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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1892, p. 3

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CHTAPTER XVIL WVien I irti luarli item odiBeetoe's lips tise man wbo proiesselite ho my f rieu J iali e-ousliý(-no tîer tecase me, an inniocent mau ioV prison for ever, ie order tisai ihîey enîgli 1hiveGtogetiser wtisont reproseli neder tise eoalifc sigarnous maniag-I conli net boieve was tee terruie te lie true.It was eue of tiioce hilisous jolisa wlich convicts phay upesu oee anotiser te gratsfy iheir brutaliseli acescf hucr or. Th isencdisisloo oi ce ldmni's face, as ho leered idleong at me te mari tise offet hie information made, suppotoli tise sea-. pscion. Ho noulli net b -e eests: tisai must bave been my imrpression. i eau iîud ce cuber oxcudo for net sirauuglîng tise areicb while tise worlis asto Iresis upon bis lips." -"Mix your whitewaah," lieo wispered, ,i;eing Viatsyattitulie waaliely te atant nue attention cf tise warder. I obeysd insiinctiveiy, stupefacien suc- reeding my irst feeling cf iscredulity. As T stirrel tise staffinjetise isuelet ho pro- t'ýeeiod wiîh his border, uing thes brusis delicately, andi bsis al ce ens side as if las were sugroaseli in tise worli; lie continu- eli te speali in a lea, expressueubeas tans tisai nonîrastoli oddly wcîh bis empisatie worde cc1 senspecieli bow matters stood ait ts triai. h said ta mysoît ; il tisai majr i ssci a lsf)l, ise'a tise greaiest viilaiuta ti ever diagracel tise servuces. Tisose ssen are ni over serupubocîs wisere a cemnien felhea je coecerned ; stil less wben thîece's a prsity woman lu tise nase. Divorce nase reports show tisai. After tise triai I was sure hoe meant o gsit id of yeu. Waeted te per- suidp me te tell tise abole trutis in îny meei,-ial Lo thie Home Secretsry. Sisowed hi1 leat as day tisai sncb scoutseswonld gsi you ile fcr s cettamty Whe hoesaid tisai if I idn'i tell al 1 inew lho shonld, h tinsýw ho was net a foel, but a bearibese, do- igigvllain. Evory man 1 bave spelien te n tise subjeeat ceinnsdes wim re, Wby tans need net have more intelligence than a] P,logisbcY te ses tisai with suri satatomoni ts tisai belons is, the Home Secrtary liad oeptiien but ta pasa tise mst soyonesesn- menc, short of deatli, upon yen. Gsi an b egicaig. Y-ou gave me neoisini. I cup- -cse they liepi yen in tise dank, to cde ceived sud beodwinlied yen as tisey didme. Yoo nLvoi-had any suspicion ci suytbing ci ibis sort." T remnesereli vividly isoxvtise uspicion 1usd erosaed sy mied aitishe very moment I iseard the usajos-'s nasne nuentioneli by sny wcue. Why tial I anapected ? Te sy dis- ordereli c sason it appearel tIsai sosetsing in tise toue cf lhor voiesuai have betraysd a secret feelinug for bis, Besten repeaisd tse quostion, observsng sy alloesc. 1 sisooli my hsad. 'I'c-i glad yon didin't," ho muitereli. "Shonide't luke te thini I1avas tise- oniy man tisai oyven ycueg wcman isal deceived 1 amart nea' aven I tisanfit h; ius a t5- flectien ccinsy ssgacity. h amanted atill msors keenly tise; iswever, 1 resolved o te h paid for it, T wrote Vo tise major, sud toid bis I1alsouid fbel it my duty, as your- laVe aliviser and an hous ans" -tse old lsllow aaid ihais witls a sardonic grne-" te prochains hie laie marriage witis s yeung lady calling borsîf 'fihe Tisane' bigamosus, uniss lie nould give se s satisfan tory expianatien. Tise sean- ing oi ibat bint was clear enouglu: s catiaiactory «eplan aii was a goed round saicusdumu as huas sîîney. It's no gooli pleadiug innocence bers, 'mFu i on embezzîe- ment, sud i ifs ad ncot bec a sharp oes1 scsld bave bec liens agos age. \Veli, tics majer's auswerto that letton was cet satj5- I actory. fie tofl dme h wae atilierty te taie sny legal proceediugc ce youn heialf biat h should lied justifled by a record oi ïour marriage ; but tisai if 1 vouîured to taie proceedunge cf suy etiser sert, the oely satisiacion h cbould ho liiely te get woeuld bca theraahuing. Tha i de. allsy nsy ir- riation. Off I sent te Somerset Rousai once Vo ovorlian tise regucter cf msrrcagec. And tisons te my mental cliagrun, h laund ne record cf marriage heiweest any se- dividusis beariug yeut' nase or hors, Tison I psrceived tisai yen were net imarrioli," Ho psused arid glancsd ai se ieenly. Il Or," hoe ontinid rigistly, drawing bus conclusion frem tise expresscon of sy lace- "or tisai yen isd been married bfoetsa [tegistet undeotiser namnes, toe scape tis possihihiiycf your marriag béing liscoveted by ler friends. Tisat is tIse case ?5' with your wiitswasaing." I macs ne repsy. 