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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1892, p. 4

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I eut mca r uChunci would readily sec- cept tire position et that saiany. We stat- cd tiret $2 isetee teep for a weekly paper ont lbss te tire denomination;thet the Sun- WHEIN YOU WTANT day Sehool Timnes, aise a 16 page wcekiy, is f uruisbed in clubs et, ouly 50 cents a ycar; that The Ciritian Hrnald o! New York (Which we club witb. THE STATES- $ý_J ýýe whieh a cirurci paper shonid be published is "the greeteat good te the greatest nuin- ber" snd irmtot make maney for the Su- perannunation Fuud te wiich everydoiler o! profit on Thc Guardian gees. Sncb je a surnrary o! tic contents o! 09S aur "unfair and ungenerons atteck," "a- dapted te croate prejudice sud antagon- ism te The Guandian sud ita Editor," wihor"seuse ofdeceucy adpropri- - - ety" led us te publisi, "sevenal o! which A few hoice stetements and insinuations in this et- AFl~l~ARM feHGw hoieu teck" Dr. Devart "'mainteins are irot truc, and deserve no reply nom nus-. For tire "light tirrown on tis siean at. tack" by citing aur expeni ence with Tire Metiodist Observer, wve hope the neyer- end editon feels relieved and his readers BOWMÂNVILLE, INov. 23, 1892. thaukful, but wheu lhe states tiret we ----_ were net a Methodist "wben publishiug a THE CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN. chcap religions weekuy" hie repeats e mis- take ho made once before sud was s!tcr- Rev, E. I. Dewart, D. D., Editor o! wards undeceived. Thc Guardisu, is acknowledged te be one But thougir lie dae net refute eue o! o! tic cleverest debaters in the Metirodiet these statements, note what e happy sud Churcir in Canada, therefore hie is a "foc- complote concurrence tire revereud editon (mien worthy ot aur steel." But"tbnice je expresses witir aur publisired views, when le arrned who bias Iis quarrel juet" sud in an appeal for irelp, ta ministers and with a cousciouness o! haviug ight sud people intire saine issue hestates:"The su- justice ou aur aide, we are execciing e prame motive for extending the circula- fnee lance in tIhe intereet o! tire Churcir in tion o! Tire Guardian is tire boe ire t, whieh we wcre uurtured in childirood, cd- whereven it is nead, it will irlp tire people uceted in youtir and in whiie we, our in their chrstian l! e, and bing thicn jta farnily sud met of aur ext ensive fariiy more intelligent sympatiry with ail tire de. conneetious,bclong. Then,we feel ta npartrnents oeucrwrk' ikyen, attacking tire management o! Tire Guard- doctor, you have expressed more cleariy, îan, we are attacking anc of tire langest, compreheusîvely sud emphaticelly aur, tuost influeutial, iigily respectable, sud contention in fewen words in tins sentence 1atrougeat monepolies cxisting in this Do- tien we eold have doue. After ll,now, do sinion witir its numeraus combines sud yen nt think we are bath agreed on this trusts. matter, exeepting tiret yen abject ta a re- Wircn we saw tire reverend docter's cd- duction o! saiary ? One pieasing evideuce itoniai. in thre lest issue of!' ho Guardian o! tIhe effeet ou yen is tiret yen have given we were imîuensely eucourag-ed, feeling thîs week more items o! cirurcir news- tint victery bcd percired ou aur banner sud înostly quite freshr tea-tian we have iu oun iret broad-frent attac!k on The noticed in Tire Guardian since yen nsed Guerdian piralaux, led by tire leader sud ta irelp yourseif se liberally from tire heno o! numerous jounualistie si-d con!fer- cburcîr ueo-s page o! aur collapsed "chcap once carupaigns. Pmrsonally, we iroid Dr. rel igions weekly. " It doca neally look as Dewart in very higir esteem saimd siraîl not if tbe13,000 odd subsenibens ta The Guard- write a word o! disparageimmat o!fiis ian wiil have good reeson ta thank us 'chistian charecter or iis chili es inr liter- for aur "nfai ndudnugeucraus attack" atune, but persoual !iendlshp simd regard by dîspelling that «"beresy