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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1892, p. 2

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~Zooterbrnnd of obcohas ever eîn= %ýoýyed snch an immense anad popnlarity in rl be sanie period as titiS brand of' Cnt Ping and P'lug Tobacco. Gidei (d 7b~aco 'afr' i iearOt was iuîîuuurueluy aiiotner,,imra uîous Olis i'cuire tuircuir hte agency cr. XVlhims' tr>in Canada, fanions Pink Pille. WTe hadbec e s hiorougbly imbued sith tishea thatth varions det ails cf iiracles lu other parts wleîe enly a new sud catching fake in the ~ bdomiug cf patent inedicines t1hat we muset dcuist Mr. Mssou's intimatirncf a genuine lclcure at once excited cur inturest. XVe tcck a note of the narine and, quietly iisade upcur inid to invecigate the matter It our earliest convniense. Wu carne te t bu conclusion th0isre muet bu comethinlg ji 2l1ON2', for Ai-. Vason arespec'table andieial youn g fariner, icld neïi t for a nierentzbu C~t ico lO. lbPl'g, 0e, sîmpected cf cu -octigon a matteiriun i lb hue 90whichi le Lad aîîy its,, usuehlles inon which îiid nt co iru lim. A fewvdy ago The Pee -duptch-Jed a representtatîve te MiîoMile toniae afuil investigation i"LOitIsTof the 4 mccil fitel, sdafter a fuw oesÂv. - . ONTARIO 1usual preuiir:niee a -sktd hlmt if hie knew a (Srwei un dcle inCh u-eCt 1'owure s isis iined Fiewîitt. Iisthe village. "Je Pisei. ilous ('rna'iovsVioiets,. imiiexy. that tuie iinuthat wasn'tabiu te muve a unS Verne Fun ral esmns ccd Bouqts shottsea mad unon hor noiu~un Vi-ath. Ccw s ýýun o, snd is rnow ,gettiig al rgh PiIoxs.heutahoi -tY frhIel & asPa e: i, t '"ueried Mr. Aldo,,s. The report- PlereLone fr ecraic.ceh a o r nuLd ed assent, anl luestîme thsan jt î l~lU ~ ilet sud confortable Luene cf Mi. Samiuel lieiisoii,xitii wbcin it was luaruud Mi. Hew- EST id ~it~Dîs~îiii. resi<led. l'se Benscu hume is lu the east- ern suburb cf the villagu sud upon tise te- Suîscr tiussaws~usybla~ ~porter aud Mr. A dans calliiîg, they wcre publcaîumiAdu'rti'u at ttl iî-)tiý by c 'ourtcoumeîy recccued by the busybue ract. ii costu uril 3c1, 0o.suîis irensrt Wife, wlio wusanet tee besy, isewevur, un, So )cns r 1-4 c' 5-u34u3ât Ir,- to epsrc time te tell The Post alu about lîur 4< tcîs Lu-ai, tOcens pr lce.interestiug boarder aindl is iniraculcus M.A.JA EPtlhr cure. Mr. Beneon waa net nt hsonte, sud The Post ait once suspected that a geutie- STAIN A l DA K usan between MO snd 60 vuars, wbo ocu- pied a chair lu a c 'orner of thue cosy rocîn, O F CA ~i D A. was nouliter tisais tbcfarnona Geo.fie witt. Z sila a7iî; 1- Si , i5OS000.,test, $53 , ;0)scboek banda witliîtheacriue, reusarking as i le dîd se: ',I1ceuld not.bauve taken hold Tisi Biîl s p-cprcd e d Lcitm o f yr'uîr bud ma few montlus agi- '" Whcn the mttcPiauin :u il ils branches. ýobject cf tIse viit was annoutnced, Mr. t'arnei-'5asots tlicotstud; epeslIfew itt, w licis an intelligenît, well rdncated recut cdaixdIîsti-es pa on cco nts n, began to dilate lu glowîng ternis on thie wouderfui change that had coerne oer cf ( i upn'rds in Saviuige Bankliijun. "Shah i1 tell yen tise whuiu steryl" Utl a~it5Od. 1asked lie cf the reporter, sud uîpon tise - ~,. A I~4ONO 1~llLLS MhIA~LE. 1 Beasts of ?rey Thait Defy ivliatonii INealy EVOUry Ouutry doan Frv"Isie Guzura. wth maory eor uo oftwiti las r Sishave pi îVnyttle oro atenton tre