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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1892, p. 4

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5-ftl M WEST. DURHAM BOYS. AU SA E WEi-E TïinEYý>,ARNDWHAI-T TitrE AlREDN. - FOuRTraI ST. WILEN YOU WANT YODNO &CO'S. !A- few choice TO ADIR DL' lices wanfed. BOWMA&NVILLci DEC. 7, 1892. LIBERALS, ATTENTION! There la little doubf fie Globe thinks tut fiat tic word has been sent, outffrom Censervative ieadquarters fiat an af- tempt must ha made te get as maaay party «aten into fie township conucils as posa- îble next year, with fie objeet cf influ- enciug tic appointinent cf assessers. 1Riýhtly or wrongly, if la believcd fiat inext year's asaessment roll, whicla is tie 'Litis of the2Dominion andýProvincial elec- tien lista, will be cf electoral importance wifi respect te eue or other cf tiese liste. It is therefore deemed hiigily. desirable titat gocd Conservative assessors shonld - ave fie superintendence cf their prepar- ation. 0f course tie tiing waa te ho inanaged lu suci a way as net te, arouse tic suspicion of Liberals. Tic. secret in- structions, however. as usuai, have leakcd ont. ;Liberals are strongly avease tg co.-pli- cating fie airaady perplexing probleius of municipal management wifh thec im- q)orttion into them cf provincial or fed. eral issues, but tic actions of their adver- tlaries miuat ho clesely watcied, and ~ioul.deiling cf- any -kind --mustf he ipromptly challenged and made abortive. The Conservafives lu Bownianville ýare interestiug tiemselvea u inte Rý,- .vesiip of iDarlington. and are defermined if poss-1 ible te defeat Mr. Srnale, but wieever maay ho put nup te oppose hiue, tiere nho uld be au united effcrt in Mr. S:u'ile'a Wce had no idea when wec began te pub-ý_ lii tthic nianles of theo clever'boys cf tis ,,tewu and viinity who are cccupy- in- pr-ofessýional or other important posi- finor wio are preparing fer sucb posi-( tiens, fit fer1 erecro semany cf tiem. Weietfils wý,eek our fojurti list and sf111 there are many more wiose namnes ýve havé but do net know their whcreabouts or occupation. We tiank flic frienda who have soiit us fie namnes aud requeaf every person wvio can give us tic mimes cf ofiers te do S o in firne for our* nexf issue. If la really surprising wiat great inferest mauy cf our proîinent cifizeus are fakîng lu tiese lists. A proïnicent business man said te tic Editor lasf week: "I am really prend of Bowmanville aud do not fiink tiere:is anofier fewu cf ifs size in Canada fiat has turiied ouf se miany smart boys." "Tic naines yen have published are a great credif f0 our ridiug" said another. A wrfiy lady, herseîf motier of a family cvery member of wiich la au lion- or te ticir parents, remarked a fcw days age: "I am t aýing muci interest lunflic 1sfs s of our boys yen are giving in THE STATESMAN aud wsi yen wonld caîl at- tention te tie great number wio have gene te tic States." What a pity they ceuld nef bc iuduced te stay lu our own heioved Canada. But if, is gratifying f0 know fiat, as a citizen remarked te ns re- cent ly, "Our Canadian beys are able te hold ficir on go wiere they will," wiici is an indisputabie facf. But here la antier large group cf indusf riens and succesaful West DLuram boys: Mr. W. C. Allun of Newcastle is prin- cipal cf Gleucoe Public Scheol. Miss M. A. Walsh cf Clarke la f cacher in tic Teaciers' Training Instifuf e at Burk's Falls. Rev. S. J. Allin ofz Providence la an ionored Met hediat ininister at Centralia. I Mr.,J. D. Hogarth is principal of fie Public Scioci af Norwich. Rev. M. P. Talling, B A, la tie suz- qesaf ni Pastor cf St. James' Preshyterian 1 r.E. . Bnghracf Tyrone has a luc- rative veterinary ?ractice af Hampton, la. Mr. John Montgomery, M. D., of Eu- niakillen bas a flue medical practice af Ardoci, Dak. 1ý_Prof. Chas- Ruse of Hampt ou is choir- ýmaster cf Broadway Tabernacle, Teronto. é'r. Ed. Wescoft, graduafe cf THIE STATESMAK office, is foreman of tic cein- pQgsing room cf fie World office, Toronto. MIr. J. S. Bond is doing a rushing gre- cerj' radce at 220 Gerrard st., Toront o. Mr. Chas. T-Parl is principal-cf- To- ron oMestercraft'Scicol cf Languages rW. C. Manning is in business lu Winnipeg, Man. Mr. W. Hutchisen of Enniskillen is managing Messrs F. A. Fairchild & Co's implesueut and maciinery branci at Win- nipeg. Mr. M. F. Christie helda a lucrative -ituation with Mesara.