougli coif water Vo cover thora sud sdd Vo it a llrtle saIt, or a amal licu ut sait pork. When the RYE Furss.-Two cupfails rye flour, one- A (OITY 0F THE DEP±D, îalf cn3pful wh)eat flour, one egg, one table- - .pcoouful sugar, one teaspoonful sund a hlsf Tise AwfisL Convulsion whieh Baied baking powder, sifted three times with t ho Beesîtirsl Po:npeil-The Calaniity Re fleur, one cupful and a half of milk, or eaIled ;)y a Visiter te the Scense. enough to make a rather stiff batter. Add themii tothewhppe eg an sgar str jtoay was turnefi into night, and light uthe mif orhand ippet liad or arint ie- todarkness; an inexpressible quautity of inore four nd loto gred fgemn. cbcke ashes and Jdust -was poured out, doluiging foe a quik iovea, Theywillefopand* hole-land, sesa ai,, -r, and burying twu entire sonsauikdeicious. cities-Hercuianînand Pompeii-while sois nd elcios.the people e sitting in the theatre." SCALLOPED T~Aos-eland slice a Suich, being interpreted from the Latin, is dozen or more tomatoes, chop a very small the brief allusion ruade by Diou Cassius in onion fine, snd grate a pint or less of bread one of his histories (Lib. lxvi.) to tlie tear- crumbs. First put in a layer of tomatoes, fui catastrophe of an August nightinl 79 A. a pinch of onion, and littie sait and Pepper D.,wlien the recently.restored city of the and bits of butter; then strew ou bread Pompeians afilyovrhmean crumus, and mure tumatoes, seasoniug etc., 'hidden b wnatiuallny overwhf ebimed an fluishing with bread crnmabs on the top. If Vesuvius, for sevunteen hundred years. 'For the union flavor is not liked omit it. Bake Pompeii lied been sbattered to its founda- lu a moderate oven threc-quarters of an tiens only a few yesrs belore, by a terrible hour or more, accordiug to the size of the esrthquake of Vesuvius. lu A. D. 63, a vio- dish, or until the tomato is very soit and lent oscillation of the mouintain, accom- thoroughly incorporated with the bruad pauied by lightning and great noise, sbook crumhs. the city ; the walls ciaslbed and feul, the SpicED GnAPEs.-Fjve pounds of grapes, stone streets weru upheaved, aud the citizeus two pounds of brown sugar, one-baf lfpltruce toaste futrpnisd of strong vinegar, thrae teaspoons of grounu distress. But they did not despair. At once cinuemon, two of alIspiee, and one of cloves, they set to work to rebuild their Courts of Pulp the grapes ; cook the pulp until the CommonA caterFumad hr seeds separttu u tthog h o ppaterFum adthr auder. Potn cu of old wateolheprivete bouses; they drew their huit ardui- aildr utone up o col watr onthete'-ts sud artiste together, andwtth skins and hoil tili they are tender ; then ipvdida Rmawi, drdth thu add the pulp and other ingredieuts, aud uewly-built city wilh besutiful fruscoes, boil until it looks thick enough. They enu souiptures, and mosaies. No pains were bce sealed in fruit jars or put in widu-mouth- spared to besutif v it-e poor humble village ed boties and corked, or lu crocks with a of littie faine, thruatened hourly by the paper pasted over tbem, according to tewho the monantwr0 bv t climetu.yet lu our eyes a city of exquisitu art, the (CNNAMO-N ROLLS. -Taire a piecu ot broad bighest perfection of Roman skili in dougli as large as a pint bowl and roll ont acuîptur n anig n tydn as thin as pie pastry. S mear this wull with a re awnderpainting, aud a standingav bobjectofhoonder thet sucli akili should have buttr,ti sprinkle over o genwaer osly wiahbeen twicc lavished ou a dry dooned to de- suer, aprke o e gr, ndgl ake towmîeeastruction, Vet, from histories written at the wei et ftusgrsdsaepwee timu, and soon after the time of the destrue- cinnamon over the whole sîntil it is brown. tions of the city, w e learn mucli definite Roll up precisely as for jully roll, sud set it fact-tbat the city wvas beautiful to a iîigh to ruse. When it has risun, out it thronghderettwatyRo nsadNpo- with s knîfe, separating lnte piecus au inchi tas, as weil as Pompelans, occupiud houses or so thick. Baiae in a moderatu ovun forinfadlv nlurosstead t thrtymintes.A dlicous offe cke.spiendour. We also learu some iuterestiug 1 GOLDxN P DDIN<-OnUP