, .. .. .. ..ta te.fu OUR TOWN AND COOUNY IIST: T~HE WORaLD ÂPTERtWARDS. M. Â JÂMES E»rroî .&ND PRoPEXETOR, NLC uwsriuEs. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. DECEMBER 7, 1892» VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEZ1 49 __________ uu 41mLA RINGSee JOHNSTON #c CRYDERMAN'Sý We commence this. week to seil ail Ladies' Jackets tRBDUCOED PRICES and Be\eX&IUnes at and under ,ost price. COULI JOIINSTON & ORYDERMAN, Bowmanville, Dee. 6, 1892. One Door West of Pont Office. Tehave forYo PULAR UINE OF TUE LATEST SEASONABLE ATTRACTIONS, an ited variety in every deýprtment of the store, the determination and ahility te the best prices. Wo are offering these inducements with the hast and band- t lineoe oxýoids yen ver îaw I Qualitiesaasyen like them Stylesand fashions ýtst ' Assorhiment cemplete, and ail right prices! Don't fail te see our splendid and take adv.4ntage et the inducements offored in Ladies', Gentlemen's and ren's Shees, Slippersi, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. AlU the anxd niceetst yles eoft the eason. Honest goods that potssa the worth and t menit. Prices the fairest yen have ever kno)wn ! -We guarantee Profit and re toe very customier. Profit., becanse our- prices will prove a positi 've saving h uyer. Plauebecalise our geode can net flau te please in quality and style. impossible te uake a mistako iîn your faîl buying if yen select frem the great riced stock of lice to UIcle egisiative a.A JT N ssmieubIy of U tarlo..9 N .3. BOWMVAANVIL-!SPý DEBT. 1 E&CHIPLUG OF TIE te l issr4b ~lvn tat t orvration ot. lwmnvîî i unty 0, .&sea~bi s!ihePrvine t O trit xt sesision, for an Achite onsC"olidate h turesi ard ito hgdebt 0f said Ceor .la y oeteînd theioefer paymeaut theref YorjzetIe issuing e do etuasfor nav- se redemiption of ted such othoin hoe properly ini. àtis 2th daty of end RSON,ýi0 lambs. S. H. vo'fl.They nated, sigre luk 18 MAItKED T. B IN BRONZE LETTEUIRS. NOE0 HER GNUINEN <IeE4GET, COLDS, ASY11IWA. 1IIESS~. flao'NtCilItIs, etc., yield t atonce tb Dýi W4)0d'awlNorwaty Plie Syrup, îhis uccesaf ii e i sledj.us!pCclfMe. Coucli, Jobnaton & Cryderman are ehowing a fine st ock of Ladies Furs in al qualitiei!. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Inaurance ROBT. VritiUE, Agent, Bowmanville Of Sparta, N. J., voluntarfly sayi: eT Whom it May Coneera: .UnaskedlIdecinitiy duty t a suffcring bmanity whose bodies and souls 1 wouid, 'have healthy, te tell them of the value of 7fedsSarsaparlla. While living iii Ohi<> eoLo my chilidren vas greatly Afflioted With BOUS baviag 30 on her limbs, and being unable to waik. 1 had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla, ai beuglit a bettie, hall cf which cured eni- ~tirely. Twe years alter, another chld wvas afticted as badly. 1 used the ether hait bottie of Ilood's Sarsaparilla withi like re- suts. About four ycars alter, the chili first afllicted was again tormentcd like Job, and I boughit a bottie (on Sunday at that) and again acure. 