bee by ! tarýbe 'Wfr Ilnufte .oc wa irOangihevil,,u' w ao.Mr. fAonevrut ontip, dePuicomun wuibnyotha er onacfOuaie, bas becuspiisbin apents 'of m iranien cure inbi variio ats cfîCandadthe United wutin hveryaidrtli ne aiteti,(e tohe up Iy feren wusld a onîead othe ndr fadlituetofabmn oraltteacciettat Mce. wals.lueOraneled agfowawesagd. Mi. Mrf MAon Fownsh, cailud ýat rlfie iid scahng aetîn xvsi;ue wu e dPis were kp for saehbyj pumas cf the ie ll districts, and lu the wccdo- 611 AR 0 BA K backward and bsd 1ioy a pioe iujured se Mr Mille, sud that the dumaud for them I d icwlauds oi thie uortb.eru bodert (01~~~~~~ ui-o i <'nit 3 'gi ise ionsly tirulyasotbiml. I was cme Z large and iucreasiug. The representa- jaguar makes stock-raisiiln a sîmosi oe owuvsi Geuî - uicn usnc ^j ams etreydsaldTefatal uffecte Itivu cff lbu Pet cous ersed uith iuany otiier les pursuit.1 BWIý vil Aen.iufthtie al were graduualiy but cny t . it>er of Moue Mille rugarding r But the stiangest instancýe of persistent »EIlPOIS sr:spidiy fuit, sud heokuog bai-k onuas etrutcih ieiC case and fouud ail agreed on tise survi-val la thie existensce of lions in the E.ast 7e -'vu nç3avinGrs Bank cDcpaîtrent aud en cf une extcudisg Ove yesr-î over aqare question cf bis fermer condit ion, bis resýter- Indian province cf Guzerat. Parts of fln- cehsdlteeealewdaîcuî-rent rate N f- ctsrteu iti oeu Ie I an d tIse rénsedy. Everycue lu and deetan are cevered with jungle te a degre saeti-,coauithmlrwîeesr.Aldp-t rspc laepcuac anand clgicom urouuid the vilsage,in faut, appeared te know htiinaeste idmntfianus isaabu onde'anansd suffering About twenty-eîght years ail about the cure,and Pink Pilla ceeus te bu next te unpcssiblu, but Guzerat, ln tIse EXCIJÂN, agu I1usîme te Canada sud amn kncwn arouud a housuhold word ;IIn that ection. Ou the mîrtb cf tise Bombay prusidener, le une of 13 rizhtandsIadrfsen~nnoe t4e c')uitrt' lure foi miles. Uitil tweive post,,rtr eOaîuileM- ihr h is esrvtdsgom iBritish India, Unltedîauadaaasoodlvrn years 550 1 cuuld sit on sehair when placed Alle-n, ex wardeu for Dfin, coutty, dr.-p. and the density otite pupusitic,750, L'siîd Sttea reunaksbu lit asuod oit ncuif, sud maniage t o mcxcnîyself around a ped loojur office, Th ex-a-dnrusidea onli 40,000 square mileIs, fsrexudtatc littie. Tlueuîeveus that cifort waasuddn- bent ibremules frei onouMilis,anid wse ,ýany part cf our ustionalritoy eu Pr COLL ý,. E CTO lytku ru m n dyI iva nut2i- asked if be bad hiaid anythinig abont wbat juet twjce tîsat cf 01;ulo auud illinois. And, Pr -sty coa cnrrent r-ates ope ail ps-t tiouially throwîî off the chair, aund the second Dr., Williams' Pink Pilla biad done for Mr, uscreever, the civiluratiu, sncb as it is, cf cf liruc BoftCand. ueUielSau usuefh e usi ehv ocalbut ccd nmyfIlewitt Ifie isad huard ail about tise ctisai pupuleus district, dates frum the very liesiîuin fOaad. ife. There wss nuta ay of hope f'or ie, net aîîdwasuubesitatingin exýpresingtbe cpm-ý rensoteat periedof autiq.slity. Cities Poeur- Telerap 'ai er a igu cf a break lu tise darik chenilsý , Eer ion that thii wae a sbriki'ng instance cf etssuditseViycfteNrdaahc- Mal fe lageorPcuaii unis01ou ai part uf since theuî nsy pitiable couditicu is kucwnresulte feiiowiug the usecf tise pille. I' saint, purhmps thousands, of yeasabfuï te Canda.'r';alaespciiiyais sitgeoi;te te evcry onuei these parts. Ail power 