j i I BEYONDRýECALL9 -ýbishad by pcalarrangemnent freni aiva(c sheets eof'h arnbcrs' Jouinal. CHAPTER XV. " xes, sir. i.t shall ail go te, my peer ICAISE FROMTHE DAD1 ýýwife. I eau telk about lier new ; 1 can The invective facult y wbi'iLchdlad me thick about lier nightù and day eew. I bave ie hygo-n -c days to mnod 1 l cay fgures andI bad te drive lier eway troni my thouglits then to carve tbem in weod, revived je me ail Close years, for fear I sliouid gomc as I gained bealtli acd sitrengtli, My de- witli tbe knowleclge thet I could 'set je any teeccînatien toi do notbing wbii hwould wey alleviata the miistey lune and suffering bring back thebopast te my contemplation 1 bave hrougbî ipuelier. Yen cae under. kept me frem emnpleyicg ibis faculty ie stand hew a poor fellew teels in lisse, sir, art istie creation, and fer a tine1 kept it in Think twliat it would ha, sir, if yen lied te id lesubi ectir,like cmecholding bis tonggue koep the thouglit et heaven and God's! fer fear et eaying semeetliing felsb ; mercy eut et it fer a day-think if yen had but the pewer te fermi jdeas was elive te lteep the place tliey filad a blank ?"' witbic me, and soocer or lat(erit was heund Soentbing et the tranzy I felt, as I leoked te finfi expressien i soisea trni or ilier. back ujidn the terrible struggle I liad gene I feued great cenfrtinjeabook ef phy- tbconigh must have been in rcy leeks, ter ies tiat I go:g from, the libcaty. It îeek thie obeplain stepped aie with an admeniali- me eut ef myscîf, and gave a turn te my ieg gestura. ilioughts wban they were je danger et IlTbet will do. No rsead te ihink ef waederieg inte veaccy. 1 have ltnown hat new," hae said, theattue when iliat idia wandering oft IlNe, ir, ce I 1wen t Malta a feel et the imagination is ful et deiglt; bot myssi. " Then 1 burat out cryieg te peeve caver je my prison. Mîiny a niglit, fer the contcary. "If yen knaew geed and wcnt ef mental oeupatien, I have cricd licautitul sire was ! " said I,hetween cy seha. myseif te sicep like a cld for I wenid cet IlYes, 1 cen balieva that," aaid hae. ihin h- ,wbat. And se, as 1 say, tbat boek Il Ceme, bia a ea. " upen physica was a source et cemfect te " Ay, sic, but I muai he a clild firsi." me. I laugbed liysterically, like a gitl ; then, Evary avening I had it eut, and when I witlî a Simplicity ne lees gicliali as 1 stroe came upen a eew prebleni I weuld asir my- te ha caîni, I coetinuied ; IlShe is but sait why it was werked eut ie that way twenty-two eew, ir. Uer face was like and net je anetber, T lien I set myseif te Clyt.;e's you hava sean the bust. She can't seive the prebleni je that other fasliin-e have cliaeged as I have. Se Sweet andi task that gave eccupation1 te My braie in gente-yet briglit, yet quickwitted, and the dark wakieg heurs afttr the liglits briglit and gay-than. IVe ware married were eut, Ie this way 1 came to invent ail clandestinely, and than lier tather ca'ne suris et things, frein gaes to pianetacy sys- hoe.a A millienaire, îhey say hae is ; I was teins. neiliing but a poor cabinet-malter. Ha Meclianica affecded me the greaiesi inter- hasn't a geod heart-a selfieli mac with a est, focrliera 1 could give visible shape te great desire teom ike a posi;ion je Society. sey ideas. 1 bcd a late and penoil, and If lie bas feurnd eut my peer daar's secret, witli iwe aplintars et weod that I býreught le will malta ler lise uceedurable, aven if je up my sleex'es, an eld acrew feund i tise lie dees net send lier away. .And eow see teel steres, and a darnîing needle picked up mey ha depeedent fer subsistance en lier entaide the ieilor's sliop, 1 centrivad te eown reseources. Wliai cen a girl, iceined malta a usef-ul pair ot compasses. Wiilî as sha bas beau, de? It's d'fficult te these these I drew my meclienical cetrivasces- whe have hean bronglit up je hardship. plan, elevation, aed section-ail to scale as Perbeps she may ha dapeedeci on the if tliay were working drewings. cliarity et tfriends...in terrible misery. 