1 hegan my border as well as my tremis- I"0f course sccl a marriage, alViscugis lic!g bauds wculd let me, wile bie, stirring subjectuug yen te pnnialunent, is pertectly tise lices in lis bucliet, continueli bindiug." Ilo paused again tompting me ta 44I weu't dowu te Brigistoc sud saw yent confits bic conclusion, wiie. h tol ieSonwisaitishe resuii would bho Il Wero iisey nari-that is tbe ques. if tbue s jor persiste inletise coursee h ad tion ?" h askeli strngglung fer lirestis te forte iireaiened." tise words, IlWhat did s say 7" 1 gaspeli. "'-o-dccolii about tisai. Tisons are tiseir ec Oh, bitse pisysdiber pat weh ; almost aa e ustheregiter ai Somerseti Roues sceiveli me. Figued te listetoi betweeni or any snac te ses-nies," he aîlded, ,onlictiug doubia. Wisecu1h iinteli ai un- ' vithu malucius significance, "1ho je cisut up icrupulous dealiug on tise part cf lber lriecd 'n a prison. Whio linew cf yaur mat-nage? laid se ceullitrnst iicwitislber lufe," 1 Who were thes vitnesses ?7" 1 recembesitisa se had uaed tiseqasme h Isool i sy beai vaguely, sud' wiih an words te me. impatient gecînro. . 11 Sise said aseinewlise aouli de nnilîing I utndersiand,liSe mnrmnred, cissci- wiihout ee'suiicglher, andi premised te liug. I' ve (loenst myseif in uny ycung prevoci huce irons geing innihor. Do yen lisys wiseu I waa regisirar's ceni, and licat: sIe premîseli ta prevent bis sendisc more tisansneguinea I've geV by t. Y-eu yen te prison foonIlile. Your laie wass lus ent te tise office sud ohd ihe cdette your her bande res tisai mment. Yen- stooli posiion franihy. Ho iold yen wisat te do te be saved wstis s word se couhi iestroY andi funli tise aitneses." yen -get id cf yen fer evor. Ravesa go ai Ho hai divinelitise trutis exsetly, but t'le pai." thaV was îsoticg te mc then. Thi Tise at f fa usa'agouy droppei fraem I ca'î bear ibis auy longer, "T I mutier-. my s4_ce ie Visee uclesias h bout over it, eli, ioarcely. IlTell me ail, sud o dons s sleaowly drawing bus bres dean Vise aiîbîi." wall. conticiued---Il"Sue lnew ahi about 1V. Sho lnea' "Il a ase kepi lier promise yen know. tisai lis oeby cee avio coulli letray tise Tise day slteu eut interview h receiveli s secret was Ibis leri, waviso nuhi-, letteraro ireer sayiug htise i aaientrueteli apeai a'ithomît beiraying hisseif, wisici tisefintuber conduci of your case te tise bauds Sie was net likely tealie. And yen -i Major Clevelien, a'isewoulli discliarge may ho sures sie reuvinceli tIhe ajec cf alleobligaVieca for tise service I bad rendersi. hic saaety belote lie teck ascis a punege as I tisngliI1sa boa' mations steoli witb lier ihîsi. 1 was tee mai te ses tIsai rbey were -tsonglit h inswa al; I1lidn't inea'balf. marc cunning tssha. h aettte ir bousei A woaves' a match for alltise cuenieg nceanad aaw the macjor personally Tise vilîsce tise aid Bailey. Go flurtisor off; the aard- drew se eut aitis bis cool, impasia' n er's cemiug dowcsD." rien. fe led me on te claie the very suce1I I did aselie bade me, but wiihi sager is- required ase Vie pice osecrecy, sud tison--' atsilence teai'-aw noar sud isear mors. Wae Vhs l convict pansoli se ise drea u buh Ia vilain te lenli se ready suc sar te tise-on tise odge of tise psul andi adied-tsa delamatien cf the wemanI profes te bave lue nommitteli a brescis cf tise peace, au i ioved ? Liieiy onougis1 hSadli herled long laid Sinsseif open teau action ferasesanît ssni sentgh is'ti viilains a tebc inierisi witis batiery, wbicbhie kusa' it would have main- tbeir vices. I hiave knowe son, withoni Pd soe have