1 gave some of themiedicine to a poor wvonan and two eidren; they ywcre heipcd as wcre mine. Tlrougrh atsim. niai sent to C. 1. Hood &% Co., iinquies cm fromt ail the country, sking if i a bn flde' testimonial, aid f couIrse I wrote ail thatit wae, and hav-e thec knowledge( of Scores and Scores 0f persos bhelped or c"dby lIood's9 Sarsa.. parilla. Mild 4cases cf rieumatisinhave ytelded te il. Iiiousncss,;, and baud liver have been corrected inin y own fanmily. Tilis is the oniypatent unediine I havle feit like praising. I speak not for C. I. Iood, but for the Jobs who arc impatient and are tor- mented beyond enduranice. Nothiing I know of will cleanse thse blood, stimuflate the liver, or dlean the stomacli se perfcctiy as, Hood's Sarsaparilla Any person wishing te kaow more, enclosing a stasnp wiil ho înformed. Yourg for the healI, happiness ani virtue ef humaity."1 WILLIAM IlO0LLINSEX, patter of Prcsby- terian cliurcli, Sparta, N. J. Hood's Pulis cure habituai constipation. Selling ýOut At CoSte Going Away Now is your time, as our time 'is getting short, everything MUST GO at cost., We are bound tO seli O0,t Gall andi get ,your work donc up right. IWe cain do it fbr you MAYNARD THE JEWELLER, Utipans Tabules banish pain. .&APLE GROVB.- Misa Mary J. MoLeilan bas beau visth. ing friends in Toronto.. ..Mn. Thos. . H Cele has been conflued te the hous with muscuïar rhenmatism.. .. Mr. Wm. E ver- son preaýhed here on Sunday atterneen.. .Mr. Guo. Power i. condncting revival services her...... The Division'sa anuai celebration is on Jan. Ithl. Panticulars later. .The school trus tes@ have re-eüfi' gaged Mr, Thos. K irkpatnick flor uothen year. De. Butler's Glolden Pis have earned a0great reputation wheneven employed. A s a nerve tonieansd blodé builder they ans unniv8lled. Tbey increase the appe. tite sudA promete a healthy performance et alVhs founctions of the bod.y. A thon. oughily scdentific prepaýration, they nover fail te effeet a cure if directions are failli. fully cariîied out. Notbing barinful je their composition. The mont delicats Bsitem will ho benefltted, Ask fer Dr. ntler's Glden Pilis and take ne other. Scoo repent for Nevemben. Sr. 4- Mlina »aamcock, Bonuis Richards,August. us Tooly. Jr. 4-Wslter Armour, Eva Courtice, WViifred Cawken, Sr. 3- Wesley Salter, Franc ii Cawker, Mar Mitchell. Jr. 3-Eth el Deani, Edua Cornisb, Annie Mlichaql. Sr. 2-Agnes Baloon, Chanlis Geýyns, Wilie Anmueur. 2- --Maud IHartock, îeseTingîs, ('ileu IC>iwier. Jr. 2-Fraink Arment'r, Maggis ITinigle, Venna Goyne. Sn. Pt. 2-Homlien Geyne, Wesley Ntichols, Gertie Lymer. Jr. Pt, 2--Waiter St.acey, Eils WhVit, Wi.Ilie Walter. Tablet-Rusisel G ay, Ada, Short, Walter Mlichael. Avenage attend- suce 50. T. FRAiix WRic.nT, 'Teer ONEsMIENUTE CUIE FOR TeerMÂHciE.