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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1892, p. 5

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_________________________________ I JUST OUTI *l% F- vE YOu s SEN 1I1-? THE BIG BOTTLE PAI N-KI1 LLER Old Popular 25c. PriCe. -ASKYOUTTO BUJY Last year some persons made theîr purchases'. ot' Xmas' presents befoie seeing our stock, but- this y7ear we venture to say very few will act~ as ufwisely-aII we ask you to do is to call and we will be mnost happy to show you ouir goods. ItOUR GOOD JUJDGMENT AND) OUR ILMENSE STOCK, AND Low PnicEs WVILL DO TI-rEREST. 'Variety xever so great. Prices lieyer so low.ý -ÙTOTT & JURY, Ouir stock of gold spectacles a4d otlher uîneýs is larger than ail ot.hpr atocks in town combined, Eyýs 'exasnined free. eRAND TRUNK RÂILWAY./ BOWM.ANVILLE STATION. OIKO AST OINQ WBT .......8 45 aont Imail .... 519 arn Exprss..... 10 29 arn m .prs. 613 a rn xixod.... . 12 pm 0 ol ...815 a M Local ....... -707 pm IMixed ...... .. 2 29 0m ai....9. 142 pm IMalil........826pm -L.k .*.:.10 27 P m BOW MANVILLE, DEC. 1892. LocalI and Otherwise. Wateh for enyelope next week. Late correspomdence condeased. Christmas trade ie comrencing-ncw is -the timue te advertisa. Ba3d Master Carey died in Kingtou on Temda~y avening, aged 61. Cobourg la in darkueep, the Elactric LgtCoripaiiy ha-ýing foled receuîiv. Mr. J. L. Raid and sou, Psince Abert, ,r. W. T., h ava been viaitinx friandid in Tise ,B'lg 20 Brandli one door West of the Canadian Express office wil be open Sea our lestigreai offers. Mr. Hoar adventisaa iwe stnay caille. Misa Milne bas gene te Mantreal te reside. Key fouud on King si, Inquire ai TE STATESMAN OFFICE. Miss Sophia Cherry, Campbellfond, apeut Sunday ai home. Miss Nettie Shorin, Enin, bas beau speudiug a faw days at home. Miss E. J. Armour, Zion, spant Sun- day in towu guasi cf Misa Cotton. Miss Jaunie Fisar of Creemoea la-vis- iting bar many Bewmauville friands. Mra. R. Moore cf Brooklin speut Sun-' day ai ber bretiser'é, Mr. E. Rutledga, Salem. Mies Eva Moora, Brookîju, bas beau visiting friands lu town guesi cf Mis Etta James. A lot of faucy Japanea Silk baadker. chiefa juat openadoui eit CoucbJohnston &Crydarman'e. Children's day ai Big 20 and fig 20 Brancis nexi Satunday. Ail childrau in- vjted te comae and sea headquarters for, Xnias presante., TEE STATESMAN staff join in coagratu- istionm 10 Mr, John Stacay cn bis receut matrimonial alliance with oua cf Bew- mouvlla's faircat daugistars. "4sr.Fester & Staples shipped a ioad of fine hoes from Bowmanviile to Mouireal bait weak and over 100 dressed boga from Baen and Peutypooi 10 Ottawa., Mr. Oscar LaBala, cf this towu, bas beau alacled the Preaideni cf theisanul- ton Business Collage Students' Society, of Hamilton. Bowmanvilie boys always gai o e etop. Nctwithstau'ding tisa immense sale we have had for Ladies' Jackets, we ara sill siowing a fine assortimant, iaviug bad cable repeais cf soe popular liues. Couci, Johniston & Crydermait. Sororal West Durham boys have oh- taiaed a good business training at bh". Hamilton Business Collage cf which Mr. Chas. MoCulloci. is oua of, the principali. Seud for thef 'r alagant prospectus free. Tise Ladies' Aid cf Triuity chunch wil hold a bazaan lu the Sunday Scicol roorn on Tuasday, Dec. 13th. A variaty cf udaful and f ancy articles will ha offered for sale. Comeand sec if thora insose- tilg you woAid lika bo buy. 48-2 w. Bowmauville Conservatives hald their annual meeting Fniday tîlgit when thae officers woeealected: W. C. King, presi- dent; H. J. Weekas, vic.e.presidaut; E. L. Wais' h, 2nd-vice president; Jes. Patîlu- son, treasurar; F. H. l!sisoa, aecretary. TE Mu.NicipAL WoRLD." Publisi- ed înentisly lu the intereis ef Municipal Insitutions in Ontario. Departments- Genaral , Engineerintg and Lagal. Should bc read by every penson întenee in municipal mottera. Third 3 aar cern- -meuces Januan>, 1893. Su bacription $1,00 par anum inadvancto. TEMUNli. 