brotigisVagainst hi." liai excuse, wiso have lot ail mauly seii- "Slîsmarri hi---she-Rebe ?" aras all central Wlsen jeaheuusy malidensi lbîec awitish 1couIliget oui. ils voousnefang. ' "Hew ese could hey ive togeilier, and 64-I thougitsi ad was innocent, atayke padcnpreiBtaesetb;t, rate," recommenceli Beeon when e againylep up a Yudeetpolcse rseko tairmiy, geV wiihin whiepering distance, 11«"uit agoyen bel? Yo'd bson loa'nji fou yeau ibiswasy, tisere are toies againet me, tise agrifnyenrauton w t y i iehate."an mjor Sas leareV 'ie ; lias teld Vise girl 1ams continuons as I bave a'rittec it, lint frag- net te ho trusteli; mais a plausible ropre. , snîsry, sud brohton up hy tise nececsauîy ci secatiu hs& n linecannom e teiig Vseeluiing tise aarder's vigilance. Ashîe bell tris, aise perseadel ber -againat nmy bei- rang for cessatioun cf worik,>Bostonà concluli. W toonseLlu lahic cyesetise lienaot fiis eli hsrrieihy, as -wo cleaneli eut brusises ide ieS , iulami of nuucb moesvalue than tise by ide- il ci a peer beggar wbe cani searu sali. If I"lys moeste tell Yen. l'Il gsti jte hoi cmesaoui taunted -vitis tavnty yeara cin hfr onadweI o, peaiiservitude, no botter Vian tiselac~k- Y'ur agiooslnal v'lcn guadsbea lco cupelito S wil ihsiti nvo means te psy tises ont. Keep guirà h's eau oupe ras ewilbr amcîy, p uiet. Loi no eue gus Whist yen know. git'a future, esirauge lber fenler mlWe'Ili horevengeli cci'em :ycu on Viat de,,rais( lier ft-vor eise opinion cf devil yossr aife ; I on tisati1nng sce-. socictr-y.Ho msy net ive ia'enty years, irel Vise major. Oh), wc shahl cry puits tisus peor wretch: bang isseli, or go mlaiiseorle g very hlhy ; ai any rate, ,.e ca't last sncb lng aer tise tienty yeara, wlicis is the leasi lise CRAPTER - XVIII. caui gsi, Thon wliy for a fea' years cf 11h- enîy, aviiclislho s nîcai iily te abuse, TISE AWFU5L TlItUTI-. sisoul ie horo ever tuin tis cyeung wemn Fres tise tise tise Lon door eloseli opon andi lier facnihy? TIat's boa' I put it : the me ti li aybreate, I avalteel ceaschessly us best 1 conli fer boVh cf tises bebre h inewan di down my cell, lie a eagei hoast waii-. ail. Keep ou : tise arader's Ioiking." 1icg for is food. A cravieg for vengeante IlWbaV are yeun about ?" asisi tIse war- possissee, snggeating a isunireli willy ion, cemning up. IlYouýre layin' iî on an im~possible scisenes of reialiaiocute My is- inchisuct e bre, andlooi aitishe mess yo've agiuatmi. Xitis a tiorce, brutal pleasurs I muais on thseflicet. Thsis ain't like yoc. gleaien sarhis ali projeoc fon crusing Wlust's tise maiVer-loch a liti quseer ?"hi tise woman T bai loveli. I boit tisais in asi iinily, catnlucng ight cf my lace. saine way 1Imsa visit upon cîcy wie the - I bot a litthé upsi jusi cea', sir," I jury seSaliinflictedu npe e-aIlIngeven Top lied. "Iî'c tIesmel cithe linue, per-. upontise justice c of li te put hseaseans haps ." jte my isand. AitIccsgtis physical exisaus- ~'Y-on sac mode off il yoen lus tien rempelici me te test. Agaîn sud] "No," sai1 quieily, lea-ring ute a sa gaiu I bai mruni ires cny piteber teas-. tise oppenîucniîy cf bsaring more,'iti tVie Sulago tise iuruiug tist tisai seseiàto ise suai crav ing of a man fr-tise poison ihai conauîuig csy very virais, but my foodi ase le linoa's msa frecîzy Iin. uctoucheli uviere tise warder bai toit it "ýSisaît h give is a bsandli,, icen l've againet tise dont. iÎons ibis bit ?"asi es eton, I sais dean on the steci, andi tareli Etc. Tise varier noddeliaiednscved on. Tiese- pihy aitishe grsy ,patcis ci iglisiusai marie- muserquettly ainî at transgression of cd ithe commîlg day, my mine. suceum-iig, rules by men avio givo ne troube, and I lites my bodiy te fatigue. h wasa poeretess, a'as tise medel convict cf tise prison.1 even ic imiagination, tiode lier buther isan. IT waa possible neav for Boston te cesn- As passion sen nt jatesaaisof leiisargy, '-iscicate witis me Moorsely. reo aaaoi. The lighit grea' net oeuy on -Tiai's is'1 regarici the," hoea'eut syceys, il reacisci my seul, and opencdits 0'u, lsnienthy; Iland whee tise sajor psu avtis tender