- Toothaçhe, the mort commun sud enset the mioat painful affections, la instantiy cured by the application of Pelaon's Nervîline. Polson's Nerviline is a coni. binlalion et pewerful avodynes, and it striker at once Vo therisenves, soothing thera sud affeirding e oesminute total rIlel ren pain. Mothens, try is for voun children'ti toothache. Nenviline is sold fil 10)snd 25 cent botties by ail druggists. ENNISKILL EN.1 iMips Lizzie Smith, Wbitby,is spending a couple et wee)lis with bher bohr n J. J. anîisd bas been calliug en eld fnieud2 br. ., iass Knapp, Brooklin, iis V 1 siting at Mm'r. C. Wlllms.. .. mns. Crawford and Miss Psnish. Port Penny, ans guestis et Mr. A. Hayes.... Miieà Cherry, Townu, was stsying over Suuday athil ihe >Maples," Mn. C. Rogers... . .Mr. Powell, Ellzsbothville, wtt lu our village a shDrt hume lait week. .. Rev'.LR. D. Fraser, M. A., Town, wvas calliug2 on fisnds bers on Fnîday li.71r. Sasm'l. Staples, Meatord, was vio,1tiug Mn1. A. Staplea here lst week. .-. .Mr.Wm. Joues bas bosu moeing Vo Port Penny. Ho has neanly ail good and chatteis -iway tromn hs farni new.. ..Tbe usw shed la- in procebs et erection at the Presbytenian Church., . .MlsMagithe eldeat daugh. er et Mnr. C. Stewart Ws s sieualy inj un- ed by a taîl causedJ by Eîtriking fhon head againast the esud etsfa -trd when rnniag a shfort lime cge ,(" Sihe bas recovered nicely 11om. . . .Mr. Jamese Stainton is laid up with a sevce attack et lumbago.... A iiveiy ovening ws'ýa spont oue night last wesk îat Bachelor Hall. Thse occasion waa hs co;mpleti, ofethesesarsn's threah- ing hy tho popular Vthreshors, Mr.n. e Morey sud psnlty-... Sevoral fine turkt y - were akenuniden. very auspicieuis circuni- stances troinithe preinises oet Mn (. G., Stevens eue nirght ]tl.Tha mtteil je Vhs hancda et our chiot et polic... An excellent meeting et Y. P. S. C. E. wtt held ahi ths Metusodist church Friday evening Iset. The meeting was ably led by Misa K,-ennedy. ThoeoWas a good attetîdanca sud grest intensst manifested. ...We weiems te ',-urnreighbonhood Mms N. ý".ith suad we offer eut' wtamest congratulations Vo hs young couple .... A, Lîterary Society was ergauized ini con- nection wîithehsPublic Scisool. Officr : jPres., B. Stevens ; Vice- Pros., W. Vir tue; Hoxu. Prîs. , 'J. Yo-ung"; Sony., N. r Oey; ConmmUlte- E. Pot,V.Plo L. LeWis. Pregram i nxî Friday et 3 R'-'t ton Enniakillenl P. S. for Nov. Sr. 4-V. oc, E. -Brow,3 E. Potter, B. Stoeveno, 'WN. Rojgers, W. Virtue, N. Moroney. L. Lewig,E. Te,,shey,A. Thomp. son, W. Potr. Jr. 4-K. Virtue, J. Thompon, M. Stewart, G. Lewis. Sr. 3-S. Potter, E. Stalu on, L. Gilbert, T. Stoiniton, C. Sa's A. Stbainton, E. HRa, F. Hloskimi. Jr. 3ý-W. Gilbert, N. R.eynii.ds, F. Ste3veus, Rt. Stevensý. Sr. 2-F. Vîtes, E. Stevenis, C. Stevens. Jr. 2-E. Stewart,G. Patter, A. Pollock, H. Stainte)n.C. Williamsq,W. Meculiougbi. Pt. 2-1. Staintonj W Thomupsoni, D. Hall, Hl. Stap}!es, tJ, Chepusan, H. Pol- lock, K Moone, A. Mlay, D). Thonipsen. NÇames ,qli ordier et menit. Average at.. tendlan.ce 48. Preýsen't eveny day 28. Jo11K Yeu-rte, Teacher.i The "Mytîs Navy" tohacce is net bnndeued witb the usual ceshis wbich sweil Vhse prise eofmust articles Vo the consumer the flrmi empley ne traveliera whatever, thein endors ceis tethein i naead etf ho- ing sought hy therns. Tho mendiant dlosa net requins te keep a lange stock on band sweIliug ils price with initereRt, for ths factory is au nimmediate sonncesolý' snp ply VQ hlim, a'. hs ceat et s postal