'JIPAL WOELI), St. Thomas, Ont. l~sr.N. Siserin, F. McCin, E. Crosiar sud Misses M. E. Hligiet, M. A., Lottie Brinacýmbe, ,Bertha Sherin, Mosetta James and Mra. T. E. Higgiu. bousin al cf ibis towu wera invïted guesis_ ai Ontario Ladies' College on Thnrsfday eveningai theannuai Convar- satione? and grand 'Promenade givan by the lady studeuis. Il was a briliant assemblage atnd or youug cîtizans were deligited stith tise recepiion. PRESENTÂTION.-O tisa ave of bis mer- niage, Mr. John Stacey wos preseuted witis a very beautifol panbor iamp by hie shopmataa lu tise D. O. & P. Factory witis whoma ho is deservediy popobar. Mn. Jus, Pattisoca nuad the add&esri nd Mr. J. O. 1.aBelle mode tie preseniation. Foilowiug istha address Mr'. Johib Stacy, DEAR Sin,-We desire te express to yon eux hast wisises ou yout approaching marriage. 1"Life is full, ot care and Lroubbe Whcihar we gzo il single or double." ta boping tisai your lives may ha full cf muci sunlight and your future one long terra aamid the rose leavas cf life, we -désira teunatte w ithifllùnregard Ifon-y-ou,- tha wisis (bai yonr bîfe and ibai cf ycur intended wifermoy ha fnaughu with mucis happineas aud counubial blils. We asi your acceptonce cf tiis parler amp as a smaill icen cf or regard and au earneat cf car sbincerti wish tisatitis lighi may aven shei its beuigu influence and raya on the face ef is necipient la the enjoyment cf beati, bappînesa, and prorâperity. Signed by yeur shopinaies of the Organ Fiuishiog Depaniment.ý -Jesi. O. LaBeile. Jos. Pattinson, W. Tunier, Jas. Alexancl. an, W. Spny, Thoo. Bottraîl, A. Scobell, Lewis Lyle, Lewis flamlev, W. McDeu- aId, John Crago, D. O. & P. Factory. B0eWmanville, Nov. 30th, 1892, 4$teurday. CATARItII IN TEEBHEAD la undouhtedly Mn. Jaa. MeLean enterlained bis S. S. a disease cf tisa blood, and as sncb culy a cisse oue eveuiog at week. They liead raliable blood purifier con eff eot a perfect a mo8i enj oyable time, cura.. Hoed'a Sansapanila a tis te besi Tise ilton Poultny and Pet Stock -Se- hlood pu rifier,and it lias cnnad meny very ciety will hoid liseir show Ibis year en savane cases cf catarni. It givos an tise 27tb, 231h and 29t1s Decemban. ap alite and builds up the wioie aystem. Mn. J. W. Garvin, Principal Public fieod'à Pilla act especially upon lie &ulWeodaiock, succeeda Dr. W. U. liven rousiug ih f rein orpidity toits nolur- Tïfîley as inspeclor of Peterbero sebools ;ai duties, cura ceustipecoo and assisi eaIary ?1,200. digestion. Il is a couple cf yearas ince Salvaton- Gan's Furaishings ara seld vany cbeap Maýnua was, offered 10 tha publiic as a ai the West End bouse. remiedy, and it bias alraady effected more A fuliliUna of Woloisas, Clocks and cures cf long diseisss tison all ether nomn- Jewelleny aiways lu stock ai Big 20, adies comibiued hiva <oua su twenly Ciidren's Hais a spacialty ai Mns. Y'eats. Dancasitan's. Ladies please eall and see tjýew Straw bats for 15 and 25 cents et lisan. SDancasten's. Ladies f aucy flair Pins 20c.,now ne ~Every lady readen s3hould tu o eJne. ducad t 10o.per doen-goiug faut. Cal J. Maaon's uew advt. secure