o! dulînes"' for tire man are net giug te prevehît ns tiretiras prevaded yonr clnmnis. frorn feerlessly expressrng our iit3ws on But referring te tire piice, wili tire geod lis maethod o! eonducting Tire CG rdian, editor kiudly tell us why Tire Guardien is a paen e ae a depiyintr~sm-t~ ~supplied ta, ail ministers et eue dollar e a pperwe re s depl îneruitý ii asyear, if it caunot he publîshed, except et auy other Methodist and aithougli tirea lose, et thet piceThins, tee, when ivotiy editor ires eudeevened t,)beittle tire profits of tire publisiring bouse go ex- us sud exaît hinreel! sud te turu aur clusivelyte tireminiaters. Je it feir,ijeit iàuggestions jute ridicule, wc teke it in honeet, te exact $2 front the labaning insu in tire pew, earning perbaps only 75e good part, aud sirali gîve him furtirer op- a day, wviile bis higir-eaîaried pester gets iport unity ta defeud tire citadel in wiricir off witb $1 and tiron expeets tire pon lie site higb-throned. Give ns some laborer te ieip psy hie essment te tire eonnd esoun, dector, ridicule. innu- Supersonuation Fnnd besides i Only tic miniter participates in tins und thongli endo, wit, sareasm, or vtuperetivin will ire pays notîing inte it, iflire eau beîp it, ziot bc acceptable te tire tirousands o! sud if ire forwsrds tire paon man's suir- Metirodists wbo are interestefi in this dis- seiption for Tic Guerdian ire is alowtd cussien. a liberal commsrsiron, double wirat yen ai iow rews dealers for renittiug tire money. Soine people remarked ta ueo-heu talking By tins systetu a! extremc seliisines, tic aven our iret article, that if Dr. D)ewart, irinister gets for bis own exclusive berrelit îs wise ho wili net notice it in Tire Guard- four cloar acvatages aven the laboning îeu, beca use tic statemeuts are unun'an. We advocste Payiug every minis- 6werabie. But ire lbas aceeu fit in his wis- ter a luberai saiary, ample for ahi propel requineenuts sud thirenîsisting that irm dam te notice it, tireugis it eau irerdly be pays hie owu deits sud demandesud i ,aid tiretire lies assayed a reply, for ire given neunufaîr advautage aven auy othei . ias net answered or expleined ewey any Metirodist in bis dealinga witb tire Beol of ursaùmnts bu lie alawer ithRaom an atirer institutions carricd an b' o! ar sateents bu lie a awyr w th ie denomination. We are decidedly opý e weak defeuse, ire bas turued ta abusing posed ta mînisters neceiving commissioni tire plaintif-net iis counsel. We con- or discounts net silowed ta their people f osa there is a littie humer, sud a large a. Tiese are in brie!, tire views o! yaui mount of enimus, witb camfe sareasrn aaud- 'self-appointed ceuser," Dr. lDewart, oi tire wsy tiringa are doue t tire Guardiai wicired beto-ecu, in iis crticle, but ail tire office sud concurred in by mauy Meti enijeets re!erred te in our editoriai are ad- odiets wiro contihute te ycsnr fat salary. roitly escireved.,; We islme-il disînies tire stter e! saiaryb: Ou account o! tire unexpe.-te d demand ssking a question: Tire salaries o!f ig] for uE TATSMANcouainm, or frstSchool masters. wbo muet ire Universit: for az TATSMANcenainng ar fratgraduates, range frein $800 te $1,500 tic large eum paifi Dr. iDewart ($2,700) being offered ta former Ame--canmet as salany besides perquisites; aise o! tire odî.tsubscribers t $1.00. This is sure srnount (81,000) paid for assistance, sud 5a sufflciontiy dean cýss;bnt toasdd furti stated tiret ail tire oditoniai work cen nd tatire defeat o! aur owu paper, in t ahold e onefo $170 a 1ear ad cx-Advocate issue o! Nov. 5tir aur owu]1 îhold redou fo $,70 a ea; sd c- ugi Johuston o! Toronto makea a ce, pres9ed tire boe ire t scores o! comxpet- panisoî o! tire Advocate audTir C nerdi O! eau atiord te give it gratis te every 81 a heaIing propenties, orý you'rc paid. t j year aubenriber is s-mply oue o! tire won- h- de-s o! siicceosa!u journalismn. Esci ely pietute is nunnrberel sud a key i2 pinted New fur goods---a yery nice stock foi er et the bottoem ( f tire picture, giving tire ladies, men and chilîdren-juet srrivcd ai he namne sud constitcencv o! eaeh niemben. M. MsYer's. Cal sud get Your choic( Dr. The Emupire je cinbbed with TIrE STATES,- whule thçy are freali. - i- MAN et $1. 