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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1892, p. 8

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Of«JNO. (Condensed from the Ncws.) Mr. Lau. Patton, Toronto, ives in town lestweek. Mrs. Wmn Henry lbas retterne-d home from Toronto. Always avoid harah purgative pille. Tlsey finit îuake you ick andi then leave yon constipated. Carter's Litie Liver Pills regulate the bowels and makie you well. Dose, one pill. Mr. Wmn. Cornis h bas moved iute bis new residence. Mrs. Wm. Thonapson bas been visiting friends in Toronto. Many people sufer for years i rom, troublesome and repulsive sares, bille, and eruptions, without eiver testing tise marvellaus curative properties ai Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The experiment l, certain- ]y, worth trying. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaperillit and na other. Mr. Edward Devey bas raturned home front Manitou Rapide. Mr. Eddie Benson, Port Hope, wsai home Thaanksgiving day. NNE sL'awG YEÂRS. -Mrs. John McLcan writes fromn Barrie Island, Ont.,Merch 4, 1889, as follows : "I bave been a great sufferer front reuralgia for tho aset fine years, bnt,being advieed ta try St. Jacobs 01, Cen now beartily endorse it as beingr a mosb excellent remedy for this coin- plaint ass1 have been greatily benefited by ite uze. Mi. James A. Henry, Amberly,attend- cd his fabber'à uerai. Mis Lena Dancaster, Bawnianville, viited friend e besrecently. As a preventive ai the Grip Hood'a Sar- saparilia bas grown inta great lavai. It fortifies the system and purifies thse blooti, REV. S YLVMe us LiNE of the Cincinnati M. B. Conference, makes a good point iioe ays : "We bave for years used Hood's Sarsaperilla in aur family af five, and find ib fully equal to al that las daim- ed fer i. Some people are greatly pre]- udîced againet pat:ent medicines, but how the patent eu hurt a medicine aud not a machine is e mystery of mysteries -fo me. Hood's Pille cure Liver Ille. Miese Ettie Liatan is visiting bier uncle, Mr. R Linton, Scarboro. Mr. T. IL. Bensan hbis taken a position in tise Traders' Bank, Part Hope. Several noblemer in Englend are in the habit ai giving special ordere ta makers lu Virginia for bieir eupply of smoking toisacco. There is no doubt thet by that merins tisey gaitishe very beet tolsacco to be bad, but lb costs thom about $2 a pouist. Tise workinginuoa Canada are smoking lise very saine quality ai tobacco t 75 cents e pouni, and lb ie known te tbem by thse naas ai "14yrtîs Navy." Mr. John Waddell bas purchaaed the Staples farm, Leekard, for ?1800. Mr. Chasi. NMPherson and daugistur, Orllia, viited friends boeslest wesk. NVRSE1IY MEIIICINES -We) do not believe in dosing children with drugs snd niedicines iros tise time they arrive in the wcrld ili they are grown,ss some do. We bave found a little castor cil and a bottie ai Perry Davis' PAIli.KLaai safe alid §Ur@ eisediee_ for ail tlieir littho ills, ,nd wouId uaet do 'wLSb9i!t thexii. Get thse I>ew Big Ilotle, 25o, Mr. Hugli Slûâp4ôtoÎa Myrtie lbas beeu. engaged ta teacli Antiocli Scisoal for 1893. Messrs. Juhn OdelI, M. A., Dr. W. W. Andins, and Tisos, Vinson, Toroxito,were home lest woek. RAoCKZD WiTH RHIÎsiMATISM.