soeata Big 20. Centa, tbe Wesi End liouse in tie 500 LAMBS WANTED hy tha new placea t get suitod in lolbing. Bowmanville Butebera, Huma & Wright. Do you waut te rant a gond bouse ia Oeil at ]Reynolds' old stand. Uowmauvilie 'lo o M. A. JAMES. Remensien Maynand the Jawelaer in We-are aili sbowsYng, a fine as3solmeut le-aving lewu; any eue wouting oodsata o! Lisia< - S lets-no ballon value auy- and halo w ceai now is lie lima. iviere. (.4i, Johuabon i& Cryderman. PouLTrY-1O,000 paine rougi dnessed We -ana giving tise Weeily Globe and tunkays, geese, ducis sud chicien waaîed other weeKly papers free for balnce cf ai lise West End flouse, Bcwmenville, 1892 te new subscribers for 1893. fer wîici the top pnice wili ha paid. Special value.s in Seaieltes aI Jue. J. Our ordered cloliing litou awaya beau Mason'a from $5.OO ,00per yard up. Tisey equal te City-made goode and bias alwaya are Liater's mokeansd con he neliad on as beau haelow C(ity prices for tise saine clas good to wear. ef godds. Couci,Johnston & (ryderman. lliuns abuls cre c~ofl-a .. Minard's Lin;meni,L-mberman'a Friand. Chilciren Cry for LIBERAL MEBTHODISTS. THEiR ANNin-ERSAR oFFERiNtIs EE TEE SUM ASilE» FOU liY $156. Whan Rav. T. W. Jolliffe told bis con- gragation Sunday week tisai tbe Trustees wauted a thani cffering o-f $500 frein thein again tibsyeat-, semaedoubting cnes said "Tbey wcuî gai it, " but the Board remambering liai wisen ihey a8ked for $500 lasi yeaan, the people generously ne- sponded wiih $537, weno confident tbai they would do as weli ibis yean, in spite of the faci Ibat sevaral liberal givers hava removed fncm ltowa d isy a unitad and ganerat respeusa tisa landeeme soin of $656.58 bas beau isauded te Mn. NM. A. James, tise treasiuren, for the Building Fond accounit. (Of ibis ameunt the acholars, teachens sud officens cf lie Sab- bath Schoi gave g143, and are entiilad te greal cedit fer sucis a munificent con- tribution, Ibis amount haing made nu from offerings cf from ona cent ta $5. Mn. J. Joblin, the supainteudeai, has geod neason te f eal proud cf bis Sabbats Scicel., The anumas of ail tise sBehara and, cilbers who, gava 25c. and upwards wjll appear in tise annuai report lu Janu- any. Oua pieaaing feature was thai fer- mer membars cf ibis churci-iMr. S. Manning now lu Califonnia aud Mn. W. M. Jones in Manioba-sent liberal off - anings to help ýswell tisa contributions. A waii-wisber ai Selina who subscnibed $5 at tisa cpeing and a Darlingien lady,i boili membans cf cuber congregatiins( senti in contributions with thse exprassdýý hope liaI we tigit gai the $500 ouked for. Thaukq, dean friande., for your liban- ality sud wall wise. The religions and musical services were o special featune cf the day. Rav. W. Gabraith, LL. B., cf Toronto, preached two interestiug sermons, ,lia evening oea waa panticulariy aile aad imprassive, and tla aroed doctor will ha wanmly welcomad sieuld ha aga'u fav- or us with a vieil. Hae was guasi cf Dr. and Mn,. J. M. Bimacomuba. Tisa choir aoquitted theniselves nobly ai houh ser- vices, the anthema b-ing veny suitable and wall reudared. The membèrs wiih Mn., IL J. Kigit as leadler aud Miss Nontheote as onganisi deserve greai praise. Should thera heanay pensons whosa ooniibutionn did, net cerne lu on Sunday ,desirous cf givingistilil ta ibis Fond they can place Ibeir offeings lu au addressed envelope on the plate any Sun- day ibis mnuiiand il will bo duly credit- ad lu tie annual report. St. Paul's Church Annîversary, TEE PEOCEEnS ,OViEa $500. 