0cr cliaplaîn wes aiu excellant mac -the Tbat's wliy I dared net tliiek et lier ; but very hast tliat cenld bava ha1d iliat posi- I May cow. Thlis money will give hiec in- tien. Onea could helieva that the referming dependence ; tliai will be soins relief te bier, et men waa bis vocation, andi net a mare dear seul 1 And tliere a ne reesen te ltaap trada, cliesen fer its pecuciary or social ad- this a sacrai from yen ; I will tell yeu ail." ventages. Haelied the clear sanse te seac"Better net juai yet, 365.", iliat, hefeora we cesld be cesîvesrtad te engels, "Yen cen tell me Wynd hem cew, sic, if wa muat le bnmanised, and hae seuglit te yen lika. J cmacmecagain." humanise us hy eaccuraging e ur botter tan- IlWeil, Wyndliam, iliat is a greet deal. dencias, and developing any ate that Bot yen nmnst net let yourxliopes carry yen mniglit lit tbus ahoe t he cendition eftiorpid tee tar. My friand is tee geed a Man et brutes. business te ventura upon an undei'talting IlWeil," said lie, eue Suedlay etterneon, witbcui a tolerable assurance et cenimer- as ha seeted himeaf on tlie steol je mycoeil, iai scceas. Still th esaittMay lie less ,"whiat is the lest invention ?" rem neretive than 1 hava lad yen te ex- IA lamp, ir," said I, fetching my lata pant. " f romi the abeif. ,"lYou sec the liglît liera is " Wlat et that, ir1 If 1 ceuld enly very peor and trving te tha eyes "-thare tlirew e huncle cf violats je ber patli it wes ne gas in prison etthiat imeu a ned would ha semetlîing te ive fo." I've been thinking liew it oiglit le iesprev. "lLumit Yonr liopes te hat for tlie pras- ed without expeuse or daniger-." ont. 1 wiil speak te ilie geverner about Il Wly, this is a subject hat interceits ibis metter. 1 don't think lie will objaci me," said lie, chearfuily, as ha teck ble te your eeeing Mîy friand je the erdinary siate, Ilfor the girl bas breken iwe chiai- wey, and bearieg wbat lie lias te eay ai-out neya je tbe week, and naarly set thea liuse the iamp ; et tha sanie tinte it mev ha cen. -on lire lest niglit; and it's a serions ques- tracy te the regulatiens et the prison, in tien irlethar I aheuid net go te tlia cx- whiid case you may estruet the altair te e pense et leying on ges." personal fi iacd. Individuehly I tsar.that Yen ouglit te gai gas frWnm petrelenn i ny position will net allew me te de moes as goed as tbat fromc cai, and clieaper." tlian I have said. I tbick," hae edded, Il Yen salii show me liow. Coma explain rising, Ilwa shall do iveli te say ciemnie it ail. WVlat's tlis-Fig. s ' upon tbis sulject cciiitisa geverner lies ITlit's a reserveir tor the oil, six inclies cocsidered it." je diameter, witli e convax itttoi of bure "IlIuderstand yeu, sir," said I. l"Yen islied tin or white cnaîseled iren te ce- shahl net banc anotliar word about ilt rom 1 fleet the liglit, and fitted witli e lemiapliari. tey lips until yeu giva me parnîcassien te cal glass ielex.", speail."1 No te etfhcealting thai How do yen I Sblsl neyer forget the jey oethiat day. fix it ? Tlier's ne foot." It wes impossible Ce it StURifor two sMie-i Il Ne, sic ; that would show e shadow, nies tegetlier. 