80 for betli papers. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT- In7urani ian Ripans Tabules cure (lysýiepsia. ROBT. YIRTUIC, Agent, Bowmanvill, and after a very complimentary reference MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. to the matten and management of the for- d mer, regrets that while it is read by one The municipal elections are being talked k in every five of Michigan Methodists,Thie about.and we have been meking inquiries t, (uardian is net reed by eue in fifteen of a opoaiiis hr sytn4hneC Canadien Methodists. aroioeilte.Teeisytn~eg Theoterargmetsenuer c . in Derlington and we are told by persons i the sunmary given in' the former part of who have some reason to know, that h this article were discussed quite fully in Reeve Smale stands a good show for the I our firat editoriel on The Guardien,therc- Wandenship. We believe Darlington lias fore we need not to go over the grouud neyer been honored in this respect and egein, but wili conclude by seying The Guardian can be published et $1.00; th, should the Counties Council repose that circulation quedrupled witli case at this confidence in Mr. Smele iwe feel sure that price and be made very mnuch more inter- hie will fill it with criedit to these United esting to three-fonrths of the members. Cute.Wt ul ihhnri rs A TALENTràl YOUNG'MINISTER'S VIEWS~. pect the electors of Darlîngton should We are snrprised to flnd se many min-elect Mr. Suiele by acclamation. Reeve isters backing np our position. One sucli Prowerhes aprtions towards the Wrd-1 wvho would himsecf meke a good editor, wn apr writes to us: I read with considerable enship too.r satisfaction your receut editonial re The In Bowmanville there cen herdly be Guardian, and notwithstanding the flagel- anything authentie seid. Mayor Allen lation you receive in The Guardien of!xpesses a wiîîinguess te give wey if any yesterday, I think yen have the best o!f xp the argument. 1 believe I am n euy ane other capable man wants the position. of the many o! aur ministers who think Since inentiening Mn. Cornish lest w eek that The Guerdian dees n ,t, and et we have heerd the mnies of Dr. Hillier, the present pnice cennot, as f ully accomn- Lawycr Loscombe and iReeve Prowen plish its mission as is desirable. My own charge is a case in point. Iunis snpp art mentioned. Lawyer Galbraith xnsy be e o! connexional interests gencrally its loy- candidate for INorth Ward ceuncillor. elty and liberelity will compare fevonably Mr. J. C. Vanstone's neme lias been men- with any ether; but there are only eight tiened in connection With the West Nand.t Guandian subseibers, and I cannet secure Temmeso!tepeet1oni r more. thougli I have tnicd more than once. Temmeso h rsn oni r This is an important mtter, vital. te the willing te accept office again, we under interesta of aur churcli, end needs venti- stand. lation even thougli it was -decided et the Clarke, Cartwright and Newcastle are lest General Conference." If yen, Mn. Editor, are "A Daniel corne te Jndgment" te be heerd frorn. and interpret the phrase in which it wes Our advice te neadens everywhene is, DO eVidently written, it mey somewhet ex- not pledge yonn vote to eny man until al tract poison from the sting te remiember are inthe field. Persans often fludthem- by whorm the phrase was oiginally spoken sev and console yonrself that you are net "vs in very ewkwerd straits by hiaving "Shylock" anyhow. promiscd their votc. It is a good and safe AN Ex-PRESIDENT'S3 OPINION. rule always net te pledge younself. Ceun- We tke he ibery o - ublihin ancillons are public servants, and it is cvery extreet froim s private letter received lest elector's personal interest that the best week from another Methodist minister and mogt capable men bce lected innes- bigh up in the clcrgy list, an houored cx- pective o!fiend or favor. Bewere of president: "A few days cge J necccved a office-seekens and tiinc-serversý---men wba copv of THE STATESMNAN for which accept my thanks, Witb yen J arn exceedingly seek publie positions for their own aggran- auxiens for a langer circulation of Our de- dizement, Yen, electors, are independent neminational paper.