00. Tise Anniversary services iu St. Panl's Cisurch lest Suaday and Monday wera mosi succesul. Rev. J. Nail, R. A., of Westminster Chuncb, Toronto, occupiad the pulpit Suuday, foreneon and avening, his topica being no.pectively, The Temp lotion cf Our Lord, sud Overcoming Fvil with Goed. Ha ina aof flue pronence and delivery andies sermnons produced a powerful impressicn. IHa wil ha warmly walce nad ou a second v isit. Tisa collac- tiens ameuuted te $455. On MoAasy avening the cisrci was cnowded. Fira-t cama the halfhcur'a programme cf saenred music given lu oun issue cf lasi week. Tisa choir acquitlssd ltself adminably, the scies of Miss Fnaeland and Messrs. King sud Keacisie and tie violin socf Mies Mande Fainbairn being especially maried. At the conclusion cf lhe programme, lise poster, Rav, R. D). Fraser, M. A., invited Rev. A. Leslie M. A , New teuville ta offen prayar. and afterwarda clled J. B. Fair- bira, Esq , P. M ,t3 the chir, who iu- tnoduced Rev. W. Patterson, cf Cooie's C'hurch, Toronto, tealthe audience. Mr. Pailerson's subjaci was a congenial oue- "Ireiand aud tise Isisi"-aud very mas- tely was bis handiingcf il. A fier touai- iug on tie beauties cf triash canny, ha conducted bis bearens ibrougi the history cf tisa Binerai d tale fromi is caliesi days tte- present -ime--Ile-manageddifti. tis whole beiug auilivened by brililaut flashas of bumon. Mn. Pattenson in an -oralor of no main gifta, and withal a wiide awaio sand -O-Isola-ild1hnitlin citizen. Ris nefenences ta tise drink traf- fic and itruinous affecta were most ibnili- ing. A voie of tisanis movad by Dr. McLaugblin and sacouded i1e bey. J. A. MoKeon, B. A., of Orono, sias he&rLily' adepted; and tha proceadinga cloead wiih thse singing cf "Ged Sa the Quean" aud the benedictIon by Bey. T. W. Jolliffe. Tise admission wa voluutary and $48.43 stas put upon lie plates. Tisa Chitian Endeavon Society, under whose auspices the lecture was givan, add the naceipta te tisa collections cf Sunday for lise ex- tinction of the debi on tha chanci and for soreanacessary improvemeuts. Suudayý collections ibis lime naxi yeaar will, it11e conitemplated, complets lie effort so hap- pily bagu. Public Sehool Board. Mn. S. Btindeu, secntary-treasunan, cf lia Public Scisool Board, bas veny kind- ly f unnished THE STATESMAN with a funl report cf tia proceadings cf thse hast meeting Dec. 2 from whlch we publisis lie foliowing summany: All mambens prasani, Dr. Beitis presiding. Miss Raid's neignation waa accepted. Miess Minnia Jenluga wa sppeiuted second taachan cf Souh Word Scisool, ai $250. Miss Ethell Hll as promoted te Miess Raid'a position in tise Central Scisool and Miss Fligg te Misa Hall's. The present staff stas ne-angssged ni fermer saiaries, excepting Miss Hunier wbe gets a rise of $25. Total salarias, $4,855, Tise pollipg places and ntunsiing officeas or lie elee- lieu cf trustees wore fixed tbusly: Weei Wand-Couucil Ciamber, S. Bundan; North Wand-McDougali & Matcalf'à, I. Mýeflongall; and Souths Waad-Base- ment S. W. Scisool flouse, R. W. Sco- bell. A vcte cf thanis wae passed te- Mn, J. 11. Dobson fo six beautif ai bemispiere mopa presanted ltise Board. Bis for $20 ware passad. The Womau'a Âuziiiary and Lîdies-' Aid Societeas cf St. John's chanci will hoid uiseir aunual Christma tee aud sale cf in tiesaechool rocinets Fni- day, Dec. 161b. Sevenal noveliies wîll ha' pitzenled. 