-F. Stephena-- & Mvr. Will. Darlington la a jeweller ln Chicago, 111. Mr. Bernard W. Jewell isbokepr wilth rthur Connor & Co., Det roit, Midli. ~.Sidl. A. Jewell is manager iu the prinit'ing department cf the Aime Wh ite Leadl and Color Works, Detroit MicI.ý '~'r Roger Green is working ini the or- ganfactory at Ingersoîl. e Mr. Neil Yellowlees la ha a muiisie busi- ness at Clinton. 'Mr. Richard McClung lu the dru ui ness at Streetaville. Mr. Geo. Rice is with the Bell Organ CJo., Guelph. Mr. Jas. R. Bingbam, formerly with SoPu . & Jury,is a student at Trinity Mcdi- cal school. Mr. Vin. flutchieson is a Civil Engineeï ln the N. W. Territory. Mr. Ri. Williamson. music dealer, is iu California. Mr. Charles N4ichols is lu a hardware %tore ln Lyons, N. Y., Mr. Geq. E. McMurtry is carrying ou a large hardware business lu St.. Thon-tas. Mr. Frank VanCamp is a hardware merchant at Hastings, Ont. Mr. Henry VaniCamp has a large in- terest lu a gold mine lu Montana, (I'. S. Mtr. Alfred VanCamp owns a large cattie and sheep ranch nearHena Montana. Mr. Jonathan Rundle lias a good situ- ation ln the C. & N. W. Ry.. IU. S. Mr. WY. T. Witheridge la baggagemau on G. T. R. express running front Toron-j to to North Bay. Mr. W. C. Witheridge is a couductor ou thje electric street railway, Toronto. 4 wcMr. C. L. VanCamp holdq a civic posi- tion lu the city of Omaha, U. S. I«- J. H. Keeley is earniug $18 a week lu a NeNw York publishing house. C Ir. A. I. Ada inî s la nlu he big Dry Goods Hbuse of W. A. Murray & CJo., Toronto. Mr. John Keys la first mate on the. Governnient Supply Boat plyîug between Buffalo and Duluth. Mr. J. A. Moore, B. A., la Principal of Goclerich High School. Mr. Barney McConathy is an engineer, on fie Columbus & Cincinnati railway, Ohio. Mr. J. B. Hall is manager of a large drug business ,in Chicago. r. Il iranm Burk is farming on a large scale near Indian Hlead, N. W. T. ~"Mr. Fenton Stevens, is a successful. farni- er near Darlinglord, Man. <M.Harry di. Brittain is the leading1 manufacturing jeweller at Strafhroy. 1r. Harry Gale, is editor and proprief or of tie Coîborue Enterprise. Mr. Alex. Findlay liolds a lucrative position lu New 'York. Mr .M ryderman is a m- br fi.e firm of Dean & Cryderman, druggisfs, Mr. Frauk Ceusaul is a book-keepor. at Mr John Cherry is a f urniture dealer in Vctpori, B. C. PMr. Richard Whie, proprietor cf flic Reformer, Milton. Mr. Robert Sinclair, jr.,,is a (de1einl real estate, Toronto. Mr. Fred. Quick is clerking in a lead- -THE PRAIRIE FARMER. Progress3Eive, pracýical and a thorougi'f. gongfarrupapr-TPitUE FÂRMýER.1 If lias been rst-ablisihcd more than haîf ai century. It ia read uow eachi week in illore tisen 50,000 homes. It lhas special departmnents for cv-ery membiler cf th.e family. It is copied monLre widely than any other i,,riculiurti papejr in the Unit- ed States l t is dleani, ably edited, and brirn fuill(cf the souidiet inforation on AgricultureHrch r, Gardening, Dairy, Pejuitiy, aud all kindred subjectsi. It writers are practical cnes, cf wide ex- perience. Farmera say it in always the first paper read. The pub!ishers advise us that they will seud freeanie copies te al cf our readeri, wio are ti,t aiready subscrbrs Send your n agrd 0ressB1 abaoititely free. Addrpsa, THE~ PR.AIRIE FARmER Pun Ce., 158 Adams Street, Chicago, 111. Mother's Nursery Guide The December numnber cf Thq Mother's Nursery Guide contains a valuable article on catarrhsl affections, by Dr. G.C.Stout, which pointa eut fie necessify cf attend- ing te these troubles at their earliesf appearance in infancy. A talk on milk,1 by Vr. Graham Luak, shows lu what manner tie natural food cf chiidren in super-ler to artbicial, and Dr. S. A. imne writes ou certain faliacieî concernirig the use of oyegiasEes,mauy parents erroneous- ]y withiolding f rom their children the aid whici wçll se!ected glas3es give te defect- lve eyes. The preseut number begins the ninti volume of tuis indispensable mofher's guide. $2 a year. Samuple copies sent free. Address, BABYROOD PUBLISEING CJO., 5 Beekman Street, New York., A GCharming Souvenir. We have received recently a little Souvenir Book~, illustrafed in colors and devotod te the descriptioniof the buîinea cf T'he Youýth's Compaeie, anxd especially illustrating the new kluiu, wat'hichini j uat cooxpleted and occu pied. E. y nueI who is interested ite the p..pir, a' i we kýnow thet the numbtr cf familie in "e vieinity Who Ulýe it .ras, " y ear, will desire to at e and rca i t b s . t cf hiAory ceucervieg a tavufile paper Whiile The Companion is une of the old. est papiers lu the cýI'uitry, h4vinr beu started lu 1827, hiseuoe (f th - f.esheat and mo3t vigorous of ail our pub)lie if ions and lias attaiuned theuuequalL.dl circula- tion- cf six hundred thuu-and copies1 weekly. 