- A -circulation -O! and yen-- should fecalessy- assert >)aur 13,094 copies, emenr a mcnbership o! ights ta judge o! men yourselveR. Give aven 200,000, lsasa iddening prospect, in- canvessens and candidates who conte. fawn- deed. 1 have the conviction tee that a- msjority a! our people occght te have The ing eroui d yen te nnderstsnd that yau Guerdian, and 1 know of ne way whereby knew yonr own business and that yen are that E nd may ho accamplished but by gaing ta vote as yon pleese. binging down, the price te $100, and 1 ________ helieve it would psy the Church te de se, EvEuy Boiuv SHouLD TARE ONaz even il it lest thou;ands o! dollars for the tiret yesn or two alter reduction.* * * 1 Of those.excellent Engli3h publications- hope that your citicism will lead te such The Bey's Own, The Girl's Own, Leisure e ventilation end discussion of the quest- fleur and Suziday et Home, $2 a year ian as shail secure the dcsired renaiît ae cd by mail, but we i'îe clabbing tbsem the next Genenai Conference. AIl the with THE STATESMA.x et $1 50 esch, an f unda e! the chuncli would bc helped by $2ù0 for TiiE STATESMAN and either of The Guardisu heingp.ieced lu eveny home. th em. Cali aud see a copy. If allowed 1 shal avail myscîf o! your col. umus te aid in cheapeningTýheGuandian." SALE 0F M*S.&ZINES, PAPERS, ETGO. ANOHE EDTO'e rIIN The annuel auctian sale of periodicale, ANOTIEROPINON. magazines, sud newopspers will lake place The Whitby Chronicee, f Nov, Il pub at the Mechanicq Institute lReauing Roosu, lished su extract from our irst editerial et 8 'clock p. , an Fridey Decemben 2, about The Guardian snd in an editonial 1892. This le a chance to get the boit note strengly endonsed cur views. lu tfhe' publications of the 4iay at your eau pnine. lest issue o! the saine widely-cîrcuileted Any publication eau ha taken awuy as and ebly edited jeunual, fies. Dr. liane eau as the Bucceodinig number arrives. attempt4 te defend The Guardian by say- Some uew oee wiii be added this yessr. ing: Dan't f biite attend this tale. Remember ";Most intelligent Methodists are very tic day and hour. J. W. DurvaN, Secy. prend o! the lîterary excellence o! The Bawucanville Nov. 22, 1892' 47 2w. Guardian." The Editor, of the Chronicie replies te SPEND CHRMSTMAS IN ENGLANI>. Dr. Hare in tic !ollowmtg forceful neasen- A hsseo !teya hr ~ iug: always s' me punsons who ka ta the Old From a literery or theological stand-ConytosedCismsvihheea peit ae ae i f il ccod wth ev.Dr.relatives acrosa the Atlantil-. To any such flare's views. %,. acknowledged ths, in we heg to Imake known the fact thet M. criticising The Guardian lest week. Whet A. James in agent for the Allan, Allen. we abject te is the pnice, the rnoncpoly State, DûimniD, luman snd Ancien and the feet that it is tee pro!eund. On Linesa! stearnehipsaned eau book passen. neciving Dr. Hare's letter wc sought tIhe gens toa ay part (e! England, Jreland or apinions o! several Methodists i town Scotland ut as low rates as cen be had ewho are o! a reeding turu o! mind and frorn any Company. Oelil or write for .twho take The Guarsiien, and found euly termie, Baiing dates,, Etc. euoe opinion prevaleut sud that freely aud_____________ Sunhesitstingly expresscd. They endorse rthe CnRerercLE. s vicws fnliy. One of the e hest neadens in tire hurch said thre pnice [s o! The (juardian shouid be reduced as a rmatten o! business enterprise. It is safe k ta estimate that net eue Methodiet family ,y in ten feel like taking their connexional )_ergan et $2 per annum. The feet that .sl thre publishen e! the Bowmenville STATES- 3.MAN attempted te publiali another Meth- r odiat paper, but lied ta sncnumb