1 welked iip and down mny1 fer thc seina reason thora is ce burner or littia ccil i thi feverislisleste, rev olving in1 jet under ilie fiagna ; tire igt parts in a My ~mmnd ahl tle inventioea that lied occur- spray troîîî the circuteference. I pianced ced te me, with a view te finding the best it te drop theougli a liole in thie iren over- materiai for building up a fortune for lier. boad ; but it could ha liung troni e ceilisîg I s-aw nothîng ciearhy, fer ilie besi et ideas1 or boelted on a e'all aquelly wli:ý' ilet ciasesi aacb otetir. "Neyer mmdl,"; II sec. hitloolts pnîmising. New lait lthoght 1, 11I ebail cii down preseitly,N us Ocrin te the sectien, fer Ivae idsa liow anfde ogeed wrk; I can afford'te de ce-s it's te work." 1tbing tîisaýveci.ng." TIen I stretlhed nsy1 1 niede sny drawings cisar te hue. Tliare erncs ontspcading and clesing my fingars i is no naed te cepeet tise oxpienation liera. sireneousiy, as if feeling for sgima ohject Tha invention is old îsew ; my laip lies on wbiclite expand my overfi.owing cu'eegy; l aupecsedied thae rdinary gas illumination on I etit musnt lie doing seesetbilig, etter ail:, eoeetfîle Continental lices, and tnee avteni and se, impatient alrsady of idlecess, I set"' is Suffi ienîly iveil knewn te iliosa whio in- dewn sud opened esy book. How otten lad teresai ibesselvea in anche matts. I isuried scybalf je it Ibat 1 might net "li scema possiblea," seifi île chapiain, tbinlt et lier ; eow I cuuid net foiiew 1 wlie I1 had sbowe aili. II den't sce wliy eut e sentence fer iliinking et bier. Oli, I fi Soid net answar." iglît take lier back inte my heeri again !y tlThie eniy proof is a practi'cil triai, and I rsîghit conjure lier up beto'se îy cyca ic t tat is net practîcable. " tliadarkuess ! I waste longer a dead.iii. IlWly cet ? I shîeuld like te Malte île cuinhua, crusiiing the lite oui etflier deaxi Ii axperimani. Will you lai me have your body, chilling tIe lite-blod in lier liîaert. I s laise V' conhd ilinie et lier future withîutiliat ncad. Il 0f course 1 wili ir ; you know ibai." decing sense et impotancy. hI wa jen My t] Ha nodIed sbeking my tsand ltindly, and power sîew te ligliten lier hurden, te amooth g weni a way with my siate. lier ptî, te malta lits endurable tii lier, e3 .4~ bout three waaks'latar lha came wiib Wliet sbouid I de, iliongli t I, if our relativce(e more ilian usuel acimcation je bis genial positions were revered-if I wera free and si face. as a priauner 1 Aasuredly my leari would I "II'S a success, your iamnp,e' haeaid euh- ache wbeneer I ilieuglît oetlber, and nething n; bing ha bhanda. Il A brillient succas." jnte l cold couid cousole me for baer los- ; i Wa iaiked about iltfoc siea tua. Ha, but I ceuid lied distraction in travelling toid me lie boped te gel the govereer'a pawr- elread, in viiting thiecitias et Europe, and a, mission te lot me ses it aliglît ; then, gr:ow- s earchliig ont ail, liaiirs esIau tiftal in net- dg isîg grae, lie seatad hinisaîf on My steel urs and arts. WVlat I miglit do sal isepf and sasd, Il New, my geod feiiow, I wasît couhd do if enhy as lied an indapenîlent te sp'ak te yess npon e subject thiat I bave fortune. IlAnd ibat site sdie have," said I, dg hitiierto avoidod in retaranca te your Slîutîingnp iliahookt ced atariing teosmy la wislies." tact. "hii eniy power te give yen tisai, ai IlTbsra'a nu one I sbonhd lie more lotb te dear Hehe g" di 6, Raisad froni ils deadl?" I cried, my isliadpanel je the worksliop 'dcet proîticod yo spirit axaited alimeat te mcdnesa. "Raised itohae a ceaI materpeca wben it was donc. yt freni ils dead 1 " W lieCthe lime carnestic go dewn je the on But iideed aven tisai did net express ahi yard. I ,mcrclied off chcaasfuhy xxth a yo I jli. For the deed arcelietter ilice thoeafSPrilJgOétp. Mlyaspecti nusi Iave chaîg. ne, erico hîve only becausa tbay ccnnet dia. cd witb tlis cîtaratilinj my feelins-tics nsý "I ses I ws netsin-sltein, 365," scid ticse lest expression camei bacl tle my feetures, et (hiplasi, - Yoii know ci-lai te do cith fer Clat minssg elli Bedton, n io 1 mat jn tle rcyn-." îl e Yari, recogu;e.d ina. 1 cotic-ed bis j aý oliuy yeur invention îigit entai once,.I Ouc owe sineraIt, hbever, I aheuhd cdvise ou Ce bold yeur patent and Calte a royalty nwbat ara, aold. I cm prepnred le give Ot a couplaetfhnndred is cdvance if yon ced a sons for immîediata use; furticer pey- ients tolbe paîd ait thaslf-yaatly belancing f cconie."I "Tiianlt yen, sic, toc yonr edri'ca" eaid 1 agerly. 