tondis te tise reception ofisettet sssy bill T maie nu refereuce teatics pasi, feelings. She liersel, uuy Rebe, flustel inj ,!i reecîvelitate lt tise matier drap. Iliai a'itb ithe irai ray ocianesies, sud stolibe- donseVise begi I nouli ber yen, andi get my boe me witb tisai sver-remembrei look cf iîuoneiy lot it. But tistos wcsts aberwars love andi orrewing repreacis in bier deep, I bas-unt by accident liat Major Cieveden saIt syes. sud( " Miss Relie Thane" lied heen marriel i 'Wiy bave I listeneli greeiily te a fiend, a- Bngso.Te s'tsitsybiand cosci my heari te ihis egel?" I asi p ns tetisonougisly aitis tiseir prteese aIfuuyseli, "Wliai eviencswais tisere of ibis anes~rsd compassion : tisat item thce dean wcmsui's trs-acboty sud Isîseisoo but irat Vhey issi seseelte tut-n aisaccidentVise a'ord of oceebadinsau ? By Sus cas te, tiseit- ean alivantage, aliliead cunssngly shoisevg tisat man n'as a rascal; liy every icc,1AînVelitae gt yeus unidituslSe rs, wlire set sud lobk and word, myavtfc liai proveli shecs ?hat nettbsi me. 1ne'tluke tealisc "Bnt che ce s uuan," cnuggestod tise liosI ai nover auspecteli hepossihil- lut-b:inig den-ion jenucy Seat-t. "Rîsman ý,y cf tieir being lovera. or ssoucli bave sud weabc, or se would cet have ioýe ilurrrglltishe wh.cle thijg tem tise talion thtisalbo ie2 tisai maieliser your BEYOND REGALL. passion ant ief or t-yoar owcc musiortuisess rs ondhelas nesot te llie tuait dar blowinl'tise vicar broie tise silence by girl. I cannot for tIse ile of une tell wîy, ~ The Ladies' Journal» boighsnoan ; ien. lue aaid,- hustslily- ior Mrs. Lonsdalc isneut a capricenatjuapbic te tsi ol nera IhIrci'îi ell yen isew plessed h was Vo an ,but sti caeins te bave talien an unus- I everywbliatomn thewllanter gsi ycnr letter ; bo-% glad te come hure conutaisie prejudico againai liheeoversine sec yon. h a as grievena te think yen neyer ber marniage. Psibyae betat at e 1creguar subsciptiou prices cf "Tise Posibl sh obect temar Laises' .journal"Ilsud tisspaper is $2 per 55W a Itieedç." niages lu wliiis tiere is -ucs a discrepaney year. You get the ta-o for "Ye un oa'my reasosentrm "of age. TI nea' she seeseli borriliod snd, "Yes, your clusplain waargocli cugis te disgnstod wiseu se irai isoard cI tise unio.. 'niyu oe n drs ot fie mais clean te me wiseu 1 case abouût a yeax But abs lias, dear seul, olli-fasiie noi tons Sa.yu oe u tdest h fie wife. la she te bie mors then human under agc witlî the hope of aesing yen. He juati- Kit and hier judgrncnt and perception in a bicw that makes yen eses thaii a mac fied the course yen bati taken, always cf soute parts are straregeiy weak. She would Suppesieg there js einoe fouedation for ibis course boping tisat time would trender yeur have iîad thse young lady marry a gentie- story--ay, supposîng even that every word separation front us no longer a neceeaaity. 1 rmaniof lier umu age, n dubt ; it vvuuld is truc that came frens that eld rascal's lips hope that change bas conse. and that 110W bave been more ie accordance with idd what thens? Ras your wife doue a.ything yen wili ibe able toeeus i rons tise te tinte, notions of romance sud sentiment. But it whieh yen youraeii weuld net have permit- and ied soute sort of pleasure ie thiekingacoesa te tee tîtat in au artificiai state of ted as soesîiight alleviatien of tise misery about nus." aoccety romnce anda sentiment have littie yen have hroîîgit upon ber? If she could I dcon't know," said I ; I ans net sors, place, aud men aed wocnen of the worid strike away thelfetter that bindshcir te yen, A change bas come over me lately tisat bas wlae bave icast of ii are appareetly the meat wonid yen preveet àk? Muatisilo live for- mrade me Imepe for a revival of ihat which I happy. And ibis<marriage ia a preof of it, ever je solitude becaisse shte loved yen for a tisougist must ibe but ied for ever. Perisapa for inelber letter my dear Relie (as I must year ? Are yent net nseraily dead ? laeas a I air. wrong ; perliap i wauid ihave been eall her) apeaits in terme of tise highest af- Parsec that ase houid sacrificeslber