48-2w. Minand's Liniment for sale evenywisere. Pitcher's Castorla. Open ueXt STATESMAN with estre. E. J. Burk'a big stock sala to'day. Pnblisber'sa anuai circular nexi waek.j Mr. R. D., Fairbairn wss home ovar Sunday. Mr. W. Draper, Toronto, spent Sun. day in tewn. The lstast uovelty lu Birtbday Rugs at Big 20 Jawellcry store. Caîl aî,d see them.1 Seour new stock cf Shaker Flannals, lovely patteras from 6c. up. Jne. J. Mason. Notbing cf special public intarasi was doue at tihe TownCouncil meetinsg Men- dey nigit. Next meeting Dec. 15. Mr. and Kra. Aines Cobbladick and daugbter, cf Clarke, were guesis cf Mr. Isaac Jawell, Scugog Sr., lait week. "'Whai a stroug people thse Preabyter- ns and Methodies would moka iu this country were they te unite" said a Pr- byterian te us. Yea, varily.*I Rev. R. D). Fraser, M. A,, preached ini Westminster churcli, Toronto, for Rev.ý J. Neil ou Sunday. Turouto papers speak favorably cf his sermons.ï Next week we shall seud eut car ani nual circular aad addreasad anvelepe aud we waui avery subsoriher te aund mouay direct te us. We have ne agents. ,,'Mr. Joe Hless deliveraci two siirring ad.ý drosses Thuraday and Friday, the town hall being funll both nights. Mr. Tuif replied te hlm oaci nighi, bis remarks causing mngled feelings cf mirth, sym- pathy and diaguat. C ýouneillor--S.-W1 Is4se p~stedthefisinigbî and Mr. T. C. Jewell the second. A select -choir with Miss Hanson ai the organ lad the siagiag. Mr. Hass was guesi of Mr. T. C. Jewall. During the pasi twe weaks cur mark- ets bas presentad a very attractive ap. pearance. S'1t & Jury the druzgists have sncb an tmmanca stock cf Xms gondsa ta thay ware compelled te open soeaof tlsam up iu the markei building and sucb great variety sud exceptionally low pricas have neyer heen sieann utcwn bafore-Already nearly baîf of thair goode have beau selicited by kean buyars whc .have beu attractad by the, great value being offered. The public are invitai te calt and have a loei ibrou2h. ina st)ck aveu if ihay cde net wish te purchasa. AsK Youit FRiEND)s ABOUT IT.-Ynur distresshtg cougi con ha curad. Wa know it because Kemp's BAlsam wiihia the pasi few years bas curad se mmsuy cougbs and colds in tbis community. Ils ramariable sale bas beau won enirely by uts genuine menit. Ask soina friand wbo bas usad it what ha Ibinks cf Keucp'a Balsani. Thare la no madicine se pure, none so effective. Large bottles 5Oa. aud $1 ai aldruggisls. &emplef,,ee.-tf. FÂRMERS' INSTITUTE. The aunual meeting cf tihe Watt Dur- ham Formera' luatitute will ha haid i the Couneil Chamber, Bowmsnville, on Salunday. Dec. 17, at onci o'cloci sharp. Ail farmera and othars iutarasted are ra- spectfully requestad te ha prasant. JAMES PABJI, Presîilent. 49-2w. WESLEY MOUNTJOY, Sec'Y. All readers are iuvited te saud us items of local naws and tbereby assisi in makiug ti i aper .interes-iug. New fur go oda-a yary nice stock of ladies, men and childrea-jnat arrived at M. Mayer's. Coli sud gai your clitica wbila they are fresh. Hotu IT TO TEE LiGtIT.-Tha man who talla yen confidentîally jusi wbat will cure ynur cokdis preecrïbing Kamp's Balssm Ibis year. 1- i e preparaion cf tbis re- mankabla medicina for cougis and colds no0 expansa is sparad te ccmbine culy the hast and puraci ingredienta. bld a bottla of Kemp's Balaam te the lighi and look tbrough it ; notice the bright, clean loogk,-tien compara with otiar remedies i Large boutles at ail druggistasO0eand £1. Une Hundred and Forty-one qjandsorne Photographs mf aeCrand A11 the Canservative I-embers of {f92 rliament89 Imuigc'alarge size phoiographs cf Sir Tohn A ,bot n ,cr, and Sr John Thonipson, leader n1i thoc Ilouse of Couirnons, durrounded by the Cab. ne t ,iîistevs,. nd grouped on cither side the ",,.bers of the House from evcry Pro ice in the D", niso, aking ttalo ~ plend dphoto. grp ,-eryune.aperfect likeness.s Trhis gs-cat pictssre is a reproduction by Photo- gravure process ýoncooper plate cf thte picture rese îtcd to Sir J u hloinpso by the Conserv a. ttvc e lîbers durssîg the last session. THE ORIGINAL PIOTURE COST OVER $500. Tisa Etipsi bas secured the coprghtorp. duce tItis Grand Pscîre. i s rtcd on srpeemlio Plate Paperin photographie inks,ad a fe6 inch.s b, 2 feet P inches in size, sand makes=aslen- did picture for framing. A key giving the aie of each neber and consituency represented is printcd on the suargin, inaking a vaîssable work orfrne NO EXTRA CHARGE Wit be made for this Grand PS'emiumn, but it Wit be GIVEN FREE To Evo.'y Su.bsoriber for the Weekly Epr FOR M3G. Tiia WErLY Esuýpita is iithout doubit te best \Veckly for $s.on published in Canada, containjng si pagesoftlatesi n.ivs of the day. SpDesal depart. alents on Agriculture, Womnans EreO Curiosity Shop, Old Xorld Diary, the latesi Sport.r ng Events, etc. OnIy One Dollair pr er. Sent to any address iu Caniada or the tJnited States. Es ery subscrîber wilîl get the PI-enium Picture as a Prosent. Scnd iu vour subr.cription ai once, or order thr îugh our'local agent. Address: TH'E EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont. Are b'oisa ,Subscriber Tothe PRAIRIE FARMER, Chicago>, 11. If not, Sou should give it a trial. We know of no better Agricultural paper published._________ Not one in twenty are free from Borne littie alment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter!a Little Liver Pilla.. The resuit will be a pleaisant Burprise. They give positive relief. Itoticesef Birts, 25 cents; 1ifarriages, 50 cents; IJoattîs. 5o cents. catch Insertion -but FRLEE OF 4CHARGE, wI5BI the fumserai, cards are sirintesi at this olfflce BIRTHS. SHORT-In Darlington, Dec. 4, the wife of Mr. Geo. Short, cf fa Bon. JACKSON-At Kendall, Nov. 26. the wife of. Mr. Abram Jackson, of a son. MARRIED. ISTACEY-BOYCE-At thle Methodiet ParBon-- ame Bowmanville, D3c. 1. 1892, by Rev' T. W. Jollifle, Mr. .1cm Stacey and Mies Janet Boyce, aillcf Bowniauvile.A ,"ýTý1NER-BEER-In Orono, Nov. 29, at the residence cf the bridese father, by Rev. J. 'Mllougliby. Mr. Orneldo Turner, of Wood- stock. and Miss Eva. eldest daugliter cf Mr. John fleur. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by . fflrtry. eves'y Tuenday FLOUP., e 100 fIbo.........$81 90 to $2 50 WHEÂ&T, Fali, e bush .. 00 0 66 'I Russifin, '...... 0 0 0 65 t Fife, O0 00, 070 fi -Goolie, ti........O 0 0 iO058 il Colorado... ......O0O00 fiO063 RYE, 'f.............0,00,,l 050 QA&TS, '......... 025,,f 026- BÂRLEY, iP bush, No. I.... O0O00 ilO042 la I. là 2x.. 0 00 fi 087j U M fi 2.... 000 fi0 30 fi fr. il3. .. 00 il 0 25 it Two-rowed 0 30 fi O 30 Buckwheat Pbushi.......O 0 00 il;037 PizAs, Blackeye, e bash... 0 70 fiO0 00 il Muaamy s O0 00nlO060 il Small, " ..O0 00 Il o 5' fi Blue, " ..0O50 i, O 60 BUTTER, bout table, #1111.. 0 1à,,0O16 C.HicxKEŽ,e lb............ OS08 O 10 EeoS,.fdoa,...... 1.......0 16,,i 01ù PoTALToR,, f bush ........O0 360 O35 HÂY ton ................6 00,,7 00 H :OUSE TO LET.-Situated nea r the J- Nursery Corner. Bowrnuville. .Aproly tu C. M. CAwKEr., Box 47. 49-tf F ARM HAND WANTED-Eitber married or single mau wanted for the winter menthe or by the year. Apvly te M. MVNnÀTY. box 184 Bowmanville P. O. 48-2w* H AY WANTED.-A quantity of No. 1 rTimothy hay wanted rit Bowrnanville Station. Apply te Mr.lGoodwin, station hotel, Bowmauvilie, R. WALLACE. 