"13ya throug kaoledorn the natura'l and ntrtin ov P.,acarefol application nt' E~p lis povied ur reafat abMes wtth a d 1catel vore 1 beveraze wiih m 1y Save 1)5, 10Sl h'v dno bis. It li by the , d~us, usýe 0o' sncb àartiC1ofOCdi3,that a m01ytiomy 1ba gradu oUdy but up until stogeuli to reist every tendency to diCese.Hundreds cof subtle Maladies ara lloth aoufius ready 1o attack whorever zhere is a4 weak point. We may escape manY aL fatal shaft by keeping ourselves wetl fortifie I wvith pure biuod aad P. propariy nourish d ram. '"CiilService Gazette," MaE iuspy with boilin4 water or mitk sOl rnY lupickets. by Grocers. labAiled thl JA~1S EI'S& Co., 5oîSoepatkiO EChe," SSC, IssdnEngianat, VEDNESDAY NOV.. 23, IS92 Di. J. C. XITEUELIu MrA ~BER 0F COLI1EGE OF PHYSICIÂN sud Surgeous, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Ofieand Residence. Enniskil]en. 74. Il 1XTiCS IMIPSON, B %iSTKR ISOLICITOR, ka. MOPRIS VI 0CM, uptairs, King Street, Bownan- ville. $0llcitor for the Ontari Bankr ml,&acv flesys loaned at the lowast raie$ tTOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR q15 te Couinty oCDurham. Sales -attended to on shortesi notice and lowest raies. Address C Paic . o. 36: IIOBT. YOUNG, V. 9. (FFICE IN THE WEST DURHASI J'Ç.'7rs Block,. sere himueîf or assistant iil 'cie ud frem 8a.m. to 9 pm. Nighit catis t6i resideaceedirect ]y opposite Dril Shed. Cals 13yt elegrapli or telephone will receive prompt ,tention 171.yr IL.'A. W. TItRE, A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Real A.Emiste Agent, Bowmanvitle, Ontarlo' ',ales atieuded in any part of Province. AA.P<>NT, MROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica. ..tios prepared for every cas of building. zSicealattntongïven to heating by eteamr gs d hot water. and ta sanitary arrangements. Olffice: Corie iBlock Whitby 43-ly RE. PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Order. J1MBRIACOIVBE DENTIST. OFFICE,:-Rear of Messrs, Ilý,igginbotbam & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE YEINC ANDCLEANINC iadî ' ents' wear of ail kînds, Featli are, lose, ibb)ons, Laces, Cutains, and ailj k_ind u faloy goods Dyed, Cleaned or Fr UhCeaned. Wok psitively guaran. teýed the best, Noý peddling wagon ernployed. A reliable agent iii every towu. 2BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC C'f., 0 old Medalist Dyers otrlToronto, Ottawa and Quebec. Agent in Bowmanville. J. H. DORSON, STATIONER. Gients' (lothing Cleane d, Dyad. Pressed and Repaired by THOS. EAT, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. GCcdrs wrranted to be as no onue wil know Lheus frotp new when douc. Co;rner King and Ontario Streets, Bowmauvslle -1ADRi 9E E HI1JO0 (YiI'RER Ail» SOX) 2PCKED IN TRE FOLLOWING SIZES- LONGFELLOws PERFECTOS LANSD OWNE î' ÉICNA VICTOIA PJINS d ù f xceptionally fine quality. Or diffrent strength. To suit ail fastes. Millions Sold Annually, Sî DAÂVIS & S0Ns, MONTREAL, Ulilou-Its iI he teoggel avenues, of the BQWf"t inys and Liver, caiyng cef gr- a.s'lly 'ithIlout veakoning thse Sys- te, ,L, the impurities and foui humons C)f thse srain;at thse same time Cor- reetng Aeldty of thio Stomach, cuirijg' Blluns, Dyspepsia, an ss-- ycue of Visaionnspsissl yil tl L Iap infiluence cf