1 s p.o.pec Ca, c. rntiiug the annunucemeits of iauthor8 atid articles for the year 1893, shows that the coming volume will ho, if posaible, better thon any cf ifs predecessors. Any r.ew subecriber m.îy obcain the Souvenir bock free by a8king for if at the time the subscripticu lii seiit. The paper wiIl ho sent free te Januasy lot te ail whe subseribe now, lnclud ing the Double Holi- day numbero. Price $1 75 a yqer.Bois- tont, Massachuzette. -A RosEBui)DDimmEt.-The very name Invokea a vision cf levely young girls, fragrant fioe rs, sof f ligits, entrancing music, and yonth and hupe and love and ail thinga beautîfu!. Were yen @ver far.tanate enougi t)be ea guest at clee? Or do yen kLow Iiow fila detlightfl Farmers having stock of any kind for sladvertise in TiazSTTSMN A lot of Boys' Overcoats Pelling off at about coaiT price at Couch. Jolinston aLid Cryderinan's. The publishers of Worthington's Idust- rated Magazine eall attention to their new periodical, the initial number of which wlll bear date ot January, 1893. We bc- lieve ttrat "dhere la always room at the top," and it ie as a high*claGs, progressive, wide-awake journal, that Wortbington's Magazine enters the feldeteried from the ont set to take and to keep an honorable place., It will bc esoentialîy a home magazine. Good Honeekeeping for December is a Christmas number, and the opening paper is from the pen of Mies Parloa,title "Pretty Things for the Holiday Table." The frontispiece inse ee ntitl"Popp- ing Corn," wlth poetical setting. This admirable magazine, "'in the intereais of the higher life of the houoehold in the homes of the world,'" is published at $2 a year, or $1 for six monthe, and no more acceptable gif t than a subscription can be given to eny housewife. Clark W. Bryan' Company, publishers, SpringfiedMas ORANGIEVILLE, April 4th, 1 892. DR. L. A. SMITII & CO, : DEAR SIRS, -Anti-Dandruff is evideutly giving satisfaction. 1 have sold about, haif of the grus 1bought froni you on, the 23rd of January laBt. 1 use it in my own family and like it welI. Can recom- mend it te all who- ara troubled w>ith dandruif. Yours traly, Tnos STEVENSON. if EST Leave yens WÇatches anl Jewellery at Big 20 te be rcpaired. A1l work guaran- teed. Sf111 a fcw Alariy Clocks 1sft h the old prices a Big 20. T'ie 'West End floeuse have juest receiv-. ed in a very choice selection cf cleths and tweeds, overceaýtixigs-, etc., which they are prepared te s,11 al bottem pices, T. Geo. Masen s Clethirg and Booti and Shoe stoe F ave adopted the cash systemn. Buy for cash and sili for ùash is their motte. Cash eustornerý should give fhemn a cal evd get the bnefit» , ues adv't. Il yen want a cough inixtitré thati your wîfe can take withouf making a face et you and your chiildren will cry fer, and that will cure their coughs and colds quioker than enytiing yenù ever brougit home te them; thon geût Magnuis Expect- orant. Cash For Poultry, The undersiignied is preparod t-0, - the higliesit cash price for ep)y qu"auaity of Poult ry dressed Ini the following mannçr: Bodies dry picked, wings, tlU and head unpicked; and undrawn. Also cash paid for Beans, I3ried Apples, Eggs, Butter and Drsssed Ilegs. - Fowls te fast at beasf twenfy-four heurs before heing killcd and te bc killed iy bleedi]ng well ln thfi eck; do flot wrb'glitheck JAMES MANN, Bowmanville. Firat door east of the Bennett lieuse. Minard'a Liniment is used by Physiciens. ENOu NOISEU AWAY DOWN are the prices at the West End House. AWAY TUP are the styles and qualities of their goods. THE NEWEST THING-S in Dress Goods and Dress Trimrmings. 'WE have had a trem'endous run on our Manties and do not expeet to7have anyý of ou-r-original importation left in a very, sLart time, so that 110W is your time if you want a nobby Jacket at a very low fleure. M 1

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