'II accept île offar et course. Tie Tuere a t~ rje nJaîneica leeocve as the lite Ires, on acceunet oetus leaves growing aveu ettar being ses ered trou tics pleut. Oeiy by fine cen it lue eetirehy destroyed. Drewescg, as a puiisîment for crsse, wias egally eucteccad in ScotlInd Up te the' yeac 1611. TIc saniepuxishîuent pnrailad in Englassd np te a tew yeas betora this date. t t hrow maet in e srpexity as lha scannedin tacs, and iienex àn as lie jerlted bis baem 'fIe gasture aeemed te say, " Oh, jt'a yoi is it?" ancd I cedde-d wifb a grin ie repiy. wca ne longer atraid te ihinltofethîe pasi or cexieuis te avuid rcllactionofetis wori outqide. Iwo or Èiraepdeys atter ibet, a cenivir Wwiras drifted ente our, gang troni il, reati-m.eicding set, in wlicb Beetu oît orl gatticg alengeide et mc, sajd- "la your nais Kit Wyn 'dbem,, whîai gel puit up for e jeb et PRichîeend 1" 'Yea."',said 1. "Wall old ilelton toid me te lci yen lo as lic wants te speelt te yoo. He's geou tlîiog te tell yen abeut yeur wifa.'ý CHAPTER XVI. 'eEETON'S TERIBCLE activS. 1 was now treecuions witb axciiement t lteow wbat Bseten lied Ce tell me. At ume 1 qnaked wilb epprebiension lest the new sbould ha bcad, Her secsrat mugît bave bac: found ont ; ber ftîlir eigit Ihave cal lie off; ahe migbl ha triandicas and jencr501 but silîl a mors terrible toeeodieg iay lie yescd licasepessiiiiie-e foesoding tbe 1 dcred net te wbisper te mysaîf, but n'va prasent in ecy mied, for ail Ihet. Sîs mugi ha dead. My hand trembles as I write il worda wilb e recollection et the Carrer tbe uncamad suspicion cerrisd le my seul. A other limes and more trequsntly-for Hep pccdoniineîed ovar Fear-I antîcipatx baller tbings. Hehabe iniglil bava chiarge, him, witlc e message et loeand confort t delivar le mie Again and again 1 iried te get near hiu in flic exercisa yard, but aIl te ne purpese for tbou ngbe fielsi it was impossible t prevent conmunication hatweasî prisoners thea cula waa rigidly anforced in the prisen TIare w-es ne elternative but te waii onui a favorable eppertnnît y came. Meecwbul I was nol idila. Inutiiîling about sny lamp it occîscrai le me thet itha expaisiv8 force davahopai by île flame je vaporising the ouf or apiri teogiva, ligbt migit ha eniployed as a îetiv power. If thie terce wsra thus get dirso froni tba fuel, ibere would ne lonîger bha neccssity te ose water as a nmediumi. Tha wuid bha a antage, epening op bouîsd less possibiliiy je locomotion. Even acîje navigation might ha made practicabie, witi a powertul moter, dissncumberad oet1h' wcight et water eceaaary le preduca stean by the old sysstem. Graduehly my netios took practicable shape upon my sate. Nigb allerngb I worked ateadily on, dcvîsîîsg simpiity iîn preving until et leegîl'Ibl gais te foal seatisfied with the resuit. Th,' cylieders et my angissa I jecltsted in ith, houler ilseit te preveut lesof et by radia lion. Tics vaper, ettar producuîîg th, sîrolta, cas carried ofIby thc exhanat te tb' turnace, wbere, je comhication willi ai., plierie air, il pcodîsccd the liat raquisi- for the furthar dovelepîscief vaîsor. TIi saine governor I1lied designed for the Intel secved te carry off the excesa vaper tee cendenser, ivîence il ira reiîîrned in i liqnid state te thie boles-. By a diapbragc in tise cyliner, and by accioeing avern valve in ',liehuiler ilseit, tisere a es nopes sibilîty ofte vapor esccpisg unused, Hors Cla.n, as I eaid, wi-s an angine je whicl liea wa.scosiver-ted imb notien wi'lsibheasteos silhasesl, capable et beicg set in motion e once, tbrowing effneillier s.ielt n cîala ced by its portehility applicable te ccp plsrpoae su whli theibaocdinary ateani engini is empleyed. I icad ccrriad my alterations te a peuhi wîene I could sas eothing ieft te improve wben thcecîsaplain