ise on -better for me te ksep tise resolutien I have leetion sud regard for lier dear isusiand-" your tomb '! Ta the iaw moe justthat makea iseld selong. Tisaisaved me fremmaduess. I couid restrain - my -passion ne Ion gsr. hier a widew îhàn tisai whieh bufties yeu I don't krîow wlîat seay isappen now. For Grasping ths iron bars belote tre 1 shcok bers ?la as net morally justifled je se- tisat roason I begged yenl te say nothing thons lnriously te mal e lins stop and listen cepting the love snd compaDionsbip of tise about enr meeting te aîîy cee. Until 1 ans te me. I opeeed my senutistoe al te man whlo keows lier secret ? Have yen net qucte sure of myseli, I ahecld like it te be denounice the woman who ealied bersif tise wisised bier te forget yen-to think f e kp eoe"wiie of ihat other maei-to eau dcwn the as goesfor ever irons lier werld ? hv e Wlîat is it yen isar, my dear lriend V'"il urse cf Heaveis upen lier, but sy frenzy of iet prayed for ber isappîcîes? WrasatiII"I cannot tel yen. I ans ihinking about' rage chocked me. I stood tiscre lîike s gis- prayer a lie, offered isy a hypocrite ? Wisat nîy siie." bing ape iselind the bars, my mentis agape> as there in yen te love ? Why sisotild se "Yen need tell me neonmore. 1I promise uttering unintellhgible sounds, net love seotiser ansd ferget yen ?" yen tiat net a word of cins, directly or "lHere yen mlist corsis out oi this," said I conld ge ne lurtiser. MIy clieging boarti ndiretly, shall beLray tisat ave have met." tise warder, seizing me tightiy by the arma. revoited agacasat anch reroning. "Tliank yen, ir," said I, wiping tise "You're g ing te have a fit or aoiretiiing. "IOh, ne, tne, ne !" 1 cried, wringieg my sweat front. my temples. That's the werst oi those quiet ones," bie bands je agony. " Voen have net fergetten "lMrs. Lonsdale is stayiag with frienda at added, as lie lsad me away, speaking over me, dacling l Yen lovee s 111! I ans net Scathorqugh shab dosa net ltnow tîtat I bis sl'ouider te the vi-ýar--"tisey're bonnd dead te yen i'" have received a letter Irons yen. Even se te hurst oui soute tise or other." Tics hope was almoat conviction, and it shall know notising ci ibis meeting; iogs(To aE CONTINUED.) aêemed teome now isposible that ahe could ni course, as would eay nothhig abloti f change se qnickly; aili more tbat as ecould as knew your feeling in thse matte"r.'And PEAsFLS OF TRUI'f. connive ai sny lielong impriscement te aow tell ces wbai jeaca do for yo" av eid any caiasity thai cniglt attend my "Tell me, sic," aaid 1, sisaking jeeec hee weknow how teappreciateasmenit relsase, No, net te procure tise besi the limb-"ltell me about the people 1 knew We bave a gerns of it wiîisin onreelvea. world could give would as prehong my once. What bas bappened te thotn saines Ilyen wish teappeaýragreeablein seciety, miaery by an heur. To tisink tisai se ould then ?' uai sconsent te ho taugisi many thinge bie sesflis and cruel was like breaking dom n To ho are-te ce aura," aaid tise oid wi.cî yen know already. a lovely statue of libserty. Oh, if 1 could gentleman ;asud tisecollectcng bis thougis Feelings conte and go like ligist treepa foi-. stili believe bier pure, and dis e ntisai elief!liho coutinued : "James Pisillîpa bias gens lowing tise victory ci tise present, but Why sbould net 1 ? Wby sbonld 1 tbînk away witis bis wiie sud laînily. He coulde't pritsciples, lkes treepa ci tise lies, are un- again ef wisat Besten bad said? It would sake presses je tise way yen and your iathier, disturbed and stand fast. bc easy enougis te aveid ancîher word irons did, and tise irade dgiindled dewn te nous.h- bis vils tangue. ,Wlcy ahould 1 trouble te ing; aud now Thomas Boyce bas tise bouse, lTho deccon cf dulînesa wbici is allowed cees ider whetber lie liad tcld tise trutis or and is trying te salie a business hy concîde. te romain ai bouse bat more te do wiiis lied ? But te live in enlerced ignerance cf ing boutse deeorating sud plunîhing. You'd driving young mec. cuVe ' us cempanyj t he trutî inspiied donhit. Tisat un iteeli was bardly know tise oid