-DEÂR Ss,-For ten years 1 suffered with rheumatism lu spring and feUl. I have been ofined ta bed for montiss st a lime but since ustug B.B.B. 1 have not sufer ed fîomitet ail. losuffered fromtise dyspepsie, which bas not troubleti me ines usitig thfe B. B. B., aud I therefore think ib is a splendid medîcino. Mrts. AMIELIA BiIItaN, llaýesiard, Ont. Ivr. aud Mie. John Poster and daugiter, Port ilape, ivere visiting et Mrs. Kirk- lend's, Thankogiving day. Mr. and Mis. Bert Hockin, of Toron- la, ivere vieitingeat lber aunt's,5Mrs. Tisos. Viekero, a few days this week. Dr. Butler'e Golden Puisebave eaîned e great reputabion whosrever employed. As a usîve tsinie sud blood builder tbey are unrivsllted. They increase the appe-i ite and pramate a elthy performance of al the funictione ai tise boady. A thor- oughiy soientifie preparation, they neyer feu tae effeet a cure if directions are faitis- fully carîied out. Nobhiig harnaful in their compositions. The most' delicete Bystem will be benefitted, Ask for Dr. Butler'e Glden Pihîs and taesno other. Mr. Bert Hockins and bride, (nes Miess Addie Chetfir), ai Toronto, spent s few disys iith friandis hors lest week. DOUBLY COMMENDED. Sns,-l bati a very bad cold and wias cureti by two batties of Hagyaid's Pictori- al Balsana. I cannot do iithout it. Mns. W. C. H. PFaaY, Sea GUI!, Ont. DJEARtSSns,-l can highly recommend Hagyerd'e Pectoral Balsam as the besi remedy for cougbs andi colde I bave ever tused. MISS F. STEPREnSON, Oakland, ont. 0HERE ISNEWS Just Now of the Utmost Importance. AND IT 15 SOMETHING ALL WILL APPRECIATE luecause Il 1s au Honest Opluiton. 4"Rheumatismand nenralgia are perfect. ]y curable" said one of our muet eminent physiciens il) conversation with the writer "1The only thing necesaary is to use the right remedy and use it perslstently." "But, whit is thse riglit remedy, doc- tor V' "lWelI, altbough, a physician in prac- tics, 1 muet say that the best ail round medicine for rheumnatism and neuralgia, that is, the remedy wbich wili effeet most cures, às the discovery known and sold as Dr. Butler's Golden Pis. I dispense them in msy private practice, and have cured many cases with thena. One par- ticulariy obstinate case was that of a lady I will cal her Mrs. S. fiers was a terrible case. Why, she could hardiy move in bed,and hied severe pains in hier hip and bacli. fer food would not digest, and gasses forming, shle suffered fearfully from distention. She nsed Dr. Butler'q Golden Pills, and is now perfectly Wll again. Another lady toid me se suffered severaly with pain in hier right side for four months. She waB extremely nervous in addition and could not sieep nighto. She received no relief whatever until use used Dr.. Butler's Golden Puis and now tbrougl tise curative effects of this med- icine, the pain has left lher entirely and she is iveil again. Then tisers is the case ot Mr. Gowing. Hie suffered froui rheumatism for many years, and nothing seemed ta relieve bii until hie procured Dr. Butier's Golden Pilla and now he is able to do bis days work witb the best of thea. fHe declar- ed this remedy seved his life and that it is the most wonderf ni medicine in tise world. It certainly doses cure rheumatism aud neuralgia, concluded the dactor, aud 1 conscientiously corisider it thse great remedy for nerve snd blood diseases, snd 1 prescribe it freely becauae 1 know its Worth. I do not clase lb among patent ruedi- cines, because it 18 the formuli. of one o our most distinguished physiciae, and was pieced under the control ai the Dr. Butler Medicine Co., af Brockville, for thse aileviation in a greater field~, of al suffering froin nerve and blood disease. Thse Dr. Butler Medicine Ca, would add fo the above that the snfforissg public, abould give their rensedy, Golden Pis, a1 trial, and not go on, week in and wsîek1 out,1 consumiîiz other remedies is the vain1 hiope of obtainlng a cure. Their rernsdy is rapid and certain. Try il. The lstest no-ielly in Birthday Rýngs et fig 20 Jeweilery storQ, Olallaid ee IT BBÂTS JACK Fsuos.