caet tell me tisaIt ti governor lhad accsded te bis requesi, aulé Cliat lis friand lied telegraplîad te say tIsai ice wotîld coslele Prince Town Chat eveiej asnd sescnie next melrniog eccerding le th( cules et the prison. "1 1iiotight it advisabie te lct yeu n ox cotbing uccii the lest rmroment, je case 0el any hIitc," said the claplain. "'flic deac lias givon Mr-. Rensliaw tise le consider tie ciheir, ascd lis cemussg proes tînt lieais pre pered tb malts taris witb Von." 1- " I widlih 1tncw bow te tbenlt yen, air,' ba begcis. "Bot if yeu nenw the light yoiî le ln je pen îy darltened Iseart-ilE wenderfnl joy end beppinesa I bave tèlit siece you elteeged me frein a bepeleas, use- leas ciod-a '"If I ltnew aUl ilat I shîouid îceed ne bettes- reward, bey? Wcll, I tisinlt1Ide know it," lies aid, pattilng me ou tIse sbonider "as,(wa will aay ce merseabout it. hat's Ibis ?' Ho eltnp my siata te chsange the siabjeet. "Wley, sir, tliat's se ething csc fer Mr. Rensaw, if lie willihae it." -Ha iîli bave toelarge lus worlts if poi go on ticis way," saif li s msling; "jei luis anoilier laiînp '" 1 told liii ail about my angine, and lie istesied et'enîiveiy, eitting dloive and ex- amining my drewiîcgs as I expiained lIaem. "1An engimie wîtlsent amote, or seau- Icia ouglit tO ha talten up by tise under- ground railwnya; ibey need il badiy eneugli," said lie; " and an angine lighîten. ed et wtaer and ted frein tle neeresi ou hep shonld lie acceptable te the Fire, Brigadea. 'fiefs goedaeugli; yonr anral navigaters îcaed cet ha pressed for Cthe msomeint." I taared treni hic tonse tisailie djd net ce- ai d my sîew vnjeation asecapablaetfscribus aevelopet; liiilie usîdsceived me OcCis eoint wlee le spelte agein. "I anc net very good ai mecliancse oct thiek tliat eny perceptison goos beyoed lncps ; but my frieîîd is ast antleriîy espon Y ! wo bnnidrcd pounda dowu I sheuhd lilta 1 L.so as possible." s,"h will drawý eut île chaque te-ecocrosi hyenlil 9ea oly te laitsme know wîat I au it do cyIliit."1 Id Ic equestion lad caver occurred ten isow!I was te cocvey Chia ney te nMy iife t I lad notet ccîsseîtied wletbec I1soni ae lcI lier keoirwltare tIe înoîîsy caearou 6I did net ltxow lier addresa, or liow I wa te learn il. 'aII cvi lae yen know wbare te acnd ih claque,"'said 1, afttr a litîle cenaidaratiesi "Meauxibile if yen ciii ake caneetfit f. vme-", e- "Canlainiy, ccrteioiy. Aitbe saisnn if yen ccc gisie te thtesanteet any f rien, et yeuns wlio wilh entler jnoe a legal agnec mccl on your lichait-" I teid lini 1 teaw ne ens e irboeahoese ;0I ceuld place greater trust tiae lis, an Mthat I slionhd hI quita content te leave th FSmatier et paymant cnlireiy te bis senseo il justice. 'r -ery good," saidlie ;"and nowwit] hy the cliaplale hast niglir. Arc yoi tt wiiling te place tbet se my lauda te daval op in tlheal stway I enu?" "lWithc cil ney beel, sir, if yeîs im f avocably et it." 1'1iy do thissk favorehly et ii-very faver al.Yeur engineslbas certain adrantage over ilie endinary gaegins crbicb aboulc 'e lea oise mploymneiwlece the othar i! i smpracticahls. One catinessi-r aeswes- le dforehtesd for iventioensaofetIis ltind ; but i, Ioit enswars ona's expecletiona as wall as yeni n lamp lias, hrs jls reason te heliave tha your reneuneration will ha mcasured bj tlousands instsad et hundreds." I bandly ltnow loir 1went bacl totem3 ccii ; I wes jstoxicaed witb thec aclieve ment et socceas, ced thc prospect etf stil le gracIer. I1ci-s tamptad that nigît te write te ni wîte and telllieba al. "Sncaely," tlsoiKgbtlI d"asewili ha giad te ltnow oet tîis change ir it me-glad le ltnow thai I au latter and nel lewerse tIen h wes. Wjll it coi anligbtcc 'tbar heart te ebase ilisi I bave tound lueppi. a sa in a prisen, juat as il wonld cjolcesME Lte leere Cliat sIc aIse bad fouod soins 1sncb source et joy? -To lie