place, it jese ieetsetse attacioec ic isei a reflectioîs on mny wile's boeety. In Tbsre's a workingmae's club wsero tise ITisoIfnmuet hoe truc te thysoîf, justice te ber 1 muet ascertain ail. Surely Barley Mow stood, and tlasy're sakieg a Ithon tise trutis tyogid'ot teacis ifI I lovsd ber--il aie wag wortby ai beicîg bridge oven tise river by tise ferry fcr tise Tisy seul muai overflow if tison l:ved-I augisi net te lesrthtie test.I new rail wsy." Hes continued te tel oithes Anoiiser's ceci would reacis. muet eut away tise very grotind tisai changea tisat bad been made, but I heard He tisai waiis for repentance waiis forE suspicion teste on, ie justice te bier. Con- ssotbing intelligible, tisougis listeuing only tisai which cannot lho bad as long as it je te take. I felt a botter man wben 1 came IIAnd Mr. Tisane," I said, wisen lie panse-. for iluat wisiclî lie iiseli bas teo.e. te tisai conclusion. Snddsnly a sean, ci ed ;doesalho atili ivo ai Ham ?" ds jateisngbwontsehoec- learning tise trutis eccurred te me, and 1, de-. Ais, cf coure-Mr. Thiae, " tepl celte I satnsighr cntew ecn termined te use it. vccar, evideeily iureing bis tisougs inta'science begies te neravel il a cingle atiteis belote geing oui te work. At dinner-time nover -vent isacl to tisai bouse, Indeed, 1 a isole yen could put your isead tistougis. lie came ta me. thicî lieh bas Imite abaedoeed tise ide% o'ci -[Chsarles Buxton. jeI Weil, my man, what is citV" lie acked, uns.kmg wliat je called an establisment. If Woe emcept tise biessinge ci atreuigii, in isshrtblffway, IlWant tîoeon teIbor ho iepasses hie tise je London isalib and thetestinsony ofa gedconscience aik liai V" and Brightîon, reaunîing tsons tise je- aIl tise etîer conveniences sud pleasurseof Il No, ir ; it isn't tisai." dependeni bachelor lufe ho prevîonsly lufedepeusdupon epinion. Excepi paie eft Ho aisd ie sros.led iidia. Donhtîesse it je more body and romorseof olnsciencs,al aur evile Yen looklike t," said lho. I"Graves ine accrdaece sitbhic astes. 1V is laie, are imagieary. told cme yen were takea quser -yesîerday aitiis lices of lufe te change oîa'e habite, Tisere is ne moespetent antidote te lew aliernon, and yo'vsesten nothsng-walk- snd, ofcouears, there was net tisai ucitive 'sensuality than tise adoration cf tiss beau- ed 'groggy'-no wender." for keeping up a large lbeuse witiscarriages, tîlul, Ah tise bigiser arts cf designs are cs-. "lyse bee brsakieg tise tual-" 1 se. servants and tisai sort cf tlîing wbee lis, sentialiy chaste -wjtiout respect te tise oh- gan daugister inarried." jeet. Tisey purily tise tiongis as tragedy IOh!do yen want se te punisis yen, Msrried !" h echoed, ise.rsly. purifies tise passions. Tisoir accudental eh 91 "Ais, te bie sure, tisais news lot yen. h effecte are net wortis coesideratin-there "4No, ir ; 1's puniahed enocgb. 1 waastabr tisai dreadini affair tisai tise cmr- are seuls to wisom net even, a voatai is want yeni te look overtise lanît, fer I bave niage teck place. Very ceeu sîcer, tee, I boly. te ai a laver arising ontciii "- recollent. Or was it isaicre, Kit?7" IWist's tiselanli ? Ont witls i.' 1"lNet beloe-net belote," h muttered, Iiife- Taiiing te a pnisoner, air. I've boeard bad watbi a secret terrer lest tisai ote eweei O Man, e, ilold thy story toifil newa front. onteide ; tsaî's wisat upset me image of laits and teudereesa aisould hociA narrow pais et pain. and 1ifeelI h an't lho rigisi again tîîî Ïj boston dowîa and effaced by tise discovery _Rebuffli sud deep distain, kusow tise trutis."tisiab s vas already married whsn site Ambitions in tise dusi laid lew, "Yonr inventions, I suppose. T deî't insut beaide me, prolessing devotiomu and Unholy greed cf gaie, 9 Tise dneary cîd tel rai;i- ilin k I did weil te let you go se fa." love, inc ur hst meeting. 