48-2w* TEÂCHER WANTED.-An assistant Tteacher wanted f or S. S. No. 18. Darling. ton. Tyrone Schoc]. ArIplicatious wiIi bar re- ceived op te Saturday, Dec, 3. State Salary. APPIY 1e0Xw. R. CLPtMENS, Secy., Tyrone P. 0. 17-2w. WO BICK OUSES FOR, SALE TCHEA-One7.roern, two storey, the other a cottage bcsth looateil on Ontario St., near South Word Fira liait. F'or pa.'ticulars apply te JAmirs DEymiAN, or P. TRgffiLcocro. Bowmanville. 48-3w* MONEY TO [jOAIN,-On farrn secur ity ou most favorable terme-mortgage bouglit. Apply te RictiAnD FOSTER, east o towu. P. 0. BOX 119, Or JoHNnFOSTER, Dreyer Bowsnanville, P. 0. s lyr. N OTICE.--I forbid ail pansons from, _.' accepting any nota or ordar for auything iu eltiser my owu or my wlfa's nains, without cur porsonal consent. ]ROB]EIT HA-;NAEi. Bowmapville, Dec, 5, 1892. 18-3w* TO0 RENT.-Fon terni of yaars, "(lon Dhu "-800 acres. 2 miles froni Whiby- geod buildings anal soli. Admirable fer stock or dairy. Chance for getng axtensively luto Toronto milk business or stock naisiug for nmerican marke, Men with capital only Aeed apply', J. H. Dow, Whutby. TMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE.- [1YI~U8and wesi*'t 7- Unth&2 cnc2 ts a- Ïrst lass banna, ail Btone foundatleins; 2 dwelling housse, well watered, ne waste landl. Will ha sold whole or in parts, Pnice aud terme te suit ponchaser. Apply te H. B. TAT. -R. RWitby, Ont.- - f.q -OR SALE OR RENT,-House and _2 àacres for, sale or te rent, stuaies Scugog street uorth. The promises constat of a lonehuse wath avery cenvanlenca, g shel, stable, etc. Trio gardon couins ý.a lot efl the choiceat fruit of ait vorieties. Imtnadlate possession cou be givea. Par partionlorsapoply' te W. FsISHtBîcn. BOWrnVille Ont. F 1ARM FOR SALE. -A firat clase farni _V f 125 acres or 145 acres situoted lu the township cf East Whuîby Ist con, lots 15 and 16 on the Base Line, about li miles from 0sha' wu station. 2 miles front Whitby and 60 roda fromtile schoolhliuse. -Large roomy buildings., main baru 9àx36 fi, plauty et fruit, soit Clay ioam, aitogether oue cf the beat groin farma onàtha e Sb re Nohilaor atones. About or aeofWood. 75 ocras i. psture and f real saeded. Termes easy. Firat plowiug doua. For furiher parliculars apply te A. A.Nils Oshawa. 3-tf. Miss Shaw's Is the pflace to be suited in Millinery. We strive to please our customners. Rats reshaped. Cail and see. $î3.OO for $L~25. TR9E KINGSTON WEExLTNEws ..."'$1 0 TEE AmERicAiN FARtmER (montbly). .1 0 TEIE CANA&DIÂN AIÇETAL.......... 50 WOMANaŽKIND (a montbly magazine). 50 Regular price for the aboya $3 a yaar. WVe wil £end tise four to any address in Canada -or the United Statas for $1.25. or any ilirea of them for $1. 15. Sanipla copy cf the WEERL-Y NEws free. Addrass TEE WEEKLY, NEws, Kingston, Ont. Minard'a Liniment, cures dandruif,.- AUC0T ION SALE OYT.lï7r. FCTS 0F THE BHP' BETHUNE COLLECE O« TMEPEMISES, AT OSHAWA, ONý Thursday, Dec. 8th, '92. COetSITING 1.1 PART Or 5 Uprlght Pianos, Blanketz, 26 Bedroom Suites, Shoets, Parlor Suites, Pîflews, 3; Wardrobes, Table Linon, Tables of ail kiads, Stair Carpets. Silverware, Cloch~s, Carpeta, Book Ca ses, Oil Cloths, Gardon Tools, Cooking Steve and Kitchen Utenseils, Spricg and M[ixed Mattreasse3. TÊitmtn,-Pianos on approvedl endorsied notes, for ail other articles cash. S-ALE AT 1 G'CLOOK P.M., SIIARP, It should ho borne in mnd. the above articles are unlike, the goode usually off- ered by onction, inasmuch as theY are nearly as good as st-ha'n they camne frein the factory. 