sure, my, long ilsience, my persistent refusai te accepl lette ns or luold eny conneunication wiih lien h miglit have prodnced the affect 1 deaired 'ewlen I resolved upon ihat lina et conduci. n And if lbac heani undar sucli ireaimeci liai Ltgonceleous, and asebcd becoeeain- différnent te mny condition, was it km'a or gae eus te sotten ibal eri egein, 'e and revjve a liopalasa afflictioenjis ler e dean boson hý' Bol my own faeling tohd nie ilat ber Iseart waa net Icrende e ansd hat as long as iva hired sbie muatti jo et ofsa witic a mounuul logiîg fer semas ce turnet lier loe-if it ivercouoly e writai -Word. TIsse healhiia and score naturel teeljms erceme in the end tics monhit Ssetimnts 1 bad oteted-ona liig just pas nudli tha ceasît t a w conditionu as atise ollier. And I ci-oie my lttar-lettici arMy pan go as my lacet dicixted, acsd alter- seig notling iliat it eecurrad eusie te sey. yWhlen Ih lid writîen ney latter aed read 5it theengis, I wi-s gind, ccd lay dewn te Slaap wiib e feelineg tuaI Ilied doue rigît. -She wililcyy over my lalter, Ilougît J, juai as I sbould break down if as ewnote toe ; Sbut sIc wiii ha lappier cfttrwards. Thoax Who ciller weep non smilo ara e t the ap- ypien, as I knaw weli esungh New bew wcs I te seed csy etter te ber? 'fIai parphcxed me terrily. Te sand il t ilirougli c.Lenadale et terjour years e: Isilecaeusdinavitablyarousa tIc auspicion eof the vicisr's wife, pelicaps iîivoiing e dis- 7cusston whicb wenhd sevelve Helein jewc tdifficulties. Il ssemed wiaer te enclose il cje a latter te the major, asking liii te foc- eicard il pivtely ; but I did not knoy wliat addrcss te senîl it te. Hewevec, itwex praity certain thai sny friand tlie cbaplii fwonld halp me; seh1lrept back the lattsn, 7 ritb the luope ihat I sbould ssclin in the 8course efthîe day, TIat attacuseon it rsincd se eaeviiy ilsal tlseniudoor gangs si-ra kept in' and put te work about the prison, I witli semaiemore hcuuds waee sent je le linccwbiic e hwasl- itoîsc. A brusb eaud a lineket et wbite- wasbiras gsrcn te dcc, ced I was sent off te lsehp te do the passage laadieg toe Ilallis. Some maeira'e alraady ci il ; tic Wall was markad off into portiona,ani being the teck for oesman. "Numnhan 5'a your let," eaid the crder. I set down ncy buetlacd turusi nup My sicevas. While h wasabohuti ibis, I cai a gleuce ai sn eiglibons.II Toeniy delight I percaive;d Ilie the esan neat te me was ohd Beeton. I ecaubecîlhe major's addness froin Iii cnd beacc wlic lia lias te telnec about Helis as wclh, may lie. We weet eacb te eue hunkets fer a dip et wiiten'asli et the seins mno'ent. Us gava me an unnisîxeabla wink, and, tlhieg lini- self tete fturîlieride et bic divýiaiou, lie- gen te paint tise wahl wiil tle air oi' an ar tisi bliethle icada. Il1f lha raaly wenîed le speak le me. lis sreuldn't gaI as far as possible away," thonglis l ,as I dnew ncy pail close te ii divisien. A jerk et bie eyebrows bade tes- go tunthen acvay. I saw lis desige. liy lotI bagîecing et tise tunther axtrsunily wc mnjus ilse d worir up aide hy aide, wiliî- eut tsar et liing put liack lsy a suspicions wuerier, I 'îliittsd sy position' and cnnisd cnt ney part eft hia manoeuvre. As we got Ilirougîs eue werkwie draînr eate eccl othuer, and batora lonsg rot îritin wliapar- inz distaînce. I waa ihs firal te baýgue. Wliat Is Major iilavedac's a ddross ?" I SlckIfIeadache cdre'-e i' troubles inci- dent te a bilions sixte f the eystem, sucli as Dizziness, Faussa. ronsicese, Distress aftter eaticg, Pain intisé Side, &C. '\Vile Chir most recîcrkable suces lbas been -bown in curiluf Heedache, yet Canres LITTLP Lrraa Pirth are cqually 'aluable ic Constipation. curioL zicd prevectiug Chis anneping conpiaint. hl they aisecorrect ail disorders of the stomiacli st'iulaeothe lver ad rgulaete ebwi liben if tbey euly curi Ache they, oi t o at ri"msaeth~ who suSfr front Ltx listessig copbdn hut fortucatelythirgodcsado I~ d ,lere, and those wheoc r heivsîc tlasse littie pille ebLl". s mc1 Wj . ua they cili fot Le 'm- ngtzdlitot hw Blut after ail sie ha is the banie eec ie Cha ha1r, lu w hecrt we maire eue great boast. COur pis cura f', while others do not. CARTEr's LIc2TLE LIveIa PfiaTs r vr sn and very easy tetakze. Oi rt~ il at a dose. TLey are strietiy veg I ii,,ïcd dol cot gripa or purge, but b, their g oneacin please al Who USe enio. 