'Te ive is but et grief te knew.9 11I wislî witb ahliîny heart it was netbîng IlNo; now I counse te tsiuk oclitit5 muai O Man, boboiseId t luy atory teks! but tisai. I-I-its absout a personial lu-isnd hsave been al tonwards. Fer I remember psy-.Tise pleasures over eew, oîîtsidp---a dear frieed. I mnuet know tisati ng tises a visit juat bhore tisey wsnt away Tise noble deeda net few, it'à a is-ail tisai I ieard-iseicre 1 sac go te Germauy aitishe big hotei-wisat wss tise Tise patis to trcad ihat saints have tted: on in tise olti way; if yen wouhd sîîow me nasne of that botel, just by- Apslsy Hous, Tolic lp mn aste ietru te sec a visiter wlîe could tell me tise wluole but on tise opposite suds cf tise say 7" And liiit ties neanen te their God. truîîî." I 1could noi speai. itb sy baud I CLIFFORti IEM13LY IIOh, cstaieily ! Betten sec your iriend madeoia gestune of impatiene wiicch l al-. at once sud gsitishe douisi off your mind. ed te ses, for hoe wa looktng clown, aud Mesthly Fcizes for Rava an I Gîlç, Yen msy wrie icnsediately, and tecesive a, drawig hie chie hoiween bis tisusliand Tise "Sunlighti" Soap Ca., Tononto, airer thse visit on WIedineaday," inger je tise attempt te recoileet. ioiiewing prizes every mentis tihi ftntiser notice te boys and girls under 1d, reeiding in thse I tbanked tise governor, sud wrete abi "Rowever, tisai deesnt inatter, h t0- Province of' Octarie. who send thie rentiss once ta Mn. Lonedale, hegging is te noms iember qucto distinctly tiseugh istse -as number cf "flueliglit" wrappers. let, $10; led. and sce me ou Wednesday, aud keep hie dressed in deep blue vsivet, sud heanic cl $16; 3e.d $3; Is. $1; 5 h te 11, a Ilandsome Book1 looedteho une ia i ; etnetJuiîsand a pretty pîcture taeilsese who aend net viit a secret frein every oe. aclosistec ue i t e nt1 is cs tisan 12 wrapper,3. Seed wrappers le liieca ollowed tItres daysanacd nigîssof as yen muet rerembor lier when we nsed "*Sunlight" Sese Off ce, 43 Scott St . Taronto terrible suspense. I isad net tise moral te conesud look ai yecr worli -net se girl- net lator tisais 29tis cf sach ms dis. and matrked t 'Cempetitiie"; asengive fulcais, addre8s etrenglis te clo-se doubt Itemnsty mind. Tise jis and gay. Thi a ss ardly te ise expee-cgea ad ensier cf wraoss Wner effort te believe whist I beped shook mny cd, htisjeah comieg hacl te cee now Aiter nae8 wil haiepnblisled la The Torotoi Mait faitis. -I1a'onld hot admit tisai Robe could lunch Vise major leit us, sud a-e satovor tise on tiret Satnrday ineâscis mootis, lie flie, yet tise unaclieewledged paasilility lire togetiser. I, rememiser ave talked abouti of deceptionwsc ever prescrit ta my mind. yen, nîy peor fellow. She spolie very feel-.Tise devil wants ne lnncaie'r job tisse han- i wasa ice strivg te continue a dreas inîngly ci yeur nusaietne, sud toid me bow vostimg cigarette emoliets. wisich tise lest dariing lias bosia restered te chie lied tried te ses yen ai Pentonuille, and Tisere are oaki mess ln existence cee-.tison-. tise ecnpîy hîsari againet tics grewieg sense lied wriitee letters te yon te express bier eand ycara eld, ci realiîy; tise dreadfnl conviction tisat SYInpsthy. YenulinoN sise siways teck a ___________________ tise nuage je but s, shade, and tisai ail is groat interesi in ye-soes ilan yen imag - lest forevet, Oh ishow i cîung te tisai beau- 1l1e, I dat-easy. Sue aslied se if I wouid fui image ci a pure sud Isitistîs wife! "'God write te yen sud overcome yonr repugnauce bellp nue if 1 lose thic!" a'as tise cry tisai te comsnnicaiing withs your t-e 1 finnd- came up frein my iseant. tse -whe were se distressed on yeur an. 1 quakefi wiîhî lear wben 1 boardl tisaitise euni. 'Tell im te tîsinli oi bis por'r wf,' vicar -,as waiiing te secme. At tiselasitae said. These wordc dweiiinMy m d miorent I would bave relused te sec lus, ihoy wore spolien wiiis snob true pathos." isad T daied te trust in ignorance. Il evii cofisypocrisy 1' I eaid te usysl, "Whuy, ibis us net yocng Wyndisam, grnding muy tests with ruing fury. ccrcly ?" -ssid Mn. Lonadale, undor hî5 m "Tise major aie-I teld yen seo was bretiswisn wa brngsi anetoseswjt uarried te Mdajor Cleveden, or did 1 net?" hies. h was tee agitated to speait. Yes, yes," I said. "Tiey cay a man loiks as lise fIsl," ssid "Ho aise spolie mst kîudhy about yen, thestout warder, clîeeriully; Il