48-2w. New Tailor Shop. T le nndersigned who lias beau corrying on the tailoring business ln contlectiosi witlh Mason's Dry Goods Store foi' a numo yearsi lias eomeneced busineas for hisnseif at hiLe residence, King St.,west, where ho le propareci te moka geuts' oand boys* suite in ail tue latýst styles, and at iowest prices. For those who, wish te order suite, holiewli c&r, agiL'Ulne of soxuples ln ait the uewest patterns. Give hlim a call. J. T. ALN Fashionable Taler. Bowmanville, Nov, 1, 1892, HMILTON BUSIN'Ess IIILLGt la the institution in which se many West Durham youug men hiava acquired thati practicol kuowledge of buiees subjects which bas placed them iu responaible positions in the finýaucial and commercial world. For the mcci elesest and com. ,plete announcement pubiished in Canada, address SPENCER & MeCULLOUGLI, Principals, Hiamilton Business Collage 3!, 36, 38 & 40 James St., Slouth,. Hamnilton, Ont. (,Mention "1'iiz TS2zMAa.") ADDRESS A POSTAL CARO TO ROBINSýON & JOHNSON, ONTARIO Busýess ColIage, »B EL L EVIL LE, And yen will receive hy returu mail tha 21th Anutai Circular of the Uollage (a boocf 121 pages) j net publisheci andl a specimen of pan. monshîp by the tsast peumman lu Canada ONTARIO BSINESS COLLEGE la the most widely attended Business Collage la Americ. 46-4w IVrs. DANCASTER Has just received a new stock of goods which she wi[l seli at reduced prices or the Xmas trade. A large assortment of Ladies" and Children's, Feit c-a-ts-ver-y-rea-eonable. H-ats reý- s apecianî colored iii ail the latest styles. Orders filled to your satifaction. Stamp i n-g done. I have also the agency for the Toronto bIye Works.- Feathers aîd Clothing colored beatitifully. A18o orders taken for the Bobinson Corset Co. of London. A perfect fit guar- ante ed. Mrs. DANOASTER, BOWMANVILLE. FARM STOCK. (IOWS FOR SALE.-Cews olneady ne. ~newed adsoea t coma ini soon for sale atoall limes. S. I. REysoLDs Dealer in Farn Stock, Box 1. Bowmanv!Ue. 12-tf. W lO'S GOT THE PIG 1-The lIn- yVproveal Yorkshire White Boar ancli as W. ýDavies' & Co., the park-pacirans, reconi- mnenci farmars te use? Oale- kepi for service by W. WEERRY, Sel ina. 41-6 w 'VE GOT THE PIG,-The final pnize .Lmpreved Berkshire Bean ai Bawmaovilia Fa11 Fair. 1812. He's a baauty to. Calt and sec him. Ternis-Oe Dollar ait ima cf service Lot il,. Con. 5, Darlîngiton, G. Hý JARDINE, Tyrone. 46-1w.' SHEEP ASTRAY.-Came on loi 6, 13Con. 5. Danilutton, two sheap. Thae wner !B nequatad teprove proeart *pay axpenses* and t methi way. J. ýM Ltzc, Tynone. 49-3w' c ATTLE ASTRAY.-S nayed froin lut 'J4, con. 6. Danlington. one roan steer one year olciand oeedealbiter sayear oCi. 1m lhole-4u ecdicar. A suitable neward wiii tue given for their reSura te S. V. Ho-tt, Tynona. '49-4w' C WAND) STEER STRAYED.-A Cbnidia cow and a rad steer with about half the bush cnt off lits tait strayeci front Former 4'rank's field Oct. 25. Intormation leading to necovery rewarded on notifying J. F. eoOtl8, Courtiqe or 1S, fi.1tstYNoeon, Bo- manvilie. 41-tf ru HOROBRED BERKSHI41RE BOAR -»_ for service, bred from imopenteci stock-. Sire Challenge; dam SaawBal.Ternis $1 cashi; $1,25 if1 changad. Lot 22, cou. 2, Darlin,,, ton. ,SAMUECL SNOWDEN, SctU. 4- Dit. WOOD,& X OR st ATPiE ,,lïuJp cures coughs, cofld. Asthipla. Bren iis'. Mearseiesa t en anî Iiif aes1lut va - .aav~sra'tP~ iC~. ar-in-eroY~ul~~o ~c~ao-~ .~ a~2r~ ~ snt,~aa ~ - i . . - ý 1- .. - i 1- ý ý. - t . --- - - - 'xm"" - «'- v- 1 TowneMp et Pickëý. - - i - - -1 --- . - - -À 1 -r wjwIwý-'

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