ofgrenulated tacts as to the topography of the land et sugar, une egg, tbree teblespoonfuls of melt- that time. The ses elmost lappud the g d butter, two sud une half cups of foeur, southeru gate of the city, a nl tiîither it two teespoonfuls of baking powder. Pour was that the chariots used t'3be driven nu a low, square tin, and bake twenty-flve down, where the citizens emhsrked ine their fminutes. It sbonld bu served werm, with ships, and merchants iauded their guods. a sauce ponrefi over it made as follows: The force of Nature, bowever, ltered the 1Stîr to s cream une tablespoonful of butter contour of the land considerahly, and suad half a cup of suger; moisten with a Vesuvius sent its streams of lava,-scoria, tlittie cold water two teaspoonfuls of flour, sud rapîlli for tiîree or four miles zouthward suad pour a pint of water over it to scalfi it wvbere now, betwuen Pompeli and the ses, ,and then stir iu the butter and sugar ; beat oranges, lemous, pomnegranates, aud vines athe white of one egg to a stiff froth, and grow lu profusion, scesting the bot air. estîr it iu the sauce it hefore seuding to Pompuli, lu short, la now-what is I It of ethe table; fiavor with lemon. it-an inland drty, sud s eîty of the dead. r APPLE COMPiOTF.-Seleat imedium-sized To-day nu toges fleunt the sunlight witb sud ricl flavured apples, pare sand core tîseir briglît yes ; nu sandalled feet nor thema, cuttiug lu quartera or belves. Make rarrling ciariot wheels eclîo througb the a syrup of a half pint of cold water, the naîrow, stone-pavefi streets ; Nydia, the asaine quantîty of granulated angar sud blind girl beloved of Giaucus, is huard no tthe juice, ahd e littie of grated rind of a more singing bier aog- freil lemon. If cinuamor flavor is liked Buy mys fluwers. oh huy, Iprsy, 8put in a stick aud remuve it hefure the The blind girl conmes frons afar; apples are put iiu. Buil tihe syrup lu a pre- If thce rth be as fair as I hear tlîeu say, serviug kettle a fewv moments to dissolve These fiowers lier ohlldren are. etlir sugar sud then pet lu tbe epples aud Only wild maideuhair uow gruws in the ecuver the kettle losely. Set thum where nookisud ersunies of the ruîned walls ; sud tbey will not houl, ouly simmer. If they bats et sunset flitter sud fuap u tise siiadows, are inclined to stick to tihe kettie shakeit liîauutiug the silence. Parasols of alshades uc sslunally. Wvheu they are transparent ansd patterns, white fianuel trousers sud 8remove with a skimmer tu the disli in trousers sud 1"blazers," camieras and opera 8whîclî they are to be served sud bull the glases, tell by day oi the revolution of 1j usce down tili there la just enougli Vu parti- seventeen centuries. Those wbosu tinie is ,ally cuver thema, îen pour it over sud set lice ted wîll at least observe the deu-p ruts « it away tu coul. wuru by the chariot wheels lu the atone- FRIED Csecrs'ç.ý-There are few btter paved streets, elso the beautiful messies 1dishes than iried dhioken, if cooked satis- which hure sud thure have been left unu- factorily; but it neuds careful watcbing, bu- toucbed by the baud of tihe vandal or by cause if either under or ovurdone, it is teste- tise ; the lraguientary irescoes wbich stili 1lus sudndnpalatable. Cnt up VIe chicken adoîn the wafis of thu privae villas; sud 1isîto pioces prupur for serviug, wipe tisera the devices eniplox-ed in thosu remute days 1dry, aud sasou slightly. Have ready e for the couveysuce of water. Leade.s pip- spide~r or deep pan, with two tabluspoosîfuls sng ia viýsible inu many places, witli neatiy 7butter; maku it Ihot ; then ley in tIse piecea executed tape sud jets-a marvel of what 1uf elien, not too closely, sud cuver, su as the citizeus eenid do in tîseir day. Onu is to retain tIme stucs. Do noV cook very luclinefi tu think, wiseu beholdîug these fast, but lut ftie beat bc uniforsu sud steidy thingi, that the aucients; wer-u more skilled iutil it us niceîy bruwned on thia ide, thun 1 tîsan ourselves-certainly they lad reachud Vuirn, sud add more pepper and sait, if neuf. 