BURDOCJ- us el t!ail Dealers. l'Ens long labo wil dwill ohistis, B1ui lai us eý5i!Uh Legay, Fr,il anotosusîle "Comnaf se" Or 1,Ta1rraa Bous de.ay." î "Do you ejuy fotball b"ch ashked uithîe tua, it oshîs al itoa tohlm ai the garne.I "Srn.""Aeyou iphyr? No. I'm a ilrgaut." Mnr. V£solt- i sh eL l sed yunnr daugbian, sir. Ansi1 to udenstautd tuaI you gise aisent b" m. Heavynois "N, sir-nut a penny VI Mn. Mazoon-" Diaiyousr olS friand MJasher turn ont a good biuebanai ?" Mn. Baesoou---" Yes; I was the hushassa i e eloped oilS my oita," Stalate-" Te priase my loves, thora is notbing h1osoulai net doteon you."' Eishei (ysosui'ng aa Ah11igisi, sir. Wàmi up tLe elducSasid kies Fido good-nigh." Il Dues Busrawe qearrel oiiiî lis oite asj miueh as lie fii " II Ols, nou. Tlîcy stoppeS1 lisein nows a ye-sn ag."lIlHou' ailS tiey 1105C te do thai V' a1 Sheailea." Grac-"'Hoos iaiMns. Duiton msanage te have su ussuy totn at iehonteas" Rosalie -a Oh, she uai the oshua lost printed ou tLe bacS ufthlie carde she sent ot,"I Micmacss-"Howsis il that I 55w a police- man Iuggng yen in the kitcen lasi nighl b" lai-I dunnu umuni, uniessvyuu osas peeii' Ibruugis tue isy hole." Brida (ibnowîug lber arme about the bridegoo'eeck-" Yon areuoy prusoner for ite." Bridgrooti-" Ir' etulimprieun- meut fon lita, love ; it's capital punisis- moist !" 1a Tisai stury sbount a ' clouai oîtb a silser iuîog' le a msyth." I Wlsat osakes yen thîliksu?', If ihwasn't, tSeas oouhaihase besu a syndicats wuniing the clouai long ago."I Firsi Orslor-0' Eseri oue, tbougbt yon osere very happy lu yuur speech to-niglt." Secouai Oato- a' Ah !" Erst Orato- "1Yes., evenybody sali ihat yeni loveai te hean yourselftliS" Miss Grealea-" I Lave jussi Leen nead- îng a Louok cahiasi 'Hos Mess Propose.' WSst i2 youn opinion- on that subjeel?' Mies Boonla-" Shnnpiy ibai ihey doui't Su any sucis thiug.' A tnienaiofutrnis atteudiug a lecture nlt lomng agu ieard a scientiet utter iLs fuilow- ing passage : I"Ail along the untrodaien pathe ufthebopacs e iscernutIse tootprînts ut an unseesu aaii," "Oh, 'l LeIruc as ties tars, my love," Ha sang, bot site diSs't musai; Ho ddni'î rater lu the heaveusiy ones. But to li e asiical 5usd. Iike Mis resn Lise Maid. Tbo ange-boneai Somestie, oiuis sbroad, ihonghitul bruts, ansovered the e houoitlis s fin do siecle prumptnske. "'Mary, I" nomagisad itaenisîra ss,'i"duS I lisar yen eay hu a man in tiseiitchen aset essniug tisai yon stould marny is?"I The donsestie boosed iiy. Il onu51, me. I ý lW/as hîe saine yoîng man 1 Leard yen sayIyon osouhaimarry the niglisibefono, Mary?'" The girl tossea iber lieesd luhaugisiy scuru. "II osas nutteine m e ms I oouif reminai you smi hat servantese umbeingcs."I Ayý,,er"sHair Vigor Makes the hair soft and glossy. «II have used Ayer's Heir Vîgor for ueariy five years, and ny bain îs molut, glossy, and in an excellent staie uf pres- ervation. i amrn ty years oid, aud have ridden the plains for iwcnty five years." -Wm. Henry Ott, alias " Mustang Bil," Newcastle, Wy o. Ayer'sHý1airVigor Prevents hir from falling out. "A number ut years ugo, by recoin- mendation of a friend, I lirgan teu tse Aycr's i-air Vigur 10 stop the hair trous falliaig out sud prevent its turing gray. The frst effects were mnost satisfacîory. Occasional applications since have kepi My iair Ihicin aud of n natural colorn H. E. Basharn, MeKinney, Taxas. .Restores hair after feveî's. 1 1Oser a year ago 1 bafi a sovere foyer. aud wben 1 recovereai my hair hegan t0 faîl out, and i hat littla remained turned gray. 