becanse n it was placed unden the baun o! the ýn ehurci as an interloper or unlicensed pro- [1- ductien, gives him ailtirhe more right te 1f orce this ueccseary ivar. The ordiuary 'Ysubsciber wants bis paper et the igbt lh pnice, sud don't cane ta psy twice its vai- neý merely because it is officiai and the y onl_ ppetocrte _ina.elgi n qpse.tTTZE AWAY DOWN ----are the-priees at-the West- Enci IIouse-l AWAY UP are the styles and qualifies of their goods. THE NEWEST THINGS in Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings. «W Eý have had a tremen dous run on our Manties and do not expeet to have any of our original importation left in a vory short time, so that 110W 15 your tîm(" if you want a. nobby Jacket, at a very low figure. EXTRAORDI NARY. We are giving away to every person Nvho expends Twenty Dollars in CaLsh for Dry Goods withi us, any time between now and Spring, a splendid hardwood folding Work Table. On your first purchase for Cash ask for a Ticket which bring with you at each succeed- ing purchase until. you -have bougli twenty dollars worth, nen ou are entitled to one of our lovely tabies. We charge nothing extra on the goods as you will easily see when pricîing themn, and the table is really worthi havinig, being both usefal and ornamental. Highesb price paid for all kinds of Grain and Farm Produce. JNO. MCMURTRY, :13 !EA.CrT ' YQUR STOVEPIPES. sirc The Quickest Dryer and F,ýýies-b Black in the market. It keeps the pipes free from rust and gives a beautiful finish*.SIL SOLD BY J. HIGG-INBOTHAM&SON, Chemists and Druggists. f- Asx YoUR FLUENDs ABOUT IT.-Your distressing cougli can be cured. We kncqw it because Kemp's Balsemi withini the past few yesrs lias cured so many coughs -and colds in thie community. Its remarkable sale has been won entirely by ite genuine mient. Ask somne friend who bas used it what lie thinks o! Komp's Baleam. There is no medicine se pure, none se effective. Large bottles 50a. and $1 at aldruggists. tSample free .-tf. DISTRICT DIVISION. Tlie usuel district convention o! the Sono of Temperance will be held li the Sons Hall, Enfleld, on Tuesday Nov. 29. Sessions open et 10 ar. mad 2 p. m. an d at 7.30 p.m. a public entertainment wli be given when a capital program wiil be rendered by the Subordinate Divisions. A silver collection will be taken to be applled to the furnishing fund of the new hall. Lat there be a grand nelly. H1. AnuuE, D. W. P. 46-2w. W. E. CouRTICu, D. S. 0. 0. RICH.ARDnS&CO. My son Ge3r2ze hie suffened with neu- ralgia round the heart since 1882, hut by the applicationof MINARD'S LINI- MENT in 1889 îî completely disappeared and lias not traubled him since. J.AS. MCKEP,. Linwood, Ont., Leave youe Wateeana Jewollery at Big 20 to be repaired. Ail work guaran.~ teed. Still a few Alarm Cleceka lef t at the old price at Big '20. The West End B-louse have iust receiv- ed in a very choice selection of cloths and tweeds, o>vercoatingq, etc., whichi they are prepared to seli et bottomn prices. T. Geo. Mason a lothing and Boot and Shoe store have adopted the cash systema. Buy for cash and seli for cash fa their motto. Cash customers sIhould give them a cailiaird get the bentiàt. Seo adv't. That unrivalled cough mixture "Mag. nus-Expectorant" has beau in the market only a short time, but it hie become the greatest favorite with the people,' ad je daing more good than anything else of its clase. Only 25 cents a bottie et any drug store in town. Cash FÔr Poultry. The undersigned ie prepared te pay the highest cash price for any quantIt of Poultry dressed in the following m. ,aer: Bodies dry picked, wings, tai and head unpicked; and undrawn. Also cash paid for Beans, Dried Apples, Eggs, Butter and Dressed Iloges. Fowls to fast et Ieat bwenty-four hours before being killed and to ho killed by bleeding well in the neck; ; do not wring the neck. JAMES MANN, Bowmanvffla.. First door east o! the Bennett Homse, Minard's Liniment ile used by Physiciens.

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