'In, ,iais et125-lets, five for $1. Sold e, erywhere, orîCentby ail. A Momentous Tinte. W nhe)Mca. Spudltios, cahid on erfiad Mcar. Dnssînre, ib therii eveninge, shacouid ete transpire. Tiseilatter w-,as dreesed cn ber rary hast gewn, ced aIse liraely tried te rapreca the teara Ibat cae inveluutariiy as aIe sui u lpon bhec utile dangil er, sud stij a emaletahestut liappy i) ina nudrsd w'ays that eniy % mterkor, a "I wenî icer to remaînhor m ne aîs ale saes me ioew," %eid Mrs. Dinaînoreiý. "I wani ber aliways te tiel of lier mamne as beedsoma rand sweat. For this reesen I bava arraed amyscif in my vccy boit listeraI1 change uy clotliasai-id go awcy frein bsr." And tisa mollier %vept again: but wiped cway ils tsars haere the cbild sew ibenu, ,"eiercv!"I criad Mca. Spudkins, as iha nurse carrîed eway Mca. l)îcsînre's deugb- c tac, "irlîc is going te beppen? Ara yen goiog te India as a nissiocuery aed leaea your tencily liera ?" "Oh, no!" "Are yenlageing te a bospilal te dje et an incurable diseas?" "Yosî liave'i-you liave'i-get a di- vorce, with cbuld gîvan te île tathar ?" "01, no!"~ "Then; wisy al ibis solam eily et fare- Walli?1" "I anc going tealalte my tiraI hsson on lic liscych ." Monthiy Prizes for tiers auî Girls, The *'Sunight" Soep Co., Toronto, offer the fellowieg pruzes every nuentl tîli furihar notice te boys andsi grls under i1i, cesidieg ie thes Province ef Oetario, who od the eceetest number off *'Sunlight" wrares: lat. $10); 2nd. "'1 'rd, $3; 4th. $1; 5-h te 14, a Heesisome Book ada pcatty Iicture Ce Chose cIe sesi net lsthsan 12 wrescper -. Seud wrappars te "Suntight" Soan) Office, 43 Scott St, 'Toronto neC leler ilan 29th et sach mnnil.andi merked *'Cempetiion"; aise Rive f lnicame, asidres ae. ansi cumber ef wcaupers. Winners namnes sl l e publishet ia Th'ee ooto Mail on dlrai Sasurdav in sach month. In a cave je the Panibeon, thae guide, by atriking thie flapa et bois ceai, maltes e noise equal te that peodncad by firing a twelva pound cannon. In ltae cavaetofSiahllie, near Viborg, Finhend, ea toea lrown down e certain abys a ales a cevscberatsng ecîcoE wliicb sounds like tIc dying weil et soies wîld an imai. The IHead Burzeon Of the Lubon M\edical Chompany is now ai Toronto, Canada, and înay lia con. sultlad cuber, j erasn or hy latter on al cbrocic djssasea peculier teaeman, Men, yecng, eld, or middle-aed, wbo fied iheni. ,alves cari-eus, weak an cxbauaied, wbo ara licoken cdewc trou excasa or overwork, raalticg je meny et the felhewicg aymp- toms: Mental deprasson, premnatuce oldc cga, lest et vitelity, lbas oet nmry, hadi jdreaca, dîmnasa et sight, palpitation oethOe heari, omissions, lac-k et energy, paie je the kîdecy, heedeebe, pîcu.plie on the face or body, itcbieg or paculiar sensation about the scrotum, westiug oethie orgaus, diazies, apacks lefere tti ceye, twitcbiscg et the musclas, eyc iz ancd elsa wbars, lcabtulcs, deposita inc thti urina, bs etwill power, tenderneseft he scalp and apins, wealt ced fiehhy musclas, dasjra te sleap, teilure te ha cestcd by aîesp, censtipation, dulenesa et becring, bs et voice, desire for solitude, exciiabiliiy et tamper, sunkan cyesusnrocnd- sd witl LEA5il7 cuIn.C eily hooking skie, etc., are ail symaptenia et narveus debiiy tbct laad te iusaeity and decil uneegscnred. 