card or ahi Mosti a elgrai. Ho lotos notbiing-, thorefore fnom beîng over8tocked. The article is na tapie eure, for whi*ch .thene ha Pa constant a dleinand as for wheat on tkunn snd thse mechant eau, theoref ore, al it 8hi the minimum rata et profit. OUR NEW OFFERS. W. are this tesson (< ff;aniug a handtonss and vaiuacie Preminra Book (selling prioe, 50c.) worthy et a place on a parler table ie any famuily, a delightfully inter. esting sud instructive volume, now finft pnbhished, that iB Bure te pîsase svery imeimber efths housshold, oid aed young, as it contains Reverai magnificont illustra- tiens that oiginally cost hundrefis et dollars te produce, besides much ietereat- ing aed valuable information that it is Wall te know. Every STS'MsAN sbsc ibse ld or new gets one ef these splendid books on any one ef the followinq candi-ions. FIRS'r OFFRî. Any preseut subacriber paying is8 or her subsoniphion te Tiis TÂESÂNta sud et 1893 sud send.ing us oeue uew 8ub- soi iber fer 1893 wîlI gelt ýhe two p-tperaý for oeeyean sud tîwo Premiium iBooks fer enly $2.00 sud he Ladies' Junl(PriceJ $1.00), AmericaarFame,($1.00 a year> or Womankued t oesycar f 'es. This means that the eid subscnîber gels fes# $1 50 werth et good oeading malter ton gettlng us eue new sub3criber. SEOesN OFFRIt. For only'$2.00 we wi'l tend te auj ad- dresln Canada or the Unaitad Stýf ss ho end et 1893 THiE STAIEShÂN sud IWeektil Globe, or Mail, or Empire, er iMontre.il Wltne,%s, on Family Elonald sud Weokiy Star, or Western Advertiser, cr L'Ive Stockj~ ournal or almost auj ether dollar paper sud a free copy of ont' Premi-irn Book. This meanq ilsat every poison will geV s free copy eo où book who en- dors TiE STATESMAN and eue other papor f romi us. We have ne agents. Al erders muat coins personslly or by mail ta THE STÂTESMAN office, Bowmanvill14 Mn,. D. Pohiard, O.,hswa, waa go et of Mra. L. AM. Courtise last, week ..Mn sud Mn.. Donbt, Columbiu5&, paiid a visit' te fnieeds at hi hsparson ïge recety. ,. . Mn. W. Rt. CourVice v-1.itet isf brother, S. J., teacher aht Kinby on Snnda ... Thpre was a goed urnout at the Epworthi LgeEbenezer, lest week Tise tub jecî et blighted chiidren sud hopeless woinmen un heathen I&ns da wt aken np and verj able papers were nead by Misses E. -A. Courtine and M. Evenen. The mueetimîg was onseof the boat since engan- ization..The Trustees anesasping arrangements Vo reopen the Ebenezeur shnnch on New Yeara day. Parliculars later .. . , t seema very probable -thal' there will ho a daily mail service ho-rs next jean instead et a Vi-weekly__,8.p.. thons shouid ho .. . .Mr. W. E. Courticeý' snd Mn, A. G. B. CourLico are attending the Grand Division at Milieu and willl aîso viait friends in Toronto on their ne- At asat, 1 cee est a good square meal withont its distressing mue !ivas Vhe graVe.. fal >exclamation et ene whoese appe ite bcd hee restered by he use of Aycr'a Sar. saparîlla, atter jeans ot dyspeptîc îuissry. A easpoont ni ef this extrant beferoennah mneal sharpens the appe ite. ' JLACK.STOCK. Miss Sarah Moore bas retnrned trini hon visit te Toronto.. .. Mrs. Stacey freni Vhs Nonthwest is vieiting hem brother,Dr. Fish . .. .Misa Coulter, who bas heen very low with ypbeid foyer, la somewhat un- preving. ... Arthur A.