1Vo t nmucis cf c believer in wondunfni cures 1 foundation cf Babylcu, sud tise temple peseeliin isMntîuao ieNritst e umr rssrbna eso et e-read about," ssid tsex-warden, "but Ihave ruine cf Cambay ai-e eider than thedwuc ilw- unakus the fndsaaiai utc-oa 1is telY left use. I cenid bu prepped upright kuewu fiuwitt for yuars, sud this cham, ngel h sîsrttaiies e ieeeat Otier artcuari ca) ut ue a chair, but seîsethîung had te bu put lu bim is crainiy astouudismg." Tise Post craie of aciitucture and agricultuîreestîlil JS.L. 3'OTT, tO. àMeGiLL, frout cf isu tokeep ie frm faliug forward, ivas snrprised te buar that Dr, ýVil1;ilms' larbors houeý. Dulriog a tredy ns AucuntutMansager. Uusualiy as chair like tîis," ais-J as Mr. Pinîk PulIls weue cxtecsivcly nscd ln thîls sec- uear Myagore fclur o -)ld iesan(tr? çb Ilewvîft spoklie bu if tud snd dew fcrward a tieîn, but citer 'hubc lwitt, narrative lus was, weru kilied a year, ago sud the tctal i ucu i- chsair whiclu vas nuar lim, "wce piaeed is net surpriscd to becar cf great henuficial ru_- bar cf hunan beiugsa auîuually dcvonred by frout o c unsd on tisis I would ruai nsy suits ioliowing the use cf tIse gruat remedx'. tiselions of tise provisuceý varie frein ierty am.N,,t oniy had l al power loft suy We are dispoed tecencludefrous wsat seme te more tissu a hus'drcd- . lulsb, but e ery feeling likewise. Wsy -parties toid ns, tlîat tise base imitation HnîgpatefomBsbyccsuiy Ypai could runsas uedie ighit into uny flesb business is aiready uutered uipen hy umpriu- beard t1Ie king of beactnlihiedeis, but tise andl I would net kuew wliai yen wceoI g cipleil pensons, sud the public wil do wel natives wtraec-pioscntest iem- nîscasI sw tse et.A myisil of flices Itu serismt the Pink Pilis tsiy puruae suives wtspsierseac.A iitc migt l'gbt and revel un ne, but i wound b' aealtemak feuiees advertiz- tise nedoublaie qîarudtisey will skiu un happy igucraîîce cf tIhe fact. When I ed by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Coun- np streor d!ing thinlvus ýe-flat oui tise xas laid in hei I couid it get np or inssov paîsy. gronnil;ailVcerJcuee ad anisnl- unaided if 1 was given ail1creatimu.The Dr. Williamns' Pink Pillesîe net a patenttervecw wis Àa oid iindy1 orc cflaiîed te w ~~ 'w C K EY n~~~li part of iny cystemu lui whii i ay Medicine lu the seuse lu wiieithat ternusis b-eucqueiaii yts uc fpae a DI stre utssecsued te r-main, waa My ueck, uuîyudrtulbt cuîfcprpr od b e iuglutiemiddle of d'e b Ïta ;is evuisMY beail fell forward on sln ?uycuauin s coudenseuif brin ail eod n sudiîspleriug tise man-ester te reflet VETEIKAR SUR.~O~ my nea't, ad ilwas indecil s pitiabiets uut e r cesar t vonwlu sd tise wiokuduess (1f homiiicidle ilugeneral sight. Myvuiefurel s ensdrichuess te tise loud sud restoee cattereild teeîcaelcuilne ieisu ORONO,- ONT. iniging as'it is te-day, seeuned Vo go like tIse nurvus.' They are an uulailiuîg speciflo for petitioner lu particular. offic ePst Office Block, srni u eln rn iena fmadsncb dis;euses as iccometor ataxia, nenralgia, Oeis y tlerahu r elehoueecevelmsemetinues Ixold lbu ecarceuiyable Vo make hieulusatislll^ nervous Iuaachets strA. Reim aîkab1e Trae. me flte etenion, ysehf underetod. 