'the biglest piteh of art' and culture when cd, sud mure butter aiao. Whou dune take the dark psul fell sud sileneed tIssu for it up, pour a teseupfuntofni ilk or cream eVer into tlisepeu. Wlien it bouls, add s littieJ Witb visita Vu Pompuil we muet combine tbickeniug, take it Up 1in a gravy ureun, visita Vo the lamous Museum in Naples lu aud serve it with the ehieken. It adds me- ordour Vu learu fuily the bistory of the an teriaiiy to tbe flavor. osent arts of sculpture snd paintinsg. Tise __________________Museum contalus, as isavieil known, mauy priculesi relses ie marble aud brouz-not ~omsRecet Wie-~ae~.osîly priculusa iu theniseives as higli works Some ecentof art, but also as allordîng an admirable According to e Welsh seuwspaper. e man insight suto the lue of the citizns-the fod employed et lise Cyfartbfa irunworka soif they ste, Vhe vessels Vhey drank f rue, tisu bis wife, lu 1863, tu s fllow workmau for dress they wure, the jewellury, snd the the sum of Vwo pounda tun shiliings,witI the ordiuary necessaries of daily life. But it la uuderstandiug that anuother isalf.anvereigu J given Vo fuw Vo devutu ine to the full ap. shotnld bu speut lu drink. Tise wife, it is preciation of thesu valuablu relies rescucd seid,was s ore amused than indignant eýthte from Herculanuus pd PoiËpui; fuw uiay transaction. On theu luth ofJuiy, 18 a afford ime to linger ever tise incomparable wuil-dressed uroman epplied ru the Exeter igu,ýe of young Narcissus as lie lisens to magistrates for e sommn-ons egeinar bier bus- the aoug of Echo ; to-mark the exquisite band, whu bs-d refusef to support ber cuil- Igrace of Diana as alie bends forth te the dren. To VIe' utter astouisîmmeut of the bow; or te study witb satisfaction the fiue justices ahu ststed that lier isusbaîî h9af huim of thc Emperors of fallen Rouie. sold lier te a man witlî whoui mu was thon Tîsen we are again smoug VIe sileut living for fifty pouuds, bue undurtaking Vo streuts of the buried drty, listuuing for the support two of the bilîdren. Hie appuarelu, about f roi the Tiseatre, the spJash of huwever, to have gouu back ou his bargain, wster from the hatisa the rattle ef chariot sud rufused Vo do auytbissg for thers, aundtise whuels lu tIe by-ways. But we listen lu usagistrates very wisuly duclinefi to inter- valu ! Fer eway dowu the twiukiing, roast- bore, lu 1877 s wife visa soif for ferry îug shore, hes finl of Naples cornus Vo ns pontife, and, what les more remnrkable, the iu a low monotone ; or loug, glassy wavus articles of sale were dr, w u p sud signed et corne rolling lu upon the beach lu besvy a solicitors office, tise mouey paif, sud the pulsations. ebattul handed over wsth aIl tIse gravsty of Look dowu from the remparts intû the 1-e 1', lu th-couse f a Cunt -Cort ase ....re.e. o-. - Tragi- heatre,-wher BOWý_MANVILLE, IHeadquarters in WEST DURHAM for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets Chinaware Glassware Crockery eIa11, Parlor FancyCups, and lland Larnps Saucers, Vases Lemonade Sets, etc. OUR FAMILY Is always weil supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices forý Farm Produce. Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show good s. Inspection solicit ed MURDOCH BROS. Victoria Buildings, Bowmanville. I,ýcý Having got settied in my New Shop in the BEAVER BLOCK, next door east of Muardoch's. ancd having complet-, ed my Spring Stock of 3oots and Shoes,, of ail grades and sizes, I wish ail my old customers and many ne w ones to give me a cail and inspect my fine new stocka USE McCOLLý'l-'S MACHINE QIL. The Champion Gold Medal Oit for ail Machinery. McCOLL'S CYL I ---Dmln--r OILv PossessingSuuariur fadili ies for manufacturing carri-iges, 1 iutaud Vo sali very ohact o fr ocalA approvefi crodit, sud by so foing I hope ta greatly increse my numbar et sale. - P' sali tise woodl parts only, or the gearing., nI buggies iroued. ~All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At~ ~~A theFor as dortlaNni oic, Trnt ngdac Sing ifth urdIe li. rF .AttheFito 1At so ShortPlann ticg, intd as d Simusefi Deiree aý r Saws. acf preare aIl kinds of lumbar for carpauters sudotors for building purr';mâ ora u ainil and I lain Pickets Ion fenoos in cvery style raquired, made te order,