-Dear Sir,- We have tused Hagyard's Yellaw 0i1in our femily and know lb i3 a sure cure for lumbago and frost bites. My iife was s0 bad wth lumbago that she could nlot straighten herself, and Yellow 011 cain- pletely cured bier. It lias been a fortuqe ta es OIIVER ALLEN, Owen Sound,Ont. AUCTION SALES « WEPNESDAY, Dec. 7. -Mr. E. J. Burk,I Lot 16, B. F., Darlin2ton, will seli 30 tiead cattîs, seven heorses, Il pigs, 2000 bushele rools; na reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Ses bills. L. A. W. Tole, Anctioneer, TuESDAY, Dec. 6.-Mr. Albert J. Staples will seli an tise premnises lot 35, con. 8, Clarke, ane mile wesb of Leskerd, 10 tcres ai standing bard wood in half acre lots. tlb sa avaluable lot af Wood. Sale et one 'clack. Two winters ili be given 10 remove tise Wood. L. A. W. TaLE, auct*-ouee-r, ITCHIN ANU BURNINU Sores Ail Over fier Body. Suffcring Endiess. Doctor Usclcss. Cured in 4 Weeks by Cutieura. doue my littie girl su mach gondt ibi£cIflhlt sayiug ibis for the benefit ut those wbe arc tronbled wýi hskia discases. She ivas troubled vitb tuling, buruing soers. m'beon I sf.s toek ber to the docion the(ls insl irbc called l the IDallanitis, and salit be wonld cune lier n etao iveeke were up, bu cald a -~- ilecuzema, asdt u thal ~ I tint ebe w as worse thau il before. Re doctonti ber for tbree moutlus, andl ste was se badvtbat we diti ua1) net w, hat ta de. IlIe difi coldo lienraîy garni. 1 f5w the ativer. tisement af CUTICUiu. RE31EDIES in ftbe Papr, and 1 raid temy wife, "I am guussg tea ry them." b.iud shat I Say, she n'as 8a tbick iith sris that ire bad te soktlier cobeb ta take thbm off. 15db I iere was no enîd te it., dhe had it al ove; ber bocly, bock, legs, ar-me, tInbc- tweenher fiogers. She diti net bave it ou ber bead. But afler taking yonr CUTICRnîA RnscoIrES for tWa iveeks the itch isleppeti, antini four wecels tbe sores ivere ail gene. 1 enclose ber portrait. 1 arn more than pleasedti hl your CUTîCURA EMEaiIESî, as tbey iapeetiiy curet i ny <aughto, ai if su5 body ash, me about your rcm-dies, 1 sili upheidt iem wberever I go. CHA RLES M. OJONEL, CooshobocLen, Meuitgmery Counity, Pa. Why Suifer One Moment From terturing anti diedlgulng 6sid discases, wheu a Single application aif(bhe COTICUBAsREe- EDiESsili, lu the grcat majeiiy of cases, atiorti Instant relief in the niost agoniinig 01 îtcbing, buruing, scaly, Crusteti, PIMPlY, ant ilo.tey skie, scalp anti bloddiecases, iti l ss eof tair, sud point te a speedy, permane'nt, anti economicat cure. OIbid everywlaere. Pice, CrTicuisýA, 75c.:* Sou', 35.; ItESOLENTi. $1.511. Prepareti li the PuT- TES DRUG ANI)CHEMICAL CuIi'onAT1Iosi, Boston. ;ir" Slow ta Cure Skie Iliseases. 564 pages, 50 illustrations, anti testimnonials, 7n 2nd fras. BA '5Skie and Scalp pîsifieti snd beautificti I~by CUTscuisA Absolu tely pue. PAINS AND WEAKNESSES Of females instautiy neOe'ved oyIls,.h iiew, elegant, andJ s ft 1h le, t e te) pain, lSmnsina se t',t Citicura ci'ntl-PaiD. PLi a Happy Mr. andftlrs. Frederick RejiceBeause HoofP8 sapsrlil lscued Thefr ChU4 îfrornSerolula. For ScreftsJa, Salt Rheun, andi al other foil humaors in the biood of chljdren nor uJ ,Hood'a Sarsaparilla is an unequailcai rernedy. Bead this: 'We are so aid ita llood's Sarsapa- rilla for lii did for our littie grl that we miale tlds s tatei;ent for the benpit of otîser auixiolls