1 kuow-you iear me effeets c ls grippe, palpitation of ishebeau t Growuîsg nuan thse bathse of Ailiaz, lise _______________________________ iv tthe uc eduhiy, fr yn e srce-ly bu-ple sud sallow cnpc ion, ailtise is-ed Canton cifVani,Swtzerland, aime t %itis- 1ie hat tise belpeste msud honele uamlfeigresnlng fuIurcn rotration;- in a stoe's throw cf theu usot popular bo)-. -1V.P C teuisns , 500 feet ahove the le 1elof tise ses, îî lj m~bcoe yon, '-eh r vgeossdhipu. in the hsoed, suchi assîrofuis,eripasstnste etruakbemeluie On the legs, whieh as îho?-ît teego e- ec Tuyacasecsecd rtobes worM1. Tli umk cf ibis curions true 10 f. helpîes sud àseeused usclees, I eau ccxv waik peculiar te feu aies snýjclias snprssicîss-, imeters, or raiittlu over 30 fuet lu diaencter with a utilepasistanceý , beiug a lasi irregnianities, sud ail fonms o ukes ttlieWhae, Abent twc yards nulove tise cvenig te o to ny runs wih mxi arnThey hniid np tise biocd andrestere the gho non svn fisotspt n fosju J onMrs Benon' shelde. Wy, usnsof ieaitîste 1ale sud salow cheeks. Iu tîue 1scuth is c. Bentsud gnaricd aitis lac tise pro ise of uhen tun ti e kn gloin a l cases ari in g fr o n um ental i erry, V er- V btem s lves p a un d rise p erp en d icu l si y u -c wmnh gn ohi.ntd hto ae fisnîu fuia aia uel fartig], thseemase Thkssoo ature c Ausi of uave." Hre M. Huu it siapedwork, or uxcuases oi wbaîever îsatîîe. aai ets anse.Ti ctr Sbotb feet on the ficor with maucis These Pille anc înauiact urud bytise Dr.alne le net, perisapa, unraralleled, but Meece, ONE & MMURRY avevigor sud eutbnsiasm. 1'lInthoeudays,' WiiiamM udcieopuy rek Ihic another mosi curionis tact is tsat tise iwo purc1,ched the County cfDu--ham for the enscud I Ieu(1ce ny n.,sdS Isentady, . Y., sud are 50îd lar,ýgeet cftise side truîsks are rconueciel bcd Wre Fece li thisCouuty. tling.ih wasby placing the hanie of flui'e oiy in1,boxes hain iseri-ademark sud wti themain treS usqaîuua betW es ely hýiauidndo imntry I, euen weeu my teetis and gettiug isreugb nspr, ai 50 ets. c box, or'six bces forbacsresusblinggindei--. Tiiese Suans eti ong, wuue, i-Y n3, ha, o& ii the rklu' tws. 89t-s5nu ~. Bear in mmnd thabt Dr. Williams,' bave prebaiiy beun forîud by ais anasie- Lt -hinotbe ujuel y mowhea, ld f Itnid ts ua dccters. I speut 5u for- Pink Pille are neyer acid in huhk cr by tise nsugc-bcieswbih, aitheughs, cous- or wùiid. I wi i mm Hrtes, Catile, tue, thoneaude of dollars, in trying te get d ozuîî or bundred, and assy deie who offere paratIi,'el., commun aung ageeperme, ase Sheep, iugDoge tsud Pcultry. lb s a unreil, I consnted physician af tei-pbysicisus, substituies le tryiug te defrand yewn auîneyeveicr enrepred lu a cosnifer (tise1 net wrk ulushouGt abarbe, sud Douîî n asdl paid seise cf tiseus high feue fornÈeun aboul.bu aveirtul. Dr. Williamîs' Pin nnkka 'es10,r.eo t th iet-hbSeing a JUre stock 'us ýa y. l", s e muoh sîrong- services. They al failel,natniysd hope- Pille osu bu had oi al druggisîs un direct by fii iepae huuts ie ginduns or aud mre draletissu anY barb feuc e. lsy faiiud, Vo give une the slightst re- umail f roin Dr. Wi1iams' MKedicine CompaentertIu uaiur"noae 0e1Acchly Sark- ing, biug clesey wvn111f oueu u ta dw ii blback freinucuber addness. Thse pice at nhicl, cd over asî nekeirinsoasbl te ascer- Fucepu u sd ar sd owshpluttene. 0f curse yen bave lhuard whit fbas tise pilus ire scdl uaku a course cf trust- tain tluemanner l!