and a îîîae telling me Icw lho Lsd tijed te ohîsîn an doesant feel young loung le bers il be's gi nterview witis yen jn tise hope cf giving wisai yen may cal s conscience oun u." ye consolation, regretiung bie insbility ta W "IDo yen know me, my fieind V" asied de anytiig furiher in youcr beishl." tise -iinat, ai(I a toue of iuuredtuhty jc bis I sisntlsd ithe vicar-tise warder moe pet. veace.. haps-hy a scliced langis. Il Ves, Mr. Lenadale." "(je on, gooci-ibis amuses une, ' h aad "IThe very voies is aliered quito ont oi throug i y teetis. recogntion," hoe mnrmrured. Tise sisoc "hlansgled of tisai, my lrisnd. Unler- we malte Our great boaut. Ont pille curs il; whileo ohers do net. adose. eliey arestn-ctly vegetable sudý do net gripe or purge, baut hy tiîeir 71rfte a -in please ail WhILsethon. Iivias t2cet fivo for $1. Seld çerey-where, or sent by mbail. 0A2TEZ âdEDlvml. Z0CO., lir' ek nvrrazd teo fmd en somuch as 1 have an te last fisss monthsr during which time 1 have suffered intensqly frons pacumonia, followed by broucbîtis. Afterrrying various remedies ssîthout benefit, 1 begjan the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and the effect lbas been marvelous, a single dose reliccing me of choking, and securing a good rights rest." '1. A. H 1-g;nbothm, Ger.. Store, Long Mç-ýtain, Va "Las' Sprirng I Nvas talien àôwn wMtl la grippe. At times 1Ivas completcly prostr it, cd, and so difficuit was my breathing that my breath seemed as if confined mn an iron cage. 1 procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and ne 5000cr had 1 began taking it than relief followed. 1 could net believe that the effect svould be se rapid.--W. H. Wilhiams, Coo City, S. Dak. "'For more than tenti five years, 1Ivas a sufferer from luug trouble, attended with coughing se severe at times as ta cause hemorrhage, the poroxysins frequeutly last- ing tbrce or four boucs. 1 mas iuduccd te try AyeCrs Cherry Pectoral, and after taking four botules, was thoroughl- cured. 1 cari confidentlvrecommendtbis medicine."-Franz Hofmannu, Clay Centre, Kans, A'YER'8 Cherry Peotorai Preparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lowell, Mass, Sold by ail Druggists. Price $x six bottles, $S. Prompt ta act, sure to, cure ro Bell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Stes dy ernployment and control of territory. Hae donc business in Canada 35 yoare. Liberai pay to thse right meu Send f'or ternas. CHASE BROTHERS Co., Coiborne. Ont. ]Notice to Farmerse I amn prepared te, do ail chopping at fft cents per, bag. 1 have alea put in new MaOlt Imary for grinding corn and co> which I we grind ait thse ame price. Yours Ilespeotfully A. 9. TOOLEY, Tooloy's Mille, DarllngtoP Courtlcs, Dec, 1 1891. Do-tf. CHI LDREN ANV INFALLIBLE REMEDYI Superedes ail other preparatione for the cure of Mental Debility, 1Nervoas Prostration, Legs eof Jlauheed, Paraly cis, tocomoterAtaxia, Painf ni Mfenstruation, Suppr'essions and Irregulae'i- ties, Leucorrhoea, Disorders of Stomaeh, Lss of Ap. petits, Dizziness, etc. These PMils posseessno purg- tivs properties, nor aaything hurtf ni to the niest; deicate s3 stem. They are tiseresuit of yeare of cars. lui study and analysis, and used svith great sueceseî in the private practice of an emniient physicien. Ihev set primarily on the nerre centres, increasing tise Vital lcerre, promoting Assimiation, iinrich. Ing tise Blood, thus preventing and zuring deaase. For sais by Druggiste,50c. per box, or sent poet. paid w r 50c., or a boxes $2.50. Dr'. Butler 'Wedleine Ce., Brocekville, Ont., COflPER'S 1ICHT- IN CORN C IRE Cures RfarS amd 14offe 'oms. Only thre appllcatoss reenlrsd. COOPE R'S'BUNION ýCURE' Cures Buiniens, Warte and Moleq, Swolisa Gýand9, Thick Neek and Skin Disesses of a spooll character. Theie remediei are parfect- ly patIlsa. Dan'taho celved. Aak Lit Coop er's and take no other. 15 and 25 cents. Al druî,uist, D.I. Batier Miedicine Ce BroeellIe. Ont Sîk oidch adRSleealtetobe Çf M F.t blossao ttessensca DicîSa ats rscnaDtij~îfer

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