'I trtcd varionus rernedies, but without success, titi at lasi I hegan tu use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my bain te g o0,1g apidly aud is resîored to île orginal colo, "-M\rs AColline, Digbton. Mats. Aye r7s 7la jr Vigor Prevents hair from turning ggray. My haîr was rapîdly tlrni ng gray andi falling oui; one bottie of.Avers Hzaïr Vigor bas remedied the trouble, and cny hair is noW is original color and fuli- uiee."-B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. * preparefi by Dr. J. C. Ayenr Ou.. Loweli, Meass, Soli by Druggist u'mii Peni'..mera. ,~DELICATE ~ SWEET RARE oe LASTING PUNIiENT H STILL HOLDS TH-E FI1ST PLACE Wý IN POP!JLS.R FAVOR. BEWAI'laOF IMITATIONS. 1,9 FRAGRANT_________ ETrHCIOKSB EST F1RIFNDr - 'TSALE INalCANA-A. The Daîsy lPair,. The fain grosuai was dais4ed,a The teille were al vhilc; Tho markel was fiuoded, Assai eacis littie epite Wsasng-,Ilg in b 'suiy A Isoan Citut oflaoIi. a Tise fluet of uac. Itich asit con1u ioli Tire beautifîsl patrons \Vore ait dat-îes tee, Brouglît ibis-e by tise buyers Iu chariots uf dccv. No usyer coutoudeai Su dei ightfuil the' stored Wbi'iî nasaure bad wo'ueià 1< For ber porlr ioor. Ail wac quits a suceeso 'Tbis beautiful fair, Sume daisios arc cliînbiug A rickely clair, Tu cluster n tîbtu A fevenishban.d- Oh. the daisios fine wonk Has a roy ai dematoa. M4artin. Taey callcd hlm I'Snowbshi." This f wby the boys gaiva Lîrni ibtal îmo:He wsCt a colored Loy sud very bltacis.1 Martin ueo en grew augry xvben tLe boys 1 teasef hlm, Lut aiwayc îook i Iufui.Ail f the boys liised hlm aud comas of the saller a eunes said:r ' Martnis l ugiy, but lie le so good toues. i ls liseipe us un bus litnie xoaderi-wieeled a wagon and Saule ns when we play."- t 111e tler was a crippieanasd could works but littbo ; su, MartnhIad tu woris ai thec cosl wot-ks. H1e would gsi up very eaniy in tLe rnrning, Lfons h wae igbl, sud go tu 1. wok ; thon it was sîrouet evesissg whess ha came back ]hone., Day atter day ha passed the sehoolbonse.r and how Le loogeai lu ho inside lise 'îLe 1 others, wbet're o igbi isaru lu nread ; but hoe liad nu lotiies andi nu bouks, sud ho kîssw hoe coulai nul gsi thois withuit money. 'Findley was a sony Slnd boy sud piied r Mlartili, su haewent about pa-isg um way for insi to-corne to scisool. H1e told 1 Martin that if lho could uuly get aslate lho migbt loarro lu write sud maSs numbene at1 scbooi. A tew' asys afler titis, ai 3 o'elocis, tise ecisulroouor slowsly opesef and lu canme Mivîn switb s big îîow late uoden hilearau. Thero osas iauglîlng al user tLe mous wlsen ho sotoreai ; for ha bad ou bis tatisor'q tal hsi, long coai sud groat sîsuoes, 100. Findley aud the teachor were the ouly unes un lIme nous oho aid not iaugh ; toorisey wene looiing every day ton Martin te stant tea seboul, snd the y wer glid thai ha Lad come. Ho wss tent yesrs old sud hsd nover been ai echool betura ;ILut hiv as not long outil -lie could fil bis