- Becok bahstue eut ztilits on bi3 oWu heok. Sonnet Anthr. .MissCoukc'r, St.Jopia Iluand brother arast" hei unico, Mr. Thos. Coulter . . .. whu w our consiable hs nîghttdnknîsre prevailed around the hWt9,3...Sos et Tempornîce have lively meýetings Friday nightp. Grand progrera or eeun .Mrz. Morton,late et Càltfernia,is ksep. ing bouse for ber brothen, Dr. Fiah... Biackstock Vnîsd Voe etabiish a market ton he sale et cattie, he 6rat sale belng isat Fr.iday.... .The chese lactery bas clesed, thû patrons ans well sutialied sud the business should double nexh jea. .. . Ensatcburch Preabyternns anseerecting a pench ie front et the church. R. Dickey snd E. Mountjoy, cauttaclors. '.i.*.The Part Penny sud Cart w igbt ,brIdge is1 aI. Most imlpassable. %Wheels etc->ni3veyanees are being broken cf4 It will ceta-inly t,alî agaati business in Port PerF.y if that is Vh kadetrcads ws bave ho )travel. 1890 my*body wtt ceverrd wiîh boce and 1 was ahi last indued te)Vry Burdock ýRio"-! IVrs; y tihe tiraI bsdu i boîtîset ofit 1 wtt conletel'y cuned,' aud 1 caunet speak tee bighly of hi. Mps. J AlMES DES-MOrnD), alifaX, N. 4 LiTTLY JENNIE W,",-;CLUE»>.-DEAR S1ncu4-My lttsJenuis 'was very h bCd with La Grippe wich lot t a bad cuh I gave hen Hagyard's Pectoral Balsaniýa sud it son clsrod ber. Mita. McAncniIuia Cepleston, Ont. Ail pensons owing accoun)ta hie Mayner hs Jewelier wili pisas ýcail sand settle thein at once, as ha is ieaving tewn. A WOIJNDEII SPIRIT who cait eal Vie bi'Ulaes or uns M. A JAMES EDiTOR.AND PROPRIETOR, VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBICP. 49 BR4DLEY'3 SHOOL JIOUSE. Report for November fer S. S. No. 14, Darlingtosi. Naines ia order of merit. Sr. 4-N. Rosa, E. Ross, Jr. 4-,M. Seuch, E. Heddon. Jr. 3-W. Smîlth, H. Heddeea. E. Van1N est, E. Garfat, C. Gilbert, Myrtie Milîson, May Milîsan, M. Farrell. Sr. 2-F. Smiith,W. Leaske. Jr. 2--H. Weatiake, J., Simpsen. Sr'. Pt. 2-M. Hleddoe, V. Farrell, J. NanNest, IL. Parr, Mary Simpson. Jr. Pt. 2-A. Smith, F. Heddon, E Parr'. Pt. 1-G. SouchJ. SimpsenJ. VanNest, B. Leaske. Average attendance 21. S. E. S.&NDBEsoN, Teacher. MORE VALUABLu THAN DIAMONDS. - Cod liver oil front the ced flsh when oin- bined with hypophosphitesi of lime anl soda, as in "-Miller'l Emusion of Ced Liver, Ou," will bsiild. up the cellular tissues and create new bloedl This ia jiest what consumrptive patients need. It bas cured thlousands of peeple who weuld otherwise, have been ahi this hune ýoccupyiiig nýarnew spaces in the grave- yards of tiounontry. MilIer's-Eziulsien is werth a trittl. Iin big bottles, 50c. and $ 1,00 P ail Drug Stores. PBOVIDENCE. Viait ina-Mr, and MrA. Frank Bragg, S ilew;i; Mcr. A.,L. and Mi4s S. WoodIeyý Tyre; M r Cephua and Mri.Wli. Soluch, Enniais l 1en; Mrs Maynard, Bowmvauville; Mr. Jau. Leaak, Teunton. . .,Revivâ', servicï,i will be cent inued this week, l-arg numibers hlave mnet during the pa3t twoý wpeksê, nany