Parentis andi -Sufferiaig Children Our girl was a beautifil baby, fair and pintp anld healthly. But .ien site \as two years aId, soies broko out beiind lier ears and spread rapidly' over lier Ilead and ioreliead (10w a f lier eyes, and infto lier neck. We icunsulted onee of tie bestplïysieiaus lin Brook- ln, but notlîing did lier any good. TIhe dec- tors said t i as caused by a scrofula liuinor in tliQ blood. lier lîead became àhe Complete Sore Offensive ta the smell and dreadful to look at. lier general healîls wancd and site ioulti lay su a large chiair ail day w itisont any lufe or eu- ergy. The sures caliseti crent itchinu andi burnilng, so luit at finiies ive lia t t resi rain lier bands ta preveutscratehuig,. For 3years She Suffered Fearfully ,vith t1is terrible huinor. Jleing iirgeti to try Ilood's Srspafla redid sa. \Wu sool noticeti that sho iad nmore lufe andi appetite. TIhe meiicine scenied ta drive out more af tihe huior fora stsort inie. butitsuoî begari ta subside, tise itching and bariniug ceaned, anis i a few niaîsths lier Iseadb bee:îme eiitiroly clearaitIse sure. Silo is 50 efci el lias 1nu evideuice uf tiha Iiinor.and iob salnM elear Pnd îi iî. s1iîu îens 11an, en- îirely di i erent eclild, i n l huliai a utgGueuai appcI,ýallice, irohi avîat silo as befure tikg I. W. rFE5K 311 (Cienmore A-ee., East Is an ilustratiotnof- i 1;* 'D:i Srsalarilla is doiug for the sick Mj 'iJer ig, very iday, front, aine ta Caih'oniia. Iilitte liglit af tîsese facts wba cau say tat thse work of an immense cour.eru like ours is not beheficeuit? HOOD'S F'ILLS cure liver i11, constipation, iliousuless, jaundice, sick Isoadaclie, ilndigelâtloi. GOLDEN WEDDING. Tise cîsiltren, grauit childîsu, brathers andi siaters ai Mr. and Mis. Jonathan Bray, ai Enfiler, were invitedti t attend the jubiles celebiabion ai tise egeti couple hast Fîiday et Roselentivale, Saluna, tise residence ai their elde3t sou-in-Iew, Mr. William Werry. It was a complote sur- prise ta thena. Shartly al ter 4 o'clock, the campany wes cehleti ta aider in tise spaclous parlor by Mr. Weiry wisc was appointeti chairman. 1.a, e ertily ~1 cometi the guestse issu ho on tise eldoet mon, Mr. James Brav, M. D., ai Toronto, whio îeed tise fohîowing, adtires Our Dear Parents We have met ta, day ta celebrate tise fitietis ennivoîsary ai yonr weddiug--als event sutficieutly rare ta be a very re nasikable anc lndeed; sud wa your chulti- ion and near relatives coidially nlle to offir you aur very iseaity congratulations and ta exprtss tiseisape biset your lives may be preserved tilil f urtisur ta eujoy ssch otiser's companionship. Whihe P0 mny nio set ont ou liio'e janîney about tise same binas as you botb did bave pass- cd to thiss rewaîd, we are very grateini that you have bath been preseîved thiaugis sncb a long series ai yeaîe ta ses the maij- arity of your family settîsti in l11e snd that yanr efforts ta provide for aur wente bave been 50 successini. We are not foîgetini ai tise mutny sacri- fices yon baveý made lu paet years for aur canafoît and promotian anti shahl neyer cesse ta bolti yc.u lu loviug resuembrence, nai ivili we ever cease ta nits aur forces ta proînote your weîfare and Isappinesi turiug tise remaintier ai youî ives. .As a eli.tiht token of aur love snd re- gard for yonr canafaît, ive bave thougist fit ou tise present occasion ta preseut you iib these two easy chairs coupleti witb tise expresseti hope biset yon may tae mucis comiait sud pleasure wiise reatblu in bisen. Sigueti an behali ai tise iamily, JAbMES BRAY At thse