ànuisiissatuirelormuil the wregsttiiswodein cane n e.1ment couparaýtiveîy inuxpensive, as ci-rcmarksble ý uniuu, 1b oiial rigst fo sle.ApîhyaiOuesrÂaLivr. - cd in The Puai and otisci pa-pens u f ith par-e jtstqumdis r--ei a rt- iutunded te grow ,-fiuee u enfae ET5 Bournenvillr.imracin ons cures uffecteil by Dr. Wiiaru Is ien. Iud have SeucIs bobda ovne W. C 01,Cms'e -.O. 'in ik Pilla, but 1 isever dreauud tisai then1e - - m ilving girdur a e myýýtury wilcbl waevnagiusren cf hopfo r munie, gb xhotes-"Cmethu hevy ade.' fods nwillustranti of tise power cf yut un lence, Iinacles migisi bu workud oevcn ie ofi 1aiîu' hll loadéd et.Lsacs I LTOlq RUNT119G- uuom ut's reet, whiiai 1, feanlul cf usy -- - fieud's safety, coulil du o neuingbut waitu Iteseas-Lable ExpePiesices or n Seordsuascfer tise tesrmiatiou of tius foomsiadyafan tus the Foess iof Abrsîssta. A ittie icter, wbiist utis fI etpue Araba w -ere Liet. genen wleseliiefroua ehoice, ou thu te âu us ,aga u ic bad bees i ousf vicissitudes sud reucanraise brcke cover net rfranntmwsrIsoisd advcuture, cctuoy e us woit, seeieu e just as I was notîng Mhi uagnlficut ,piopor- nîgisite obuiuc cmmniatvemood, sud btuons, andi tise agyisisineur iin wi h ilie j u usene oa eqes fra ystîu, prefen- wae lasising 1hie cles wi;îblh s tal sud hep. I eis ysî, Illae iefoilu-in : i ng de"ývcu1tiy lt i i;jibuvodneto lis ab- tiîiuk that tise few il oni,s I epussiun Abys- uteion tv)nue, for IwenurîdKrî sida nuý an ihu Settite river, asuoug the îoeegdfentsejnisd ezn Araeweru, taie it al;inahi, tise peasaur. rock wihî spee eb sny u-u i esWý; et my wfiîe ilue. Tbey recived uie ai the retruating bai ih i is force witis opun-hened opiaursu uhsn sdstuk l qurîy i ie issile. waste gud crthule " wit'ie b reai beasi tunelw:tiu sroan ,whose 1They arc the 1mosci be an uative huu- svibratLionuusel t maed ', the ery caris tera' lu Vise ivonil, and wiii attack any aui- ansd usade rspidiy for isis daning aueer usi siut,eeu, freiin tisýeclepsaîsi sud Tise boid teiiisdunudsuntýed xvý>it- h'ie io-mittoi, iserineîos suda_; bumfale, uimmed swoîd fluug Sack ovur hue shouleler te, give cui wî asraglttwo,-edýgcd svord. Tisis hie hhow ful force, but 1 fuit t i hiher wespou isaisapeletise imuceseof aIhadeonie unulcsassistauce puiysovd razer, sud Vise lade le pr1etc(ieton -several J net ait tis momcuent thle tt ý,isAr i ncissa ieess-isihi wlth s tiiacauecserigrecul tise fan u f tise -ii-g l;wiii tsy vwid tig1isthy ancud i jungle ai i alp searc o 1e si,0 ýat Pffod a grip for isle igsbaujaidsl. Ail tibis iturne IKen"ý.i sias inet whslîe they gas ibltiî tjI ise leit, lu Iouln nssy elbusiievucis ws iaun tiejg tise ordiar y casneur. Ti cs'nsit Itise lon al he kuîeý w w cmskimpw - ie oa îe- 1nc", swerd. Suseis lý e e ux ad clroshraud lapugs1 .c m terity auil force wuth wbicis1îisy neîssmii ntsegadntmr u il lpaîro- terrible uvape tatIisyc tisc evnasgen1Itore on e0la'unsback,5 tise Arabe eueîny cdean luntvo iis a hLw dux1- elI hinýg flruishyr-eniued tisaijVse ,>"msisiua attise wait-whic)î,hy tse way, is aàfai-sas- Idesindvia'Li thîy as, sd l isa-, le ite etroku cf tlisir8. Tisey uuvsial'ly huni t dihMabu e im lu uretossrea figlit. ou isorseback lu partie of two or thunue, sud jSuwythse-lieu, uc0iui lois- , uepeIo, I n's prsent as spetiily, a aihou ward hins, aud sitras sitrVs lînut gnotent'up f e uuypecial udificatieus. IArche urge tiscir ueee stiscy rurCleiv 117taIsso'sabna i Ourn nesgisisniscc, tueur courade's danger, sud h, no sg sud so thune was alvusys ma geel eupphy