Ih va changedandll are new on theo Lerd's bide. There is stili aàlut ta b-3 dons. Gaâte ais ,eSaleni peopleo ocr Friday Avnn. r. E. W. Smiale ha5 commenstLd geing to B. H. S. again.. Mr. Frank Blackburn sýpenlt;Suaday ab henie....The Echool beys have bought a foot bail and will soon be ready to aocept challenges.... Wa are sorry k) hear that Mr. J. Yellewicei and Mr. NI. F. Keat, are about te leave us Mr. Keat wili go to -Chathama Bus.neta (Xdlege. Both were members ef the fameius Qnseen'â Own. We wieh thora evcry suiccesg. .. .âMr. Rot ,t. BaIAllet borne after living witli Mr. Thes3. Gibse-n for the tumirner.. Mr. Chas. Clapple wist home ýSuidav. 01 d 't e te, n .. Mr. Fred Ha a ilu TQoento, ho Nwll undergo anothen qpen..- ation thisý.. AvIeM. Franik eOaborne ola fine3 lbull te Mr. John Franrk this week.. Mr Carance Smale ceedhînseif sserely Lbut is de)invweli ... . Providence beý%ys are stîlipU reig-r harlee. 8snd. 'ninuerly [rel0gr'aph perator at Ow'en s1ussd011,0, P, 1R, is now prromoted te a livlher posgition ahbTrot on tho Faine lu..Mr. LU ssonevisited bii s is3tr Mre. LHamuiltoni, îlîbrooke,ý r~esuty. - r.JasJ. Ohapple, Billingg, Montana, la spending a fow -layea ah howe. Magie Pile LQtion texaels every other reniedy ef its oints ini tht; foliowing esr- ticulhars, viz: 1 Its actton la imînediate raild magicAl. 2 Il id ùceape"ýr than any other in the market. U Lt is cleanly, ieavi»g ne st«in eni ciothunlg or beddiug, [4It la more essily applied than auj other. 5 Lt id equaliy' eflicaclous ie ex-. tonnai, interna!, itching or bleeding piles. 6 It la an excellent d1reesung for ail kinds of ,?ainful woundc, abritions, stings of bees and ethor poisonous intenta, etc., Mr. 'WS. Siaot#,Scarhero,visited frienda bore st week . .. .The fine skating latb wcek furnished immense enJeymnent for the yeurg folks . ... Mro. Jas. Scotthiea hasts sick but la improvung,.. .. We con- 'gratulate Mr. W. E. Pollard on tecunng the service et ene of our niesi premi,:3îg Yoeung insu,14-. Ed. 'Silver. . 1' Hlarvey St-ike as ""expýtrefased hie inten- tien et holding a Hyiology service i1 ) this place sealryDec. 18,,.We ïar" hopinz eur pasitera wiillfaner us with Revival Seviesii winte .... A load cf Young fiafrein bers atonded the service heldat Providence Fridayevening, they report ej.t hs e _rvice,, bub were shockedý-,ç by tise3 coLdUci et a few aiwiffi, reokýle8sa drivers, on tho way home, fuur pese ...~. .E. Plarha3 secredfrei M. W. Ciithe faionsf driver,~xtcr.. J1 iss . .Fielding, ý Who bas so auc-,,-tttiliy taungbt oun school, has been ro* egaigpd at an increa3ed sýaiary. _Ouirihlaaae eugextensive praparations.foýr nu entertaininent.... 1Rîîînbr says Mr, Chas, elhintendsu moviiug te Town. Look eut fe)r the young farnierrnw h. Report fo)r S,' S. N. ,DarlinRton, for qoemo. rt. 'ý-Artîhur Wel-ýh, Suais, Hutchi«sen. ir. 4-CarrneMWight, willie Smos. If. 3EfeRutiedgs, Idla Huc 8soSbi? Hocken, Lottis WilknaHerie sud MadisMODOInld. Sr. 2-Neda Synmons and E tiel Wiikius eqnlab. CllaetNoehWonnacot4 Blake Willna. Jr. 2-Eheal Collacott, Ida ilknsAddie Rulod4ge, Jame.q