proper binas the tira other sons- in-law, Mr. John VanNest, jur., anti Mr. M. A. Jamen, ai Tais STATESMAN, entereti ths roona witi tise chaire, phIFceil tisenabc- lare themi andi ieqnested Mr. anti Mis. Bray ta occupy thea. Tise venerebîs pair ivere nauch effecteti by bise woris ai tise atidresesuad coulti only thauk tise touera for their kinti words eut thougistini presente. A few short speeches wsre mcsa anti letters of congratulation ironsome absout relatives ivere reati aiter whicb ahi were inviteti ta the dining room ta partake ai a splendid isipeet ai chieken pies,etc.,abun- dantîy piovîdeti by tise ladies. Tise resi of tise evening wiva pasetinl a pleasant family re-unian. The conamittee ai ar- rangements irere tise thîse e ousin-law anti tise inviteti gast etsre the bratisere anti sisters (with thissu ubauts anti iives) ai Mis. Bray :-Mis. Nathaniel Porter, Ridgetowu; Mis. Albert Fanson, Dan- ville, Ill., Mr. Samuel Cale, Maple Grave; Mi. John Y. Cale, Hampton; Mis. Robt. Wickebt, Toronto; Mr. Edivard Cols, Columbus; the bisîse daugistere (wlîb thiss isusisants anti familles) :-Mrs. William Werry, Mis. M. A. James anti Mis. John N.auNest, Jr.; tise foui sans (witb tissu wives anti famihiesaif tise marrîsti anes:- Mr. James Bray, M. D., Toronto, Mi. Samuel Bray, Enfielti, Mr. William John Bray, ai Trinity Medical College,'Toronto, Mi. Fîetieîick L. Bray, Enfiell; anti Mr. Bray's nephew anti niece, Mr. John and Miss Bray, Raglan. MI readers are invitet t send us items of local news anti theîeby assat til making thiz paper intereoting. JUST TO HAND LAST SATURDAY, CLOTHING FlOUSE, 6 Large Cases of NewGoods.. An Immense and Elegant Collection of Nice Goods.. Amai k NJeyer were SQ Attractive Neyer were SQ Varied Neyer were so Pretty Neyer were SQ Admired Neyer were so Gheap Neyer were so Saleable CO0 Bf-"OOTS and ST{OES. A nice new lune of Feit Goods just opened out anc meeting with general approval. Ask for Mr. Wvm. Jenningsý in this department. T. GEO. MIASON'S Clothing House, BowmanviIIê, Mr. Joseph Hubisard is improving elowly. Mr. Sueas Tapp of Toronto bas been visiting bers. Mr. Fred. Mitchell anti iemlly have gone ta Dakota. Mrs. Mary Oruiston is quite ili iith blood poisoning. Mr. J. Bradsisaw of Brantford ie riait- ing et Mr. Thomeis Bradley's. Miss Etta Gilbsert bas gone ta Tarante where eebas been engeged as booki- keeper. Mi. Ssrsfield MeDonnl af Toronto la home on a vieil. fHe intentis opening up e barber sisop lu Arthur. The people around are on the move. No les. tissu ten familles exchauged places during tise lest two weeks. NE WCASTLE. Mr. Chas. Wilmot is home egein. MiEs Fedith Scott ipent Suntisyiu Orano. Mis. Chas. Wilmat and ber sister have goue ta Port flops on e viit. Missi Vida K. Scott of tise Port Hope Model Sebool spent Suuday et home. Tise pink social st the Parsonage on Frlday ivas iveli sttended sud if- wes very pleasant. Mr. IR. Barfatt, mercliant, hati an ex citing foot race anse vening lest week but came ont second best sud now mourus the baes ai an overcoat. Thse self-helpinig customer went eass on the rail tracli. FIONORINGx A BRITTAIN. WssÂv is TnjouGHT IN TIElSCrIT 0F A Foaixa BOWMAN VILLE Bay. A very pleasaut lime ivas spent et 323 Lippiucott St., Toronto, Nov. 9. It came lu the way of e surprise fruna the m embers af tise Berean Methodist Sabbats Scisol. Aiter teking possession af tise home ai Bro. W. Y. Britain tise meetinog wad openeti wibh preper by Rev. J.McDÎ.Kerr andth ie addîese was îead and prsutto made by Bro. Aaron Child, Stipereutend eut. Thse