sîste ovth nueubers and ai ning. Martnwoas aiways Slnd ho the echiolans assd îssy helped hlm in bis stndios lunrainu. Ho was su sony anxlou e l earni that otten, afier schoul ihours, osheus tise boys wereg gathoedfton a gaine, Martini lippeai aside s iutile, and ou any box, car, fence, or any- tiig Nwhsrs le migbî iuse cisalis, lie pisceai exanopias and cuutod thons. up, Do youneist tbink ho learneai weil for a pour boy wbo couid bie in àchool but une beuinescisday? Baby s Ciock- Nubody filks I oatell tise lime ut day, but 1 eau. The firet houn le 5 uY'cbock lu the muruing, Tissi's the lise tLe irde begsn tu peep. 1 le selllaud hean liiora sing: .1 "Tweet, tweet, toveet t Chea, ohos, abet' But nMamua ia àstosiep. Nobody awake i l aheIb non-id but just me sud the binde. Biîseby tLe sua gels.up assailt's 6 o'clock su tLe nsonniig. Tison usamma opens one oye sud I can Sean ber eay: hWbere's myIbaby?". N'ecs I keep still --j us' ase till as a musos, an' site ieepe cayimsg: I' W/bres my baby 9t" N'en ail ai once I go "Bout" anai she iangbs sud hugesume, andsys l'in s pro- cuous. Mauosa's fluansd I lovéelhen 'coph wben se n ashes my face ton Iard"sud pulls mny bain with the comb. Seven ocbocisl Tbat's whebothIe bell goos jingle, jingle, aud we hase breaktast., Ailthie eigbt su' nuse an' ton a' 'layon hsours I play. I run aller butterfiies sud equirrels, sud swing, asîd roai my pictîsre Loois, and sote limes I ery -jus' a uittle bit. Tweive o'ciok t Thi-t's abL'ituui. Tiseclockstci-ies a loi ut tintes, and the big eshistie gues, sud the bail rings, sud papa- cones borne, sud diuuen'c neady! Tise ono sud lwo heours are lest. Mas- mia aisvays csîniès me off lu taise a u ap. I do'îlise nape. "boyN ossetusse. W/banwe oaie up the dock sIiSes lunee. N'en 1 hase o. rny pinS drese, andi ose go waliig on idiug. Anssaisuthe ihreeansd four sud five huons are gous. At 6 o'c'ock Bus cornes borne, sud I base usy drink uf warnntîilis. N'en I put use my wiste gowu, anai I kise oeîybody "goa'a nigh', s.nd say "Now I lsy mie", and Lt into îny Led. Mammasys: 'Now tise sou ansd the bindios sud mi' Litile bsLy are ail gone lu Led, sud te sloop, leel' , sieep." Su 1 sisut my eyee tihb anai noxi yeu Wýelh, I dont Spoo," ansosered Harny, ooiing perpiexed. I thiois on the Issl table, or on the sots lul tLe sitt-ig-norn, or perbaps ou the bouiscase, on in the dining- nous, or perap-" 11The oison day -%vhen you camin uIsa w ou tbrow you bat scrute the sittîtsg-norim, nadi h fleos beîsîud tLe sot," saai Bridget. Il "h isn'i any sc-I sean yen must Le1 She Took Them by the Quantity. ,'Can't I get theso iwo-centeltaups euseap- er if I talle a qesassity '?" asked Mre. Cist- ut ut the sisrnp cdorkai tise post-offlee. 111 eau letiyu hasesa dozen torsa quarter," nepliedthe cdons, Veny weil, l'il take tLes." nistkenBridot.Now îlst's my e tai 8omebody ashideihons ail' I havenCt teen my sailor forn a we ienr t'oe paei cap eiîher. I let uy best hat lasi oda' àud my bicycle csp thre_ý d'ys ago. I h îd ny stîaw hat yeeterday îsorning, and 1 haven't ceeu it since. Aud that's tise seconl1 polo cap I've loai to-day. Iu's jusi ioo, bid. Sortebody bildes tsen oon purpose." "aSupposse you look b8hind the sofa' [-Iarry," siugges3ted IIIm, na' asmuetgo: Papa wou't watt aiisy longer." "Il sn't tlsena, Iitow"But Harri' raui in to se. H1 pisled ot the sofa witis a desperate tîîg ansd looked behind it. What du you thuî e' o omd ? it a heap ln the corner iay a straw bal and t sailor bat, a besi liai with a îîsrned np brsîti, a stripsd bicycle cap, two poîo caps soda cloil cap witb a pak. Dîlyou ever hear of sueh a boy i-[Harper's Young Peo - pie. Aronnd the World' Tihe map etsitied Il'Around tise Wonld," issued flot long since by the Canadisu Paci- le Raiiw.sy Companty muet h2 oow faîssiliar to the glasonal Cauian public. It is not,, riowover, and canuot become, top tamiliar. Il shows on a flat surface the northern riemisphere, wbieh ombraces the b.sik ut s- cessible civilïzation. This deflisition,,may not bc ssïisfactory to tLe Australians, but it dues neot necessariiy clash with the idea oaisimperial federation. There isbore ah the moto neasoti why Auetralla sisouid de- tire a strotg Il paloter to hold ber tu the' elustered uscîtbore of the Empire, frous wi ich ebe site su far spart. But this je a pianenthes is. To returîs to "Around tise Worid," and the statoiswnt that il je a nap of accemsible civilization, it must, therefore, îsaturaliy invite long sud lnterested study. ltitlsaramarkahly iucid nîap. Tue fluet tact which strikes the oye in it je the souliseru Csnadian boundary, midway, or neariy su, lhe tween the eqîsatoriai snd arcie circles. This Loundany le irreguisriy eontinued to a coîsplete circumference by the Canadian Pacifie ucean routes, deecribiug s circle witbia a circie. And agaies wo haveeois hraced lu a amalier spaco aimositIshe whoie of accessible civilization, ihough we muet ho pardoned for now omittiug those por- tions ofthe United States wblch did not origissaily beiong to Bri5gin, and nefusing te encumber our romanis wih sny observa- tions uuon the Chicago Wonld's Fair. In other words, the cincle formed by the C'aua- flan Pacifie htailway sud oceau transporta- tienî linos, takes in Canada, the British Isl- ands, Europe Asia aud Japan, cousti- tuting, s we hase said, the buik ut access- ible civilization, Chnietian and-on- Christian. Thae resi ufthe world lu a word ileinotl WYisen Providence iutessded tise North for tLe bomne ut the hardy sud vigorous races ut usanklud ih was wisely ordsined that the land ounotîr pianote s urfaceç'shosid hogather- ef for the muet part lu the nonthora henie-, pliere, sud disposed ut con'pactly lu wbat may ha called the habitable boit,- about equsily nemoved trointhe tort id sud frozen zones. This is the boit betweau the 4Oth sujd 60th parallels. Itembraces Briisb Col- umbia, the North- west Territuries, Maiii- tuba,Ontanlu, Quebec, Nov& Seuti, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island aud Naw- totîdndu, besides the nonthern states ut the Union, and thence acrues tise iiarrov'est pari ufthe Atlan tic ucoan, tise Britiesh Isies. France-, Spain, Gemmauy, Iiaiy, Ausînia, Sweden ansd Norway, pontucne of Turkey, tise fertile rogions of Ruesia sud (Cbina. Tisese are thte accessible' settieeinut- ut civil- izatîon, the communiies ut the eartb thal wili propagale mauklnd te the st, ibsi will cuouize aud trade with tise nemote sud unîhnathy on oniervaîing dunes ut India, Air uca,, South