te f esr, ailîl defies s teriustgoith- saaisfy tise wauts cf tuse numerelue liomns combat. A mnut cuslatte, wlthu a o roar tlisa ilsereaboute. As a couseqen-c(e, theynmevený petsifiel me, tise sîguîybusilaue1 e showedany dispcsitioin ' edsle with mass hiseclf luke a boit at peer Kenm, sud diown unless pnevlcusiy atisclul, 1but ln usncb Itbey feullis a confused lia. u i un uvent iimtainel tiscir d rVce putation 1Isecceutlate hai is frieuls arivu, ise sue for courage and ferccity, as my taie wiiil esding the lieu a terrifie b,.lw cros Ile- Ishow, sinse,, nudering hum iseiplese, aîtise oller Tise dawn cfVtse day apoînt'rii- d for our -driviug bis sword,, truc te tise grea, bc(aslE- exýpediticusaw us (tisai is, iîc Arabe and - eeni, Witbunutel exertion ,re threa miyscl) mounted o cn oun ieilsoe tile managul te usrve tise carcase re-n Kcrnim, lu quitting the canip tsud l urn i ai in.Onuge cc vsenseugis. Thu poor gait fer hsee cf1rcpce nryjilovs kh 'scubdlk uug iKe-rni, whosu boespiùsaîity 1 'asecjo1.ymgsd ungutampiuld eal ntoui cf tise- aul for wionsî n1 i lnd is ceolrus sceî anig uy ysanpj hmq1u affection, epanlto -me tishe to ebu muscle. iVe pekF hl.p id ub spin l sntlng tbise lion -se3we pneue-d. t.enýduly o01, b sn uigwi'fls huav cie, on Our xvay. h seemel te me me Su pan- isearts Vo csu-p. &,mse of thiie, ou iean. ticuianiy fooluardy, but hse aseured me ihat iug tise ucws, nut eut sud broU1gisi in the ibaSeen ime cuetoîn frmn uneimme- io's careasse, sudmacnsu Sesi wre bur- mnaisd tisý1a i cident sellonsi f ever led tiese ame day cho ogetiser, le oune Ocurl, sddalinig wutl a pardouable ltunch uih i u eoatsiafcinaîî~- cf priýde; "ielien le sîroug aul miigliy, cnlsgeiteotenwbevery fugiy but KunCin kn-ows iew te ve) oi u. bcs bespnttcsbut ainiysd ciottel a t irrycgnuJir ntez2rv;alis w ithpthu1 j Bu teehçmbru ae e .Cn nabbnk bushes vsrying lin sîysd r ofusnditi-,sxvibi;s *ppiaes u b sud isere, as my mentor asnlms.eIrecua's se mii ofsouk1hissa1kes Onua ues shounlSe aertainu te findII"pleury iion," Itl naieî. Lt' ailhve mgtapsdgo tQ diii net take long efn rcs fa ssijbel., hum luis trake asrc issov ,ee;Io mere tii;te ordhcuaîay czsdasisy The sluggardla s unahy til g te hiljý Wei, plsîîiî Udict lc bal ue lfiss dry snt, Sutwitis me pevem Mit u uaniai in1itnaeking iîim te s ssiahari- efnsbuk se, buusuaiiygestheeuec bSe.Thise cxi thiug xvas te ur smu1on c( bis cvur, amuI Kns, w4hlout s1momcn.i' s bst tie niuuntul, tethed ha here, 1Wien Bb -escw ~ebreeef sud bal n othtie Liniest sUftepidion of wist n'as gci)Singfr lise Arabs '-a i ' wie1 ienseh1 Csldssga.tussÇUWh y -i e~J ie) u.t there was no hance for rme. 1 wa kei tie ido e l-e, a bopelese ont- ast., a inlg wbosû3e( sfferinge audt lîsabiitiesw (uld 1,d.oIly Nwîth te per iod ol( eartbih eieeue.Onu day îcu pa paperand ruad the aatg ruade, thatcae where ,Mr. Quawo .5 50 nîaululyrstored by %,the Pink Pilis, and Lt~ ~~~I unecnlddt ry the aia-iug ,cu'e on ilysuif. Tuem sentoeuchance for io t honght, weua iman who was astl aeipeîsAli. Qatgtsucli reliefi. i 1Uad 1o )oey nbt1 ent irfor M-. V. J mIisur popularai. i hearted uea mtiebut aidpotmser adhe poue me a suply f'the Pîuk Pisý, uthu nîmditei cmmece ning 1Uwitb h le. moree, mv cet(nes bukadblo the slightest tolnuýcl n any part cf me. le !theru nota mrace hre,jdead ol 1 no, be a b'ase igrt1if Ireused to, soun ube p1.i.e of Dr. Williams-, ' Pink Pulls Even if I get Do better than 1 smn 00w I slial be forevur gratef ni for wbat bas been doue for me, Bat I, have gruat hope thet_ the cure wiil go en until 1 arn compluteiy rustored. 