prsent consisted ofa beautif uli chine tee service and large silver cake basket. Rev. Mr. Kerr thon spoke iu b is usul kind sud feeling way a ter wiich bise aidress wss respanded ta hy Bro. Brittain, Aiter heving some gaod eiug- ing anti supper bise veîy nasmoreble occa,%ion wivs brougist ta a close isy sing- jng -Goti be nuls you blîl ws mess egain.' Followi ng isnle atidrese - Froua friencls of the Berean Mlietodist Chserch, fa Mr. W. Y. Brit foin, fuie Superisttendent : We in behali ai yauî many fýiends coun uected iitis bie BereanMetisodist Cisurcis SabbatS Scisool, wha so cheerfully give oui nainses as authogrepiss, tae this opporbunity ai expressing oui epprecia- tien af tise gtanti sud noble wurk yeu bave dans for aur scisool, sud bisougis byouî tanks bave been labariaus anse, aur scisool bas praspered. Tins, oui woîk has beeu, sud ever wlll be,one ai cou fiicb, 1yet iaith, hope snd love must characterize suad croivu oui effortst, sud whsn time with ils ceaseless rounds af duly shaîl have passsd awey, your nanas wil bave praved a mnemorial ta tise work. In pîesenbiug this i lighb baken ai esteemn we express but ieebly oui admiration for ryouî carneet. christian zeal and devotion lui SabbatS Scisool woik, aud the earnesb iprayer of aur heuaîts is, rmay yon long be r spared taeivoîl for tise Master. *lu ysare to came when îeading over tise naines inscrlbed ou this address and 1 wbeu same ai us are no more it will re- mind yau ai thse happy bonis spent in tise past nitis yonî gratelul sud esucere 1 frientis. REV. J. McD. KERR, Pestai. AAÂRON CIIILD, Superintentient. H. E. QUANT~, Secretary. Ilipans Tabulles cuîe nauses. Our New Cutter Beats 'em Al. The fact that our tailoring de.- partment has been rushed with more orders then ever before in the same timne and that every garment turned out has-given perfect satisfaction proves it. We can now give you a job equal to any high class city work and at a much lower price. See our new selections of suit- jngs and overcoatings. JNO. J. MASON. IFuirs! FnURS! rs!% F One of the largest stock of Furs in this county is to be found at M.* MAYER'S Hat and Fur storeé It consists of Fur 'Coats, Robes, Jackets, Capes, CDollars, Mufs and Caps in the Latest Style and at the lowest possible cash, price. 1A large and well selected stock in Gents Furnishings alwvays on hand and as cheap as the cheap- est, eall early and secure a bargain as the stock must be sold. Ail kinds of Furs alftered. High- est price paid for Raw Furs PRACTICAL FUIRRIER. S. 21,. NO. 2 fJL.4RKE. rsr. Ww. Ryan bas had inflammiîtion ASKIXOUR DRUGGIST FR of the Iungp. Miss kio Hannah has been visiting at Mr. Ryîan's- Mr. E. Glesuo was guest of Mrs. Lycett. recently. Mr. John Coulson and hits able assis- tants have been doing some very fast -* threa 'hing 1000 bushels of oats ini two hours nt the Nunnery. Our Sabbath Schoolis progressing favor. e-~o ably under the efficient staff of officers:- S. Baakerville, Superintendent; Miss L. -a abo a Adm, Secy. -Treas; Miss B. Thomar,, taBte lilce others. -Ir ~g1ot~ Asat. Secy; . Martyn, Librarian; .MrF.,50. and$100. S. Baskerville, Mrs. B. Adanms, sir., A. 1 Thompoon, W. Martyn, and Andrew -- < Thonapson, toacbers; Miss Bertha Kernan, ipcslc liS aets aJo. J. organiat. Msup r us 5>pr yard up. They Magie Pile Lotion ivas st madle simply are Lî-nr, uns Id au rlsdon M to seli. It was made to cure riles, and it good ta >we s ili do it no quickly that it w iii surprise, Von. Gipans Ta"ibulles baish pain.

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