Amenica, sud -tise Southeru Ssties ut the AinerseaUnilon. For the firsi tise ivo holeve ibeso coun- tries have been wtth geographical accuracy snapped togoiber sud the usap deserves te Le puietiy dieplayod, particuisniy lu our cous The advantageorts position ut the Canadises Dominuion le Leyoud esery otier national home conspiecus lu ibis chant. Il is in the direct way ut trude sud inavel in the new stream. in whlch ibey are uow bagissnisg te flow, thanke tu the consommation ut this asioundiug commer- cial route round the worid, wblch le muet appropriateiy a Osuadian oulerpnîse. Thons le îîu doubi ibat travel sud trade bring population un their tido, sud the day eau- flot Le tar distant tvhei the Canadian pur- tionts ut the habitable LaIt will ho wel popuiatod. Too long our map sasons have taken ilîsir equatonial hune as the contre ut their vlows. Our "hiidrn have upon these failaclous obervallons been Lrougbt te look for Canada away np sousewhere near.tbe uonth polo. Canadiatsosas are as vicions lis titis respect as assy others, and e'pecialiy are wo calied upon te couderma tise sape tbai hase Less îssued i0 the pasi Ly the Departmessi ut Railways at Ottawa sund the Departmeul ut Crown Lande. No 'Wouder lie wai Anxions- H1e wae a vory old mais, bain whi te, teeth gone, but sony tond ut fishlng.' Day atten day 1 used isu sec lîlus at tsenofsutthe pion witts bis lino and houis, and geueraily witls a gnoup ut littho dankies anoun (l hlm wiîh their isoulîs andfi iiies. Oîse day une uft tisse boys bast bis baleasce andi teembieulin. Tise water was eor bis sesai, sud il was appar- ent if hoe did not gsi heip lie would drown. 'Thon the oid danlcy tbnew dowu bis rod, junjef is, and rescued the boy. I was îssch mprsse w fb te od mu'ehsenoisus PURE PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. Bod o n any uantite, For maklng Son" Uses.A can squli ipud ai Sod. SotS by AIt Grececa sud Irugglbsî N L!VJIIERVE BEAÇS are a new ds coyer'ta cure te worst cases or Neesous Debilitys, ot Vigor and ,~.a... ..c,. !Dg, ilcese o yu5 toRees' the ANS eakniu ofanlood;orester atse by over.-ork, or the - hors or ex- doluteiy cures thse Mos obîtioctes es weuat .e raEÂTsIENTs hase taileS eV 'ovreiee. ý.old bydrug- liets ai $1 pe r pacbkage, or si or 5. or sent by mail on 'Wite for pamphlet. S olS iu- Bowmanville by STOTT & JURY. MANHOOD RESTORED- 5SANATIVO 19the Worîderful 5'panioh tnacdy, t, sod with a Wntten Couarantee te cure ait Nerroos Dis- easees. suchs W -1eale Poery, Losoof 5ea isa, Lest Man- bodNrsousness, Les- mne It drains and Before & After use. lasofa oer cf lihe Photographed fromIliCe. 1Çeneratis'oOmense Ia cuber ses, caused by oser cxc, tion, youthfut iodleeretloîse, or Ilheexcessive ose oC tolsacco, opium, or stimoulauts, eot11, tiaet leado IfirityConumpionand Insanity- lFut or il a package or 6l for 65 In Canazlian or"tU. S. toneY. With every &I order vesgise a wrlttei. saiaraa'tee to cuare -s reCoud th, esie. Sent by mailt, al Cntles p id, to asay address. Cir, ularl frcc an p tain onvelope. Stention ihis paper. Address MADE, DCHE G B0,Irancte Oflice l'or U. S. A. ari tîrd 58 etkrb0raStreet. CIIICAUII, ILL. FOR SALE uN BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY JHigginbolham & Son, Faiiy and lispzusing Chernisîs. A WOMU E XP2LOREIL1 W'i, aislritas Nicait Tr avel ai the farn nonS bas blîberi beau attenopteai oisy by3 atbut tise yoar 1892 bias wiînessed tisa broaiig up uf this mou- upuly. Mrs. Peary accoispaulea iber buns- baud tu a point fnnis"r norlb' than ame whiste ooan baS oser Lofons penetrated, sud eariy hast Soimmer Mise Elizabeth Tay- lor elantasi froinW'inipeg ton the McKen- zie River delta, sud trous Ibtiso xpedithon sIte lias jusi netuned. Mise Tayhor is by nature a travoier sud by education au antiel, sud is greally uutoreeied lu natrai bis- ory. She etanled on lier tnip'alune, and msade itahuse ne ccestul te sued, Site le the firet woman explorer Vt aiSas aven ventured into tLe polar nagions ou bier own account, and iwlb suan ousut outicis anda sta'adfasiness that osouid hase doue credit lu a ctroug umari she Las carried -oui bier programmse sud completed bier round- trip ho the farn sortberu torts outhe Hud- son'e Bay Cornpauy. 01 tLe nesuls outlber trip we eau as yet isuow ouiy su a geuarai osas. Titis usucîs înay Le saiS, bowevor : Han sketch-Louis is full of drawings, oshieh ara eou îsy ut great bistoriesi and topugrapical interest, but aisu ut a vcry bigls under ut artietie menit. lu spito utgroar ldisadvaitagesasud continuai sufferng trein coarse toins- cessant aitacisout hue-s t, ili-lsoahth and sîseplessees., induced Ly the perpelual day-bight, sîse bas avenaged over s draoviug per day. Han sketches are oniy a smalh pari ut the nesnits acbieved by ibis indefatîgable girl Greahy. Hon diary le as foul as bier sketchs- Loi, sud barsiotes ou tise differentsects uf nature are tull and ut great salue. TSey are, moreovor, adînirabiy cornobonalal sud aspifleai hi' orne bond rode utphotographe taiseis ly herseit. lIs addition lu ahi ibis NMiýsTaylor lbas tusSe a .oonsidenabie collection utnatural histony specirns, sud wbenîlber reenhts are lu shape for publication aut imusually in- lerosling contribution lu our lise t osoris un t ho great louîe land wl lissve been smsSe, For OverFiftv Vears Mlia.WINSsOos'SSouTINisseSynus' bas bee a useai yiuiione ut mothers ton tusoinchutlrn wLila lsething. If disturbeai atuiglît and bruit au- ut yossr rosi by a sick cisilai sufferiu g and cry ing 'vilS pain ut Cutting Tests senti ai once said get a buttia utfa Mrc. W'insiow'e Sou lising Syrup "ton ciitran teetbing, Il xviii relies-a tise pour littie sufféer insrndiaiely. Doeod upon ut, moibans. tisera is u,.)ei'-take ah outit It cures Diarrisia, regulata, ltae Stomacb and Bowets, Cure-, Wind, Cotte, softeos tise Gu ns, reiluces Inflamîmation sud gýves loue and energy toeItheoshola sysîsts i-ire. Win-dow's Soothsng hyrttp 'ton ebilainen taaibing la soies- saut ho itise asta andisisse proscription ut une ot tise nidest sud best teîualo pbiyicias ansd nues ~in the United Statces: Prie 2.5 ceuls a bottie. dotai by all droggists ibrouvboul tha ooni. Be sure sud as for 'Mils. Wistow's flii Demand Was Not UarpeMaîle Voit wani me0 ugo ou the ro ofutata toosen? " saiS the oonman. ' Yos?' «Do yen notice tbore's -a eock ha the luoser?' I 1 tiow it. Whau dilferenca duocsthai aII v e toebarge yuu extra for n'uni- ing oser tise. Ujatarru. CATARÉHAL, DEAFNESS-H1AY FEvER-Àà NEw HOME