1 drove dewn to the village. last twelfth cf July. It was in April 1 en ruenceci usingthe pille, and the.frien s whio awme could scarculy believe thdir eyes. It ivas, like the appearance of a spectre or anl apýparition. Oh, I teil yen sir," saiid 'le grarlefulmnuwitb en îhusiasni, "itl l l-, fuil intenition to write a. pamphlet o)n ail tat li ave- gone tbrouigh, ou ail that bas beioefor me, sud yen! may bcsrethiat the chiýef prointence wii!he giv.en, to Dr. Williamsnin3 ýk Pille. FTbey are a boon TRE STOUY COERuORATEn). l'le reporter couid scareeiy believet Mr. 1-lewittCs voice, now sa silvery and res- onant, was e-ier the, squeaky, feehie and ii liîsuinct organ of spechýl lie bcd imdi. cated, and the scribe queaýtiooed Mrs. Ben- sun cib tis point. Shte said that every word Mr. Hexvitt lîad relatud was lit. erally, true, and on the question of thse retrtont bis viceshe was corro- oatdby Mr.Ados and othur rset aillelwitn1ese"womthe reporter met ,in the village latur initue ay. Mr. Adn said lbe wa, lo erpisud at the eibny of people aotbieigthe wlender--fnl cure. fHe id no;t t.hink ibat be imself could crudit i i iteif bui adnot een ai eye witu'e-s of the wboie affair. Hie bsd known MrK Hewitt for years, knew that is, former uttur belplessne-s was as bu bad descrihed, aîî,Ld either ho hiad to say it was nt Mr. Hiewîtt who sat beforu him or to admit the miraculous escape. "T'Jhese pis," said Mr. Aldous, Ilaie certDsiuly a wouderful reom- edy." The reporter slîuok baud s witb M rs. Ben- sor and the cheer fi Mr. Hewitt, aud etart- ed forth into the street a doubting Thornas, ne longer, ifirst promising to transmnit te the D)r Wi liiams' Mudicine Co. Mr. Huwitt's, av sh expressions of tbauiks for what tîseir w derful Pink Pills bsd due for hlm. "lHein we are " thought the scribe, Ilin the cold ad ractical îiuetceeuth celitnr3, , but hcr&s ;meihing riglît Ibere h1in thîs1 !lttie village cf Mono Milîs mihtl eiy er derîng un the miracolous a1 ie carne."e Aftur lesa ing the Bunson home tlie ru- lporter soughit out Postmaster Mills, whom bue found e'qnly eioquunt in bis praise cf the woýnderluli Pinik Pilla. Il Thîey're certainly a great re1medýy,' e aid lbu, I"sad anyoue that doubte this bas on ly te be toid about George fiu liwitCs case. 1 su1p. pýomëyou bave hutard tlhe wbue stôry, Iuntlî coureÀcfthe ist100 yassm 10,0000 dermust bvebeen îkIle1l the Canad iia n No r i13-Xes t àand1the Status of the A,ýtiantie siope aln, nd rohabiy tie as rnaN estft 'le RayMutiii(and by tueý, pnersofte Westeýrn riis cf our ,national territo)ry, wii nbt! arei France and Spain. Even lui beiginm,, the most densely i pplatud. country of thu mcd eru wvorld, tlieru are stili woiv es-,nogte reduee tise total profits of sliuup-raîsîug onuii- fi fth. At Herbemont and St. Cecuin L the upper vailey cf the Muselle, the faînrso-. gasizud. a circl b'hunt tbi5sumure ru venge the rax ages cf s poack :'Lcf wolves thathsad victimized neaýriy, every isolatefi bomiestuad, huit aiwayS uotiidt o rucalu the bigbisnds befouedyra.Oiau dozun miles soulth cýf luaIetbthesep hcrds of thu Bakýlouiy Foeet aes(to keup Wolf doge,ancasuthtaccfpwig milrdlerers luthii cw t , the veiy door cf thui