'flic prieg or vital terce having lest itac sien erery fîsociion. wanes in ceusequenca. Tlose wbe theougli abuse cemîittad je ignorance may li e prmanentiy ccrad. Seed youc addcess techoolt on ahi diseases paculiar t o man. Boeks sent frac scaled. Ileaeeni dseasc, ilhesyspienes etwhich are fajet spclls, purpîs lips, cnumbeesa, palpita tiec, skip lisais, bot flushces, rush et hlood la tbe îaad, dull pain in the heast îithbehats treug, rcpid and icregîshar, the second beeri liet qnicletaian tbe first,pain about the breasi boue, etc., eau positivcly lic cured. No cura, ne pay. Seed for boeok. Addresa Me.V. LUBON, 24 Macedonell, Ai-cnue,Tor ente, Ont.A Arguînen t ie conipassy us generally tise werai sos-i et conversatin, andin ebooks the werst rending. A ceidant et Lawrence, Kan., rcceived a leiter lasi crack wbicli wcs mailad j is hti cage lwelvo yaarscaga. It was " accide-sctahiy diacoveced"Ilxincavenlilater s5haft witli ccad et ether msail. PURST9STh 7.ýTqBESTI Psphta, '-ay Inhuriant. "The Ladies' Journlal OF TORON \TO. A large38-page Iliustrated Flash- ion onthly, will be sent, to any address FOR On yiGes oneadollar ansi fifteeu a Ucents for the twe pieperi. aiîs L'al cnd sec a sanipie copy et "The Ladies' Journal" It is a publication that wiil Istas-ast evary wensae te the landi. Thie regular siih'criptien price et -The Ladies', imrtil" acd tbis papor je $2 par yecr. VOuxgel Ihs Iwo for Sensi yccr nconey ansi afdrass te tîje oltîce, That it ïje not wise o epeLmo with echeap cmond uprigt ha biood-pui lrbut wh"Licb. haý've no real medlicinaal value. To miake use of any other than the old atan- dard AYEB'S Sarsapar!Ll-he ý Su parier Bieed--pmsfiier-is ù,)l t ivite bass of time, money qand he tlh. If Yeu are afihicteid with 8er)nia Catarrh, Ilheumatism, Pyspepsia, BEzema, Running Seres, Tu.mrner, or any other biood disease, hýa s1qured0 that ANER'S Sareaparilla, and  E' oniy. AYER'S Sarsaparilla ca i- ways ha dependled Upon. It doas no," varyv. It is always the sanxe in quality, quantity, and effect, It isî superior in combination, proprtion, appearanca, and ln ail that goas ta, build up the system waakaned by disease and pain. IÉ;seos n ail impurities lnu the blood and ex- pais themu by the naturai channel.e Sold by ail lruggistB. Price.51; six bottes, OU. Cures others,wiII cure you S A E. F' '1o sali our unexeied Nursery Stock. Steady empicyment and control. of territory. Have done business in Canada 33 years. Libaral pay to the right meae Send for terme. CHIASE BiROTHERS Co., Ceiborne, Ont. Notice to Farmers. 'S am prapared to do ail chopping at fivc cente per bag. I bave aiso put in eew mach- inery for grinding corn and cob which I wsl grind at the samnie ia Yours Respectfully A. S. TOOLEY, Tooley's Mille, Darlingtin Courtice. Dec. 1 1891. D-f CHILDREN A1N liFALLULe EMSDY I Surersede, ail other pr 1 1 os eethe cumsse o Mental Debiiity, Nerus rostratien, Loe sor nhocel, Paraibs c reeesnetAÎaxlîa, Painfii Iliostruation, siipibreassou. ad lirregaDl&ari. Êie3, Leurorrhea, Dueorders of Stomaeh, Loss of Ap. petite, Dizziness, etc. lEbegs Pills patess ne purge.-, tive properties, cor inything hurtful to the moat delleate systeni. Thsxare the resitol yearsol cars. fli study and ana1ysis, and used with grat euecese in the private preticeofo!an eminent phye,, .Phey set prinserily on the nerve centres, ioesn ths Vital Force, proinoting Assn'en, EeÉ'sr a5 iiig tle BIoed,thus preventing an.i, ieaa For sale by Druggists, 50e. per box, or sent post. Paid for 50c., or agboxes $2.50. Dr. Butieir Mledicine C. tlreekville, Onýt, Care3 lnard and S,,fi; orna. Onip thrae applications req uircd. COOPER'S J3UNIO'N CURÉ Cunres Btedons, Warts and Zvoles, Swol,en Glandp, Thick Neck andi Skin Diseas eofa special characleýr. Teermde rp'rt lypainless. D.an'tedeceived. AkfrCo er's and taka neý othar. 15 andi 25 r Ail arueciste. Di.. Bustier Miedicine Co Brockvilla. Ont