TREATMFNT. Suiferons are flot gsnenally aware tbîe tiese diseases are constagious, or that they: are due tu tise prcence ut living parasites in lise îiniug usembrane ufthe nose anSd eustachian tubes, Microscopie reseanch huwever, bas proveai ibis tu Le a tact aud tise resuli ut this discovery is that a sini- pie remedy las Less formuisteai wîhre-1 by catarrrb, catarnhal - destssescsud h!iy foyer are permanenthy cured rin- one lu thee simple applications made at -hume by tisepatient once lu tooweeiss.- N. 13. -This. Ireansen t ,is flot a snuff or au oissîseut; buts base Less dis- cardeai as injurions. A pausphet cx- phaiuiug Ibis tsew tresiment is cent treo ou recoipi ut starnp to psy postage, by J. G. Dixon & ou., 345 West King St. Ton- onto Canada. -Christian Advocate. Suifferns f romt Catarrhal troube hould caret nliy rosaitise aLove. Soins mon are aven readly lu offer a ramedy ton everytbitig. The other day we nemank- ed te une out tîese suimaleai aputheoary ehups; Il"Au ides strucis us yesee dsy- AnS betore ove coulai finisu beadi sed us "RuL tise afftacs parts with arnica,", Fýeatlierstone-aa V'tisat aid you leave yonr subuirban bosrding place ton? I tbought your lsndiady was guung to boe liSe sasuothor lu yuu." Ringway-" Shewoas. Shewoant- eS mue te sîeep lu a cradie." CIGARG? "M Lingo" "Kieker" "Gable" fniverslly acknowledged to bu superior in every respect to sny other brande in the market. Always reliable, s has been fuîlly dermonstrated by -the millitons that are eold aunually aud the Increasing demaud for them, notwith- standi ,ng an incressed corn- petition of over (<nte'Eîtndïed ani ý,Tirenit -fivee Factoies- This faut speaks volumes, Weare flot cheap Cigar mnaiufacturers A- DAVISC& SONS0 Montreal,. agetand Highiest Grade Cigrr Manufacturers in Canada. Ricn lithse lung-heal ng virtues o'tisePine combineS wîth the aoothigaud expýetrant propentes of other pectoral herbe anS barks. A PERFECT CURE FOR 1COUGHS AND COL-S Hoarsenesse, Asthina, Bronchitie, Soe Tbroat, Croup and ail TFROAT, BRONCHIAL andi LUE G DISEASES, Obstinate coughs which rthe r remedies rîeId promptly te tis pleasant pîny erp PRIGE 25 . AND M300. PER flOTT&Uso SOLO 5MYaLL OMUG.1iS. "Bachache thse sceevengers means thse Aid- of flic aystem, neya are i »n Delay Is trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kdney Pilla give lec ted lidney prompt relief" troubles result "75 per cent. in Bad Blood of disease is Dyspepîaia, LiverE firat caused by Complaint, and disordered lAid- thec moat dan- ei eya. gerous of ail, 91 "Might as well Bn istas Disease E try to have a Diabetes and.~ healtisy city Dropsy." without sewer- "Tise aboyae age, as good diseases cannotE heceth when the exiat where kidneys are Dodc/'s Kidney~ clogged, they are1 Pilla are used. " r, Sold by ail dealers or sent by mail on reScpt of price 5o cents, per bus or six for $.o Dr. L. A. Smnith & Co. Toronto. Wni.e Ion book caltcd Kiducey Ta"k Neur aIg Sý ciatkca, Lum'bago,Bakhe Toothache, Sore Throat, Fro&t Bites, Sprainau BruisesyBurnsq Etc Scha b7, Druggiste and Doaters a,,ves-wo- FfyCents a bottle. ire..tionsl 11ty ilLaitguîages. MEi CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Balihîor% ON, Oaîiadîan Depot: Toroatc, Ont, Have you tried. the