i, salsi bardNwliters. Enropean fsela as been inderi-cuiltiva. tien sincu ýthe mliddiu cf tldisvenh en- tury, and undi(er ;an ugnie ovein-ment since.856., yet even in thýu-estern provin1ces >of b epie wivs reill more nurner- us than in any prt ïof N\ortb meic south cf the Ssatbxvn îhehuiad iugged maraudera l ih ilhueard iii broad 1dayi igbt, and ofteu , Jiinhenughrudc largze villages ;net 'ii luite hgbaus f tie Ural culv, but ii the ferifle plai t0ro1 andlVibna TIse witlitte cousin, th Afica jau i, isblî ieOwniticg i h vicisitdesthst cangd tie iower v-aley- of ieNefo a 'ieusst ivme cf indstr an bek e sdeertagan.At 1Alec Kas, on the roa frm Ciroto Sueâz, thie trsvcir eteke r asda ighin canîip slleru al tudg fEalî g eemed te have meit lu gene-ral envec-itien, buitt in spite cf tîmu cuiinuu*ùs nrig batrking aud yelping lie could huar ail nigbt the et ill incessant howl cf a jaukai cungrese iu tue neigbborbeud cf the village. They sun1ig lu cheruesud scu'ed resoived tu mniain- tainu the prestige cf their musical rupuitatien, for every unual vocal effort on the part cf the dug was asswerud hy a stili more seul-si irring synîpisofru iýnu thu direction cf tse tborîî jungle. In the cavermîs cf AMeunt Lubeanon s yel. iomrish-grsy species of bear bas sois cd the prohlum cf survis aiever since thie tine wben the fciefathers o ýtise Poîica founded. tise City cf Dauniascus. Thýeurses isabel- lineis, as naturailists cal! tbat distant rela- tive cf our elîsuamoîs, le fîound uuwbere elsu un the Esern Continent', and bis presesît exsec an net beu.explaiuýed on tise teory habis anceetors left the ounntry during thue zenith pericd cf Syrian civilizaticus sud retýurnied subsu eisetly like the iFrench au- archists after tise downfaillcf Napoiecu. luai 550, Den Juan de Garay fouisded the. city cf Buenos Ayres, a'sd during the next bundred years coloniets frein Spai suad Chili scttled the valley cf the La Plsta te tise ripper head cf navigation, sud tbe coun- tiry now rkuown as thu Argentine Republiç was uxpiored-in every direction. - li otîser wûrd,-..- te c i.,-lizti-,,of th.t npart cf fcui 1 ,for Infants u a Chden Ircmedit87 superior to anly pecito oroalDiarrhoea, Eutto k~@iitoe. ~ ~ IKila WoVrms, 7ýgives aleup, and )prolact - e1 IL A, Âc CM'kY,7mMnrsytr m I.DT YOR SALE By j.,IjGGIsn BUSTHAS & son, BOWM ANVILLE M~arge Stock of wrell selected Ainerican Wall Papeui,ehaad beautiful froru G2tte Octs per roll, Call and see for yusl & before prhigels"evîhere: Ai cotOrs o (f Pin ready for une, guaranteead tagive godsas faction, 14,or painm peily A1 large stock of Pairits, KloinnShoa andScrb Brunhes u Wisks. Glass any size, and Aputy Painting, Ga -ngand Papering dneprm t(iadsfer For ail of whichclia South s1de King st., btenTeee' u Ri' hesoeBisavii The mndersigned desire te tiuanlk the armrsof West Durham for the liberal patronage extcndvid tg u, during the past seaon, aiso to rernind themi that w aro=t1 in the market and prepared to pay the inIHZEST lAui ETlPRIC deliverd at ourioehu-,cr.Rig and Georger ts, or at Port Dalngo.WeChv ls'VÉ' o onhand a a rge stocki, NpYEW AND F RESEH > or aaia n Liverpool Coare Sa& in Bïags. Rock Sait Ior eat andherses, a'nd FlibGrOUSdGreyPlstrin Brei whichi we are prepared to sel Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEKN SCREi--,',E,!) COAL a:,ways in stock.

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